SPIRITUAL DELIVERANCE FROM BONDAGE OF SPIRITUAL HUSBANDS AND WIVES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)-Spiritual Preparation Series

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SPIRITUAL DELIVERANCE FROM BONDAGE OF SPIRITUAL HUSBANDS AND WIVES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)-Spiritual Preparation Series

In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will document some of the spiritual preparations and methods available in Africa spirituality that can be use to conduct effective Spiritual Deliverance for any person whether Male or Female that is under the bondage of Spiritual husbands and Wives which some people known as Spirits Husband/wife or spirits spouse. In Yoruba culture and spirituality this is often refer to as Oko Orun/Aya Orun respectively. This legendary work will serve as a practical spiritual guide for any priest or priestess in the field of Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS) of this generation and future on how to spiritually free people from bondage of spiritual husband and wife and ensure blissful living and happiness to mankind. It is instructive to note ,that the author of this work Babalawo Obanifa is a  practicing diviner and an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian, so any revelation made and document in this work is authoritative and can be rely upon by any devotee,priest,priestess   or any spiritualist of this generation and future to help people who are under the bondage of spiritual husband and wife.

What Do I Mean by Spiritual Husband/Wife within The Context of this Work?

In Yoruba Cosmology. Spiritual husbands or wife is known as Oko Orun/Aya Orun  which can literally translated to mean the invisible husbands  or  wife that reside in heaven. Though there is another nomenclature for this entity known as Oko Oru /Aya Oru ( Invisible Spiritual night Spouse that come and sleep with people at nights).  So from the explanations or definition I offer above, it can therefore be deduce that Spirituals husbands and wives are not visible entity. They are spiritual entity or forces that is not within the physical reach of people but can physically affects their life negatively by performing the husband’s or wife’s activities with the victims in the dreams or trance or even some time physically.

The method or means that spiritual husband/wife usually employed in dealing with their victims is usually through sexual intercourse with their victims in the dreams, trance or physically. It can occur during the night or in broad day light. In doing this the spiritual husbands can adopt the faces of the known person to the victims who can be theirs husbands, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend/oversee -husband, ex -lover, deceased family member, family members such as fathers, mother or siblings, or co-worker. So when a spiritual husbands/wives adopt familiar faces that is known to their victims in having sexual intercourse or other romantic relationship activities with them in dream. In such situation, such spiritual husband will be referred to as active spiritual husbands. On the other hands we have passive spiritual husbands/wives who usually appear faceless or adopt a handsome /beautiful unknown face to the victim in perform sexual activities or romantic activities with their victims. So during sleep or trance if an individual sleeps or have sexual intercourse with you in dream whether male or female and it do occur on regular interval in such instances it can be said that you have Oko -Orun(Spiritual Spouse). In many instances for people in subsisting marriage or active relationship. You may be seeing frequently that your partner is having sexual affairs or romantic relationship with you. This is also a symbol of Oko orun. In western world it is this spirit of spiritual husband and wife that is known as Incubus and Succubus.

How To know Someone is Under the Bondage of Spiritual Husband/Wife Or Simply Put, What are the Symptoms or Signs that Someone is Under the Afflictions Of Spiritual Husbands Or Wife?

The author of this work (Babalawo Obanifa ) have personally use the explanations that will be offer below in attending to many clients under the spiritual bondage of Oko Orun /Aya Orun (Spiritual Husband or Wife) over the years . I have also taught it to my disciples who have also use same method to attend to their clients.  So everything that will be explain below is gather from practical practicing experiencing, observation make during consultation, spiritual interrogative diagnosis interaction between me and myriad of clients both male and female respectively who have undergone and get free from bondage of spiritual husbands and wives in the pasts. I therefore set it forth as spiritual guide line for any trained priest/priestess or spiritualist under the platform of Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS) of this generation to study and adopt it as spiritual diagnosis method to use when the want to spot whether and individual is under the bondage of Spiritual husband and wife.

Below are the question you will ask or signs you will looks for when an individual who claims to have Spiritual husbands or wife problems (Oko Orun/Aya Orun ) comes to you for deliverance or solutions.

