ODU IFA OYEKU OGUNDA BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa extreme documentaries -Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Odu Ifa Series

ODU IFA OYEKU OGUNDA BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa extreme documentaries -Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Odu Ifa Series
In this piece of work Babalawo Obanifa will make exhaustive commentaries on Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda also known as Oyeku Ojoomoda.,Oyekugunda,Oyeku Eguntan. Oyeku Ojo-ko-da, The work will be useful to any practicing Babalawo or  Ifa devotee who want to have an extensive knowledge of detail interpretations of Odu Ifa  Oyeku Ogunda for purpose of practicing or personal use. The work will also be useful in providing detail knowledge of this Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda during their Itelodu(ifa initiation) or Ikosedaye (First Ifa consultation for new born baby).  The author of this work Babalawo Obanifa is a practicing diviner and an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian so any knowledge and commentaries in this work is for actual spiritual practice. The work will examine among other things. What is Odu Ifa  Oyeku Ogunda meaning and symbol?, Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa  Oyeku Ogunda?  What are the taboos of Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda ? What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu ifa Oyeku Oyeku Ogunda during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye? What  are the names that can be given to those born under the star Of Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda during their Itelodu Or Ikosedaye? Basic summary of information available for those born under this Odu Ifa  Oyeku Ogunda  during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye. Comprehensive detail of some sacred information available inside Odu Ifa  Oyeku -Ogunda and  Babalawo Obanifa divine commentaries on them.   These aforementioned will be discuss in detail in seriatim in this work.  The work examine Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda in seven  (7) different stanza base on it application and interpretation of it  in Ifa practice over the centuries
What is Odu Ifa  Oyeku Ogunda meaning and symbol?

An Odu Ifa  will be said to be Oyeku Ogunda   whenever we have one leg of Odu Ifa Oyeku –Meji  on the right and One leg of Odu Ifa Ogunda  Meji on the left side. The amalgamation of the two to become one  is what is refer to as Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda Though Babalawo do nickname this Odu Ifa as Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda also known as Oyeku Ojoomoda.,Oyekugunda,Oyeku Eguntan. Oyeku Ojo-ko-da, When during Ifa consultation either via ohun-n –te-ale(Ikin ifa consultation using Iyerosun and opon Ifa) or Opele(ifa divination chain) if the symbol that appear is a reflection of one leg of Odu ifa  Oyeku meji on the right side and one leg of  Ogunda   meji on the left side  such symbol is what is known as Odu ifa Oyeku Ogunda in Yoruba Ifa spirituality. Below are image of  Babalawo Obanifa personal depiction of image of Odu Ifa  Oyeku  Ogunda  on how it can appear on Ifa divination tray or Opele(divination chain).
Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda?
By this question we are referring to other divinities or deities –Orisa and Irunmole  that those born under the star of Ifa Oyeku Ogunda  during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye can harness their energy  along with Ifa in other to have successful and less problem free life. The commonly Identifiable divinities that their energies can easily be harness with Odu Ifa Oyeku  Ogunda  are:Ifa,Ori,,,,Egungun, Ogun, and Esu Odara. Each of these divinities have specific function they perform. Let examine each in turn:
 Ifa – Ifa function for guidance and success and life accomplishment
 Ori - Ori function for the fulfillment of destiny, victory, success, protection,  and having of good character to achieve life success
Ogun -  Ogun function  for victory and success in one’s life exploit
Esu Odara – Function for maintenance of peace and avoid crisis in the family
Egungun -  Function for ancestral support and progress
Sango- function for victory over enemies and earn respect of people

What are the taboos of Odu Ifa Oyeku  Ogunda?

 By this question we are referring to those animate and inanimate object such as plants and animal and behavior or traits that those born under the star of Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda  must avoid in other to haves successful, healthy and less problem in their life. Below  are some of the identifiable taboo for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda :
They must avoid eating or using Ejo(snakel) to avoid unconsummated fortune
They must avoid  fighting over properties or asking for forceful share of properties
They must learn good character and have attractive pleasing personality so that their fortune will not be eluding them
The must have good utterance in their mouth always. Saying negative utterance will break their family or organization and throw it into crisis
They must not fight their wife for infertility issue so that their wife will not divorce them

