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In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will reveal and document various method and prayers available in Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality(RAIS) that can be used to overcome power of darkness and malevolence forces. The essence of this work is mainly to shed light on what constitute power of darkness as oppose to erroneous information many have previously have about it from the perspective of different religions. Since our doctrine have noting to do with religion. We are mainly concern about Spirituality and Science. So, every issue will be address from the perspective of Spirituality, Africa Ifa Spirituality to be precise. The aim of this work is to show you how to overcome the power of darkness and malevolence forces. What does it mean to overcome? To overcome mean to have victory over challenges or adversity. To get the better of in a struggle or conflict; conquer; defeat.  To prevail over (opposition, a debility, temptations, etc. So, when an individual was able to come on top of situation and challenges, It will be deemed that such person have overcome the challenges.  But the issue is this, to overcome any challenges, you must first be able to identify what are the challenges.  It is not possible for an individual to overcome what he/she does  not  know or Identify. No one can overcome what he/she does not recognize. Knowledge is light, darkness is therefore anything that prevents knowledge of things.  The essence of this work is to shine the light on the dark side of life that you may be victim  of out of your leak of information. In Africa Ifa Spirituality. The dark forces that constitute   menace to human life are known as Ajogun(malevolence forces). So in modern parlance it is these Ajogun(Malevolence Forces ) that people refer to as Evil Principalities, Power of Darkness, Rulers of Darkness of this world, Forces of Spiritual wickedness. In this work I will explain in detail what is Ajogun (evil or malevolence forces in the universe), and different spiritual concept and solutions that can be used to overcome them from the concept of Africa spirituality. It is trite facts that the major or substantial source of human problem like: sickness, financial impediment, relationship problem, hatred, imprisonment, sudden death, etc. are cause by Ajogun (that is the evil or malevolence forces or spirits against man in the universe). They are the major evil force that scuttle and impede the means of happiness and success of human beings. All the distressed that any human being experience in this world are traceable to Ajogun(the malevolence force against man). Ajogun is simply referring to spiritual entity or force that is responsible for all kind of ruination or catastrophe that may befall on human life. Hence in  Yoruba Ifa  spirituality different mechanism has been device from time immemorial to counter and avert their menace. This is usually done through ebo (sacrifice) use of Akose Ifa (Ifa traditional spiritual preparation) and others all which  I  will explain in this work. A lot of  mistakes has been made by foreign religion devotee. They erroneously believe that the Orisa and Irunmole( Divinities/Africa divinities to be precise) are the Ajogun (malevolence forces against man) hence they regards traditional spirituality  as evil. In this work I will explain the difference between Ajogun(the malevolence forces against man)  and Irumonle /orisa(benevolence Divinities)

In Yoruba spirituality and cosmology which have its scriptural foundation in Ifa mythology. It is believed that the whole universe is divided into two :

(i) The physical or Natural Plane

(ii) The invisible or supernatural plane

It is believed that the physical or natural part among which planet earth is the central or major focus is occupying by human’s beings, animals, plant and animal. Both living things and non-living things in various kinds.

The invisible or the supernatural part of the universe which the major or central focus is heaven or other celestial realm, is believed to by inhabit by spiritual forces known as  Irumonle /orisa (benevolence spiritual forces)  and Ajogun (malevolence spiritual forces). In Ifa and orisa Africa spirituality and cosmology it is believed that there is  601 spiritual forces in the universe. These 601 spiritual is divided into two. 401 out of it are called Orisa/irumonle(benevolence spiritual forces)  they  inhabit or resides on the right hand side of the celestial realm. They are very kind spiritual force that bestow blessings, success, fortune, good luck, sounds health etc. on human being. They are the one who grant human being their heart desire. Human being normally through the mediating power of ebo /etutu (sacrifice or ritual) to bring them bring them close to work for human to fulfil their desire. The remaining 200 spiritual force that inhabit or reside in the left side of celestial realm are regarded as Ajogun (malevolence forces) this are the forces that cause human being most of their life difficulty or problems as I pointed out earlier at the beginning of this work.

