Cholera-Treatment And Cure for Cholera By Kabiesi Ebo Afin, His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight Natural blood Line 💯 royalty the God Bonafide King of Ile Ife Kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom

 From The Palace Of Kabiesi Ebo Afin, His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight Natural blood Line 💯 royalty the God, LLB hons, BL, Warlord, Bonafide King of Ile Ife Kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom number 1 Sun worshiper in the Whole world with pen name Babalawo Obanifa-Obanifa Phone and WhatsApp contact:+2348166343145

Sun and Planets Spiritual Temple (Ayinrin):+2348166343145

Treatment and Cure for Cholera By Kabiesi Ebo Afin His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight Natural blood Line 💯 royalty the God, LLB hons, BL, Warlord, Bonafide King of Ile Ife Kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom number 1 Sun worshiper in the Whole world with pen name Babalawo Obanifa th

Herbal Remedies For Cholera (Aisan oonigba meji)  In Yoruba Herbal Medicine

In this work Babalawo Obanifa will explore in detail different herbal remedies avaliable in YORUBA herbal medicine to Treat And Cure Cholera .Cholera which is know as 'Aisan ONigba meji '  In yorubamkok herbal medicine,is  Diseases that most developed countries of the world have left behind them. But Due to poor health facilities, proper enviromental And water sanitation in most part of our developing countries like África, South Asia, And Latin America. We still occasionly exprience it oubreak. This work will consider; What is Cholera? Causes And symptom of Cholera as well as method to prevent it out break. The Concluding part of this work will explain in plethoral detail different herbal remedies avaliable in YORUBA herbal medicine to Treat And cure Cholera.It instructive to note that every orthodox techinical medical explanations that will be present in this work are not that of Babalawo Obanifa. Only the Herbal remedies present There in  are from the exclusive knowledge of Babalawo Obanifa. In this work I shall adopt  some of pure scientific explanation on Cholera as present By MedicalAuthor:Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD
And Medical Editor:Melissa ConradStöppler, MD in their work Title 'Cholera ' Í consider the work Authoritative. It has been publish on adopt some of their explanation as mine in this work.


Webmed has given a precise And all encompasing defination of Cholera Thus :

'Cholera is an infectious disease that causes severe watery diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and even death if untreated. It is caused by eating food or drinking water contaminated with a bacterium called 

Vibrio cholerae...........

The disease is most common in places with poor sanitation, crowding, war, and famine. Common locations include parts of Africa, south Asia, and Latin America. If you are traveling to one of those areas, knowing the following cholera facts can help protect you and your family.'

 Causes Of Cholera

Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera, is usually found in food or water contaminated by feces from a person with the infection. Common sources include:

•Municipal water supplies

.•Ice made from municipal water

•Foods and drinks sold by street vendors

•Vegetables grown with water containing human wastes

•Raw or undercooked fish and seafood
caught in waters polluted with sewage

When a person consumes the contaminated food or water, the bacteria release a toxin in the intestines that produces severe diarrhea.

It is not likely you will catch cholera just from casual contact with an infected person.

 Symptoms Of Cholera

The symptoms and signs of cholera are a watery diarrhea that often contains flecks of whitish material (mucus and some gastrointestinal lining [epithelial] cells) that are about the size of pieces of rice. The diarrhea is termed "rice-water stool" (See figure 1) and smells "fishy." The volume of diarrhea can be enormous; high levels of diarrheal fluid such as 250 cc per kg or about 10 to 18 liters over 24 hours for a 154-pound adult can occur. People may go on to develop one or more of the following symptoms and signs:

•Watery diarrhea (sometimes in large volumes)

•Rice-water stools

•Fishy odor to stools


•Rapid heart rate

•Loss of skin elasticity (washer woman

•hands sign;

•Dry mucous membranes (dry mouth)

•Low blood pressure


•Muscle cramps (leg cramps, for example)

•Restlessness or irritability (especially in children)

.•Unusual sleepiness or tiredness

Other symptoms that may occur, especially with more severe disease, include the following:

•Abdominal pain (cramps)

•Rectal pain


•Severe vomiting


•Low or no urine output

•Weight loss




Those infected require immediate hydration to prevent these symptoms from continuing because these signs and symptoms indicate that the person is becoming or is dehydrated and may go on to develop severe cholera. People with severe cholera (about 5%-10% of previously healthy people; higher if a population is compromised by poor nutrition or has a high percentage of very young or elderly people) can develop severe dehydration, leading to acute renal failure, severe electrolyte imbalances (especially potassium and sodium), and coma. If untreated, this severe dehydration can rapidly lead to shock and death. Severe dehydration can often occur four to eight hours after the first liquid stool, ending with death in about 18 hours to a few days in undertreated or untreated people. In epidemic outbreaks in underdeveloped countries where little or no treatment is available, the mortality (death) rate can be as high as 50%-60%.

