IFA OGUNDA MEJI COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries- Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS) -Odu Ifa Series

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IFA OGUNDA MEJI COMMENTARIES BY BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Extreme Documentaries-  Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIS) -Odu Ifa Series
In this work Babalawo Obanifa will make comprehensive Commentaries on Odu Ifa Ogunda-Meji.This work will be useful for any practicing Babalawo who want in-depth knowledge on holy Odu Ogunda -meji. The work will also be useful for those who imprint Odu Ifa Ogunda-meji during Itefa (Ifa initiation)  or Ikosedaye ,It will be useful to any Ifa And Orisa devotee as well as those doing academic research on Ifa and Orisa Spirituality. The work will look into, what is Odu Ifa Ogunda-meji?  What are the compatible Orisa and Irunmole  with Odu Ifa Ogunda -meji ? What are the taboo of Odu Ifa Ogunda-meji? What are some of the likely names that can be given to  Ogunda  meji children after their Ikosedaye or Itelodu? What are the profession or occupation congenial for Ogunda -meji Children? Some of The available information for Ogunda -meji during Itefa or their Ikosedaye. Some important sacred Ifa messages in Holy Odu Ogunda -meji as well as commentaries on them. All these aforementioned and more will be the major focus of this work.

Odu ifa Ogunda -meji is one of the sixteen principal Odu Ifa, that have fire as his Element. With combination of sand. The name  Ogunda is derive from the word s Ogun da eja si meji (that is  Ogun divide fish to two)


By this we mean the complementary Orisa or Irumonle that is affiliated to Odu Ifa Ogunda-meji? that is the Irumonle and Orisa that work hand in hand with this Odu, that those born by this Odu can adopt as Orisa along with their Ifa. These affiliated Orisa  and Irunmole range from Ile (Mother earth) ,Obatala (King of the white cloth)Ori,osoosi,osanyin,Esu Odara, Ogun .These complementary orisa function the following purpose:

1 .Ile (Mother earth) :venerating Mother earth will bring require help to you when needed.

2 .Obatala :venerating Obatala will make the Ogunda -meji children to receive the blessings and favour of othe orisa and Irumonle.

3 .Ori: Regular feeding  of Ori by Ogunda -meji children will enhance protection, and facilitate chance of success.

4 .Osoosi:Proper veneration of this deity will guarantee protection, and escape from problems and trouble.

5 .Osanyin :Feeding Osanyin will guarantee Ogunda -meji children success in healing, their personal protection from trouble

4 .Esu Odara :It is important you feed Esu to remove any impediment from your way.

5 .Ogun :This is need for protection and support


By taboo of Odu Ogunda -meji, we mean the item such as food, animal, character, behaviors, both animate and inanimate things that Ogunda meji children (that is those who imprint Odu Ifa Ogunda -meji during Itefa or ikosedaye) must avoid in other to have problem free life. Item like ,olobohunbohun (beetle)Isin (Akee Apple) Ewe Iya And others

1 .Children of Ogunda -meji should avoid eating Isin, Akee's apple - to avoid inconsistent fortune in their life.

2 .They  should not intoxicate their self with power or allow their influence, position, power, connection, or reputation to enter their head and lead them to unwarranted rigidity and misbehaviour.

3 .They should not use leaves of Iya, bark of the tree, root etc for medicine - to avoid delays in finding solutions to problems that may face them.

4 .They should not send others to do errands on missions which could seriously affect them  and others of great importance for their life to avoid unfinished fortune.

5.They must not use Olobounboun, the beetle, for anything-to avoid a kind of sickness and misfortune.

6 .They  should not endorse others to avoid being involved in other people's affairs-to avoid being blamed on issues he or she knows little or nothing  about
at all.

7 . They should avoid playing games to avoid being unnecessarily tied up and being entertained in a precious time when good things are waiting for them elsewhere.

8 .They should not use the Kanranjangbon plant to avoid unfinished fortune or loss of opportunity.

8 .They  should not kill or eat Okete (the big rat to avoid premature death or disenchantments leading to calamity.

9 .They  should avoid vengeance, they should not pay good  with evil or even evil with evil - to avoid unfinished fortune and disappointment.

They must not show ingratitude to their benefactors - to avoid the failure of their  ambitions.


Ogunda -meji children are usually successful in business, profession like ,farming, Babalawo, Iyanifa, Security, Hunter, Police force, Soldier, But they are Mostly successful in business, And partnership is where they are success lie in any business they do.


These names are culled from the name of important positive character in different stanza of holy Odu Ogunda -meji. Some of these names are:


Some of these names are :


Fasayo- Ifa create joy.
Orisasadun - The Orisa provides sweetness.
Okikiola - The reputation of honor.
Ajisola- The one who is made in honor.
Ifasiji- Ifa provides coverage.


Adunola- sweetness  of wealth
Ogunlaja- Ogun mediated in the conflict.
Omolewa- My son is my beauty.
Ola-Edu- Ifa is honor
Okikiola - The reputation of honor.


Those born by this Odu either in Itelodu or Ikosedaye, forbids the pains and deceptions inflicted by themselves; nothing stops them from being big in life. they will not only be great, but they will be equally happy. They will achieve all the desires of their heart at the most appropriate times in their lives. They should not face any sphere of life. they  will  live a very long life. they will  live comfortably and pursue their goals confidently. They  will die when they are mature and in relative satisfaction and satisfied.

The children of Ogunda-meji are specially chosen and favored by Obatala and Ifa they are blessed with all the good things in life. As long as the honey stays sweet, nothing can prevent these people from enjoying their lives to the utmost exept themselves through their own hands. They are specifically chosen to infect others with their happiness so that the world is happier and more habitable for all.

The children of Ogunda-meji also strive to be good business partners. They easily combine the skills of other people, experience, resources and even their own contacts to get ahead in whatever business they are willing to do. By doing this, they end up gaining more popularity, respect, riches and honor. Even though they have the ability to succeed by themselves, they nevertheless triumph better in partnership with someone. That is why it is not advisable for the children of Ogunda-meji to insist on going alone in a business if they have the feasible alternative of joining an association in the project. Because they blend well with others to achieve success, they covertly bring joy and success into the lives of other people. They implode others forward with their own talents and other special gifts that Olodumare and the Deities have given them.

For anyone to succeed in a business society must be direct, honest and accommodating. All those involved should be understandable and not accommodate unnecessary quarrels, arguments and misunderstandings. The Children  of Ogunda-meji must therefore hold this in their minds all the time. They should avoid the urge to swindle their associates either at the time of contributing their resources within the business or when it comes to sharing the profits.

The children of Ogunda-meji should not think, plan, or do anything, no matter how small, of hindering the progress of others. If they do, they will be exposed to shame. Conservatively, anyone who thinks, plans or does anything that constitutes a stumbling block in the passing of the children of Ogunda-meji will be denied and ridiculed. It is in the fate of the children  of Ogunda-meji to triumph in spite of the obstacles. That is why they also should never think, plan, or do evil against others. Nor should they assist others in doing evil against others.

Apart from the fact that the success of the  children  of Ogunda-meji is guaranteed, it is also safe to protect against evil and disaster. In spite of the fact that the iniquities, problems, difficulties and vicissitudes that abound in life where we are, they  Will  never experience them. Ifa would protect them and their families. They will   not die a premature death. They  Will also live to enjoy the fruit of their work.

For the children of Ogunda-meji, it is not advisable to endorse anyone. If they do, they are likely to regret of their actions. Those whom they endorse would disillusion them and could put them in serious difficulties which would take them a long time to recover.

The male sons of Ogunda-meji will also find that females will be very instrumental to their achievements and successes in life. they must however learn to deal with the complexities in women spatially their sudden changes of attitude. They need to understand that women could blow hot now but at the next moment they blow cold. Nothing of this nature should need to surprise or worry them at all. For the daughters of Ogunda-meji, they make good homes and treat all things at their disposal to raise their spouses from the grass to grace. They are understanding and very good mothers of their children.

Also for the children of Ogunda-meji, males and females, their children are their greatest possessions and the most invaluable. They need to take care of their children and those children will   take care of them when they get old. They  Should not say that they do not want children because they remain incomplete in their own lives as long as they fail to have their own children. They also need to inform their children of everything they do and about them. They can not afford to hide anything from their children since their children will be instrumental in their victories in the various battlefields of life. they also need to give their children proper education, training and parenting, as their children will improve their reputation and community value if they are well trained.

All the times Ogunda-meji's children offend others, it is their duty to show remorse and tender  unreserved apologies to whomever they have offended. If in the other hand, someone or a group of people have offended them, no matter how serious the offense, it is obligatory in them to forgive the guilty or guilty, whenever the latter seeks forgiveness. If this is done, they will always remain relevant in life.

The children of Ogunda-meji should not pay good with evil or even evil with evil. They should never show ingratitude to their benefactors. They should never be intoxicated with power or allow their influence, position, power, connections or reputation to enter their heads and lead them to inflexibility. They should be listening to advice all the time. Failure to do this can only lead to regret.



Ifa says that he foresees the Ire of  wealth and achievements for  the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa says presently, this person is experiencing some financial deprivation but there is no cause to worry because this situation is transient which will soon give way to wealth and  abundance. Ifa will soon supply  his financial needs.

Ifa says that some people have been called previously to look for a solution to a particular problem that is being experienced by an influential person or group, but all those called  have not been able to solve the problem. Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed will be able to solve the problem. He or she will also be able to save the faces and careers of those who have failed the assignment.

Ifa says that for the person for whom this Odu is revealed is a man, a wife's Ire is seen in the future. Ifa says that three women will be very important in their life and they will influence their life to succeed and to achieve.

Ifa also says that it is not advisable for the person for whom this Odu is revealed, male or female to back up safely by either group. Ifa says that if he or she does this, he or she will be betrayed and completely disillusioned. Ifa says that for the person to whom he is supporting as a guarantor, he will spoil many things which will lead many people to point fingers at him as his guarantor.

For this message to happen, ifa recommends the following ebo: for success, 3 pigeons and 3 guineas; for victory over his present trouble, 3 roosters; for success in his assignment the one he or she will be invited to go do; 3 pigeons, 3 ducks and 3 guineas so that the man is assisted by three women who will influence his life 3 hens - one of the hens will be sacrificed, one of the wings, one leg and the breast will be removed and roasted with the appropriate condiments. He will also take three ekos and then place them in three separate places. These should be placed where Ifa recommends. on this, a stanza in this Odu has this to say:



Elemo wonna-wonna pongo

Ota nla ni ko sinmi awodi oke ni mimi

Dia fun Orunmila

Ifa nlo ree ra awon Bimo-konko l’eru

Lati Orun kejo

Ebo ni won ni ko se



Agunbo niworoko-sona

Elemo wonna-wonna pongo

The cartridge is what will never stop consuming an alcon prowling

They were the Awos who launched Ifa  For Orunmila

When he is going to buy the group that grow horns on

Their heads (each one grows a horn) as a slave

From the eight heaven

He was advised to offer ebo

Orunmila was particular about bringing this group into the world for them to come and enjoy the world and to assure them that a solution had been left for the problem of their horns and to plan how to remove it. He went for consultation of Ifa at the home of the four Awos mentioned above. They were all his former students. He was advised to offer ebo. He did it. He was also told to go outside and ask Olodumare for permission. They told him that those people would only spoil his good work on earth. He replied that it would be good to give everyone equal opportunities to come and enjoy the land and contribute their own share in the development process of that time.

Orunmila went to Olodumare to seek permission to bring the band to the world. Olodumare replied that this group would only carry out their work on earth. Orunmila  beg Olodumare to let him bring them into the world. He promised to stand by them. He also said that He would give them eight commandments. As long as they were given the commandments, reason, they would be committed to behaving properly. Being a favorite of Olodumare, he was allowed to bring them into the world.

