ODU IFA ODI IWORI COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries -Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Odu Ifa Series

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ODU IFA ODI IWORI COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries -Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Odu Ifa Series
In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will make exhaustive commentaries on Odu Ifa Odi -Iwori  -also known as Odu Ifa Idin-Iwori.This current work will be useful to any practicing Babalawo and Ifa devotee who want to have detail knowledge of Odu Ifa Odi-Iwori  . The work will also be useful for those who imprint or born by Odu Ifa Odi-Iwori during their Ikosedaye or Itelodu(Ifa initiation)  who want to have detail knowledge and interpretations of it. It is instructive that any information reveals or commentaries made during the course of this work is authoritative and can be rely on as a practicing guide by any Babalawo or Ifa devotee in field of African Ifa spirituality. The author of this work (Babalawo Obanifa) is an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian so any knowledge reveals and document in this work is for actual spiritual practice. This work shall examine among other things: What is Odu Ifa Odi-Iwori ? What are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Odi-Iwori? What are the taboo of Odu Ifa Odi-Iwori?What are the area of compatible profession or career for those born under the star of Odi-Iwori. The likely names that can be given to those born by Odu Ifa Odi Iwori during their  Ikosedaye or Itelodu ? Synopsis of messages for those born under star of Odu Ifa Odi- Iwori    during Itelodu or Ikosedaye. Some sacred messages in Odu Ifa  Odi Iwori  and commentaries on them. These aforementioned and more will be the major focus of this current work.

What is Odu Ifa  Odi Iwori?

Odu Ifa Odi Iwori is one of the Odu Ifa that fall into Amulu category among the 256 odu Ifa. Whether on dida owo(divination chain throwing divination) or Onte ale(Ikin ifa consultation on opon Ifa(Ifa divination tray) whenever you have one leg of Odu Ifa Odi meji   on the right and one leg of Odu Ifa   Iwori meji   is  on the left such Odu Ifa is known as Odu Ifa Odi Iwori. The Babalawo do have other appellation for it . Other names for Odi Iwori  in Ifa practice are:  Idin Iwori.

What are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa  Odi -Iwori ?
By this question we are referring to other divinities that have nexus and affiliated in one way or the other with Odu Ifa Odi -Iwori that those who were born under the star  of this Odu Ifa during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye can have along with their Ifa in other to have a very successful and problem –free life. The outstanding identifiable Irunmole and Orisa in this Odu Ifa are ;Ifa,Ori,Esu odara, Osanyin. Each of this Orisa and Irunmole  have important function they perform.

Ifa- Ifa function  for divine guidance and general wellbeing

Ori – Ori function for the fulfillment of destiny, support, victory, elevation, escape from problems and promotion to the position of honor.

Esu Odara – Esu odara function for general safety

Osanyin -Osanyin function for healing and victory over enemies

By this we are referring to both animate and inanimate object or behavior that those born under the star of Odu Ifa  Odi Iwori   during their Itelodu or Ikosejaye must avoid  in other to have a less problem free life. Below are commonly Identifiable taboo for those born under this Odu.
They must not marry anyone with facial marks – to avoid separation or divorce.
They must not live the life of a single  person /parent  – to avoid a situation where help will not be readily available when you need it.
They must  not use their charms and beauty to extract promises from their  man – to avoid pushing him to his untimely death or trouble
They must  not handle their  health with levity – to avoid a situation where they will not be able to realize your life ambition due to ailment.
What is the area of Compatible profession or career for those born under the star of  Odi Iwori  ?
Iwori Irete children are usually successful as  Ifa/Orisa Priest, Ifa/Orisa ,Medical / Paramedical herbalist, spiritual healing. Politician ,Administrator or state man.
The likely names that can be given to those born by Odu Ifa  Odi - Iwori   during Ikosedaye or Itelodu ?
By this question we are referring to likely names that can be given to those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori Irete their  during Itelodu or Ikosedaye. The source of this name are derive from  the positive character  from each stanza and story from  Odu Ifa Iwori Irete . Below are some of the names available for this purpose:
 Males Females
 1. Odunayo
 2. Odun – Ela
3. Olajumoke

Some sacred messages Inside Odu Ifa Iwori -Irete as narrated and Document by Babalawo Obanifa

