IFA OGUNDA MEJI COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries- Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS) -Odu Ifa Series(vol 2)

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IFA OGUNDA MEJI COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries-  Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS) -Odu Ifa Series(vol 2)

In this work Babalawo Obanifa will make comprehensive Commentaries on Odu Ifa Ogunda-Meji.This work will be useful for any practicing Babalawo who want in-depth knowledge on holy Odu Ogunda -meji. The work will also be useful for those who imprint Odu Ifa Ogunda-meji during Itefa (Ifa initiation)  or Ikosedaye ,It will be useful to any Ifa And Orisa devotee as well as those doing academic research on Ifa and Orisa Spirituality. The work will look into, what is Odu Ifa Ogunda-meji?  What are the compatible Orisa and Irunmole  with Odu Ifa Ogunda -meji ? What are the taboo of Odu Ifa Ogunda-meji? What are some of the likely names that can be given to  Ogunda  meji children after their Ikosedaye or Itelodu? What are the profession or occupation congenial for Ogunda -meji Children? Some of The available information for Ogunda -meji during Itefa or their Ikosedaye. Some important sacred Ifa messages in Holy Odu Ogunda -meji as well as commentaries on them. All these aforementioned and more will be the major focus of this work.

Odu ifa Ogunda -meji is one of the sixteen principal Odu Ifa, that have fire as his Element. With combination of sand. The name  Ogunda is derive from the word s Ogun da eja si meji (that is  Ogun divide fish to two)


By this we mean the complementary Orisa or Irumonle that is affiliated to Odu Ifa Ogunda-meji? that is the Irumonle and Orisa that work hand in hand with this Odu, that those born by this Odu can adopt as Orisa along with their Ifa. These affiliated Orisa  and Irunmole range from Ile (Mother earth) ,Obatala (King of the white cloth)Ori,osoosi,osanyin,Esu Odara, Ogun .These complementary orisa function the following purpose:

1 .Ile (Mother earth) :venerating Mother earth will bring require help to you when needed.

2 .Obatala :venerating Obatala will make the Ogunda -meji children to receive the blessings and favour of othe orisa and Irumonle.

3 .Ori: Regular feeding  of Ori by Ogunda -meji children will enhance protection, and facilitate chance of success.

4 .Osoosi:Proper veneration of this deity will guarantee protection, and escape from problems and trouble.

5 .Osanyin :Feeding Osanyin will guarantee Ogunda -meji children success in healing, their personal protection from trouble

4 .Esu Odara :It is important you feed Esu to remove any impediment from your way.

5 .Ogun :This is need for protection and support


By taboo of Odu Ogunda -meji, we mean the item such as food, animal, character, behaviors, both animate and inanimate things that Ogunda meji children (that is those who imprint Odu Ifa Ogunda -meji during Itefa or ikosedaye) must avoid in other to have problem free life. Item like ,olobohunbohun (beetle)Isin (Akee Apple) Ewe Iya And others

1 .Children of Ogunda -meji should avoid eating Isin, Akee's apple - to avoid inconsistent fortune in their life.

2 .They  should not intoxicate their self with power or allow their influence, position, power, connection, or reputation to enter their head and lead them to unwarranted rigidity and misbehaviour.

3 .They should not use leaves of Iya, bark of the tree, root etc for medicine - to avoid delays in finding solutions to problems that may face them.

4 .They should not send others to do errands on missions which could seriously affect them  and others of great importance for their life to avoid unfinished fortune.

5.They must not use Olobounboun, the beetle, for anything-to avoid a kind of sickness and misfortune.

6 .They  should not endorse others to avoid being involved in other people's affairs-to avoid being blamed on issues he or she knows little or nothing  about
at all.

7 . They should avoid playing games to avoid being unnecessarily tied up and being entertained in a precious time when good things are waiting for them elsewhere.

8 .They should not use the Kanranjangbon plant to avoid unfinished fortune or loss of opportunity.

8 .They  should not kill or eat Okete (the big rat to avoid premature death or disenchantments leading to calamity.

9 .They  should avoid vengeance, they should not pay good  with evil or even evil with evil - to avoid unfinished fortune and disappointment.

They must not show ingratitude to their benefactors - to avoid the failure of their  ambitions.


Ogunda -meji children are usually successful in business, profession like ,farming, Babalawo, Iyanifa, Security, Hunter, Police force, Soldier, But they are Mostly successful in business, And partnership is where they are success lie in any business they do.


These names are culled from the name of important positive character in different stanza of holy Odu Ogunda -meji. Some of these names are:


Some of these names are :


Fasayo- Ifa create joy.
Orisasadun - The Orisa provides sweetness.
Okikiola - The reputation of honor.
Ajisola- The one who is made in honor.
Ifasiji- Ifa provides coverage.


Adunola- sweetness  of wealth
Ogunlaja- Ogun mediated in the conflict.
Omolewa- My son is my beauty.
Ola-Edu- Ifa is honor
Okikiola - The reputation of honor.


Those born by this Odu either in Itelodu or Ikosedaye, forbids the pains and deceptions inflicted by themselves; nothing stops them from being big in life. they will not only be great, but they will be equally happy. They will achieve all the desires of their heart at the most appropriate times in their lives. They should not face any sphere of life. they  will  live a very long life. they will  live comfortably and pursue their goals confidently. They  will die when they are mature and in relative satisfaction and satisfied.

The children of Ogunda-meji are specially chosen and favored by Obatala and Ifa they are blessed with all the good things in life. As long as the honey stays sweet, nothing can prevent these people from enjoying their lives to the utmost exept themselves through their own hands. They are specifically chosen to infect others with their happiness so that the world is happier and more habitable for all.

The children of Ogunda-meji also strive to be good business partners. They easily combine the skills of other people, experience, resources and even their own contacts to get ahead in whatever business they are willing to do. By doing this, they end up gaining more popularity, respect, riches and honor. Even though they have the ability to succeed by themselves, they nevertheless triumph better in partnership with someone. That is why it is not advisable for the children of Ogunda-meji to insist on going alone in a business if they have the feasible alternative of joining an association in the project. Because they blend well with others to achieve success, they covertly bring joy and success into the lives of other people. They implode others forward with their own talents and other special gifts that Olodumare and the Deities have given them.

For anyone to succeed in a business society must be direct, honest and accommodating. All those involved should be understandable and not accommodate unnecessary quarrels, arguments and misunderstandings. The Children  of Ogunda-meji must therefore hold this in their minds all the time. They should avoid the urge to swindle their associates either at the time of contributing their resources within the business or when it comes to sharing the profits.

The children of Ogunda-meji should not think, plan, or do anything, no matter how small, of hindering the progress of others. If they do, they will be exposed to shame. Conservatively, anyone who thinks, plans or does anything that constitutes a stumbling block in the passing of the children of Ogunda-meji will be denied and ridiculed. It is in the fate of the children  of Ogunda-meji to triumph in spite of the obstacles. That is why they also should never think, plan, or do evil against others. Nor should they assist others in doing evil against others.

