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In this work Babalawo Obanifa will reveal and document various Spiritual solution available in Africa Ifa Spirituality that can be used to free an individual from bondage of dreams of poverty. By poverty within the context of this work; I am referring to the state of being extremely poor. The state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount. Economically, Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living. Poverty means that the income level from employment is so low that basic human needs can't be met. Poverty-stricken people and families might go without proper housing, clean water, healthy food, and medical attention. Each nation may have its own threshold that determines how many of its people are living in poverty. Poverty, is the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. Poverty is said to exist when people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs.

"Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, is fear for the future, living one day at a time. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water. Poverty is powerlessness, lack of representation and freedom."

This poverty definition encompasses living conditions, an inability to meet basic needs because food, clean drinking water, proper sanitation, education, health care and other social services are inaccessible.

The causes of poverty can be trace to either physical or spiritual factors. Physical factor are Laziness, lack of good education,Phisical disability, Bad weather/Climate change, War and conflicts ,pandemics, Corruption  and bad governance, Absence of Social Service, Social injustice, Environmental circumstances such as natural disasters, droughts, limited resources or depletion of natural resources, Lack of shelter, Limited access to clean water resources, Food insecurity, Lack of access to health care, Unemployment, Gender discrimination, Poor infrastructure. If poverty is traceable to physical factor mentioned. It requires physical measures on the part of the victim to rectify such situation

Spiritual causes of poverty fall under Ajogun Ofo (Malevolence forces of loss).  A person will be deemed to be victim of spiritual causes of poverty if such person has satisfy all the physical condition require of him to be free from poverty yet he/she is till wretched. Spiritual causes are traceable to one or more of the following factors :

Egun ldile (Families generational curse): In some families ,no matter how physically fit they are, how able ,gifted they are, now matter how educated they are. They area usually the victims of financial struggling. This may arise as result of curse on that linage from long time. When an individual from that family at his/her predecessor he/she will observe that those before him /her have always struggle financially .Until spiritual atonement is made  for such person or the whole lineage he might find it difficult to have financial breakthrough.

Ogun Oso /Ogun Aje (Witchcraft war/Witchcraft attack): The witches can also afflict an individual and put him or her under the bondage of spiritual poverty, in such instance that is when you will see that an individual will be seen in dream that he /she is splitting wood or rock with axe and packing in to river. That is when and individual will be seeing in dream that he fetching water and pouring it into basket. That is when you will be seen in dream that termite eat your money, certificate or tools of trade,I can go on and on.

Afowofa(Self Inflicted Spiritual Problem): When an individual  curse him/herself falsely . Many people will swear falsely either to prove to intending buyer, business partner, friend, families or partner in marriage that the lies they are saying is true. Cursing their self in this manner on false claim have spiritual significant. The elders will say Epe ara eni ni moni ju -That is self-curse is even more potent.

Some due to bad things they did to others such as fraud or robbing them or destruction of tangible things that belong to such innocent person. If such innocent person places a curse on this evil doer. Such curse can make the evil doer be under the bondage of dreams of poverty, until deliverance is carrying out on him/her.

There are many ways through which these spirits of poverty find their way to penetrate people’s life. One of those method is through dream. So, the focus of this work majorly is how person who has spiritually become the victims of poverty through dreams can be free from such spirits. An individual who is under this attack will be deem to be under the bondage of dreams of poverty. If he/she find it difficult to progress financially in life despite been physically and mentally capable of making progress. He or she will be experiencing failure or financial blockage and impediment where people who are less qualify and less capable than him /her are making progress. Such person will feeling as if all his potential has been taking away from him/her. The person will be having experiencing of rejection and shabby treatment from those who are even less qualified than him/her. In short, the person will experiencing anything that can bring him/her financial struggling which usually arise as a result of ugly dreams that such person will be having. Below is example of dreams that an individual who is under the bondage of poverty will be having:

1)  Having dreams that rat eat your certificate

2)  Seeing it in dreaming that termites eat your certificate or tool of trade

3)  Seeing yourself picking up refuse on a refuse dump-site

4)  Seeing yourself sleeping under a leaking roof

5)  Seeing in your dreams that you are gathering a leftover food from a party

6)  Wearing rag in public

7)  Seeing in your dream that you are eating the foods vomit by other persons

8)  Seeing in your dream that unknown person exchanges his/her head with yours (this connote spiritual exchange of destiny)

