Africa Religion and Theology- Odu Ifa-Odu Ifa Odi Ika, Odu Ifa Edika Documentary By Kabiesi Ebo Afin, His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan Bonafide King of Ile Ife Kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom

 From The Palace Of Kabiesi Ebo Afin His Magnificence Oloja Elejio Oba Olofin Pele Joshua Obasa De Medici Osangangan broad-daylight Natural blood Line 💯 royalty the God LLB hons, BL, Warlord, Bonafide King of Ile Ife Kingdom and Bonafide King of Ijero Kingdom, number 1 Sun worshiper in the Whole world with pen name Babalawo Obanifa.



ODU IFA ODI IKA /EDIKA COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa Extreme Documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality(RAIS)- Odu Ifa Series 

Author: Babalawo Obanifa

NB‘’ Babalawo Obanifa is an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian, A living established authority in the field of  Africa herbal medicine and spirituality . Any work document in this work can be authoritatively rely upon as practical guide for spiritual and herbal practice.”


In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will make comprehensive commentaries on Odi  Ika  ,also known as Odu Idika ,Odi kaka tirika. This piece of work will be useful for any practicing Babalawo and Ifa devotees that want to have detail knowledge of the interpretations of Odu Ifa  Odi Ika either for purpose of divination practice or personal use. The work will also be useful for those born under the star of Odu Ifa  Odi – Ika  during their  Itelodu(Ifa initiation) and Ikosedaye(First Ifa consultation for new born baby ). The author of this work (Babalawo Obanifa ) is an authoritative  leading Ifa and Orisa theologian and established authority in field of Africa herbal medicine and spirituality  so any piece or information and divine commentaries  in this work can be authoritatively rely upon by any beginner and advance Ifa practitioner for purpose of spiritual practice.  This work will examine among other things ; What is Odu Ifa Odi  Ika  meaning and symbol? Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole  with Odu Ifa Odi Ika ? What are the taboos of  Odu Ifa Odi  Ika ?  What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Odi Ika during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye. What are the names that can be given to those born under the Odu Ifa Odi Ika during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye? Basic summary of information of Odu Ifa Odi Ika for those born by Odu Ifa Odi Ika during  Itelodu or Ikosedaye? Comprehensive detail of sacred messages contain inside Odu Ifa Odi Ika  and Babalawo Obanifa divine commentaries on them. All these aforementioned wills be the major focus of this work. The work extensively examine Odu Ifa Odu Ika   in 4  different stanza base on applicability of it and interpretation of it for  clients and initiates  over the centuries.

What is Odu Ifa Odi  Ika  meaning and symbol?

Whenever we have one leg of symbol of Odu Ifa Odi-meji on right hand and one leg of Odu Ifa Ika  -meji on the left during Ifa consultation via ohun-te-ale(Ikin ifa divination  on ifa divination tray) or dida owo(ifa divination with opele). The amalgamation of  one leg of symbol of Odu Ifa Odi-meji on right hand and one leg of Odu Ifa Ika -meji on the left during Ifa consultation is what is known as symbol of Odu Ifa Odi – Ika. Though this Odu Ifa have other alias known as Idika/ Odi kaka tirika , This Odu Ifa fall into category of Odu Ifa known as Amulu.

Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole  with Odu Ifa Odi  -Ika?


By this we are referring   to the divinities that those born under the star of Odu Ifa  Odi  Ika  during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye can harness their energies in other to have successful life. Some time they can seek initiation into this Orisa or have consecrated element of this Orisa along with their Ifa.  Some of the identifiable Orisa and Irunmole that are affiliated with Odu Ifa  Odi Ika   are :Ifa, Ori, Esu Odara,Sango , Odo (river) ,Osun, Oluweri , Iyami and Orisa Aje (goddess of wealth).

