OVERCOMING LIFE’S TRIALS THROUGH IFA SPIRITUALITY BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries- Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS) -Daily Meditation Series

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OVERCOMING LIFE’S TRIALS THROUGH IFA SPIRITUALITY BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries- Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS) -Daily Meditation Series

If the eyes does not see difficulties as like being bounded tightly by rope , The eye may not see things as shining as brass” Odu Ifa Ofun-Otua

“When Nature Wants A Man

When Nature wants to drill a man
And thrill a man,
And skill a man,
When Nature wants to mould a man
To play the noblest part;
When she yearns with all her heart
To create so great and bold a man
That all the world shall praise-

Watch her method, watch her ways!
How she ruthlessly perfects
Whom she royally elects;
How she hammers him and hurts him
And with mighty blows converts him
Into trial shapes of clay which only Nature understands-

While his tortured heart is crying and he lifts beseeching hands! -
How she bends, but never breaks,
When his good she undertakes....
How she uses whom she chooses
And with every purpose fuses him,
By every art induces him
To try his splendor out-
Nature knows what she's about.

When Nature wants to take a man
And shake a man
And wake a man;
When Nature wants to make a man
To do the Future's will;
When she tries with all her skill
And she yearns with all her soul
To create him large and whole....
With what cunning she prepares him!

How she goads and never spares him,
How she whets him and she frets him
And in poverty begets him....
How she often disappoints
Whom she sacredly anoints,
With what wisdom she will hide him,
Never minding what betide him
Though his genius sob with slighting and his pride may not forget!
Bids him struggle harder yet.
Makes him lonely
So that only
God's high messages shall reach him
So that she may surely teach him
What the Hierarchy planned.

Though he may not understand
Gives him passions to command-
How remorselessly she spurs him,
With terrific ardor stirs him
When she poignantly prefers him!

When Nature wants to name a man
And fame a man
And tame a man;
When Nature wants to shame a man
To do his heavenly best....
When she tries the highest test
That her reckoning may bring-
When she wants a god or king! -
How she reins him and restrains him
So his body scarce contains him
While she fires him
And inspires him!
Keeps him yearning, ever burning for a tantalising goal-
Lures and lacerates his soul.
Sets a challenge for his spirit,
Draws it higher when he's near it-
Makes a jungle, that he clear it;
Makes a desert, that he fear it
And subdue it if he can-
So doth Nature make a man.

Then, to test his spirit's wrath
Hurls a mountain in his path-
Puts a bitter choice before him
And relentlessly stands o'er him.
'Climb, or perish! ' so she says....
Watch her purpose, watch her ways!

Nature's plan is wondrous kind
Could we understand her mind...
Fools are they who call her blind.
When his feet are torn and bleeding
Yet his spirit mounts unheeding,
All his higher powers speeding
Blazing newer paths and fine;
When the force that is divine
Leaps to challenge every failure and his ardor still is sweet
And love and hope are burning in the presence of defeat....

Lo, the crisis! Lo, the shout
That must call the leader out.
When the people need salvation
Doth he come to lead the nation....
Then doth Nature show her plan
When the world has found- a man! ’’

When Nature Wants A Man is a poem by Angela Morgan published in Forward, March (1918) by John Lane Company.

In this work Babalawo Obanifa will examine in detail how you can overcome life ‘s trial through Ifa Spirituality. What do I mean by trials within the context of this work?  I mean the act or process of testing, trying, or putting to the proof: a trial of one's faith.  An instance of such testing, especially as part of a series of tests or experiments. A state of pain or anguish that tests patience, endurance, or believe. By Trials withing the context of this work, I am not referring to a   proceeding in which opposing parties in a dispute present evidence and make arguments on the application of the law before a judge or jury. I am referring  to a state of pain or anguish that tests patience, endurance, or believe. Trials, afflictions, and tests are some of the various words used to describe an unexpected or unplanned calamity that befalls someone at one point of their lives or another.

In order to overcome the “difficulties” (trials) we face in life, it is necessary that we first understand the reason for those difficulties, and that we fully buy into that reason. Without fully appreciating the reason for trials,” one will simply see them as “meaningless negatives” that serve no worthwhile purpose in our life; as such we can begin to view them as “significant agitations that keep us from enjoying life.”   The reality is, Olodumare(God) uses “trials” to enhance and grow and strengthen our faith — so the divine reason for trials in our lives is faith related’’. Odu  Ifa ofun Otua say that,  If the eyes does not see  difficulties as like being bounded tightly by rope , The eye may not see things as shining as brass”

Bi oju o ba ri ohun bi okun bi okun

Oju o  le rohun bi Ide bi Ide

Dai fun Ontoola

Omo ataguntan soroo…..



If the eyes did not see difficulties as like being bounded by rope

It may not see things as Shining as Brass

This was Ifa’s  message for Ontoola

The child Ataguntan soroo( he who sell sheep to become wealthy).