9)   Seeing in your dreams that you are sleeping in the gutters

10)                    Seeing in your dreams that you are washing your cloth with erosion

11)                    Seeing in your dream that are a beggar, begin for alms

12)                    If you are living in city or oversea, you can be dreaming and seeing yourself in living in village or remote area

13)                    Seeing yours in dream that you are picking a dead snail

14)                    Seeing in your dream that you are fetching water and pouring it inside a basket

15)                    Seeing you sell in dream every night that you are splitting woods with axe or you breaking rock and you are loading it inside a river

16)                    Get gift of an empty gift box or an empty envelope in dream

17)                    Seeing in your dream that other person or unknown face take your money or credit card and burn it, thrown it into the river or bushes

18)                    Dreaming of becoming a dwarf in dream

19)                    Dreaming that some people are riding on you as Horse in dream

20)                    Dreaming of eating with leper

21)                    Seeing in your dream that you are keeping money or tools of your trade in perforated pocket.

22)                    Seeing in your dream that you are naked in the market

23)                    Waking up from nightmare every night and sweating profusely as you have overworked, in real life you will feel tired and exhausted.

24)                    Seeing in your dream that you lose your certificate or items of trade

25)                    Seeing in your dream that you were tie with rope to tree or tether like goat

26)                    Seeing in your dream that you are having sexual intercourse with animals

27)                    Seeing in your dream that people are spiting on you

28)                    Seeing in your dream that you were inside a cage like monkey or birds

29)                    Seeing in your dream that you are using your tongue to lick the sore of another person

30)                    Seeing in your dream that inside deep hole or abyss and you are able to climb up

31)                    Seeing in your dream that you are filling a deep hole with money or expensive jewelries like gold and it never filled up

32)                    Seeing in your dream that you drinking water from Cana or gutter

33)                    Seeing in dreaming that a kindergarten child are sending you an errand

34)                    Seeing in your dream that you sleep inside ashes

35)                    Seeing in your dream that you are making a beans cake with ashes

36)                    Seeing in your dream that you are fighting with another person on leftover foods

37)                    Seeing in your dream that you are selling rotten fruits or food items

38)                    Seeing in your dream that you are eating mud

39)                    Seeing your dream that your safe get burnt

40)                    Always seeing yourself in dream as a disable person while you are fit and capable in real life

41)                    Seeing yourself sleeping with a madman in dream

42)                     Seeing in dream that you are thirsty but no where to find water to drink

43)                    Seeing yourself living in slum

44)                     Seeing yourself waking barefooted while you are surrounded by many footwears

45)                    Seeing in your dream that a blind man is showing you the way

46)                    Seeing in your dream that you are inside a leaking canoe or boat

47)                    Seeing yourself in dream that you are drowning in the river and ask for help but no any rescue response

48)                    Seeing plenty of star inside grave

49)                    Seeing star falling and disappearing from the sky

50)                    Seeing termite eating up money or your tools of trade

These aforementioned kinds of dream when an individual is having them frequently are signs that such dreamer is under an imminent attack of the bondage of dreams of poverty, or that such person is already under the attack of dream of poverty

What are the physical effects of Dream of Poverty in life of its Victim?

It is inside the dream that the spiritual operation of poverty take place before its manifestation in real life. Below are the effects that an individual will see in real if he /she is having such dream and have been afflicted by dream of poverty:

1). Humiliation from family and friends, people will treat you with disdain in your family, People are below you in rank and age and educational qualification will be looking down on you.

2). Sudden unaccountable loss in business that result into debt

3). Losing of job or contract and difficulties in getting another one for a very long period of time

4). Working hard and earning big money but have nothing to show for it.

5.) See that your cloth always looks dirty without reason

6) . People who ought to be of benefits to you financially suddenly hate you for no reason

7). People are telling you smelling to them even though physically you alright and not suffering from any diseases.

8). Promise and fail from helpers

9) Frequent Malfunction of Machine or gadget you are using for yourself or work

 10). When people deny you of position or share of money or goods that rightfully belong to you

11) . If you safe or gather money for developmental project about your life ,something will come up such as accident, sickness of spouse, etc. that you will waste the money on

12) Unexplainable financial headship

Spiritual Solution to Problem of Bondage of Dream of Poverty

There are various spiritual Solution that can be adopted by the person under dream of Bondage of poverty. They are:

Idafa and Ebo( Ifa consultation and Sacrifices)- Ifa consultation can be made for such individual to ascertain the root cause of the bondage of dream of poverty and necessary spiritual remedy such as Ebo (sacrifice) and other ritual to liberate such person from such bondage.