What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu ifa Oyeku Ogunda  during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye?
By this question we are referring to area or field of professions  where people that were born under the star of Odu Ifa  Oyeku Ogunda can choose and achieve success and comfort in life.People born under the star of this odu ifa Oyeku Ogunda    are more better as Ifa and Orisa priestess , military and para- military service, Counselor, lawyer and law enforcement agent, Music or artiste

What  are the names that can be given to those born under the star Of Odu Ifa Oyeku   Ogunda during their Itelodu Or ikosedaye?
By this we are referring to the likely name that can be given to those born under the star of Odu Oyeku Ogunda.These names are derived from the positive character in different stanza of Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda They exist in both male and female category respectively. Some easily identifiable one are:

 The female
Comprehensive detail of sacred Information available inside Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda and Commentaries on them As document by Babalawo Obanifa

Ifa advise the person to who this Odu is reveal to offer ebo and don’t fight over properties of their deceased parent, so that it will not break the family ties   put the whole family in crisis. They should offer ebo with snail and  four doves and money. They should also feed Esu odara with He-goat and a lot of red palm oil. On this Ifa says that if there is already a quarrel over the landed properties distribution in that family .Ifa say they should make  same ebo as prescribe to make sure that the dispute did not break the family tie and scatter the family for life. Ifa say the person to whom this Odu is reveal should nor forcefully demand for his  share  in any disputed properties rather than he /she as in calm and peaceful tone. On this Ifa says.On this Ifa say:
Eweko bale o ro pinrin pinrin
Ewe Ogungun bale o ro gbohan-gbonhan
Dia fun Oyeku to fe lo bere oro low Ojoomoda Ome eye re
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O rubo
Eweko bale o ro pinrin pinrin
Ewe Ogungun bale o ro gbohan-gbonhan
This was Ifa message for Oyeku who is going to make enquiries from Ojoomoda his sibling
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Oyeku and Ojoomonda are sibling. Their parent have died some years back and left a lot of properties behind for them. But Ojoomoda have been in charge of the properties and bee using them alone to the exclusion of Oyeku. Oyeku have become frustrated and think this is a cheating. He must definitely fight Ojoomoda his sibling. But he said before he go and challenge  him to forcefully demand for his own share out of the properties. He will need to first make Ifa consulation on how he will be able to carry out the fight successfully. When Ifa was consulted Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda show. The Awo advised him to offer ebo with Dove and money and to be calm and peaceful  in asking from his brother Ojoomoda while the properties have not be share up till now. He complied and offer the ebo. When he got to Ojoomad . simles broadly and say my Big  Brother are we not going to share this propertie aging. Even if it litte give to blood now. Ojoomda was shock. He retort I think you are coming here to fight or challenge me. But it amzse when you are msiling and calm when you are asking me about it. Okay we are going to dvived the properties to two Equal part today and I will give you syour share. That is how he get his own share with ease .He was happy . He said that is exactly what his Baba;lawo have predicted:
Eweko bale o ro pinrin pinrin
Ewe Ogungun bale o ro gbohan-gbonhan
Dia fun Oyeku to fe lo bere oro low Ojoomoda Ome eye re
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O rubo
Erin lo se pin ogun
Tie bi fi duro
Ija o suhan
Eweko bale o ro pinrin pinrin
Ewe Ogungun bale o ro gbohan-gbonhan
This was Ifa message for Oyeku who is going to make enquiries from Ojoomoda his sibling
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
It smile that can be use to share properties
That family will still be Iin unison
Fight is not good

Ifa says that there is blessing of honor and success and fame for the person  to who Odu Ifa Oyeku Ogunda is reveal. Ifa says that many people are underestimating the power and ability of the person to whom this Odu Ifa is reveals. Ifa say that the person to who this Odu is reveal  if He/She can offer ebo. Ifa say life will please him/her. He will become extremely powerful  that all the people that have been previously treating him with contempt will not be able to dare him any longer advise this person to offer ebo with A full clay pot of red palm oil and live charcoal and a three cock and money. Ifa says that life will please him/her. He should also feed Orisa Sango with bitter kola and gin.He will have resounding victory and overcome enemies. On this Ifa says :
O mu gegege  yun bi Oro
O fi irin gbere-gbere rin bi Oro
Dia  fun Elegbe Agbamu gbo
Nijo ti awon Aye n fi ow Iya pa lori
Elegbe Agbamu ni Oruko ti a n pe Ina
Ebo ni won ni ko se
Ki o ru Ikoko Epo kan  ati egina lebo
O gbo ebon be  o rubo
O mu gegege  yun bi Oro
O fi irin gbere-gbere rin bi Oro
This was Ifa’s message for Elegbe  Agbamu gbo
Elegbe  Agbamu gbo is the name we called Ina(fire)
When the whole world is humiliating him
He was advise to offer a full clay pot and live charcoal as ebo
He complied

