MEANINGS OF MARRIAGES IN DREAMS BY BABALAWO OBANIFA –Obanifa Extreme Documentaries- Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS) – Odu Ifa Series

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MEANINGS OF MARRIAGES IN DREAMS BY BABALAWO OBANIFA –Obanifa Extreme Documentaries-  Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS) – Odu Ifa Series
 In this currents work Babalawo Obanifa will reveal and document in detail the meanings of marriage in dream from the perspective of Africa culture and spirituality. By marriage within the context of this work I am referring to  a marriage ceremony usually with its accompanying festivities : nuptials, an act, process, or instance of joining in close association,.  a wedding anniversary or its celebration —usually used in combination.  Below are detail interoperation of marriage in dream from the perspective of Africa Ifa spirituality as interprets and document by Babalawo Obanifa
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAMS THAT YOU ARE GETTING MARRY TO UNKNOWN PERSON: In any kind of dream where you see that you are getting marry to unknown person in dreams.  This kind of dream is positive message dream telling the dreamer that he/she is about to get involve in a relationship or business or take job that he/she lack detail knowledge about.
 IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE MARRIED TO WRONG PERSON IN DREAMS: In any kind of dream of this nature where you see in your dream that you are married to a wrong person or spouse. This kind of dream is an instructional message dream warning the dreamer. That he/she is about to merge or have relationship in area of business or friendship with a person who cannot fulfil the intended purpose of such friendship or business.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU HAVE A FLAMBOYANT WEEDING: In any kind of dream where the dreamer sees in his /her dream that flamboyant wedding with a lot guest and foods, dancing and drumming is been conducted for him. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she will experience financial boom, profits in trade or business etc.
IF YOU SEE IN DREAM THAT YOU ARE GETTING MARRY TO A PREGNANTS WOMAN:  In any kind of dream where you see in your dream that you are getting marry to a pregnant woman. Where you see in your dream that you are attending a wedding ceremony of a pregnant woman. This kind of dreams is telling the dreamers that he/she need to he /she is about to enter into a relationship or business or partnership which there is a lot of hidden secretes not known to him or her wish will only be revealed later.
misbehavior on the part of either of the party involve.
TO SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOUR DEAD RELATIVE OR FRIEND IS HAVING A WEEDING CEREMONY: In any kind of dream where you see in your dream that your relative who have died or friend who is to your knowledge have died is having wedding ceremony in dream. This kind of dream is a positive message dream telling the dreamer that he /she need to settle dispute or have a reunion with some of his /old friend who are still alive but it been long they interacts for him or her to have progress in certain area of life.
 IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE MC(MASTER OF CEREMONY) OR AN OFFICIATING  PREIST OVER A WEEDING CEREMONY : This kind of dream is positive message dream telling the dreamer that he/she will soon saddle with responsibilities to settle dispute or bring peace between two warring parties .
TO SEE IN YOUR DREAMS THAT YOU ARE HONOR IN WELL DECORATED WEDDING HALL: In any kind of dream where the dreamer sees in his/her dream that he /she was given award in a well decorated weeding hall. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he /she will have promotion and will be publicly award honor.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT A GROOM OR BRIDE GROOM VOMIT IN A WEDDING CEREMONY: In any kind of dream of this nature where the dreamer sees in his or her dream that the groom or bride groom vomit during weeding ceremony. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer he/she will be disappointed by the person who he relies on. This person will commit some atrocious act such as stealing, adultery, fraud etc. that can bring the dreamer to disrepute.
TO SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE GETTING MARRY TO YOURSELF: In any kind of dreams where you see in your dreams that you are getting marry to yourself. That is you see in your dream that you are the bride and groom at the same time in your dream. This kind of dream is a positive message dream telling the dreamer that he /she need to love himself and stop any act of self-hate or self-humiliation in dreams.

