Relationship - Parenting Adult Children? 6 Important Points to Make the Transition - Sun and Planets Spirituality AYINRIN


Parenting Adult Children? 6 Important Points to Make the Transition - Sun and Planets Spirituality AYINRIN

From the  Palace Of Kabiesi Ebo Afin! Ebo Afin Kabiesi! His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight natural blood line 100% Royalty The God, LLB Hons, BL, Warlord, Bonafide King of Ile Ife kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom, Number 1 Sun worshiper in the Whole World.I'm His Magnificence the Crown.

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Author:His Magnificence the Crown, Kabiesi Ebo Afin! Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan Broadaylight.

If you’re a parent to adult children, it probably hasn’t taken you long to notice that the dynamics of your relationship change. After all, they’re no longer considered “kids”, but adults responsible for their own life.

It’s been a decade since my children moved out and it’s been a learning journey for sure, for all of us. Learning to shift out of parent mode and into mentor mode doesn’t usually come with the flip of a switch.

There’s a learning curve, for sure.

Today, let’s discuss the transition to parenting adult children by embracing a gradual shift towards relating to them as equals rather than traditional parent-child dynamics.



6 Important Points to Make the Transition When Parenting Adult Children

Boundaries With Grown Kids

Let’s start with boundaries, or the invisible lines that define where one person ends and another begins.

They are crucial in maintaining healthy and respectful relationships. It is essential to adjust these boundaries as our children transition into adulthood, as this adjustment creates a shift from a parent-child dynamic to a more equal and adult-to-adult relationship.

If there’s one thing I know, it’s that most kids past the age of 18 don’t want to parents to be treating them like kids that need their mom or dad. They want to explore their own identities, make their own decisions, and take responsibility for their own lives.

Adjusting boundaries helps us as parents to let go and trust in the abilities and judgment of our adult children.


Navigating the Shift

In today's rapidly changing world, it has become crucial to redefine the parent-child relationship.

Gone are the days when parenting was solely based on authority and control. Instead, there is a growing need to foster mutual respect-based interactions between parents and their children. This shift is essential because it allows for a healthier and more positive parent-child dynamic.

By emphasizing mutual respect in the parent-child relationship, we create an environment that promotes open communication and understanding. Children feel seen and heard when their opinions are respected, even if they differ from you, the parent.

This fosters a sense of trust and encourages children to express themselves freely, leading to stronger bonds between parents and children.

Furthermore, a mutual respect-based approach allows parents to guide their children without resorting to authoritarian methods.

Instead of using power and control, parents can engage in discussions and negotiations with their children. This not only teaches children important life skills such as problem-solving and decision-making but also helps them develop a sense of autonomy and independence.


Establishing Healthy Independence

Allowing adult children to make their own choices is super helpful for their development and growth.

As parents, it is important to understand that our children are not extensions of ourselves, but individuals with their own unique personalities, dreams, and desires.

By giving them the freedom to make their own choices, we are instilling in them a sense of independence, self-confidence, and responsibility.

It allows them to:

  • explore their interests
  • learn from their mistakes
  • ultimately shape their own path in life

While it may be difficult to let go and relinquish control, it is essential for our children's personal and emotional growth. There have been plenty of times I’ve had to bite my tongue and let go of control so that my adult children could pursue their own path. It wasn’t always easy.

As parents, our role should be that of guides rather than directors. Instead of imposing our own beliefs upon our adult children, we should provide them with the necessary tools, advice, and support to make informed choices.

This means:

  • listening to their thoughts and opinions
  • respecting their autonomy
  • and offering guidance when needed


Empowering Your Children

As we do this, we are empowering our children to think critically, problem-solve, and take ownership of their decisions. It also allows them to develop a sense of trust and open communication with us, fostering a better parent-child relationship built on mutual respect.

After discussions with my adult children, we decided that they would come to me for advice on their terms. This meant I had to learn how to hold back my opinions and simply listen when they needed to talk, giving them the freedom to figure things out for themselves rather than imposing my thoughts on them.

