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HESMotivation  •  Education

‘’Whatever you fear most has no power, it is your fear that has the power” Oprah Winfrey

In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will reveal and document some of the Ifa chants and Medicine available in Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIF) be use to overcome fear and have successful living , a fulfilled life and life of purpose. One of the hidden truths in life is that fear and anxiety have kill many lofty dreams than lack of potentials and skills. As writer Suzy Kassem says, “Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.” Fear can cause people to miss out on opportunities that allow them to reach their full potential.

 If you observe most of the things that have hold you back in life, you will discover that fear is one of the factors that is responsible for such failure. You are always afraid to go  and ask for your rights, You are afraid to pursue that career that you have natural gift for, just because you are afraid that you will fail, or you have seeing other failed , You are afraid to go into that business because you think ,you will lose money , the business can fail  or you think you can not take risk as an entrepreneurs.  You afraid  to propose to women of your dream or men of your dream because of the fear of failure or rejection. Many people go through life as a failure simply because they cannot subdue the spirits of fear and failure in them. If you observe the life of very successful people you will observed that they are only people who are able to face their fear and move forward. These are the people that in charge of the world in sphere of commerce and trade, science and technology, politic and even spirituality. They are not in any way better than you. The have one thing in common they are the people who are able to take charge of their life and subdue their fear. So, it is not the fear that is holding you back to succeed. It is your self-respecting your fear and making god or demi -god out of your fear . As Oprah Winfrey as rightly opined ‘’Whatever you fear most has no power, it is your fear that has the power”

Fear is natural any one can experience fear, but there is one thing that distinguish successful people from failure. Successful people want to reach their goal more than they fear failing.  To be successful in life you need to embrace your fear of failure to get what you want in life.

Fear don’t just come to people life out of their own volition.  There are natural and spiritual causes of fear. The experts in human psychology and sociology have consider the following factors as causes of fear.

Poor parental upbringing: In a situation where an individual is brought up by parents that are not supportive, parent who criticize or made bad pronouncement on such children life. Parent who did not believe in their children, parent who undermine the potential of their children thinking they will not amount to anything in life. In this kind of situation. Such children may find it difficult to face life with courage when they attain maturity. The incidence of their childhood keeps on coming back.

Experience of Traumatic Experience- People who have experience failure or traumatic experience by failing in one sphere of life or see others who have experience failure in one form or the other in life are always in perpetual fear to move ahead in life or try things that would have become  a success out of fear of failing.

Listing too much to public Opinion :When you listing too much to public opinions you will never amount to anything in in your  life. You have brain of your own, use it.  My life is a case study. people have told me many things in life that it is not possible to do them. But each time  Ignore the naysayers, I have always achieve beyond their aim. It is easy for people to instill fear in you, they will see all the reason while you will fail, they will never see single reason while you can be successful. Many people go through life listing to opinion of plenty of unsuccessful people and allow it to dictate their destiny. They have never tried their self, so they don’t know. If they have try, they will not be where they are and their life will not be they way it is. Why listening to such people?

The fear of CriticismsMany people will have been successful in life  but the fear of what people will say is what keep them back, what will my friends say, what will my people  think of me, I need to conform with their opinion . The truth is this, you don’t need to care about what they say if what you want do is right.

Abusive Relationship: If you have abusive relationship where your spouse ,friend, boss at work is a bully . You will discover that this can also affect all other sphere of your life .where you find it difficult to become successful due to the fear of failure to act.

Spiritual Factors: Evil people can attack you with Spirits of fear of failure to hold you back in life.

How will You know You are Under the Influence of Fear of Failure?

Below are some of the thing you will be experiencing.

Safety first is your motto always: You only want to do things that you already know it did not involve any risk. You want to know you are safe from beginning to the end. I.e You don’t want take any risk  in business, in political arena, in wrestling for power, pursuing career, going for competition if though you are more than qualified ,you will not to try because you perceive risk.

Lack of Self Confidence:  A person under the influence of failure will lack self -Confidence. They are always in state of doubt. Life of low self-esteem.

Procrastination: Procrastination is one of the major signs of spirits of failure. Things that you are capable of doing. You will be saying I will do it tomorrow; I will start the business next year. I will tender the proposal  next month all because of fear.  Simply because you are afraid to fail. Or Because you think you are not yet ripe for it.

Seeing yourself in negative perspective: Seeing yourself in negative perspective. Thinking that you are not good enough, thinking that you don’t have enough skill, You are not beautiful or handsome enough. Thinking that you are not brilliant enough. Seeing yourself as if you are not competent enough or you don’t deserve a promotion or success.