IF A MARRIED PERSON HAVE A DREAM THAT HE /SHE IS GETTING MARRIED AGAIN IN DREAMS:  This kind of dream is an instructional message dream. And the interpretation to it will go in two major directions. Firstly, if you are already married and you now see in your dream that you are having another marriage with your currents spouse. This kind of dream is warning dream telling the dreamer that he/she need to rededicate himself/herself to his/her spouse in marriage because such marriage is in urgent need of such not to collapse. But if the dreamer sees in his/her dream that he/she is getting married to stranger in dream and you are already married. Such dream is telling the dream that there will external interference such as duties and commitment to his families, friends, acquaintances, or even work or business that will have adverse effects on the subsisting marriage. It is a warning dream warning the dreamer to be very careful of such.  But in any kind of dream where a married person have this kind of dreams often, It can also connotes that such person have spirits spouse which is known as Oko Orun/Aya Orun which can later affects his/her life.
In any kind of dream where the dreamer whether married or unmarried in real life see in his /her dream that he /she is having wedding without the presence of groom or bride groom in the dreams. This kind of dream is an instructional message dream warning the dreamer that he /she will met with disappointment on certain plan or project at hand which he or she have already planned well for. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that some people such as business associate or partners or friend whish the dreamer have already rely on will disappoint the dreamer. So he /she must have contingency plan.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE A QUEST IN WEEDING CEREMONY: In any kind of dream where you see in your dreams that you are quest in a wedding ceremony. This kind of dream is straight forward message dream telling the dreamer that he/she will be an instrumental to the forming or establishment of new institution, business, associates, etc.
IF YOU SEE IN DREAM WHERE THERE IS A LOT OF ALCHOHOLIC WINE ARE BEEN SERVE IN THE WEEDING CEREMONY: In any kind of dream of this nature. The dream is telling the dreamer that he /she is about to enter a union that with be fraught with crisis and conflicts due to the
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU AREA SPECTATOR AT A WEDDING: In any kind of dream where the dreamer sees in his /her dream that he /she is spectator at a wedding. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she will experience, peace and love over his/her loves ones.
IF AN OLD PERSON SEE IN HIS/HER DREAM THAT HE/SHE GET MARRY TO A VERY YOUNG PERSON IN DREAMS: This kind of dream is message dream. A positive dream telling the dreamer that he/she will soon get a helper who will relive him/her of his responsibilities.
TO SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE SOWING A WEEDING DRESS OR WEEDIND DRESS IS BEEN SOW: In any kind of dream where you see in your dream that you are making a wedding dress or weeding dress is been make for you in dream. This kind of dream is a positive message dream telling the dreamer that some one is secretly admiring him/her for marriage .
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT SOME ONE TEAR YOUR WEEDING DRESS IN DREAM: In any kind of dreams where you see in your dreams that someone tear your wedding dress in dreams. This kind of dream, when a married person has this kind of dream. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she need to someone is try to pill down his/her marriage.  If a person who is not married or in nay subsisting relationship have this kind of dream. Such dream is telling the dreamer some is try to tears his/her relationship with his/her loves ones.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOUR PARENTS FORCE YOU TO WED IN YOUR DREAMS: In any kind of dream where the dreamer sees in his/her dream that his /her parent whether his mother or father force him/her to have weeding ceremony in dream. This kind of dream is a warning dream telling the dreamer that he /she will mount pressure on by people above him/her such as parents, elders, boss to do certain things which wish can put him/her under bondage and slavery.
IF A STUDENT SEE IN HIS /HER DREAM THAT HE/SHE GET MARRIED TO A JUNIOUR STUDENTS: This kind of dream is appositive message dream telling the dreamer that he or she need to be very careful in his interaction with his fellow student or apprentice to avoid a situation where he will fall victim of failure and ignorance out of interaction.
IF A BUSINESS MAN OR WOMEN DREAM OF GETTING MARRY TO ANOTHER BUSISNESSMAN OR WOMAN IN DREAM: In any kind of dream of this nature where a business man or woman see in his /her dream that he/she get marry to another business person in dream. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he /she will soon have a new business partners that will contribute to his progress. This kind of dreams can also connote that such dreamer will need to partner with other people to further his/her interest.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAMS THAT YOU ARE THE ONE SERVING WINES AND FOODS IN YOUR OWN WEDDING:  In any kind of dream where the dreamer sees in his /her dreams that he/she is the one who is serving foods to guests in his dreams. This kind of dreams is some warnings dreams telling the dreamer that he /she is misbehaving or exhibits bad temperaments towards people who are close to him/her who can be of help to him/her in certain circumstances. In any kind of dream of this nature. Such dreamer needs amend his/her bad behavior toward the people who are close to him or her.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE MARRIED TO DISABLE: In any kind of dream where you see yourself in wedding ceremony where you are being wed to a disable person. In any kind of this nature. Such dream is warning dream telling the dreamer that he/she is about to enter into a relationship or business partnership that will be the who will shoulder all the responsibilities involve .It  a warning dream telling you that you are about to undertake liabilities  in your relationship or business partnership.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU WED YOUR EMPLOYERS OR COLLEAGUES AT WORK IN YOUR DREAM: In any kind of dreams where you see in your dreams that you wed your employers, Your boss at work, your co-worker. This kind of dreams is an instructional message dream. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he /she need to be committed to his/her work. employment or dreams for him/her to have progress. Lack of dedication and commitment to duties will not help him/her. It is message dream on need for dedication to work.
 IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU GOT MARRY TO YOUR EX: In any kind of dream where you see in your dream that you got marry to your ex-spouse, lovers etc. in your dream. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she need to settle dispute with and old friend, co-worker, family members etc. so that he/ She can move forwards.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAMS THAT PEOPLE WERE LATE OR ARRIVE LATE TO YOUR WEEDING CEREMONY: In any kind of dream where you see in your that people arrive late to your wedding ceremony. This kind of dreams is a warning dream that there is going to obstruction or delay to certain things you are expecting or waiting. But you should be rest assure, you are going to achieve it.
IF THE MUSICIAN OR MUSIC BAND REFUSE TO PLAY IN YOUR WEEDING CEREMONY IN DREAM: In any kind of dreams where you see in your dreams that the musician or band refuse to play in a dream this is a warning dream telling the dreamer that he/she need to have contingency plan(plan B) so that the people or thing your rely on for certain projects will not  end up disappoint him /her.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAMS THAT YOUR PARTNERS NEVER SHOW UP AT YOUR WEEDING CEREMONY IN DREAMS:  If a married person has this kind of dreams.   This kind of dream connotes that the dreamer need to be very prayerful and be tactical so that his/her spouse does not end up be irresponsible in such marriage or relationship. If a person who is not married have this kind of dreams such dream is telling, it connotes disappointment.  In any kind of dream where the patter in the wedding refuse to show up in dream such kind of dream connotes    disappointment. It may mean that your business partners will disappoint you.

