ODU IFA IWORI OTURUPON COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA –Obanifa extreme Documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Odu Ifa Series


ODU IFA IWORI OTURUPON COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA –Obanifa extreme Documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Odu Ifa Series
In this piece of work Babalawo Obanifa will make exhaustive commentaries on Odu Ifa  Iwori  Oturupon also known as Iwori Tutu. The work will be useful to any practicing Babalawo or Ifa devotee who want to have an extensive knowledge of detail interpretations of Odu Ifa  Iwori Oturupon  for purpose of practicing or personal use. The work will also be useful in providing detail knowledge of this Odu Ifa Iwori Oturupon  for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori  Oturupon during their Itelodu(ifa initiation) or Ikosedaye (First Ifa consultation for new born baby).  The author of this work Babalawo Obanifa is a practicing diviner and an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian so any knowledge and commentaries in this work is for actual spiritual practice. The work will examine among other things. What is Odu Ifa  Iwori Oturupon meaning and symbol?, Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Iwori Oturupon?  What are the taboos of Odu Ifa Iwori Oturupon? What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu ifa Iwori Oturupon  during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye? What  are the names that can be given to those born under the star Of Odu Ifa Iwori Oturupon during their Itelodu Or Ikosedaye? Basic summary of information available for those born under this Odu Ifa Iwori -Oturupon during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye. Comprehensive detail of some sacred information available inside Odu Ifa  Iwori -Oturupon  and commentaries Babalawo Obanifa divine commentaries on them.   This aforementioned will be discuss in detail in seriatim in this work.
What is Odu Ifa  Iwori Oturupon  meaning and symbol?

An Odu Ifa  will be said to be Iwori Oturupon whenever we have one leg of Odu Ifa Iwori –Meji  on the right and One leg of Odu If aOturupon Meji on the left side. The amalgamation of the two to become one  is what is refer to as Odu Ifa Iwori  Oturupon. Though Babalawo do nickname this Odu Ifa as Iwori Tutu. When during Ifa consultation either via ohun-n –te-ale(Ikin ifa consultation using Iyerosun and opon Ifa) or Opele(ifa divination chain) if the symbol that appear is a reflection of one leg of Odu ifa Iwori meji on the right side and one leg of Oturupon  meji on the left side  such symbol is what is known as Odu ifa Iwori Oturupon in Yoruba Ifa spirituality. Below are image Babalawo Obanifa personal depiction of image of Odu Ifa Iwori Oturupon on how it can appear on Ifa divination tray or Opele(divination chain).
Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Iwori Oturupon ?
By this question we are referring to other divinities or deities –Orisa and Irunmole  that those born under the star of Ifa Iwori Oturupon  during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye can harness their energy  along with Ifa in other to have successful and less problem free life. The commonly Identifiable divinities that their energies can easily be harness with Odu Ifa Iwori  Oturupon  are: Ifa,,Osun, Esu odara,Aje,Iyami Let examine each in turn:
Ifa -Ifa function for guidance, wealth creation and achievement
Osun- Osun will function for healing and overcoming infertility
Oris Aje-Aje function for wealth creation and accumulation
Esu Odara-Function for wealth, Good counsel and recovery from loss and debt
Iyami-Function for overcoming terrestrial power and getting favor and healing.

What are the taboos of Odu Ifa Iwori  Oturupon?

 By this question we are referring to those animate and inanimate object such as plants and animal and behavior or traits that those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori Oturupon must avoid in other to haves successful, healthy and less problem in their life. Below  are some of the identifiable taboo for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori Oturupon:
1.They must be avoid adultery or promiscuous life to avoid sickness and premature death
2.      They must avoid eating sorghum  barley or other tabbo of Orisa Osun because Osun rule their head
3, They must avoid using Egungun cotton

What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu ifa Iwori Oturupon during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye?

By this question we are referring to area or field of professions  where people that were born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori Oturupon can chose and achieve success and comfort in life. People born under the star of this odu Iwori Oturupon are more better as Ifa and orisa  priest/priestess, Trade,Healers,Medical and paramedical field/Phamamcist,Soilder ,Military or paramilitary service
What  are the names that can be given to those born under the star Of Odu Ifa Iwori Oturupon During their Itelodu Or ikosedaye?
By this we are referring to the likely name that can be given to those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori  Oturupon  These names are derived from the positive character in different stanza of Odu Ifa Iwori Ika They exist in both male and female category respectively. Some easily identifiable one are:
Olomi-one whose head is rule by water
Olosunde_one is designated to be Osun devotee from heaven
Olomi-one whose head is rule by water
Olosunde_one is designated to be Osun devotee from heaven