Before leaving for the land, Orunmila gave the following commandments; one, they should not rake the Okro of   Ejio; two, they should not graze Ejio Eggplant; three, they must not reap the vegetable of Osun Ailloran; four, they should not pass scribbling on the boundary  of the river; five, they must not pee in the river; six, they should not pass scribbly on a rock; seven, they should not introduce any topic concerning the major ones behind his back; and eight, they should not use clandestine means to enter the home of the elders. They all agreed to keep these commandments. Orunmila also argued that if the commandments were kept, the world could not be and would not be harmed. He then instructed them to enter the world. They all left the next day.

On their way to the world however, all eight commandments were abused. They made sure they  violate all eight commandments before they came into the world. As a result of their violation, a chain of reactions began to take place, all with serious implications. For example from the dawn of life on earth, Olokun was given six potiches of water to care for and report their daily development. These potiches of water were placed in different localities in the world but they were connected by natural pipes controlled only by Olokun. As soon as the group of Abiwo-konko arrived to the earth and began to violate the Eight commandments, four of these potiches dried up. This had never happened before, Olokun raised an alarm and went to report to Olodumare what happened had never been witnessed, problems began to happen on earth. Everyone began to point to Orunmila, everyone began to complain to Olodumare.

Olodumare then summoned Orunmila to His presence. He told Orunmila that he could also see what those who had been accused had done. This upset and upset Orunmila. In his anger, Orunmila returned to earth and went after the leader of the Abiwo-konko, known as Haú. He took with his Adaasa.

Immediately  he saw Orunmila, he knelt down. He knew because Orunmila was looking for him and his group. He was so aware of all the atrocities they had committed on earth. Orunmila who was only dressed in a quilt chased him. When Orunmila realized that he could not reach Ha'u, he shot his Adaasa at him. The adaasa reached Haú on the head and cut off his horn. He began to bleed profusely. An Irunmole descended from the sky and used the Adaasa of Orunmila to make a hole in the earth. The Irunmole also asked Haú to move to where the hollow was dug so that the blood of his head fell into the hollow. He told Haun and Orunmila that it was not good for blood to fall on the ground.

When the head did not stop bleeding the Irunmole I took a part of the quilt that Orunmila carried and the growth in the head of Haú, and the bleeding stopped. The Irunmole instructed Ha'u to move his people well away from Ile Ife and calm down. He  also instructed them to tangle that loin with a band around their heads all the time. They moved and went to the northern part of Ile Ife. After thirty days, they stopped.

Unfortunately however, in his haste and confusion. They did not take with them the mother of their leader. The mother began to ask questions about where the group was. It took 30 days to locate them. She did not eat for those thirty days. When she located her son, she told him all her ordeals to him. Shortly after this she died. The Irunmole appeared again and dig another hole in the earth, placing the body of the mother of Haú inside and  he
cover the hollow with sand. He told them that he had just taught them what was known as burial and that they should never leave any body without burial.

Orunmila alone left Ile-Ife and went to settle in the city of Onko. He was there for a very long time. He was relatively unknown there. His situation there was very pathetic. Those who were near him knew him as, "Tela, Awo won l'ode Onko" - Tela, the Awo of Onko's land. Onko was a small community and Orunmila was the Chief priest of Ifa. He was very unsuccessful there but he chose to stand and stay there.

In Ile-Ife however, the city was expanding rapidly. The whole community was developing at an incredible pace and speed. Olofin the Oba of Ile-Ife was the most powerful and most influential personality on earth. This was the situation they had until one day when the following happened:

Orisisin-tasin ode ile Olofin ni

Orisisin-tasin ode ile Olofin ni

Ata-ma-tase ode ile Olofin ni

Ori-yi-tari-oyiyi ode ile Olofin ni o

Awon ni won so erin l’asa

Erin waa woo

Ofi owoja a re le gbagede ile olofin

Nigbati won kun erin

Won ba opon ire ninu erin

Won ba apo aguala ninu erin

Won ba igba tuntun ninu erin

Won pa igba tuntun

Won ba omo tuntun oojo ninu igba tuntun

O ko Ikin abaje mejo l’owo otun

O ko Ikin abaje, mejo l’owo osi

Olofin waa kee

O ni orun han!


Orisisin-tasin was a resident hunter in the palace of Olofin

Orisisin-tasin was a resident hunter in the palace of Olofin

Atamatase was a resident hunter in the palace of Olofin

Ori-yi-tari-oyiyi was a resident hunter in the palace of Olofin

They were the ones who threw a heavy spear at an elephant

The elephant fell and placed its trunk in the balcony of the house of Olofin

When they removed the skin and cut off the elephant

They found a tray made of Ire wood  in  their belly

They found an Aguala bag in their belly

They found a new pumpkin

They found a child of only one day inside the pumpkin

The boy held eight Ikin-Abaje in his right hand

And another eight Ikin-Abaje in his left hand

Olofin exclaim

He declared that the sky was about to go down!

Those were the things they saw in   Ile-Ife right in the palace of Olofin. Nobody sees ,or have see anything  close to that before. They also did not believe that such a thing could happen. Olofin and all the members of his councill  deliberated on this incident for a very long time but they could not come up with a solution. For the first time ever, Olofin panic. He was totally confused. His officers advised him to let them invite the Babalawos from different places to come and consult Ifa for them to find out the cause of what was happening and at the same time find the solution to the problem. They sent for   the following priests of Ifa and other soothsayers:

Won wa lo ree pe awon:

Kogun-kogun Awo ile Alara

Kogbon-kogbon Awo Ode Ijero

Kaadota-kaadota Awo Epa Tooromofe

Okookan lo ku ko too pe Irinwo

Awon Awi-winniwinni ma-jee nikan-o-gbo

Awon Afokan-mo-fo-fin-in-fin-in

Won ki’fa-ki’fa nile Olofin

Won kikiiki, won o gbo ohun ti Olofin nwi

Won ki’fa-ki’fa, bee ni won o ja fa Olofin


They then went to invite

Kogun-kogun the resident Awo of Alara

Kogbon-kogbon the Awo of Ijero mountain

Kaadota-kaadota the Awo of Epa-Tooromofe

Only one was missing to complete 400

Those who spoke so quietly that no one could hear

Those who spoke as if they were hissing

They recited and reveal Ifa in the house of Olofin

They recited and recited without getting what Olofin was saying

They recited, and recited without touching the Olofin problem

When all Babalawos, diviners and diviners had exhausted themselves, Olofin's fustration increased. In his anger, he said that they all did not know why he had called them and that was what he was doing to the troubled worrier, he ordered them all to be locked up. They were promptly imprisoned. Olofin then asked if there was no other Babalawo or diviner who could help him solve this problem. That's when one of his officers remembered Tela  Awo from the city of Onko. Olofin ordered that Tela should be invited immediately. Delegates were sent to Tela.

When he heard Olofin's message, he went to Ifa to find out what it was that Olofin had called him for, and then he knew what he had to do to solve the problem for him. Tela was told  by his Awo that Olofin truly had an unusual experience but that the true nature of his experience would be revealed to him on the way to Olofin's palace, he was informed that what was troubling Olofin was not counted at all since had been mounted by the Deities to prove their ability to absorb a blow and be cold in the midst of a crisis and uncertainty.

Tela was advised to offer ebo with three hens. He was asked to sacrifice one, remove a leg, a wing and breast, roast them properly and take them along with him on his trip to the palace of Olofin, he was asked to take with the three ekos wrapped. He was told that he would meet three women who would be instrumental in the success of his mission to the house of Olofin. He was advised to give each of the women an eko and give each one the leg, the wing and the breast of the hens that he was carrying with him. Tela obeyed everything they said and left for his trip to the palace of Olofin.

When he arrived at Ile-Ife, at the edge of the torrent, which crossed the river, before arriving at the palace of Olofin, the meeting faithful to the prediction of his Awo, three young women who came to the Stream  to fetch water.

Tela greeted them and gave them the eko, the chicken leg, wing and breast.the three women thanked him  and asked what his  mission was in Ile-Ife. he explain.

They told him that he could not be aware of the events in Olofin's palace but that there were two major problems that were being faced by Olofin at that particular time; one, one of his wives had been pregnant for the last three years and she had not given birth to the baby; two, the olofin hunters had beaten an elephant  with a heavy lance, and his horn fell on the balcony of Olofin; when the elephant was disheveled and dissected, they found a tray made of Ire wood, and an Aguala bag, and a new pumpkin on the elephant, when the pumpkin was cut in two, they found a child of a day born  he  had eight Ikin-Abaje in each of his hands. The three women said that was why Olofin had invited him to the palace. The young women said that in order for the woman to have a safe delivery, a mature goat had to be offered as an ebo, while another mature goat had to be offered to Ifa. They said that they did not know the importance of the murky elephant and its mysterious content. They however advised Tela not to sit for anything or to wait any time to break the information down to Olofin. They said that doing this was the only way that would make Olofin take him seriously since many others who had been invited so far, they did not know why Olofin had sent them to them and Olofin had thrown them all to jail . She also informed Tela that in front of the palace of Olofin he would find an old woman. The woman was a dyer. And all her grandparents were also dyeing. She inherited the work of her own mother. He was advised to ask the old woman to remove her jar from the place where she was so that Tela put her Osu there. They informed them that all areas surrounding the palace were solid rock and that only the place where the woman placed her vessel contained soft sand where the Osun could be placed.

Tela thanked them deeply and left for the palace of Olofin. In front of Olofin's palace, the meeting, just as the three young women had told them, was an old woman with her old dye pot. Cloth came up to her and asked her to remove her bowl to put her Osun. The woman refuses frankly.

After much persuasion and impulse, the old woman reluctantly agreed. While Tela removed the pan, they found jewels of inestimable value, which the grandfathers of the old woman had kept there. The two Cloth and the old woman were astonished. cloth asked the old woman to bag everything because she was the right heiress of all the jewels. She insisted that Tela should have taken some of the jewels because if it had not been for him; she would not have known of such things in the first place. He franckly refuse and the woman pack everything, therefore becoming an extremely rich woman at her advanced age.

She then thought about how to compensate Tela in her own way since he did not take any part of the jewels, she asked Tela if he had ever been married. Tela replied negatively, she asked him if he saw three young women by the stream when he was coming, he responded positively. She explained to Tela that They  had not been married yet. Several people had tried to marry them,  and they had been frankly rejected. They said that they  would marry only one person and that person should know their names before they agreed to marry him. Everyone had tried and failed. The old woman told Tela their names. Tela thanked the woman and entered the palace of Olofin.

As soon as Tela sat on the blanket in preparation to offer the ebo, the three young women entered with the water on their heads. Tela greeted them by their names as it was said by the old woman saying: 'Welcome, Iboru, Iboye and Ibose'. The three women released their pot   from above their heads and began accusing Olofin of telling a stranger their names. Olofin said that he had not told their names to, but rather, the man was not an ordinary human being. Olofin claimed that the man who could detect a pregnant slug from among his colleagues; he would predict the sex of the chick inside the egg !!! The three women said that she had no choice but to marry Tela since he had been the person who knew their names - since they had promised to marry the person who could say their names.

After this, Tela told Olofin that he had a person whom he had imprisoned as a result of the failure of not knowing for which Olofin had summoned them. He asked Olofin to free them in the act before he offered him, and Olofin ordered his domestic servants to actually release them.