Apart from the fact that the success of the  children  of Ogunda-meji is guaranteed, it is also safe to protect against evil and disaster. In spite of the fact that the iniquities, problems, difficulties and vicissitudes that abound in life where we are, they  Will  never experience them. Ifa would protect them and their families. They will   not die a premature death. They  Will also live to enjoy the fruit of their work.

For the children of Ogunda-meji, it is not advisable to endorse anyone. If they do, they are likely to regret of their actions. Those whom they endorse would disillusion them and could put them in serious difficulties which would take them a long time to recover.

The male sons of Ogunda-meji will also find that females will be very instrumental to their achievements and successes in life. they must however learn to deal with the complexities in women spatially their sudden changes of attitude. They need to understand that women could blow hot now but at the next moment they blow cold. Nothing of this nature should need to surprise or worry them at all. For the daughters of Ogunda-meji, they make good homes and treat all things at their disposal to raise their spouses from the grass to grace. They are understanding and very good mothers of their children.

Also for the children of Ogunda-meji, males and females, their children are their greatest possessions and the most invaluable. They need to take care of their children and those children will   take care of them when they get old. They  Should not say that they do not want children because they remain incomplete in their own lives as long as they fail to have their own children. They also need to inform their children of everything they do and about them. They can not afford to hide anything from their children since their children will be instrumental in their victories in the various battlefields of life. they also need to give their children proper education, training and parenting, as their children will improve their reputation and community value if they are well trained.

All the times Ogunda-meji's children offend others, it is their duty to show remorse and tender  unreserved apologies to whomever they have offended. If in the other hand, someone or a group of people have offended them, no matter how serious the offense, it is obligatory in them to forgive the guilty or guilty, whenever the latter seeks forgiveness. If this is done, they will always remain relevant in life.

The children of Ogunda-meji should not pay good with evil or even evil with evil. They should never show ingratitude to their benefactors. They should never be intoxicated with power or allow their influence, position, power, connections or reputation to enter their heads and lead them to inflexibility. They should be listening to advice all the time. Failure to do this can only lead to regret.



Ifa says that he foresees all Ire in life for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa  says that he or she is waiting for something great that would change his life for the better; Ifa says that all these things will come to the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa says he or she must receive all these things within 30 days.

Ifa says there is a need for the person for whom this Odu is revealed to offer ebo with money and to serve Ifa with a 4-valve kola nut for 30 days daily. Ifa says that before this ritual is complete, he or she will achieve everything he or she has set out to achieve.

About this Ifa says:

Kanranjongbon l’oba won ninu igbo

Dia fun Baba-Af’eyinti-jogbon-obi

Igba  ti nsunkon owo oun o to’re

Ebo ni won ni ko se


The Kanranjongbon rope is the king of ropes in the forest

This was the Awo who threw Ifa for Baba-who- he reclines and -consume-thirty-kola nuts

When he lamented for his inability to achieve all Ire in life

He was advised to offer ebo

Baba-Afeyinti-jogbon-obi, the-who-lay-and-consume-thirty kola-nuts had several things in his mind. He is pursuing many things but none of it has manifested itself. As much as the deal, all his efforts were in vain. This brought him to start with. He was advised to go and consult Ifa. He did it.

The Awo told him that he would achieve all the desires of his heart within 30 days. He was advised to offer ebo with money and to serve Ifa with a kola nut per day for 30 days. He obeyed. As he began to serve Ifa with a kola nut daily, all the pieces were broken and he was able to achieve everything he had proposed and laid hands. By the time it was 30 days he was already a very happy person. He was then singing, dancing and praising his Awo and Ifa.

Kanranjongbon l’oba won ninu igbo

Dia fun Baba-Af’eyinti-jogbon-obi

Igba  ti nsunkon owo oun o to’re

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ero Ipo, ero Ofa

Ko too f’eyin ti j’ogbon obi tan

Ire gbogbo a t’owo Awo


The Kanranjongbon rope is the king of ropes in the forest

This was the Awo who threw Ifa for Baba- who- he reclines and -consume-thirty-kola nuts

When he lamented for his inability to achieve all Ire in life

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

Travelers to the cities of Ipo and Ofa

Before he lay down to complete eating 30 kola nuts

And the Ire in life was within reach of the Awo

Ifa says that all Ire in life will be given to the person for whom this Odu has been revealed. All these Ires can be reached during 30 days. However this does not mean that the person for whom this Odu is revealed does not need to pursue his goals with more zeal and enthusiasm than before in order to reach the desires of his heart. This only means that all the obstacles will go away and will allow the person for whom this Odu is revealed so that he uses all his energy talents to make his dreams come true.


Ifa says that for the person for whom this Odu is revealed he is about to add something or buy something for his business or this person is about to hire someone for his work force in his or her business. Ifa says that for the person for whom this Odu is revealed he should not hesitate to do so. What he or she has in mind will not only bring you success, fame and popularity, it will equally open your eyes to new ideas and new ways of doing things.

Ifa says that there is a need to offer ebo with 3 pigeons, 3 hens, 3 guineas and money. After this, he or she needs to serve Osanyin with a rooster and two kola nuts. In doing so Osanyin will show him or her the path to success and achievement. A stanza in Ogunda-Meji says:

Gbinrin bi iti

Bi iti gbinrin

Dia fun Orunmila

Ifa nloo ra Osanyin l’eru

Ebo ni won ni ko se


Gbinrin bi iti

Bi iti  gbinrin

Those were the Awos who launched Ifa for  Orunmila

When he was going to purchasee Osanyin as his slave

He was advised to offer ebo

Orunmila was very successful and highly accomplished Babalawo. He had several clients who tended to him usually every day. Soon he got to the point where he could not do all the daily tasks on his own. He therefore decided to go and buy a slave who would be assisting him in his daily activities. Before going to the slave market, the meeting of his two students mentioned above  for consultation of Ifa: Would it be wise to buy a slave at that time? Would the slave benefit him? Would not it be wise for him to continue working as hard as he could, or simply to seek out apprentices who would assist him in assisting him, running errands and finding things for his many clients?

The Awo told Orunmila that he was about to go and spend money on something that he wanted to improve the running of his business activities, he was urged to go ahead and do it, would help him greatly and open the eyes to other technological aspects of their work. he was advised to offer ebo with 3 pigeons, 3 hens, 3 guineas and money. Orunmila obeyed and set out for the Ejigbomekun market.

In the market, he saw Osanyin in chains. He was brought to the market to serve as a slave. Orunmila decided to buy him  because they were related and they were colleagues from heaven . They haggled over the price and eventually, he bought Osanyin and brought him home. On his way home, he explained everything he had in mind before he decided to go to the Ejigbomekun market to buy a slave, Osanyin. Osanyin told Orunmila that the stable was ready to assist Orunmila in his work and that he would be forever grateful to Orunmila that it was he who bought him as a slave and not another person.

The next day Orunmila wanted to leave. He instructed Osanyin to clean the grass in his yard so that snakes and other reptiles were not getting into the house. when Orunmila returned home, the meeting, for his complete surprise, the grasses was  almost completely untouched.

