ODU IFA OYEKU OKANRAN BY BABALAWO OBANIFA –Obanifa extreme documentaries-Obanifa Extreme Documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)-Odu Ifa Series

ODU IFA OYEKU OKANRAN BY BABALAWO OBANIFA –Obanifa extreme Documentaries-Obanifa Extreme Documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)-Odu Ifa Series

In this piece of work Babalawo Obanifa will make exhaustive commentaries on Odu Ifa Oyeku Okanran  also known as Oyeku Pelekan,Oyekukanran. The work will be useful to any practicing Babalawo or Ifa devotee who want to have an extensive knowledge of detail interpretations of Odu Ifa  Oyeku Okanran for purpose of practicing or personal use. The work will also be useful in providing detail knowledge of this Odu Ifa Oyeku okanran  for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Oyeku Okanran during their Itelodu(ifa initiation) or Ikosedaye (First Ifa consultation for new born baby).  The author of this work Babalawo Obanifa is a practicing diviner and an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian so any knowledge and commentaries in this work is for actual spiritual practice. The work will examine among other things. What is Odu Ifa  Oyeku Okanran meaning and symbol?, Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa  Oyeku okaran?  What are the taboos of Odu Ifa Oyeku okanran? What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu ifa Oyeku Okanran during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye? What  are the names that can be given to those born under the star Of Odu Ifa Oyeku Okanran During their Itelodu Or Ikosedaye? Basic summary of information available for those born under this Odu Ifa  Oyeku okanran during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye. Comprehensive detail of some sacred information available inside Odu Ifa  Oyeku -Okaran and commentaries Babalawo Obanifa divine commentaries on them.   These aforementioned will be discuss in detail in seriatim in this work.  The work eaxamine Odu Ifa Oyeku okaran in seven (7) different stanza base on it application and interpretation of it  in ifa practice over the centuries
What is Odu Ifa  Oyeku Okanran  meaning and symbol?

An Odu Ifa  will be said to be Oyeku okanran whenever we have one leg of Odu Ifa Oyeku –Meji  on the right and One leg of Odu Ifa Okanran  Meji on the left side. The amalgamation of the two to become one  is what is refer to as Odu Ifa Oyeku Okanran. Though Babalawo do nickname this Odu Ifa as Oyeku Pelekan,Oyekukanran .When during Ifa consultation either via ohun-n –te-ale(Ikin ifa consultation using Iyerosun and opon Ifa) or Opele(ifa divination chain) if the symbol that appear is a reflection of one leg of Odu ifa  Oyeku meji on the right side and one leg of Okanran meji on the left side  such symbol is what is known as Odu ifa Oyeku Okanran in Yoruba Ifa spirituality. Below are image Babalawo Obanifa personal depiction of image of Odu Ifa  Oyeku Okanran  on how it can appear on Ifa divination tray or Opele(divination chain).


Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Oyeku Okanaran ?

By this question we are referring to other divinities or deities –Orisa and Irunmole  that those born under the star of Ifa Oyeku Okanran  during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye can harness their energy  along with Ifa in other to have successful and less problem free life. The commonly Identifiable divinities that their energies can easily be harness with Odu Ifa Oyeku Okanran  are:Ifa,Obatala,,Orisa aje,,Ile (mother earth), Olokun, and Esu Odara. Each of these divinities have specific function they perform. Let examine each in turn:
Ifa -Ifa function for guidance, blessing and fulfilment. Ifa  also function for guidance, direction, protection, progress, prosperity, success, elevation, love, victory and general well being 
Obatala-Obatala function for protection cheap death, longevity of life and blessing.

Orisa Aje-Aje function for economic elevation and wealth accumulation

Esu odara- function for victory over conspiracy, mutiny and retainment of position of leadership

Olokun-function for wealth creation

Ile(mother earth);Function for blessing and prosperity and gaining  of companionship
Ori –for fulfillment of destiny, success, protection, direction, love, contentment, victory, success, progress, and actualization .
 Esu-Odara – for sanctuary, protection, victory, security, love, direction, and general well being
 Egbe – for leadership, progress, success, love, and general wellbeing
 Aje – for financial success, progress, and leadership
Obatala – for childbearing, victory, and leadership
 Osun – for compatible spouse, childbearing, child rearing and general success

What are the taboos of Odu Ifa Oyeku Okanran?