Their major emissaries against mankind are seven in number. Let me use this medium to bring it to your understanding. Whenever an Awo make Ifa consultation for anyone ; and the Ifa  come  out with Ayewo /Ibi (negative) ; What Babalawo normally do is to ask Ifa which of the Ajogun (malevolence  forces)  is responsible for the negative message. Awo do nothing more than that. The Ajogun(malevolence forces) which range from : Iku(death),Arun(diseases),Ija (fight),Ofo(loss),Ejo(litigation) Oran (legal implication)Ese (afflictions), Some Awo may go further to aske about Epe (curse) and Ewon. With my research over the years. I discovered that some Awo even though  they agree that  Epe (curse) and Ewon are part of Ajogun ,the claimed it  is not necessary to ask for it as part of things to cross check when Ifa comes out negative for an individual. Some School of thought believe that everything must be check in detail. I aligned with the other school of thought that believe that everything must be check. Let me succinctly examine all this Ajogun (malevolence forces in seriatim). They are:


This is the  number one emissary of the Ajogun. It is only OLODUMARE that have absolute power over Iku(death). It do manifest against human being in terms of untimely death as a result of war, accident, hunger and sickness etc. Although through sacrifice and other spiritual mean premature and painful death can be avoided. Under Iku ( death ) we have :

Iku Orun(heavenly /Natural death): This is the kind of death that have been predestined from heaven or we can simply say it is a death caused by act of God- that is no human being is the source of the death). If during Ifa consultation reveal that it Iku orun (natural death). The Awo can still go ahead and ask the divinity for ebo (sacrifice ) ,Ibo (propitiation) and Etutu (rituals) that can be used to averts such natural death ,especially when the person involve is not yet ripe or old enough to die. And in most cases there is usually sacrifice for this purpose.

Iku Aye (Unnatural Death/Death Cause by Fellow Human Being): A death will be deemed to be Iku aye. When the death did not arise as an act of God. For example, a death that is likely to occur by hire-Assassin, evil people, killing by poison, or through diabolic means of witches and witchcraft. Such death will be refer to as Iku aye. As in the case of Iku Orun explained above . Ebo (sacrifice) and Ritual can also be offer to avert it. But in most cases it may be a warning telling the dreamer that he or she need to avoid going or traveling somewhere. He or she may also need to avoid eating outside or eat any food that come from un -trusted source or revealing  his whereabouts to some people etc.

Iku Afowofa( Death Caused by Negligence and Carefree attitude of the Victim): A death will be deemed to be Iku Ifowowfa  If the person through his action or inaction caused his own death. For example some human being go through life through their own ignorance, selfishness, laziness, and negligence and invite Ajogun Iku(Malevolence forces of death to their life).I.e A person who choose to be an armed robber or a kidnapper and got killed in the process. A person who choose to have unbridle sexual intercourse around and he/she contract diseases in the process and die, a person who choose to consume excessive alcohol or cigar or marijuana beyond the level that is moderate for human health and he/she  suffer ailment as a result and die.  All these instances mentioned will be deemed as Iku Afowofa. As in other cases offering ebo and taking necessary precaution will averts such death.  

Iku Enu(Death caused by inability to keep Secrets) : Another causes of death under this  category of Ajogun is Iku enu. When an individual get killed because of their inability to keep secrets. Many people go through life getting themselves killed untimely simply because they are unable to keep secrets. Any one who say every secrets things about other may be risking death. If you learn about lifestyle of others, businesses, deals , conduct, so far it not harmful to you or others in the society . You have no point to turn yourself to CNN OR BBC to be broadcasting it that this is what other do. If you are a type that do such. let me tell you, death is not far from you .In fact untimely death is your closest friend. This happen a lot in field of politics and business.

NB: Don’t misconstrue what I explain under Iku enu as a shield to be aiding and abetting crime .That is not what I am saying . I am just telling you that it is not everything your eyes see that your mouth must says.


Disease is the younger brother to Iku (death) He is the one that prepare the body of human beings for death. That is why you observe in most cases that one kind of sickness usually precede the death of such person. This aspect is normally taken care of  by sacrifice, traditional medicine and orthodox medicine has been doing wonder in that aspect as well today. Arun may take the following :

Arun Ara (physical/physiological disease): An individual will be saying to experiencing Arun ara when is suffering from sickness of the body :i.e malaria, Fever, Typhoid, Fibroid, Infertility, Low sperm count,  Hiv/Aid, Lasser fever, Corona Virus(Covid 19 ) is the latest in town now .Who know what is coming in future. In short, any diseases that affects the body is known as Arun ara.

Arun Okan (Diseases of the mind): When an individual is experience diseases of the mind and any kind of Psychological diseases such diseases will be deemed as Arun Okan . I.e Depression, Emotion imbalance due to unstable relationship or relationship that is fraught with crisis. Even lack  of relationship can cause diseases of the mind.