He summoned Osanyin to find out why he had failed to carry out his instructions. Osanyin replied that he had not seen any grass to clean because all the shrubs, grasses and weeds that he found in Orunmila's yard were of spiritual, medicinal or occult significance. He was asked to elaborate on his statements, Osanyin took Orunmila to his backyard  and began to point out, one by one, all the shrubs and herbs and roots there and then told him its meaning. Osanyin said this is the leaf of prosperity, who would cut it? He pointed to another sheet and said 'this is for good health, who would cut it? He pointed to yet another and said 'this is for long life, who would cut it? The continuous and continuous until he moved through the backyard  . There was no leaf, bush or bad grass that was not meaningful.
Up till then,   Orunmila had never used the use of these herbs, leaves, roots or bushes in her work. he had been using Iyerosun and incantations to do his job. The then reason that it would not only be possible and practicable to combine the roots with the permitted enchantment in his work, would work equally useful and would be more effective. In the light of this wisdom Orunmila made Osanyin a slave to a business partner. Osanyin then began to prepare herbs and roots for various ailments while Orunmila would recite incantations to make them more effective than before. The result was incredible. Not only do it  improve the effectiveness of Orunmila's work, it also elevate it in society. This achievement came as a result of the introduction of Osanyin to herbs and roots to Orunmila. From that day until now, it is difficult to separate the herbs and their permitted incantations. Either he or she, a priest or priestess, herbalist, occultist and others who combine herbs and roots with the enchantment is simply making use of the efforts of Osanyin and Orunmila. The two were then very happy, singing, dancing and praising Ifa and Olodumare.

Gbinrin bi iti

Bi iti gbinrin

Dia fun Orunmila

Ifa nloo ra Osanyin l’eru

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Eyi ewe aje

Gbinrin bi iti

Bi iti gbinrin

Ewo ni n o ro nu?

Gbinrin bi iti

Bi iti gbinrin

Eyi ewe aya

Gbinrin bi iti

Bi iti gbinrin

Ewo ni n o ro nu?

Gbinrin bi iti

Bi iti gbinrin

Eyi ewe omo

Gbinrin bi iti

Bi iti gbinrin

Ewo ni n o ro nu?

Gbinrin bi iti

Bi iti gbinrin

Eyi ewe aiku

Gbinrin bi iti

Bi iti gbinrin

Ewo ni no o ro nu?

Gbinrin bi iti

Bi iti gbinrin


Gbinrin bi iti

Bi iti gbinrin

Those were the Awos who launched Ifa for Orunmila

When he was going to purchase  Osanyin as his slave

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

This is the wealth leaves

Let's all greet Gbinrin bi iti

And Bi iti gbinrin

This is the leaves  to get wife

Let's all greet Gbinrin bi iti

And Bití gbinrin

Which one should I cut?

Let's all greet Gbinrin bi iti

And BI  iti gbinrin

This is the is the leaves of having children

Let's all greet Gbinrin bi iti

And Bi iti  gbinrin

Which one should I cut?

Let's all greet Gbinrin bi iti

And Bi iti gbinrin

This is the leaf of longevity

Let's all greet Gbinrin bi iti

And Bi iti gbinrin

Which one should I cut?

Let's all greet Gbinrin bi iti

And Bi iti  gbinrin

Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed will benefit from a proposed business proposal by one of its subordinates. He or she must be able to use their own ideas and new ways of doing things to reap this benefit.


Ifa warns the person to whom this Odu is revealed never to make fun of others in their periods of tribulation. He or she should never take advantage of other people's problems or situations to exploit them. This could jump back and back on him or her. Ifa says that the children of this person are their greatest source of riches and achievements. In this wisdom, he or she must do everything possible to ensure that they have these children and also give them a good education so that they will be useful to themselves and to him or her in the future.

In the same vein, Ifa warns the person to whom this Odu is revealed that he is very aware of fashion and that he is doing it on his children. Ifa says that he or she needs to find the means to father their own children and give them appropriate training to secure their future rather than being behind fashion and material acquisitions in his or her life.

Ifa says there is a need for this person to offer ebo with 16 rats, 16 fish, 2 hens and money. He or she also needs to add his most beautiful dress and all his makeup materials to the ebo. This includes perfumes, lipstick, creams and lotions, ointments and bracelets of hands and legs, neck chains, earrings and brooches and others. On this, Ifa says:

Oko bagi s’eyin wa b’oloko

Dia fun Onirese Ile

A bu fun t’Oko

Ebo omo ni won ni ki won se


A stone thrown hit a tree and return to hit who shot it

Those were the declarations of Ifa for Onirese-Ile

And also for Onirese-Oko

When they were advised to offer ebo to father children.

Onirese-Ile and Onirese-Oko were the two Oba. They were very influential in their various communities. They both claimed the same descent from Ile-Ife. One day, they both went to the Awo mentioned above for Ifa consultation. they wanted to know how their success would be on the throne of their parents. The two of them were assured that they would be very successful. They were nevertheless advised to pursue the matter of marriage and to have children more than anything else in their lives. They were urged to father many children and ensure that these children were well trained. They were also warned against marrying many wives at the same time as many wives have many problems for themselves and their children. Instead, they were asked to give birth to many sons, males and females who would continue to perpetuate the lineage of the family and ensure the continuity of their family tree. They were also advised to offer ebo with 16 rats, 16 fish and two hens each.

Onirese-Ile felt that offering ebo was unnecessary since there was no need to give birth to any child. For him, the problem of having to train any child was simply too much to have comfort. He also reasoned that having many children would only bring poverty and need since the resources one needs to enjoy one's life would be diverted and spent on the children and their training. He therefore decided not to have children in his life and rather, to acquire as many clothes and jewels as he could afford.

Onirese-Oko in the other hand, chose to obey with the advice of the Awo. He offered the ebo as it was prescribed and he married and had many children. He was worried about training his children. This he did to the very poor and always in need of one thing or another. This despite the fact that he perservero and suffered all kinds of deprivations related to the upbringing of his children. He did not have good clothes or modern jewelry but he never cared.

There was, however, an annual fetival in which Onirese-Ile and Onirese-Oko, together with all their subjects, had to participate. Each year that they went to the festival, Onirese-Oko was ridiculous. He was booed and mocked by all. His clothes were old and his children wore dresses that were only for beggars. All around the world that the many sons of Onirese-Oko gave birth were the source of their poverty. However, he responded that when the children reached the stage of maturity and they we look  after themselves, their poverty would disappear. In the case of Onirese-Ile, he usually appeared in the annual festival with the design of dresses and jewels and cosmetics. He was greeted according to honor only for a monarch, singing the following song:

Orinese ire de

Oko Irese e, ire de

Onirese, aso l’ewa

Oko Irese aso l’ewa eni

Onirese o, aso o re da o?

Oko Irese, aso lewa eni o


Onirese here come all the good things in life

Oko Irese, here comes the Ire

Onirese, your dresses are a beauty

Oko Irese, the dresses are the beauty of one

Onirese, where are your own dresses

Oko Irese the dresses are the beauty of one

That's how Onirese-Ile sang him every year just to put his co-Oba in shame; Onirese-Oko never cared about all his incinuations.

