UNLOCKING 3 SUCCESS SECRETS THROUGH IFA SPIRITUALITY BY BABALAWO OBANIFA BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries- Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIF) Daily Spiritual Meditation Series

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UNLOCKING  3 SUCCESS SECRETS THROUGH IFA SPIRITUALITY BY BABALAWO OBANIFA BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries- Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIF) Daily Spiritual Meditation Series

In this work, Babalawo Obanifa will examine in detail how you can unlock the secrets of success through Ifa Spirituality. In this life everybody want success. But in real life it is not everybody that is successful. The reason for this is simple, Success in life is not a matter of luck or chance. There are established universal principles that must be follow before success can be achieve. This principle is eternal and they are not gender or racial or even religion discriminatory in their applications. These principles are what I termed the secrets of success.  On hearing the secrets of success, I know you will be eager to know what are the secrets. Let me shock you, success have no secrets. What society deem as secrets of success are principles that we all known but failed to apply it to our life.  It is lack of application of these principles that is responsible for life of failure of many people. So, in this work I am not sharing any secrets, I am just going to show you what you know but you fail to apply to your life. I am going to show you those things you known that you fail to use.  So that you can start using them to attain high level of success. What are the secrets to success? Well, successful people work hard. But you work hard too, right? And if you keep working harder and harder, you’re just going to be miserable. So, what’s the answer? Successful people don’t just work hard, they also work different. They work differently by following the universal law of success. Below are some of the universal principle you can use to unlock success in your life. The principle always works If you work the principle. No matter who you are, Male or Female, Young or Old, Beautiful or Ugly, Ifa practitioners, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc., Black or White even if you are an atheist who did not believe in any religion, or you are even an agnostic who see nature as God. This universal principle of success does not discriminate against anyone. In Africa Ifa Cosmology some of this principle are embedded in sacred Ifa scripture stanza . I will show you how you can use it to unlock the secrets of successful living in your life.


The number one rule of success is intention and purpose. Thoughts are Things. Your physical manifestations in life is a reflection of your thinking and state of mind. You become what you think. If you go against this number one rule of success no amount of hard work will help you to become a success. Because Human being only become a success when they achieve their goals or intention . So just wait and imagine that you have no goals or intention, how do you then become a success, since you have no goals or Intention. Imagine a sailor sailing a ship without definite Harbor to land. It will just be a wasted effort. So, when human been trying to succeed without having intention or goals is like a sailor sailing without any intention to land on any harbor. All the sailing efforts will be a waste. Imagine players playing football in a pitch but there is no any goalposts. All the dribbling and soccer skills will be a waste. That is example of life of human being who want success without a goal or intentions. Let me tell you in real life, you will need to first create the mental picture of the type of success you want in your mind before you can create it physically. Your first assignment in life is mental work, by mental work I mean you must first be able to think and have the mental image of type of success you want in life. I see many people go through life doing physical work before they do the mental work, no body record success in such manner. Your first step is to do the mental work , by visualizing, dreaming, having a clear mental image of what you want. Don’t dream small, because in the realm of imagination everything is possible .  So the first things is to have goals, because  success is achieving your goals .Without goals you don’t succeed . The truth is that more gold have been mine from human mind than it has ever been mine from the surface of earth. Truly thoughts are things. Let me tell you nobody who have access to dreams, visions, thinking, idea and creativity can be said to be poor or unsuccessful. Because what you don’t see create what you see. It is intangible world that create the tangible world.  So you must be able to have mental picture of a goal and focus on it until it become reality through your action. So, you must have specific mental picture of what you want in your mind. Probably you want to become a millionaire, a billionaire , business mogul, successful Statman or technocrat , accomplished musician , spiritualist , merchants,teachers,enterprenure etc. Let me tell you Olodumare (God) have bless you with increase, that is while your nails regrow each time you cut them, your hair regrow each time you cut it. But in real life you see human thinking they are poor. They cannot dream big, they cannot manifest what Olodumare (God ) has put in them. You need to take possession of your mind and use it right  .Idea  rule the world .Your mental state create the physical state. If you want to experience prosperity or success . You must change your believe system. You must develop prosperity consciousness. You must be success conscious in your mind. before you can ever achieve success. It is what you believe that you will become. Odu Ifa Otura  Osa says:

Ohu ko niba mu ko aye

Ni aye mu ko ni pada



It is what you vibrate to the universe

That the universe will vibrate to you back.

Many people go through life allowing the physical surrounding to determine their mental state. It is until you allow your mental state to determine your physical state that you will be able to achieve success. How do you think, you always think small, You always think you cannot be rich, You think you cannot get that promotion in your place of work It is what you believe that become your reality. Your Gut will always become your reality. Let me tell you I have always think like this many years back, Even when I have never have any money back then. Your gut will become your reality.


Yes you don’t use your mind alone and expect miracle to happen, of course you need to play your own role . Life don’t happen to you. You create your own reality through your action. In nature there is no such thing as luck. The harder you work, the luckier you become.

