Click on the Vedio above to watch and download   Never Doubt Yourself (Motivational Video) The Enemy Within
Team Fearless

 In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will reveal and document one of the leading Ifa chants/prayer available in Reformed Africa Ifa Spirituality (RAIF)  that can be use to subdue and deal with enemies who are trying  to bring you down or wishes you   any kind of evil. This prayer to be document in this work can also be use in form of Akose Ifa (Ifa medicine) or simply as Ifa prayers. It has spiritual power to weaken your enemies and make catastrophe befall on them and their household, debilitating sickness and untimely death is the portion of your enemies through this kind of Ifa chants. It can also make enemies die before their time. If someone or group of people choose be your enemies and you are using this kind of Akose Ifa (Ifa medicine ) or prayer. You don’t need to bother too much because such enemy or group of enemies have automatically signed their warrant to die prematurely. This prayer have the ability to make the Orisa  like Ile (mother earth), Esu, Sango, and other deities to start to work against such enemy or enemies . While will you feel bother with person that will face problems , due to the fact that he/she   try to step on your toes. Such is the power of this prayer. There is noting wrong with having enemies. It is even better for you to have a declared opponents than not to know where you stand in life. We all have people in our lives who try to bring us down. It may be in place of business, political arena , Place of work , It even happen in spirituality. People do thing to you to bring you down. When people do this to you . It is not because you are a bad person or not good  , They are just try to use it gain an edge over you and use you to advance their own course probably you are threat to them or means of their survival . You don’t need to be like them, but prepare yours self in such away that they end up losing their own life in course of pursuing you. Such is the power of Ifa chants be document in this wok.   If you want to use this prayer in form of Akose Ifa. You will need the following:

Odidi agbo funfun (a matured giant white ram)

Odidi akukodiye pupa (a matured red cock)

Odidi igbin to kinu (a big matured snail)

Ori ati iru oka tutu (fresh and tail of cobra)

Isu emina (dioscorea bulbifera)

Esuru pupa (dioscorea dumentorum)

Ogede wewe pipon (very ripe banana),

Edun ara  (thunder stone)

oku imi esumara tabi Isu pupa (ecxreta of rainbow god)

Iyo (salt)

Ewe ikupero(leaves of dichrocephala intergrifolia)

Sere  (gourd).

Burn all the items excluding white ram and red cock and the gourd . After pulverized it , pour the powder derived on Ifa divination tray or even any flat tray will do if you don’t have Opon Ifa. Then use it to imprint the following Odu Ifa  in  sequential order :Irete Ose on the right hand side of the tray, Ejiogbe in the middle, Obara ika on left. It will appear thus

you  will  proceed to recite this Ifa verse

OLODUMARE odi owo e

Ifa odi owo e

Oke Orun fio

Orun oke lawo ebiti

Ki iku ma lo sile elejo

Ki Arun Malo sile olodi Awo

Orunmila ni o di perepere Ile n sebo

Ifa ni tile ba n sebo

Ota elejo Awo ni ma n roo lo

Orunmila ki awon Ota mi ma ro lo si ode Orun girigiri



Monamona oniko lorun

Okunrin gidigbi oke ibode

Ti fori se Ile iku

Ti na Ese di ona ofoo ati ona Arun dahindahin

Ajakaye a foju rin igun loju

Omo ekun dudu igbo iworan

Ti mu ori asegun wa sile aye

Odogbo nikangi

Won difa fun orunmila

Nijo ti ifa ti ikole Orun bo wa si Ile aye

Won ni iwo orunmila

Aye ti o hun lo yi ti o hun lo yi le laleju

Orunmila bere pe awon wo lo wa Nibe

Won ni awon Oso lo wa Nibe

Won ni awon aje lo wa Nibe

Won ni awon alapepa lo wa Nibe

Won ni awon alapeta lo wa Nibe

Won ni awon alafaa lo wa Nibe

Won ni awon alabilu lo wa Nibe

Won ni awon alasan lo wa Nibe

Orunmila ni ohun yio lo na

Igba ti ifa n lo

O mu iyawo re dani

O mu omo Awo re dani

Igba ti orunmila de Ile aye

Obirin to mu dani won pa

Omo Awo to mu dani won pa

Inu bi orunmila

O  n pada salade Orun

Igba ti on pada lo

O pade irete asegun  lona

Irete asegun  ni kilode orunmila?