Ifa says that the client whom this Odu Ifa Odi Iwori is reveal  shall surely be victorious over adversary. Ifa says that there will be a time in his/her  life that people may plan to come and waylay him/her  but Sango shall ensure that it remained a mere dream which will never come to reality. Ifa says that client in question  are equally affiliated to Sango who is there for  him/her as protector against many evil plan of the enemies. He  need to be aware that at a stage in his/her  life, people will conspire against him/her with the view to pull him down and break her up. This will never happen because Sango will rise up in his  favour and help  him confront and overcome all his/her  enemies and detractors. That is the message and assurance of Ifa for  this clients here. Ifa advises him  to offer ebo for victory over all adversities and feed sango with one big ram, 200 pebbles and one motar. The sango willl be on the motar with 200 pebbles for seven days. With this, victory is assured.
A stanza in Idin-Maluko on this says:
“Idin-wori jo
Idin-wori le kokooko bi ota
Dia fun Olukoso lalu
Jenrola omo arigba ota segun
Sango to ri alapa segun ota re
Eiye ti yoo fi iri woowoo sete
Igbati nbe laarin agbetemo ogun araye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Kilarira fi sete
Igba ota
Larira fi sete 
Igba ota
Sango ni mo ru egbaa
Mo ru agbo
Mo si segun awon ota a mi geirigi
Ta lo wa n peri oba
Too! emi o peri I re Alado”
Let Idin-wori dance 
The Idin-wori that is as strong and pebble
This was Ifa’s message to Sango
Jenrola who uses 200 pebbles to claim victory
And uses mud-walls to eovercome his enemies
Who shall manipulate the dew to conquer conspiracy
When he was in the midst of tribulation and conspiracy of the people
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
What did Arira, Sango, used to overcome conspiracy?
Two hundred pebbles
Those were what sango use to overcome
It is really 200 pebbles
Who is planning evil against the Oba 
No! I am not planning against you, Alado 
Sango declared that I offered ebo with 20,000 cowries and a ram
And I overcome all my enemies decisively!
Certainly, Sango will overcome all your enemies for you. You shall never regret your 
association with Sango.

. Ifa says that person to whom this Odu  is reveal is  going to enjoy marital bliss in life. Ifa says that this particular stanza, Ifa says that the person and spouse  must offer this ebo together. Both of them  will be happy together. Each of them  needs to offer the following. 6 rats, 6 fish, 6 guineahens, 6 roosters, 6 pigeons, 6 ducks and money. With this, you shall both succeed together. On this, Ifa says:
“Idin ja kan
Iwori ja kan
Dia fun Akere
A bu fun Konko
Won notrun bo waye
Won ni ki won rubo
Idin and Iwori of the same kind they were ones who cast Ifa for Akere, the stripped frog
And also cat for Konko, the bull frog
When coming from heaven to earth
They were advised to offer ebo
Akere and Konko were coming from heaven to earth. They went for Ifa consultation to find out whether their relationship would be fruitful and blessed with all the good things of life. The awo assured them that theirs relationship that had been approved from heaven and that they would not lack anything that makes people happy. They were advised to offer ebo as stated above. They complied. While on earth, they were blessed with wealth, children, properity, comfort and victory  long life. When asked what they did that made them successful, they responded that they had  offered the ebo as prescribed by Idin jakan and Iwori jakan. Ifa assures this person  that his/her relationship has the blessing of the Deities and that nobody can  come in between the two of them.
“Idin ja kan
Iwori ja kan
Dia fun Akere
A bu fun Konko
Won notrun bo waye
Won ni ki won rubo
Won gbebo wo rubo
Won ni awom sebo Idin jakan
Iwori jakan”
Idin and Iwori of the same kind they were ones who cast Ifa for Akere, the stripped frog
And also cat for Konko, the bull frog
When coming from heaven to earth
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
They told people that they had offered the ebo as prescribed by
Idin jakan and Iwori jakan.
Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal will not marry in the same community or environment where he/she were born and raised. Ifa however gives gives this person  the due of whom he /she  will marry that had been chosen for this person  form heaven, Ifa says that when ever  this client whose Odu Ifa Odi Iowri are giving anyone serious marriage consideration, They  must make a close examination of the person’s face and ensure that he/she  has no mark on his face at all: there must be no facial mark, no tribal mark, no blade or accidental mark on his face. If your suitor or husband –to- be your partner form heaven. If this person  are lucky to do this, he/she shall be blessed with bounders’ with opportunities, luck and happiness. They shall also be blessed with lovely kids who shall in future be easy-going, gentle- headed and law-abiding. Ifa says that there is the need for the client  to offer ebo with four hens, feed their ori with one hen and ifa with another hen. On this , Ifa says:
Ija alusi
Dia fun Arigbalo-kange
Ti nsunkun omo re Iragbiji
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se”
Incessant but not-profitable quarrelThis was Ifa,s message to Arigbalo-kange
When traveling to Iragbiji town in lamentation of mobility to have her own kids
She was advised to offer ebo
Arigbalo-kange was a very beautiful lady. She had several suitors but their relationship