Sexual Intercourse In Dream, Trance, Physically: The first symptom you will be experiencing if you are under the bondage of spiritual husband and wife is sexual intercourse in dreams, Trances, or even physically.  You may be seen in your dream that persons you known such as your husband, wife, lovers, boyfriend, girlfriend ,co-workers , family members such as  father,  mother or siblings whether they are dead or still alive are coming to you in dreams to have sexual intercourse with you in dreams. In such instances where the figure that is coming to you in dream to have sexual intercourse with you in dream is known or familiar to you . It will be deem you are experiencing active spiritual husband problems. This is what the elder in Yoruba known as  Oko Orun Abanire. Oko Orun Abanire concept was first explain to me Late Oriri of blessed memory.  In another instances you may see where unknow beautiful or handsome figure come to you in dream to have sexual intercourse with you. In such instance you will see that people you have not see before but that they are physically attractive are coming to you in dream to have sexual intercourse with you. In such instances   you will be deem to be experience passive spiritual husband/wife. You may even see that you are in trance and some one whether male or female is coming to you to have sex you. After the trance if you are male you may see that you have ejaculation or semen on your body. If you are female you may see semen on your private part or cloth. This is also applicable in case of sexual intercourse in dreams. In extreme cases you may even see that some one come to you physically and have sexual intercourse with you if you are female or you have intercourse with them without knowing them from anywhere or have any previously discussion that could lead to that. And after the sex you will not see them again. You will know nothing about them, their name, where they live or anything about them until next time that you will have such encounter again with same person  or another unknown person in similar circumstances .This last type of sex is what the Elder called Ako Oko Orun ( Chronic Spiritual Husband problems) . I have personally research from many practicing Babalawo both young and Old  whether there  is similar case in female .In such instances that we can Have Ako Aya Orun( chronic Spiritual wife) ,But no single person was able to  offer any explanation . Some of them even want me to explain what I mean by Oko Orun  Abanire and Ako Oko orun.They claim they only Known about Oko Orun simple. Some of them were even of the view that Aya Orun (spiritual wife) did not exists. Only late Oriri of blessed memory was the only who was able to tell me that there is Oko Orun Abanire, Ako Orun, according to Oriri in my Oral interaction with him before he dies , He claimed that there is Ako Oko Orun, There is Oko orun Abanire, he also claimed that there is also Aya Orun(spiritual wife) .He opined that male who experience symptoms of Ako Oko Orun can also be said to be suffering from Ako Aya orun (Male/Chronic Spiritual Wife Problems). You  may want to ask me whether I have subject the explanation of late Oriri to practice . Yes I did, he is right why host of others who counter his claim are wrong.  

NB: It is instructive to note that experiencing the sexual experience explained above just once is not enough to say an individual is suffering from problems of spiritual husband and wife. But when you are experiencing such often or at regular interval. You will be deemed to be under the spiritual husbands or wife bondages.

Having Amorous or Sexual Romance with Known or Unknown Persons or Figure in Dream: If you see that you do have sexual romance often with unknown person or figure in your dream or Trance. This could also be a symbol of spiritual husband or wife problems. Some time you may even sense physically that some one is touching or cuddling you romantically and you will be feeling the sexual pleasure but in real life you will not feel the physical presence of such person. In such instance you may even become wet if you are female. If you are male you may see semen or ejaculate. In such instances. You will say such person is under the spiritual bondage of spirits spouse.

Undergoing Wedding Ceremony in Dream: If you see in dream often that weeding or marriages ceremony is been conduct for you with known or unknown person in dream. In many instances. In many instances you may see that you are in weeding dress or in wedding ceremony in dreams. In such instances even when you are already married in real life. You can still be seeing often in your dream that you are been wed to same person or another person often in dream. In such instances. Such person will be deemed to be under the spiritual bondage of spiritual husbands and wife.  The kind of wedding ceremony is immaterial. It may in church wedding, Muslim wedding, courts wedding or traditional wedding. In such instance where wedding ceremony is been conducted for you often in dream while you are not even married in real life, and even if you are married in real life and such relationship is not stable , It will be deemed that such person is under the spiritual bondage of spirits spouse. When you always see in your dream or trance that you always get marry to same person often in your dream, or in each dream is different faces that you do get marry to in such weeding ceremony. You will be deemed to under spiritual bondage of spiritual spouse. This is applicable to male and female respectively.

Seeing Yourself Been Pregnant or Taking Care of Pregnant Woman in Dream: The person under the Spiritual Bondage of Spirit spouse can be seen often in dream that she is pregnant and going for antenatal in his dreams while in real life they are not pregnant.  In case of a man he can see that he is taking woman for antenatal or taking care or assisting a pregnant woman often in dreams. If person encounter this often such person can be said to under the spiritual bondage of spirits spouse.