Tela offered ebo for  olofin and his pregnant wife.and she  give  birth to a baby voy  that same day. Tela sat down and the baby was brought to him to be blessed. Iboru, Iboye and Ibose sat at their sides. While he was blessing the baby all the Awos had just been released entered the palace to express their gratitude to Tela. He asked them not to thank him, rather for Iboru, Iboye and Ibose. They did it and they all left the palace of Olofin full of happiness and joy.



Elemo wonna-wonna pongo

Ota nla ni ko sinmi awodi oke ni mimi

Dia fun Orunmila

Ifa nlo ree ra awon Bimo-konko l’eru

Lati Orun kejo

Ebo ni won ni ko se

Awon Orisisin-tasin ode ile Olofin ni

Orisisin-tasin ode ile Olofin ni

Ata-ma-tase ode ile Olofin ni

Ori-yi-tari-oyiyi ode ile Olofin ni o

Awon ni won so erin l’asa

Erin waa woo

Ofi owoja a re le gbagede ile olofin

Nigbati won kun erin

Won ba opon ire ninu erin

Won ba apo aguala ninu erin

Won ba igba tuntun ninu erin

Won pa igba tuntun

Won ba omo tuntun oojo ninu igba tuntun

O ko Ikin abaje mejo l’owo otun

O ko Ikin abaje, mejo l’owo osi

Olofin waa kee

O ni orun han!

Won wa lo ree pe awon:

Kogun-kogun Awo ile Alara

Kogbon-kogbon Awo Ode Ijero

Kaadota-kaadota Awo Epa Tooromofe

Okookan lo ku ko too pe Irinwo

Awon Awi-winniwinni ma-jee nikan-o-gbo

Awon Afokan-mo-fo-fin-in-fin-in

Won ki’fa-ki’fa nile Olofin

Won kikiiki, won o gbo ohun ti Olofin nwi

Won ki’fa-ki’fa, bee ni won o ja fa Olofin

Olofin ni ko s’awo ni’le yi mo njo?

Tela lo wa ja’fa olofin

Ebo lo ni ko se

Olofin gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Nje Ela mo yin Iboru

Ela mo yin Iboye

Orunmila mo yin Ibosise o



Agunbo niworoko-sona

Elemo wonna-wonna pongo

The cartridge is what will never stop consuming an alcon prowling

They were the Awos who launched Ifa  For   Orunmila

When he is going to buy the group to whom they grow horns on

Their heads (each one grows a horn) as a slave

From eight heaven

He was advised to offer ebo

Orisisin-tasin was a resident hunter in the palace of Olofin

Orisisin-tasin was a resident hunter in the palace of Olofin

Atamatase was a resident hunter in the palace of Olofin

Ori-yi-tari-oyiyi was a resident hunter in the palace of Olofin

They were the ones who threw a heavy spear at an elephant

The elephant fell and placed its trunk in the balcony of the house of Olofin

When they removed the skin and cut off the elephant

They found a tray made of Ire wood in it belly

They found an Aguala bag in it belly

They found a new pumpkin

They found a child of only one day inside the pumpkin

The boy held eight Ikin-Abaje in his right hand

And another eight Ikin-Abaje in his left hand

Olofin exclaim

He declared that the sky was about to go down!

They then went to invite

Kogun-kogun the resident Awo of Alara

Kogbon-kogbon the Awo of Ijero mountain

Kaadota-kaadota the Awo of Epa-Tooromofe

Only one was missing to complete 400

Those who spoke so quietly that no one could hear

Those who spoke as if they were hissing

They recited and recited Ifa in the house of Olofin

They recited and recited without getting what Olofin was saying

They recited, and recited without touching the Olofin problem

Olofin asked if there was more Awo in the vicinity?

They replied that there was still Tela, the Awo of the city of Onko

Olofin asked them to go and they would call him

Tela was the one who later got the reason why Olofin threw Ifa

He asked Olofin to offer ebo

He obeyed

Now, Ela I praise Iboru

Ela, I praise Iboye

Orunmila, I also praise Ibosise

Ifa says that for whom this Odu is revealed will surely triumph where others have failed. He or she will win where others have lost. He or she will achieve greatness where others have been humiliated.

Ifa says that if a pregnant woman is having delays to give birth where this Odu is revealed, with the appropriate ebo as prescribed above, the woman will have a safe delivery on the same day that the ebo is offered.


*. It is unsafe to be a guanrator or surety  for any body or group of People that we are not sure of what they are capable of doing.

*. It is good to always seek proffesional and divine consultation to have the foreknowledge of any mission or things you want to do before embarking on it.

*. It is good to not be too money conscious or greedy. as see in the case of  Orumila Who later have access to secret that fetch him three wives.


Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed has committed a serious offense against someone. The person has sworn never to forgive him. There is a need for him or her to go and offer an unreserved apology to the person who he  has offended . At the same time he or she needs to offer ebo with 3 guineas, 3 roosters and money. He also needs to serve Ifa and Obatala with vegetable( ebure). He or she is asked to ask Ifa what the Elders of the Night will take from him and that according to the request. If the person for whom this Odu is revealed fails to apologize and offer the appropriate ebo and feed the aforementioned Deities, he or she will find it very difficult, if not nearly impossible to obtain the compassion  of Olodumare, the Deities and the race human. On this a stanza in Ogunda-Meji says:

Aragba sawu oju oti

Itakun poolo l’orun erin

Itakun to ni kerin ma g’oke alo

T’oun t’erin ni won jo nlo o

Fikan-fikan mule alaro

Faka-fiki l’oun ewiri

Ka fi’nu ye’na

Ka f’eyin ye’erun

Awo ile Onitenku

Dia fun Onitenku

Omo osese-kunle goo-goo-goo

Omo obede kunle goo-goo-goo

Dia fun Agbe sekete

Tii somo’kunrin Ogun

Ni’jo to lo do obinrin Orisa Gbowuji

Orisa ko, o ni oun o ni ba Abe se mo


The one who has the strainer to filter the wine

The thick round plant of an elephant's neck

Any running palette that prevents the elephant from moving towards its destination

The two must be there together

Vigorous hammering of metal characterize the blacksmith
 incessant fancies characterize the roar

To put the face against the heat of the fire

And the back against the heat of the sun

These were the resident Awos of Onitenku

They were the ones who launched Ifa to Onitenku

The one who offended and was cast on begging

They combined to launch Ifa to Abe-Sekete

Ogun's son

When he went to make love to the woman of Obatala

Obatala refuse, and declared that he would never have any relationship with Abe again.

Abe-Sekete was the son of Ogun. He was very close to Obatala who in return was very affectionate with Abe. There was no place that Obatala was that he would not take Abe with him. Many people even thought that Abe was a biological son of Obatala. There was nothing in Obatala's life that Abe did not know.

One day however, Obatala married a young woman. This woman was very attractive and had a complacent attitude. She was very affectionate with Abe and for that, Obatala was very pleased. Whenever Obatala was not present, he used to send Abe to his newly married wife to give him company and to take care of his needs. This Abe did with enthusiasm. Unknown to Obatala, they both had developed an infamous lust for each other and Abe began to betray Obatala by constantly sleeping with the woman. Even though this was happening Obatala did not suspect anything. Soon they got to the point where the two became reckless and careless. One day, Obatala left for a meeting. Obatala was expected to arrive late in the meeting, while at the meeting, Obatala realized that he had forgotten something in the house and asked permission to come and bring him from the house. when he arrived at the house and there was the door, he met Abe and his young wife in the heat of passion. He was totally sad and disillusioned that abe had betrayed him thus. He told Abe never to come back to him and that he had cut off all relations with Abe. He picked up what he had come for and returned to the meeting. Abe was extremely embarrassed of himself. he return home a worried, sad, frightened and lonely man. He began to plan what to do to seek Obatala's favor once more.

The young wife packed up her things and fled before Obatala returned from the meeting and she was not seen again.

Abe-Sekete waited for 17 days and began to beg Obatala. Obatala refused to accept it in his presence or even hear what Abe had to say. He repeated his visit to Obatala's house several times for several days but he was always thrown out. In the end, he decided to go look for influential people who he was sure Obatala could not ignore  to intercer in his favor.

Abe lo be Saki ni’le Ado

O lo be Erinmi l’ode Owo

O lo be Antete l’ode Ikoyi

Orisa ko

O ni oun o nii b’Abe se mo


Abe went to beg Saki in Ekiti

And he went to beg Erinmi of the land of Owo

And he went to beg Antete of the land of Ikoyi

Even Obatala refuse

He stated that he would never have anything to do with Abe

When Abe tried everything he knew to make sure that Obatala would brush his mind and fail, he traveled to Ado Ekiti to ask Saki, one of Obatala's closest confidants to help him appeal to Obatala. Saki went and begged for several days but Obatala refused to listen.

The next he traveled to the land of Owo to plead with Erinmi  Owo, a highly respected Chief in Owo and an intimate friend of Obatala to help him beg Obatala. Erinmi  of Owo and Obatala had a great esteem. They never wanted to offend each other in any matter of life. Erinmi Of   Owo traveled all the way to Iranje-Ile where Obatala lived and begged his friend for several days, yet Obatala refused frankly to change his mind towards Abe-Sekete.

Abe-Sekete again went to the city of Ikoyi and asked Antete to help him appeal to Obatala to forgive his offense. Antete was a highly influential personality in the community. His reputation traveled far and wide and reached every part of the Yoruba land and beyond. He was an intimate friend of Obatala. Attend trip to Iranje-Ile and  he beg Obatala for several days and obatala refuse to change his mind.

When all this person failed to change the mind of Obatala, Abe-Sekete thanked them and decided to try other means to appeal to Obatala. He felt that Obatala refused to listen to his appeal because he had betrayed him terribly and Obatala felt him to the marrow. Abe reasoned that the bigger the love, the greater the enmity when it turned sour. He decided to send other people.

Abe lo be Agbe-dudu

Tii s’omo Olokun Seniade

O lo be Aluko-dodoodo

Tii s’omo Olosa Odo

Orisa a ko

O l’oun o nii ba Abe se mo


Abe went to beg the Agbe black complexity

The son of Olokun Senaide, god of the Oceans

And he went to beg the red Aluko

The son of Olosa, the goddess of the Lagoons

Still  Obatala refuse

He vowed to have nothing to do with Abe again

In his  attempt  to be reconciled with Obatala, Abe traveled to the ocean shore to go and plead with Olokun to send his son, Agbe-dudu to help him beg Obatala to forgive him for   his offense. Olokun sent Agbe-dudu who traveled to Iranje-Ile with Abe. Agbe-dudu begged Obatala for several days, both in favor of Abe, Olokun-Senaide himself but Obatala refused to listen.

Then Abe went to Osa, the Lagoon to meet Olosa, the goddess of the Lagoon to beg him to send Aluko-dodoodo, his son to go and help him to beg Obatala to please forgive her, she agreed. Aluko-dodoodo beg Obatala for several days but refuse it. Obatala swear he would never forgive Abe for what he did.

When Abe saw that all those highly ranked, respected and influential people could not change Obatala's mind, Abe decided to go and request Orunmila's help. He now travels to Ile-Ife to beg Orunmila for his assistance. Orunmila consulted with Ifa and Ogunda-Meji was revealed. Abe was advised to offer ebo with 3 roosters, 3 guineas and money. he obeyed immediately. After this Orunmila went to get some vegetable Ebure and left for the house of Obatala in Iranje-Ile.

Abe wa sepa-sese

O lo dipo Orunmila mu

Nigbati Orunmila nlo

O se iti ebure l’owo

Awoye roye l’Orisa be n lo

Edun-Beleje tii se omo’ye Olu-Igbo

Nii se wole-wode Orisa

O ku die ki Orunmila de’le Orisa

Orisa nla ti sun lo o

Orunmila ni Orisa nla ago ooo!

