TREATMENT AND CURE FOR EPILEPSY (ITOJU AISAN WARAPA) BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Herbal Healing Series

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TREATMENT AND CURE FOR EPILEPSY (ITOJU AISAN WARAPA) BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Herbal Healing Series

 1.‘’Epilepsy which is known as Arun Warapa In Africa  herbal medicine parlance   is one of dreadful diseases that people do avoid. The elders before us claimed that if a person  suffering from epilepsy can be drinking his/her own urine daily . he /she will get heal from epilepsy . Once he get healed . He can stop the drinking of urine.’’ Babalawo Obanifa

In this work Babalawo Obanifa will revealed and document in detail variety of herbal formula available in Africa  herbal Medicine and Spirituality for the treatment and cure  of Epilepsy.  In this work I have documented 28 different herbal and Spiritual formula available in Africa Herbal Medicine and Spirituality that that people of this generation and posterity can use for the treatment of Epilepsy. What do I mean by Epilepsy within the context of this work. WHO(World Health Organization) give concise credible definition of Eplilesy thus ‘’Epilepsy is a chronic noncommunicable disease of the brain that affects around 50 million people worldwide. It is characterized by recurrent seizures, which are brief episodes of involuntary movement that may involve a part of the body (partial) or the entire body (generalized) and are sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness and control of bowel or bladder function.

Seizure episodes are a result of excessive electrical discharges in a group of brain cells. Different parts of the brain can be the site of such discharges. Seizures can vary from the briefest lapses of attention or muscle jerks to severe and prolonged convulsions. Seizures can also vary in frequency, from less than 1 per year to several per day.

One seizure does not signify epilepsy (up to 10% of people worldwide have one seizure during their lifetime). Epilepsy is defined as having two or more unprovoked seizures. Epilepsy is one of the world’s oldest recognized conditions, with written records dating back to 4000 BC. Fear, misunderstanding, discrimination and social stigma have surrounded epilepsy for centuries. This stigma continues in many countries today and can impact on the quality of life for people with the disease and their families.”

Signs and symptoms

Characteristics of seizures vary and depend on where in the brain the disturbance first starts, and how far it spreads. Temporary symptoms occur, such as loss of awareness or consciousness, and disturbances of movement, sensation (including vision, hearing and taste), mood, or other cognitive functions.

People with epilepsy tend to have more physical problems (such as fractures and bruising from injuries related to seizures), as well as higher rates of psychological conditions, including anxiety and depression. Similarly, the risk of premature death in people with epilepsy is up to three times higher than in the general population, with the highest rates of premature mortality found in low- and middle-income countries and in rural areas.

A great proportion of the causes of death related to epilepsy, especially in low- and middle-income countries are potentially preventable, such as falls, drowning, burns and prolonged seizures.

Herbal and Spiritual Cure for Epilepsy as Document by Babalawo Obanifa


Igi Ogede Agbagba tutu ( Fresh Truck of Plantain tree/ Musa Paradisica )

Adin (palm kernel Oil)


You will pound the Truck of the plantain tree and  take it juice mix it with Adin(palm kernel oil)


The patient will be drinking two table spoon of it daily.


Ewe taba Tutu (fresh tobacco leaves/Nicotina Tobaccum)

Alubosa Ayu ( Garlic/Allium Sativum)

Kahun Bilala(Trona)


Boil the aforementioned items together  with potable water.


The patient will be drinking Half glass of It two times daily.


Ewe Dagunro tutu (Fresh leaves of Alternathera Repens )


You will burn it to fine powder.


You will be having one table spoon of the preparation with eko gbigbona (hot corn meal) every morning


Egbo Igi Botuje (roots of Pignuts tree)

Egbo Akoko (roots of Fertility plants /Newbouldia laevis )

Egbo Igi Ahun ( roots of  Stool wood/Alstonia bonei)


You will boil all the aforementioned  items together to decoction. Allow it to ferment together for a day.


You will be drinking one glass of it two times daily


Ewe Alupayida Lopo (plenty leaves of Ururia Picta)


You will burn the leaves together.


You will be adding one table spoon of the powder to  Eko gbigbona (hot corn meal) every morning.