Arun Owo(Diseases of lack of Money) :Lack of money is also a diseases. If you don’t have money to eat, take care of yourself and love ones.  Lack of have alone can quickly give rise to other problem in human life. 


Ofo  loss is wastage or losing resources in an unaccountable and unjustly manner. This in many case may arise from arm robbery, fraud, farming or draught., spiritual spirits of setbacks and poverty.  In most cases it may be as results of the greedy nature of that person.


Oran (enormous problem or Trouble) usually manifest itself against man kind in form of commission of crime or offence that will not give the person peace of mind.in most case it will manifest in form of doing things that is so heinous that the person will flee his property, wife family relative etc.


Epe (curse) is manifest of negative evil affirmation by enemy on one life. It may be generation curse or otherwise. Whatever it is it can be counter with ritual sacrifice, and other remedy.


Ewon (captivity or imprisonment) is one of the emissaries of Ajogun (malevolence forces) it is manifestation is usually in form of restrictions of movement of Mankind, which may either be in form of imprisonment in prison yard, slavery, become bedridden with disease or become paralyzed.


Ese (Affliction)  is usually manifest in various forms of suffering and illnesses. In  fact  Ese can be the combination of two or more of the aforementioned Ajogun mentioned earlier afflicting the person in question.

Spiritual solution to Overcome Ajogun (malevolence forces again human being)

 Idafa :Through divination reading Ifa may prescribed appropriate sacrifice to fix and overcome all kind of Ajogun

 Uses of akose Ifa(Ifa medicine) :there are different akose ifa preparation that can also be use to overcome Ajogun.

It is instructive that Aje (witches) and  Esu  does not belong to Ajogun although some time they share their characters. They move between the two world right and left. They are both good and bad as  a result they cannot be regarded as Ajogun.

Ifa Sample Prayers to Chase Ajeogun (Malevolence Forces From One’s Life)

It is not enough to know what the problems is . Everything  become meaningful when you know the problems and you know how overcome it. In this aspect I will show one of the most effective Sample prayers available in Reformed  Africa Ifa Spirituality(RAIS) that can be used to chase away malevolence forces from your life, body and house hold . One of the effective prayers for this purpose is derived from Odu Ifa Obara Ogbe. If an individual perceive  he /she is under the influence of power of darkness and Malevolence  forces(Ajogun) . He/she will get an Iyerosun (Ifa consultation powder) or Salt can be use as substitute where Iyerosun is not available . You will use The Iyerosun(Ifa consultation powder) or the Salt in question to imprint Odu Ifa Obara Ogbe thus:

I   I

I   II

I   II

I   II

You will then chants the following Ifa recitation on it thus:

Iku yoo 

Arun yoo 

Dia fun won lode Ido 

Ibiti won gbe n tanna le ajogun ibi lo  

Iku  ti be ninu ile yi  

Ko deru o maa lo o  


 A o tanna Ifa wi won lara o 


Arun  ti be ninu ile yi  

Ko deru o maa lo o 


 A o tanna Ifa wi won lara o 


Ofo  ti be ninu ile yi

Ko deru o maa lo o 


 A o tanna Ifa wi won lara o 


Ejo  ti be ninu ile yi  

Ko deru o maa lo o 


 A o tanna Ifa wi won lara o 


Gbogbo  ti be ninu ile yi

Ko deru o maa lo o 


A o tanna Ifa wi won lara o 



Death leave

Ailments go 

This was Ifa’s message  for the inhabitants of Ido

Where they put on light in the night to chase away malevolence forces

Death in this land

Pack your load and leave


We shall engulf you with Ifa’s fire


 Ailments in this land

Pack your load and leave


We shall engulf you with Ifa’s fire


 Loses in this land

Pack your load and leave


We shall engulf you with Ifa’s fire


Contention  in this land

 Pack your load and leave


We shall engulf you with Ifa’s fire


All the malevolence forces in this land

 Pack your load and leave


 We shall engulf you with Ifa’s fire


NB: You must light a candle behind this symbol of Obara Ogbe before you recite the prayers. In the olden days. It is local raffia candle that is normally use for such purpose. With spate of modernity around the world candle is allow. and the efficacy of it is 100% valid and certain.


Put little out of the Iyerosun /Salt symbol of Obara Ogbe that you pray upon inside a bath water. The person will bath with it . It will case away Ajogun.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

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