Edun Beleje tii se omo’ye Olu-Igbo

Ni Orisa ki yi ji

Orunmila ni ko ji

Won ni nitori I kinni?

O ni nitori saki ti ji ni’le Ado

Erinmi ti ji l’ode Owo

Antete ti ji l’ode Ikoyi

Agbe-dudu ti ji l’okun

Aluko-do-doo-do ti ji l’Osa


Abe then picked himself up

And went to seek the help of Orunmila

When Orunmila was going

He took with him a bouquet of vegetables from Ebure

But Obatala was known for his careful observation and accurate deduction of what was happening

Edun-Beleje, the slender monkey, who was the son of the Deity of the forest, was acting as the chief of company of Obatala

When Orunmila was about to reach the house of Obatala

Obatala had fallen asleep

Orunmila shout his  greetings

Edun-beleje Olu-Igbo's son replied that Obatala had not yet awakened

Orunmila asked him to wake him up

They said why?

Orunmila said that Saki had already awakened in Ado-Ekiti

And Erinmi had awakened in the land of Owo

And Antete had awakened in the land of Ikoyi

And Agbe-dudu had awakened on the side of the ocean

While Aluko-do-ooo-do had awakened beside the lagoon.

When Orunmila was about to arrive in Iranje-Ile, Obatala's house, Obatala, who had the reputation of being highly gifted in the area of ​​making informed observations and deducing that it was about to happen in the future, had already sensed that someone greater than all the people that every person Abe had sent him was approaching his house. he therefore induced himself to a dream and left a message with edun-Beleje to inform anyone who came that he was already asleep. When Orunmila arrive Edun-Beleje told him that Obatala had not yet risen. Orunmila said to wake him immediately. When asked why, Orunmila replied that Saki of Ado, Erinmi of Owo, Antete of Ikoyi, Agbe-dudu the son of Olokun and Aluko-dodo the son of Olosa had all been raised. There was no reason why Obatala would not wake up at that moment.

Orisanla ba ji

O ni oun ti ji na

O ni sugbon oun o ni si’lekun

Orunmila ni waa si’lekun ni o

O ni nitori wipe ipepereju nii si’lekun f’oju

Omira nii si’lekun f’omo

Orisanla therefore rise

He stated that he had risen

But he  would not open the door for Orunmila to enter

Orunmila said Obatala habre the door

Because Ipepereju, the eyelid is what opens the door of the eyes to see

And the low that indicates that the job is he that opens the door for the birth of a new born baby.

When Orunmila heard that Obatala was sleeping, she told him that at least the person he had come to see was at home. He ordered Obatala to be lifted out of his sleep. When asked why and he gave the reasons why Obatala should be awakened. Obatala awoke but insisted that he would not open the door for Orunmila to enter the house.

Orunmila ordered Obatala to open the door for him, when asked why, he said that it was the eyelid that opens the door of the eyes; is the low that indicates that the work will be the door to the birth of a new baby newborn. He said that unless those statements were not true, then Obatala might not open the door; but if his statements were a fact, he should and should open the door immediately.

Orisanla wa si’lekun

O ni oun ti si’lekun

Sugbon oun o ni ko’ju si Orunmila

Orunmila ni yoo ko’ju si oun ni o

Won ni intori I kinni

O ni intori atelese kii d’eyin ko ona

Eekanna owo kii d’eyin ko’wo

Eekanna ese kii d’eyin k’ese

Asuugbo kii d’eyin ko’gbo


Obatala then opened the door

He said that although he had opened the door

He would never show his face to Orunmila

Orunmila said that he would show the face to the (orunmila)

When asked why

He declares that the soles of his feet do not turn his back on the path

The nail does not turn its back on the finger

The nail of the big toe does not turn its back on the same finger

He who evacuates his intestines in the forest does not turn his back on the mountain

When Obatala heard what Orunmila told him when the arrive, he knew that  all those statements were  of fact. He therefore reluctantly gave the door. When the door was opened, he insisted that he would not turn to Orunmila to see his face for any discussion of the matter. Orunmila ordered him to look at him. When asked why, Orunmila stated that the foot does not turn his back to the path, the nail does not turn his finger and the nail of the thick toe does not turn his back on the finger at the same time, the person who empties his gut in the mount can not, nor turns his back on the mountain. Orunmila declared that if all these statements were true, then Obatala should, and should turn his face towards him and in favor of Abe-Sekete for which he had gone.

Obatala wa ko’ju si Orunmila

O ni oun ti ko’ju sii na

O ni sugbon oun o ni rerin-in s’oro naa

Orunmila ni yoo rerin-in sii ni o

Won ni nitori I kinni/

O ni nitori erin sobosobo ni t’opo

Erin sewele-sewele ni t’odoko

Dokodoko aberin sewele-sewele l’enu

Erin ni won fi n fon’na oti

Erin sese l’agbara nrin ko’do l’ona

B’owuu ba so l’oko

Oloko a f’erin ka


Obatala then turned his face towards Orunmila

He said that even though he had faced it

He would never smile about it.

Orunmila ordered that Obatala would smile on the matter

When asked why

He declares that a widow is known for her consolatory smiles

While a lascivious woman  is known for stupid but fearful smiles

Stupidly tempting smiles are the mark of a prostitute

It is with smiles with which people ignite the fire with which the alchol is prepared

And it is with a smile that the flood joins the stream

When the cotton tree produces its cotton wool

It is with a smile that the farmer harvests

When Obatala eventually turned his face towards Orunmila for a face-to-face discussion on the Abe-Sekete affair, Obatala stated that no matter what Orunmila said, he would never be satisfied to the point of smiling on the matter. Orunmila ordered him to smile. When he asks why? Orunmila said that a woman whom her husband had recently died would only smile to comfort herself and console others that it is not the true end of life; a prostitute uses her stupid but tempting smiles to invite her clients and any other ; the alchol preparers smile as they light the fire to produce the alchol; the flood smiles when it meets the torrent; and when the wool germinates and is harvest  the farmer harvests it with smiles. Orunmila declared that if all this was not true; then Obatala was free not to smile about it; but in the other hand, if these were statements of fact, then Obatala had no choice but to smile about the Abe-Sekete affair.

Orisanla wa rerin-in

O ni oun ti rerin-in na

Sugbon oro naa ko nii tan ninu oun

Orunmila ni yoo tan-an ninu re ni o

Won ni nitori i kinni

O ni natankotan l’aja n la’mi

B’ase ba mu’mi, a tan ninu ase

B’igre ba mu’mi a tan ninu igere

B’obinrin ba na’ja eetan

Titan nii tan


Obatala then smile

He stated that even though he had smiled

The matter had not left his mind completely

Orunmila ordered that the matter should be removed completely from his mind

When he   asked why?

He said that the dog completely tries to lick the water

He said when the colander of liquid drinks are filled with water completely when the colander is immersed when leaving the water from falling drops

And when the fishing trap is submerged in the water, the water will be completely removed from the trap when it is removed from the water

And if a woman gets involved in the business of green palm fruits

It's completely strenuous.

When Obatala smiled and insisted that it was impossible for him to get the whole thing out of his mind. But Orunmila ordered him to get it out of his mind. When asked why this should be, Orunmila stated that the strainer, when submerged in water will be filled with water, will be completely emptied of water. The same thing applies with the fishing trap. He also said that no woman gets involved in the business of unripe palm fruits for someone to stay. He stated that if this was not true then Obatala was free to harbor grudges against Abe-Sekete. But if on the other hand, if these statements were true, then Obatala should, and should, completely clear his mind of the matter.

Orisanla ni o ti tan ninu oun bayii

O ni sugbon inu oun o dun si oro naa mo lailai

O ni ninu  oun egun ewon

Eyin oun egun esusu

Agbedemeji oun eguun gidi

Orunmila ni to ba ti tan ninu re

Ki inu re yara di odundun

Ki eyin re yara di tete

Ki agbede-meji re yara di rinrin


Obatala stated that even when all things were in her mind

But nevertheless he would never be happy about that

He said that his mind had become an anthill

And his back had become needles

While his middle section had become a thorn

Orunmila countered that if indeed all things were arranged in his mind

His mind must be turned towards the leaves of Odundun

And his back was ready to return to the leaves of Tete

While its middle section was due back to the leaves of Rinrin

When Obatala told Orunmila that the matter had been completely removed from his mind, he nevertheless stated that he would never be happy with Abe-Sekete again. Orunmila then countered that if the matter had been completely removed from his mind, then there was no reason why he should not be happy with Abe-Sekete then he was harboring animosity against him, which was a complete contradiction with his statement that he had totally forgiven his favorite follower. This is how Obatala cleans her mind of the matter and forgives Abe-Sekete from the depths of her mind.

That's when Orunmila invited Abe-Sekete and reconciled him to Obatala. Orunmila handed the leaves of Ebure to Abe-Sekete who in turn delivered them to Obatala as a symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Aragba sawu oju oti

Itakun poolo l’orun erin

Itakun to ni kerin ma g’oke alo

T’oun t’erin ni won jo nlo o

Fikan-fikan mule alaro

Faka-fiki l’oun ewiri

Ka fi’nu ye’na

Ka f’eyin ye’erun

Awo ile Onitenku

Dia fun Onitenku

Omo osese-kunle goo-goo-goo

Omo obede kunle goo-goo-goo

Dia fun Agbe sekete

Tii somo’kunrin Ogun

Ni’jo to lo do obinrin Orisa Gbowuji

Orisa ko, o ni oun o ni ba Abe se mo

Abe lo be Saki ni’le Ado

O lo be Erinmi l’ode Owo

O lo be Antete l’ode Ikoyi

Orisa ko

O ni oun o nii b’Abe se mo

Abe lo be Agbe-dudu

Tii s’omo Olokun Seniade

O lo be Aluko-dodoodo

Tii s’omo Olosa Odo

Orisa a ko

O l’oun o nii ba Abe se mo

Abe wa sepa-sese

O lo dipo Orunmila mu

Nigbati Orunmila nlo

O se iti ebure l’owo

Awoye roye l’Orisa be n lo

Edun-Beleje tii se omo’ye Olu-Igbo

Nii se wole-wode Orisa

O ku die ki Orunmila de’le Orisa

Orisa nla ti sun lo o

Orunmila ni Orisa nla ago ooo!

Edun Beleje tii se omo’ye Olu-Igbo

Ni Orisa ki yi ji

Orunmila ni ko ji

Won ni nitori I kinni?

O ni nitori saki ti ji ni’le Ado

Erinmi ti ji l’ode Owo

Antete ti ji l’ode Ikoyi

Agbe-dudu ti ji l’okun

Aluko-do-doo-do ti ji l’Osa

Orisanla ba ji

O ni oun ti ji na

O ni sugbon oun o ni si’lekun

Orunmila ni waa si’lekun ni o

O ni nitori wipe ipepereju nii si’lekun f’oju

Omira nii si’lekun f’omo

Orisanla wa si’lekun

O ni oun ti si’lekun

Sugbon oun o ni ko’ju si Orunmila

Orunmila ni yoo ko’ju si oun ni o

Won ni intori I kinni

O ni intori atelese kii d’eyin ko ona

Eekanna owo kii d’eyin ko’wo

Eekanna ese kii d’eyin k’ese

Asuugbo kii d’eyin ko’gbo

Oosala wa ko’ju si Orunmila

O ni oun ti ko’ju sii na

O ni sugbon oun o ni rerin-in s’oro naa

Orunmila ni yoo rerin-in sii ni o

Won ni nitori i kinni?