Egbo Ibepe (roots of pawpaw/Carica Papaya)

Alubosa Ayu (Garlic/Allium Sativum)

Egbo Botuje (roots of Pig nut tree)


You will boil the aforementioned items together to decoction with lime orange juice.


The patient will be drinking one full glass of it for two times daily for two months.


To vomit epilepsy.

Ota Iroko(unidentified)

Leuleu ope(unidentified)


Grind it together and give patients suffering from epilepsy to drink or lick. He will want to vomit, let him/her vomit the stuff into pit. He will get healed.


Epo konunkoho ti o bo kuro lara ig(bark stem of konunkoho that fall off from it tree)

Odindi Eye Adan meji(two whole bat bird)

Odindi Akere meji(two frog)


You will burn the three aforementioned items together. You will collect the blood of freshly killed dog and used it to mix it. You add ogede omini pipon(ripe musa sapentum) banana with it and mix it together. You will cooked it .Give it to epilepsy patient to eat. He/she will vomit all what is causing the epileptic seizure.


Ajepo Adan( vomit of a bat)

Ewe Ominsinminsin(leaves of Abrus Precatorus)

Eepo Obo(stem of Obo)


You will grind the entire aforementioned item together and use the blood of freshly dog to mix. Air dry it and give to the patient suffering from epilepsy to drink. He/she will vomit what is causing him the epilepsy seizure


Ewe awayeiku(leaves of calyptrochilum christyanum)

Efo tete abalaye(Amaranthus viridis)

Pakun odowo


The three aforementioned item will be grind together. You will kill a dog and collect it blood and use it to mix the preparation  You will use white yam to prepare porridge you will add this preparation to it and liver of dog will be cut in the porridge. You will cooked it ,let the person suffering from epilepsy to eat from it. he/she will vomit the what is causing the eplilepsy.


Odindi eye igun( a whole vulture)

Eso Apa(fruits of Afezlia Bella)

Ako kanhun(trona)

Imi ojo(sulphur)


Grind everything together and use it to make soup for the person ,the patient can also lick it.


Egbo Ayo(root of Caesalpinia bonduc)

Odidi eyele( a whole pegion)


Grind the root of Egbo Ayo(root of Caesalpinia bonduc) and use it to cook Odidi eyele( a whole pegion) and give it to Epileptic patient to eat.


Odidi ejo Isan( A whole Isan snake)

Ewe Isin pupa (leaves of Akin apple)

Odindi atare( a whole alligator pepper)

Egunsi inu Agbaarin( melon content inside the seed or fruit of dioclea reflexa)


You will  burn the entire aforementioned item. The patient with epilepsy will be using it by licking it.


Imo ope gbigbe(dry palm leaves

Oyoyo(jute leave)


Grind the two aforementioned item together and used it to cook cat fish for the patient.


Igbe esin (feces of a horse)

Igbe Ekiri(feces of Ekiri)

Igbe  Agbonrin(fece of antelope)

Ese osi igala/agburin(left leg of  a antelope)


You will grind the aforementioned item together and use it to cook eja ojiji(electric fish) and dog meat. The patient with epilepsy will eat it.


Egbo jasoko(unidentified plant)

Egbo ifon (root of Teculia afriacana)

Egbo arunpale(root of chenopodium abrosiodies)

Eepo igi apa(stem bark of Afezlia Bella)

Igi oro agogo(opuntia species)

Igi teteregun(costus afer)

Aidan(tetrapleura tetrapetra)

Eeru(Xylopia aethipiaca)

Egbo oganlogun(unidentified plant)

Ewe Ibisere(leaves of Myrianthus arboreus)


The entire aforementioned item will be soaked inside cool water for 72 hours. The patient will drinking one glass of the decoction two times daily morning and night.


Ako Alangba ( Agama  Lizard)

Abo Alangba( Female Lizard)

Ewe Jokoje( fresh leaves of  Cissampelos Mucronata/Cissampelous Owariensis)

Dagunro(Leaves of Acanthospermum Hispidium)


You will burn all the aforementioned items to fine powder. You will mix it will Adin Ayan (palm kernel oil).