Before long, the two Onirese-Ile and Onirese-Oko were getting older and older. Their strength was failing them. His ability to work and seek money was no longer the same as before. With this knowledge Onirese-Ile could not acquire as many dresses or obstacles as before. All her dresses began to fade and split into the shoulders and knees. In the case of Onirese-Oko he began to weaken too but his children were maturing. They were all re-employed in various districts.

They began to care for their father in appreciation of all their sufferings for them. His father was living in comfort better than ever. He was wearing expensive clothes and jewelry. The looking  fresh, younger and happier than ever before.

When the time for the annual festival came, Onirese-Oko's children gathered to discuss what to do to make the affair great for their father. Some of them suggested that it would be appropriate to compare a horse for his father to ride on that occasion. Others disagreed and suggested that they would carry their father on their shoulders for the occasion. They all agreed. They bought him   the most expensive dress, shoes and run that combined. When they appeared in the distance, all eyes were on them. the whole world was greeting them. Those who until now were with Onirese-Ile left him alone and joined the crowd of Onirese-Oko. The tide had turned completely against Onirese-Ile. His dresses were old and unusable. He looked gaunt and sloppy. He looked and felt lonely. It was certainly Onirese-Oko's day. The crowd urged Onirese-Oko to sing for them on this occasion. He then spoke his mouth and said:

Onirese ire de

Oko Irese,

Onirese, omo l'ewa

Oko Irese omo l'ewa eni

Eni l'aye o, omo l'ewa o

Oko Irese, omo l'ewa eni o


Here comes all the good things in life.

Oko Irese, here comes the ire

Onirese's children are cute

Onirese's children are beautiful

Owners of the world, children are beautiful

Oko Irese, children are the beauty of one.

This was just the song they sang during the occasion. Onirese-Ile looked at himself and knew he was a loser. He left the festival being a very sad old man.

Oko bagi s’eyin wa b’oloko

Dia fun Onirese Ile

A bu fun t’Oko

Ebo omo ni won ni ki won se

Onirese-Oko nikan ni nbe l’eyin ti ns’ebo

Onirese ire de

Oko Irese, ire de

Onirese, omo l’ewa

Oko Irese omo l’ewa eni o

Eni l’aye o, omo l’ewa o

Oko Irese o, omo l’ewa eni o


A stone thrown hit a tree and return to hit who shot it

Those were the declarations of Ifa for Onirese-Ile

And also for Onirese-Oko

When they were advised to offer ebo to father children.

Only Onirese-Oko obeyed with the advice

Now, Orinese, here comes all the Ire in life

Oko Irese, here comes the Ire

The children of Onirese are beautiful

Oko Irese, children are the beauty of one

Owners of the world, children are beautiful

Oko Irese, children are the true beauty of one.

Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed will be updated and the prestige of him or her improved by his or her children if he or she strives to give them proper education and good parenting.


*.We should not make  jest  Ridicule others  during their trial or  hard times, because noting is permanet in life  life  but change.

*. Having children and training them is essential. usually because of old age.


Ifa says he foresees great achievements for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa says that there will be an enormous success in a risky union in which he or she is involved. Ifa says that in order for this risk union to succeed, two technical and capital resources must be available. The person for whom this Odu is revealed has only one resource while his partner has the other. Since one complements the Other, there is a need for cooperation and mutual understanding. There should be no room for discussion or disagreement. There will be triumphs and achievements for the two people or groups involved in the risk. In light of this, there is no reason why the two of them are not frank and honest in their dealings with each other. There is no reason why they are not direct when it comes to sharing the profit that they acquired in this risky investment.

Ifa says that there is a need for the person for whom this Odu is revealed to offer ebo with 2 pigeons, 2 guineas, 2 roosters and money.

There is also the need to venerate  Ogun, Ifa and Ori with a catfish - the fish will be cut in three parts, the head will be used to serve the Ori of the person for whom this Odu has been revealed, the medium will be used to serve to Ogun; while the glue will be used to serve Ifa. A statemein support of these statements:

Iya nla ab’ara funfun

Dia fun Baba Anibu-ma-logbun-un

Eyi to nbe laarin inira kaka

Ebo ni won ni ko se


The great tree of Iya with its white bark

It was the Awo who threw Ifa for Baba Anibu-ma-logbun-un

He who has a lake but has no drainer

When he was in the middle of problems and sick /ill- health

He was advised to offer ebo

Baba Anibu-ma-logbun-un (the-who-has-a-lake-but-not-had-a-drainer) was very sick. When he was on the verge of death, he went for   consulting with Ifa on what to do for him to regain his health and vitality of "Iya nla ab'ara funfun". The Awo informed him that he would surely be well if he could offer ebo and serve his Ori. The Awo advised him to offer ebo with two roosters for victory over ailments, two guineas for comfort and peace of mind and money. he was also advised to serve his Ori with the head of a large catfish.

Baba Anibu-ma-logbun-an provide  all materials of the ebo that same day and the ebo was offered by the Awo . He also sent his first son to his farm where he had a lake that contained catfish to secure a fish for use in serving his Ori. His son left for the farm immediately. The difficulty was however that he had nothing with which to drain the water to catch the catfish in the lake.

Iya nla ab’ara funfun

Dia fun Baba Alogbun-un ma niibu

Eyi to f’eyinti m’oju ekun sunrahun aje sunrusu

Ebo ni won ni ko se


The great tree of Iya with its white bark

It was the Awo who threw Ifa to

The one who had a drainer but did not have a lake

When he was lamenting for his inability to have wealth

He was advised to offer ebo

In the case of Baba Alogbun-un-ma-niibu (He who had a drainer but did not have a lake) he had dealt with several risky businesses without success. He was living from hand to mouth. He reached the point that to obtain the means of food to feed himself and his family had become a big problem for him. Tired of this kind of life he went by consulting with Ifa at the home of the Awo mentioned above to find a solution to his problem; would the financial triumph in life be  his  ?

The awo assured him that he would triumph in life and all his troubles would soon be forgotten if he could strive to offer ebo. He was advised to offer ebo with 2 pigeons and money. There was a need to serve Ifa with the final parter of the tail of a large catfish.

Baba Alogbun-a-ma-niibu got the pigeons and money the same day and his Awo offered the ebo for him. He also told his first son to secure a large catfish for him to serve with Ifa. The difficulty here however was that even when he had a drain with which to drain the water of a lake, he did not have a lake of his own.

He was rumored about his problem to encounter Baba's son Anibu-ma-logbun-a who was also thinking furiously about what to do to catch a large catfish for his father's use. They both argued and loved each other, they came to an agreement. They both went to the Baba-Anibu-un-ma-logbun-a farm to share the fish they would catch at the end of the exercise.

They expecting that they would be able to catch at least 500 fish because it was a large lake. Before long, they went to work. They worked non-stop for several hours. When they completed the work, they found consternation, that there was only one large catfish in the lake even though there were other types of fish in it. Watching this event Baba's son Anibu-ma-logbun-a declared that it would only be fair and appropriate to take the only fish catfish since his father was the owner of the lake where the fish was captured.