O ni nitori erin sobosobo ni t’opo

Erin sewele-sewele ni t’odoko

Dokodoko aberin sewele-sewele l’enu

Erin ni won fi n fon’na oti

Erin sese l’agbara nrin ko’do l’ona

B’owuu ba so l’oko

Oloko a f’erin ka

Orisanla wa rerin-in

O ni oun ti rerin-in na

Sugbon oro naa ko nii tan ninu oun

Orunmila ni yoo tan-an ninu re ni o

Won ni nitori i kinni

O ni natankotan l’aja n la’mi

B’ase ba mu’mi, a tan ninu ase

B’igre ba mu’mi a tan ninu igere

B’obinrin ba na’ja eetan

Titan nii tan

Orisanla ni o ti tan ninu oun bayii

O ni sugbon inu oun o dun si oro naa mo lailai

O ni ninu  oun egun ewon

Eyin oun egun esusu

Agbedemeji oun eguun gidi

Orunmila ni to ba ti tan ninu re

Ki inu re yara di odundun

Ki eyin re yara di tete

Ki agbede-meji re yara di rinrin

Oosanla ni o ti di odundun

Eyin oun ti tete

Agbedemeji oun ti di rinrin

Nje Ebure o de o, awo Olujebe

Bi a ba r’eni rere

Nse laa j’ebe ni

O ti j’ebe l’Abe

O ti j’ebe l’Oko o

Bi a ba r’eni rere

nse laa j’ebe o


The one who has the strainer to filter cerbeza

The thick round plant of an elephant's neck

Any running palette that prevents the elephant from moving towards its destination

She's two should be there together.

Vigoruos hammering of metal characterize the blacksmith

 incessant fancies characterize the roar

To put the face against the heat of the fire

And the back against the heat of the sun

These were the resident Awos of Onitenku

They were the ones who launched Ifa to Onitenku

The one who offended and was cast on begging

They combined to launch Ifa to Abe-Sekete

Ogun's son

When he went to make love to the woman of Obatala

Obatala reuse, and declared that he would never have any relationship with Abe again.

Abe went to beg Saki in Ekiti

And he went to beg Erinmi of the land of Owo

And he went to beg Antete of the land of Ikoyi

Even Obatala reuse

He stated that he would never have anything to do with Abe

Abe went to beg the Agbe black complexity

The son of Olokun Senaide, god of the Oceans

And he went to beg the Colorado Aluko

The son of Olosa, the goddess of the Lagoons

Even Obatala refuse

He vowed to have nothing to do with Abe again

Abe then picked himself up

And went to seek the help of Orunmila

When Orunmila was going

He took with him a bouquet of vegetables from Ebure

But Obatala was known for his careful observation and accurate deduction of what was happening

Edun-Beleje, the slender monkey, who was the son of the Deity of the forest, was acting as the chief of company of Obatala

When Orunmila was about to reach the house of Obatala

Obatala had fallen asleep

Orunmila shout his   greetings

Edun-beleje Olu-Igbo's son replied that Obatala had not yet awakened

Orunmila asked him to wake him up

They said why?

Orunmila said that Saki had already awakened in Ado-Ekiti

And Erinmi had awakened in the land of Owo

And Antete had awakened in the land of Ikoyi

And Agbe-dudu had awakened on the side of the ocean

While Aluko-do-ooo-do had awakened beside the lagoon.

Orisanla therefore rise

He stated that he had risen

But it would not open the door for Orunmila to enter

Orunmila said Obatala open  the door

Because Ipepereju, the eyelid is what opens the door of the eyes to see

And the low that indicates that the job is he that opens the door for the birth of a new born baby.

Obatala then opened the door

He said that although the abia had opened the door

He would never show his face to Orunmila

Orunmila said that he would show the face to the (orunmila)

When asked why

He declares that the soles of his feet do not turn his back on the path

The nail does not turn its back on the finger

The nail of the big toe does not turn its back on the same finger

He who evacuates his intestines in the forest does not turn his back on the mountain

Obatala then turned his face towards Orunmila

He said that even though he had faced it

He would never smile about it.

Orunmila ordered that Obatala would smile on the matter

When asked why

He declares that a widow is known for her consolatory smiles

While a woman prostitute  is known for stupid but fearful smiles

Stupidly tempting smiles are the mark of a prostitute

It is with smiles with which people ignite the fire with which the alchol is prepared

And it is with a smile that the flood joins the stream

When the cotton tree produces its cotton wool

It is with a smile that the farmer harvests

Obatala then smile

He stated that even though he had smiled

The matter had not left his mind completely

Orunmila ordered that the matter should be removed completely from his mind

When you are asked why?

He said that the dog completely tries to lick the water

He said when the colander of liquid drinks are filled with water completely when the colander is immersed when leaving the water from falling drops

And when the fishing trap is submerged in the water, the water will be completely removed from the trap when it is removed from the water

And if a woman gets involved in the business of green palm fruits

It's completely strenuous.

Obatala stated that even when all things were in her mind

But nevertheless he would never be happy about that

He said that his mind had become an anthill

And his back had become needles

While his middle section had become a thorn

Orunmila countered that if indeed all things were arranged in his mind

His mind must be turned towards the leaves of Odundun

And his back was ready to return to the leaves of Tete

While its middle section was due back to the leaves of Rinrin

Obatala said that all things had been completely removed from her mind

That his mind had turned to odundun

And his back to tete

And its middle section to rhinin

Here come the leaves of Ebure, the symbol of forgiveness

If we see an important personality

One will accept his intercession

You have accepted the apology of Ake

And even Oko

When we see an important personality

We should accept the apology

Ifa says that it will be difficult for him to commit the offense for the person for whom this Odu was revealed to be forgiven, but in the end, the apology will be accepted.

On the other hand, if the person for whom this Odu is revealed is the victim of another person's misconduct, he or she needs to accept the apology of the offender if significant persons intervene in favor of the guilty party.


*.It is a sin tí betray the trust and confidence repose in us either by our master, friends etc. doing so can bring dishonour  humiliation and defeat to us. as in the case of Abe in the odu ifa above.

*.If is good to seek forgiveness when We have wrong or offend others, that is how we can peace of mind  in  life.


Ifa says that he foresees Ire of achievements for the person for whom Ogunda-Meji is revealed. Ifa says that this person will be wealthy; he or she will be loved and adored; he or she will be blessed with good children, have good health, and live a long and happy life.

Ifa says that all the Ire of the person for whom this Odu is revealed is in the hands of Ifa. He or she needs to serve Ifa diligently and Ifa will instead shower blessings  on  him or her.

There is a need for the person for whom this Odu is revealed to offer ebo with 4 rats, 4 fish, 2 hens, 2 roosters, 2 pigeons, 2 guineas and money. He or she also needs to serve Ifa with 2 rats, 2 fish, a hen and a guinea. On this, Ifa says:
E maa see nso

A o maa wo bi e o ti see si

Dia fun Elerere Ogogo

Omo abapo ire gbogbo wonti-wonti lowo Olodunmare

Igbati o nt’orun bo wa’le aye

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se


Keep doing what you are doing

We will see that you do it

Those were the declarations of Ifa for Elerere Ogogo

 Offspring of the one who has the bag full of all Ire of Olodumare

When he was coming from Orun to Aye

He was advised to offer ebo

Elerere Ogogo was coming from heaven into the world. He went to choose his destinaties. To him was given all the life's life - a successful career, riches, a loving and loving wife, good children, several houses, good health, victory over adversaries, long life and happiness. To secure all those Ires, they were put into the hands of Ifa to keep them safe.

Already on earth, Elerere Ogogo went to the Awo mentioned above to know what his opportunities were, would he triumph in life? How would he get his triumph? How big would he be in his life? Would someone who would truly love him whom he would genuinely love as well? Would he be blessed with loving and lovely children? Would he be blessed with good health and mental alertness? would he be rich enough to build his own house in his life? would live the long time?

All this questions the Awo answered yes.  not only told him that he would triumph in life, but other people would be measuring their  own success with his. Others would be praying to Olodumare to be as successful as Elerere Ogogo. He was however advised to move near Ifa since all these achievements all the other Ires were in the hands of Ifa. He was also advised to offer ebo with 4 rats, 4 fish, 2 hens, 2 pigeons, 2 roosters, 2 guineas and money. He was also advised to serve Ifa with 2 rats, 2 fish, a hen and a guinea. With all this Elerer Ogogo obeyed. He also became an ardent follower of Ifa.

He was still fanatic of the belief in Ifa. Those who noticed this began to observe it closely to see what would be the result of   his  close association with Ifa.

Elerere Ogogo, for his part, never took any steps without first having consulted with Ifa. To his unlimited joy, there was nothing that he  asked that he did not get,  He reached the degree to which Elerere Ogogo was nicknamed 'Elerere Ogogo omo abapo ire gbogbo wonti-wonti l'owo Olodumare' 'Elerere Ogogo, son  of one who has the bag full of all Ire of Olodumare'. Everyone believed that when he needed anything he would just go and stick his hands into the bag full of all the good things in life provided for him by Olodumare.

Before long, everyone began to use the name of Elerere Ogogo as their reference of prayers to the Deities and to Olodumare to give to them as he had given to Elerere Ogogo. Even if they wanted to marry or produce children, or build a house, or do any business dealings, they would Pray to Olodumare for things to happen successfully such as those for Elerere Ogogo. Elerere Ogogo in his own case was full of joy, and gratitude to his Awo, Ifa and Olodumare.

E maa see nso

A o maa wo bi e o ti see si

Dia fun Elerere Ogogo

Omo abapo ire gbogbo wonti-wonti lowo Olodunmare

Igbati o nt’orun bo wa’le aye

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Mo te’wo ki e fun mi ni’re aje t’emi o

Elerere Ogogo o de o

Omo abapo ire wonti-wonti l’owo Olodumare

Mo t’ewo ki e fun mi ni’re aya t’emi o

Elerere Ogogo o de o

Omo abapo ire wonti-wonti l’owo Olodumare

Mo t’ewo ki e fun mi ni’re omo t’emi

Elerere Ogogo o de o

Omo abapo ire wonti-wonti l’owo Olodumare

Mo te’wo ki e fun mi ni’re aiku t’emi o

Elerere Ogogo o de o

Omo abapo ire wonti-wonti l’owo Olodumare

Mo t’ewo ki e fun mi ni’re gbogbo t’emi o

Elerere Ogogo o de o

Omo abapo ire wonti-wonti l’owo Olodumare


Keep doing what you are doing

We will see that you do it

Those were the declarations of Ifa for Elerere Ogogo

offspring  of the one who has the bag full of all Ire of Olodumare

When  he  was coming from Orun to Aye

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

I stretch my hands to receive my own wealth

Here comes Elerere Ogogo

The  offspring  of the one who has the bag full of every  Ire of  Olodumare

I reach out to receive my own wife

Here comes Elerere Ogogo

Offspring  of the one who has the bag full of every Ire Olodumare

I stretch my hands to receive my own children

Here comes Elerere Ogogo

Offspring of the one who has the bag full of every Ire of  Olodumare

I stretch my hands to receive my own longevity

Here comes Elerere Ogogo

 offspring  of the one who has the bag full of every Ire of  Olodumare

I stretch my hands to receive all the Ire of life

Here comes Elerere Ogogo

 Child of the one who has the bag full of everythiNG  Ire of Olodumare

Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed will be blessed with all the life Ire. He or she should only move near Ifa all the time since all this Ire is in the hands of Ifa to be given to him or her at any time and if he or she ever asked for it.


*.Connection with ifa can bring all one ire chosing from heaven into fruition with little or no effort.


