BABALAWO OBANIFA COMMENTARIES ON ODU IFA OYEKU IRETE BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa Extreme Documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality(RAIS)-Odu Ifa Series

BABALAWO OBANIFA COMMENTARIES ON ODU IFA OYEKU IRETE BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa Extreme Documentaries-Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality(RAIS)-Odu Ifa Series  

This work will make an exhaustive commentaries on Odu Ifa  OYEKU IRETE Also known as OPOKU IRETE. The work will be useful to any practicing Babalawo or any ifa devote who want to have a comprehensive knowledge of Odu Ifa Oyeku Irete. The work will also be useful to any person born by Odu Ifa Oyeku Irete during the Itelodu Or Ikosedaye. The work will examine inter alia: What is Odu Ifa Oyeku Irete? Who are are the affiliated ORISA AND IRUNMOLE with odu ifa Oyeku Irete? What are the taboos of Odu ifa Oyeku Irete? What are the possible professions or occupations for those born by Odu ifa Oyeku Irete during Ikosejaye or Itelodu? What are the possible names for those born by those Oyeku Irete during their Itelodu or Ikosejaye? Some sacred messages contain in holy Odu  Oyeku Irete. All   these aforementioned and more will be the major focus of this work.

What is Odu Ifa Oyeku Irete?

The Odu  Ifa Oyeku Irete which is also known  as Opoku Irete is one of the Amulu Odu. The symbol of Oyeku Irete when on imprinted on opon ifa(divination tray) is depicted below.





Who Are the Affiliated Irunmole and Orisa Of Odu Ifa Oyeku Irete?

By this it mean the other deities that those born by Odu ifa Oyeku Irete  during theor Itelodu or Ikosedaye can have along with their ifa in other to have a problem free life. The following Irunmole and Orisa as be identify with odu ifa Oyeku Irete. They are ; ifa, Esu odara,Ori,Sango,Osun, Egungun,Ogun,Aje and Egbe.each of this aforemention dieties have specific function they perform.

i. Ifa :  ifa is needed for success, protection, direction, and elevation

ii. Esu-Odara  is needed for success, wealth, spouse, childbearing, longlife, sound health, fulfillment of destiny and overall elevation

iii. Ori  is needed for fulfillment of destiny, direction and progress

iv. Sango – is needed for success, and victory

v. Osun is  for childbearing, childrearing and compatible spouse

vi. Egungun  is for protection against disgrace and humiliation

vii. Ogun  is needed for victory against enemies

viii. Aje  is needed  for financial success

ix. Egbe is needed for the protection of children

What Are the Taboo Of Odu Ifa Oyeku Irete?

By this question we mean, what are the animate and inanimate objects such as plants, animals and behavior that those born by Odu Ifa Oyeku Irete must avoid from eating, using or doing in other to a have a problems free life. Some of the indefinable taboo are explain below although there can be others.

i. They must never engage in fasting or skipping food to avoid unconsummated fortune and problem of the internal organ

ii. They must never engage in medical or paramedical profession to avoid constant problems, anguish and pain

iii. They must never display arrogance especially in their fathers’ household to avoid being subjected to humiliation

iv. They must never taste human flesh to avoid disaster and unconsummated fortune

v. They must never engage in antisocial activities to avoid unconsummated fortune and public disgrace.

vi. They must never engage in infidelity to avoid public disgrace and humiliation

vii. They must never humiliate your husband to avoid unconsummated fortune and disappointment

What Are the Possible Profession for those born By Odu Ifa Oyeku Irete

The possible area of professional success for Oyeku Irete children are: Business Enterprise, Public Relations Office, Welfare Officer, Legal Practitioner and Advocate, Ifa/Orisa Priestess. They must never engage in medical or paramedical profession to avoid constant problems, anguish and pain

What Are The Possible Names For Those Born By Odu Ifa Oyeku Irete?