Breastfeeding of Baby in Dream: If you see in your dreams that you are breastfeeding babies often in dreams while in real life, you don’t have any babies you are breastfeeding. This kind of dream if it is too frequently or You do have it at two years or years interval often in your life time. This can be symbol of spirits spouse in dreams.

Strong Addiction to Sex Object and Masturbation:  A person under the Spiritual Bondage of Spirits Spouse may find it that he or she have strong addiction to Masturbation. They can masturbate time without numbers. In modern days many people under the influence of spirit spouse are addict to use of masturbating machine to derive sexual pleasure. Excessive addiction to masturbating machine and masturbation is one of strong indication that such person is under the influence of spiritual husband or wife. Because of this person under the symptom explained will find it difficult to undergoes marriage or have any stable romantic relationship.

Having unregulated Sexual Life Like Dog: When an Individua is having unregulated sexual behavior. Some men or woman can have sex with anything. Their Sexual lust is not under control. They can have sex with any one irrespective of whether they know such person or not. In many instances this people can have sex with any one, whether young, old or sick or healthy. They can even have sex with their own biological son, daughter or family member.  The resultant effects is that they will never be able to maintain any relationship.

Unreasonable Exhibition of Hatred Toward Opposite Sex: One of the important symptoms you will can observe when an individual is under the bondage of spiritual husband and wife is that such person may have unreasonable hatred toward opposite sex. It is not uncommon for people to have hatred toward opposite sex even if they are in relationship. Such behaviors are one of the symptoms of the person who is under the spiritual bondage of spiritual husband or wife problems.

Swimming in the River Or Swimming Pool with Unknow Attractive Opposite Sex In Dream: It is not uncommon for people under the spiritual bondage of spirits spouse to be seeing in their dream that they are playing with an opposite sex romantically when they are bathing in the river, It is also not uncommon to see that same is happening in swimming pool or they are walking together at the bank of the river.

Attending Parties or Dance with Unknow Opposite Sex as Your Partner: People under the spiritual bondage of husband and wife can be seeing in their dreams that they often go to parties in company of unknown opposite sex. They will eat and dance together. If this happen often.  

Sexual Molestation in Dreams: A person under the spiritual bondage of spirits spouse may see in his/her dream by seeing opposite sex, Known or unknow faces playing with his /her sexual Organ. In another instances such person may begging to see in his or her dream that opposite sex can appear naked to them often in dream to spiritual arouse them.

Caring for Children in Your Dream While you have no Children in Real life: It is not  uncommon for people under the spiritual bondage of spirit spouse to see in their dream that they are feeding, bathing or taking care of children in their dream when in real life they have no children of their own in real life or are finding it difficult to get pregnant.

Having Sexual Urges to Have Sex with Animals: An individual under the spiritual bondages of Spirit spouse can be having unrestricted sexual urge to have sex with animals, they can even have sex with animal either in dream or physically. Having sexual intercourse with animals in dream have also be deemed to be one of the symptoms of spirits spouse.

Unexplainable body Odor  : One of the symbols of chronic spirit spouse problems  which is known as Ako Oko Orun that  I explained earlier as pointed out by late Oriri as I explained earlier is that such person may have unexplainable body odor. Person this bondage will smelling to others while they will not perceive the smell. Others will see that they are perceiving foul odor from such person. That is one of the sign of Ako Oko Orun (Chronic Spirit spouse).

Bedwetting : Unreasonable bedwetting by person whether male or female that have been above the age of bedwetting. In such instances. The bed wetting is mainly a weapon to disgrace the victim out of his/her relationship and cause instability for him or her.

Experiencing frequent divorce or Separation in Relationship or Marriage : When an Individual experience break up often in relationship and marriage without any reason or any justifiable cause . Such is one of the sign of the person who is under the bondage of spiritual husband and wife problems.

Hatred Toward Your Spouse or Husband Without any Reason:  People under the bondage of spiritual husband can suddenly develop hatred toward their husband and wife or lovers. This can also be regarded as one of the symptoms of spiritual bondage of spirits spouse.

Unreasonable phobia For Sexual Intercourse: When you are always in fear to have sex even when you are capable of. Such sign is also one the symptoms of person who is under the influence of spirits spouse bondage. It can also occur vise versa where your spouse will hate you for no reason.