Ifa warns the person to whom this Odu is revealed to be very careful about the kind of help he or she gives to others. Ifa says that a person will come to him or her for assistance but he or she should not render this assistance. This is because she has something serious, which has led to serious problems for him or her. He or she is now looking for someone else to share their problem with. Ifa says that it is in the best interest for the person for whom this Odu is revealed to have nothing to do with the person or group seeking assistance at this particular time. Ifa says that the person is not looking for assistance: rather, he or she or they are looking for someone to implicate and drag him to the mud as they are.

Ifa says there are no ebo materials to offer on this Odu. The only ebo to offer here is for the person for whom this Odu is revealed to pay attention to the warning. In fact, before the person born by this Odu offers any assistance to any person, there is a need for him or her to check and recheck properly if this person should be helped or not. About this Ifa says:

Gunnugun soore mapalori-mapalori

Akalamagbo soore mayogege-mayogege

Ojo mii joomi, bii k’eni o ma tie soore mo

Oro soore soore, oro o l’ewe l’ori

Afomo soore ko l’egbo

Dia fun Adekanmbi, omo palakala pejo

Omo ase k’oore o su ni i se

Nigbati o nlo oko alero l’odun

Ebo ni won ni o waa se


Gunnungun, the Vulture, did good things but became bald in the process

And Akalamagbo, did good deeds only to be inflicted with neck lump

Even a few days, one will feel like he does not want to do good things ever

Gold, the Cactus, did good things but has no leaf to show for his good deeds

And Afomo, the Parasite plant, did good things only to be left without root

These were the declarations of Ifa for Adekanmbi, the offspring of those who killed Akala the serpent

He who drives in such a way that one feels tired of doing good

When he was going to the farm for the annual plantation

He was advised to offer ebo

Adekanmbi was a successful farmer. He was also a very successful man. He was highly respected in the community because everyone knew him as a fearful philanthropist (humanist) of God. He had many headlines in the community and whatever he said was final in the community on various topics.

One day, Adekanmbi planned to start an annual crop. For this reason, he decided to go for  consultation of Ifa in the house of the above-mentioned Awo: Would he have success that year as he had always had?

The Awo assured Adekanmbi that he would be successful as he had always had. The Awo told him that success was not his problem. Adekanmbi was warned however that someone would come to him for assistance within five days. Such a person should never be assisted. The Awo focused on the fact that the person who was coming for such assistance did not need it: rather, he was coming to create hardships and unspeakable problems within Adekanmbi's life. The Awo concluded that by telling Adekanmbi that there was no hope that he could offer on this matter an exception for which to pay attention to the warnings of Ifa.

Adehanmbi left the house of the Awo with the complete determination not to attend anyone. When Adekanmbi arrived home, he explained to his wife everything and asked his wife to remind him at all times not to attend anyone in the next seven days. With this, Adekanmbi was convinced that he would be capable of the problem that Ifa had foreseen in asking him not to assist anyone for five days.

On the fourth day however, Oka the Cobra, rushed to go to Adekanmbi's farm by begging him an that he was pursued by his enemies. He told Adekanmbi that if his enemies caught him that day he would definitely be sacrificed.

He   pleaded with Adekanmbi to please open his mouth and allow him to hide in his stomach for a few moments so that his enemies would not be able to see him. When Adekanmbi was about to open his mouth, his wife called him and reminded him of Ifa's warning. 'Stay quiet, woman,' Adekanmbi throne, 'even if I would not help anyone, would be my friend Oka?' As soon as he said these words he opened his mouth and his friend Oka entered his mouth.  He went straight to his stomach.

When Oka the Cobra settled into Adekanmbi's stomach, the first instruction he gave to Adekanmbi was: my friend sees and beats your wife to death. Adekanmbi protested, 'how can I do this to my wife for so many years?' Oka the Cobra simply laid her teeth on Adekanmbi's liver and bit her liver without mercy, no one told Adekanmbi again before he took his hoe and covered his wife of 27 years to kill her.

Oka told Adekanmbi to go to the market. When they arrived there, he told Adekanmbi to ensure that 16 people were beaten to death on the market. Adekanmbi protested, "Why should I do this in a community where I have several titles?" Oka the Cobra placed his teeth in Adekanmbi's pancreas and bit him mercilessly. No one told Adekanmbi before he used his ax and cut off 16 innocent people in the market.

Next, Oka the Cobra told Adekanmbi to kill the three wives of the Oba and to add to the Oba as his fourth victim in the palace. Adekanmbi protested. The Cobra placed its teeth in the lungs of Adekanmbi and bit them without mercy. No one told Adekanmbi before he used his stick to hit the four of them until they were killed. While this was happening the whole city went into pandemonium. The fear of Adekanmbi became the beginning of the wisdom of the whole world.

There were however however, some elders in the community who were fully convinced that the villainy was not in the character of Adekanmbi. These elders knew that something urgent and drastic must be done. Consequently, they went to the house of the group of Awos previously mentioned  For  consultation of Ifa: could it be possible to solve the problem of the community? Would it be possible for them to know how to help Adekanmbi himself?

The Awo told them that they would surely find a solution to the problems in the community. He told them that only the elders of the night could help them. Consequently, there was the need for them to feed the Elders of the Night with a goat and abundant palm  oil. The elders of the night accepted the Ipese and and  appointed Akalamagbo  to help adekanmbi.

Meanwhile Adakanmbi had become a man completely insane. He had voices from his stomach and must obey any instruction that was given to him. For this reason, Adekanmbi was a totally unpredictable man. When Akalagmagbo arrived at his house, he went straight to Adekanmbi and instructed Akalamagbo to open his mouth. Adekanmbi did it. Akalamagbo called Oka the Cobra and told him that he had come to join him to inflict more pain on Adekanmbi. Oka was very happy when he had that. Akalamagbo told Oka to show his face so that the discussion could go smoothly. Oka moved forward and showed her face. As soon as he did this, Akalamagbo grabbed him by the neck and sacked him out forcibly. Akalamagbo struck Oka with his beak on the head. He hit him repeatedly. When Adekanmbi saw this, he clutched his hoe with the intention of breaking Oka's head in pieces. Unfortunately, however, the blow fell on Akalamagbo's head. So Adekanmbi ended up killing both the Cobra and Akalamagbo.

Gunnugun soore mapalori-mapalori

Akalamagbo soore mayogege-mayogege

Ojo mii joomi, bii k’eni o ma tie soore mo

Oro soore soore, oro o l’ewe l’ori

Afomo soore ko l’egbo

Dia fun Adekanmbi, omo palakala pejo

Omo ase k’oore o su ni i se

Nigbati o nlo oko alero l’odun

Ebo ni won ni o waa se

O ko’ti ogbonyin s’ebo

Eyin o ri Adekanmbi to pa ejo

To si pa eye


Gunnungun, the Vulture, did good things but became bald in the process

And Akalamagbo, did good deeds only to be inflicted with lump neck

Even a few days, one will feel like he does not want to do good things ever

Gold, the Cactus, did good things but has no leaf to show for his good deeds

And Afomo, the Parasite plant, did good things only to be left without root

These were the declarations of Ifa for Adekanmbi, the offspring of those who killed Akala the serpent

He who drives in such a way that one feels tired of doing good

When he was going to the farm for the annual plantation

He was advised to offer ebo

 He  Refuse to obey

You can see Adekanmbi who killed the snake

And he  kill the bird.

Ifa warns the person to whom this Odu is revealed not to give any assistance unless he or she wants to regret  for the rest of his or her life. it is in the best interest of this person to pay attention to the warning of Ifa.


*. We should not in any way disregard Ifa Instruction.

*.In  helping others moderation should be our watchword.


 Ifa says that for the person for whom this Odu is revealed he should not hide anything from what he is doing from   his children. He or she must allow all their things to be known by their children as this will someday save their life or career.

Ifa also says that for the person for whom this Odu is revealed it is almost certain that he would enter into a serious fight over his wife if he is a man and if it is a woman about his husband, for whom this Odu is revealed he will fight on her very soon. There is a need to offer ebo so that the outcome of this fight will be in his or her  favor.

There is a need to offer ebo with 3 cocks and money. There is also the need to serve Osanyin with a rooster and palm oil. In addition there is also the need to serve Ifa with a hen and money. About this Ifa says:

Olobounboun nii fo paata-piiti

Dia fun Orunmila

Ifa nloo gba Pupayemi

Tii se Obinrin Iku

Ebo ni won ni ko se


Olobounboun, the Beetle  in his unstable flight

These were the declarations of Ifa for Orunmila

When he was going to snatch Pupayemi

Iku's wife (death)

He was advised to offer ebo

Pupayemí colour red  -is appropriate-for me, it was palm oil. She was Iku's wife. Iku was very jealous of her. Pupayemi was very useful for every family but Iku did not want to hear about it. Whoever made use of Papuyemi, no matter how little was attacked and killed by Iku. Even so nobody could survive without the use of Pupayemi. Pupayemi  was useful for medicines, cooking, to make soap and other household chores. Of course without Pupayemi, no good soup could be made. Despite this, Iku did not want anyone to touch Pupayemi. He wanted her only for him. All pleas to iku to allow Pupayemi's utility to expand fell into deaf ears. Many people were dying or starving because they did not have access to Pupayemi.

One day Orunmila decided to take Pupa yemi to Iku and make it available to everyone. Consequently, it was by consultation of Ifa at the home of one of his former students mentioned above: Would he succeed in his mission? Was it the ability to scare or even defeat Iku when he eventually triumphed and Iku came with his inevitable wrath to launch his death attack? Would not he be dishonored in this assignment?

The Awo informed Orunmila that he wanted to take a serious confrontation that would eventually be beneficial to the world. He was assured that he would succeed in his mission. He was however warned that his opponent was indeed very strong. For this reason there was the need for his children and every member of his family knew everything he was planning to do since they could be the ones who could save his life in the final analysis. He was told to offer ebo with three cocks and money. Orunmila obeyed.

As he came home, Orunmila called each member of his family and together to inform them of his  intentions. They all gave their support and blessing. From there on they began the preparation for the meeting.

A few days after this, Orunmila approached Pupayemi and told her of his intentions to take her as her wife so that she would be of benefit to the whole world as Olodumare had created her for who she was, instead of being the property of Iku. Pupayemi told him that the day Orunmila would do this would be the happiest day of her life on earth since she was literally captive by Iku.

She nevertheless expressed her fear for Orunmila by the possible repressive of her husband. Orunmila assured Pupayemi that Iku would be curtail  in case of any confrontation. Pupayemi was overflowing with joy. There and then she moved into the house of Orunmila without bothering to pack her belongings from Iku's house.

As soon as Iku discovered that Pupayemi was too late to return home, he began to wage war against each and every one around him. When he realized that Papu yemi would never return home, he went mad. All the world and all things were vicy of its attack. By the time he knew it was Orunmila who had snatched his wife from him, he ran wild. To Iku's surprise, he discovered that the whole world was supporting Orunmila for having snatched his wife from him. He concluded that there was no more truth in the world than if someone who had taken his wife to another man would be the one who would be shown with undeserved sympathy and not the victim of such a bad action.

He therefore decided not to save anyone in his attack. That the whole world had begun to benefit from the separation of Papayemi from him meant nothing to him. He simply charged   his weapon and went to Orunmila house.

When Orunmila saw Iku in the distance, he knew, no doubt, that the war had begun. Then they began to fight. This confrontation was so fierce that one like that had never been witnessed before. All the enchantments of the two parts were used freely without any effect in each part. Many of his defense devices were totally destroyed. At that point Iku returned to his house to look for more weapons and enchantments. At that point, Iku Iku was taking a slight advantage over Orunmila which was showing signs of weariness. When Iku returned, the fight continued, it did not take long for it to become clear that Iku would defeat Orunmila.