What is Odu Ifa Ofun Otura is saying here is very simple. Ifa is telling you that trial some time is necessary to pave way for greatness. So, don’t see whatever trials you face or likely to face in life as the dead end. It depends on what you make out of it for yourself.

Let me tell you, every great person in history, the very thing that they think were bad in their life is usually the reason why they are great. The issue of life is not what happen to you: It is how you see what happen to you that determine your state in life. Everything in life is about perspective. It is the perspective from which you approach life challenges or trial that determine what you will make out of it.  In life two people may face same kind of trial, the first person may see it as a catastrophe, and start complaining while is this happening to me, this has come to ruin my life. While other person will face same issue and see it as opportunities and lessons and use the trial to catapult himself/herself to greater height in life. It is all about perspective. The two of them face same trial and they produce different result out of it depending on their mind set and how they see the trials in life. It is the level of understating and interpretations you can make out of any challenges that will determine your fate in life. It is not what you face, it is how you approach what you face that count. As I said earlier Without fully appreciating the reason for trials,” one will simply see them as “meaningless negatives” that serve no worthwhile purpose in our life; as such we can begin to view them as “significant agitations that keep us from enjoying life.”   The reality is, Olodumare(God) uses “trials” to enhance and grow and strengthen our faith — so the divine reason for trials in our lives is faith related’’. Once you can appreciate the purpose while trial come to your life, work, business, relationship or life pursuit sometimes. The better you will become in managing them and using them to your advantages. Instead of allowing them to draw your life backward. Below are some of the reason while human being face trials in life:

Testing of your Competence: The first reason that you must know while you may go through trial in life is to test your competence. So, in life, it is not every trial that come to you sometime that come to destroy your life. Some trials come to you to test your competence, to prove your competence to others. That is why people before us says “It is not every storm that come to your life that come to destroy it, some storm comes to clear your path”. Imagine you are a student in a university or colleges, you observe that the system is organize in such a way that you must be test through examination before you can be certified. Let me tell you same thing is what is applicable and obtainable in real life. Let take another example, imagine if an inventor invents certain machine or engine, or certain drug was newly invented, they will first make it pass through some test to ascertain its competency before it can be put on public display for public use. This is done for safety. As no student can graduate and become qualified without Exam. Same things applicable in real life. No man can become really great without facing one form of trial or the other. Sometimes, It is trial that will prove your competence to you and others.  When I teach, I don’t teach theoretically ,I usually draw from my observations in what others have experienced practically and what I had practically experienced in one form or the other in life. For example in this Spiritual Practice, I face my own dose of trials, that prove my competence to others who had tried me  and  as well  to myself. They are caucus of spiritualists in Yoruba land that have use their ceremonial  personality to intimidate and subdue many destinies in the past. When it come to my turn. When they see me rising, they come after me spiritually, they met with stiff spiritual resistances, they tried many times spiritually, each time they failed. They don’t have any option than to go physical (in term of defamation, trying to implicate me legally, of course they failed in that bid as well) since all their spiritual efforts failed. The whole world is now watching all their physical moves.  The trial is good for the following reason. First it proves to them that I cannot be harass or attack spiritually. It helps me too to appreciate myself better. So sometimes the essence of trials is to test your competency. It is not every trial that come to mar your life. Some trials come to make you or test your value.  There is nothing better like tested and proved product. It has value. So sometimes your trial in life may not be as a result of enemies in your family or place of work. The creators may divinely allow you to go through some trial to test whether you are up to the task or, purpose that you are design for in life. You may undergo test to ascertain whether you are capable for what you are designed to do in life. Of course no one like to undergoes trial in life, but some time it is necessary.

To Draw You Closer To Olodumare: Sometime you undergo  trials to appreciate the value Of Olodumare( God ) in your  life.  When everything goes well without any obstacle in life. It is easy for human being to   quickly forget their creator. When human being finds everything going on easy in their life. They think they know it all. Human being has high tendency to overate and overvalue their self against their creator. They may think is their al their technical skill, charms, medicine, technical knowledge  that is making things go right. But little trials some time will draw people back to Olodumare(God). They will be force to acknowledge the creator and seek the divine intervention. Some time trial come to just draw you closer to Olodumare(God) and to make you acknowledge your creator as the sole source of all strength and purpose in life.

Trial is  a Prove that You have Value : The third most important thing you must have mind  in life is when trials come to you .  It is connoting that you have certain value in life. There is something important, there is something great you can become in life.  Let me tell you , trials don’t go after nonentity(people that will not amount to anything in life). Trials Only come on the part of the great People. If they can withstand and overcome it ,they will achieve the greatness and that is what history will record about them. If they see it as problem and let  it subdue them , that is how history will record their life. Let cite an example for you . If there is two pound side by side, one is stock with fish and other is empty. You will discover that no one will disturb the pound that have no fish in it.  It is the pound that is with fish that will be disturbed and muddle because people want to catch the fish in it. So, what are we saying then. It is when you have value or can become of value that you face trial no body try to attack what is insignificant. If you are under attack, you are significant. It means your presence have some value or impact it can make. Let me cite you another example. If two Oranges tree stay side by side. One is without fruits on it, while other is with mature ripe fruits on it. It is the one with fruits that people will throw stone or sticks to pluck it. They may even climb it to shake the tree in other to pluck the fruits.  Same things is applicable in real life , If you have value ,it may brings trials . It now depends on you to see how to utilize it to your advantage or make yourself a failure out of lack of understanding.

