Relationship 6 Relationship Resolutions That Will Change Yours for the Better - Sun and Planets Spirituality AYINRIN


6 Relationship Resolutions That Will Change Yours for the Better - Sun and Planets Spirituality AYINRIN

From the  Palace Of Kabiesi Ebo Afin! Ebo Afin Kabiesi! His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight natural blood line 100% Royalty The God, LLB Hons, BL, Warlord, Bonafide King of Ile Ife kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom, Number 1 Sun worshiper in the Whole World.I'm His Magnificence the Crown.

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Author:His Magnificence the Crown, Kabiesi Ebo Afin! Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan Broadaylight.

As we are still early in the year, most of us are probably still navigating how to make this year better than the last.

We're likely looking back at various aspects of our lives, determining what went well and what didn’t; then coming up with how we can best move on. This is great, and I believe it is essential to our growth.

Well, only if we follow up and actually do what we say we will do. 

As we do so, most of us forget that humans are not solitary animals. We live with other people, and our relationships and partnerships play a crucial role in the people we become.

Improving the relationships we have is essential to improving our overall well-being.

For instance, say you want to spend less time on social media this year. Talking to your friends (whom you normally interact with on social media) about new hobbies you all want to try can help you achieve your goal and spend less time on your phone, while still hanging with your friends in different settings. 

Romantic relationships also tend to be a big part of who we are, so it’s not a bad idea to discuss how we can all improve our relationships with our significant others. Below are some relationship resolutions I think every couple should consider. 

As we are still early in the year, most of us are probably still navigating how to make this year better than the last.

We're likely looking back at various aspects of our lives, determining what went well and what didn’t; then coming up with how we can best move on. This is great, and I believe it is essential to our growth.

Well, only if we follow up and actually do what we say we will do. 

As we do so, most of us forget that humans are not solitary animals. We live with other people, and our relationships and partnerships play a crucial role in the people we become.

Improving the relationships we have is essential to improving our overall well-being.

For instance, say you want to spend less time on social media this year. Talking to your friends (whom you normally interact with on social media) about new hobbies you all want to try can help you achieve your goal and spend less time on your phone, while still hanging with your friends in different settings. 

Romantic relationships also tend to be a big part of who we are, so it’s not a bad idea to discuss how we can all improve our relationships with our significant others. Below are some relationship resolutions I think every couple should consider. 

8 Ways to Overcome a Power Struggle in Your Relationship→



6 Relationship Resolutions That Will Change Yours for the Better

1. Improve on Communication 

Resolution: We’ve all heard that ‘communication is key’ a million times, I will not repeat that (you see what I did there?!). Communication is about talking and actively listening to each other, not simply listening to respond.

Make a commitment to improve communication in your relationship. Avoid having important conversations when emotions are running high and work on ensuring that when you do communicate about the big things, everyone is in the right space of mind. 

Action Steps: 

  • Schedule regular check-ins
  • Practice active listening
  • Express your thoughts and feelings openly
  • Be comfortable with having the uncomfortable conversations


2. Have More Quality Time

Resolution: Prioritize quality time together. The more time you spend together, the easier it becomes for you to know each other at a deeper level.

You discover new things about your partner, which has the magical power of making you fall in love even more. Also, spending time together enhances the connection you have and allows you to trust each other even more. 

Action Steps: 

  • Plan regular dates
  • Engage in activities you both enjoy
  • Create meaningful moments
  • Learn something new together
  • Do regular chores like cooking, cleaning, gardening, etc. together


3. Show More Appreciation and Gratitude

Resolution: Show more appreciation for your partner.

Being appreciated and having our efforts recognized and acknowledged pushes us to become better people. It reminds us that even when we aren't seeing the results we are hoping for yet, we're moving in the right direction and our partner does not take that for granted.

This way, we are constantly working on showing off our best traits and those we are working on. 

Action Steps: 

  • Regularly express gratitude
  • Acknowledge their efforts
  • Compliment them even on the seemingly small things

As we are still early in the year, most of us are probably still navigating how to make this year better than the last.

We're likely looking back at various aspects of our lives, determining what went well and what didn’t; then coming up with how we can best move on. This is great, and I believe it is essential to our growth.

Well, only if we follow up and actually do what we say we will do. 

As we do so, most of us forget that humans are not solitary animals. We live with other people, and our relationships and partnerships play a crucial role in the people we become.

Improving the relationships we have is essential to improving our overall well-being.

For instance, say you want to spend less time on social media this year. Talking to your friends (whom you normally interact with on social media) about new hobbies you all want to try can help you achieve your goal and spend less time on your phone, while still hanging with your friends in different settings. 