Baba's son Alogbun-un-ma-niibu replied that without him, the fish would never have been captured since his companion had nothing left to drain the lake and capture the catfish. For this reason therefore, he declared that he was the true owner of the only catfish caught in the lake. Before long a great fight ensue . They fought and fought and fought. There was no one around to settle the matter between them.

They were still in their fight when Ogun was passing through the farm on his way to anywhere. He found them both panting and exhausted. He asked them to tell him the cause of the fight. Baba's son Anibu-ma-logbun-un said that his father was very sick at home; that Ifa had been consulted and the appropriate ebo had been offered. The only thing missing was to serve his Ori with the head of a large catfish, which they had just captured in the lagoon of his father. Since they could not catch more than a single catfish, he thought that his friend would consider his father's condition and allow him to take the catfish for his father to use it to serve his Ori and regain his health. But his friend in his insensitivity did not want to hear about it. He said that his father's friends were only poor not sick. He therefore inculcated Ogun about prevailing over his friend to let him take the catfish and save the life of his father.
After listening carefully to the explanation of Baba's son Anibu-ma-logbun-un, Ogun asked the children of Baba Alogbun-un-ma-niibu to tell him his own story. In his own case, he explained that his father was very poor. He could not keep his family. His father therefore consulted Ifa for a solution. His father was assured that he would triumph in life. the Awo advised him to offer ebo, which was promptly offered. His father was also told that he should serve Ifa with the tail end of a large catfish. This is how he brought his drainage implements to the lagoon to the farm of his friend's father. Since a single big catfish was caught his friend must have realized that without his implements, there was no way that the fish would have been caught.

The proposal even more that his friend had never experienced poverty and desired in his life. Consequently, there was no way that he could appreciate that no disease was greater and incapacitating than poverty. He had experienced the effects and agonies of poverty in the immediate lane. But because his friend had no heart, bad and no sympathy, he did not want him and his family to be financially successful in life. he also pressed pressure on Ogun to order his friends to give the catfish to him and his family to break the yoke of poverty once and for all.

Ogun considered the two arguments and stated that they were both simply blind to reason in  their arguments. He said that since they could not cooperate to work together, they were not realistic enough to know that they would share the profit from their risky investment together. He stated that from their explanations, none of them needed the whole catfish and that the part needed by the one, did not affect the other. Ogun simply pulled out his sword and cut the fish in two. He gave the part of the head to the son of Baba Anibu-ma-logbun-a to take him to his father's house to serve his Ori, and gave the part of the tail to the son of Baba Alogbun-un- ma-niibu to take her to his father to serve Ifa. They both went their separate ways.

Before long, Baba Anibu-ma-logbun-a regained his health and Baba Alogbun-a-ma-niibu became prosperous. They were all very happy and grateful to Ogun, Ifa, Ori and his Awo. They were then singing, dancing and praising Olodumare.

Iya nla ab’ara funfun

Dia fun Baba Alogbun-un ma niibu

Eyi to f’eyinti m’oju ekun sunrahun aje sunrusu

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Iya nla ab’ara funfun

Dia fun Baba Alogbun-un ma niibu

Eyi to f’eyinti m’oju ekun sunrahun aje sunrusu

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Reo Ipo, ero Ofa

Igba Ogun d’eje meji

Lara ba ro’ni o


The great tree of Iya with its white bark

It was the Awo who threw Ifa to

The one who had a drainer but did not have a lake

When he was lamenting for his inability to have wealth

He was advised to offer ebo

He offered it

The great tree of Iya with its white bark

It was the Awo who launched Ifa for Baba Alogbun-a-ma-niibu

When he was lamenting for his inability to have no money

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

Now, travelers to the city of Ipo and Ofa

It was when Ogun cut the fish in two

We expreimentamos Consuelo

Ifa says that with communication and common sense the person for whom this Odu is revealed will be able to achieve the desires of his heart. While he is thinking of himself, he or she needs to think about the well-being of his partner as well. By doing this, there will be peace, harmony and success.

For the person for whom this Odu is revealed after having secured a fish catfish must divide it into three parts, the head section should be used to serve its Ori, the middle section to serve Ogun, while the section of the center must be used to serve Ifa. Ogun is usually included here in recognition of his role in solving the problem of the children of Baba Anibu-ma-logbun-un and Baba Alogbun-a-ma-niibu. That is why Ogun deserves to be served by those for whom this Odu is revealed.


 Ifa says that for the person for whom this Odu is revealed, all the Ire in life is on the way to reach his life. they have made several attempts to get to his life but faill  !! There is an obstacle standing in the way of he or she to succeed as a sentinel. There is a need for the person for whom this Odu is revealed to offer ebo against this obstacle to get him out of the way so that the whole Ire can come into his life.

Ifa says there is a need to offer ebo with a goat and money. There is also the need to serve Esu Odara with a goat, plenty of alcohol, palm oil and money. After this, a pumpkin full of alcohol is needed to put it on the altar of Esu Odara to give it to the obstacle so that it releases all the Ire in life and reaches the person for whom this Odu is revealed. On this aspect, a stanza in Ogunda-Meji says:

Hanranhanran mi ni ihansu

Kirimu-kirimu ni if’ese ija tele

Ogun lo fe’je tan

Lo fe’mu tan

Lo fi ibi woowoo iyolu na’gi

Dia fun Aro abidi janpapa

Tii se onibode Olorun

Ebo ni won ni ko se

We tightly make a packet of yams

And we solidly sealed our legs in a fight

It was Ogun who, after eating until he was full

And  drank to his satisfaction.

He hit the remains against a tree

This was the Ifa released for Aro abidi janpapa,

The Invalid with his weak buttocks

Who was the sentinel in the sky?

He was advised to offer ebo

Aro abidi janpapa, the Invalid with his buttocks almost dead was the doorman in the sky. His responsibility was simply to prevent all good things from life from coming into the world. Such things included Aje, riches; Aya, wives; Omo, children; Aiku, longevity and all the other Ires in life. however much the humans who were on earth tried, they were unable to bring all these Ires into the world.

Aro abidi janpapa, on the other hand, was by consultation of Ifa  know what the train was to do to make sure that all those things did not find the way to enter the world. The aforementioned Awo advised him to desist from doing such a thing and allow the Ire to find a way to enter the realm of those who genuinely needed them . They also advised him to offer ebo and change his Attitude.

When he heard this advice from the Awo, he became very angry and resolved never to leave the gates of heaven where he feels like a sentinel, to prevent any Ire from leaving the world. All the wise counsel from the others in the heavens fell on deaf ears. He told them to take care of their own affairs.

Hanranhanran mi ni ihansu

Kirimu-kirimu ni if’ese ija tele

Ogun lo fe’je tan

Lo fe’mu tan

Lo fi ibi woowoo iyolu na’gi

Dia fun Aro abidi janpapa

Tii se aye akowa

Ebo ni won ni ko se


We tightly make a packet of yams

And we solidly sealed our legs in a fight

It was Ogun who, after eating until he was full

And  he  drank to his satisfaction.