 By this question we are referring to those animate and inanimate object such as plants and animal and behavior or traits that those born under the star of Odu Ifa Oyeku Okanran must avoid in other to haves successful, healthy and less problem in their life. Below  are some of the identifiable taboo for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Oyeku Okanaran:
1 . They must avoid greed and betrayal of partnership in business to avoid unconsummated fortune
2. They must learn to respect their parent, elder and consituted authority to enjoy the blessing of life
3. They must  ever  rebel against their superior or seek the downfall of their superior to avoid be disgrace and humiliated in the end.
4.They must avoid promiscuous life or keeping of concubine to avoid cheap untimely death
5. They must never be too beauty conscious – to avoid the problem of child bearing
6. They must  never be involved in family feud – to avoid the wrath of family member
7. They must avoid  traveling outside his vicinity without adequate Ifa consultation – to avoid untimely death and disaster
8. They must avoid  eating  corn or maize – to avoid childbearing problem
9. They must avoid using  the vulture and Osin for anything – to avoid problem of compatible spouse selection
10. They must avoid eating okra – to avoid incessant confrontation with enemies
11 . They must avoid using their hand to beat their own  children – to avoid losing any of their  children
What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu ifa Oyeku okanran  during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye?
By this question we are referring to area or field of professions  where people that were born under the star of Odu Ifa  Oyeku Okanran can chose and achieve success and comfort in life.People born under the star of this odu ifa Oyeku Okanaran  are more better as Ifa and orisa priestess ,Agriculturist, farming. Statemen,politician and administrators, Counselor or consulting job.
What  are the names that can be given to those born under the star Of Odu Ifa Oyeku okanran During their Itelodu Or ikosedaye?
By this we are referring to the likely name that can be given to those born under the star of Odu Oyeku okanranThese names are derived from the positive character in different stanza of Odu Ifa Oyeku okanran They exist in both male and female category respectively. Some easily identifiable one are:

1. Ifakeye – Ifa brings honour and prestige
2. Ifadara – Ifa performs wonders
3. Ifatosin – Ifa is worthy of being worship
1. Ifaseke – Ifa is appropriate to pamper
2. Ifasayo – Ifa brings joy
3. Ifayemisi – Ifa gives me recognition

Ifa says there is Ire of blessing and prosperity for the person to whom this Odu is reveals. Ifa say he/she will not live a solitary life. Ifa says that this person will become successful. Though a lot of family and friend have abandoned the person to whom this Odu is reveals. They think he will never become successful or amount to anything in life. Ifa says that this person should go and face his/her work diligently, he/she will become rich in the process. Ifa  advise him/her to choose farming as an occupation Ifa says he will become successful . Ifa advise him to venerate the Ile (mother earth ) and Orisa Aje with Ekuru(Grinded cooked beans food ) Ifa says that he will become successful and rich to the extent that he/she  will gain companionship of a lot of people who have previously hate him. Ifa says that all his/her formal haters will still come back to him and he will definitely rule like king over them. He should also offer ebo with 4 pigeons, 4 Guinean fowl and money. He should aske Ifa what Ifa will take and feed Ifa.Ifa says that he will become successful .On this Ifa says
Oyeku okaran Wanimonra
Ajoji ko leni lodo
O sunkun to Ifa lo
Ebo ni woni ko se
O si gbo ebon be O rubo
Ko pe ko jina
Igbo nla wanimonra di Ilu
O di eleni
Oyeku Okanran is seeking companionship
A stranger have no companions in  the river
He cries to Ifa for help
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
No too long, Not too far
The big forest of Wanimora become a city