Orunmila ni ode aye ko se gbe

Irete asegun ni ki orunmila ni subu ki o mai pada sode Orun

Ibi ti won gbe soro lowo

Obara ika de ba won Nibe

orunmila ko o ro fun obara ika

Ibi ti won gbe soro lowo

Ile de bawon

Orunmila ko o ro fun Ile

Ibi tan gbe tun soro lowo

Oodua de ba won lenu re

Orunmila tun ko, o ro fun Oduduwa

Nibi ti won gbe soro lowo

Ogun de bawon Nibe

Orunmila ko o ro fun ogun

Ibi ti won gbe soro lowo

Sango de bawon Nibe

Orunmila tun ko o ro fun sango

Ibi ti won tun gbe soro lowo

Esu de bawon Nibe

Orunmila tun ko, o ro fun esu

Irete asegun ni ki orunmila ko lo toju esuru

Obara ika ni ki orunmila lo toju Isu emina

Ejiogbe ni ohun na yio toju Ori oka

Sango ni ohun na yio ya toju edun

Won ni ki orunmila ki o toju Agbo kan

Ki o toju akukodiye pupa kan

Won ti won bati fi gbogbo re se ifa fun orunmila tan

Ki orunmila pada si isalu aye

won se ifa yi fun orunmila

Orunmila wa beere pe

Kini ipin onikaluku won ti won yio se fun ohun?