is full of misunderstanding. Those whom she decided to patch up with in spite of those petty
quarrels were not blessed with kids. Tired of all these, she made up her mind to leave her place of birth at Ile-Ife and move to Iragbiji. She was however advised to go for Ifa consultation. She did. The Awo told her that all her problems should be over if she looked for a man without  marks on his face and marry. She was told that while in heaven she had chosen as part of her destiny to marry someone without any mark on his face but while on earth she was usually attracted to men with facial marks and that was why her Ori was always working at cores-purposes with her choices. She was told that incessant quarrels and misunderstanding she was having with her partners and her own lack of pregnancy and child were as a result of the fact that she was doing what her destiny was opposed to. She was advised to proceed on her journey but that before her departure she complied and left for Iragbiji. At Iragbiji she met someone who had no mark on his face and they got married. She lived happily with children ever after.
“Ija alusi
Dia fun Arigbalo-kange
Ti n sunkun omo re Iragbiji
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Nje onikeke o gbodo dele Arigba
Alabaja de be pada
Doboro ni yoo gboye kaduloju
Ti soka, ti soko-loran
Ti soko-loran ko gbohun nile+-
Doboro ni nba won sun
Ti won fi bimo.”
Incessant but non-profitable quarrel
This was Ifa’s message to Arigbalo-kange
When traveling to Iragbiji town in lamentation of her inability to have her own children
She was advised to offer ebo 
She complied
Men with “keke” (small vertical) marks must never go to Arigbalo’s home
Those with Abaja (horizontal) marks went there and left unceremoniously.
The man with plain, smooth face shall be the lucky winner.
The inhabitants of saka town.
Those who love to throw stones unto the roof to determine whether the owner of the 
home is at home or not.
The man with plain face was the one who made love to them
Before they were blessed with children. 
If your husband has no facial marks, then consider yourself lucky because you have chosen
what your destiny can and will work with for yourself
Ifa  advise the person to whom this Odu is reveal ;  that being a striking woman/man , they need to do everything in their  capacity to stay steadfast with their spouse. This is not to suggest that they  are not sincere to their spouse, but it is rather a constant reminder to them to maintain  their  chastity at all times in their own interest. Ifa says that there will be series of temptations, which they will need to overcome. This is more so when considering the fact that this client  have a high tendency  to be infected  with sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes or even AIDS. The person need to be careful Pleas be careful. In order for him/her to maintain their  fidelity at all times and for them  not to fall into  temptation, Ifa advises you to make available two he-goats, one for ebo and the other one  for Esu. On this, Ifa has this to say.
“Idi n dii
Iwori gbe ka
Dia fun Dokodoko
Ti yoo jeere atosi
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O koti Ogbonyin sebo”
While Idi was packing
Iwori was busy hanging the loads
This was Ifa’s declaration for the lewd woman
Who shall be rewarded with sexually transmitted disease
She was advised to offer ebo
She refused to comply…..
Ifa says that this person  must never live the life of a single parent. They  must never divorce or be separated from their  spouse. Ifa says that all those things that will lead to this situation must be avoided. Again, this person  have chosen a destiny that he/she will remain with his/her  spouse till the end of your days on earth. Nothing must make you change your destiny overnight because it will not work. Ifa says that there will come a stage in their life that they  will certainly need the support of their  spouse in everything they  do. This is the reason why being away from their spouse is not in  best interest of the person to whom this Odu is revealed. There is the need for him/her  to offer two hens, two roosters and two guinea fowls as ebo. After this, pray very hard that when you will need the help or partnership of your spouse is not when he/she  will be physically incapacitated.
“Agbe n pe pogun-pogun
Aluko n pe pogbon-pogbon
Odidere n pe mafun yenden- mafun yenden
Dia fun Idin-Maluko
Ti nsunkun alai-lobinrin
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbebo o rubo
Nje Ifa ti mo da kii sun apon
Idin Maluko ni mo da” 
Agbe, the Blue tauracco musophagidae, was pressing for 20 people to be eliminated
And Aluko, the maroon touraco musophagidae, was pressing for 30 people to be removed 
While Odidere the parrot, was clamouring to become glorious all over
These were Ifa’s declarations to Idin-Maluko
When lamenting his inability to have a spouse 
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
My Ifa is opposed to living single without my spouse
Idin Maluko is my Odu
Ifa says that Olodumare has blessed  this person  with beauty and charms. She is  also blessed with the ability to manipulate men to do her  biddings. Ifa however advised  this not to manipulate her  husband to the extent of pushing him into disaster. In this stanza, there is the need for you to be given a soap to bath in order to cleanse herself spiritually so as to avoid a situation where her husband will meet a disastrous end in a premature way. He/she  also need to offer ebo with one he-goat, two guinea fowls, two hens and money. He  will then feed Ifa with four rats and four fishes. On these, Ifa says:
“Idin moranyin
Idi ado 
Dia fun Gbensola
Elese e mapokoje-mapokoje
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O koti ogbon-in sebo
Nje Gbensola ma se pa’yii o
Ipako re jaluke
Gbensola ma se pa ‘yii o
Igbonwo re kan nda
Gbensola ma se pa ‘yii o
Igbonwo re kan n da
Gbensola ma se pa yii o
Akolona sara wojowojo
Gbensola eni ewa n pa bi oti
Gbensola ma se pa yii o”
She who was gifted with sweet genitals 
She whose genitals is as sweet as honey
This was the Ifa cast for Gbensola
Owner of the genital that causes the untimely 
Death of her husband 
She was advised to offer ebo 
She refused 
Gbensola, please spare this one 
Owner of well proportioned occiput 
Gbensola, please spare this one
She who knows how to rock every part of her body when walking on the road 
Gbesola, please spare this one
She who is intoxicates others
Gbesola, please spare this one
One of the surest way to arrest this situation apart from the ebo you were asked to offer  and the bath, is to ensure that you do not extract any form of promise, pledge, covenant- or vow from your man while you are in the act or process of love-making as this may have adverse effect on the man sooner or later-especially if the man gave his worlds on what he  found difficult or impossible to accomplish later on.
 Ifa says that on several occasions, this person act on impulse where he/she are supposed to apply rationale thinking and deep meditation. Ifa says that he/she  will rather prefer to act on whatever strikes his/her  mind first instead of deliberating on the pros and cons of such matter. In his  choice of friends, partners, job, accommodation, career, travel program etc,he/she  need to deliberate deeply before taking any step. However, Ifa says that he/she  have the tendency to act first and think later on these issues. It is impossible to change yourself overnight. If this client’s  parents are alive they need to procure two matured he-goats for him/her (or at least procure the money to purchase them) so that  his/her impulsive actions will not lead him astray. The money for the ebo must come from his parents if they are alive.  They  also need to serve Esu Odara with either one rooster or one he-goat. On this aspect of your life, On this  Ifa has this to say:
“Idin gbabga
Iwori gbagba
Adodo gbagba lorun adikalamo
Adikalamo gbagba lorun alododo 
Adodo o wo
Adikalamo o so kale
Dia fun Oloko
Ti nle soja Ejigbomekun
Ebo ni won ni ko se”
The strong Odi 
And the equal strong Iwori
The strong silo attached with an equally strong lid
And the strong lid attached to an equally strong silo
If the silo does not collapse
He lid cannot be brought down
These were Ifa’s messages to Oloko
When going to Ejigbomekun market
She was advised to offer ebo
Oloko planned to go to Ejigbomekun market to transact her business. She consequently went to the home of the Awos mentioned above for Ifa consultation in order to determine her success chances in the market. She was assured that she will definitely succeed. She was however advised to offer ebo with one he-goat before proceeding on the journey in order to avoid a situation where her impulsiveness will kind her into serious trouble. Instead of complying with the advice she became angry abused the Awo and stormed out of their home. The following day, she proceeded to Ejigbomekun marker, promising herself that she will return to put the Awo into more shame. In the market, she was the center of all focus and attention. Nobody wanted to buy anything from others except her. She made profits beyond her wildest imagination. Before long, she sold everything she brought to the market. When she was packing her market trays with which she displayed her ware, a man came to ask whether or not she intended to sell. He trays too! When she looked up she saw a man with rare beauty, striking handsomeness and an assured gait standing before her. The first thing that came to her mind was “this man will make a good husband to me” There and then, she made up her mind to follow him to wherever he was going. Oloko then told the man not to worry about buying the tray, I will follow you to your home, she said. The man refused to allow her. She insisted that she must follow him because she had already made up her mind to marry him. The man asked, “she responded that even though she had just known him now but that he-represented everything she wanted and hoped for in a man. She stubbornly followed the man.
On the way, the man pleaded with her to go back, stressing that his home was very far away. He claimed that they would cross the river of dye and the river of blood before they reached his house. Oloko said that she would not mind crossing the river of pus and maggots just to be his wife. All efforts to dissuade Oloko from the man fell on deaf ears. She kept following the man. At a stage, this man broke into a run and Oloko followed him in hot pursuit. Unknown to Oloko, this man was an Iwin, Elf, who came into the market with borrowed his forelimb from Apa (Mahogany-Afzelia africana) tree and borrowed his legs from Iroko (Teak-Cholorophora excelsa) tree and borrowed his trunk from Ooro (Antiaris toxicaria var africanis) tree. The only member of his body that really belonged to him was his head. His name was “Ori” when they reached where Apa tree was Ori returned the borrowed arms. That was when Oloko knew that all that glitters may not necessarily be gold or diamond. She was convinced that she had just landed herself into trouble. When they reached where Iroko was living, he returned the borrowed legs and when they reached the home of Ooro, he returned the borrowed trunck. As soon as Ori returned the trunk, two of his servants arrived and grabbed Oloko. They took her into a hole which Ori was using as his home and secured the hole with a big stome. While in the hole, all alone, she remembered the warning of the Babalawo which she
