Africa Religion and Theology-Odu Ifa - Odu Ifa Odi Osa,Odu Ifa Edisa Documentary By Kabiesi Ebo Afin, His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight Bonafide king of Ile Ife Kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom




ODU IFA ODI OSA COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa extreme documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality(RAIS)- Odu Ifa Series 

Author: Babalawo Obanifa

NB‘’ Babalawo Obanifa is an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian, A living established authority in the field of  Africa herbal medicine and spirituality . Any work document in this work can be authoritatively rely upon as practical guide for spiritual and herbal practice.”


In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will make comprehensive commentaries on Odi  Osa ,also known as Odu Ifa Edisa/Idin saa. This piece of work will be useful for any practicing Babalawo and Ifa devotees that want to have detail knowledge of the interpretations of Odu Ifa  Odi Osa either for purpose of divination practice or personal use. The work will also be useful for those born under the star of Odu Ifa  Odi –Osa  during their  Itelodu(Ifa initiation) and Ikosedaye(Ifa initiation). The author of this work (Babalawo Obanifa ) is an authoritative  leading Ifa and Orisa theologian and established authority in field of Africa herbal medicine and spirituality  so any piece or information and divine commentaries  in this work can be authoritatively rely upon by any beginner and advance Ifa practitioner for purpose of spiritual practice.  This work will examine among other things ; What is Odu Ifa Odi  Osa  meaning and symbol? Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole  with Odu Ifa Odi Osa? What are the taboos of  Odu Ifa Odi Osa?  What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Odi Osa during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye. What are the names that can be given to those born under the Odu Ifa Odi Osa during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye? Basic summary of information of Odu Ifa Odi Osa for those born by Odu Ifa Odi Osa during  Itelodu or Ikosedaye? Comprehensive detail of sacred messages contain inside Odu Ifa Odi Osa  and Babalawo Obanifa divine commentaries on them. All these aforementioned will be the major focus of this work. The work extensively examine Odu Ifa Odu Osa in seven   different stanza base on applicability of it and interpretation of it for  clients and initiates  over the centuries.

What is Odu Ifa Odi  Osa meaning and symbol?

Whenever we have one leg of symbol of Odu Ifa Odi-meji on right hand and one leg of Odu Ifa Osa -meji on the left during Ifa consultation via ohun-te-ale(Ikin ifa divination  on ifa divination tray) or dida owo(ifa divination with opele). The amalgamation of  one leg of symbol of Odu Ifa Odi-meji on right hand and one leg of Odu Ifa Osa-meji on the left during Ifa consultation is what is known as symbol of Odu Ifa Odi –Osa. Though this Odu Ifa have other alias known as Edi-sa/Idin saa, This Odu Ifa fall into category of Odu Ifa known as Amulu.

Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole  with Odu Ifa Odi Osa?


By this we are referring   to the divinities that those born under the star of Odu Ifa  Odi Osa during their itelodu or ikosedaye can harness their energies in other to have successful life. Some time they can seek initiation into this Orisa or have consecrated element of this Orisa along with their Ifa.  Some of the identifiable orisa and Irunmole that are affiliated with Odu Ifa  Odi Ogunda  are :Ifa, sango, Ori, Iyami, Ile (mother earth), Esu Odara , Ogun lakaye , and Odu

1. Ifa – for guidance, direction, protection, success, elevation

and overall well being

2. Ori – for prosperity, protection, success, elevation,

accomplishment and self actualization

3. Sango – for victory over enemies

4. Iyami – For victory of all Ajogun (malevolence forces)

5. Ile – Mother earth is for success and blessing

6. Esu Odara – To overcome adversity and not fall victims of misbehavior

7. Odu – To avoid  been victim of diseases and overcome financial frustration.

What are the taboos Odu Ifa Odi Osa?


By this question we are referring to both animate and inanimate object and behavior that those born of Odu Ifa Odi Osa must avoid from doing, using or doing in other to have successful and less problem free life. Their major taboo  are:


They must avoid treating elders with disdain and disrespect to avoid falling victims of unconsummated fortune in term of diseases.

2. They must not eat food or drink items use for Ifa initiation unless they have been initiated theirself.

3. The must be generous with foods to avoid ending up been victims of enemies



What are the names that can be given to those born under the Odu Ifa Odi Osa during their Itelodu Or Ikosedaye?


By this question we are referring to the names that can be given to those born under the star of Odu Ifa Odi osa  during their Itelodu and Ikosedaye. These names are derive from positive character from various stanza of Odu Ifa Odi Osa.

No names was find in this stanza

What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Odi Osa during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye

By this we are referring to  area of vocation and profession that people born under the star of Odu Ifa Odi Osa, can engage in to become successful quickly and with relative ease in life.  Some of the area of vocation for people under this Odu are:

. Ifa/Orisa Priest/Priestess

2. black smith, hunter , military and paramilitary forces.