Irete asegun ni ohun yio duro si owo otun

Ohun ni yio ma fi esuru so ogun ti n bo loju

Ohun a si Segun fun orunmila

Obara ika ni ohun you o duro si owo osi

Ohun yio of fi emina bo ogun ti n bo loju

Ohun ni ohun o ba orunmila  Segun  won

Sango ni ohun yio o duro si sanmon

Oni gbogbo ogun ti n ba bo  ni ohun yio ma ba orunmila so edun lu

Ile ni ori ohun pelu oju ni omo araye ma n duro ma gbimonran buruku

O ni ohun yio o ma gbe won MI

Ogun ni enikeni ti o ba ji

Ti jehun oko

Ti jehun ada

Ti jehun obe

Ti o wa gbero buruku si orunmila

Bi o ba wa ninu oko

Bi o ba wa ninu keke

Ijamba yio see

Bi o ba wa loko

Oko yio sa lowo

Ada yio sa lese

Obe yin bu lowo

Ipa yi o si wo o

Oodua ni ohun nitohun oju iwokuwo ti won fi n wo orunmila

Ni Ohun yi o  ma  fi esin yo danu

Esu nise tohun kumo meji ni olodumare fun Ohun

Oni awon kumo yi ni Ohun o ma fi lu Ota orunmila pa

Ejiogbe ni Ohun yi o sora di ejo oka

Ota ti ba bo lotun

Ota ti bo losi

Awon Ota ti tiwaju bo

Awon Ota ti gba eyin bo

Oni Ohun yio ma sa won pa ni

AKINLOLU loruko ti an pe ifa

Emiwowo ni oruko ti a n pe Ile

Monamona oniko olorun ni oruko ti a n pe sango

Ajakaye afoju rin gun loju ni oruko ti a n pe ogun

Odogbo nikangi ni oruko ti a n pe Oduduwa

Okunrin gidigbi oke ibode

Ti n fori se Ile iku

Ti na Ese di ona ofo ati ona Arun dahindahin

Ni oruko ti a n pe esu odara

Omo ekun dudu igbo iworan

 ti mu ori asegun wale aye ni oruko ti a n pe iwo ejiogbe

Babalawo ni ba pe ori mi Nibi

Ifa lo pa ninu won

Ile ko pa ninu won

Arira oke ba won ja

Onisegun ni ba pe ori mi Nibi

Ifa ko pa ninu won

Ile ko pa ninu won

Arira oke ba won ja

Iba je Alaafa onitira ni pe ori MI Nibi

Ifa ko pa ninu won

Ile ko pa ninu won

Arira oke ba won ja

Iba je woli lo pe ori mi Nibi ifa ko pa ninu won

Ile ko pa ninu won

Arira oke ba won ja

Oso ni ba pe ori mi ni Ibi

Ifa ko pa ninu

Ile ko pa ninu won

Arira oke ba won ja

Aje ni ba pe ori mi ni Ibi

Ifa ko pa ninu won

Ile ko pa ninu won

Arira oke ba won ja

Alapepa ni ba pe ori mi  ni Ibi

Ifa ko pa ninu won

Ile ko pa  ninu won

Arira oke ba won ja

Alapeta lo ba n pe ori mi ni Ibi

Ifa ko pa ninu won

Ile ko pa ninu won

Arira oke ba won ja

Alaaasan ni ba npe ori mi ni Ibi

Ifa ko pa ninu won

Ile ko pa ninu won

Arira oke ba won ja

Ko o pa ninu won

ma ba won ja

MA ba won de Ile koko

Kini ko lori awon Ota mi

Akukodiye gagara

Ni n ko lori awon Ota mi

Akukodiye gagara

Aya esuru ki wo odo

Akukodiye gagara

Ni nko lori awon ota mi

Akukodiye gagara

Aya emina ki wo olo

Akukodiye gagara

Ni n ko lori

Awon ota mi

Akukodiye gagara

TI Ogede ba pon se ni tinu re domi

Akukodiye gagara

Ni ko lori awon ota mi

Akukodiye gagara

Ero ko ro Ibi siwon

Akukodiye gagara ni

Ni ko lori awon ota mi

Akukodiye gagara

Gberesi ko sibi siwon

Akukodiye gagara

Ni ko lori awon ota mi

Akukodiye gagara

Ojo ti igbin ba fenu kan iyo ni se asise

Ki awon ota se asise

Akukodiye gagara

Ni n ko awon ota mi

Akukodiye gagara

OLODUMARE (God) come and handle this yourself

Ifa comes and handle this your self

The far distance of heaven

The Astral mountains, is the divining priest of Ebiti

Let untimely death goes to the homes of those who are in contention with the Awo

And let dreadful affliction goes to home of all the enemies of the Awo

Orunmila said gigantic landslide is approaching

If gigantic landslide is approaching

It is those who are enemies, and who are in contention with the Awo that will be the  aimed victims

Orunmila let all my enemies rush into their early grave in their multitudes



The thunder lightening, the messenger of heaven

The sturdy man by the boundary of mountains side

Who uses his head to block off house of death

And uses his legs to barricade the home of loss and affliction firmly

Global war Lord, who confront war eyeballs to eyeballs

Offspring of the black Leopard of the wilderness of Iwonran

Who has brought the destiny to always have victory from heaven

Odogbo nikangi

They are priest who cast Ifa divination for Orunmila

On the day Orunmila was coming from heaven to earth

They told orunmila, this world you are going to is full of evils

Orunmila inquire, who are the people there on earth?

They answer orunmila thus, that the wizards are there

Witches are there

Those who assassinate other through dreams call are there

Those who shoot other to death were there

Those who use evil incantations to kill their fellow human beings were there

Those who are found of doing evil against their fellow human beings were there

Orunmila said still I will go to the world despite the presence of these people

when he embark on the journey

He took his wife

He also took along his Ifa apprentice

When Orunmila get to earth

They people on earth kill the woman he took along with him to keep his company

They kill his Ifa apprentice as well

Orunmila was exceedingly infuriated

He decided to return back to heaven

On his way back to heaven

He met Irete asegun (Irete the Victorious one) on the way

Irete the Victorious ask orunmila what is wrong with you

Orunmila reply him that the earth is too unbearable for him to live

Irete the Victorious implore Orunmila to exercise patience

He advise him not to return to heaven yet

They were still on the discussion

When Obara Ika arrive at the spot

Orunmila explain the same story to Obara ika

As he was still narrating the ordeal to Obara ika

Ile (Mother earth )arrive at the spot

Orunmila narrate his ordeal on earth to Ile

They were yet to through with the discussion

When Oodua arrive

Orunmila also narrate the ordeal to Oodua

They were still at the point of discussion

Ogun arrive at the scene

Orunmila also narrate his ordeal on earth to ogun

They were still discussing the matter

When sango arrive

Orunmila also narrate his ordeal on earth to sango

He is yet to through with sange

When Esu arrive at the scene

Orunmila also narrate his ordeal on earth to Esu

Irete the Victorious demand that orunmila should get a diascorea dumentorum

Obara ika ask orunmila to get diascorea bulbifera

Ejiogbe promised that he will get cobra's head.