ignored. She knew that she was the architect of her misfortune as her impulsiveness hadlanded her into the predicament she found herself. There and then, she began to hatch a plan to escape from the captivity. The third day, she woke up early in the morning and sneaked out as soon as she discovered that Ori had gone out of the hole. She had not taken up to 20 steps when she heard the two servants singing thus:
“Ori, ori o
Oloko-sin n lo o
Ori o lapa
Olokosin n lo o
Ori o lese
Olokosin n lo o”
Ori! We call on Ori
Olokosin is running away!
Ori who has no forearms
Olokosin is running away!
Ori who has no legs
Olokosin is running away!
As soon as Ori heard this, he rolled back home and several other servants ran and grabbed Oloko back to the hole. She cried and cried but there was nobody to come to her aid. On the seventh day of her captivity her parents went for Ifa consultation in the home of the same set of Babalawa where Oloko went andabused. They wanted to know what to do for them to see their daughter alive again. They were told that their daughter had earlier visited them and she was advised to offer ebo so that her impulsiveness would not land her into trouble. Instead of offering the ebo she abused then and left in anger. The parents said that they were ready to offer the ebo as prescribed. They were however told that instead of one he-goat, they needed to procure two if they wanted their daughter alive. They complied immediately and the ebo was offered for them. On the nineth day, Esu went and whispered everyone was asleep, when nightfall came, she moved the huge stone surprisingly, it gave way easily. Esu ensured that all the guards and servants that Ori relied upon to protect him and the girl were all soundly asleep. Ori too was snoring. Oloko left and she was just going without hindrance from anyone or anything. She however had no idea of the direction she was to follow. In this forest, a hunted had gone on hunting expedition into seven forests and seven wildernesses. He was returning home after a successful hunting. He met Oloko on the way.Oloko explained her predicament to him and solicited for his assistance. He took Oloko home to her parents. Ever since that time, Oloko never ventured to do anything without proper deliberation and Ifa consultation.
“Idin gbagba
Iwori gbagba
Adodo gbagba lorun adikalaro
Adikalaro gbagba lorun alaidodo
Aladodo o wo
Adikalaro o so kale
Dia fun Oloko
Ti n lo soja Ejigbomeku
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O koko koti ogbonyin sebo
O wa fe yen rin moja tan
Lo ba taja f’ara orun
Ara orun raja o 
Bee ni won o sanwo
Won peyinda won n lo
Olokosin ba tele
Nje Oloko sin leyin mi o
Boo ba sin
O o kan odo kan ara
Boo ba sin 
O o kan odo kan eje
Akioro leye ori ogun
Ko leeja leye Idewure
Ko pe ko jinna
Ka wa ba ri ni aruse ogun
Ajase ogun lawa wa
Ero Ipo, ero Ofa
Eni gbebo nibe ko sebo o”
The strong Idin 
And the equally strong Iwori
The strong silo attached with equally strong lid
And the strong lid attached to an equally strong silo
If the silo does not collapse
The lid cannot be brought down
These were Ifa’s messages to Oloko
When going to Ejigbomekun market
She was advised to offer ebo
She initially refused to comply
She took the backdoor to the market
And sold her wares to the travelers to heaven
After buying her wares
They failed to pay
When they turned back to go 
Oloko followed them
Please Oloko go away from me 
If do not depart from me
You shall come across the river of dye
And come across the river of blood
There is huge heap of earth in heaven
Akin oro is the bird perching on Ogun
And Koleeja is the bird of Idewure-land
Before long
Behold us in the midst of victory
Travelers to Ipo and Ofa
If you were advised to offer ebo her
Please ensure that you comply.
Ifa says that any time the person to whom Odu Ifa Odi Iwori want to embark on important project or  want to travel on a journey,  they should  never use opele to find out because they will never get the accurate result. Ikin should be used for this purpose. If opele had been used,  they have to use Ikin to re- consult and find out the true situation of things. Ifa says there is the need to feed opele with 1 rooster on a regular basis. They may use opele to find out other things but never use it to find out about important project or for travel plans because of the reason stated above. Depending on whatever reason the person  have in order to make your journey, there is the need  to offer ebo as appropriate. Whenever they want to find out what they  would use to feed opele before embarking on any journey, Ikin must be used and not opele. On this, Ifa says:
“Idin n dii
Iwori o o gbe
Bi olowo eru ba n di eru
Eru a si maa su osuka
Dia fun Orunmila
Baba nlo si ajo to jin gbungbun bi ojo
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se”
While Odi was packing the load
Iwori was preparing to carry the packed load
If a slave master is packing a load
The slave must be preparing with a load pad to carry the load
This was the message of Ifa to Orunmila
When going on a long journey
Her was advised to offer ebo