Fear and Anxiety to approach People for Help: You are always in perpetual fear to approach people who can help you for help.

The truth is that it is almost impossible for human being not to experience fear of failure in one form or the other. The truth is that until you take possession of your own mind and life and see yourself as the sole architect of your life. Life is not what happen to you. Life is what you create yourself. There is always different between failure as an event and failure as an individual. Failure as an event does not need to transform to failure as a person.

The history book is full of successful people whom society had  have wanted to put fear in them not manifest their destiny. Those of them that have chose to overcome the spirt of fear become great in life.

  • Michael Jordan is widely considered to be one of the greatest basketball players of all time. And yet, he was cut from his high school basketball team because his coach didn't think he had enough skill.
  • Warren Buffet, one of the world's richest and most successful businessmen, was rejected by Harvard University.
  • Richard Branson, owner of the Virgin empire, is a high-school dropout.

Physical Steps to take to Overcome the Spirits of Fear.
Below are the tips I have personally use to overcome fear of failure inlife. Personal Tip I have use Myself.
Have self -worth: Many people go through life without self -worth. They always look to others for help and think they can not amount to anything in life on their own. Life doesn’t work that way. You need to have self -worth of your own before you can ever record any success in life. No body will help you or will even deem you fit that you deserve to be help if you don’t have self- worth.  I learn this early in life. My father late  Pele Olofindipe of blessed memory been a local  herbalist and a farmer. In those days  people look down on herbalist . When I am growing up some people think  I will not amount to anything in life . When I try to pursue my university education some of my contemporaries discourage me thinking I can not financially take care of myself through the system. I defied all their opinion. I recorded success and achieve it to their amazement. I always believe in myself even if I don’t know the means to achieve the end in view. That is not the only example . In this spiritual practice some have even think I cannot rise without passing through their channel and connections, I defied  them  all ,I have self-wort, I have brain and natural gift of my own I can use it.. For Example in year 2013 Owolabi Aworeni who now hold the title of Araba in Ife approached me that I should work with him that any connection he have he will connect me and help me  .I defied him , that is the power of self worth. To his amazement I was able to soar high withing few years. Without him and his perceive connections. He came back with malignant campaign and petitions here and there snapping the pictures of my houses, telling people I am fraudster that I did not known my work .Thinking that I will come back to liaise with him. I defied  him . when that is not working he recruited other Awo with himself to be written petitions against me I defied them. Of course they try spiritually too and they failed . I defied them. I am saying this for future generation to see and noted I have all the evidences. Today I am still in active spiritual practice and business despite the persecution. That is power of self-worth. Once you have self-worth . You can face your fear and overcome them . You will then discover that your fear are not fear. That is only you that can hold yourself back in life.

NB: If the things I say here is lying ,the person mentioned should come publicly to call me out that I lied against him,  not do things behind my back again. He has never have courage to personally face me  . That is power of  Self -worth.

Education I am talking for myself, I don’t know if it will work for you. But I know that if you adopt it, It will work for you. Educate your mind. Your mind need to develop not to feel fear. How do you developed your mind. It is through information you get through books, audio podcast, lecture and personal observations. A mind that is not fully developed will always been in fears. The fear of unknown. When I am taking of education here. I am not taking of you going to colleges ,university etc. I mean acquiring practical skill or knowledge about life (street knowledge). Study the life of great people . People who have done great thing for their self  in life .Smart street knowledge . The more information at your disposal about practical aspect of life .The more confidence you become , and the more fully you will live.

Choose Your Army : When I said choose your army , I did not mean you should  recruit soldiers or louts. What I mean is choose friend and working companions who reason in the level you are reasoning.  Not people who have no courage to face life. Not people who think risk are not worth taking. Not people that will talk you out of your dreams .  Avoid negative people. Embrace the bold and fearless. You are whom you associate with same way you are what you eat. If you are too fearful look at your surrounding may be you have a lot people that are consume by fear.

Be Proactive and Ruthless: When I say be proactive and ruthless , you may think what is Obanifa saying here. But in the real world every body is playing power game. If you are too timid and you show element of fear or frustration people will take advantage of you. You need to be bold , you need to  learn how to confront people  when they step on your toes , don’t be afraid to fight. Let me   tell you ,in the street if you show timidity that you cannot take a single blow to an opponents ,You will end up with eyes swollen with dozen of blow rain over you. You must be confidence. The mere reputation that you are ready for confrontation alone can safe you from a lot of shit you would have go through. I am telling the truth I have seeing it in people.