It was at this point that the first son of Orunmila reminded his father not to forget an enchantment known as 'Oju-ko-t'eyin', the eyes do not see what is happening behind one's back. Thus Orunmila remembered this enchantment. He had forgotten it so far. Orunmila ran inside to get her enchantment, it was a garment of some kind but it was very powerful. He had explained all his family how it worked before the meeting with Iku. It was this kind of dress that Orunmila used to defeat Iku. Iku fled and granted Pupayemi to Orunmila.

Orunmila was full of gratitude to Olodumare, Ifa and his  Awo had told him to let his children and all the members of his family know what he was doing since they would be the ones who would save his life in the end. He realized that if it had not been because his son had reminded him of the 'Oju-ko-teyin

Olobounboun nii fo paata-piiti

Dia fun Orunmila

Ifa nloo gba Pupayemi

Tii se Obinrin Iku

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ko pe ko jinna

E wa ba ni ni ajase ogun


Olobounboun, the Beetle,  in his unstable flight

These were the declarations of Ifa for Orunmila

When he was going to snatch Papu yemi (palm oil)

Iku's wife (death)

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

Before long, not too far

Let's get together in the middle of victory

Ifa also warns the person to whom this Odu is revealed to do nothing to elude his wife to be snatched from him. He needs to be being helpful in everything he does so as not to incur the anger of his community against it.


*. It is good to share our knowledge with our surbordinate, children, or People under us,because They May be the one Who  will safe  us  with it one day.


Ifa says that he foresees the Ire to have children for the person for whom this Odu is revealed; Ifa says that this child will be very big and will be known all over the world. Ifa says that there is a need to offer ebo so that the boy's reputation is good and favorable.

There is a need to offer ebo with a mature goat, a red clothes, a black, and a white and money. There is also the need to serve Ogun with a rooster, palm oil and money. About this Ifa says:



Dia fun Ogun

Ti yoo bi’mo kan naa

Ti yoo wusi ka’ye

Ebo ni won ni ko se



And cry

They were the Awos who launched Ifa  for  Ogun

Who would make a son

Whose influence would be felt around the world

He was advised to offer ebo.

The name of Ogun's son was Ina (fire). When Ina was still in the womb, Ogun went for  consultation. He was informed that he will  beget  a child and this child would shake the world. He was told that if he offered ebo, the boy would shake the world; and if he failed to do so, the boy would still shake the world. He was however advised to offer ebo with , some white clothes, some red clothes and some black clothes so that the child   was only acclaimed only for good things. Ogun only made ebo so that the boy arrived safely and so that he had a great reputation in the land but failed to offer for the one of good reputation.

When Ina was born, her first day on earth  he  witnessed a series of changes and dramatic events. The midwife who attended the childbirth burned her hands beyond recognition. When they managed to give the first bath on the earth, the water was thrown towards some near shrubs. The bushes were razed.

Every time this baby was happy, people noticed him wearing red, black and white clothes with which his father had failed to offer ebo during the consultation of Ifa. Anyone who had contact with him at that time would have to blame himself. And when he became a teenager, it was worse. If he followed his colleagues to some house to play, the house was razed to the ground. Everyone inside the house who was unlucky enough not to escape in time lost their life. All the properties inside the house were destroyed. The outcry to bring Ina out of the neighborhood increased several times as a result of his destructive reputation, which he had won for himself.

This however was not everything. No one could cook without it. No blacksmith, jeweler, silversmith and many more could not work without it. No one could see at night if he was not. Despite his bad reputation, it was also discovered that no community on earth could live without it and did not even ignore it or look down on it. For this reason therefore, as some people were crying out for his  disappearance from society, so there were others fighting relentlessly for his   retention in the community.

After many discussions back and forth, they came to an agreement on how to deal with Ina, Ogun's son. Everyone agreed to treat him with care only when needed, not to allow him to play around houses, farms, estates, public lands or business concerns when it was not necessary, whenever they saw him with his white, red and black clothes put, everyone around him had to make sure that they were removed from him immediately.

In doing so, they soon realized that Ina could be controlled. Whatever their property or farm or even other properties were destroyed were considered unimportant or the incident considered accidental or an act of the gods.



Dia fun Ogun

Ti yoo bi’mo kan naa

Ti yoo wusi ka’ye

Ebo ni won ni ko se

Nje Okiki o


Okiki omo Ogun kan



And cry

They were the Awos who launched Ifa for Ogun

Who would make a son

Whose influence would be felt around the world

He was advised to offer ebo.

Now reputation

And even the clamor

The reputation of Ogun's son was felt everywhere around

Ifa says that the son of the person for whom this Odu is revealed will be known around the world. There is a need for him or her, however, to offer ebo so that the reputation of their child is not acquired by vices or antisocial behavior. There is a need to offer ebo so that your child's vast energy and potential are directed towards positive development in society.


 Ifa says that women will be instrumental in the success of the person for whom this Odu is revealed if it is a man. This despite though however, Ifa advises him  need to be extremely careful in all matters concerning women. This is because women, especially his wife, will surely be stretching their suffering and patience to an extreme. Ifa says he should be patient all the time.

Ifa says that the person or group for whom this Odu is revealed should not promise a thing to two people. If this has already been done, only Ibo and serve Ogun, Osoosi and Osaanla can remove the person or group from the problem and an unfavorable repercussion.

Ifa also warns to some women where this Odu is revealed that does not do something or behave in such a way that of place so that they are insulted or enclosed by it.

Ifa advises a pregnant woman to offer ebo and serve ifa and Esu where this Odu is revealed as well as to have a safe, predicted delivery free of any complication.

Ifa advises those invited to offer ebo with 3 hens, 3 roosters, 3 guns, 8 rats, 8 fish and money. They are to serve Esu Odara, Ifa, Osoosi, and Obatala as appropriate. On this a stanza in this Odu says:

Baba do l’Oko

Baba ba l’Oko

Baba f’eyin t’igi akoko poroporo

Baba je koko okoko

Oroo mi se tan ti yoo ko ni’gbayi

Dia fun Orunmila

Baba ns’awo lo si ilu Ekun

Ebo ni won ni ko se


Baba camped in her city of Oko

Baba landed in the city of Oko

And resting his back comfortably against a tree of akoko

And he ate twenty tubers of cocoyam

My problem is to have a head now

These were the declarations of Ifa for Orunmila

When he  was going on a spiritual mission to the city of Ekun

He was advised to offer sacrifice

When Orunmila wanted to leave Ado-Ekiti, his base of operation for the city of Ekun, he went to Ifa to consult his former students to determine how successful his trip in Ekun City would be. The Awo told him that he would achieve his mission in the city of Ekun but the most remunerative mission would be that a pregnant woman who would go into childbirth and who would be about to lose his life which would save him. She would be assisted to have a safe delivery. She would give birth to a girl and the girl would be an Apetebi. Orunmila was advised to offer ebo with 3 hens, 3 roosters, 8 rats, 8 fish and money. he Obey. Soon after, he left for his trip to the city of Ekun.

on landing  the city of Ekun, he saw a crowd before him. They look sad. He approached them and discovered a pregnant woman who was in their midst. For four days they had tried everything they knew to make her give birth when she fell into childbirth and it was simply impossible. She had grown very weak and was about to die. The multitude were the members of the family of her husband who was taking her to die inside. When Orunmila saw this, he told them that he would help them and that the woman would have a safe delivery. He said that the woman would give birth to a girl and that the girl was an Apetebi. The woman's relatives said that if this woman could have a safe birth, they would give Orunmila the child as wife when the girl was mature enough to get married.

Orunmila simply touched the woman's belly and the baby came out safely. The crowd was overwhelmed with joy. Faithful to Orunmila's predecessor, she was a child. Orunmila ties the beads of the Otutu Opun (Ifa) around his wrists and feet.

Shortly after he left, the woman began to complain of stomach aches again. The crowd began to panic once more. They searched Orunmila but could not find him.

Baba do l’Oko

Baba ba l’Oko

Baba f’eyin t’igi akoko poroporo

Baba je koko okoko

Oroo mi se tan ti yoo ko ni’gbayi

Dia fun Esu Odara

Ti ns’awo lo si ilu Ekun

Ebo ni won ni ko se


Baba camped in her city of Oko

Baba landed in the city of Oko

And resting his back comfortably against a tree of akoko

And he ate twenty tuber of cocoyam

My problem is to have a head now

These were the declarations of Ifa for Esu Odara

When he  was going on a spiritual mission to the city of Ekun

He was advised to offer sacrifice

Esu Odara also planned to go on a spiritual mission to the city of ekun. He was also consulted by Ifa. He was also assured that his mission to this city would be very rewarding and successful. He was also advised to offer ebo with 3 hens, 3 roosters, 3 guineas, 8 rats, 8 fish and money. He also acted and left for his journey.

Arriving in the city of Ekun, he met the same people in state of Confusion. He asked them what the problem was. They explained the woman to him and someone had tried to help her before before she could give birth to the baby, and that she was still complaining of stomach pains. Taking a look at this woman, Esu Odara explained that even through the birth of the baby, the placenta had not yet left the !womb of the woman and therefore, they had no reason to rejoice yet. They begged him   to help them. Esu Odara stated that to assist them, they had to give the baby's hand in marriage when she was mature enough for the wedding. They said that if he could assist in saving the mother, the girl would be the one in marriage. Esu Odara simply touched the woman's stomach and the placenta came out. Esu Odara then put her Osu (three strands of hair left on Esu's head adhered after the rest of the hair had been shaved) into the baby's head and left.

As soon as he left, the crowd began to celebrate. They danced around the city and everyone went home. None of them ever thought about the implications of their actions at all.

Eighteen years later, Orunmila sent a message to them that in three moon   he would come to claim his wife. On the night of the same day, Esu Odara sent his own message that in three moon he would also be going to take his wife. That is how the ekun people know that there is problem in their hands fell into account. They deliberated for a long time on how to find a solution to their problem but there was none . They did not want to face the wrath of either of these two great personalities. When they discovered that there was virtually no form passed by them, they decided to seek Ifa's assistance in finding a solution to their problem. They went to get help at home from:

Awon Ogun l’awo amooge

Osoosi l’awo amooya

Oosanla l’awo amoo-tase

Dia fun won ni ilu Ekun

Nibi ti won gbe nf’eku kan re omo meji

Ebo ni won ni ki won se


Ogun is the Awo who knows how to cut (trees)

Osoosi is the Awo who knows how to design

And Oosanla is the Awo who knows how to put Ase (dust that allows something to manifest)

They were the ones who threw Ifa for them in the city of Ekun

When they promised a rat to favor two children

They were advised to offer ebo

The inhabitants of the city of Ekun approached Ogun, Osoosi and Oosanla for  a solution to their problem. The three Awos blamed them for not having thought properly before promising a single child for the two Esu Odara and Orunmila. They said they did not care how many situations they had, they should not lose the sense of reasoning because if someone promised anything he or she could not do it to get out of a bad situation, he or she is only postponing the evil day. They said that if the inhabitants of the city of Ekun had informed Esu Odara that they had previously promised to give the baby to Orunmila, Esu would not have insisted on marrying the girl again. In the worst case, Esu would have asked for something else which they could have resolved long before.

Having said this, Ogun said that if they could give him what he would take, he would assist them to cut a good load of wood to find the solution to their problem. They gave Ogun what he wanted and he helped them cut the wood. Osoosi said that if they could give him what he wanted to take from them, he would help them design the wood. They gave him and he helped them to design the wood in the true semblance of the girl. Oosanla said that if they could give him what he would take from them, he would help them use his   ASE  to solve their problem. They gave Oosanla what he wanted. Oosanla in turn c ut the wood in two equal parts from the head down. He also cuts the girl on two sides of the wood. He joins the left side with the right side of the wood. He repeated the same with the right side of the girl and the left side of the wood. Using her Ase and work became two identical girls. No one could distinguish one from the other. Everyone went home happy.