Unreasonable Depression and Suicidal Thoughts:   When an Individual who having relationship or marital challenges frequently experience unreasonable depression and suicidal thoughts. In such instances if investigation are properly conduct on such symptoms. It is usually one of the Spirits spouse problems.

Unintentional aggressive behaviors toward opposite sex or your Spouse: When an individual do suddenly engage in an un-intentional aggressive behaviors in a relationship toward their spouse and this is causing him/her his relationship.  In such instances.  The person under such circumstance  many need to conduct spiritual investigation  to know whether he /she is under the spiritual bondage of  spirit spouse which is responsible for such action .

Seeing that Masquerade are Having Sexual Intercourse with You in Dream : You may be seeing in dream that a person such as masquerade or someone who veil his or her face is having sexual affair with you in dreams.

What are The Things that are not Symptoms of Spirits Spouse Problems That People Mistakenly Regards as One?

From practicing experience in Spiritual field as well as interaction with people who have the problems of spirits spouse over the years .I have observed  that there are some symptoms or sign that are not related to spiritual husband  but that people mistakenly  do refer to as one . May spiritualist s such as Babalawo, Alfa , Prophets/prophetess and pastors have mislead people in this area. Some of those symptoms are:

Homosexuality – Same sex marriage such been a lesbian, or gay have been regards by some spiritualists as one of the signs of a person who is under the bondage of spiritual husband problems. The answer is no. I am not saying homosexual is good. But homosexuality  is not one of the symptoms of spiritual husband problems.

Women who Drink and Smoke: Some spiritualist as well as claimed that women who drinks and smoke a lot can be one of symptoms of spiritual husband problems especially when such woman is unable to maintain marriage or relationship. The answer is also capital no. Drinking or smoking by woman is not a symptom of spirit spouse problem. Mind you I am not saying it is good for woman to smoke and drink in excess.  But that is not one of the symptoms you will be looking for as a spiritualist when you are conducting spiritual diagnosis for person with spiritual problems of spirits spouse. There is an exception to  this a woman who smoke excessively or drinks excessively to douse the depression and relationship struggle or his /her ability to maintain marriage will be can be deem to be under the influence of spiritual spouse attack.

Lie – Telling lies is not good. But lies is not one of the things to look for in a client’s why seeking to find solution to spiritual husband or spouse problems. For example, there is day that call me and tell me that his pastor told her because she has lies on many occasions that that has put her under the bondage of spiritual husband problems. After finding she did not even have any problem relating to that. Mind you, I am not saying it is good to lie. Lie is morally wrong.

Having strange mark in your body from sleeps: I also need to make emphasis on this, many spiritualist have mislead people by telling them that when they see marks from their body when

Loss of memory: We have also seen instances where spiritualist will claim that person suffering from amnesia is suffering from spirit spouse problems.  The answer is no. But there is exception to this. In instance where the person in question cannot remember his /her spouse name, faces or his children or detail about his /her relationship or marital life but his /her brain function well in other activities. In such circumstances. We will say that such person is under the bondage of spiritual husband or spouse.  But in cases where an individual is suffering from general loss of memory or general amnesia . In such instances it can not be regarded as spirit spouse problems.

Protracted or terminal illness: People who have protracted or terminal illness cannot be said to be under spiritual bondage of spirit spouse. As a spiritualist what you need to do is to look for the causes of such terminal illness.

Some spiritualists have also said excessive watching of phonography can be one of the symptoms of spiritual spirit spouse problems. But as an astute spiritualist this is not one of the symptoms that you need to look into when you want to solve the problems of spiritual spouse for people.

Effects or Consequence of Spiritual Husbands/Wives On their Victims

Apart from those Signs I highlighted above that You will be using when you are dealing with clients that have Spiritual husbands Problems.  Some of other noticeable things you will need to know and you will eb able to use to identify the person that is under the spiritual bondage of spirits spouse problems is the effects of such menace on the life of the victims. Below are some of the effects:

Delay Marriages: One of the effects of spiritual husband or wife is that they prevent their victims from get marrying of delay their marriage.  It is not uncommon that you will see a very beautiful lady or handsome man that no man or women will want to be with or approach them for nay romantic relationship or marriage.  They may be like that for many years. And even in many cases if such people have relationship or marriage at all, it always ends abruptly. In many instances if spiritual diagnosis is conduct on the life of such person, many of them in such situation do have spiritual spouse who is extremely jealous over them and don’t want them to have any earthly relationship.  