Orunmila had a dream that he went on a journey and the journey was successful with good prospects.  When he woke up, he inquired from opele whether he should proceed on the journey but Opele advised him against it claims that the journey was ridden with difficulties, was and disaster. Opele advised him to offer ebo. Orunmila offered the ebo but was still not convinced about the messages of Opele because it was contrary to the revelation of his dream. Later, he inquired from Ikin if what Opele had told him about the journey should be adhered to. The same Odu, Idin’Wori was revealed and Ikin advised Orunmila to proceeds on the journey and that it was full of prospects and success. Orunmila was also advised to offer ebo and he complied. Consequently, he proceeded on the journey and was astonishingly blessed with prosperity. Orunmila then came back home with a lot of proceeds and achievements. He became happy and went to inquire why Opele had given him such a wrong advice. He was told that it was because Opele was hungry as at that time and that he should go and feed the Opele with 1 rooster. Orunmila complied and everybody was happy thereafter.
“Idin n dii
Iwori o o gbe
Bi olowo eru ba n di eru
Eru a si maa su osuka
Dia fun Orunmila
Baba nlo si ajo to jin gbungbun bi ojo
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se”
Opele ni ko ma lo
Baba wa lo
O gbagun eru
O gbagun eru
O lo ire, o bo ire
O ni ko ma sogun lohun o 
Ebi lo n pa Opele”
While Odi was packing the load
Iwori was preparing to carry the packed load
If a slave master is packing a load
The slave must be preparing with a load pad to carry the load
This was the message of Ifa to Orunmila
When going on a long journey
Her was advised to offer ebo
Opele advised him to go
He went eventually (after consulting Ikin)
He was blessed with a lot of servants
And blessed with a lot of goodies
He went safely and returned successfully
Behold, there was no uprising over there
Opele was only feeling hungry.

 Babalawo Obanifa  30th August,2020.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145,  Nigeria
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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