ODU IFA IWORI -OKANRAN COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa extreme documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality(RAIS)-Odu Ifa Series

ODU IFA IWORI -OKANRAN COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa extreme documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality(RAIS)-Odu Ifa Series 
In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will make comprehensive commentaries on odu ifa  Iwori Okanran ,also known as Odu Ifa Iwori - o -rinkan. This piece of work will be useful for any practicing Babalawo and Ifa devotees that want to have detail knowledge of the interpretations of Odu Ifa  Iwori Okanran either for purpose of divination practice or personal use. The work will also be useful for those born under the star of Odu Ifa  Iwori –Okanran during their  Itelodu(Ifa initiation) and Ikosedaye(Ifa initiation). The author of this work (Babalawo Obanifa ) is an authoritative  leading Ifa and Orisa theologian and established authority in field of Yoruba herbal medicine and spirituality  so any piece or information and divine commentaries  in this work can be authoritatively rely upon by any beginner and advance Ifa practitioner for purpose of spiritual practice.  This work will examine among other things ; What is Odu ifa Iwori Okanran  meaning and symbol? Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole  with Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran? What are the taboos Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran?  What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye. What are the names that can be given to those born under the Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran during their Itelodu Or Ikosedaye? Basic summary of information of Odu Ifa Iwori-Okanran for those born by Iwori Okanran during  Itelodu or Ikosedaye? Comprehensive detail of sacred messages contains inside Odu Ifa Iwori-Okanran  and Babalawo Obanifa divine commentaries on them. All these aforementioned will be the major focus of this work. The work extensively examine Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran in seven(7) different stanza base on applicability of it and interpretation of it for  clients and initiates  over the centuries.
What is odu ifa Iwori  Okanran  meaning and symbol?

Whenever we have one leg of symbol of Odu Ifa Iwori-meji on right hand and one leg of Odu Ifa Okanran -meji on the left during Ifa consultation via ohun-te-ale(Ikin ifa divination  on ifa divination tray) or dida owo(ifa divination with opele). The amalgamation of o one leg of symbol of Odu Ifa Iwori-meji on right hand and one leg of Odu Ifa Okanran-meji on the left during Ifa consultation is what is known as symbol of Odu Ifa Iwori –Okanran. Though this Odu Ifa have other alias known as Iwori -o-rinkan .This Odu Ifa fall into category of Odu Ifa known as Amulu. Below are Babalawo Obanifa image depiction of how Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran  can appear  on opon Ifa (ifa divination tray and  via opele (ifa divination chain).

Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole  with Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran?

By this we are referring   to the divinities that those born under the star of Odu Ifa  Iwori –Okanran  during their itelodu or ikosedaye can harness their energies in other to have successful life. Some time they can seek initiation into this Orisa or have consecrated element of this Orisa along with their Ifa.  Some of the identifiable orisa and irunmole that are affiliated with Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran are : Ifa,ori,Egungun,Aje,Esu  Odara,Oris Aje,Iyami, and Osun
Ifa-Ifa function for guidance and protection
Egungun-Egungun function for peace of mind and comfort
Aje-Aje function for wealth creation
Esu odara- Esu function for victory over litigation and legal matter
Iyami-Iyami function for success and sound health
Osun- function for Overcoming problem over child bearing
What are the taboos Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran?

By this question we are referring to both animate and inanimate object and behavior that those born of Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran must avoid from doing, using or doing in other to have successful and less problem free life. Their major taboo  are:
They must avoid using Irore bird for akose ifa or eat it
They must not operate sole proprietorship or live a solitary life
They must not fight over property or chieftaincy title to avoid cheap death
They must avoid using Peregun for ifa medicine
They must not advise any person to commit anti social behavior or engage in crime
They must always have stable location for their business o job
What are the names that can be given to those born under the Odu Ifa Iwori  Okanran during their Itelodu Or Ikosedaye?
By this question we are referring to the names that can be given to those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran during their Itelodu and Ikosedaye. These names are derived from positive character from various stanza of Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran example of such name are:

What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori Okanran during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye
By this we are referring   area of vocation and profession that people born under the star of Odu ifa Iwori Obara can engage in to become successful quickly and with relative ease in life. They can be successful as a business person,counselor,spiritualist as Ifa and orisa presitess,politiciam and administrator.

Comprehensive detail of sacred messages contains inside Odu Ifa Iwori- Okaran and Babalawo Obanifa divine commentaries on them.

Ifa advise the person to whom this Odu is reveals to offer ebo so that he /she doesn’t get implicated in legal matter or police case. He needs to be very careful and thoughtful in his interaction with people. He should not interfere in any matter does not concern him. He should try giving advise to other so that he did not get implicated as a result. And if this person is already implicated in police case or any legal matter. Ifa advise him to be very careful in giving advice to other so that he don’t end get implicated in legal matter as a result of the advice given. He should  offer ebo with 4 hen, and money. And also offer feed Esu Odara with he -goat. On this Ifa says