Elegbe  Agbamu gbo is the name we called Ina(fire) . He was not as hurt or burning people at the dawn of creation. Yet he perform all the activities that man need from him. Such as using it to cook, to burn bushes. Despite it usefulness to human being. They did not give him any Iota of honor and respect. They always humiliate him and abuse him. Matter came to an head when everyone up to a year old baby begins to treat  Elegbe  Agbamu gbo is the name we called Ina(fire) with disdain. He went to the Awo mentioned earlier who advise him to offer ebo with a full clay pot of  reda palm oil and live charcoal. He complied. Not too long .People think it is the same way they normally do  and abuse Ina (fire). Fire begins to burn them and destroy their things and properties if they abuse it. Fire become extremely powerful to the extent that people will be saying that don’t play with fire. He gains victory that everybody is now very careful around fire. He said that is exactly what his Babalawo have predicted .
O mu gegege  yun bi Oro
O fi irin gbere-gbere rin bi Oro
Dia  fun Elegbe Agbamu gbo
Nijo ti awon Aye n fi ow Iya pa lori
Elegbe Agbamu ni Oruko ti a n pe Ina
Ebo ni won ni ko se
Ki o ru Ikoko Epo kan  ati egina lebo
O gbo ebon be  o rubo
Bi omo kekere ba foju di Ina ina a  jo
Bi agbalagba  ba fi oju di ina ,Ina a jo
Ina o ba enikan soso ja; ko gbogb ara ile sinu
Ina ti di Eregejige ti deru ba aba niju
E ma roar fun ina
O mu gegege  yun bi Oro
O fi irin gbere-gbere rin bi Oro
This was Ifa’s message for Elegbe  Agbamu gbo
Elegbe  Agbamu gbo is the name we called Ina(fire)
When the whole world is humiliating him
He was advise to offer a full clay pot and live charcoal as ebo
He complied
Ifa a small child underrates Ina(fire) fire will burn him
Ifa an elder underrate fire (fire) fire will burn him
Fire who fight with one person and put the whole people in the house in trouble
Fire has become extremely fearful person
You had better be careful with fire
 Ifa see ire of children for husband and wife where this Odu Ifa is reveals. Ifa say that the person to who this Odu reveals should offer ebo against infertility and childlessness. Ifa see a relationship or marriage here that is facing fertility problem. Ifa say that the husband or Man in the marriage should take care of himself for fertility problem. He should not heap the blame on his wife. Ifa say that the woman should also take care of herself for fertility problem. They should offer ebo with four fish, four rats. Four hen. Four she-goat. Ifa say that life will please them. On this Ifa say:

Ogan eti odo
Ni wewu eje kale
Dia fun Oduduwa
Ti sunkun alairibi
Ti n gb aruwe alairipon
O ri omo leyin Adiye o bu sekun
O ni ha Edumare lo se Iru eyi fun eye oko
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O rubo
Ogan of the river side
Is completely red in color like blood
This was Ifa’s message for Odududwa
When he was lamenting for his inability to get children
He  is trying to get child to strap to his back
He see children at the back of an hen, he begin to cry
It God that blessed ordinary bird with this
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied

Oduduwa was the having problem in his marriage. None of his wives was able to get children. And if the wife leaves him and get marry to another man the woman will get pregnant. This is what make him to invite the Ogan eti odo Ni wewu eje kale(name of Babalawo) to make Ifa consultation for him.Ifa advised him to offer ebo  as explain earlier. Ifa say the Awo should prepare ifofo Okun and grind it with Osan wewe(lime orange) and ororo eyin(raw egg) . he should be drinking it. He complied. When he begins to sleep with his woman .His woman begin to get pregnant. He said that is exactly what his Babalawo have said.
Ogan eti odo
Ni wewu eje kale
Dia fun Oduduwa
Ti sunkun alairibi
Ti n gb aruwe alairipon
O ri omo leyin Adiye o bu sekun
O ni ha Edumare lo se Iru eyi fun eye oko
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O rubo
Ifofo  okun
Olongbo eyin
Ke I pe ko I jina
E wa bani ni jebutu omo
Ogan of the river side
Is completely red in color like blood
This was Ifa’s message for Odududwa
When he was lamenting for his inability to get children
He  was trying to get child to strap to his back
He see children at the back of an hen, he begin to cry
It God that blessed ordinary bird with this
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ifofo okun and raw eggs
Not too long not too far
Come and meet us in the midst of children.
Ifa  see Ire if victory for the person to who this Odu is reveals. Ifa say that this person is going to have resounding victory over his/her enemies. Ifa says that this person want to go somewhere or travel somewhere on a mission .Ifa say he will succeed where he is going to. Ifa advise this person to offer ebe with a goat and a blade and knife and rope and money. Ifa advise the person to whom this Odu Is reveal to offer ebo  and venerate Ogun with roasted yam, roasted corn, and red palm oil.Ifa says that life will please this person. On this Ifa says
Omi ogbo ni fi oju jo aro
Agbara on ani fii oju jo Irowo
Ogode ehinkule Aboju rise-rise
Dia fun Ogun Onila Oole
Nijo ti singun lo si Igbo Akara
Ebo ni won ni ko Se
O si gbo ebon be
O rubo
The water in the forest looks like dye
The Erosion in the foot path look like muddle water
The muddle water of the backyard looks scary
This was Ifa’s message Ogun Onija Oole
The day he is taking his battle to Igbo Akara
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
 Ogun Onija Oole was a powerful warrior. He want to take his battle to  Igbo Akara,He have heard that people of Igbo Akara are though warrior . Even woman living In Igbo Akara are though warriors. Ogun went to the Awo to know what he will need to do to overcome them and come back home victoriously. He was advised to offer ebo as explain earlier. He complied. When he get to Igbo Akara. There was heavy rain. The whole town  is flooded and people are trying to safe their home family and properties rom rain flood and erosion. They have become incapacitated. Ogun begin to take them one after the other. He over power them. He capture them and their wife and children with ease. He become victorious. He said that is exactly what is Babalawo have said.
Omi ogbo ni fi oju jo aro
Agbara on ani fii oju jo Irowo
Ogode ehinkule Aboju rise-rise
Dia fun Ogun Onila Oole
Nijo ti singun lo si Igbo Akara
Ebo ni won ni ko Se
O si gbo ebon be
O rubo
Igba o de ohun
Agbara lasan lo gbe won lo ni Igbo Akara
O mu oko o se  pipa
O mu ya o mu se  mimu
O ko omo wewe ibe kan ru Eru egun wale
Ogun ma de oo
Omo onija Oole
Ko pee, ko jina
E wa bani laruusegu
Arusegun la bani lese Ope
The water in the forest looks like dye
The Erosion in the foot path look like muddle water
The muddle water of the backyard looks scary
This was Ifa’s message Ogun Onija Oole
The day he is taking his battle to Igbo Akara
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
When got there
There was heavy rain flood that have overtaken Igbo Akara
He easily killed their the husbands
And capture their women as slaves
Their children were use as carriers to carry away the booties of the war
Here come Ogun Onija Oole
Not to long not too far come and meet us in the midst of victory
Ifa see a person  where this Odu Ifa is reveals that is in state of depression s.Ifa say he should offer ebo that life will please him/her. He will regain his/her joy once again. Ifa say he should offer ebo with plenty of expensive  wine and honey, He should also offer feed Egungun and give a lot food to Babalawo  and people in attendance . He should add Sekere and a drum to the ebo.Ifa say that life will pleases him .On this Ifa says:
It oganjo ni mu ile so kutu=kutu
Dia fun Oye ti n se egbon Ojjomoda
Inu ohu le nile aye
Ebo ni won ni ko
O rubo
It is the mid night urination that make soil to produce bubble
This was Ifa’s message for Oye
Who is elder brother of Ojoomoda
Will  I be happy in life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Oye  was an elder brother to Ojomooda was in state of depression. Nothing is moving well for him. He went for Ifa consultation to know whether life will actually please him. He was advised offer ebo. They told that his life will be sweet as honey. He complied and  offer the ebo. Not to long Life beging to please him. He said that is exactly what his Babalawo have predicted
It oganjo ni mu ile so kutu-kutu
Dia fun Oye ti n se egbon Ojjomoda
Inu ohu le nile aye
Ebo ni won ni ko
O rubo
Sumu sumu nile oyin dun
Temi dun rahin
Sumu nile oyin n dun
It is the mid night urination that make soil to produce bubble
This was Ifa’s message for Oye
Who is elder brother of Ojoomoda
Will  I be happy in life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The beehive is always busy and sweet
My own life is sweet
The beehive is always busy and sweet

