INCREASING YOUR PRODUCTIVITY LEVEL THROUGH IFA SPIRITUALITY BY BABALAWO OBANIFA – Obanifa Extreme Documentaries – Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Daily Mediation Series

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INCREASING YOUR PRODUCTIVITY LEVEL THROUGH IFA SPIRITUALITY BY BABALAWO OBANIFA – Obanifa Extreme Documentaries – Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS)- Daily Mediation Series

“If we are doing everything without getting successful result in any, It will seem as if we are not making efforts at all” Odu Ifa Ose Irete

What is it that both living and non-living things aspire for in life? The answer is not far-fetched. The answer is increase. Everything in nature want Increase. Plants want Increase, animals want increase, of course we human being want increase. Everything in nature obey the law of increase; that is why you see plant that they grow on daily basis. That is while you see animals grow and procreate, of course what do you expects, we human do same. But the problems usually arise when this law of increase is to be apply to human life in sphere of economic and commerce and sphere of life achievement. Babalawo Obanifa shall through this work explain in detail how you can harness the law of productivity as encapsulated in Ifa Spirituality. What do I mean by productivity within the context of this work?  By productivity I mean the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input. The state or quality of being productive. To be productive mean: producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities. When it is applies to human life to be productive mean to have the capacity, potential ability to generate better result or output as evidence of effort or abilities.  When Human can do this, such person will be said to be productive or he/she is living a productive life. But if your efforts are not producing results or better result, even though you make efforts. You will not be deemed to be productive.  And that is the essence of this work, to show you how to be productive in your life, in your business, in your career and your relationship.  The aim of the work is to programed your mind on how to be productive and be getting result.

What is it that Responsible for Lack of Productivity in Human life?

When the efforts and abilities of human being are not producing results or better results in life, such person will be deemed to lack productivity, or simply put, that such person is living unproductive life. There are many factors that can be responsible for lack of productivity in life which range from lack of vision and purpose in life, misdirection and misapplication of efforts and Skill-set, of course the last but not the least is lack of focus on results. No matter what is your efforts in life, no matter your gifts or Skill set. If you lack focus on results. You may find it very difficult to become productive. Many people go through life elaborating on efforts. They derive joy and happiness in efforts they have exercise in one way or the other, even when such efforts are not producing results.   They don’t value results. Have You come across people that will tell you I have five different degree, I learn six different vocation, I acquire these skills or that?  But as for what have they be able to make out of it, In most cases people who boasts about efforts don’t have result to show for it. Productive and successful people show result, their effort is usually silence while their result is as loud as thunder clap. Yes,  efforts are good. But it is only good and become productive when you can show the results that is commensurate or proportionate with the efforts. Why many people that ought to be success remain a failure in life is because they focus on efforts rather than results. Productive people are set of people who is more results oriented than been effort oriented. They focus more on results than the efforts. They have the skill set of generating maximum results with minimum efforts. When you can generate maximum results with minimum efforts. You will be deemed to be productive.  Let me tell you in real life, no one care about all your effort, if you cannot show or generate results that is commensurate with such efforts. The productive people focus on results. They see their efforts as merely tools to attain the results in view. Unproductive people focus much of their attention on efforts rather seeing the efforts as a means to achieve results. So, the major thing that account of lack of productivity is lack of focus on results, Misapplication of efforts as well as spiritual problems. Odu Ifa Ose Irete  says that if your efforts or competency is not producing results it can not be regarded as efforts.  On this Ifa says:

Ihin ni n bay a si

Ohun ni n bay a si

Irona -Irona ni a n sinkun ore eni

Ti a ba se ohun gbogbo

Ti o yori

Bi alai gbiyanju la  n ri

Dia fun Orunmila

Ti  Baba n se ohun gbogbo ti’kan o yori

Won ni ko lo fi olorun se baba

Olorun gba mi o

Iwo ni mo gbokan mi le


I would have take this path

I would have taken that path

Irona -Irona ni a n sinkun ore eni

If we are doing everything without getting successful result in any

It will seem as if we are not making efforts at all

This was Ifa’s message for Orunmila

When he is doing everything without successful results in any

He  was advise to take Oloddumare (God as his father)

Please Olodumare salvage my life

You are the one I rely upon.

You see Ifa Ose Irete is sayin it authoritatively that if you are doing things without results. It will be deemed as if you are not making efforts. So in most cases. It is about result. It is not about efforts. In you career focus on result, in your business focus on result, In life goals focus on results. See the efforts only as a tool to get there.

What can you then do to be productive?

Since you have known that lack of focus on result is what is one of the factors if not the major factor that is responsible for lack of productivity in life. So, at this section I will explains some of the strategies you can use to improve your productivity.