Iwe Isegun fun Ajogun ( Spiritual Bath to Overcome the Malevolence Forces): One of the special spiritual preparation that an individual who under the bondage of dreams of Poverty or witchcraft attack can use  this special preparation to free their selves from such bondage. To make this preparation you will need:

Ewe Dagunro pelebe(leaves of Acanthospermum Hispidium)

Ewe Mafi-owo-kan-omo-mi(leaves of Argemone Mexicana)

Ewe ajekobale(Croton Zambiscus)

Epo obo(bark stem of Obo tree)

Omi Inu agbon mokalelogun(water collected from twenty one coconuts fruits)

Omi Inu peregun( water collected from Dracanea Maani)

Ose fufun(local white soap)

You will pound all the aforementioned items together with  soap. You will use Iyerosun(Ifa consultation  powder to imprint  Odu Ifa Okanran Ose/Okanran Adasenu  thus;

I   II


I   II

II   I

You will chants the following Ifa consultation on it thus:

Okaran adasenu

Orire nitemi

Awo ori lo dia fun ori

Ori n lo bawon mule nibudo

Okaran adasenu

Orire nitemi

Awo Oke lo dia fun Oke

Oke n lo bawon mule nibudo

Igba ti ori ati Oke n ti ajulo orun bo wa si aye

Oke lo koko dele aye

Ohun lo si koko mule

Oke ni ko siri ohun mon laye

O ko ko rubo

Won ni ki ori o rubo

Pe Ori yo gori Oke

Won ni ki o ru eyele

Ki oru agbon mokanlelogun

Koko ewe Ifa loke Egan

Igba ti Ori rubo tan

Won Ori Oke gbe Ebo si

Ori gbe ebo re si Ori Oke

Eyele to fi n kakiri ori Oke

Oke toni ko si eni to le fo ohun ru

Ori ti foke Oke ru

Oke lo ti koko mule nibudo tele

Ko seni to ranti Oke mon

Ori eni ni gbani

Ori gba mi o

Okaran adasenu ori

 Ire nitemi

Mo weri osi danu

Mo weri iya danu

Mo wese danu

Oro loku

Okaran adasenu

Ori Ire nitemi


Okanran adasenu(okanran that throw away poverty)

I am destiny to be fortunate

This was Ifa’s message for Ori

When Ori was going to choose a land for himself in Ibudo(Farm settlement)

Okanran adasenu(Okanran that throw away poverty)

I am destiny to be fortunate

This was Ifa’s message for Oke (mountain)

When Ori was going to choose a land for himself in Ibudo(Farm settlement)

He was advised to offer ebo

When Ori (head) and Oke(Mountain) is coming from heaven to earth

Oke (mountain ) was the first to arrive

And he has chosen good spot for itself

He boasted that no one will be able to supersede him

He refuses to Offer Ebo

Ori was advised to offer ebo

That Ori (head) will supersede Oke

He was advised to offer pigeon as ebo

And twenty-one coconuts fruits

And leaves of Ifa in the farm

When Ori complied and offer the ebo

He was advised to place it on the head of the mountain

Ori place his ebo on the head of the mountain

The pigeon he use to offer ebo is flying around in the mountain

Oke(mountain) that have claimed nobody can override him

Ori (head) have supersede the Oke (mountain)

Despite that fact that Oke(mountain) is the first to choose land

No one remember Oke again

It is one’s ori that deliver one’s from trouble

Ori deliver me

Okaran adasenu (Okaran that throw away poverty)

I am destiny to be fortunate

I wash poverty away from my head

I washed suffering away from my head

I wash penury away

What it remain now is wealth

Okaran adasenu (Okaran that throw away poverty)

I am destiny to be fortunate.

You will mix it with the soap.


This person under the bondage of dreams of poverty or witchcraft will go to  flowing river, stream or any flowing water body. He/she will face the direction where the current is flowing from. He/she will wash his head with the soap thoroughly with new sponge.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife Osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

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