ODU IFA IWORI -OBARA COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa extreme documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Odu Ifa Series

ODU IFA IWORI -OBARA COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa extreme documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Odu Ifa Series  
In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will make comprehensive commentaries on Iwori Obara ,also known as Odu Ifa Iwori –Apajuba,Iwori Obere. This piece of work will be useful for any practicing Babalawo and Ifa devotees that want to have detail knowledge of the interpretations of Odu Ifa  Iwori Obara either for purpose of divination practice or personal use. The work will also be useful for those born under the star of Odu Ifa  Iwori –Obara during their  Itelodu(Ifa initiation) and Ikosedaye(Ifa initiation). The author of this work (Babalawo Obanifa ) is an authoritative  leading Ifa and Orisa theologian and established authority in field of Yoruba herbal medicine and spirituality  so any piece or information and divine commentaries  in this work can be authoritatively rely upon by any beginner and advance Ifa practitioner for purpose of spiritual practice.  This work will examine among other things ; What is odu ifa Iwori Obara  meaning and symbol? Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole  with Odu Ifa Iwori Obara? What are the taboos Odu Ifa Iwori Obara?  What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori Obara during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye. What are the names that can be given to those born under the Odu Ifa Iwori Obara during their Itelodu Or Ikosedaye? Basic summary of information of Odu Ifa Iwori-Obara for those born by Iwori Obara during  Itelodu or Ikosedaye? Comprehensive detail of sacred messages contains inside Odu Ifa Iwori-Obara  and Babalawo Obanifa divine commentaries on them. All these aforementioned will be the major focus of this work. The work extensively examine Odu Ifa Iwori Obara in six different stanza base on applicability of it and interpretation of it for  clients and initiates  over the centuries.
What is odu ifa Iwori  Obara  meaning and symbol?

Whenever we have one leg of symbol of Odu Ifa Iwori-meji on right hand and one leg of Odu Ifa Obara -meji on the left during Ifa consultation via ohun-te-ale(Ikin ifa divination  on ifa divination tray) or dida owo(ifa divination with opele). The amalgamation of o one leg of symbol of Odu Ifa Iwori-meji on right hand and one leg of Odu Ifa Obara-meji on the left during Ifa consultation is what is known as symbol of Odu Ifa Iwori –Obara. Though this Odu Ifa have other alias known as Iwori  Apajuba ,also known as Odu Ifa Iwori – Obere,Iwori obere Iwori n yagbe. This Odu Ifa fall into category of Odu Ifa known as Amulu. Below are Babalawo obanifa image depiction of how Odu Ifa Iwori Obara  can appear  on opon Ifa (ifa divination tray and  via opele (ifa divination chain).


Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole  with Odu Ifa Iwori Obara?

By this we are referring   to the divinities that those born under the star of Odu Ifa  Iwori –Obara  during their itelodu or ikosedaye can harness their energies in other to have successful life. Some time they can seek initiation into this Orisa or have consecrated element of this Orisa along with their Ifa.  Some of the identifiable orisa and irunmole that are affiliated with Odu Ifa Iwori Obara are : Ifa ,Ori, Aje, Ile,Ogun, and Osun. Each of this Orisa have their individual function to the clients.
Ori- Ori function  for attaining success and position of leadeship
Aje- Aje function for attainment of position of leadership and prosperity
Ile : Function for personal comfort and   blessing
Ogun-Function for exposure of thieves
Osun-For overcoming infertility

What are the taboos Odu Ifa Iwori Obara

By this question we are referring to both animate and inanimate object and behavior that those born of Odu Ifa Iwori Obara must avoid from doing, using or doing in other to have successful and less problem free life. Their major taboo  are:
They must avoid stealing to avoid exposure and humiliation
They must persevere always so that they don’t give up when their chance of success is near
They must not choose Farming or agriculture as occupation to avoid them been poor all their life
They must avoiding having sexual intercourse with their spouse in standing  position to avoid fertility problems

What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori Obara during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye
By this we are referring   area of vocation and profession that people born under the star of Odu ifa Iwori Obara can engage in to become successful quickly and with relative ease in life.  Some of the area of vocation for people under this Odu Iwori  are :politican,stateman,administrator,lawyer,welfare officer,Spiritualist,Business person, But they must avoid farming.

Comprehensive detail of sacred messages contain inside Odu Ifa Iwori- Obara and Babalawo Obanifa divine commentaries on them.

