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Many young ladies or women in most cases do have marital, fertility and relationships problems. Some no matter how able and beautiful they are no man or guy will approach them for relationship, and some even if  they are medically fit they wouldn't be able to get pregnant and in most cases if they get pregnant. It results in miscarriages all the time. Many even if they are in good relationship is either they develop sudden hatred for their partner or vice versa. Experience of unnecessary sexual Intercourse in dreams with another man who they don't know or some time the man will use veil to cover his face. Many a women without being pregnant or nurse any baby will occasionally developed a breast like nursing mothers all this aforementioned challenges can in most cases be traceable to Oko Orun (spiritual husband) but it must be noted that the fact that a woman experience one or more of these aforementioned symptom doesn't indicate that the woman have Oko Orun (spiritual husband) . It is only through spiritual divination reading that one can discover and ascertain that any woman experiencing one or more of the aforementioned facts have Oko Orun (spiritual husband).Then through ifa divination solutions will then be proffer. Then the question now is what is the believe and concepts of Oko Orun is all about, and what makes some women have or experience Oko Orun(spiritual husband)? And what is the solution to Oko Orun? I will now elaborate on them in detail.

Oko Orun (spiritual husband) is a spiritual husband who prevent a lady or a woman from having fruitful marriage in real life, or having successful relationship or have a fruit of the womb. Oko Orun can be as results of the lady spiritual agreement with her egbe(the comrades of heaven) that she will marry among them but if unfortunately for her male counterparts she promise to marry has not come to this real world with her. She is likely to experience Oko Orun (spiritual husband problems) and all factors explain in first paragraph of this work she is likely to experience it. Most common is sexual Intercourse in the dream with a veil man and some seeing semen on outer cover of her virginal even without having sexual Intercourse with any man.

Another means in which a woman can experience Oko Orun (spiritual husband)  is Afise (when evil people turn their self to men to have sexual Intercourse often with a woman in the dreams) in this second case the woman doesn't have egbe (Astral mate or comrade of heaven) that she makes relationship covenant with. It is the people of this world  that are evil people that use their evil power to destabilize her marital life. Wicked people normally use sexual Intercourse in the second category to prevent woman from getting pregnant or to experience constant miscarriage. However it is instructive to note that we also have Oko oru(spiritual night husband) which is share some similarities with Oko orun(spiritual husband) ,but the two are different. A man may also suffer from Iyawo Orun(spiritual wife) .All these three aforementioned will be explained and distinction will be made on it. I will also use this medium to correct the erroneous view held by some pastors , prophets, Muslim clerics (alfaa), even some practicing Babalawo too still follow suit and make same mistake hence the solutions become more difficult for these category of people who make this mistake, who do think Oko Orun tabi iyawo Orun (spiritual husband or wife) is the same thing as Oko oru or iyawo oru (night husband or wife) I will first explain each in turn. Let start from Oko Oru or iyawo Oru (night husband or wife) Oko Orun or iyawo Oru is an ebora (a spirit) that usually come in dreams to a person in dreams during the night and have sexual Intercourse with the person. If this spirits want to come to a man he will come in form of a very beautiful woman that the man cannot resist but have sex with during the dream. If the spirit want to come to a woman he will come in form of an handsome man that the woman wouldn't be able to resist but have sex with in the dream. In Yoruba spirituality this is called Oko Oru tabi iyawo Oru (night husband or night wife). This issue of night husband is a universal problems face by every race. It is called different name in different cultures. In western culture Oko Oru or iyawo Oru(night husband or night wife) is known as Succubus and Incubus, A Succubus is refer to as a demon in a female form which appears in dreams and take form of a beautiful woman to seduce men to have sex with her in dream. The male counterpart of this demon is Incubus :Incubus is a demon that appears in form of man to women in their dreams to have sex with them. This same Oko Oru or iyawo Oru (night husband or wife) is refer to in Islamic tradition as a demon know as karina or Quarina. The same thing that yoruba spirituality refer to as Oko Oru or iyawo Oru (night husband or wife) is known by people of ancient middle Eastern culture as Lilith, to them Lilith was a demon that come in form of male or female to have sexual Intercourse with a person during the night. So the effects of Oko Oru or Iyawo Oru (night husband or wife) is usually sickness and sometime death. But mostly sickness and sometimes time financial stagnation. And in most cases Oko Oru and iyawo Oru (night wife or night husband) is usually cause through immoral life style and afise) the wicked people can invoke this spirits to affect their victims life negatively. Oko Oru or iyawo Oru(night husband or wife) doesn't cause infertility or delay marriage. It is Oko Orun or iyawo Orun (spiritual or Astral husband or wife) that do cause infertility or marital or relationship challenges so who is Oko Orun or iyawo Orun (spiritual husband or wife) a spiritual husband or wife conditions is a situation in which a man usually have sexual Intercourse with a woman in the dreams and having relationship affair in the dream with a woman. In case of a woman , a woman is said to have spiritual husband if she do have sexual Intercourse or relationship affairs with a man in the dreams. This condition is common with women than men. A woman or man that have spiritual husband or wife will not sick or die as the case of Oko oru (night husband or wife) what usually happens to  a person who have spiritual husband or wife are :inability to get pregnant and in case of a man inability to impregnate a woman, inability of a woman or man to maintain a relationship that will lead to marriage. Even if he or she eventually marry it will end in divorce or one the spouse died untimely making him /her remain single. If in case of a woman she get pregnant she will be experiencing miscarriages. I will go to it in detail soon in next paragraph. So from the explanation above we can see Oko Oru tabi iyawo oru(night husband or wife) is different from Oko Orun tabi iyawo Orun (spiritual husband or wife). So their solution is different. As I explained in the first paragraph of this work, I make it clear that it is not everybody that have sexual Intercourse in in dreams or that have romantic relationship in dreams that has spiritual husband or wife problems. It only through divination reading(idafa that can confirm whether a person having sex and relationships in dreams have spiritual husband or wife.