Family Problems: Some people undergo trials in life in a manner that does not related to any of the aforementioned purpose. Some time some people have Ogun Idile (Family Problems). There are some family that people from such family will always face one form of trial due to curse known as Egun Idile , Or out of jealousy of their self in which they will be using power of witchcraft  and evil charm to cause challenges for their self in life. In such situation spiritual fixing is what is necessary.

In what manner can Trial take To Manifest?

Unusual Pressures and Challenges of Life: Many people do encounter some tribulation in their life, business, or relations in which there will be a lot of pressures or challenges to overcome. Immediately he/she resolves this another one will arise.  If such person does not take his/her time to develop calmness of mind and try to see beyond the present. Such pressure can ruin a lot things.

Disappointment: This is not usually a good thing. People go through life with high level of expectancy from other. You expect a lot from your parents, your boss at work, your co -worker. Your business partners, you lover, your spouse, and to cap it all you expect a lot from the government. But in most cases these aforementioned people can fail you. Yes, they can fail you, your business partners may chose not to turn up for business proposal presentation as you planned together. Your parent refuse to send you abroad to study as promise. Your business partners betray you and divert your clients or customer, your co-worker you trust most and have help a lot backbite you and make bad report about you to your boss. The spouse you trust with your whole is cheating on and you just discover. The government fail to perform their function as they promised. Your boss at work that you have diligently serve refuse to give you good reports or write good reports about you. You can experience disappointment from different source.   The worst part is if you experience it one after the other. It become a trial. But let me tell you , Noting is new under the sun. Everything cited here or the one not cited have happen to some people in history , and if it happen to you and so what. You are not the only that such is happening to at that moment in time and you will not be the last. You should be able to learn how to mange disappointment from people .

Persecution: Persecution is one of the trial that human being can face . This may take in form of harassment, defamation of character and oppression due to your believe in certain ideology or conviction, Some time If human are allow they will physically persecute one another.

Temptation : It is also a trial if you are face  with instances where you frequently expose to things that can test your level of honesty  and moral uprightness in life i.e if spouse of your friends or boss or family member make sexual advances to you. Your boss entrusts you with his/her business or a lot of money that you can run away with.  You have the opportunity to steal but you did not.

Ridicule: Reproaches and rejection are also mode of trials . When people ridicule you or reject you as a result of your believe, ideology or the kind of your vocation in life. It is a trial that take self determination focus and purpose in life.

Physical Infirmity:  Some time some people may encounter physical infirmity in form of diseases and any ailment as a form of trial

Lack of Basic Necessities of Life : When human being lack basic necessities  such foods, shelters, clothing , good medical facilities , basic education,  delay marriage, frustrated relationship. Lack of employments, broken marriages, lack of companions. These aforementioned can also be a form of trials.

The list of what can constitute trials is endless. I just mention few. The peculiarity of what constitute trial will depend on the each situation, whom you are, what you do and the stages you are in life.

How To Overcome Trial In Life

If you are going through this work by hearth. The next thing that will be on your mind is how you can overcome trial in life. Yes of course ,There are practical and Spiritual steps that can be taking to overcome trial in life. And this work will show you how .

1 . Be Prepared: One of my famous quote is that this, fear is only for the unprepared mind. You need to be prepared. Imagine you are a student; you are going for examination without first preparing yourself. What will you write? How will you attempt the question? Same thing applicable to life.  People who are un unprepared will be caught by surprise by trial, when people disappoint you, when business partner fail them, when the government is lacking behind in their duty. For those who have message that is likely to be trial in life .They are always be prepare .  Imagine a merchants going on business trip. He did not hide his money where armed robber will not site it easily in case of attack . He is the one to blame for his misfortune if anything happen. Same thing applies in real life. Many people go through life unprepared. When trial come they become stalked .

2 . Develop your Mind:  People go through life without developing their mind. They take care of the outward look of them the clothing, the appearance etc. They take care of their stomach with good foods but find it very difficult to develop their mind which is the engine through wish other part of the body function. When your mind is fully developed you can face and overcome any trial in this world. How do you develop your mind .it is through books, podcast, messages of this nature that I am presenting to you, personal observations, lectures etc.  If your mind is develop trial wont have more meaning to , you will always see trial as a springboard to catapult yourself to greater height.

3 . Be Prayerful: when I say you should be prayerful. I mean you should be spiritual. Commit your dealing and movement in the hand of Olodumare(God). Make spiritual finding about life issue at require interval and apply the spiritual quick fix as Ebo and Ibo.

4. Take notice of your Dreams: No trial will come up without given sound of warning via your dream or certain kind of premonition.  Don’t take your dream at lightly.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

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