He hit the remains against a tree

This was the Ifa launched for Orunmila,

Who was going to the world during the dawn of life on earth

He was advised to offer ebo

When Orunmila discovered that Aro abidi janpapa had frankly refused to allow all Ire in life to come to the world, he set out to go and try and find a means whereby all those Ires could find the way to enter the world. It was quite obvious that life on earth without all those gifts was truly meaningless. To do this, Orunmila approached the same group of Awos who consulted Ifa for Aro abidi janpapa, for his  own consultation:

Would he be able to open the way for all Ire to enter the world? If so, what could he do to make this happen?

The Awo assured Orunmila that he would be able to achieve this mission but that there was a need for him to offer ebo and serve Esu Odara. He was advised to offer ebo with a mature goat, abundant money and palm oil. He also had to serve Esu Odara with another mature goat oil palm and money. After this, he was advised to place a pumpkin full of alcohol on the altar of Esu. Orunmila obeyed with all the advice of his Awo.

After this, Esu Odara brought the container full of alcohol and headed for the post where Aro abidi janpapa was watching as a sentinel. He approached Aro abidi janpapa and extended his greetings. The last one returned the greeting. Esu Odara told him that he had come to accompany him to make sure that no Ire had any chance of reaching the world, since the inhabitants of the world did not deserve to be granted any of them. This warmed the heart of Aro abidi janpapa. They got in there and were arguing for a long time before Esu Odara took the pumpkin full of alcohol. the full two horns and gave one to Aro abidi janpapa to take. Esu Odara filled the jar again and gave Aro abidi janpapa to take. He took it reluctantly and drink . Esu filled the jar again and Aro abidi janpapa took it all if he knew for Aro abidi janpapa, his new friend acquired was just sipping his own drink while Aro abidi janpapa was swallowing his. By the time he took five jars, he was already tipsy. This Odara continued to serve him. In short, Aro abidi Janpapa was totally drunk. Shortly after this, the sleeper fell. A few moments later, he began to snore.

After he fell asleep Esu Odara simply turned Aro abidi janpapa out of the door of heaven and earth and pointed out to Orunmila who had been observing every event from a prudential distance. When Orunmila came, they two began to examine Aro abidi janpapa closely and they discovered to their surprise that this sentry was just an invalid! The two Esu Odara and Orunmila began to call above all Ire so that they came to cross the doors that the sentry had fallen asleep. They sang then:

Ire Aje maa wa a o

Idera Orun sun lo o

Aro ni Idena

Ire Aya maa wa a o

Idera Orun sun lo o

Aro ni Idena

Ire omo maa wa a o

Idera Orun sun lo o

Aro ni Idena

Ire Aiku maa wa a o

Idera Orun sun lo o

Aro ni Idena

Ire gbogbo maa wa a o

Idera Orun sun lo o

Aro aro ni Idena

Let Ire of wealth come now

The Celestial sentinel has fallen asleep

The sentinel is only a cripple

Let the spouses Ire come now

The Celestial sentinel has fallen asleep

The sentinel is only a cripple

Let the Ire of the children come now

The Celestial sentinel has fallen asleep

The sentinel is only a cripple

Let the longevity Ire come now

The Celestial sentinel has fallen asleep

The sentinel is only a cripple

Let all Ire in life come now

The Celestial sentinel has fallen asleep

The sentinel is only a cripple

Thus Orunmila, with the assistance of Esu Odara brought all the Ires to the world. And this was how it was possible for the inhabitants of the world to live  a joyful  life on earth.

Hanranhanran mi ni ihansu

Kirimu-kirimu ni if’ese ija tele

Ogun lo fe’je tan

Lo fe’mu tan

Lo fi ibi woowoo iyolu na’gi

Dia fun Aro abidi janpapa

Tii se aye akowa

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Nje ire Aje maa wa a o

Idera Orun sun lo o

Aro ni Idena

Ire Aya maa wa a o

Idera Orun sun lo o

Aro ni Idena

Ire omo maa wa a o

Idera Orun sun lo o

Aro ni Idena

Ire Aiku maa wa a o

Idera Orun sun lo o

Aro ni Idena

Ire gbogbo maa wa a o

Idera Orun sun lo o

Aro, aro ni Idena


We tightly make a packet of yams

And we solidly sealed our legs in a fight

It was Ogun who, after eating until he was full

And he   drank to his satisfaction.

He hit the remains against a tree

This was the Ifa launched for Orunmila,

Who was going to the world during the dawn of life on earth

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

Now, let Ire of wealth come

The Celestial sentinel has fallen asleep

The sentinel is only a cripple

Let the spouses Ire come now

The Celestial sentinel has fallen asleep

The sentinel is only a cripple

Let the Ire of the children come now

The Celestial sentinel has fallen asleep

The sentinel is only a cripple

Let the longevity Ire come now

The Celestial sentinel has fallen asleep

The sentinel is only a cripple

Let all Ire in life come now

The Celestial sentinel has fallen asleep

The sentinel is only a cripple

Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed will gain glorious heights in this life even with the mortification of the initial obstacles or delays. This person must overcome and realize his destiny in life.

Ifa also says that for the person for whom this Odu is revealed should never be constituted the same in a block of stumbling in the route to the success of other people. If he or she has already done such a thing, he or she must be swept out of the way and the alleged victim will be victorious at the expense of him or her. If he thinks that someone is not going to be big in life and plans against such a person, the person will not only get greatness but will put him or her to embarrassment in the end. It is in the best interest for the person for whom this Odu is revealed to never think, plan or do evil at all times. Whoever does this against him or her will repent of such action in the end.


Ifa  warns the person to whom this Odu is revealed that they should  never send anyone to do something in their favor if what needs to be done is very important in their life. He or she may send other people to make minor assignments for their benefit but when it is for their careers, health, business, security and things like that, there is a need for them to go and do whatever is required. If this warning is not addressed, he or she may end up regreting for it for the rest of his life. He or she should never eat Isin, Akee's apple, forever.

Ifa says that for the person for whom this Odu is revealed he needs to offer ebo with 2 cocks, 2 kola nuts, 2 kegs of guinea maize beer and money. Ifa says that if he or she is called to go somewhere for a major assignment. He or she must strive to go there personally and not send anyone on his behalf. On this, a stanza in Ogunda-Meji says:

Gangan ro

Gangan ro o

Saaworo ide nii bale

Nii fun Okankanle Irunmole

Won nloo gbaa igba Iwa wa’le Aye

Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se


If the drum Gangan sounds

Or if it fails to sound

And Saworo ide, small bronze bells is what rattles

When he hits the ground

These were the declarations of Ifa for the 401 Irunmoles

When they were going to collect the pumpkin of Fate within the world

They were advised to offer ebo

The 401 Irunmoles wanted to go to Olodumare to ask for the pumpkin of Destiny so that they could be giving all the good things  to the humans who approached them for such thing. When they reached the presence of Olodumare, they told them that they had come. Olodumare told them that he could deliver the gourd of fate to only one of them, and all the sere humans and all the other Irunmoles would have to approach that Irunmole who will have it in his possession before they could benefit from it. Olodumare asked them to come back in seven days. He asked them to bring with them a mature rooster, a keg of guinea maize beer, two kola nuts and six pieces of snails each. Olodumare said that the first Irumole to arrive  will be the custodian of the gourd of destiny.

