Fetal Malposition/Fetal Misrepresentation -Treatment and Cure for Fetal Misrepresentations or Fetal Malposition By Kabiesi Ebo Afin, His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight Natural blood Line 💯 royalty the God, Bonafide King of Ile Ife Kingdom and Bonafide King Of Ijero Kingdom

 From The Palace Of Kabiesi Ebo Afin, His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight Natural blood Line 💯 royalty the God, LLB hons, BL, Warlord, Bonafide King of Ile Ife Kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom, number 1 Sun worshiper in the Whole world with pen name Babalawo Obanifa.Phone and WhatsApp contact:+2348166343145

Sun and Planets Spiritual Temple (Ayinrin)+2348166343145

Fetal Malposition-Treatment and Cure for Fetal Malposition By Kabiesi Ebo Afin His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight Natural blood Line 💯 royalty the God, LLB hons BL, Warlord, Bonafide King of Ile Ife Kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom, number 1 Sun worshiper in the Whole world with pen name Babalawo Obanifa.

Herbal Remedies For Fetal Malposition or Misrepresentation

In this work Babalawo Obanifa shall make availiable different herbal preparations or remedies availiable in Yorubal Herbal
Medicine, to correct or remedy fetal Malposition or fetal Misrepretation in pregnant women , in other to ease child labour and delivery. comprehensive information shall be made availiable on this aspect of Obstetric from Orthordox perspetive .Veiws of different medical experts on this aspect of Obstetric medicine
will be share and source stated. All othodox
explanations that will be share here are that of train Medical Practionals in the feild of Obstetric Medicine, It is only the traditional Yoruba herbal remedies reveal in  the concluding part of this work that is exclusively within knowledge and competence of Babalawo Obanifa.

Fetal Malposition is what is know in Yoruba Herbal Medicine as 'Dida Ibu Omo Niku Oloyun' which can be simply tranlated to mean the fetus head is not place downward to ease child delivery but it is otherwise. This is what is know in othodox medicine as malpresentation or malposition of fetus.  A malpresentation or malposition of the fetus is when the fetus is in any abnormal position, other than vertex (head down) with the occiput anterior or posterior. If I may say in the language of a lay man like me who is not a train Medical

doctor, I will say it simply mean abnormal position or abnormal presentation of fetus in pregnant women. Medically speaking in course of my personal research on this aspect of Obstetric I discover that fetal Malposition Or Misrepresention are interwoven but mean different thing in othodox medicine but in Yorubal Herbal medicine one cure is use to remedy the two.Julie S. Moldenhauer, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Obstetrics  and Gynecology in Surgery, The Garbose Family Special Delivery Unit;Attending Physician, The Center for Fetal Diagnosis and
Treatment, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia;The University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine,
Julie S. Moldenhauer, MD in her work title
'Abnormal Position and Presentation of the Fetus' offer the following explanations on Abnormal Postion and Presentation of fetus wish is thesame thing as fetal Malposition Or Mispresentation. She use more simple diction that every lay man can understand hence I adopt her views in this work .  Accordindg to her;

Position refers to whether the fetus is facing rearward (toward the woman’s back—that is, face down when the woman lies on her back) or forward (face up).

Presentation refers to the part of the fetus’s body that leads the way out through the birth canal (called the presenting part). Usually, the head leads the way, but sometimes the buttocks or a shoulder leads the way.

The most common and safest combination consists of the following:

Head first (called a vertex or cephalic presentation)

Facing rearward

Face and body angled toward the right or left

Neck bent forward

Chin tucked in

Arms folded across the chest

If the fetus is in a different position or presentation, labor may be more difficult, and delivery through the vagina may not be possible.

According to Dr Jan Sambrook who write for PATIENT PROFESSIONAL REFERENCE   UK  on August 29,2014 says the following are considered Malpresentations or malpositions:


Predisposing factors to malpresentation include:


•Multiple pregnancy.

•Abnormalities of the uterus - eg, fibroids.

•Partial septate uterus.

•Abnormal fetus.

•Placenta praevia.


•Breech presentation

Breech presentation is the most common malpresentation, with the majority discovered before labour. Breech presentation is much more common in premature labour.

Approximately one third are diagnosed during labour when the fetus can be directly palpated through the cervix.
After 37 weeks, external cephalic version can be attempted whereby an attempt is made to turn the baby manually by manipulating the pregnant mother's abdomen. This reduces the risk of non-cephalic delivery and is quite low in risk.Maternal postural techniques have also been tried, but there is insufficient evidence to support these.