TO SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY ARMED ROBBERS IN YOUR DREAMS:  This kind of dream where you see that you are surrounded by armed robbers in your dreams. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer. This kind of dreams is telling the dreamer he/she is about to enter into relationship , marriage , or business relationship  in which other people such as relative ,friends, etc. of the prospective partners will be trying  to harvest or reap the dividends of such union.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT ARE ATTENDING WEDING CEREMONY OR WEDDING CEREMONY IS BEEN CONDUCT IN MARKET PLACE:  This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she is about to enter into relationship in which everything that happen or occur in such relationship or business will be for public consummation and nothing will be a secrets.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT WEDDING CEREMONY WAS BEEN CONDUCTED FOR YOU OR YOUR HUSBAND IN GRAVE: This kind of dream though look scary. It does not connote any bad things. This kind of dreams is telling the dreamer that he/she is about to enter into marriage, relationship or business interaction in which everything that happen in such interaction will not be for public consumption.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE GETTING MARRY TO YOUR FAMILY MEMEBERS: In any kind of dreams where you see in your dreams that you are getting marry to your close relative of family members such as sister, brothers, nephew, niece. This kind of dream is warning dream. Such dream is not actually telling the dreamers that he/she will marry his family member in real life. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she is about to do certain acts will be regard as taboo or abhors in society. This kind of dream is warning dream telling the dreamer that he/she need to be careful to avoid things that can make society ostracize him/her.
IF A STUDENT SEE IN HIS /HER DREAM THAT HE/SHE GET MARRIED TO HIS/HER TEACHER: This kind of dream is a positive message dream telling such student that he/she will have resounding success in his /her training or apprentice ship.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAMS THAT YOU ARE MARRIED WITH YOUR GUEST: This kind of dream is an instructional message dream telling the dreamer that he/she is about to enter into marriage, business relationship or certain partnership with a person he/she have little or knowledge or information about. This kind of dream is also telling the dreamer that he /she is about to take a job or business without full knowledge of it.  It is warning dream warning the dream to very careful not to act in haste in what he/she want to do.
 IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOUR WEDIING RING GOT BROKEN:  This kind of dream is warning dream telling the dreamer that there is imminent crises or quarrel between that is likely to happen between the dreamer and his/her spouse if married, If unmarried , between the dreamer and  anybody  close  to him that will violently severe the cord of friendship or affection between them. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she should do everything possible within his/her means to avoid dispute at that moment in time to prevents the sudden abruption of relationship.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU LOST YOUR WEDDING RING IN DREAM: In any kind of dream where you see that you lost your wedding ring or your wedding ring get lost in dreams: This kind of dream is warning dream telling the dreamer if married to take good care of his spouse to avoid losing such spouse either to another person or naturally to death. If unmarried person has this kind of dream. It is a warning dream telling the dreamer that he/she need to take of his job or business to avoid losing it. It is a warning dream.

IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE AT WEDDING CERMONY AND YOUR PROSPECTIVE PATHENR SUDDENLY REFUSE TO MARRY: This kind of dream is a positive message dreams telling the dreamer that someone he/she rely on such as business associate or partners will deny him or betray last minute to the completion of the projects they have at hands.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT SOMEONE COME TO DISRUPT YOUR WEDDING CEREMONY BY TELLING MAKING CLAIMS THAT YOU HAVE A SUBSISTING MARRIAGE: This kind of dream is warning dream to prepare in advance, because some people  are planning or have already make false accusation against him/her.  It is warning dream as regard imminent or already made false accusation which can have adverse effects on the life of the dreamer.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU HAVE WEDDING CEREMONY AND NO BODY IS PRESENTS: In any kind of dreams where you see in dreams that you are having a wedding ceremony and no other person is present except you and your prospective partner, apart from the two of you no others person is presents. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she need to look at his or her character and be modest and be good to others.  The dream is telling the dreamer that he/she is been perceive as a bad person with bad character by many. He. she need to go and work on his character.
Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequence

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