On the wedding day, they gave Esu Odara one girl and gave Orunmila the other. None of them complained. Everything came out smooth. There was a big party invulcerating the whole city. everyone went there to witness the miracle. It was also the conversation of the city for a long time.

At home, the first three months went fast for Orunmila and Esu Odara. His two wives displayed the qualities of good wives. They were obedient, accommodating, clean, homely and simple. They prepared the food on time and regularly. They took good care of their homes and their environment. They loved everyone and everyone loved them in return. Everyone in the neighborhood prayed for such wives.

The next three months were a different thing. These women became incorrigible. Rude, intolerance, , indisipline,disobedience, careless and mannerless.  They insulted their husbands and their relationships opened up. They dishonored their husbands in precense of  their clients .The three months were like thirty years of agony for Orunmila and for Esu Odara.

One day, tired of the attitude of his wife, orunmila decided to return her to the house of her  parents. He informed his parents that he would be arriving in the city of   Ekun in three days to deliver  their daughter to  them. when relatives heard this, they were able to go where Ogun, Osoosi and Oosanla to seek  assistance of  their Awo.

The three Awos asked them to go home and that they would be there when Orunmila arrived. Truly, they were in their houses on the third day when Orunmila arrived with his wife. When Orunmila was about to speak, the three Awos began to plead with Orunmila, using Iyere (Ifa song) saying:

Orunmila ma biinu

Ifa koo mu suuru o

Egbe kan eeyan

Egbe kan igi l’obinrin

Baba ma biinu o

Baba koo mu suuru egbe kan eeyan

Egbe kan igi l’obinrin


Orunmila, please do not get angry

Ifa, please be patient.

Half human

And half Wood is what the woman is

Baba, please do not get angry

Baba, please exercise patience.

Half human

And half Wood, is what the woman is

When Orunmila heard this, he simply turned with his wife and returned to Ado-Ekiti from where he came. Every time the wife behaved well, he knew it was the human side that was working. And every time she misbehaved, he knew that his part of non-human wood was the one he was working on. Nothing that his wife did ever surprised, frightened or annoyed anyone else. He was just being amused by his wife's behavior every day.

Baba do l’Oko

Baba ba l’Oko

Baba f’eyin t’igi akoko poroporo

Baba je koko okoko

Oroo mi se tan ti yoo ko ni’gbayi

Dia fun Orunmila

Baba ns’awo lo si ilu Ekun

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Baba do l’Oko

Baba ba l’Oko

Baba f’eyin t’igi akoko poroporo

Baba je koko okoko

Oroo mi se tan ti yoo ko ni’gbayi

Dai fun Esu Odara

Ti ns’awo lo si ilu Ekun

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Awon Ogun l’awo amooge

Osoosi l’awo amooya

Oosanla l’awo amoo-tase

Dia fun won ni ilu Ekun

Nibi ti won gbe nf’eku kan re omo meji

Ebo ni won ni ki won se

Nje Orunmila ma biinu

Ifa koo mu suuru o

Egbe kan eeyan

Egbe kan igi l’obinrin

Baba ma biinu o

Baba koo mu suuru

Egbe kan eeyan

Egbe kan igi l’obinrin


Baba camped in her city of Oko

Baba landed in the city of Oko

And rest your back comfortably against a tree of akoko

And he ate twenty tubers of koko

My problem is to have a head now

These were the declarations of Ifa for Orunmila

When  he was going on a spiritual mission to the city of Ekun

He was advised to offer sacrifice

He obeyed

Baba camped in the city of Oko

Baba landed in the city of Oko

And resting his back comfortably against a tree of akoko

And he ate twenty tubers of koko

My problem is to have a head now

These were the declarations of Ifa for Esu Odara

When  he was going on a spiritual mission to the city of Ekun

He was advised to offer sacrifice

He obeyed

Ogun is the Awo who knows how to cut (trees)

Osoosi is the Awo who knows how to design

And Oosanla is the Awo who knows how to put Ase (dust that allows something to manifest)

They were the ones who threw Ifa for them in the city of Ekun

When they promised a rat to favor two children

They were advised to offer ebo

They obeyed

Orunmila, please do not be angry

Ifa, please be patient.

Half human

And half Wood is what the woman is

Baba, please do not get angry

Baba, please exercise patience.

Half human

And half Wood, that's what a woman is

Ifa says that with understanding and patience, the person for whom this Odu is revealed will live a fruitful and pleasant life. He or she will enjoy and achieve all the desires of your heart.


*. During the time the  of dire  needs, when We are in search For help, we  should be aware of  the committment and  promises we make so that  we Dont make promises that will be difficut to fullfil or have grave consequence in  future.


Ifa says that for the person to whom this Odu is revealed not only has to acquire all the Ire of life, but he  will obtain it in a very delicious way and in the most appropriate time. Ifa says that as Ifa keeps all Ire in life insured for him or her, it is also that Obatala will make sure to give it to him or her in the most appropriate periods and in the most delicious way.

Ifa says that the life for the person for whom this Odu is revealed will   be sweet and enjoyable. Ifa says that Obatala would add honey into her life. he or she will   be able to obtain the desires of his heart at the time when they would enjoy it more. He or she will never regret in life.

Ifa, advise the person to whom this Odu is revealed to offer ebo with honey, bananas, sugar, alcohol and all sweet fruits and money. He or she is advised to serve Ifa and Obatala with 16 snails  each and every kind of sweet fruit. On this aspect Ifa says:

Pankere wonjon-wonjon Awo inu Igbo

Dia fun Oosanla Oseeregmagbo

Ti yoo fi aladun funIreke

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se


Pankere wonjon-wonjon, the weak willow is the Awo of the Forest

It was the Awo who threw Ifa for Oosanla Oseregmagbo

Who will  give sweetness to Ireke, the sugar cane

He was advised to make ebo

Ireke, the sugar cane, was spatially chosen by Orisanla Oseeremagbo as her favorite. He planned to make it the sweetest of all the reeds. For this reason Orisanla Oseeremagbo was consulte divination of   Ifa in the house of the Awo mentioned above.

The Awo advised Orisanla Oseeremagbo to offer ebo with honey and all the sweet fruits that he could lay his hands on. He did it.

Shortly after this, he was able to give Ireke the sweetness that no other reed could ever boast. Ireke had riches, she was asked afterwards, she had her own husband and children at the most appropriate time, she made the swampy areas and the savanna his dwelling, she lived for a long time; she was highly respected and honored. All those who knew Ireke prayed to Olodumare, Ifa and Osanla to make their lives as sweet as Ireke's. For this reason Ireke had every reason to be grateful to Olodumare his creator, Ifa and Obatala his benefactors who had specially chosen her for this rare favor and privilege. She therefore sang and danced and was praising them all the time.

Pankere wonjon-wonjon Awo inu Igbo

Dia fun Oosanla Oseeregmagbo

Ti yoo fi aladun funIreke

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ti a ba l’aje eni l’owo

Sebi aladun ara eni ni o

Orisanla Oseeremagbo lo f’aladun fun Ireke

Ifa je n r’adun ara a mi je o

Bi a ba l’aya eni n’ile

Sebi aladun ara eni ni o

Orisanla Oseeremagba lo f’aladun fun Ireke

Ifa je n r’adun ara a mi je o

Bi a ba l’omo eni n’ile

Sebi aladun ara eni ni o

Orisanla Oseeremagba lo f’aladun fun Ireke

Ifa je n r’adun ara a mi je o

Bi a ba l’ogbo eni l’aye

Sebi aladun ara eni ni o

Orisanla Oseeremagba lo f’aladun fun Ireke

Ifa je n r’adun ara a mi je o

Bi a ba ni’re gbogbo l’owo

Sebi aladun ara eni ni o

Orisanla Oseeremagba lo f’aladun fun Ireke

Ifa je n r’adun ara a mi je o


Pankere wonjon-wonjon, the weak willow is the Awo of the Forest

It was the Awo who threw Ifa for Oosanla Oseregmagbo

Who will  give sweetness to Ireke, the sugar cane

He was advised to make ebo

He obeyed

If a person has wealth

It is surely the sweetness of that person

Obatala was the one who was giving sweetness to Ireke

Ifa allows me to enjoy the sweetness of my person

If a person has his own wife

It is surely the sweetness of that person

Obatala was the one who was giving sweetness to Ireke

Ifa allows me to enjoy the sweetness of my person

If a person has had a long life in their life

It is surely the sweetness of that person

Obatala was the one who was giving sweetness to Ireke

Ifa allows me to enjoy the sweetness of my person

If a person has had all the good things in life

It is surely the sweetness of that person

Obatala was the one who was giving sweetness to Ireke

Ifa allows me to enjoy the sweetness of my person

Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed will triumph in life because he or she has been specially chosen by Ifa and Obatala. He or she will live a very delicious life as if his life were as sweet as the juice of the sugar cane.


Ifa says that he foresees all Ire in life for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa  says that he or she is waiting for something great that would change his life for the better; Ifa says that all these things will come to the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa says he or she must receive all these things within 30 days.

Ifa says there is a need for the person for whom this Odu is revealed to offer ebo with money and to serve Ifa with a 4-valve kola nut for 30 days daily. Ifa says that before this ritual is complete, he or she will achieve everything he or she has set out to achieve.

About this Ifa says:

Kanranjongbon l’oba won ninu igbo

Dia fun Baba-Af’eyinti-jogbon-obi

Igba  ti nsunkon owo oun o to’re

Ebo ni won ni ko se


The Kanranjongbon rope is the king of ropes in the forest

This was the Awo who threw Ifa for Baba-who- he reclines and -consume-thirty-kola nuts

When he lamented for his inability to achieve all Ire in life

He was advised to offer ebo

Baba-Afeyinti-jogbon-obi, the-who-lay-and-consume-thirty kola-nuts had several things in his mind. He is pursuing many things but none of it has manifested itself. As much as the deal, all his efforts were in vain. This brought him to start with. He was advised to go and consult Ifa. He did it.

The Awo told him that he would achieve all the desires of his heart within 30 days. He was advised to offer ebo with money and to serve Ifa with a kola nut per day for 30 days. He obeyed. As he began to serve Ifa with a kola nut daily, all the pieces were broken and he was able to achieve everything he had proposed and laid hands. By the time it was 30 days he was already a very happy person. He was then singing, dancing and praising his Awo and Ifa.

Kanranjongbon l’oba won ninu igbo

Dia fun Baba-Af’eyinti-jogbon-obi

Igba  ti nsunkon owo oun o to’re

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ero Ipo, ero Ofa

Ko too f’eyin ti j’ogbon obi tan

Ire gbogbo a t’owo Awo


The Kanranjongbon rope is the king of ropes in the forest

This was the Awo who threw Ifa for Baba- who- he reclines and -consume-thirty-kola nuts

When he lamented for his inability to achieve all Ire in life

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

Travelers to the cities of Ipo and Ofa

Before he lay down to complete eating 30 kola nuts

And the Ire in life was within reach of the Awo

Ifa says that all Ire in life will be given to the person for whom this Odu has been revealed. All these Ires can be reached during 30 days. However this does not mean that the person for whom this Odu is revealed does not need to pursue his goals with more zeal and enthusiasm than before in order to reach the desires of his heart. This only means that all the obstacles will go away and will allow the person for whom this Odu is revealed so that he uses all his energy talents to make his dreams come true.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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