Many women who have a breech presentation can deliver vaginally. Factors which make this more likely to be successful include a baby weighing between 2.0 and 3.8 kg, in a simple breech position, ie not footling or kneeling, no previous caesarean section, and an average-sized pelvis.

In one study undertaken, women who had an elective caesarean section for a breech presentation in their first pregnancy had approximately a 1 in 10 chance of having an elective caesarean section for a breech presentation in their second pregnancy. Overall, the incidence of repeat caesarean section for their second baby was 43.8%, and of those allowed to labour, 84% achieved a vaginal delivery. These results compared favourably with women who had an elective caesarean section with a cephalic presentation in their first pregnancy.

• Transverse lie

When the fetus is positioned with the head on one side of the pelvis and the buttocks in the other (transverse lie), vaginal delivery is impossible.
This requires caesarean section unless it converts or is converted late in pregnancy. The surgeon may be able to rotate the fetus through the wall of the uterus once the abdominal wall has been opened. Otherwise, a transverse uterine incision is needed to gain access to a fetal pole.
Internal podalic version is no longer attempted.
Transverse lie is associated with a risk of cord prolapse of up to 20%.

• Occipito-posterior position

This is the most common malposition where the head initially engages normally but then the occiput rotates posteriorly rather than anteriorly. 5.2% of deliveries are persistent occipito-posterior.

The occipito-posterior position results from a poorly flexed vertex. The anterior fontanelle (four radiating sutures) is felt anteriorly. The posterior fontanelle (three radiating sutures) may also be palpable posteriorly.

It may occur because of a flat sacrum, poorly flexed head or weak uterine contractions which may not push the head down into the pelvis with sufficient strength to produce correct rotation.

As occipito-posterior position pregnancies often result in a long labour, close maternal and fetal monitoring are required. An epidural is often recommended and it is essential that adequate fluids be given to the mother.

The mother may get the urge to push before full dilatation but this must be discouraged. If the head comes into a face to pubis position then vaginal delivery is possible as long as there is a reasonable pelvic size. Otherwise, forceps or caesarean section may be required.

• Occipito-transverse position

The head initially engages correctly but fails to rotate and remains in a transverse position.
Alternatives for delivery include:
If the second stage is reached, the head must be manually rotated with Kielland's forceps or delivered using vacuum extraction. This is inappropriate if there is any fetal acidosis because of the risk of cerebral haemorrhage.
Therefore, there must be immediate provision for a failure of forceps delivery to be changed immediately to a caesarean. The trial of forceps is therefore often performed in theatre.
Some centres prefer to manage by caesarean section without trial of forceps.
Face presentations

Face presents for delivery if there is complete extension of the fetal head.
Face presentation occurs in 1 in 1,000 deliveries.
With adequate pelvic size, and rotation of the head to the mento-anterior position, vaginal delivery should be achieved after a long labour.
Backwards rotation of the head to a mento-posterior position requires a caesarean section.

• Brow positions

The fetal head stays between full extension and full flexion so that the biggest diameter (the mento-vertex) presents.
Brow presentation occurs in 0.14% of deliveries.
Brow presentation is usually only diagnosed once labour is well established.
The anterior fontanelle and super orbital ridges are palpable on vaginal examination.
Unless the head flexes, a vaginal delivery is not possible, and a caesarean section is required.

Having view this discusion from the perspective of othodox medical specialist.
We will now go to, the different herbal remedy in Yoruba Herbal Medicine that can be use to remedy fetal Malposition and Mis-
representation in pregnant women.


• If it is discover that fetal malposition
or misrepresentation has occur,Get ewe Dagba tutu(fresh leaves of Cassia sieberiana
),ewe Alupayida(leaves of Uraria Picta).Use
Potable water to squeese the leaves.Give the
decotion for the pregnant woman with Fetal
Malpostion or Misrepresentation to drink the fetus will turn to normal position itself
for easy delivery.

• Ewe dagba(Leaves of Cassia siebriana),
Ewe Alupayida(leaves of Urari picta), grind
the two leaves together.Use it to cook fresh fish for the pregnant woman with Mal-
Postion or Misrepresentation. Let her eat it
the fetal will return to normal position for easy delivery.

Copyright babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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