Lifestyle 7 Essential Lists to Make Your Life Easier - Sun and Planets Spirituality AYINRIN


7 Essential Lists to Make Your Life Easier - Sun and Planets Spirituality AYINRIN 

From the  Palace Of Kabiesi Ebo Afin! Ebo Afin Kabiesi! His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight natural blood line 100% Royalty The God, LLB Hons, BL, Warlord, Bonafide King of Ile Ife kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom, Number 1 Sun worshiper in the Whole World.I'm His Magnificence the Crown.

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Author:His Magnificence the Crown, Kabiesi Ebo Afin! Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan Broadaylight.

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the chaos of daily life?

Do you often find yourself forgetting important tasks or feeling like you're constantly playing catch-up?

No matter what age you are or what season of your life, it’s possible to fall prey to the chaos of life with chores, errands, appointments, and so on.

If this sounds like you, it's time to take control and simplify your life with the power of lists. Granted, lists are not just a simple piece of paper with tasks written on them; they are powerful tools that can revolutionize your organization, productivity, and mental clarity.

I’ve been making these essential lists for years.

From grocery shopping to to-do lists for the house to short and long-term goals, I find seeing lists helps keep me on track and become more motivated to accomplish the things that need done.

Today, let’s explore the essential lists you can make to simplify your life and achieve a better sense of calm and balance.



7 Essential Lists to Make Your Life Easier

1. Life Goals

Setting clear life goals is helpful for finding direction and maintaining motivation in our lives.

Without clear goals, we may feel lost and unsure of what we truly want to achieve. By defining our aspirations and creating a roadmap for our future, we’re more apt to stay focused and motivated to work towards our dreams.

Now, to create a comprehensive life goals list, consider all aspects of your life - personal, professional, and experiential.

  • Personal goals could include improving your relationships, taking care of your health, or pursuing hobbies and interests that bring you joy.
  • Professional goals may involve advancing in your career, acquiring new skills or certifications, or starting your own business.
  • Experiential goals can encompass travel, learning new languages, trying new activities, or pushing yourself out of your comfort zones.

When creating a life goals list, brainstorm and write down all the things you want to achieve.

You can start by asking yourself what:

  • makes you happy and fulfilled
  • you are passionate about
  • you want to be remembered for

Be specific and realistic when setting goals, while also allowing yourself to dream big.

Once you have a list of goals, prioritize them based on what matters most to you. This will help you stay focused and spend your time and resources accordingly.


2. Weekly Wellness Planner

In our fast-paced lives, self-care is often neglected.

We get so caught up in our responsibilities and obligations that we forget to prioritize our own well-being. However, taking care of ourselves is crucial for maintaining a healthy and balanced life. That's why it's important to incorporate self-care into our weekly routines.

A wellness planner can be a great tool to help you stay on track with your self-care goals.

It can include components that cover physical, mental, and emotional well-being. From scheduling regular exercise sessions to setting aside time for meditation or journaling, a weekly wellness planner can help you prioritize your self-care and ensure that you are taking care of all aspects of your well-being.

Here is a popular self-care planner you can check out: The Self-Care Planner


3. Decluttering List

Clutter and disorganization can have a significant burden on both our mental and physical spaces.

When our physical environment is cluttered and disorganized, it can lead to feelings of overwhelm, stress, and even anxiety. It becomes harder to find things, and the constant visual reminder of the mess can make it difficult to relax and focus.

Similarly, when our digital spaces are cluttered with unread emails, unnecessary files, and chaotic desktops, it can create a sense of mental chaos. Our brains are constantly trying to process all the information, which can lead to mental fatigue and decreased productivity.

Fortunately, creating a decluttering list can help relieve this burden.

The first step is to identify the areas of your life that are in need of decluttering.

Maybe it’s physical spaces such as your home, office, or car. Or maybe it’s your digital spaces like your computer, phone, and email inbox.

Once you have identified the areas, set specific goals for each one.

For example, you might aim to declutter your closet by getting rid of any clothes you haven't worn in the past year or so.

After that, divide every goal into smaller, doable steps.

For example, you could go through one drawer or shelf at a time or reserve some time every day to deal with your digital mess. Be kind to yourself and take joy in the little successes you achieve as you progress.