Ifa says that some people are ripping this client off. Some people are taking undue and unfair advantage of this person. Ifa says there some thieves who are stealing from this client. It may be that these people are stealing from his business or they constantly burgle his house or place of business, or he is experiencing fraud in one form or the other, Ifa says that if this client can offer ebo . The secret of those cheating humor stealing from this client will be reveals and expose. Ifa said that this person will catch those who are stealing from him or he red handed. Ifa says that if it is this person that do engage in certain act of stealing or cheating with other person. Ifa says that he/she should offer ebo so that his secret does not get expose. On these if say that these person should offer food items,a bundle of rope,a  goat and money. He should also ask for what Esu will take and feed Esu . on this Ifa says

Iwori Obere
Ti n fi n yagbe
Dia fun Asunnu
Won ni ko rubo
Ko ru iti okun agba kan
Ki o le segun awon gberwiri ti n ko leru
Iwori Obere
Ti n fi n yagbe
 Dia fun Ole
Won ni ko rubo ki Asiri re ko ma ba tu
O koti Ogboin  si ebo
Igba airu
E ri bi Ifa Awo ki ti n se
Iwori obere( Iwori did not squats)
Before he starts to defecate
This was Ifa message for Asunu
He was advised to offer ebo
With bundle of rope
So that he can be victorious over the thieves stealing his properties
He complied
This was Ifa make for Gbewiri(the thief)
He was advised to offer ebo
So that he did not get expose in his act of stealing
He refused to complied
Failure to complied with the directive of Ebo
See how the Ifa prediction come to manifestation.

Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveals may be facing a lot of difficulties and suffering at the beginning of his life.The hardship may be too much up to the point that this person will be contemplating suicide, However  Ifa advised this person that he is destiny to enjoy  a later of honor and prosperity later in his life. He will ascend position of authority either by election or hereditary that will pave way for his success. Ifa advised him /her to persevere and have faith in Olodumare. All the suffering will be over; he will outshine all his contemporaries. He should never at any time contemplate harming self because of his/her hardship. It will all end in praise and glory. Ifa advise this person to offer ebo with 4 pegion,4 hen,4 guinea fowl and money. On this ifa says:

Awon Ajaksu n sunkun Awon o yo
Ki wa ni eni to ti inu oriri je o se
Dia fun Iwori Obere
To  lohun o duro de ifa mon
To n re inu Igbe lo re so dogbodogbo
Ebo ni won ko wa se
O gbo ebo nbo
O ru bo
Those who are eating big wraps of food are lamenting they are not satisfied
What do we want people walloing in poverty to do?
This was Ifa message for Iwori Obere
Who said  he is tired of waiting on Ifa
He said he is going to the forest to hang himself.
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied

Iwori obere was one of the prince in his city, but despite his royal heritage he was wallowing in abject poverty. He was unable to feed his wife and children or to even buy clothe. This make him went for ifa consultation and he was advised to offer ebo as prescribed earlier. Each time he goes for Ifa consultation the same message will be reveals. But despite all the ebo everything remains unchanged for him. He awo have told him that all his trouble will be over and he will be eventually confer with chieftaincy title that will make him above all the his peer and bring him wealth. But despite all this prediction noting change for him rather than things are becoming more difficult as a result, He plan one day to go and hanged himself in the bush. He went to the outskirt of the town and enter bush to hanged himself, He have left the town at midnights. It same night that the king of the town joins the ancestors. The ifa consultation that the people of the town make that morning reveals that it Iwori Obere that Ifa chooses to become the next king. They quickly run to his house to inform him. When they get to his house they cannot find him, Hence they try to trace him to his farm. On getting to his farm they are searching through the bush they find him where noose is already on his neck. They quickly safe him and inform him that he has been choosing by Ifa to become the next King. He was taking to the city and enthrone as king. Life pleases him, he become man of honor and wealth.He said that is exactlty what the Awo has predicted
Awon Ajakasu n sunkun Awon o yo
Ki wa ni eni to ti inu oriri je o se
Dia fun Iwori Obere
To  lohun o duro de ifa mon
To n re inu Igbe lo re so dogbodogbo
Ebo ni won ko wa se
O gbo ebo nbo
O ru bo
O lanu koto orin awo ni ko
On se Iwori Obere momo so
Iwori obere momo so
Iwori obere momo binu ori oye n bo
Iwori obere momo so
Those who are eating big wraps of food are lamenting they are not satisfied
What do we want people wallowing in poverty to do?
This was Ifa message for Iwori Obere
Who said he is tired of waiting on Ifa
He said he is going to the forest to hang himself.
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
He begin to sing
Iwori obere do no hang
Iwori obere do not hang
Don’t be frustrated because you will soon be enthrone as king
Iwori obere do not hang
Ifa says this person will eventually become a leader, Ifa advised him not to take farming or agriculture as a vocation. Ifa said he will be good politician, statesman or administrator.  Ifa advise him to offer ebo with 4pegion,4 hen,one she-goat and money. On this Ifa said:
Osese ebo ni pa Igun lerin
Dia fun Olu omo Ora n sode
Won ni ko rubo ko le di eni ola nile aye
O gbo ebo nbe o rubo
A succulent ebo will make Igun to laugh
This was Ifa message for Olu the offspring of Ora n sode
He was advised to offer ebo to attain lofty height of honor in life
He complied