Comprehensive detail of some sacred information available inside Odu Ifa  Iwori -Oturupon  and commentaries Babalawo Obanifa divine commentaries on them


Ifa advise that this person should make ebo so that he/she don’t end up marrying a spouse that will dies prematurely. If is also warning the person who this Odu is reveals, If this person is a trader or entrepreneur say he should offer ebo so that he don’t end up buy business or make investments hat will not yield him/her any return or loss. Ifa advised this person to offer ebo with a lot of money and she goat. He should venerate Esu with he -goat. Ifa says this person will be able to gain recovery from his loss in business or marriage. He should also venerate aje with Banana and pigeon.  Ifa also warn this person to offer ebo so that he will not get implicated as a result of his own anger[h1] [h1]. Ifa also said this person have a friend who will be useful and beneficial to him. He should try to listen to advise of this intimate friend of him or her .It will bring him blessing. Ifa also advise this person that he or she is about to embark on certain journey or line of trade. He should offer On this Ifa says:
Ekiti Ba-ba-ba
Dia fun  Orunmila
Ti n se owo Eru rira
Ekiti Ba-ba -ba
Dia fun Esu Odara ti n se ore Orunmila
Ekiti Ba-ba-ba
Dia fun Aje Olokun
Onigba eru
Won ni ko rubo
Ko lo lo re ko le bo re
Orunmila nikan ni be leyin ti n tubo
Ekiti bababa
This was Ifa message for Orunmila
When he was saving morning to buy a slave
Ekiti Ba-ba-ba
This was Ifa message for Esu Odara who is an intimate friend of Orunmila
Ekiti ba-ba-ba
This was Ifa message for Aje
One with two hundred of slaves
They were all advised to offer ebo
It is only Orunmila that complied

Orunmila was saving money to buy a slave that can be helping him .He was advised to offer ebo so that his investment did not result in total loss. He refused to complied. He bought the slave within seven days of bringing the slave home .The slave die of unascertained ailment.  The whole household of Orunmila was throw into mourning. Esu Odara heard of this and decide to visit his friend(Orunmila). He asked Orunmila whether he performed the ebo prescribed for him earlier. Orunmila said NO. He advised Orunmila to perform the ebo as prescribed. Orunmila complied. Esu odara take the corpse of the slave bath it.dress the corpse gorgeously as a sale girl. He took it to Orita meta (T junction) near a popular  market in the city. He sited the corpse as a trader who is still alive. He places a lot of merchandise in front of it. When ever people passing by see the goods ,they will ask for the price but the corpse will not reply. When it turn to the turn of Aje. Aje is coming to the market with her 200 slaves. When he get to the spot . he asked for the price of the goods, but no body reply her. She regards the lack of reply as an insolence. She angrily pushes the corpse sited as human. The corpse fell. Esu Odara Quickly jump out of hidden spot and accuse Aje of killing Orunmila slave. Aje Implore Esu Odara that he should allow her to swap one of her slave with the dead one. Esu Odara refused.Aje make further  plea that he should allow her to swap all her 200 hundred slave with orunmil’s dead slave to absolve her of all the murder allegation. Esu Odara refuse. Esu insist that the only condition in wish Aje can be absolve of the murder allegation against her is if he he and all her slave can belong to Orunmila, Aje (the goddess of wealth agree).That is how Aje and her slave become Orunmila slave up till today.
Ifa advise the person to whom this Odu is reveals to avoid adultery or promiscuous life so that this does not lead to his /her untimely death. Ifa see a very promiscuous woman here where this Odu is reveal. If advise this woman to offer ebo and avoid promiscuous life to avoid untimely death and sickness advise the person to whom this Odu is reveal to offer ebo if he is yet to marry so that he don’t end up marrying a promiscuous spouse. He should also venerate Osun . The person should also offer ebo  against been rape.On this ifa says
Iwori tutu nini
Bi eni saada
Dia fun Gbogbo Osun
Ti doko oko
Ti do ti ale
Bo ti doko eru
Ni do ti omo
Ilera le je fun ohun ni dafa si
Won ni ko rubo
Ko fi Isekuse sile
O ko ogbonin sebo
Gbogbo Osun
Iwo lo seniyan
E o ri bi Eru se fe Gbogbo Osun pa sinu oko
Iwori tutu nini
Bi eni saada
This was Ifa message for Gbogbo Osun
Who is having sex with her husband
At the same time have sex with her concubine
She sleep with sleep with slaves
And freeborn
Would she be able to have sound health was her purpose of consultation?
She was advised to shun immoral sexual life
She refuse to complied
Gbogbo Osun
You are the one who did not behave well
Don’t you see how slave sex Gbogbo to death in the farm
Ifa say there is a lot of Ire for the person whom this odu is real-life say this person is a Babalawo from birth. If this person parent are Ifa devotee. Ifa says this person should be initiate to Ifa and learn ifa and practice as a Babalawo. If she is a female. Is either he married to a Babalawo or get her husband initiated into ifa. That is what we make them have successful fruitful life. He/she should offer ebo with 4 fishes.4 rat,4 hen and money.  He  should also feed ifa  with On this Ifa says:
Iwori jaraja
Oturupon jorojo
Dia fun Atinu -lahun
Ti n se omo bibi Inu Agbonirgeun
Bibi ti won bi Ise if ani won ni ko se
Ko si ma se bi ti Ifa
O gbo ebon be o ru
Ko pe ko jinna
Aye ye Atinu-lahun
O di eni Apesin
Iwori jaraja
Oturupon jorojo
This was Ifa Message for Atinu-lahun
The offspring of Agboniregun
When he born ,he was advised to do Ifa work
He should always act according to instruction of Ifa
He complied
Not too far,not too long
Life pleases Atinu-lahun
He become wealthy
Ifa says the person to whom this should offer ebo to overcome any form of infertility diseases.Ifa dvise him that life will please him. He should offer ebo will plenty of Owu Egungun(cotton) Aso aran. On this Ifa says:
Iwori tutu nini
Bi eni saada
Dia fun Olomon ni radiradi
Ebo omo ni won ni ko se
O gbo ebon be o rubo
Igba ti re de
Lodidilodidi ni ire re wa
Olomon ni radiradi ni a n pe Ose
Iwori tutu nini
Bi eni saada
This was Ifa message for Olomon ni radiradi
He was advised to offer ebo to have children
He complied
When her blessing will begin to manifest
They comes in bundle
Olomon ni radi radi is the name we called boab tree