Wanimonra is  very poor man with no resource or any affluence that can make people become his friend. When ever he went to the river no one will even greet him because he is a total stranger in that land. This act of loneliness breaks his heart. He cries to Ifa and seek Ifa consultation. His Awo advised him to relocated to the far forest and face his farming business. He was equally advised to offer ebo with  Ekuru and take the it inside a big forest. And drop it there, If insect cover up the Ekuru ,. He should mark the spot. He should come back home to take his cutlass and hoes and start his farming work at that same spot. He should remain dedicated to his farm work that is how he will become rich and gain companionship. He complied. He begin to plant maize ,yam and other crops and harvest and safe keep them in his barn. He does this for complete five years. There was great drought and farming that year. People were looking for food and means of survival. There is plenty of money but no food. An hunter in his search for water in the forest locate Wanimonra and his barn of food. Wanimonra entertain on him. When the hunter gets to the city, he relays the information to others about his newly found haven. People begin to quickly troop there to buy food. But to the utter amazement of people when ever people come he will tell them that he is not selling , he can only give them food if only they chose to co-habit-ate with him. They will comply. That is how the forest develop to a big city. He became their king and become rich and have many friend and family. He was happy he said that is exactly what his Babalawo have predicted 
Oyeku okaran Wanimonra
Ajoji ko leni lodo
O sunkun to Ifa lo
Ebo ni woni ko se
O si gbo ebon be O rubo
Ko pe ko jina
Igbo nla wanimonra di Ilu
O di eleni
Oyeku Okanran is seeking companionship
A stranger have no companions in  the river
He cries to Ifa for help
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
No too long, Not too far
The big forest of Wanimora become a city
Ifa says that there is Ire of blessing for the person to whom this Odu is reveals. Ifa says this person should respect his/her parent, people above him such as elder and superior and constituted authority .Ifa advised him to offer ebo so that he will not suffer humiliation. If advise the person in position of authority where this Odu is reveals to offer ebo so that their  subordinate will not topple them and usurp their power. On this Ifa says the person to whom this Odu is reveals must offer ebo with pigeon and Guinea fowl and money .He must also ask Esu odara what Esu odara will take and feed Esu odara . on this Ifa says
Oyeku pelekan
Oyeku bo Okarana monle
O gba Ase
Omo ti ab bi loju eni
Ki pa ase fun ni
Dia fun Oniseye owo
Lojo ti Jagana Ilu ni ohun yo ma pase
Ebo ni woni ko se
 O rubo
Ko pe ko jina
E wa bani larusegun
Aruse Ogun la bani lese Ope
Oyeku pelekan
Oyeku overshadow Okanaran
He takes over his command
The child that his given birth to in one presence
Should not be the one issuing command for someone to obey
This was Ifa message Oniseye owo
When the Ajagana ilu( the lowest among the chiefs) says he will took over the command of the town
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Not too far, not too long
Come and meet us in the midst of victory