By this we mean the names that can be given for identifications for those born by Odu Ifa Oyeku Irete during their Itefa or Ikosedaye. These names are derived from the positive character in different scared stanza in Odu Ifa Oyeku Irete. Example of such names are, Omoyeni – Omo is befitting,. Ifawunmi – I love Ifa. Osunfunleyo – Osun gives me joy

Some Sacred Messages Contain In Holy Odu Oyeku Irete


 Ifa says that when  the person to  whom this  Odu is reveal is coming from heaven all the great things of life that he or she  are going to do were handed over to Esu Odara on his or her behalf. In order to make serious progress in his or her life there is the need for this person to have the icon of Esu Odara immediately.  He or she also needs to ensure that he/she propitiate Esu on a very regular basis.  By doing this, there is nothing of substance in this world that that he or she going to lack. Everything will work out in his or her favors and he will have cause to celebrate. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with three matured roosters and money. After this, He/she need to have consecrated Esu Odara immediately. On this, Ifa says:

Eye binntin ori oro

Abohun kororo

Dia fun orunmila

Ifa nloo fidi esu odara bale loojo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo


The tiny bed on top of the cactus tree

With strong voice

Ifa’s message for Orunmila

When going to establish the icon of Esu Odara in one day

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Orunmila is the one coming from heaven to earth. He went to the aforementioned Babalawo for Ifa consultation to ask the following questions; will he succeed in his mission on earth? Will he have all the good things of life? The Babalawo answer in affirmative that he would have everything he craves on earth. He was told that the entire thing he will do on earth has be handed to Esu Odara. He should therefore have Esu Odara and venerate it on untimely basis. All his blessing will be released. He complied, when he got earth, life please him. He was happy. And begin to praise is Babala and Olodumare.

Eye binntin ori oro

Abohun kororo

Dia fun orunmila

Ifa nloo fidi esu odara bale loojo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Nje ire aje taa ran e

Esu koo ma gbagbe o

Ire aje taa ran e

Esu boo dona ki o ma ma seyin

Ire aya gbogbo ti a ran e

Esu koo ma gbagbe o

Ire aya gbogbo ti a ran e

Esu boo dona ki o ma ma seyin

Ire omo gbogbo ti a ran e

Esu koo ma gbagbe o

Ire omo gbogbo ti a ran e

Esu boo dona ki o ma ma seyin


The tiny bed on top of the cactus tree

With strong voice

Ifa’s message for Orunmila

When going to establish the icon of Esu Odara in one day

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

The blessing of prosperity that we asked you

Esu please do not forget

The blessing of prosperity that we sent you to get for us

Esu when you get to the middle of the road don’t turn back

The blessing of spouse that we asked you

Esu please do not forget

The blessing of spouse that we sent you to get for us

Esu when you get to the middle of the road don’t turn back

The blessing of children that we asked you

Esu please do not forget

The blessing of children that we sent you to get for us

Esu when you get to the middle of the road don’t turn back

The blessing of properties that we asked you

Esu please do not forget

The blessing of properties that we sent you to get for us

Esu when you get to the middle of the road don’t turn back

The blessing of longevity that we asked you

Esu please do not forget

The blessing of longevity that we sent you to get for us

Esu when you get to the middle of the road don’t turn back

The blessing of all Ire of life that we asked you

Esu please do not forget

The blessing of all Ire of life that we sent you to get for us

Esu when you get to the middle of the road don’t turn back


 Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveals will be blessed with prosperity.  Ifa said prosperity will come from two different directions. In both  directions, he or she  will have cause to thank his Ori. Ifa advises this person  to offer ebo with two rats, two fish, two hens, two pigeons, two roosters and money. On this, Ifa says:

Oyeku yan ona sile gbooro loju opon

Irete aya re ni nda raka

Dia fun won niluu Epa

A bu fun woon niluu Imumu

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

Won gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Bo ti n dun fun won niluu epa

Bee ni yoo maa dun fun won niluu imumu


Oyeku laid prostrate on the Ifa tray

And Irete is wife laid astride in

Ifa’s message for the inhabitant of the land of peanuts

And also for the inhabitant of tamarind

They were both advised to offer ebo

They complied

As it was agreeable to them in the land of peanut

So also it agreeable to them in the land of tamarind


 Ifa says that the person, whom these revelations appear, will be blessed with accomplishment and a time is coming that he/she is going to become the decision maker his/her your father’s household. Ifa says that this person is going to have the capacity of coordinating the activities in his father’s home. Ifa however warns him that on no condition must he under estimate anyone especially those who are members of the house. Ifa says he/she is going to receive the blessing of peace of mind and contentment. He however needs to do thing consciously in order not step on anybody toes in his/her father’s household. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with two pigeons, two hens and money. On this, Ifa says:

Opoku rete aberan esin lenu

Dia fun eja

Tii se omo onibu

Dia fun alakan

Tii somoo ikookoo odo

Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se

Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo


He who as a flesh of a horse in his mouth

He was the awo who cast Ifa for Eja, the Fish

The offspring of the deep sea

And also for Alakan, the Crab

The offspring of the River

They were advised to offer ebo

They complied

Alakan (Crab) and Eja (fish ) went for Ifa consultation to know their chances of success in life. They both went to the aforementioned Babalawo for Ifa consultation. The awo assured them that they will succeed and even become a force to reckon with in the household of their father. They were advised to offer ebo with the two pigeon and money. They both complied. They were boyth happy and things turn out to be fine with them.