What causes cholera, and how is cholera transmitted?

Cholera is caused by the bacterium V. cholerae. This bacterium is Gram stain-negative, comma-shaped, and has a flagellum (a long, tapering, projecting part) for motility and pili (hairlike structures) used to attach to tissue. Although there are many V. cholerae serotypes that can produce cholera symptoms, the O groups O1 and O139, which also produce a toxin, cause the most severe symptoms of cholera. O groups consist of different lipopolysaccharides-protein structures on the surface of bacteria that are distinguished by immunological techniques.

The toxin produced by these V. cholerae serotypes is an enterotoxin composed of two subunits, A and B; the genetic information for the synthesis of these subunits is encoded on plasmids (genetic elements separate from the bacterial chromosome). In addition, another plasmid type encodes for a pilus (a hollow hairlike structure that supports bacterial attachment to human cells and facilitate the movement of toxin from V. cholerae into human cells). The enterotoxin causes human cells to extract water and electrolytes from the body (mainly the upper gastrointestinal tract) and pump it into the intestinal lumen where the fluid and electrolytes are excreted as diarrheal fluid. The enterotoxin is similar to toxin formed by bacteria that cause diphtheria in that both bacterial types secret the toxins into their surrounding environment where the toxin then enters the human cells. The bacteria are usually transmitted by drinking contaminated water, but the bacteria can also be ingested in contaminated food, especially seafood such as raw oysters.

What are risk factors for cholera, and where do cholera outbreaks occur?

Everyone who drinks or eats food that has not been treated to eliminate V. cholerae (liquids need to be chemically treated, boiled, or pasteurized, and foods need to be cleaned and cooked), especially in areas of the world where cholera is present, is at risk for cholera.

Outbreaks occur when there are disasters or other reasons for a loss of sanitary human waste disposal and the lack of safe fluids and foods for people to ingest. Haiti, a country that had not seen a cholera outbreak in over 50 years, had such circumstances develop in 2010 after a massive earthquake destroyed sanitary facilities and water and food treatment facilities for many Haitians. V. cholerae bacteria eventually contaminated primary water sources, resulting in over 530,000 people diagnosed with cholera that resulted in over 7,000 deaths. This cholera outbreak spread to Haiti's neighbor, the Dominican Republic. The Vibrio cholerae strain was closely related to a strain found in Nepal and leads some individuals to blame Nepalese troops that helped with the earthquake disaster as the source of the Haiti cholera outbreak.

In third-world countries, hunger can lead people to inadvertently eat contaminated food and/or drink contaminated water, thus raising the risk for cholera to infect malnourished populations.

There is some evidence that V. cholerae can survive in saltwater and have been isolated from shellfish; eating raw oysters is considered a risk factor for cholera, especially in underdeveloped countries and occasionally even in developed countries. A few people are diagnosed with cholera every year in the U.S. Most of the individuals diagnosed are travelers who were exposed to cholera outside the country, but occasionally, isolated cases are traced to contaminated seafood, usually from states that border the Gulf of Mexico.

Some individuals are at higher risk to become infected than others. People who are malnourished or immune-compromised are more likely to get the disease. Children ages 2-4 seem more susceptible than older children, according to some investigators. In addition, researchers have noted that patients with blood type O are twice as likely to develop cholera as others. The reason for this blood type susceptibility is not completely understood. People with achlorhydria (reduced acid secretion in the stomach) and people taking medicines to reduce stomach acid (H2 blockers and others) are also more likely to develop cholera because stomach acid kills many types of bacteria, including V. cholerae.

Is cholera contagious?

It takes about 100 million V. cholerae bacteria to infect a healthy adult. Because of this high number, significant contamination of food or water is required to transmit the disease, and direct person-to-person transmission is thought to be uncommon except in outbreaks. In outbreaks, cholera-causing bacteria become highly contagious indirectly and directly by the fecal-oral route because of widespread fecal contamination of food, water, and items like contaminated bedding and clothing.

What is the incubation period for cholera?

The incubation period (time period from exposure to the bacteria to the development of symptoms) may vary from a few hours (about six to 12 hours) to five days, with the average incubation period being about two to three days. About six to 12 hours is considered a very rapid incubation period and may suggest that rapid/immediate intervention is required for recovery.

What is the contagious period for cholera?

The contagious period for cholera begins as soon as organisms are excreted in the feces. This can occur as early as about six to 12 hours after exposure to the bacteria and can last for about seven to 14 days. Some individuals who are asymptomatic (infected but not having symptoms) will also excrete contagious organisms for about seven to 14 days.

What physicians usually treat cholera?