The 401 Irunmoles left the presence of Olodumare, they proceded directly to the house of the group of Awo previously mentioned for  consultation of Ifa. The Awo told them that they were about to take something very important to approve of someone. They advised each to offer ebo with a mature rooster, a keg of guinea maize beer, two pigeons of kola nuecs and six pieces of snails. They all considered the Awo a cheater. They said that Olodumare had asked them to bring exactly the same materials with which the Awo had advised them to offer ebo. In this wisdom, they said that there was no need to offer ebo which they considered to be an instrument for the Awo to become rich quickly and cheaply.

Ogun in particular was seriously angered by the Awo's advice. The claim that of all the Irunmoles he was the one who got up earlier. Consequently, he would be the one who would arrive at the presence of Olodumare on the seventh day. He swear that he would never have anything to do with the ebo even if all the other Irunmoles decided to make their offerings.

In the case of Orunmila however, he told all the other Irunmoles that he would offer the ebo and so he did. Instead of offering the ebo, all the other Irunmoles procured only the materials that Olodumare had asked them to bring, but Orunmila offered the ebo and sought the materials required for them to take  to Olodumare.

On the seventh day, Ogun was the first of the Irunmoles to rise. The meeting all required by Olodumare a large rooster, 2 kola nuts, a keg of guinea maize beer and six snails and was about to leave for his trip to Olodumare when he suddenly remembered that the day was the period which he had separated to hunt elephants. He did not want to fail or disappoint that day. Consequently on this, he decided to send his slave named Ida to take the materials that he had already procured to Olodumare so that he could conscentrate on   his hunting expedition.  woke up Ida and commanded him to go straight to bring Olodumare the materials to him in his favor (Ogun). Ogun warned Ida not to waste time anywhere on the road, with this warning the two Ida and Ogun set out for their respective destinations with Ogun arriving confidently that not only would he receive the Pumpkin of Olodumare's Destiny at travel of Ida, but would also kill many elephants in addition. Ogun  consider that day particularly lucky for him.
Ida was determined to be the first person to come to the presence of Olodumare in obedience to his master's command. Who knew, if he did the assignment well, he could even get his freedom that day! He was moving very fast. Halfway through, he saw a huge Isin tree. The tree was full of ripe fruit. Ida suddenly remembered that he was feeling very hungry. The fruits became very irresistible for him. He checks his time. He knew that he still had some time in front of all the other Irunmoles. He decided to spend a little time to eat some fruits of Isin. He placed the rooster, the keg of guinea maize beer, the kola nuts and the six snails under the tree and went up to eat fruits. When he tasted the fruits, he realized that he had never tasted such sweet fruits. The more he ate, the more he became hungry. He started to jump from branch to branch. Some of the branches broke but he never noticed. He continued eating. Before he could regain his senses, it was night. The quick jump of the tree to the ground and discovered to its humiliation that the leg of the rooster had been broken and cut, the barrel of the barrel had broken, the nuts of kola had been habited and the money had been lost when the broken branches fell on them.  Ida decided to take it like that to  Olodumare informed him that he had brought the materials in the way that Ogun had given them.

In the case of Orunmila, however, he rose shortly after Ogun. He left for the trip but he had been warned previously not to eat the fruit of Isin and simply went on his way. He was the first person to arrive at the house of Olodumare. Olodumare deliver the Igba-Iwa to him. He blessed him and instructed him to meet all the needs of the other Irunmoles and human beings as well. He was also advised to use the Igba-Iwa judiciously.

Shortly after this, all the other Irunmoles began to arrive with their requirements. They were directed to Orunmila to be blessed. He blessed them all. They all complimented Orunmila on her wealth and additional status as a guardian of the Igba-Iwa. They were surprised that Ogun had not appeared.

Late at night, Ida, the slave of Ogun arrive  He was gray, dirty and unrepentant. The sack the middle rooster comes out with one leg already lost, the barrel broken in two, the two kola nuts already spplited  and the six lost snails. When asked why it had been that he explained that he had brought things the way Ogun had given them. The other Irunmoles concluded that this must be the reason why Ogun was embarrassed to appear personally. They all prayed that since Ogun had brought all that were required in halves, all his requirements in life would be realized in halves.

When Ogun heard this, he burst into the midst of the Irunmoles and protested that he was the first person to wake up and send his slave to carry all the articles required by Olodumare and was sure that Ida his slave was the first to arrive there , because it would be the one that the desires of his heart would be realized in halves. He was asked to go and call Ida. He did it. In their presence, they asked Ida to tell everyone the conditions of the articles that Ida, had brought in Ogun's favor. When Ogun heard this, he was very sad. Ogun made his cry and  shout his Iyere, the Iyere of the lamentations saying:
Ko kan Egungun o

Ko kan Orisa

Ko kan Orisa

Bee ni ko kan Egungun

Ida eru eni l'oran kan o


This misfortune does not concern the Egungun Ancestors

It does not concern the Orisas, the Divinities

Nor does Orisa

Not even Egungun

It is Ida, a slave, the matter concerns

Everyone present felt sympathy for Ogun and showed hostility to Ida; When Ida realized that the hostility was becoming great, he told them it was not simply his fault. He said there were 401 Irunmoles involved in the matter. They all had their own slaves and servants. Only one of them chose to send his slave while all the others decided to go by themselves. He said that if Ogun had taken the assignment seriously enough, he would have gone personally and the story would have been definitely different that day. Instead of blaming him or looking at him with disdain, they should blame Ogun for not taking the most important assignment of his life seriously. When Ogun and the other Irunmoles heard what Ida had said, they knew he had a very good point. They told Ogun to accept his own guilt and consider this as his destiny. Ogun again made this crying  and his Iyere in lamentation saying:

Ko kan Egungun o

Ko kan Orisa

Ko kan Oosa

Bee ni ko kan Egungun

Eledaa eni l'oran kan o


This misfortune does not concern the Egungun Ancestors

It does not concern the Orisas, the Divinities

Nor does it concern Orisa

Not even to Egungun

It is to the Fate of one that the matter concerns

All the other Irunmoles agreed that it was Ogun's Destiny not to be the custodian of Igba -Iwa,(The calabash of fate) . If he had taken it personally to go personally he would have been the first person to come to the house of Olodumare and the story would have been different.