Decluttering is a process that takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

By following these steps and creating a decluttering list for various areas of your life, you can experience the freedom and peace that comes from a more organized and clutter-free environment.

Remember, decluttering is not just about tidying up physical spaces - it's about creating a sense of calm and clarity in both your mental and physical spaces.


4. Grocery List

I’ve been a fan of grocery shopping lists for many years. Creating a list and sticking to it helps reduce buying things we don't really need and stops us from putting extra junk in the cart just in case.

Plus, it could save you a bunch of money by the end of the week if you stick to the list and only buy what you really need.

If you want to use a template or create your own, head over to Canva and check out their assortment of grocery list templates.


5. A Relationship List

Relationships play a vital role in both personal and professional growth.

Whether it's your friends, family, colleagues, or mentors, the people in our lives have the power to influence and support us in achieving our goals.

Creating a relationship list is an effective way to build and nurture all your relationships.

If you work, start by identifying individuals who align with your career goals or industry.

This can include:

  • colleagues
  • industry leaders
  • mentors
  • even potential clients

Once you have your list, reach out to these individuals through networking events, social media platforms, or professional organizations. Be sure you follow-up too. Engage with them through regular communication, such as emails, phone calls, or meetings.

You can also make a list of your friends and family to remind you that you desire to keep in touch and spend time with them. It’s easy to become so busy that we skip spending quality time with our loved ones.

Also, consider how you can provide value to these individuals.

A reciprocated relationship is the best!

  • offer your expertise
  • share relevant resources
  • or simply be a supportive sounding board

By providing value and showing genuine interest in their life, you create a strong foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship.


6. Financial Lists

If you desire a secure and prosperous future, then long-term planning is essential.

One essential component of financial stability is budgeting. By creating a budget, we can track our income and expenses, ensuring that we spend within our means and have enough for savings and investments.

Saving is another vital aspect of financial stability. By setting aside a portion of our income regularly, we can build an emergency fund and save for future goals like homeownership or retirement. 

If you don’t have a budget or savings plan, go ahead and make one as soon as possible. You’ll find that you’ll feel less stress and have more financial clarity moving forward.


7. Bucket List

A bucket list is more than just a list of things to do before you die; it is a roadmap for meaningful experiences.

It serves as a reminder to make the most of every moment and live life to the fullest. By creating a bucket list, you are envisioning the life you want to live and setting goals for yourself. It is an opportunity to dream big and pursue your passions.

It could be:

  • traveling to exotic destinations
  • learning new skills
  • or achieving personal milestones

A bucket list allows you to prioritize what truly matters to you.

When creating a diverse and exciting bucket list, think outside the box. Don't limit yourself to just one area.

Instead, explore different categories such as travel, skills to learn, and personal achievements.

  • Start by brainstorming all the places you want to visit - from hiking Machu Picchu to swimming with dolphins in the Maldives.
  • Next, consider what skills you've always wanted to acquire - maybe it's learning a musical instrument or mastering a foreign language.
  • Lastly, think about the personal achievements you want to accomplish - whether it's running a marathon or writing a book.

Remember, the purpose of a bucket list is not just to create a list of goals, but to actually take action and make them happen.

Take your big goals and break them into smaller, doable steps that you can begin right now.

Give yourself deadlines and make sure you stick to them.

Stay close to people who support you and can help you reach your goals. Let their encouragement keep you going.

Here’s a really cool online space where you can start creating your bucket list:



Are You Ready to Make Your Essential Lists?

Lists are powerful tools that can bring clarity, order, and fulfillment in an otherwise chaotic world.

By creating lists, we can prioritize our tasks, set goals, and stay organized. It may seem overwhelming at first, but taking small steps and gradually incorporating lists into our daily routine can make a huge difference.

Imagine the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction you will feel when you start ticking off items from your list and seeing your progress! Go ahead and start making your lists today and experience the transformative potential they hold for a more fulfilling life.

Was this article helpful? Connect with me.

Follow The SUN (AYINRIN), Follow the light. Be bless. I am His Magnificence, The Crown, Kabiesi Ebo Afin!Ebo Afin Kabiesi! His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight natural blood line 100% Royalty The God, LLB Hons, BL, Warlord, Bonafide King of Ile Ife kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom, Number 1 Sun worshiper in the Whole World.I'm His Magnificence the Crown. Follow the light.

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