Comprehensive detail of sacred messages contain inside Odu Ifa Odi Osa    as Document by Babalawo Obanifa



Ifa says that there is Ire of blessing for the person to whom this Odu Ifa is reveal. Ifa says that the person to whom this odu Ifa is reveal is about to embark on certain project or business venture. Ifa says that this person should offer ebo so that he/she can be able  to attain great level of success and make profit from such business. Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal must offer ebo with two hundred unit of money .  Ifa says that this person should also venerate Ile (the mother earth).  Ifa say the essence of  the prescribe sacrifice is for the person to able not to come out empty handed from his project . Ifa says that blessing will not slip away from the hand of the person to whom this Odu is reveal . On this Ifa  says:



Lo dia fun Asa

Lojo ti n lo si oko Iwaje

Won ni ko rubo

Won ni ko ni sanwo aje

Igba Oko ni won ni ko ru

O si gbo ebo n be  o rubo

Asa ki bale ko sanwo

Ero Ipo

Ero Ofa

Eni gbo ebo nbe

E wipe ko rubo




This is Ifa’s message for  Asa (The Hawk)

When is going on mission to catch its prey

He was advised to offer ebo

They predicted he will never lack the blessing of wealth

He was advised to offer twenty unit ofmoney as ebo

He heard of the ebo and complied

The hawk will not land and go up empty handed

People of Ipo

People Of Ofa

Let those who are advised to offer ebo

Complied with it



Ifa says that the person  to whom this Odu Ifa is reveal should be very generous . Ifa say he /she should help the needy especially those who are in need of food around him or her. Ifa says that the person should as matter of urgency supply the needy around him or her with foods and other material items . Ifa said  if this person can do so his/her blessing will come to him. Ifa says that if this person to whom this Odu is reveal is not getting the help he/she need in life . It is because he/she have not been giving help to those around him. If say that this person should feed Esu Odara with he -goat. The goat should be killed  and all other items necessary in term of food should be prepare along and be use to entertain Babalawo and other people . Ifa says that this person should feed Ifa with two rats,two fishes,two hen, and money . On this Ifa says :

Bi o ba jeku , ma fun mi je

Bi mo ba jeku n ko ni fun yin

Dia fun Olomon Abokele Ikoko

Ti o wipe nigba tohun Gbato tow enikan

Won sele wipe ti ohun da


If you eat and have excess , give me out of it to eat

If I eat eat and have excess , I will not give you out of it

This is Ifa”s  message  for Olomon Amonkoko

Who said when no one give me out of what they have

How do they expect  me in turn to give them out of mine


Ifa says that this person should venerate Odu . He should Equally be generous with foods. Ifa says that if this person can offer the require ebo .He/she will overcome any kind of difficulties that any enemies may want to put on his /her part. Ifa says that this person  should not eat food from Ifa initiation ceremony .If he/she have not been initiated to Ifa . Ifa advise this person to offer ebo with  with cooked food and morsel of the cooked food should be place on Esu Odara. Ifa says that it is mandatory for this person to feed Ifa and get initiated to Ifa. Ifa says that is very important that  if this person is a woman, she must get marry to a Babalawo.She must be having Ifa beads (Ide Ifa ) on him all the time   On this Ifa says:

Olomo abokele gbangba ni oruko ti a n pe Odu

Iye ti Ole ba ji ko ni yo san pada

Olomo Ikoko ni ohun ko mu ohunje ohun sere

Olomo Ikoko

Eniti ti Iku moriti jehun dopin ahun sise

Dia fun Ahun Oke Apa

Ti yoo jehun Itelodu la tefa

 Ebo ni won ni ko se

O koti Ogboin si ebo

Igba airu

Igba  aitu

E o ri bi Ifa se n se loro gangan


Olomo abokele gbangba  is the name of Odu

The thief will pay double of what he /she stole

Olomo Ikoko said he did not play with his foods

Olomo Ikoko

A person who is at the verge of death have reach the end of been stingy

This is Ifa message for stingy man of  Oke Apa

Who will be eating the foods of initiation ceremony without been initiated himself

 He was advise to offer ebo

He refused to heed the advise

Failure to comply with the term of ebo

Failure to comply with the term of Etutu

Don’t you see how Ifa prediction come to instant manifestation.

Explanatory note on this stanza

Ahun Oke Apa ( A stingy man of Oke Apa ) is born to Ifa family. But he has never been initiated by undergoing Itelodu /Itefa . He has the money but he was very stingy. he did not see any reason why he/she should spend so much on Ifa initiation.  He will go to anywhere Ifa initiation is been conducted. He will eat and take every thing there as a fully -fledged Awo. The elders have warn him on many occasion and they admonished him as to the consequences of eating food from Itelodu when he has not been imitated. But he refuses to heed all the warnings. In the end Odu afflicted him   with diseases of the stomach. All the medicine applies to treat him were of no avail.  In the end he went for Ifa consultation to know what to do to attain sound health back.  He was advise to pay seven times and double-double of what he would have use for a single initiation. He complied .In the end  he recovered..


Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal is the midst of Ajogun (malevolence forces). Ifa says that the Ajogun  of Arun (diseases) ,Ajogun of  Iku(death), Ajogun Ejo (legal matters) Ajogun Ofo (loss) and Ajogun  Aje ( The Iyaami /the witches ) were afflicting this person. This person must as a matter of facts offer ebo and venerate the Iyaami with a bush rats and red palm oil. On this Ifa says “



Dia fun Oniloyo

Omo  Agbe gbungbun sinu bi Owu

Nijo ti n be ninu Ajogun ibi

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O si gbo ebo nbe

O rubo

Ko pe , ko jinna

E w aba ni laruseogun

Aruse Ogun ni a n bani lese Obarisa




This was Ifa’s message for them in the city of  Oniloyo

Omo  Agbe gbungbun sinu bi Owu

When they are in the midst of Malevolence forces

They were advised to offer ebo

He heard of the ebo and complied

Not too long

Not too far

Come and meet us in the midst of resounding victory over adversaries

It is in the midst of resounding victory that you will meet us at the base of Obarisa


Ifa advise the person to whom this Odu is reveal  not to underate or underestimate  or underate the elders or those who are superior to him. Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal must offer ebo and feed Ifa with  two rats ,two fishes and money. Ifa says if this person has treat his/her elders with contempt or disrespects.  Ifa says  that he needs to offer necessary apology to overcome the disrespect. On this Ifa says. He or she need to venerate Esu Odara to avoid be a victim of misbehaviors. On this Ifa says:

Elagbara ni Ojo burku ni Oogun araye

Opolopo Ogun ni mu omode se Afojudi

Omoode logun o foju di egbon re

Egbon re ni ma tun gba mi lori mon

Aburo tun gba lori

Egbon ni ki lo dee

Ori yi ni mon n fi ru Igi fun o wale

 Otun gba  Egbon re lori

 Owo re sir o

Elegbara ni se ohun wibe pe ojo buruku ni Oogun araye


Elagbara ni Ojo burku ni Oogun araye

Having plenty oy charms in possession is what make children exhibit overconfidence

A child have charms in his possessions, he underate  his elder

His elders say don’t slap my head again

He continues to slap its headers

His elders said what happen

It is this head I used to bring  fire-wood for you from the  farm

 He continue to slap his elders

 His hand become handicap

Elegbara said Have I not tell you that , Ojo burku ni Oogun araye.



Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal  should  venerate  Ogun . Ifa the blessing of having children and getting great of this person is in the hand of Ogun. On this Ifa says:

Orunmila ni Olomobimon

Emi na ni Olomonbimon

Isoju mi ni won se mu irin sina

To bi omo repete

Dia fun Ogun Onija Oole

Nijo ti won ni ko lokun omo ninu mon

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O si gbo ebon be

O rubo

Ko pe ,ko jina

E wa bani ni wowo Ire gbogbo


Orunmila  said  Olomobimon

 I retort  Olomonbimon

It is in my presence that Iron is place inside  fire  

He give birth to many children

This was Ifa message for Oogun Onija oole

When people of this world say he can not have children again in life

He was advise to offer ebo

He heard of the ebo and comply

Not too long

Not too far

Come and meet us in the midst of all the blessings of life


Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal should offer ebo with  a lot of razor blade . Ifa says that  the person to whom this Odu is reveal is  in the midst of enemies. Ifa says that the person if he can afford it should venerate Sango with a ram, bitter kola and gin. On this  Ifa says that :

Idi saa

Idi soo

Sara-sara ni eb Ifari

Dia fun Eerinlojo Eranko

Nijo ti ekun n ba se ota

Gbogbo Eranko lo doju ija ko Ekun

Won ni ko ru Ogun abe lebo

O gbo ebon be o rubo

Abere re ni on fi n ya gbogbo eranko ti n ba se ota

E o ri pe riru ebo ni gbeni

Airu ebo ki gbe eniyan

Ko pee

Ko jina

E wa bani larusegun

 Arusegun la n bani lese Obarisa


Idi saa

Idi soo

Sara-sara ni eb Ifari

Dia fun Eerinlojo Eranko

Nijo ti ekun n ba se ota

Gbogbo Eranko lo doju ija ko Ekun

Won ni ko ru Ogun abe lebo

O gbo ebon be o rubo

Abere re ni on fi n ya gbogbo eranko ti n ba se ota

E o ri pe riru ebo ni gbeni

Airu ebo ki gbe eniyan

Ko pee

Ko jina

E wa bani larusegun

 Arusegun la n bani lese Obarisa




The sharp blade shave head in quick strokes

This was Ifa’s message for Myriads of animals

When they are making  Ekun(Tiger)  their common enemies  

He was advised to offer ebo

He was advised to offer twenty blades as Ebo

He complied

Not too long

Not too far

Come and meet us in the midst of victory

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage orN retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences





















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