Have Vision and Focus on Result: Let me tell you in real life, if you don’t create a solid vision and focus on result. No matter what efforts you make, no matter what is your gifts, no matter the degree of competency you have in whatever you do; You will find it difficult to achieve high level of productivity. People who attain greater height in all walk of life are set of people who have vision and focus on result rather than efforts. They merely see their efforts as a means to achieve the results. Have you sit down and think that the most powerful and wealthy people in society are not people with loads of university degrees and honors. Check up the great people in the field of trade, commerce, Sports, Music, Science and technology, Religion and Spirituality, even public service and the last but not the least   is field of politic. You will see that people that are Iconic in this area are people that focus on results. They want results. The results are more important to them than the efforts. They have the picture of the results they want in their mind. That is while you will see in most society, it is not the people with highest degree of Academic Educational qualification that rule them, that is why you will see in business world it is not the people with a lot of degree that become business mogul. It is people who focus on result rather efforts. Let me tell you, It is natural for society to want you to focus on efforts. They want you to have many degrees, many professional qualifications, acquire many skills, vocational training. These things are good, but without you focusing on result more than the efforts. You may end using all those qualifications to serve people who are less qualified than you in term of efforts but that focus on getting result. Thinks of it what is the usefulness of you buy an equipment, gadget or machine without any function it will perform for you. It is useless. That is what many people do in life. They do things just for the sake of doing it. Not for purpose of results.  If you want productivity all your efforts must direct toward attaining certain results. Not just for the sake of making the efforts.

Cultivate habit of Time Management:  There is no how you can attain high level of productivity in life without effective time management. In fact, wasting of your time on things, events or people that add no value to your life or attainment of your goals or desire is one of the reasons while many fails to achieve high level of productivity in life. It is not this world that is your life. It is the time you spent that is your life. The more time you waste on unproductive things such as discussion that add no value to business or goal in life, procrastination of things you ought to today till another time for no reason. Hanging out with loser those people that you known they will never impact you positively in any way in life rather make you become deficits in one way or the other. All this will affect your level of productivity. Lack of punctuality to your place of business:

Learn habit of delegation – Many people go through life they want to do all the work on their own. You will become drain and achieve less. learn o to delegate some function that you known is not that important but you known it will take your time. Though delegation come with responsibilities. Out showmanship or prove of competency  or eye service . People do work that doesn’t deserve their time. This kind of thing can affect your productivity. It is not compulsory you should be the one to do everything. what is important is that the set goals must be accomplished.

Improve your skills in what you do:  In any field in life, in any business you do, If you are not up to date with latest method of doing things in that business. There is no how you can improve your level of productivity. Life is dynamic. Everyday the better way of doing thing keep coming up both in the field of technology and science.  If you can not train yourself to improve your skill- set in your trade to meet up with latest trend and improvement in that trade. it is highly probable that you will have low productivity. Those who can catch with the improvement will be going at geometric progression while you are likely to grow at arithmetic   progression.  It is take knowledge to generate productivity. For productivity to take place wisdom is require. See what Ifa have to say in Odu Ifa Oturupon Meji, Ifa says:

Ogbon Inu laare owo

Dia fun Baba Olassugo ti won n pe ni Esu Odara

Nigba to you beere Owo

Ebo ni won ni ko se

Ko fi ogbon inu kun gbogbo nkan to n se

Ko pe ,ko jina

E wa bani ni jebutu Ire

Ero Ipo

Ero Ofa

Eyin omon pe ogbon Inu laare-Owoo?


Wisdom is the father of good business acumen

This was Ifa’s message for Baba Olosuugo who was known as Esu Odara

He was advised to offer ebo

And to apply wisdom in whatever he does

He heard of the ebo and complied

People of Ipo

People of Ofa

Not to long come and meet us in the midst of abundance blessing

Don’t you know the wisdom is the father of good business acumen.

Use the leg work of others people before you: Any successful person in field of science, and technology politics, Education etc. Are found to build their work on the leg work of people before them. They can improve it, create new one from it . But if you are too egotistical you want to do everything without using the leg work of others, you will be making efforts and can find it difficult to achieve maximum output with minimum efforts. Think of it. Why did you need to waste your efforts and time on what other can do for you and you will still be owner of it in the end? Such thing doesn’t worth your time. You can use such time on other lofty thing to further your goals in life and productivity.

Adequate rest and Relaxation: you need good sleep . Yon don’t say because you want to be productive now and you don’t have time to sleep or rest. Go for recreation. It doesn’t work that way. You will become drain and lack the creativity you need.

Stay Away from distraction: Distraction kill creativity productivity. Some people, i.e hater and enemy know what you can do.  The only method they can use is to distract you through rumor, defamation, or backbiting. Don’t give attention to such people. They are just trying to use that to waste your time if you give them attention.  The more you concentrate and give less attention to distraction the more creative you become.

Prayers-:Of course there is always place of prayer and God.

Spiritual facilitator- If you are in business you don’t just stay ordinary. Use spiritual work and products to boost your morale and ego. It improve your confidence and chance of success in pursuing life goals.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

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