Sango on his own promise to get thunder stone

They told orunmila to get mature Ram

A mature cock

They said that they will use all this to prepare spiritual power for him

After wish orunmila can go back to Earth

Orunmila now ask them what role will each of them play for him on his return to earth

Irete asegun said that he will stand on the right hand side

He will use the dioscorea dumentorum to confuse any war or upheavals against orunmila

And he will overcome all the enemies of him

Obara ika promise to stand  at the left hand side

He said he will use diascorea bulbifera to confuse any upheavals coming against orunmila

he said he also will help orunmila to conquer all his enemies

Sango promise on his own to stay in the sky

He said all enemies carrying war to orunmila

He will be throwing thunder stones to them

Land on it own promised

That all enemies usually stand on Land to plan their evil deeds

Land promise to swallow the enemies of orunmila

Ogun declared that any body who woke up in the morning

And eat any food produce by hoe

Food produce by cutlass

Or food product by knife

If such person planned any evil against orunmila

If the person board any vehicle

The vehicle will meet with accident

if he board bycircle he will meet with accident.

If he is working in the field

Hoe and cutlass will injure him terribly

If he was in the house

He will be terribly injure by knife

He will lose his balance

Oodua on his own pledge that any body who looks at orunmila with contempt and disdain

He will use his peg to pluck out their eyes

Esu said OLODUMARE (God) ha given to 7 clubs

He said he will beat all the enemies of orunmila to Death with the clubs

Ejiogbe on his said he metamorphosise into a  snake

And all enemies coming from the right hand side

All enemies from the left hand side

All enemies coming from the front

And all enemies coming from behind

He will bite all of them to death

Akinlolu is the name of Ifa

Emiwowo is the name of Ile (land)

The lightening, the messanger of heaven is the name of sango(god of thunder)

The sturdy man by the the boundary of mountain side

Who uses his head to block off the home of death

And uses his leg to barricade the home of loss and affliction very firmly is the name of Esu odara

Global war Lord, who confronted war eyeballs to eye balls is the name of ogun (god of iron)

The offspring of black Leopard of the wilderness of Iwonran

Who has brought destiny of victory from heaven to earth is the name of Ejiogbe

Odogbo nikangi is the name of Oodua

If any  babalawo (ifa preists) plan evil against me

Ifa kill among them

Ile kill among them

Thunder of heaven strike them and confront them

If any herbalist or native doctor plan evil against me

Ifa kill among them

Ile kill among them

Thunder of heaven strike and confront them

If it is any Muslim clerics that plan evil against me

Ifa kill among them

Ile kill among them

Thunder of heaven strike them and confront them

If it is any prohet or pastors that plan evil against me

Ifa kill among them

Ile kill among them

Thunder of heaven strike and confront them

If it is witches that  plan evil against me

Ifa kill among them

Ile kill among  them

Thunder of heaven strike them

If any wizard plan evil against me

Ifa kill among them

Ile kill among them

Thunder of heaven strike and confront them

All evil perpetrators who ara planning evil against me

Ifa kill among them

Ile kill among them

Thunder strike and confronted them

Kill among them

Confront them

Follow them to their homes

What is crowing inside the head of my enemies

A mature cock is crowing inside the head of my enemies

Dioscorea dumentorium can not be pounded inside mortal for pounded yam

The gigantic cock

Is crowing inside the head you enemies

Dioscorea bulbifera can not be grind on the grinding stone

The gigantic cock

Is crown inside the head of my enemies

ero leave will push back all their evil plan to them.

The giant cock

Is crowing inside the head of my enemies

Gberesi leave will let all their evil deeds accompany the enemies

Gigantic cock

Is crowing inside the head of my enemies

When a banana ripe it content will turn into water

Gigantic cock

Is crowing inside the head of my enemies

When a snail taste salt, he as already abuse his life

Let my enemies abuse their life

A gigantic cock

Is crowing inside the head of my enemies

These  powder will be pack and pour in the gourd. The ram will be killed, the blood of the ram will be use

to Propitiate and Rob the gourd. The hen will be killed and part of the blood will be use to Propitiate the gourd. Some of the feather and hair of the ram will be stick with gourd at one side when the blood is still fresh on it. If you have access to Sango shrine part of the meat should be offer to Sango with  it other ingredients. The powder can be use as in incision, it can be taken with gin, it can be taking with yam porridge. Incision is long life. Eating is once a year.

NB : Some early Ifa theologian are of opinion that it is mandatory you offer the ram to Sango. While other were of the view that it is not necessary since you have use Edun ara(Sango stone ) during the preparation. The feeding of Sango is deem to ceremonial there.

It is also instructive that this chants can be use ordinarily. Without making the preparation.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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