The patient will be licking it.


Odidi Okete Tutu ( A freshly kill giant bush rat)

Orogbo Mewa ( 10 bitter kola fruits/Garcina Kola)


You will insert all the 10 bitter kola fruits inside the bush rats through its anus.  You will then dig a hole at the front of a house. You will wrap the bush rat with leaves to prevent it from been stain by sands. You will then put it inside hole. Cover it up with sands. You will then prepare a fire on it. You will allow the fire to heat and cook the meat inside the hole. You will then remove it. Pound it to herbal powder.


The patient will be adding one table spoon of it to Eko Gbigbona (hot corn meal daily)


Odidi Opolo ( A whole frog)

Odidi Ataare kan ( A whole Alligator pepper/Aframomum Melegueta)

Ose dudu (local black soap)


You will burn the aforementioned item to fine powder.


The patient will be licking it.


Ako Alangba ( Agama Lizard)

Abo Alangba ( female lizard )

Odidi Ataare kan ( A whole alligator pepper)


You will burn the entire aforementioned items together to fine powder.


The patient will be licking it.


Jakariwo Oju mona/Oju aro ( Cobwebs collected from fire place)

Egbo Arunpale ( Roots of  Chenopodium abroisiodies)

Koro Isin (fruits /Seed of Akee apple )

Imi Ojo (Sulphur)

Egbo Inabiri ( roots of  Plumago Zeylanica)


 You will burn the entire aforementioned items together to fine powder.


The patient will be licking it.


Odidin Olongbo( A whole cat)

Eja Aro tutu mewa( 10 fresh cat fish)

Ewe Alupayida Igba o le kan( 201 leaves of Uriria picta)

Omo ataare Igba o le kan( 201 seeds of Alligator pepper/Aframomum Melegueta)

Obi Gbanja  pupa kan( red color Gbanja kola nut,1)

Obi  Gbanja Funfun kan( Red color of Gbanja Kola nut,1)

Iru wooro( locust beans)

Ose dudu( local black soap)

Obuotoyo( Obuotoyo / Unidentified )

Ogiri Ijebu( Ogiri Ijebu /Unidentfied )

Odidi aja kan.( A whole dog)


You will burn the entire aforementioned items together excluding the dog. The dog will be killed and its blood will be collected in a bowl.  You will pour the preparation inside the blood of the dog. You will then cook the liver and tongue of  and throat of the dog with it.


The patient will eat it.


Egbo Iyeye ( Root of Spondias Mombins)

Iyeres ( Seeds of Africa black pepper, Guinea pepper)

Eran aja (dog meat)


You will grind the aforementioned items together excluding the meat. You will use it to cook the meat.


Igbe Aja ( feces of dog)

Ewe paja-paja( Paja-Paja leaves /Unidentfied )

Iyere ( Guniea pepper)

Adin(Palm kernel oil)


You will grind the aforementioned items together . And use it to cook the throat of a goat. Palm kernel oil will be added to it while cooking.


The patient will eat it.


Imi ojo dudu (blue/black color Sulphur)

Ewe Efirin(Occimum Gratissimomum)

Egbo Arunpale ( Roots of  Chenopodium abroisiodies)

Eeru Awonka ( Xylopia Aethopica)


You will cooked all the aforementioned items with omi Osan wewe( natural lime orange juice) You will add palm kernel oil  (Adin dudu) to it.


 The patient will drink one glass of  it and he/she will vomit what is causing him epilepsy into a pit.


 Ope Oyinbo (Pine apples)

Ewe taba ( leaves of tobaacom /Nicotina tobaccum)

Egbo Odowo (Odowo roots/Unidentified )

Egbo Awogba arun (roots of Awogba Arun/Unidentified)


 You pour a whole bottle of schinap inside the pot. Boil the entire aforementioned items with it.


The patient will drink it. He /she will vomit the what is causing him epilepsy inside  a pit.


Imi Osumare (Osumare feces)

Ewe kataba

Kahun bilala(Trona)


You will boil the aforementioned items togethers with  gin.


The patient will drink from it and vomit what is causing him epilepsy inside pit.

Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone whatsapp contact : +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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