Oniseye Owo was the king of Owo. He was trying to sleep, he had a nightmare  see himself sweeping his palace. He sense that this could not be a good dream. He went to Yyekeu pelekan (an Awo) for Ifa consultation. Ifa reveals that some of his subordinate are try to take over the command of town. He was advised to offer ebo and venerate  Esu odara. He laugh loud. He said no one will dare do that when he is still alive. Unknow to him that  Ajagana (the lowest among his chiefs even the youngest have taken over the  loyalty of all the army and palace guard due to his generosity to them. However  he has been advise to offer ebo to be able to do this successfully .he refuse. Thinking he is very wise that by the time he is through with implementing his schemes the king will lose all his influence. In the end he succeeded . when king give command every body will find one way on the other to sabotage the implementation of the king order. But if Ajagana offer simple advise not even command, such instruction or advise will be implement to the letter as if it is the king that give command. Not too long the king begins to lose influence. And his chief is growing in power and strength and influence. He quickly notice the instruction given by the Awo. He decided to offer the appropriate ebo ad feed Esu odara. After this Esu Odara enter the mind of  Ajagana . he begins to issue wrong advise. Such as asking that the wives of fellow cheifs should be coming and be  sleeping with him .people revolt and they refuse to listen to him again. The king order him to be depose as chief and be imprison. That is how king gain his influence and power back . The king was happy he said that is exactly what his awo have says:
Oyeku pelekan
Oyeku bo Okarana monle
O gba Ase
Omo ti ab bi loju eni
Ki pa ase fun ni
Dia fun Oniseye owo
Lojo ti Jagana Ilu ni ohun yo ma pase
Ebo ni woni ko se
 O rubo
Ko pe ko jina
E wa bani larusegun
Aruse Ogun la bani lese Ope
Oyeku pelekan
Oyeku overshadow Okanaran
He take over his command
The child that his given birth to in one presence
Should not be the one issuing command for someone to obey
This was Ifa message Oniseye owo
When the Ajagana ilu( the lowest among the chiefs) says he will took over the command of the town
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Not too far, not too long
Come and meet us in the midst of victory
Ifa says that there is Ire of abundance wealth for the person to whom this odu is reveals. Ifa says this person will make a lot of money in his life. Ifa see two friends or  family who want to embark on business together. Ifa say they will both make a lot of money from such business or deal. However Ifa warn them to avoid greed when it come to sharing their gain. Ifa says the greedy person among too will suffer great loss as a result of his/her greed. Ifa advise this person to offer ebo with snails,pegion,gin and money. He should also feed Aje with Ekuru, ogeed omini, and gin snail. Ifa says that this person will be will be bless. Ifa advise business partners or friends no to betray each other because of greed . Ifa see two people that want to embark on business or journey together .Ifa says that they will both be blessed .on this Ifa says:
Oyeku pelekan
Dia fun oyeku ohun okaran
Won sawo lo sile okoun seni ade
Ebo ni won ki won se
Oyeku nikan ni be leyin ti n tubo
Ko pe koo jina
E wa bani ni woowo ire gbogbo
Oyekeu pelekan
This was ifa messages for Oyeku and Okaranrn
They are going o mission to abode of Olokun seniade
They were both advised to offer ebo
It is only Oyeku that offer the prescribed ebo
Not too  long, not too far come and meet us in the midst of blessing
Oyeku and Okanran were friends. They were both looking for way to make money in life. Oyeku was a practicing awo same apply to Okanran. They have no food to eat. Olokun Seniade have invited Oyeku to come and make ifa consultation for him. Oyeku called his friend Okaran that that they should go on the trip together. They went  for Ifa consultation before embarking on the trip. They were both advised to offer ebo. But okaran refuse .he said he did not even have food to eat not to talk of making any ebo. It is only Oyeku that said he cant risk it ,he find means to offer the ebo and feed Esu odara as demanded. Okaaran even said he is no longer going again because he did not know how he will feed on the way and when they get there .however Oyeku persuade him that he should not worry when he get there they will definitely host them well. When  they arrive at Olokun villa.,Olokun definately feed them. After they are through with their assignments  Olokun show them a heap of cowries (money) as a gift.  Oyeku then told Okaran this is gift present to us. take the one you can carry out of it for yourself. But instead for Okaran to  show regard for Oyeku as a person who invite him for the mission. He did not.He quickly rush there and carry all the big cowries there and leaves the smaller sizes for Oyeku. Oyeku did not complain. He took the smaller sizes home . Esu odara told  oyeku to be feeding it with Ekuru .he pointed his Ado Asure(Esu manifestation power to it) the cowries begins to multiply on daily basis .That is how Oyeku become rich to utter surprise of greedy Okanran .Oyeku says that is exactly what his Babalawo have predicted
Oyeku pelekan
Dia fun oyeku ohun okaran
Won sawo lo sile okoun seni ade
Ebo ni won ki won se
Oyeku nikan ni be leyin ti n tubo
Ko pe koo jina
E wa bani ni woowo ire gbogbo
Oyekeu pelekan
This was ifa messages for Oyeku and Okaranrn
They are going on mission to abode of Olokun seniade
They were both advised to offer ebo
It is only Oyeku that offer the prescribed ebo
Not too  long, not too far come and meet us in the midst of blessing
Ifa sees ire of longevity of life for the person to whom this Odu is reveals. Ifa advise him/her to avoid adultery and promiscuous life. Ifa say this person should also asked this person to offer ebo. Ifa says this person should avoid relationship with one woman who just left her husband matrimonial home and park to his/her parent house. Ifa say that this woman is death trap for this man if he continues to visit the woman. He/she should offer ebo to overcome unknow assailant who want to kill him because of his relationship with estrange wife of another person. In fact he should be very careful with woman so that they will not use woman to set him up. On this ifa  says he should offer ebo with she goat and abo adiye (6) in number .Ifa says that he will overcome any form of conspiracy of untimely death, on this Ifa says:

Sigidi ni o yirunpada
Dia fun magbagbe ola omo  a se lnele gbagbe ale lona
Won ko rubo si aiku ara re
O koti ogboin sebo
Esu aiu igba autu
Eo ri bi Magbe ola se ba kulo
Magbagbe ola
Iwo lo seni
Iwo lo seniyan
Won ko mon bobirin lo
Iwo lo se saya lelenel oade ale lona lo fi ri iku he
The sigid refuse to tun their neck
This was Ifa message for Magbagebola
One who defiantly meet his concubine in the way
He was advised to offer ebo to avert untimely death
He refused
Failure to comply with prescribe ebo
Don’t you see how Magbagbe ola die cheap death
Magbeola you are the who is not humane enough
It is you with your protrude chest that defiantly meet concubine on the way that lead to your untimely death.
 Magbeola was a very good and successful man. But despite all this ,he is very promiscuous. He has be been warned on many occasion via ifa consultation and friend to desist from his promiscuous  life to avoid him suffer from cheap untimely death. He refused. There was woman who recently divorce her husband and have move to her parent house. Magbagbeola usually goes there every night to sleep with this woman. He has been warned to stay away from this woman yet he refuses. Some of the assailants that have been looking for way to attack him notice this and they waylay him and clubbed him to death one night when he is coming from the house of his concubine. He only regret his action on his way to heaven .he said that is exactly what his Babalawo have said:
Sigidi ni o yirunpada
Dia fun magbagbe ola omo  a se lnele gbagbe ale lona
Won ko rubo si aiku ara re
O koti ogboin sebo
Esu aiu igba autu
Eo ri bi Magbe ola se ba kulo
Magbagbe ola
Iwo lo seni
Iwo lo seniyan
Won ko mon bobirin lo
Iwo lo se saya lelenel oade ale lona lo fi ri iku he
The sigid refuse to tun their neck
This was Ifa message for Magbagebola
One who defintly meet his convubine in the way
He was advised to offer ebo to prevet untimely dealth
He refuse
Failure to compy with prescribe ebo
Don’t you see how Magbagbe ola die cheap death
Magbeola you rae the who is not humane enogh
It is you with you protrude chest that defiantly meet concubine on the way that lead to your unti,ely death.

Ifa say that there is blessing of honor and prosperity for the person to whom this odu is reveal. Ifa say that if the person to whom this odu is reveals is facing any problems at this moment in time it is because as a result of his/her insolence toward the people above him. Ifa warn children to respect and honor their parent. Ifa also advise wife to honor and respect their husband.Ifa  advise the subordinate to honor their superior. Ifa says this is the ebo that will bring stability to this person life. Ifa advise this person to offer ebo  with guinea fowl and pegion. he /she should also feed Obatala with a lot of snail. Life will please him/he  should also asked what Egungun will take and feed Egungun with it .on this Ifa says:
Oyeku  pelekan
Kekere ifa n fi Oju di oyeku
Beeni Oyeku ko  ja ogbe eniyan
Nje aye ma ma di rudu rudu
Omo ko o ni ohun oko ni gbo ti baba mon
Aya ko o ni ohun ko ni gbo ti oko mon
Aye ohun ma di rudurudu
Ile aye ni aye ti ru lo si orun
Igba iwase
Omo kekere ki wo ihoho iya re
Omede ki gboju wo baba re
Tani ni ko mon pe aye ti kuro nibe    ni idamu f de
Bi a ba reni se ebo rere funin ninu igbo
Ese kan oyeku
Egungun ko gbodo le sare
Bi Egungun ba le iru eni be sare
Egungun be a se ara lose
 E ja bowo fun ara iwaju ki aye le roju
Oyeku  pelekan
A small Ifa is under estimating Oyeku
Despite oye did not argue with ogbe
The world is now in state of instability
The children have now refused to heed their parent counsel
The wives have refused to listen to their husband
The world is now in state of instability
It from this world that everything has gone wrong before getting to heaven
At the dawn of creation
Children don’t look at the nakedness of their mother
Children don’t look at their father eyeball to eyeball
It is because life have change from this that how we have trouble
If one is lucky to see some to make good ebo for someone in the bush
One leg of oyeku
Egungun should not pusrue such person
Ifa any Egungun pursue or chase such erson
Such Egungun will land himself in trouble
Let show respect for the elder in front of us
Ifa see  ire of companionship for a person who is living a solitary life .Ifa says life will please this person he should offer ebo. Ifa says very soon this person will not live a solitary live again. On this Ifa says:
Oyeku okanran
Eniyan kan ki duro ni mejimeji
Ajeje owo kan ko gberu dori
Dia fun ajoji godogbo
Ti sunkun ala lenikan
Ebo ni won I ko se
O rubo
O di elene
Oyeku okanran
One person can not stan two by two
One hand can not easily singly handedly lift load on the head
This was Ifa message for ajoji godgbo (straneger)
Who was crying because he have no companion
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Not to long,not too far
Ajoji gain companion
Ifa see a lot of Ire for  the person to whom this odu is reaveal..For this person to secure his blessing he need to offer ebo with animal that have horn such as goat or ram. Ifa say that the life of this person will improve for the better. Ifa say it demand for goat with elongated horn from this person to feed ifa so that life will pleases him/her on this ifa says:
Awawa ni win fi n wawa nife
Di funOrunmila
Ifa yoo  gberan abiwo wanwa lowo akapo re ko fi tu ti akapo se
Orunmila toju eran abiwo
O fi bo ifa
Aye orunmila dara
Awawa ni win fi n wawa nife
This was Ifa message for orunmila
Ifa will  take animal with big horn from his Akapo
So that the life of Akapo can become better
Orunmila complied
And feed ifa with animal with horn
Life pleases him