Instability in Marriages or Relationship:  One of the negative effects of such is instability in relationship or marriages. In most cases it is instructive to note that people under the bondages of spiritual spouse have the tendency to attract wrong partners in relationship.  This usually wreak havoc on their relationship life they attract irresponsible man or woman, drunkard etc.

Fertility Problems: People under spiritual bondages of spirits spouse is have the tendency to have fertility problems. They can be sterile and unable do become pregnant due to no faults of their own.

Experience of frequent Miscarriages Without any Medical Reason : If you see in your dream that you are experiencing frequent miscarriages without any Medical reason . If a woman is experiencing frequent miscarriages without any medical reasons. In most cases It may be traceable to spirits husband syndrome. Some time when a woman is pregnant. immediately she experience sexual intercourse in dream . the pregnancy will come down.

Forgetting the name your Husband or Fact about Your marriage: If a woman or man suddenly begin to notice that he /she forget the names of your spouse, the facts that you have children  or married while you can remember every other things clearly.

Experiencing unbridle hatred and anger in Marriage or relationship: Thing that ought not to cause quarrel between you and your spouse will be causing fight. You may exhibit unintentional aggressive behaviors in relationship. It can occur vise -versa often in your marriage or relationship. even if the person is with the person you love.

Paralysis of Your Spouse or partner Economic life and Finances:  This is usually  in the case of woman . When you see in relationship that your relationship that any who is doing well, Immediately they met you .They will suddenly begging to encounter financial set back . when you have experience this with three or more person . It is one of the effects of spirits spouse syndrome.

Depression and suicidal thought.

Hearing of Strange Voices of Opposite Sex- You may be hearing some one calling your name or waking you up in the night in sleeps.

Causes of Spiritual Husbands or Wife Problems

By this we are referring to process or means which spirits spouse do employ to come into people’s life

 Astral Mates Covenants: Astral mates or heavenly mates’ covenants is one of the major covenants through which an individual who can start to be victims of spirituals spouse.  It is believed in Africa Cosmology that every Human being have Egbe (Astral mates). It is believed that when some people are coming from heaven, they are already pair with a mate. And most people that usually fall in this category are women.   When they got to this world. They would have forgot the covenants and the spirits will start to torment their life in other to fulfill the covenants. In such instances such person may be a victim of spiritual spouse unless necessary spiritual preparation or atonement is made to separate him/her from such bondages.

Earthly Love Covenants: it is not uncommon for some teenagers or even adult who have no full knowledge about life to have covenants (love covenant) that they will be together always. In such instance some people young teenager may use blade to lacerate their body and they taste the blood of each other in exchange of such covenants. But the problems are this. If one of them dies. If some things are not done spiritually to break such covenants.  The spirit of such deceased may turn out to become a spiritual spouse that will be affecting the life and relationship life of partners that is still alive.

Sexual Promiscuity: People who are Sexual Promiscuous at their early age have tendency to attracts Spirits spouse to their life. For example, there is in Yoruba cosmology. There is a spirit known as Emi Ere Omi. Emi Ere Omi is simply referring to python spirit. This spirit have the ability to turn itself to a very attractive man or woman depending on the occasion of its target victim. It will turn to a very handsome man in the case of woman victim. It will turn to attractive man in the case of men victims.  He only looks for casual sex not relationship. And Sexually lascivious or promiscuous person are usually its victims.  Once it has physical casual sex with the victim once. The victim has entered pact with it. Such person may later find it difficult to have marriage or maintain any relationship in life.  Such person may be seen in dream that he /she is sleeping with snakes or having romance with snakes in his /her dream. Physically he may be seeing as if he/she is sleeping on something cold when he is in bed.

Handwork of Evil People /Agent of Darkness: The evil people such as witches and people who practice black magic can invoke evil spirits, or animals’ spirits to become the a spouse to the victims.

 Incest : Incest is one the causes  of spiritual spouse problems .  A man or woman who have sexual intercourse with his/ her immediate blood relations such as children of same mother who have sexual intercourse with each other. Father that have sexual intercourse with his own daughter. Mother that have sex with his own son etc. Such person may end up been a victims of spirit spouse. because such intercourse tends to attracts such spirits.

I have personally investigated there is claim that intercourse between children born of same father but snot same mother will not attract spirit spouse. It is instructive to note that incest of any orts is a taboo in Africa tradition.