Because most individuals have either mild or no symptoms, these people are either not treated or treated by their primary-care physician. However, in some children and in individuals who have more severe disease, besides the primary-care physician or pediatrician, an infectious-disease specialist, a critical-care specialist, a gastroenterologist, and/or an internist may be needed to help the team manage and treat the patient.

In addition, specialists in travel medicine and/or epidemiology can help individuals avoid cholera and/or can give advice about prevention, treatment, and prognosis to those individuals traveling to or living in endemic areas.

How do health-care professionals diagnose cholera?

Preliminary diagnosis is usually done by a caregiver who takes a history from the patient and observes the characteristic rice-water diarrhea, especially if a local outbreak of cholera has identified. The diarrhea fluid is often teeming with motile, comma-shaped bacteria (presumptively V. cholerae) that can be seen with a microscope. The definitive diagnosis is made by isolation of the bacteria from diarrhea fluid. All state health department laboratories in the U.S. are able to perform tests for Vibrio cholerae. Readers may see terms like serotypes Inaba, Ogawa, and Hikojima to describe V. cholerae; they simply indicate which O antigens (O antigens designated A, B, or C) are found on these strains of V. cholerae. PCR tests have also been developed to detect the genetic material of cholera, but currently they are not as widely used as the immunologic tests based on type-specific antiserum.

Definitive diagnosis helps to distinguish cholera from other diseases caused by other bacterial, protozoal, or viral pathogens that cause dysentery (gastrointestinal inflammation with diarrhea).

What is the treatment for cholera?

The CDC (and almost every medical agency) recommends rehydration with ORS (oral rehydration salts) fluids as the primary treatment for cholera. ORS fluids are available in prepackaged containers, commercially available worldwide, and contain glucose and electrolytes. The CDC follows the guidelines developed by the WHO (World Health Organization) as follows:

WHO Fluid Replacement or Treatment Recommendations (as per the CDC)

No dehydration

Oral rehydration salts (ORS)

•Children < 2 years: 50 mL-100 mL, up to 500 mL/day
•Children 2-9 years: 100 mL-200 mL, up to 1,000 mL/day
•Patients > 9 years: As much as wanted, to 2,000 mL/day
Some dehydration
•Oral rehydration salts (amount in first four hours)
•Infants < 4 mos (< 5 kg): 200-400 mL
•Infants 4 mos-11 mos (5 kg-7.9 kg): 400-600 mL
•Children 1 yr-2 yrs (8 kg-10.9 kg): 600-800 mL
•Children 2 yrs-4 yrs (11 kg-15.9 kg): 800-1,200 mL
•Children 5 yrs-14 yrs (16 kg-29.9 kg): 1,200-2,200 mL
•Patients > 14 yrs (30 kg or more): 2,200-4,000 mL

Severe dehydration

IV drips of Ringer Lactate or, if not available, normal saline and oral rehydration salts as outlined above

Age < 12 months: 30 mL/kg within one hour*, then 70 mL/kg over five hours
Age > 1 year: 30 mL/kg within 30 min*, then 70 mL/kg over two and a half hours

Repeat once if radial pulse is still very weak or not detectable

Reassess the patient every one to two hours and continue hydrating. If hydration is not improving, give the IV drip more rapidly. 200 mL/kg or more may be needed during the first 24 hours of treatment.
After six hours (infants) or three hours (older patients), perform a full reassessment. Switch to ORS solution if hydration is improved and the patient can drink.

In general, antibiotics are reserved for more severe cholera infections; they function to reduce fluid rehydration volumes and may speed recovery. Although good microbiological principles dictate it is best to treat a patient with antibiotics that are known to be effective against the infecting bacteria, this may take too long a time to accomplish during an initial outbreak (but it still should be attempted); meanwhile, severe infections have been effectively treated with tetracycline (Sumycin), doxycycline (Vibramycin, Oracea, Adoxa, Atridox, and others), furazolidone (Furoxone), erythromycin (E-Mycin, Eryc, Ery-Tab, PCE, Pediazole, Ilosone), or ciprofloxacin (Cipro, Cipro XR, ProQuin XR) in conjunction with the following antibiotics in conjunction with IV hydration and electrolytes:

•Tetracycline (Sumycin)
•Doxycycline (Vibramycin, Oracea, Adoxa, •Atridox, and others)
•Furazolidone (Furoxone)
•Erythromycin (E-Mycin, Eryc, Ery-Tab, PCE, Pediazole, Ilosone)
•Azithromycin (Zithromax)
•Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (Bactrim, Septra)
•Ciprofloxacin (Cipro, Cipro XR, ProQuin XR)
•Norfloxacin (Noroxin)

Many antibiotics are listed; however, because of widespread antibiotic resistance, including multi-resistant Vibrio strains, antibiotic susceptibility testing is advised so the appropriate antibiotic is chosen. In addition, quinolones (for example, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin) should not be used in children if other antibiotics can be effective because of possible musculoskeletal adverse effects.