Gangan ro

Gangan ro o

Saaworo ide nii bale

Nii ro ganganruru-ganganruru

Dia fun Okankanle Irunmole

Won nloo gbaa igba Iwa wa’le Aye

Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se

Dia fun Ogun

O nlo gba Igba Iwa wa’le Aye

Ebo ni won ni ko se

Orunmila nikan ni nbe l’eyin to ns’ebo

Orunmila nikan lo ru’bo apesin

Nje ko kan egungun o

Ko kan Orisa

Ko kan Oosa

Bee ni ko kan Egungun

Ida eru eni l’oran kan o

Ko kan Egungun o

Ko kan Orisa

Ko kan Oosa

Bee ni ko kan Egungun

Eledaa eni l’oran kan o

If the drum Gangan sounds

Or if you fail to sound

And Saworo ide, small bronze bells is what rattles

When he hits the ground

These were the declarations of Ifa for the 401 Irunmoles

When they were going to collect the pumpkin of Fate within the world

They were advised to offer ebo

These were the declarations of Ifa for Ogun

When he  was going to collect the Igba-Iwa inside the world

He was advised to offer ebo

And also to Orunmila

When he   was going to collect the Igba-Iwa inside the world

He was also advised to offer ebo

Only Orunmila offered the ebo

Only Orunmila became the custodian of Igba Iwa

This misfortune does not concern the Egungun Ancestors

It does not concern the Orisas, the Divinities

Nor does Orisa

Not even Egungun

It is Ida, a slave, to whom the matter concerns

And this does not concern Egungun

Do not bother anybody Orisa

Not even some Egungun

It is to the destiny of one that the matter concerns

Ifa warns against sending others to carry out assignments that are very important in the life of the person for whom this Odu is revealed unless he or she wants to meet disappointment, disillusionment, misfortune and even disaster. The person for whom this Odu is revealed has every reason to be great in life if only he could pursue his greatness by himself and refuse sending others in pursuit of his greatness.


*. Unless human being  take 100% responsibility and accountability of his own life, he Would never become succefull.


 Ifa says that someone has a good action which has given him influence or authority where this Odu is revealed. Ifa warns that this person should not misuse his power by paying this good deed with evil, and if this is done, no amount of ebo will prevent the guilty person from collecting the fruit of the evil he or she has sown. Ifa advises that the victim should be patient since Ifa is solidly behind him and retaliated. He or she needs to show no pain or disenchantment because when the vengeance of Ifa comes upon the guilty, even the victim will be forced to sympathize.

Ifa says that if the culprit has not carried out his evil but is only planning it, he or she must offer ebo with a mature goat and money. He or she should pray to Olodumare for forgiveness and should not contemplate that ever again in life. about this, Ifa says:

Gunnugun soore mapalori-mapalori

Akalamagbo soore mayogege-mayogege

Ojo mii joomi, bii k’eni o ma tie soore mo

Oro soore soore, oro o l’ewe l’ori

Afomo soore ko l’egbo

Dia fun Okete

Ti nlo ree te Oka n’ifa

Ebo ni won ni ko se


Gunnungun, the vulture, did good things but became bald in the process

And Akalamagbo, did good deeds only to be inflicted with goiter.

Even a few days, you will feel like you do not want to do good things ever

Gold, the cactus, did good deeds but has no leaves to show for his good deeds

And Afomo, the parasite plant, did good deeds only to be left without any root

These were the declarations of Ifa for Okete, the great rat

When he was going to initiate  Oka, the cobra, in Ifa

He was advised to offer ebo.

Oka, the Cobra, was in big trouble. He had no respect of the other animals in the forest. He was being booed every time he appeared in the middle of the other animals. To add pepper to the wound, he was used as a rope to line firewood, brooms, leaves and other things for humans. Tired of these tribulations, he approached Okete, the Great Rat, consulting with Ifa.

Okete consulted Ifa and Ogunda Meji was revealed. Okete  assure him   that he would be great in life. Oka was also told that everyone would become great in life. Oka was also told that the whole animals  would fear and respect him. Oka was advised to strive to submit to the initiation of Ifa. Oka agreed. There and then a date was set for initiation.

Three days after the initiation, Okete went to the group of Awos mentioned above to know as the rituals of initiation that he tried to do for Oka would be. The Awo assured Okete that the rituals would be successful. Not only that, the lot of Oka would change from one of contempt to fear and respect. Exchange from complete indepen- dence to tremendous power and authority. Okete was assured that no one would be able to look at Oka with contempt or use it as a rope ever again. Okete was warned that when Oka became powerful he would tend to use his power against everyone including Okete his godfather. Okete was advised to warn Oka seriously against doing so or the alternative, for Okete to abandon the sermon of Intelodu. Since he had promised Oka that he would help conduct the initiation rituals, Okete felt that he was bound by this promise. For this reason Okete called Oka and they entered into a covenant. Oka swear that he would not do anything against Okete or any member of his family that could hurt him in any way. With this assurance, Oka was initiated.
Before long, Oka became very powerful and influential. No one ever looked at him with contempt. He said this is an opportunity to avenge the humiliation that had hitherto been the object. He used his newly acquired power to extend his authority and punished all those who had offended him again and again. While  he was doing this however, he avoided doing anything against Okete and all his family members. He soon became so drunk with power that he began to think that he was not considered an all-powerful if he did not deal with Okete also in his bid to exercise total control over anything or anyone around him. He felt that people would soon be proving that his influence and scope of authority did not extend to where Okete was. For this reason, therefore, Oka resolved to kill Okete once and for all and would show the whole world his superiority over all the world. That same day he went in search of Okete when he saw Okete later in the day, before the latter could express the necessary courtesies, Oka struck him, totally forgetting his covenant. Sore Oka reminds him of his family. Oka replied that, that was a forgotten and expired deal. There and then, Okete vowed about Oka and died. Oka simply swallowed Okete. Shortly after this, a hunter saw Oka and killed him too.

Since that day, any day that Oka kills an Okete, that Oka will also be killed that day. That's how Oka ended up digging her own grave with her ungrateful attitude to her benefactor.
Gunnugun soore mapalori-mapalori

Akalamagbo soore mayogege-mayogege

Ojo mii joomi, bii k’eni o ma tie soore mo

Oro soore soore, oro o l’ewe l’ori

Afomo soore ko l’egbo

Dia fun Okete

Ti nlo ree te Oka n’ifa

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Oka boo gb’awo mi

Ibi lo se o

Erigi-Alo, Oka boo ba pa Ewusa

O o baa ku

Oka boo gb’awo mi

Ibi lo se


Gunnungun, the vulture, did good things but became bald in the process

And Akalamagbo, did good deeds only to be inflicted with goiter

Even a few days, you will feel like you do not want to do good things ever

Gold, the cactus, did good deeds but has no leaves to show for his good deeds

And Afomo, the parasite plant, did good deeds only to be left without any root

These were the declarations of Ifa for Okete, the great rat

When he was going to initiate  Oka, the cobra, in Ifa

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

Now, Oka, if you bring Okete

You have done terrible wickedness

Erigi-Alo, Oka if you kill Ewusa, the Big Rat

Oka surely you did your will in the ensuing period

Oka if you swallowed Okete

You have done a terrible despicable evil.

Ifa says that someone where this Odu has been revealed made a bad will face the pursuit of his evil action earlier than later.


*.The act of ingratitude and betrayal is anti -universal  law. it  will definitely lead to catastrophes end as seen on the case of  Okete in this Odu Ifa.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permissionfromthecopyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is

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