Failure to Redeem covenants make to a deity or divinities: There is saying that some people usually parent, who when they need children may go to some divinities for fertility purpose. In most cases there may be covenants that such child will be partaking in spiritual activities relating to such deity. But in most cases when the children grow up , the parent may not tell him/her . and Even if they tell him or her for the best reason know to him, he may choose not to follow them.  In many instances the repercussion may be that such person will be experiencing spiritual wife or husband syndrome.  

Bestiality: Having Sexual Intercourse with animals can invoke the syndrome of spiritual spouse into the life of such person.

What are The Things that are not Causes of Spirits Spouse Problems That People Mistakenly Regards as One?

As an astute spiritualist you must be able to drawn between the line. There are many things that many spiritualists like Babalawo, Pastors, prophets, prophetess, Muslim cleric etc. Out of mere moral justifications have regarded as causes of spiritual husband and wife problems.  In this work I will list some of those things. You should not be one of the people that will be misleading people with it.

Lying, gossip, Extortion, hatred, jealousy, envy can be a source of spiritual spouse problems. The answer is No.  Though those things are morally wrong and should not be encourage in the society. It must not be regarded as spiritual cause of spirits spouse problems.

Practicing Indigenous : It is not uncommon to see a person who did not practice indigenous Spirituality to claim that indigenous  spirituality can be a cause of spiritual spouse. The answer is also no.

Fornication and watching of pornography though morally wrong cannot be regard as cause of Spirit spouse problems as claimed by many people.

Wearing of men’s wear such as trouser by woman cannot cause spiritual husband problems. Those Spiritualist that says that are wrongs.

 Having tattoo over your body can not attracts or cause spirits spouse problems. Those spiritualists that claimed this are wrong.

Wearing wigs, make ups, lips stick, hair attachment etc.  can not attracts or cause spiritual husband problems.  So, the spiritualists who claim that it causes spirit spouse problem are wrong.

Wearing transparent cloth or clothes that exposes part of your body though morally wrong and should not be encourage, could not be regarded as cause of spirits spouse problems. 

Spiritual Solution for Deliverance from the Bondage of Spiritual Husband or Wife

Aseje Ipinya ( Spiritual Soup Of Separation ): Spiritual soup of separation  is one of the Spiritual deliverance mechanism that you can use to deliver  a man or woman that is under the bondage of spiritual husband or wife from such : Below is the documentation of the formula that any spiritualist whether you are Babalawo, Alfa , pastor, prophets or prophetess can use to liberate such person. To make this preparation. You will need the following:

Epo Igi Akoko(bark stem of Newbowdia laevis )

Itana Adodo Igi Atorin(mature flower of Glyphea Brevis)

Ewe Abere Oloko( leaves of Abere Oloko /Leaves of Bindens Bipinata)

Iyere(Africa black pepper/Piper Guinness)

Eku Emon( One brown rats)

Adin dudu ( Black  color palm kernel oil )


You will use a very sharp knife to pierce the bark stem of the Akoko tree, You will peel it from downward up.  You will grind it together with Itana Adodo Igi Atorin(mature flower of Glyphea Brevis),Ewe Abere Oloko( leaves of Abere Oloko /Leaves of Bindens Bipinata) and Iyere(Africa black pepper/Piper Guinness). You will then cooked the   Eku Emon( One brown rats) with Adin dudu ( Black  color palm kernel oil ). If anybody under the spiritual bondage of spirits wife or husband taste out it. He/she will get deliver and separated from it permanently.

Method two

Eru Oko Orun

The spiritual preparation under this heading is simply talking about making spiritual reparation  to the spiritual husband . 

For female – She will need to buy all the male personal effects.  Clothes, clipers, sandals , a whole life pigeon.

A box-wooden box

. You will tell her  to make any of the underwear she have use before as under lay for the box. You will equally  spread Iyerosun on it  and imprints Odu Ifa Otura Meji with it thus:

I   I


I    I

I    I

You will place all those effect on it. The woman will use the live pigeon to dust her body. and pray over it expressing her wishes. You ask her to take money and tight it to the arm of the pigeon. You will use obi divination throw to ask where to place the load mostly without asking it usually in the river or at the back of the river. It is the woman herself that will throw the pigeon away by releasing it life without killing it.

Making Of Ifa Consultation and Ebo – You can make Ifa consultation and offer ebo prescribe  to rectify such situation.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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