MEANINGS OF CRYING AND TEARS IN DREAMS BY BABALAWO OBANIFA –Obanifa Extreme Documentaries- Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Dream Interpretations Series.

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MEANINGS OF CRYING AND TEARS IN DREAMS BY BABALAWO OBANIFA –Obanifa Extreme Documentaries- Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Dream Interpretations Series.
In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will reveal and document in details meanings of crying and tears in dreams from the perspective of Africa culture and spirituality. By crying within the context of this work, I am referring to uttering  inarticulate sounds, especially of lamentation, grief, or suffering, usually with tears. to weep; shed tears, with or without sound. to call loudly; shout; yell. While by tears within the context of this work I am referring to a drop of the saline, watery fluid continually secreted by the lacrimal glands between the surface of the eye and the eyelid, serving to moisten and lubricate these parts and keep them clear of foreign particles. this fluid appearing in or flowing from the eye as the result of emotion, especially grief. Crying and tears in dreams as in the case of any other dreams symbol can have either positive or negative meanings.  The meanings to be given to be given to such dream will depend on the contents and context of such dream. From positive perspective crying and tears in dream can be expression of happiness, victory over protracted battle or problems, relieve from depression, or sickness. While from negative perspective, crying and tears in dream can connotes: bad news, mourning, depression, disappointment, hopelessness, financial impediment and blockage, deceptions, loss of job, economic recession, protracted problems, shame and embarrassments, etc.  Crying and tear in dream may strictly be instructional or warning dreams. The meanings to be given to such dream will usually depend on the contents and context of such dreams. Below are detail documentation of the meanings of crying and tears in dream and quick fix to them as interprets and document by Babalawo Obanifa.

IF YOU SEE THAT RAIN WASH AWAY YOUR TEARS WHEN YOU ARE CRYING: In any kind of dream where you see that rain is washing away your tears when you are crying. This kind of dream is a positive message dream telling the dreamer that he or she will soon be comfort and overcome all his/her life challenges in such a manner that all his/her problems will give way to joy and happiness. The dream is telling the dream that he/she will receive divine favor and help that will provide succor for him or her in his life challenges.
CRYING OR SHEDDING TEARS INSIDE A BASKET: In any kind of dream where the dreamer see that he /she is shedding tears inside a basket. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she should take good observation at his/her own life on what is causing him/her agony. He/she will discover it is a self –inflicted. And it is a problem that he/she can solve on by avoiding certain things or removing certain behavior or people from his life.
IF YOU SEE THAT YOU ARE SHEDDING HOT TEARS: In any kind of dreams where you see that the tears flowing from your face is hot.  This is warning dream telling the dreamer that he /she is about to do something and such thing will end in regrets if he/she do it.
IF YOU SEE IN YOU DREAM THAT ANIMAL IS CRYING OR SHEDDING TEARS IN DREAMS: In any kind of dreams where you see that animal is crying or shedding tears in dream. The kind of meanings to be given to such dream will depend on the type or species of animal involve. Below is detail interpretation of situation where animals are crying in dreams:
If you see in your dreams that crocodile is crying in your dream. In any kind of dreams where you see that crocodile is shedding tears in dream. This kind of dream is telling the dreamers that he/she is under the deceptions of certain person or individual who pretend to be weak or innocents but they are actually wicked and dangerous.
If you see in your dream that snake is crying or shedding tears in dream. This kind of dream is warning dream telling the dreamer that he /she is about to help and individual who will later be ungrateful and harm such persons. It is warning dreams.
If you see in your dream that a dog is crying or shedding tears in dream. In any kind of dream where this occur. This is usually an instructional message dream about the news of death of person close to this dreamer or that person close to this dreamer is about to die. It could also connote that a person has just die or is about to die around the vicinity of this man.
If you see in your dream that a sheep is crying in your dream. In any kind of dream where you see sheep shedding tears it connotes a death of a person close to the dreamer or within the vicinity of the dreamer.
If you see in your dream that a goat is crying. This kind of dream is an instructional message dream telling that the person you just forgive or pardon of certain error will soon commit another one.
If you see in your dream that a cat is crying. Crying cat in dream connotes that a strange visitor who can harm or carry out strange things around you is about to visit you.
If you see a crying bird in dream: A crying birds in dream connotes that there is malicious gossip going on about the dreamer.
If you see a crying horse in dream, in any kind of dream where you see a crying horse. this kind of dream is telling the dreamer that an important person such as king, government functionaries, celebrities etc. have died or is about to die.
If you see a crying cow in your dream. This kind of dream is warning dream telling the dreamer that some people are already planning to carry out physical brutal attacks on him/her.
If you see a crying lizards in dreams, in any kind of dreams where you see a crying lizards. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer he/she should be very careful of whom he /she will trust. He cannot say that this is what so person will do by their mere looks.
IF INANIMATE OBJECTS IS CRYING IN DREAMS: In any kind of dream where inanimate objects (non-living things) is shedding tears in dreams. The meanings to be given to such dream will depend on the type of object involve.  
If you see in your dreams that gourd of palm wine, bottle of bottle of beers are shedding tears in dream. This kind of dream is a positive instructional message dream warning the dreamer about wasteful spending of money.
If you see tripod (this is known as Aro or adiro in Yoruba language), cooking stove, gas cooker, oven etc. fall into this category. crying in your dream. This kind of dream is a warning cum instructional message dream telling the dream of imminent scarcity of foods, austerity and financial hardship either for a whole country or a nation or individual.
If you see in your dream that a chair or bed is shedding tears in dream. This kind of dream is a positive instructional message dream warning dreamer to avoid laziness and idleness.
If you see Sekere ( Sekere is a beaded gourd musical instruments) shedding tears in dream. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that there is imminent bad news for the dreamer. The same interpretation applies when you see any musical instruments such as drums etc. shedding tears in dreams.
IF YOU SEE PEOPLE CRYING IN OPEN MARKET PLACE IN YOUR DREAM: In any kind of dream where you see in your dream that people are crying inside the market. This kind of dream is warning dream about imminent calamity such as fire outbreak, flood, and loss of profit in business.
Quick fix to this Kind of Dream
Necessary physical preventive measure must be put in place to avoid fire outbreak or flood or other man-made or natural disasters that is preventable.

IF YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE IS SHEDDING THE TEARS OF BLOOD IN THE DREAMS:  In any kind of dream where you see that you or someone else is shedding the tears of blood in the dream is warning dream telling the dreamer about imminent crisis that can lead to bloodshed.
 TO SEE A CRYING GNOME (EGBERE): In any kind of dream where you see in your dream that Egbere  ( Egbere is crying gnome ) in your dream. This kind of dream is a positive message dream warning you that you are a about to enter into relationship with a person or business partner who is going to constitute nuisance into your life.
IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE CRYING OVER A DEAD PERSON /CORPSE: If you see in your dream that you are dreaming over a corpse over known person is message dream warning you that such person may soon become incapacitated and you will be the one to bear the brunt.  If you see that you are crying over the corpse of unknown person. This a warning dream telling you that you choose to carry the responsibilities of other people on your head wish will not benefits you. It is warning dream of crying more than the bereaved.
Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequence

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