It isn’t always easy to do this, but I understand the value in it.

Ultimately, by allowing adult children to make their own choices and assuming the role of guides rather than directors, we are nurturing their growth into independent, confident individuals who can navigate life's challenges better.

It is through this process that they will learn valuable life lessons and develop the skills necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world.


Setting Financial Boundaries

As parents, it’s natural to want to support our adult children in whatever way we can. However, finding the balance between offering financial assistance and fostering financial responsibility can be a delicate topic.

Remember that our goal as parents is not to enable dependency, but to help our children become self-sufficient and capable of managing their own finances.

One way to find this balance is by establishing clear expectations and boundaries.

  • Let your children know what kind of financial support you are willing to provide and under what circumstances.
  • Encourage them to take responsibility for their own expenses and make a plan for achieving financial independence.

By setting these expectations early on, you are setting the stage for them to learn how to manage their own finances.

Before they move out, be sure you talk about budgeting and financial planning. Offer guidance and resources to help them understand the importance of saving, budgeting, and living within their means. Encourage them to set financial goals and work towards achieving them.

By giving them the tools and knowledge they need, you are empowering them to take control of their own financial future.

You can also emphasize the value of hard work and independence. Encourage your adult children to pursue education or career opportunities that align with their passions and strengths. Remind them that success comes from their own efforts and determination.

By instilling these values, you are fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment that will motivate them to take charge of their own financial well-being.


Fostering Growth Through Guidance

As parents, it is important for us to recognize and respect the autonomy of our adult children. They have grown into independent individuals with their own thoughts, beliefs, and decisions.

While it may be challenging to let go and accept that they are no longer children, it is crucial to give them the space and freedom to make their own choices.

However, this does not mean that we cannot offer our support and guidance when they need it. We can be there to lend a helping hand whenever they seek our assistance, but it is important to do so without imposing our own ideas or expectations on them.

By striking a balance between respecting their autonomy and offering a helping hand, we can foster a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship with our adult children.


Mutual Respect

Recognize that boundaries exist to protect our own well-being and to ensure that we feel comfortable and respected in our interactions with others.

However, there are times when boundaries are crossed, either intentionally or unintentionally, which can lead to potential challenges and conflicts.

One potential challenge when boundaries are crossed is a loss of trust.

When someone disregards our boundaries, it can create feelings of betrayal and make us question their intentions. This can strain the relationship and make it difficult to rebuild trust.

Another challenge is a loss of personal autonomy. When our boundaries are repeatedly crossed, it can make us feel powerless and as if we have no control over our own lives. This can lead to feelings of frustration, resentment, and even anger.

To address these challenges, do your best to communicate assertively.

Clearly express your boundaries to your adult child, explaining why they are important to you. Be specific about what behaviors are acceptable and what are not. Additionally, set consequences for crossing boundaries and communicate them calmly but firmly.

Sometimes, boundaries are crossed unintentionally due to a lack of awareness or understanding. Open and honest communication can help resolve misunderstandings and prevent future boundary violations.




For me, parenting adult children has been a learning experience. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes, but I also learn from them. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to approach parenting more as a mentor.

This way, boundaries become less rigid, and I encourage them to make their own decisions and learn from their mistakes. If we approach parenting as being mentors, we provide guidance, share our knowledge and experiences, and help our children reach their full potential. 

Want to learn more?

Here’s a great article that shares four recommended books on parenting adult children:

Was this article helpful? Connect with me.

Follow The SUN (AYINRIN), Follow the light. Be bless. I am His Magnificence, The Crown, Kabiesi Ebo Afin!Ebo Afin Kabiesi! His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight natural blood line 100% Royalty The God, LLB Hons, BL, Warlord, Bonafide King of Ile Ife kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom, Number 1 Sun worshiper in the Whole World.I'm His Magnificence the Crown. Follow the light.

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