Ifa says that this person will be blessed with many children in life. He/she will have a lot of children who will be his/her pride. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with two hens, two pigeons and money. on this, Ifa says:

Oyeku p’Okanran 

Awo eja lo dia f’eja

Tii somo onibu Iragbiji

Won ni ko rubo nitori omo

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ko si ibi ti a o kan odo

Ta o ni kan omo eja

Eja de, omo onibu Iragbiji


Oyeku p’Okanran 

He was the awo of Eja fish who cast Ifa for the fish

The offspring of the Iragbiji river

She was advised to offer ebo because of children

She complied

There is no River where we will not find the children of the


Here comes the fish

The offspring of Iragbiji River

9. Ifa says that there is a woman where this Odu is revealed who is looking for the fruit of the womb. She  would have become pregnant since a long time ago but because she too beauty conscious it was difficult for her to become pregnant. Ifa advises this woman to offer ebo with two matured she-goat, 16 rats, 16 fish and money. She also needs to tie the Ide beads because she is an Apetebi. On this, Ifa says:

Abo Egungun ko fohun ibi

Aborisa kan ko fohun Odi

Toto igbo’do, a bawo loloolo

Dia fun Egbara Odede

Ti nmoju ekun sunrahun omo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

Nje egbara odede

Ari e rewa na

O wa k’omo o


Does propitiating Egungun do not pronounce evil statements

Does propitiating Orisa do not speak wicked words

The toto of the river side with fresh body

Ifa’s message for the decorative pillar in the sitting room

When lamenting her inability to beget her own baby

She was advised to offer ebo

Now the decorative pillar 

We have seen that you are very beautiful

It remains you own baby for us to see

10. Ifa says that there is a serious crisis where this Odu was . It is in the best interest of all the people concerned to find a solution to the problem. Failure to do so may lead loss of life. Ebo materials here are: two hoes, two cutlasses, two knives, three roosters, three guinea-fowls, three pigeons, three hens and money. One rooster will also be used to feed Esu. On this, Ifa says:

Aroko ma ro aala

Dia fun Egbon pelu aburo

Won nlo oko alero lodun

Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se

Won koti ogbonyin sebo

Ipin aisebo

Ega won aiteru

Oyeku pele kan soko o


He who clears the farm bush without clearing the boundary

He was the one who cast Ifa for two siblings

When they were going on annual farm cultivation

They were advised to offer ebo

They refused to comply

Failure to offer ebo

And refusal to perform etutu

Oyeku had killed Elekan inside the farm

11 . Ifa warns a person who intends to travel not to go on any journey for at least 16 days. This is because the result of travelling within that period is disastrous. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with one matured he-goat and money.There is also the need to feed the elders of the night advised by Ifa. On this, Ifa says

Yangi abori kugu

Dia fun Laareba

Ti nlo soko alero lodun

Won ni ko ma lo

O koti ogbonyin sebo

Nje igbati a gbo’kun Laaregba o o

Enu ya’ni o


Yangi with rough head

Ifa’s message for Laaregba

When going on annual farm cultivation

He was advised not to go

He refused to comply

When we had of the death of Laaregba

We were all surprised

5. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of longevity for this person.

