Act of Adoration and Reparation to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament - Sun and Planets Spirituality AYINRIN

Act of Adoration and Reparation to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament - Sun and Planets Spirituality AYINRIN

From the  Palace Of Kabiesi Ebo Afin! Ebo Afin Kabiesi! His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight natural blood line 100% Royalty The God, LLB Hons, BL, Warlord, Bonafide King of Ile Ife kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom, Number 1 Sun worshiper in the Whole World.I'm His Magnificence the Crown.

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Author:His Magnificence the Crown, Kabiesi Ebo Afin! Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan Broadaylight.

I ADORE Thee profoundly, O my Jesus,

in Thy sacramental form;

I acknowledge Thee to be true God and true Man,

and by this act of adoration

I intend to atone for the coldness

of so many Christians who pass before Thy churches

and sometimes before the very Tabernacle

in which Thou art pleased to remain at all hours

with loving impatience to give Thyself to Thy faithful people,

and do not so much as bend the knee before Thee,

and who, by their indifference

proclaim that they grow weary of this heavenly manna,

like the people of Israel in the wilderness.

I offer Thee in reparation for this grievous negligence,

the Most Precious Blood which Thou didst shed from Thy five wounds,

and especially from Thy sacred Side,

and entering therein,

I repeat a thousand times with true recollection of spirit:

O Sacrament most holy!

O Sacrament divine!

All praise and all thanksgiving

be every moment Thine.

Our Father...

Hail Mary...

Glory Be...


Profoundly I adore Thee, my Jesus;

I acknowledge Thy presence in the Blessed Sacrament,

and by this act of adoration

I intend to atone for the carelessness of so many Christians

who see Thee carried to poor sick people

to strengthen them for the great journey to eternity,

and leave Thee unescorted, nay,

who scarcely give Thee any outward marks of reverence.

I offer Thee in reparation for such coldness,

the Most Precious Blood

which Thou didst shed from Thy five wounds

and especially from Thy sacred Side,

and entering therein I say again and again

with my heart full of devotion:

O Sacrament most holy!

O Sacrament divine!

All praise and all thanksgiving

be every moment Thine.

Our Father...

Hail Mary...

Glory Be...


Profoundly I adore Thee, my Jesus,

true Bread of life eternal,

and by my adoration I intend to compensate Thee

for the many wounds which Thy Heart suffers daily

in the profaning of churches

where Thou art pleased to dwell beneath the sacramental veils

to be adored and loved by all Thy faithful people;

and in reparation for so many acts of irreverence,

I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood

which Thou didst shed from Thy five wounds

and especially from Thy sacred Side,

and entering therein with recollected spirit I repeat every instant:

O Sacrament most holy!

O Sacrament divine!

All praise and all thanksgiving

be every moment Thine.

Our Father...

Hail Mary...

Glory Be...


Profoundly I adore Thee, my Jesus,

the living Bread which cometh down from heaven,

and by this act of adoration,

I intend to atone for all the many acts of irreverence

which are committed all the day long by Thy faithful

when they assist at Holy Mass,

wherein through Thine exceeding love Thou

dost renew in an unbloody manner the self-same sacrifice

which Thou didst once offer on Calvary for our salvation.

I offer Thee in atonement for such base ingratitude

the Most Precious Blood which Thou didst shed from Thy five wounds

and especially from Thy sacred Side,

and entering therein with sincere devotion,

I unite my voice to that of the Angels

who stand around Thee in adoration, saying with them:

O Sacrament most holy!

O Sacrament divine!

All praise and all thanksgiving

be every moment Thine.

Our Father...

Hail Mary...

Glory Be...


Profoundly I adore Thee, my Jesus,

true Victim of expiation for our sins,

and I offer Thee this act of adoration

to atone for the sacrilegious outrages

Thou dost suffer from so many ungrateful Christians

who dare to draw near to receive Thee

with mortal sin upon their souls.

In reparation for such hateful sacrileges

I offer Thee the last drops of Thy Most Precious Blood,

which Thou didst shed from Thy sacred wounds

and especially from the wound in Thy sacred Side,

and entering therein with a devout heart,

I adore Thee,

I bless and I love Thee,

and I repeat with all the hearts

who are devoted to the Blessed Sacrament:

O Sacrament most holy!

O Sacrament divine!

All praise and all thanksgiving

be every moment Thine.

Our Father...

Hail Mary...

Glory Be...

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Follow the SUN (  AYINRIN) . Follow the light.Be Bless, I am His Magnificence, the Crown, Kabiesi Ebo Afin Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broadaylight, natural blood line 100% Royalty the God,LLB Hons,BL, Warlord, the bonafide King of Ile Ife Kingdom and Bonafide king of Ijero Kingdom, number 1 sun worshiper in the whole world. Follow the SUN AYINRIN, follow the light. Be Bless,I am His Magnificence Royalty!. Follow the Light.

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