Ifa advise the person to whom this Odu is reveals to offer ebo and take care of his/her character say if the house, family organization that this person belong is in any state of chaos now ,It is because of bad utterance from the people involved. He should avoid  making  statements when he /she is angry. He should avoid any kind utterance that speak ill of his friend, wife, children family member or co-worker. Ifa say the person should caution his/her temper and utterances so that the person will not bring havoc on his/her household or cause avoidable conflict through her utterances. He should offer ebo with pigeon guinea fowl and money. On this Ifa says:
Ibi ti ogiri ba ti lanu
Ibe ni efulele n gba wole
Dia fun Oye
Ti se egbo Ojoomonda
Ile ohun le toro ni dafa si 
Won ni ko rubo
O si rubo
It the spot where wall is crack
That is where wind will blow inside
This was Ifa’s message for Oye
Who is elders brother of Ojoomonda
Would my house be settle?
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Oye  was an elder brother to Ojomooda. He was a very provocative being in term of utterance. He cannot control his anger. Anything that happen in the family. he will go outside to tell people; he will be to uttering  all sort of negative stament about the family. Before long. The family enters into trouble. Everything is now in state of disarray. The whole family is in conflict. As an elder he went  to consult Ifa and Ifa advise that  he should mind his utterance. He should stop making negative utterances about the family anymore. They said It is what he is saying that people are using against him and his family. It is his own negative remark that people are using to cause discord between his family. He was advised to offer ebo and always say good things. He complied. Before long, life begins to please him. And his family. They are now in harmony. He said that is exactly what his Babalawo have predicted
Ibi ti ogiri ba ti lanu
Ibe ni efulele n gba wole
Dia fun Oye
Ti se egbo Ojoomonda
Ile ohun le toro ni dafa si 
Won ni ko rubo
O si rubo
O si so enu re
Oro ni emi yo so la nile
Eyin lohun to bale seni fo
E je ki a ma so oro enu

It the spot where wall is crack
That is where wind will blow inside
This was Ifa’s message for Oye
Who is elders brother of Ojoomonda
Would my house be settle?
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
He should also be mindful of his utterances
It utterances that ill make me become rich in life
Utterances  are like egg. When it hit the ground, it will definateley be break
Let mind our utterances
Ifa says that he see Ire of blessing and success for the person to whom this Odu is reveals. Ifa says there is fortune and prosperity and high chances of success for the person to whom this Odu is reveals. Ifa however warn this person to mind his/her character. He /she need to cultivate and develop good attractive personality so that he can become successful say If the person don’t have good character. It is his/ her bad character that will always spoil ahis/her easy chance of success. Ifa advise  this person to offer ebo with four pigeon, four guinea fowl and money. He also need to venerate Ori with pigeon and cat fish and obi and money. On this Ifa says:
 Aja suhan titi to fi deyin
Agbo suhan titi fi de roro
Dia fun Ori
A bu fun Iwa
Ori ni kan lorubo
Iwa koti ogboin si ebo
Ori ko ni buru to fi de Ile ife
Ti Iwa nikan lo so
Apo ni Iwa,Gbe ti e pon
Character are sack ,Carry your own

Toju iwa re
Iwa ni Olutona ori Ire
The dog is beautiful up to it teeth
The ram is beautiful up to it dewlap
This was Ifa message for Ori(destiny)
Same message was reveal to Iwa(character)
It is only Ori that complied with offering ebo
Ori(destiny) will not experience Ill luck up to Ile Ife
It is the character that need that his chances are delicate
Character are sack ,Carry your own
Take care of your character,
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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