The following things I will list below are usually sign of spiritual husband or wife but it must be noted that the facts that a person experience these signs in dreams don't mean that the person have spiritual husband or wife. It can only be known after divination. One or more of the following may be a sign of spiritual husband.

Having sexual relationship in dreams often either during nights or day or during trance. A spiritual husband can be having sex with a woman using the face of person very close to the woman e.g using faces of the woman husband in case of married woman, face of the woman father that is why some women can be dreaming of their father having sex with them in dreams, or their formal boyfriend or even colleagues at work or unknown face some time you will not even see the face or recognize the face at all. Same things applicable to men.

Going to market with a man or woman in dreams in a romantic way e. going to shopping in shop, mall or eatery.

Dreaming that you already have family in dreams like see that you have already have children and wife or husband it must be often any way.

Having dreams often that a marriage ceremony is been conducted for you.

Dreaming that you are breastfeeding baby when you don't even have one in real life. Sometime such woman in real life can have breast of a breast feeding mother in real life occasionally and it will disappear on it own without any treatment.

Failure to have any serious relationship, and lack interest in men or women without any justification.


in case of women experiencing miscarriages each time she have sexual Intercourse in dreams during pregnancy.


spouse abandoning relationship without any justifiable cause.

Experience fertility problems

Unnecessary hatred for man and woman relationship or marriage.


Frequent sudden fight in relationship or marriage


The cause of spiritual husband problems fall into 3 categories. Egberun (Astral or comrade of heaven) Imule Ife (covenant of love) Afise (wicked people can invoke evil spirits to affect one marital life. I will now explain each in turn

EGBERUN(ASTRAL MATE OR COMRADE OF HEAVEN AS A SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL HUSBAND OR WIFE PROBLEMS. the are some people that they are Emere, they have spiritual mate in other realm and they have husband there and sometimes even children. If such person come to this world in form of human beings. Without earthly separate of him or her from his or her Astral spouse she might find it difficult to have successful relationship or marriage. Not to talk of having children.


in these categories  it common with young lady and girls during their youthful day when they still know little about life and having fun and sexual escapade to make love covenant with their self not to marry any other man or woman. Sometime some of people in this categories can use blade to remove blood from each other body and they will taste it it with their tongue as a seal of the covenant. Some can even make such promises during sexual Intercourse when they are both naked, and they will seal it with sexual Intercourse, to them they are having fun not weighing the future consequences. Some people in this category can even make covenant with their religion books they believe in. So can even goes to preist to carry out such love covenant to be binding on them. But what usually happens Is that if one of the spouse that involves in this type of love love covenant die untimely. He or she may turn to spiritual wife or husband prevents the other person on earth who is still alive from getting marry or having children. Sometime this categories of spiritual husbands may cause death of the other who is still alive.



There are variety of methods adopted to solve problems of women with Oko Orun(spiritual husband,) ETUTU ipinya (spiritual separation sacrifice), eru Oko Orun(refunding of spiritual husband property) fifi oju asebi won (revealing the face of evil doer). I will explain each in turn.

Etutu Ipinya (spiritual husband separate sacrifice) :This first method is use by babalawo after due consultation with ifa and items needed has been ascertain and appropriate location of disposal has been ascertain. The sacrifice will be perform to cut the bound between the woman and the Oko Orun spiritual husband that is affecting her life. This first category is applicable to a  woman whose Oko Orun(spiritual husband) can be trace to her covenant egbe(astral mates) in heaven

Eru Oko Orun (returning the load or property of spiritual husband) this second category of solutions is when the spiritual husband has use his spiritual effort to bless the woman in terms of wealth, success in business, fortune etc. But would not allow her to have any successful relationship despite her worldly success. The priest will ask what and what the spiritual husband will take in other to permanently leave the woman to enjoy her life.

Fifi Oju Asebi won.(this is revealing the secret of evil doer) this third cartigories of solutions is applicable to women who experience sexual Intercourse in dreams, but the person that have sexual Intercourse with them in dreams is not Oko Orun(spiritual husband) but they are the evil people of this world which in many cases may even be a woman like them who put on image of a man or veil their face  or come in form of egungun(masquerade) to have sexual Intercourse with them in dreams to let them experience miscarriages in pregnancy or bring their relationship with their lover to abrupt end. In this third category of solutions certain preparation wish I will not discuss in this chapter will be prepared to reveal the real identity of this enemies and stop further problems from them

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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