Romantic relationships also tend to be a big part of who we are, so it’s not a bad idea to discuss how we can all improve our relationships with our significant others. Below are some relationship resolutions I think every couple should consider. 

8 Ways to Overcome a Power Struggle in Your Relationship→



6 Relationship Resolutions That Will Change Yours for the Better

1. Improve on Communication 

Resolution: We’ve all heard that ‘communication is key’ a million times, I will not repeat that (you see what I did there?!). Communication is about talking and actively listening to each other, not simply listening to respond.

Make a commitment to improve communication in your relationship. Avoid having important conversations when emotions are running high and work on ensuring that when you do communicate about the big things, everyone is in the right space of mind. 

Action Steps: 

  • Schedule regular check-ins
  • Practice active listening
  • Express your thoughts and feelings openly
  • Be comfortable with having the uncomfortable conversations


2. Have More Quality Time

Resolution: Prioritize quality time together. The more time you spend together, the easier it becomes for you to know each other at a deeper level.

You discover new things about your partner, which has the magical power of making you fall in love even more. Also, spending time together enhances the connection you have and allows you to trust each other even more. 

Action Steps: 

  • Plan regular dates
  • Engage in activities you both enjoy
  • Create meaningful moments
  • Learn something new together
  • Do regular chores like cooking, cleaning, gardening, etc. together


3. Show More Appreciation and Gratitude

Resolution: Show more appreciation for your partner.

Being appreciated and having our efforts recognized and acknowledged pushes us to become better people. It reminds us that even when we aren't seeing the results we are hoping for yet, we're moving in the right direction and our partner does not take that for granted.

This way, we are constantly working on showing off our best traits and those we are working on. 

Action Steps: 

  • Regularly express gratitude
  • Acknowledge their efforts
  • Compliment them even on the seemingly small things


4. Improve on Conflict Resolution

Resolution: When two people are together, there is a high possibility that there will be misunderstandings.

Here, the goal is not to entirely eliminate misunderstandings because let's be honest, that is almost impossible. We are human and sometimes we will have different views of opinions.

The idea is to learn to handle conflicts more constructively, to allow ourselves to move on from these differences without hurting the people we love or our relationships. 

Action Steps: 

  • Practice patience
  • Use more of "I" statements and less of ‘you’ statements
  • Seek compromise rather than trying to "win" an argument
  • Don’t be defensive
  • Pay close attention when your partner speaks


5. Always Celebrate Milestones and Achievements

Resolution Acknowledge and celebrate important moments.

Over time, we tend to start undermining the milestones and important details that used to be important to us. We get so busy, and we don’t have time to celebrate and acknowledge how far we have come.

Celebrating achievements allows us to see how far we have come and realize how much further we can go. 

Action Steps:

  • Plan surprises for anniversaries
  • Remember special dates
  • Express your love on significant occasions
  • Talk about your important moments such as the first date, kiss, movie, etc.


6. Maintain the Intimacy and Romance

Resolution: Keep the spark alive.

Often, when people have been together for a long time, and their lives get busy, their relationship's romantic and intimate aspect suffers. It gets neglected and over time, it might become more difficult to go back to how things were during the honeymoon phase.

Unfortunately, can result in the two drifting apart. Once you start noticing changes in your intimacy, address it before it gets too late. 

Action Steps: 

  • Surprise each other
  • Be affectionate
  • Prioritize physical and emotional intimacy
  • Hold hands 
  • Give each other little things just because ‘they reminded me of you’

Follow Up on the Relationship Resolutions You Make

Once you and your partner decide to make a particular resolution, write it down and hold each other accountable. Coming up with resolutions is easy; it is the consistency and following through that makes the resolutions worth it. 

Remember that resolutions are more likely to succeed when they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Avoiding generalized goals like, ‘spend more time together.’ Rather, have something specific like, ‘The second Friday of every month is movie night.’ 

Regularly revisit and adjust these resolutions based on the evolving needs of your relationship. Communication and mutual effort are crucial for success in achieving relationship resolutions! When both parties are doing their part, goals can be achieved and mutual happiness can be attained. 

Was this article helpful? Connect with me.

Follow The SUN (AYINRIN), Follow the light. Be bless. I am His Magnificence, The Crown, Kabiesi Ebo Afin!Ebo Afin Kabiesi! His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight natural blood line 100% Royalty The God, LLB Hons, BL, Warlord, Bonafide King of Ile Ife kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom, Number 1 Sun worshiper in the Whole World.I'm His Magnificence the Crown. Follow the light.

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