Is it possible to prevent cholera? Are cholera vaccines available?

Yes, cholera can be prevented by several methods. Developed countries have an almost zero incidence of cholera because they have widespread water-treatment plants, food-preparation facilities that usually practice sanitary protocols, and most people have access to toilets and hand-washing facilities. Although these countries may have occasional lapses or gaps in these methods, they have prevented many disease outbreaks, including cholera.

Individuals can prevent or reduce the chance they may get cholera by thorough hand washing, avoiding areas and people with cholera, drinking treated water or similar safe fluids, and eating cleaned and well-cooked food. In addition, there are vaccines available that can help prevent cholera, although they are not available in the U.S., and their effectiveness ranges from 50%-90%, depending on the studies reported. The vaccines are oral preparations, because injected vaccines have not proved to be very effective. Two vaccines (Shanchol and Dukoral) are composed of killed V. cholerae bacteria and don't contain the enterotoxin B subunit. Unfortunately, both offer protection for only about two years, although one report suggests that Shanchol is about 65% effective over five years. Both vaccines are usually given in two doses, about one to six weeks apart. Unfortunately, the vaccines have limited availability; their recommended use is for people going to areas of known outbreaks with the likely possibility the person may be exposed to cholera. Some researchers suggest this limited oral vaccine availability should be changed and cite data that oral vaccine may help limit outbreaks, even after they have begun.

Research is ongoing; a research study in Haiti will try to determine if a two-dose vaccine in people will suffice to protect a difficult to treat (rural poor) population from cholera and thus save many lives. There are over 30 universities researching this disease (cholera's epidemiology, pathology, immunology, vaccine production, and other problems) currently worldwide.

In 2015, about 2 million doses of oral cholera vaccine were shipped to various outbreak areas, and currently available information suggests that there was a significant reduction in transmission of endemic cholera; the study will be concluded in 2018.

In June 2016, the U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved the first vaccine available in the United States to prevent cholera. The vaccine is termed Vaxchora and is manufactured by PaxVax Bermuda LTD. It can be used in adults age 18-64 who are traveling to cholera-affected areas of the world. The vaccine is a live, attenuated (weakened) dose of V. cholerae serogroup 01, the most prominent cause of cholera worldwide. The vaccine is administered orally in about 3 ounces of fluid. It is about 80% effective in individuals challenged with Vibrio bacteria three months after vaccination. The vaccine should be administered at least 10 days before the individual travels to a cholera-endemic area.

What is the prognosis of cholera?

The prognosis (outcome) of cholera can range from excellent to poor, depending on the severity of the dehydration and how quickly the patient is given and responds to treatments. Death (mortality) rates in untreated cholera can be as high as 50%-60% during large outbreaks but can be reduced to about 1% if treatment protocols (see above treatment section) are rapidly put into action. In general, the less severe the symptoms and the less time people have dehydration symptoms, the better the prognosis; in many people, if dehydration is quickly reversed, the prognosis is often excellent.

Herbal Cure Or Remedies For Cholera In Yoruba Herbal Medicine By Babalawo Obanifa

•Omi osan wewe mu Eko-Use fresh naturaly lime Orange Juice with scientific name Citrus Aurantifolia to take palm. The Cholera will Stop. You can also mix dry gin with lime Orange Juice and take it one shot.

•Baka tabi isu baka(Liliacees with scientific name Chlorophytum Blepharophyllum), Ewe ejinrin wewe (Mormodical Charantia), atare (alligator pepper with scientific name Aframomum melegueta) Ewe Olominsinminsin tabi Iwerejenje (Abrus Precatorius). Grind every thing together. Pour it Inside Lime Orange Juice with scientific name Citrus Aurantifolia. Uses. Take it one shot three times a day.

Where can people find more information about cholera?

The following links can provide additional information about cholera:

"Cholera," CDC


"Cholera -- Vibrio cholerae Infection: Sources of Infection & Risk Factors," CDC

"Cholera -- Vibrio cholerae Infection: Treatment," CDC

"John Snow and the Broad Street Pump," Making the Modern World


Brown, Troy. "FDA Approves First Cholera Vaccine in the US." June 10, 2016. <>.

Switzerland. World Health Organization. "Cholera." July 2015. <>.

United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Cholera." Yellowbook 3.81 July 10, 2015. <>.

United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Cholera -- Vibrio cholera Infection." Nov. 27, 2014. <>.

Unites States. Food and Drug Administration. "Vaxchora." June 16, 2016.<>.

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