Olu is the child of Ora-n –sode. His father has been practicing as a farmer though for a very long time without success. They live on farm. They  .live from hand to mouth without any form of recognitions. This what make Olu went to Awo for Ifa consultation. He wants to know what he need to do to come to lime light and become successful be out of Agrarian work to more comfortable location during his old age. He was advised to offer ebo. He complied . After three years the King of his city died .They are looking for the one to become the king.Ifa said the person is on the farm. And Olu was divinely choose during the consultation. That is how he was elevated from poor farmer to position of King
Ifa says if there are couple here9husband and wife) that have been try to get pregnant but are unable to get pregnant. Ifa says they should check and observe their sex position during sexual intercourse. Ifa said they should be adopting purely missionary method during sexual intercourse. Ifa advise the husband to avoid having sex with his wife in standing position so that the wife can get pregnant fast. They should offer ebo with hen,and money.on this Ifa says
O doo ganngan naa
O kan-an gangan naa
Dia fun Iwori
To ti n do Ayaa re looro
Won feyinti won n fekun surahun omo
Ebo ni woni ki won se
Won rubo
Iwori O ba bere
A se ni looro ganngan
Iwori o bere
A se do ni loro domo

You make love in standing postion
You penetrate and ejacualate in same standing postion
This was Ifa make for Iwori
Who always make love to his wife in standing position
And they are lamenting their inability to get  child
They advised to offer ebo
They complied
Iwori why cant you lie down with your wife
Why are you making love to your wife in standing position
Iwori why cant you lie down with your wife
How does some make love to a woman in standing position and expect such woman to get pregnant
Iwori why can’t you lie down with your wife
Ifa advise this person to have one resting day in a week, especially the day of ose ifa or Orisa. Ifa say that if this person is a babalawo or Ifa devotee, He must always observe the ose Ifa day. Ifa say that this person should always set aside a day forhimsel in a week ,to think,rest and persorm his/her religion obligation.On this Ifa says
Iwori Apajuba
Dia fun Amosun laka
Ti n fi ojo Edu roko
Ebo ni won ni ko
Amosun iwo lo seni
Iwo lo seniyan
O se n fi ojo
Edu roko
Iwori Apajuba
This was Ifa message for  Amosun laka
That is using the day meant for ose ifa to engage in farming activities
He life lack direction
He was advised to offer ebo
Amosun lake you are the who did not behave wa
How will you be using the day meant for  Ofe Ifa to engage in faming activities
Ifa see ire of children for barren woman. Ifa says infertility has become thing of trend in that lineage or family.Ifa say ebo should be made on behalf of the whole family. So that they can beging to experience plenty of children in the family .  They should offer ebo with she-goat, and money on this  ifa says:
Awo eru won du oye oba
Egun ni o du oye Eyo
Oba biinni lo fori e fafa debe olomo
Dia fun won ni Idasa a o ku mo
Nibi won gbe n pon Ike bi eni pon omo
Won le bi omo ni won dafa si
Won ni ki won rubo
 Won rubo
Ifa ni e so ike sile
Ki e pon omo
Omo la n pon
A kip on Ike
E so ike sile
Ki e pon omo
Omo la n pon A ki pon Ike
The slaves don’t contest to become a king
The Egun don’t contest to become Eleyo
Oba biinni lo fori e fafa debe olomo
This was Ifa message for them in Idas a o ku mon
Where they carry carry hunch at their back like babies
Would they be able to have children was the reason for their consultation
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Ifa say say you drop a huch
And strap baby to your back
It is baby that human being strap at their back not hunch.

 Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

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