There is however the need for this person to substitute in

his/her life with ebo materials. The ebo materials here are

eight rats, eight fish, two hens, one matured he-goat, one

matured she-goat and money. This person has the backing

of Ifa in everything that he/she is doing. That is the reason

why, he/she had not met with disaster. On this, Ifa says:

Aboogun won o fohun ibi

Aboosa won o fohun odi

Dia fun Orunmila

Nijo won ni o wa gbori akapo wa lorun

Orunmila ni to ba konran kohun gbori akapo tohun wa

Ohun a fi teku-teja gbirari akapo

Boba kanran kohun gbori akapo tohun wa

Oun a fu teye teran gbirari akapo


Does propitiating Egungun do not pronounce evil statements

Does propitiating Orisa do not speak wicked words

Ifa’s message for Orunmila

When the said that they should bring the head of Akapo in


Orunmila declared that instead of bringing the head of his

own Akapo

He would use rat and fish to substitute for Akapo’s life

Instead of bringing the head of his own Akapo 

He would use bird and beast to substitute for Akapo’s life


 Ifa says that it foresees the ire of prosperity for this person. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with two pigeons, two guinea-fowls and money. He/she also need to feed Aje with white pigeon and honey and feed Ifa with two rats and two fish. 

Aboogun won o fohun ibi

Aboosa won o fohun odi

Dia fun Alara

O nsunkun own o laje lowo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Aje je di rubu awo

Owennewenne, aje je de rubu awo



Does propitiating Egungun do not pronounce evil statements

Does propitiating Orisa do not speak wicked words

Ifa’s message for Alara

When lamenting that he has no prosperity

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Aje came trooping into the hands of Awo

Owennewenne Aje came trooping into the backyard of Awo



Ifa says that it foresees the ire of childbearing for this person. Ifa warns this person never to eat corn or maize under any condition. Ebo materials here are four rats, four fish, two hens and money. on this, Ifa says:

Oyeku pekele-mege

Dia fun Agbado Oyeye

Eyi ti n loo gun ori ebe loko

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Nigba agbado gerebe

Ki lo wa mu bo?

Igba omo 

Lagbado wa mu bo

Igba omo


Oyeku pekele-mege

Ifa’s message for Agbado oyeye, the corn

When going to mount the farm heap

She was advised to offer ebo

She complied

When the corn mounted the farm heap

What did she bring back

200 children that was what the corn brought back 200



 Ifa says that this person want to buy something and that was why he/she had come for Ifa consultation. Ifa says that it is good for this person to buy this thing. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with four pigeons and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with one pigeon. On this, Ifa says:

Iti igi a sun ma pa iha da

Dia fun Oyeku

Ti nloo ra Elekan leru

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Nigba Oyeku ra Elekan leru

Nire gbogbo kunle weere


A falling tree lay prostrate without changing side

Ifa’s message for Oyeku

When going to buy Elekan as slave

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

When Oyeku bought Elekan as slave

All ire of life filled the house


 Ifa says that this person is in servitude. Ifa urges him/her to

perceiver. All his/her tribulations and sufferings will end

within that year. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with four

pigeons and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with one

pigeon. On this, Ifa says:

Oni asa eesu ni moko

Ola asa eesu ni moko

Dia fun Iregba-Erigbo

Ti nlo ba won sa Eesu ni moko

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Nje iwo Iregba-Erigba

Oni lo sa eesuu ni moko mo


Today we cut the Esu grass in moko land

Tomorrow we cut Esu grass in moko land

Ifa’s message for the servant of Erigbo

When going to cut the Esu grass in moko

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Now, you servant of Erigbo

Today is the last day that you are going to cut Esu grass in



Ifa says that it foresees the ire of a spouse for a man where this Odu is revealed. The man will gain the profit of many children from this woman. This woman needs to marry someone who is initiated into Ifa. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, one she-goat and money He/she also needs to feed Ifa with two rats, two fish and one hen. On this, Ifa says:

Igun wagawaga ori igba

Osin wagawaga orun ose

Dia fun Orunmila

Ti n loo gbe Adaadewa ni Iyawo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Afede-feyo, Ifa to to Adaradewa a fi saya


The big vulture on top of the Igba tree

And the giant Osin by the neck of Ose tree

They cast Ifa for Orunmila

When going to marry Adaradewa as wife

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Afedefeyo the multilinguist 

Ifa is the only one capable of having Adaradewa as his



Ifa says that it foresees the ire of prosperity, spouse, children and all ire of life for this person. He/she is advised to offer ebo with four pigeons, four hens, four rats, four fish and money. on this, Ifa says:

Igi jegede nii so igba ide

Dia fun Elekan

Ti n sunkun oun o laje

Igi jegede nii sogba ide

Dia fun Elekan

Ti n sunkun oun o laya

Igi jegede nii sogba ide

Dia fun Elekan

Ti n sunkun oun o bimo

Igi-jegede nii sogba ide

Dia fun Elekan 

Ti n sunkun owo oun o tore

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ko pe, ko jinna

E wa ba ni ni wowo ire


A slender tree that germinates 200 brass ornaments

Ifa’s message for Elekan

When lamenting that he has no prosperity

A slender tree that germinates 200 brass ornaments

Ifa’s message for Elekan

When lamenting that he has no spouse

A slender tree that germinates 200 brass ornaments

Ifa’s message for Elekan

When lamenting that he has no children

A slender tree that germinates 200 brass ornaments

Ifa’s message for Elekan

When lamenting that he has no ire of life

He was advised to offer ebo 

He complied

Before long, not too far

Join us in the midst of all ire of life


 Ifa says that it foresees the ire of childbearing for this person. Ebo materials: two hens, four rats, four fish and money.  On this Ifa says:

Pelekan sile

Ma pelekan sode

Dia fun Ogede-Oyangan

Eyi ti nfara gbogbo sungbere omo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ko pe, ko jinna

E wa ba ni ni jebutu omo


Kill Elekan at home

Don’t kill Elekan outside

Ifa’s message for Ogede Oyagan, the banana

When lamenting that she has no child

She was advised to offer ebo

She complied

Before long, not too far

Join us in the midst of children

16. Ifa says that there is the need for this person to stay at home a minimum of seven days. This is in order for this person to avoid untimely death. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo one rooster and money. on this, ifa says:

Eruku gbaa

Dia fun Olumeri

Ti won ni ko ma lo oko re funjo meje

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O koti ogbonyin sebo

Osun alaisebo, Egbaa won o teru

Eyin o roosa to se Olumeri

To roko re nijo meje


Eruku gbaa

He cast Ifa for Olumeri

Who was warned not to go to his farm for seven days

He refused to comply

Failure to offer ebo and refusal to heed warning

Can’t you see what Orisa did Olumeri

Who went to his farm within seven days

And he died on the farm


Ifa says that it foresees victory over enemies for this person. for whom this Odu is revealed shall be overcome. It will never happen. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with one rooster and money. on this, Ifa says:

Igi jegede nii sogba ide

Dia fun Obe

A bu fun Ila

Awon mejeeji jo nsota araa won

Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se

Obe nikan ni nbe leyin to nsebo

Obe ba reyin Ila


A slender tree that germinates 200 brass ornaments

Ifa’s message for Obe the knife

And for Ila the okra

The two of them were bitter enemies

They were both advised to offer ebo

Only the knife complied

It was the knife that eliminated okra


Ifa says that this person needs to offer ebo in order not to be confronted with too serious problems at the same time. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with one matured he-goat and money. He/she also needs to feed Esu with another he- goat and feed Ifa with a she-goat.  On this Ifa says:

Aladaaru se’raa re o le tee

Babalawo ti o mo iboo gba

Lo ti padanu araa re

Dia fun Onigege

Won ni ko rubo

Ko ma baa je gbese

Dia fun Onigbese

Won ni ko rubo

O koti ogbonyin sebo

Ko ma baa yo gege

Irinni apasa 

Eeyan se nba isu meji lorun enikan


Whoever cast Ifa without offering the ebo is only

harming himself

A babalawo who does not know how to collect ebo

materials is only bringing loss to himself

Ifa’s message for the person afflicted with goiter

Who was advised to offer ebo 

So that he would not be in serious debt

A babalawo who does not know how to collect ebo

materials is only bringing loss to himself

Ifa’s message for the person who is in serious debt

Who was advised to offer ebo

So that he would not be afflicted with goiter

He failed to comply

What a calamity

How could one explain the existence of two problems in

the neck of only one person


 Ifa says that it foresees the ire of longevity for this person. The person needs to offer ebo with three roosters and money. He/she also needs to feed Egbe, Ifa and the Elders of the Night as prescribed by Ifa. On this, Ifa says:

Eekan demudemu

Dia fun Orore moko

Tii se olori eye loko

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Orore-rore o, omo eye

N o yi dagba ti n o kuu o, omo eye

Orore-rore o, omo eye o


Eekan demudemu

He was the one who cast Ifa for Orore

Who was the head of all the birds in the farm

She was advised to offer ebo of longevity

She complied

Ororerore o, a young bird 

I am not old enough to die

I am Orore a young bird
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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