Ignore public opinion and Naysayer: Part of the thing that put many people in fear is fear of  what people are saying about them.  What people are saying about you  should not instill fear in you not to act or pursue your dream. If no body is saying something about you or your business or life ,you are as good as dead. Some time it is even better to be slander than to be ignore. to be successful you must be in public mind, you must always be in the news. Give your competitor or opponents things to say about you, whether positive or negative it is immaterial, use them as publicity stunt. Deliberately commit honest blunder or mistake that you know it is not harmful to you or your business ,just to give them something to talk about. .  You don’t need to care . If you study my website www.babalawoobanifa.com I do upload  modern hips-hop songs there to keep the site up with the spate of modernity and its viewers. It draws visitors to the website than when I am uploading Ayinla omo wura and Ebenezer Obey there. Some people in Ifa tradition were not happy about it . They criticize me . I don’t even look at them. I don’t need to conform with what they want. Their criticism is not what will generate traffic to my website.

Be Yourself : The greatest freedom I have ever had in this life is been myself. Many people go through life trying to be like everybody else or other people  out of the fear that they don’t want to be different .They don’t want society to see them as different. Let  me tell you ,you are born alone and you are going to die alone ,no body will die with you . while not live your life .  people go through  life trying  to be like other people out of fear, even though that other people ways of life and mode of doing things does not fit in and conform to whom they are in life. Let me  tell you  no body can record success in such manner , you become drain and no body will pay attention to you. I loss that fear many year ago .I show the world this is how  I understand to do my thing, since them I have never turn back.

Forget You Past: Let me tell you If you can not forget some thing about your past it may be difficult to overcome spirit of fear of attaining lofty height in life. For Example if you are born poverty. You need to forget that ,by constantly engage in backward glance that you were poor your have mentally classified yourself as poor people .let the dead bury the their dead. The past is past. face the future in front of you with courage. You have enough brain of your own.

Spiritual prayer to Overcome spirit of fear:

Some people are naturally fearful. Such people may need to complement their physical  efforts with prayer and  medicine. Below are the sample of some of the preparation that can be used for such purpose.


Get a certain amount of Palm oil, get an edun ara) thunder stone like the one I depicted in the picture below. Boil the  palm oil, then turn off the fire, then throw the edun ara (thunder stone) inside the palm oil) then offers the following prayer from the odu Ifa Odi meji which goes thus :

I   I



 I   I

Agba Awo aya

Lo difa fun aya

Lojo ti o n sunkun pe ohun o gbo

Aya mi wa gbo keke keke  lese obarisa

Oso ki ri aya olobahun mu

Aje ki ri aya olobahun mu

Ki omo araye male kami laya je.

Agba is a divining ifa priest for chest

Cast ifa divination reading for chest

When he was lamenting he was not bold enough

Am I bold or not

I am bold with the support of obarisa

No wizard can beheft tortoise of his courage

No witches can deprived tortoise of his boldness

No human should be able to deprived me of my boldness

You will be liking the oil small small. It is instructive that mere recitation of this prayer correctly often will eliminate fear and restore boldness.

Medicine to Overcome the Spirits of Anxiety and Fear By Babalawo Obanifa

1.       Korofo eyin adiye  ibile to pa omo fun ra re (Shell of eggs of local breed of hen that is hatched naturally, not by incubator. Odidi atare mefa ( six whole fruits of alligator pepper with scientific name aframomum meleguetta), Wonda kola mefa ( Six wonderful Kola fruits), Ewe Asewele ( no English name available. All the aforementioned will be grinded together to form an herbal powder. Uses: This herbal powder should be taking  one table spoon of this herbal  powder with a corn meal  daily until the desire result is obtain.

2.      Ogunna kan (a live charcoal) , a glass of water. a person who is suffering from persistent fear should  put a life charcoal inside a glass of water, he/she should drink the water. This can be carry out three times a year. These have the ability to erase spirit of fear and anxiety.

3.       Ewe Iroko tutu (fresh leaves of  Chlorophora excels) , thunder stone (Thunder stone ). Squeeze the iroko leaves with water. put the Edun ara inside fire uuntil it become hot. Remove it and throw into the Iroko water. Drink the water. This can be repeated often.

4.      Ewe  Iroko (leaves of  Chlorophora excels), Ewe eepin ( leaves of sand paper tree with scientific name Fiscus Exasperate), Ori ejo sebe ( head of sebe snake ) . All the aforementioned will be grinded to fine powder along with some   Edun ara (thunder). Uses. Lick it occasionally.

5.      Ogede agbagba to bu papara( a mature plantain that is split naturally)Odidi atare kan  ( a whole fruit of alligator pepper with scientific name aframomu meleguta .  Burn the two aforementioned together to form a fine powder. Uses: lick it often.

Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone whatsapp contact: +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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