The cheapest way for a student to be a failure is to think that success is a matter of luck or chances. Success in real life is not a matter of luck. Anyone who think success in life is matter of luck will die a failure. Nothing can change on its own. Every changes must be  consciously effected by those who desire it. So, success in any sphere of life is not a matter of luck. If you want a change of position in life, you must be willing to change your approach as demanded by the kind of change you desire. Every change must be forcefully effected by those who desire it ,by submitting themselves to the demands of change they desire. So it  is not enough to think that yes I have the intentions, I have use my Imagination   as t I explain under Intention and think that you will record success without action and Hard work. It is natural for human being to say with time things will change, With time things will get better. Let me tell you, time don’t changes anything in life . You can spend a whole life  time whishing for a change or wishing for success and you will never see one. Time don’t change anything in life . In fact if you want to achieve any success in life you must imbibe Spirit of urgency and be setting dead line for goals .My father spend almost 105 year before he died . He cannot write his name (because) he did not learn how to read and right, though he is verse in other area  of life. Despite his verse age and  time spent on earth , Time did not teach him how to read and write till he died. Look let me tell you in real life, time changes noting. You will be the one to take effective action to effects the kind of changes you want in your life. Action is through hard work. No amount of prayers will help, if you refuse to play your own role . Let me tell you in Odu Ifa Ejiogbe Ifa advise that those in poverty should not pray. They should go and work. See what Ifa say:


E je a  sise

Ise ni Osupa n se lorun

O mon rokoso

E je ka sise

Beni ko ba sise

Eni ki la

Eni ise n se ko ma se bo osun

Oran o kan To’Orisa

O ba bo Sango

Ko bo Obatala

Ojo o ba sise  aje ni wa to jehun

Orisa ti n gba ole ko si

Ise owo eni ni gbe niga

Omo eda e kogbon lara Eera

E je ki a sise


Let us work

If one refuse to work

One cannot become successful

Those in poverty should not venerate Osun

It is not a matter of venerating Orisa

If you like venerate Sango

If you like venerate Obatala

It is on the day you start to work for money that you will bless with food to eat

There is no  Orisa that safe a lazy person

It is your handwork that  will take you to greater height

Learn from insects

Let us work.


No body achieve any real success in life without creating value in exchange for success they want. I see people go through life wanting success without wanting  to add value. That is attempting to cheat nature or break the law of nature. People want money without wanting to create value that is equivalent to the money they want. Life doesn’t work that way.  Let me tell you the currency(Money ) is not Money . It is just the exchange of value.  Have you ever sit down and think it , If currency is the real money ,while is it that the government of a country will go to other country to borrow money. Think of it. Don’t say Obanifa have come with absurdity again. Think of it , while will Nigeria government go to China or USA to borrow money. They go there to borrow money because currency (money) is not money. The China and USA are providing a lot of utilities in value and Value is money. Think of it . If money is money, Nigeria government can simply order the central bank to prints a lot of currency to settle their debts and also pay workers. They cannot. If they do the economy will shut down, the money will be useless. They must be able to create value in utility to match the paper currency they print. So, money is not money. Money is just what you use in exchange of value. It is just a receipt for what you can offer. So hoping will not create money.

Value is of two varieties, positive value and Negative value. Positive is when you create something that make positive impact on the society.  See the Dangote , bill gate ,Donald trump ,Steve job Mark zukerberg  this guy that own Facebook they are creating value and making a lot of money from it, same thing applicable to people who make a lot of money from Eduaction,medicine, science and technology , health care, trade , farming even religion and spirituality people make money from it, for example you cannot seek my professional service as an Awo now for free, I will boldly tell you, you  will pay me for my  service and not even a cheap price at that, why ? I am offering you value.

A value will be said to be negative when value you create have some negative impact on some member of society. I:e Having a belt company where people play lottery, operating a casino, having hotel that keep prostitute , Selling drugs, using political office to gather public fund for your own end.  It may be negative but it  is still a value. Yes politician steal public fund, but politician are still creating value, without politician society will be in  anarchy and state of lawlessness  and chances of opportunity for people will be lessen to run their business, the physically strong will be unjustifiably oppressing the weak.. If someone have a belt company (lottery) in Nigeria here we have variety of it, there is one called Baba Ijebu lotto, of course the latest now is Naira belt. The belting company did not force you to come and belt. It is a matter of choice. The owner is creating value and is making his  money.  Though it depends on how you want people to perceive you in life that will dictate which kind of value you choose to create. Asking for success without creating value is like asking the universe foolish question. Ifa says that if you ask the universe foolish question ,you will get foolish answer.  In  Odu Ifa Irosun Owonrin.On this Ifa says:

Iwakuwa ni mu ni ri irukuri

A dia fun apon iko

Ti Se ebo omo lailobirin

A bu fun agbere of

Ti sunkun alailoko

Emi o ri Ifa ti on se bi irosun elerin


Foolish questions beget foolish answer

Cast Ifa divination for a chronic bachelor

Who was making sacrifice to get a child without first finding a woman for himself

Also divine a public prostitute of Ofa city

Who is crying and lamenting of not see who will marry her.

What Ifa is saying under this stanza is that  if you ask nature foolish question by not first doing your part .You will get foolish result.

BONUS: What I put as bonus here  ought to be the first. But that three is very essential . The Bonus is Put Olodumare first in whatever you do. Offer ebo when nececary. Use spiritual facilitation products like Awure, Osole , Eyonu etc, as when due . do your work and be prayerful success is certain. Ase oo

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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