1. Ifa – For gaining direction and living a purposeful life

2. Ori – Function for attaining prosperity and moving from grass to grace in life .

3. Esu Odara  – For  clearing of one’s  path from problems and obstruction

4. Odo (river); for overcoming enemies and total destruction of enemies   

6. Sango – For victory over enemies

7. Aje – is need to facilitate accumulation of wealth and riches

8. Iyami – function to overcome ailment

What are the taboos Odu Ifa  Odi  Ika?

 By this question we are referring to both animate and inanimate object and behavior that those born of Odu Ifa Odi Ika  must avoid from doing, using or doing in other to have successful and less problem free life. Their major taboo  are:

1. They not root taking from river bed for medicine or Akose Ifa to prevent them from falling victims of enemies



They must  ascertain which actual divinities to put their energy on when they are facing obstructions in life .  Particularly Esu Odara is the leading Orisa to venerate by people born under this Odu


What are the names that can be given to those born under the Odu Ifa Odi  Ika  during their Itelodu Or Ikosedaye?


By this question we are referring to the names that can be given to those born under the star of Odu Ifa Odi Ika  during their Itelodu and Ikosedaye. These names are derive from positive character from various stanza of Odu Ifa Odi Ika.

No name was pick from the stanza in this Odu

What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Odi Ika during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye

By this we are referring to area of vocation and profession that people born under the star of Odu Ifa Odi Ika can engage in to become successful quickly and with relative ease in life.  Some of the area of vocation for people under this Odu are:

 Ifa/Orisa Priest/Priestess, Businesses, Politic, Fishing, sailor ,


Comprehensive detail of sacred messages contain inside Odu Ifa Odi Ika as document By Babalawo Obanifa



Ifa says there is Ire of opening of door for prosperity for the person to whom this Odu is reveal. Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal must offer ebo and venerate Esu odara. Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal have been experiencing physical and spiritual blockage in his /her path. Ifa says this person have made many spiritual effort but all to no avail. Ifa says that this person should venerate Esu Odara . Ifa says that that Esu is part of the Orisa that own the head of the person to whom this Odu is reveal. Ifa say that this person should venerate Esu Odara  with Obuko (he -goat) . He should Equally  offer ebo with put a cutlass on the Esu shrine after this Ebo. Ifa says that it is Esu that will clear the obstacle off his path. On this Ifa says:

Orunmila ni ona la

Mon ni ona ye

O nit aa ni la?

Mo ni Orisa Ogun nil ana

O ni Ogun ko to Ona la


Orunmila ni ona la

Mon ni ona ye

O nit aa ni la?

Mo ni Orisa Obalufon  nil ana

O ni  Obalufon  ko to Ona la


Orunmila ni ona la

Mon ni ona ye

O nit aa ni la?

Mo ni Orisa sango nil ana

O ni  sango  ko to Ona la


Orunmila ni ona la

Mon ni ona ye

O nit aa ni la?

Mo ni Orisa Osun nil ana

O ni Osun ko to Ona la


Mo ni barami agboniregun

Mo jewo Obun ko daso romi

O ni e ko mon wipe Esu ni

Esu lo to ona la

Esu ti n sowo

Esu ti n somo


Ebor anile ketu


Orunmila said that path have opened

I retort the part is clear

He said is clearing the path ?

I said it is Orisa Ogun that is clearing the path

He replied Ogun is not strong enough to clear the path


Orunmila said that path have opened

I retort the part is clear

He said is clearing the path ?

I said it is Orisa Obalufon  that is clearing the path

He replied Obalufon is not  strong enough to clear the path


Orunmila said that path have opened

I retort the part is clear

He said is clearing the path ?

I said it is Orisa   Sango that is clearing the path

He replied Sango  is not  strong enough to clear the path


 I said I confess my ignorance  Barami Agboniregun

Enlighten me

He said it Esu Odara that is strong enough to open path

Esu that create wealth

Esu that create children


The spirits in the house of Ketu.