Opoku rete aberan esin lenu

Dia fun eja

Tii se omo onibu

Dia fun alakan

Tii somoo ikookoo odo

Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se

Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo

Ikooko akan to akan-sin rin

Eja lo wobu omilo gbadari


He who as a flesh of a horse in his mouth

He was the awo who cast Ifa for Eja, the Fish

The offspring of the deep sea

And also for Alakan, the Crab

The offspring of the River

They were advised to offer ebo

They complied

The river is sufficient enough for Alakan the Crab to stay

It is the fish that went into deep sea to stay


Ifa says that it foresees prosperity for the person for whom this revelation is make. As a matter of fact, He /she are going to receive the blessing of all Ire of life. Ifa assures him/her that at any time he/she intent to travel outside he/her country, he should ensure that he offer all the appropriate ebo, and he/she will have the blessing of Ifa. Ifa advises him/her  to offer ebo with three pigeons and money. He / she also need to feed Ifa as appropriate. On this, Ifa says:

Opoku-‘rete, eran esin kun mi lenu o

Dia fun orunmila

Ifa nsawo relu oyinbo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo


The of horse fills my mouth

Ifa’s message for Orunmila

When going on Ifa mission

To the white man’s land

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Orunmila was the who want to embark on itinerants’ divination trip to oversee. He went to the aforementioned Awo for Ifa consultation to ascertain about the success of his journey, he asked among other things during the ifa consultation. Would he be blessed ? will he succeed in his mission. He was assure that he will succed and  gain wealth and prosperity as a result.Howerver he was advised to offer ebo with pegion and venerate ifa  accordingly. He complied. All the prediction come to pass.

Opoku-‘rete, eran esin kun mi lenu o

Dia fun orunmila

Ifa nsawo relu oyinbo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Mo rifa, mo roba

Opoku ‘rete, mo rifa


The of horse fills my mouth

Ifa’s message for Orunmila

When going on Ifa mission

To the white man’s land

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

I have seen Ifa, I have seen the Oba

Opoku ‘Rete I have seen Ifa


Ifa says that this person will be blessed with financial success. And Ifa says that it is most likely that if this person is a woman ,she may not be the first wife of her husband. All the same, she will succeed independently and she will also succeed through the connection of her husband. Ifa advises her  to offer ebo with three pigeons, three hens and money. He/she  also need to feed Ifa with the flesh of a horse. He/she need to ask Ifa what Aje will take from him/her and feed Aje accordingly. On this, Ifa says:

Poku-poku ma jeran esin

Guoguoo ma jeran eeyan

Dia fun aje

Tii soniyawo agbele

Omoo agbere lori

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ero ipo, ero ofa

E wa ba ni ni wowo ire


Poku-poku I will consume the flesh of a horse

Guoguo do not ever taste human flesh

Ifa’s message for Aje, the Deity of Wealth

The owner of many wives

He who packs all the great things of life upon other great

things of life

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Travelers to Ipo and Ofa towns

Join us in the midst of all Ire of life

 Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal will be prospered. Ifa assures him/her that the sky is the beginning of his/her  prosperity. He/she  need to offer ebo with 16 pigeons, 16 hens and money. He also need to feed Ifa with plenty of Amala, Yam Flour meals. On this, Ifa says:

Orun o sunmo ni

Oke o bi seyin

Awaye aiti olodumare

Dia fun orunmila

Baba nraye amala

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Opolopo amala lo je n wa m’edu more

Eni to ba m’edu

Ola lo mo


The sky does not come down closer to man

The mountain stayed rigid without moving backward

Perpetual prestige and honour is for Olodumare

Ifa’s message for Orunmila

When going to the land of Amala consumption

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Plenty of Amala was it that made me to come and get

acquitted to you

Whoever knows Edu

Such a person has known prosperity


 Ifa says that  this person  will be blessed with his  own biological children in life. And Ifa says also that the husband or wife  that  he/she is  going to marry will not be born in the same locality were he/she  is  born. The spouse will travel from his/her  own locality to your own locality and that is were  they  will meet to marry. Their  relationship will be blessed with joy, peace, children and progress. Ifa advises this person  to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two hens and money. He or she  also need to feed Ifa with two rats, two fish and one hen. On this, Ifa says:

Koko ori efon egbeje

Lankori eyin efon egbefa

Ogbon nikun awo imonikin

Dia fun orunmila

Ti nsawo rele e moyeni

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

Dia fun moyeni

To nmenu sunrahun omo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo


The lumps on the head of a buffalo are up to 1400

And the knots on its back are about 1200 in number

Ogbon nikun, the Awo of Imonikin

They are the Awo who cast Ifa for Orunmila

When he was going on spiritual mission to the home of


He was advised to offer ebo

He cast Ifa for Moyeni

When lamenting her inability to have her own babies

She was advised to offer ebo

Both of them complied


 Ifa says that the  husband/wife  of this person  will bring him/her joy, peace, children and progress so also he /she  make  his/her wife or husband proud, happy and honourable. She will also give birth to children that will make him proud. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two hens and money. He/she also need to feed Ifa with two rats, two fish, and money. On this, Ifa says:

Opoku oyoku

Dia fun orunmila

Ti nloo soko osunfunleyo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

E wa ba ni ni wowo aya

Atewe, atagba


Opoku Oyoku

He was the Awo who cast Ifa for Orunmila

When going to take Osunfunleyo as his wife

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Come and join us in the midst of compatible spouse

Both youths and elders join us were we enjoy a compatible spouse


 Ifa assures the person to whom this Odu is reveal that he/she will have victory in his/her life. Ifa however warns him/her never ever to involve theirself in any antisocial activities, crime, infidelity, sabotage, conspiracy or coup. If they are involved in any of this, Egungun will ensure that they are exposed and disgrace.  A they  are not created by Olodumare to get involved in any activity that will disrupt the smooth running of a person, group society, community, the country or the whole world in general. Ifa advises  this person  to offer ebo with two roosters, two hens and money. On this, Ifa says:

Mahunyin, awo ale odo

Dia fun olojee

Ti nloo ra igede leru

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O koti ogbonyin sebo

Gbangba l’ogedengbe nsawo

Igba awo ya mo olojee lori

Gbangba l’ogedengbe nsawo o


Mahunyin the Awo of the River bed

He cast for Olojee

When going to procure Igede as his slave

He was advised to offer ebo

He failed to comply

Openly does Ogedengbe perform his right

When the secret dealings of Oloje got exposed

Openly does Ogedengbe perform his right


Ifa says that there is going to be victory in the life of the person to whom this Odu is reveal.. Sango will ensure victory for him/her. The victory we are taking about is not only for him/her. It is for every member of his/her family. At the initial state the members of the family will not take him/her serious. Before long however, everybody will recognized this person’s spiritual potential and they will accord him the honor and respect that he deserve. Ifa advises the whom this revelations come out for  to offer ebo with two matured rams and money. One of this rams will be used to feed Sango. Ifa says that this person  must make sure that you stayed dedicated and devoted to Ifa and the other Irunmole. On this, Ifa says:

Oyeku sun gbooro loju opon

Irete obinrin re da kaka tii

Dia fun akinoro

Tii somo okunrin onko

Dia fun won lode onko

Ti won gbe nfoojumo kominu ogun

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Onko o ma leni meji

Bi ko se akinoro

Ifa bi mo ni elomiran, o ri mi o


Oyeku laid prostrate on the Ifa tray

And Irete is wife laid astride in

Ifa’s message for Akinoro

There son in Onko land

They also cast Ifa for the inhabitant of Onko land

When they were living in daily fear of uprising

They were advised to offer ebo

They complied

Onko land does not have any other person they rely upon

It is only Akinoro

Ifa if I have any other deity that I rely upon

You know my mind


Ifa says that  the person to whom this Odu is reveal  is not eating regularly. Unfortunately, this is  totally against his/her destiny. Ifa says that this person is  not created by Olodumare to starve himself/herself,  to skip  food or engage in fasting. Ifa says that  he/she  must be eating regularly and be eating very well. Ifa advises  This person  to offer ebo with three hens, three roosters and money. On this, Ifa says:

Musun laa jefo

Tutu la jegede

Dia fun iku baba orisa

Orisa bi ofun o si

Ojoojumo nii gbounje lowo eni o


With relish do one consume vegetables

And with ease does one consume bananas

Ifa’s message for Ikun the Stomach

Who is the father of all Orisa

There is not Orisa like the throat

It is been feed on a daily basis.


 Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is revealed need to offer ebo with another friend of his/hers. This is because both of them will succeed together. As a matter of fact, both of them will complement each other. The friend being referred here by Ifa maybe ones husband, ones  sibling,  child,  close friend, or even one of one’s parents. Ifa advises each of the party concern  to offer ebo with four pigeons and money.  They also need to ask Ifa the material that need to feed Sango. On this, Ifa says:

Oyeku re’te

Opoku ‘rete

Ka na’ni

Ka sipe fun’ni

Dia fun sango oree bata

Dia fun bata oree sango

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Mo mama ti sebo oyeku ‘rete

Opoku ‘rete

Ka na ni

Ka sipe fun ni


Oyeku re’te

Opoku ‘rete

To punish one

And to plead for forgiveness

Ifa’s message for Sango the friend of Bata

And also for Bata the friend of Sango

They were advised to offer ebo

They both complied

I have offered the ebo of Oyeku ‘rete

Opoku ‘rete

To punish one

And to plead for forgiveness


Ifa says that if the person who this Odu is reveal for is a  fair skinned woman, it is a taboo for  her to marry a dark skinned man. It is in her  own interest to marry someone with the same skin colour with her. Doing this will help her a lot to avoid untimely death on the head of  the prospective  husband in question. Conversely, if  she  have already married a dark skinned man, any time that this man falls sick, she must never be among the people taking care of him. She must allow  must allow other people to do that for her. This will prolong the life of the man. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with one bearded he-goat and money. On this, Ifa says:

Eni a fe la mo

A o m’eni to fe’ni

Dia fun irungbon

Toun ina jo nsore araa wo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O koti ogbonhin sebo

Ero ipo, ero ofa

Eni gb’ebo nibe

E pe o rubo o


We only know those who will love

Were are not sure of those who love us

Ifa’s message for Irungbon the beard

He and Ina the Fire were lovers

He was advised to offer ebo

He failed to comply

Travelers to Ipo and Ofa towns

Those who are advised to offer ebo

Let them comply accordingly


Ifa says that there is the need for this person to offer ebo against the problem of Abiku. The ebo is to prevent her from having miscarriages or for having the problem of infant mortality. Ifa advises her to offer ebo with two guinea-fowls, two pigeons and money. She  also need to feed the elder of the night with two giant rats. On this, Ifa says:



Awo yanrin lo dia fun yanrin

Yanrin nsunkun omolo oko alero lodun

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ko pe, ko jinna

E wa ba ni ni jebutu omo

Jebutu omo laa ba ni lese oba orisa




The Awo of Yanrin cast Ifa for Yanrin

When lamenting her inability to have children

And was going on annual farm cultivation

She was advised to offer ebo

She complied

Before long, not too far

Join us in the midst of many children

Being in the midst of many children is what Ifa guarantee for

its devotees


 Ifa says that no matter what the  husband  of the woman whom this odu is revealed for does and no matter his effort over her. She  can never love him as much as he loves her. Ifa says that this woman  have that inner capability to resist her love and conceal  deepest feeling for a man. Ifa advises her to offer ebo with two hens, two roosters and money. This ebo will help remove tension and frustration in his or her  household. On this, Ifa says:

Eni a fe la mo

A o meni too fe’ni

Dia fun enu

Ti nloo soko ina

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ero tadi fe la mo o

A o meni to fe ni o


We only know those who will love

Were are not sure of those who love us

Ifa’s message for Enu, The Mouth

Who is the husband of Ina the Fire

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

We only know those who will love

Were are not sure of those who love us


Ifa says that on no condition must this person practice as a midwife or someone taking delivery of pregnant women. As a matter of fact it is against his/her destiny to be a medical doctor, a Paramedical officer or a nursing sister. If he/she take to any of this professions, he/she will continue to put himself /herself in trouble and untold anguish. That is why he/she must never engage in such profession. Ifa advises him/her to offer ebo with one matured he-goat and money. He/she  also need to heed Ifa’s warning here.

Siba le mi

Ki n siba le o

Asa nii siba le erin

Poolo nii siba le efon

Werepe nii siba le eesu

Dia fun aro

Tin lo ree gbebi nile olofin

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

Ero Ipo, ero Ofa

Eni gbebo nibe

Ko waa sebo o


Descend on me

And I will descend on you

The bullet descend on the Elephant

The spike track descends on the buffalo

And Werepe descend on Eesu

Ifa’s message for Aro

When going on baby delivery mission in the palace of Olofin

He was advised to offer ebo

He failed to comply

Travelers to Ipo and Ofa land

Let those advised to offer ebo

Complied with such advice

Aboru Aboye.

Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone whatsapp contact : +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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