Iwori Orikan
Awo Olore Agbon kuo
Dia fun Orunmila nijo
Ti Baba n be larin Iponju ati Ejo
Ebo ni won ki baba se
O gbo ebo n be o rubo
Ko si ohun ti oju awo ki rio
Ki si ohun ti oju awo ki kan
Ko pe ko jina e  wa bani larusegun
Iwori Orikan
Awo Olore Agbon kuo
This was Ifa message for Orunmila
When he was in midst of problems and legal problem
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
There is nothing that Awo don’t face in this world
There is nothing that Awo don’t experience
Not too long, not too far
Meet us in the midst of victory.
Ifa says there is blessing of children for the person whom this Odu is reveals. Ifa say a barren woma will get child. Ifa see a father and soon that will become popular and famous. Two of them father and some will become famous. But both of them must offer ebo so that there with not because conflict of interest between father and child in future. Father should oferr ebo so that when the fame and glory of his child begging to outshine his own it don’t result to conflict. should offer ebo so that both of the can become equally successful says  parent should offer ebo ebo so that when the glory of their children begin to shine they can be remember and be in limelight with their children.  They should offer ebo with pigeon ,guinea fowl and money. They should venerate their ori with coconut, cat fish and pigeon. On this Ifa says
Iwori  o rinkan
Awo Olore Agbon
Dia fun Inaagun
O mu mi oju surahun tomo
O koti ogboin si ebo
O bimon  repete
Inangun nikan  la mon
Ko seni to ,eni yoo biwon
Iwori o rinkan
Awo Olore agbon
This was ifa message for Inangun(sunflies)
When she was lamenting because of lack of children
He was advise to offer ebo
She refuse to comply
She beget may children
It only Inangun we know
No body was able to know about their parent
 Ifa says that lack of success and achievement on the part of the person to whom this Odu is reveal is traceable to his /her lack of ability to focus on one work, stay in one place. If advise a woman or ma that can not stay in one stable relationship that that is what accountable for his failure in marriage. Ifa also advise woman who move from one man to the other that is what responsible for her failure. Ifa say this person should cultivate habit of staying in his working place and marriage to get and achieve desire success. He should offer ebo with one she goat,4 giant land snail and money . The awo should also ask for what Aje will take and feed orisa Aje for the client On this Ifa says:
Opeere awo Eluju
Dia fun Orunmila
Baba n sowo ko nibudo
Orunmila sawo kiri
Sugbon ohun gan ko ni Ibudo Amugbore
Aye o loju
Ebo ni woni ko se
Ko si nibudo
O gbo ebo n be
O rubo
Ko pee ko  ko jina
E wa banii ni jebutu ire
Opeere the Awo of Eluju
This was Ifa message for Orunmila
Orunmila was doing business with having  permanent location address where people can blessed him with gift
Orunmila was practicing as an itinerant diviner
But he does not have permanent location address where people can bless him with gift
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Not too long, not too far
Come and meet us in the middle of plenty ire
Ifa advise the person to whom this Odu is reveals that the will be peace of mind and prosperity for the person to whom this Odu reveals that the person to whom this Odu is reveals and his family need to propitiate the Egungun of their family lineage. Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveals his family should offer ebo and venerate the Egungun to get comfort. They should offer ebo with two he-goat, goat and money. They should also feed the Egungun with two he -goat, plenty of ground cooked bean s food (moimoi). One ful baske of eko ,one full basket of akara. Ifa says all the hardship that this person and his family will experience comfort. On this if a says:
Iwori o rinkan
Awo oloore agbon
Dia fun Olore Agbon Isale oja
Nijo ti n sunkun ow ohun ko to re
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbo ebo n be o rubo
Ko pee ko jina
E wa bani ni wowo ire gbogbo
Iwori o rinkan
Awo oloore agbon
 This was ifa message for Olore Agbon isale oja
When he crying for lack of blessing
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
No too long, not too far
Come and meet us in the middle of plenty Ire
Ifa advise the person to whom this Odu is reveals not be selfish o live a life of a lone ranger. He try to always seek the co-operation of others. He should cultivate the habit of relating well with other people so that he can have successful life. Ifa says all the blessing that will come to this person will come through another person.  He  should cultivate the avoid one man show. Partnership and interrelation with other is what will bring him/her desire blessing. On this Ifa says :
 Iwori o rikan
Awo Oloree agbon
Dia fun Olore Agbon isale oja
Owo ohu le to ire ni dafa si
Won ni ko rubo
Won no ko ma baa wo eniyan se
Ko ,ma se da rin ,on
Olore agbon o darin mon
Ire beere si to low
Bi ire o ba toni lowo
Eniyan laa mon
Iwori o rikan
Awo Oloree agbon
This was ifa message for Olre  Agbon isle oja
He was consulting on how he can  achieves Ire
He was advised to offer ebo
He was advised to  live a solitary life any more
Ifa you will receive any blessing in life it will come through someone else
Ifa advise this person to whom this odu is reveal to avoid fighting or competing with anybody for titles, position or inheritance, properties or land. Ifa advise this person to offer ebo with 2 hen that all his blessing will come to him. Ifa says the people that will want to fight with this person are evil people that can kill or maim anybody because of properties or position. Ifa advise this person to stay away from fight over properties or title. Ifa say that this person if he/she can offer ebo as prescribe and feed ifa what is rightfully  belong to this person will be given to him without any struggle or strife .on this ifa says:
Iwori o rikan
Dia fun Monjasola
Ti se omo olori ohungbogbo igba iwase
Ti a ba ja sola
T I aba ja soro
Enu ni yo ni
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbo ebo n be o rubo
Ko pe ko jinna
E wa bani ni jebutu ire gbogbo
Iwori o rikan
This was Ifa message for Monjasola
Who is offspring of Olori gbogbo igba iwas
If we fight over wealth
If we fight over riches
It is bad name it we do earn from it
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Not too far, not too long
Come meet us in the midst of blessing
Ifa see an husband and wife that are childless. Ifa advise them that life will please them. Ifa says their sterility is the handwork of the enemy advise this person to offer ebo with  She-goat,44 hen and money, He should also venerate Osun. They will beget their children and put shame on their enemies. On this ifa says:
Iwori orikan
Dia fun peregun
Nijo ti won ni ko ni ribi
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbegbo n bo  o di olomon
Iwori orikan
This was Ifa message for peregun
When she was sterile
He was advise to offer ebo
He complied
He beget her own children
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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