Ifa  say the is ire of prosperity  and elevation to position of authority for the person to whom this Odu is reveal. Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal must offer ebo with two pegion.two guinea fowls and money. Ifa says the story of the person to whom this Odu is reveal will be moved from grass to grace . Ifa equally advise this person to venerate Oris Aje with Ekuru , banana and pigeon to attain stupendous wealth within a very short period. Ifa says that life will please the person to whom this Odu is reveal . ifa says that this person will not experience restlessness in his life and life will please him. On this Ifa says:


Idi karadi

Idi karadi

Orere tahun tahun

 Dia fun Obokun lojo ti n be ninu Idaamu omo araye

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O si gbo ebon be

O rubo

O ru owuru eyele

O ru egbeta owo

O si ni  Isimi laye

Ko pe orun

Ko pe Osu

Obokun ri je

Obokun ri mu

A gbe para a fi joba

Won so opa si ile

On se beni awon awo so




Kakadi , Giriji

Kaka di



Idi karadi

Idi karadi

Orere tahun tahun

 This was Ifa’s message for Olokun, when he was in the midst of restlessness in this world

He was advise to offer ebo

He heard of the ebo

And complied

He offer region

And six hundred unit of money

He has rest in this world

Not too long

Not to far

Obokun have enough to eat

Obokun  have enough to drink

He was elevate to position of a king

The stick was use to hit the drum  

He said that is exactly what is Awo have says




Kakadi , Giriji

Kaka di



 Ifa say that this person to whom this Odu is reveal should offer ebo so that his children  and him will not be a victims of untimely death. Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal should offer ebo that life will pleases him. Ifa says that  says Sango should be venerate to have resounding victory over enemies. The Ipese should also be made for Iyammi from the intestine of the animals use. On this Ifa’s says :

Oka pere-pere

Dian fun Ipe

A bun fun Igba ati Keregbe

Won ni ki won apata Okete and Egbeta owo lebo

Ki aye ma ba pa won je

Won si gbo ebon be

Ipe nikan ni be leyin ti   n tubo

Aye mu Igba

Aye pa Igba

Aye mu Akeregbe

Aye pa Akeregbe

Ero Ipo

Ero Ofa

Eni gbo ebo n be

E ni pe ko rubo




 Oka pere-pere

This was Ifa’s message for  Ipe

 Same Ifa’s message was made for  Igba (calabash ) and Keregbe (gourd)

They were advised to offer smoked giant rat and six-hundred unit of money as ebo

So that people of this world will not kill them untimely

They heard of the ebo and complied

It is only Ipe that stay behind to offer ebo

The of the killed Igba

They get hold of Keregbe and kill it

People of Ipo

People of Ofa

Those who heard of ebo

 let them comply


Ifa say says that there is Ire of longevity of life for the person to whom this Odu is reveal . Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal must offer ebo that life will please him/her. Ifa says that  says that this person should venerate Osun and Oluweri or any river goddess. Ifa says that this person will overcome any impediment or Obstruction in his or her life. Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal is in the midst of enemies crossing his /her path. Ifa says that he will overcome and end up been victorious .  Ifa says that life will pleases this person.  Ifa says  if this person can venerate Odo (river) all his/her enemies will beging to die one after the other in quick succession .On this Ifa says



Gbongbo ti n be ninu omi ko lo ko omi lese

Ko da omi duro lai-lai

Dia fun Orunmila

Lojo ti n be larin Osiri

To n be larin Ota Sangiliti

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O si gbo ebo n be

O rubo

Nje ota to  bani n ma bo , ni mo ni deba


Ogborogbo ni ki n ba oku won nile

Gbogbo eni bani n ma bo ni n o ni de ba

Ogboorogbo ni ki n ba oku won nile

Ko pe Ko jina

E wa bani larusgeun


La n bani lese Ope





The root inside the river can never course obstruction to the current of flowing river

This was Ifa message for Orunmila

When he was in the middle of Rebellions

He was in the midst of plenty enemies

He was advises to offer ebo

He heard of the ebo and complied

 All the enemies that says I will not return home

Sides by sides

Row by row, I should meet their corpses on the road

Anybody that says I will not return sides by side

Row by row I should meet their corpses on ground

Not to long

Not too far

Come and meet us in the midst of resounding victory

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage orN retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences
























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