Ifa say this person is undergoing hardship and difficulties. Things are not going well for him/her. His enemies are afflicting him with a lot of problems both in the area of his finances and health. Ifa advise this person to venerate Orisa Osun And make ebo with Intstine of animal to Iyami. Ifa say this person will be able to experience blessing.On this ifa says:
Iwori tutu nini
Bi eni saada
Dia fun Elebutu ti Aye ko ina mon ifun re ninu igba
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbo ebon be
O rubo
Ko pe ko jina
E wa bani ni jebutu ire
Iwori tutu nini
Bi eni saada
This was Ifa message for Elebutu
That terrestrial power is boiling his intestine inside calabash
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Not to long, not too far
Come and meet us in the midst of blessing

Ifa say the person to whom this Odu is reveal should venerate Osun. In fact there is certain Osun in their family lineage that have been neglect that must be venerate urgently .Ifa says that the Orisa that own this person head is Osun. As matter of fact he must get Ota Osun and consecrate it. Ifa advise this person to offer ebo with hen and porridge and money. On this Ifa says
Iwori tutu nini
Bi eni saada
Dia fun Olosunde
Omo atorun mu ota osun wa si aye
Ebo ni woni ko
O gbebo o rubo
Omi lagbo osun
Omi ti olosude fi wo ara re
Ni n fi wo omo
Iwori tutu nini
Bi eni saada
This was ifa message for Olosunde
One who is designated as Osun devotee from heaven
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Water is the healing medicine of Osun
It is the water that Olosunde is using to heal herself
It is same water she is using to heal children,
Ifa says there is blessing for the person  to whom this Odu is reveal that he/she will experience a lot of blessing.Ifa says that this person should be generous that is how is own blessing will get to him. He should offer ebo with cooked food and money and feed all the awo on sit.on this ifa says;
Iwori tutu nini
Bi eni saada
Ajankolokolo ko je fi ti owo ti e sile
O n fe ti enieleni gbigba
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa yoo ma jifa gbogbo aye
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O rubo
Ko pee ko jina
E wa bani ni jebutu ire
Iwori tutu nini
Bi eni saada
Ajankolokolo cannot give out of what she have
Yet he want to take from others
This was Ifa message for Orunmila
When he was going to enjoy the blessing in the word
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Not too long
Not too ,not too far come and meet me in the midst of blessing
Ifa see a woman whose children are experiencing frequent ailment. Ifa says Osun should be venerate for them. Ifa says they will be healed. On this Ifa says
Iwori tutu nini
Bi eni saada
Dia fun Oyigiygi ota omi
Nijo ti n se Ogbogbo arun
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O rubo
Nje awa di Oyigiyigi ota omi
Awa di Oyigiyigi a o ku mon
Awa di Oyigiyigi Ota omi
Iwori tutu nini
Bi eni saada
This was Ifa message for Oyigiyigi ota omi
When he was terribly sick
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Alas, We have become Oyogiygi
We did not die again
Oyigiyigi Ota omi
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences


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