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In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will make exhaustive commentaries on Odu Ifa  Ofun-Irete also known as Odu Ifa  Ofunrete. This current work will be useful to any practicing Babalawo and Ifa devotee who want to know about Odu Ifa Ofun Irete. The work will also be useful for those who imprint of or born by Odu Ifa Ofun _Irete  during their Ikosedaye or Itelodu(Ifa initiation), Who want to have detail knowledge and interpretations of Odu Ifa Ofun Irete. It is instructive that any information reveals or commentaries made during the course of this work is authoritative and can be rely on as a practicing guide by any Babalawo or Ifa devotee in field of African Ifa spirituality. The author of this work (Babalawo Obanifa) is an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian so any knowledge reveals and document in this work is for actual spiritual practice. This work shall examine among other things: What is Odu Ifa Ofun  Irete? What are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Ofun Irete? What are the taboo of Odu Ifa Ofun Irete?What are the area of compatible profession or career for those born under the star of Ofun Irete The likely names that can be given to those born by Odu Ifa Ofun Irete during Ikosedaye or Itelodu ? Synopsis of messages for those born under star of Odu Ifa  Ofun Irete during Itelodu or Ikosedaye. Some sacred messages in Odu Ifa Ofun  Irete and commentaries on them. These aforementioned and more will be the major focus of this current work.

What is Odu Ifa  Ofun Irete?

Odu Ifa Ofun Irete is one of the Odu Ifa that fall into Amulu category among the 256 odu Ifa. Whether on dida owo(divination chain throwing divination) or Onte ale(Ikin ifa consultation on opon Ifa(Ifa divination tray) whenever you have one leg of Odu Ifa Ofun  meji on the right and one leg of Odu Ifa Irete meji  on the left such Odu Ifa is known as Odu Ifa Ofun Irete. The Babalawo do have other appellation for it . Other names for Ofun Irete  in Ifa practice is  : Ofunrete.

Who  are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Ofun Irete?

By this question we are referring to other divinities that have nexus and affiliated in one way or the other with Odu Ifa Ofun Irete, that those who were born under the star of this Odu Ifa Ofun Irete   during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye can have along with their Ifa in other to have a very successful and problem –free life. The outstanding identifiable Irunmole and Orisa in this Odu Ifa are ; Ifa, Ori,Osun,Egbe,Iyaami and  Orisa Aje .each of this Orisa and Irunmole have the function and purpose with the Odu

Ifa – Ifa function for elevation and direction ,including guidance  .

Osun : Function for peace in marriage and overcoming of fertility problems

Esu Odara- Esu function for sanctuary, and avoidance of untimely death.

Orisa Aje function for financial success, leadership, contentment, general wellbeing

What are the taboo of Odu Ifa Ofun Irete?

By this we are referring to both animate and inanimate object or behavior that those born under the star of Odu Ifa Ofun Irete  during their Itelodu or Ikosejaye must avoid in other to have a less problem free life. Below are commonly Identifiable taboo for those born under this Odu

1.They must not practice  homosexuality or lesbianism – to avoid diseases and  unconsummated fortune in life.

2. It is a taboo for to visiting  the place  where some have just dies to greet ,they must avoid this to avoid incurring untimely death.

3. They must avoid the habit of forcefully recovering debt from their debtor.

4.They must  plan to destroy or humiliate other people – to avoid 

disaster and disappointment

5.They  must avoid bathing with hot water or lukewarm water because they are child of Osun

6. They avoid eating soghum ,/millet or product of it because it is also taboo of Osun- to avoid having miscarriages and other fertility problem.

Compatible profession or career for those born under the star of Ofun Irete?

Ofun Irete Children are usually successful business person. , However the following area have been regarded and identifies as soft landing for people born under  the star of this Odu
Ifa/Orisa Priest and priestess,
 Trading, Marketing  and medical and paramedical field .

The likely names that can be given to those born by Odu Ifa Ofun  -Irete during Ikosedaye or Itelodu ?

By this question we are referring to likely names that can be given to those born under the star of Odu Ifa Ofun -Irete  during Itelodu Or Ikosedaye. The source of this name are derive from  the positive character  from each stanza and story from  Odu Ifa Ofun Irete. Below are some of the names available for this purpose:

Efunyemi- Efun befit me

Iku saanu – Death have pity on me

Osunbunmi – Osun blesses me with this

Some sacred messages Inside Odu Ifa Ofun Irete as document By Babalawo Obanifa


Ifa says that the person to whom Odu Ifa  Ofun Irete appear for during  Ikosejaye or Itelodu(Ifa initiation). Ifa says that this person is child of Osun from heaven. As a result, he/she must avoid all the major taboo of Osun such as bathing with hot -water and eating soghum (oka baba) or any product from it. The essence of this is to avoid encountering fertility problem. If this person out of ignorance have violated all these taboo and  is already experiencing  fertility problem or his experiencing miscarriages . He/she should offer ebo with she -goat. He /she must equally venerate Osun with Efo Yanrin with two mature hen, mature land snails and money.He/she must hence avoid all the taboo of Osun as explained . She will beget children. On this Ifa says:

Pasan Oju on ani fi ara jo Ejo

Dia fun Efunyemi Omo Osun

O jeewo Osun tan

O wa sunkun alaribi

Ebo ni won ko se

 O rubo

Osun  Monde Oba

 Ke ki Efunyemi  o bimon


The cane  by road side looks like snake

This was Ifa message for Efunyemi  daughter of Osun

Who have been eating the taboo of Osun

Consequently, he was unbel to get pregenant

She was advised to offer ebo

She complied

Osun  Monde Oba

 Please allow Efunyemi to have children


Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal during Ifa consultation or Itelodu (Ifa initiation) will be blessed with many children in life. His/her ability to beget many children is in the hands of Osun. Ifa assures him/her  that he/she  will never lack children in her life. Ifa advises him/her  to  offer ebo with two hens, two bottles, 10 kolanuts, 10 bitter kola and  money. He equally need to feed Osun with plenty of Sekete (maize)  beer. On this, Ifa says:

Olowo o leyin ganngan

Ka mete iwofa ka fi’boo

Dia fun Yeyee mi Otooro-Efon

Omo Ejigbojo ile Ode Ido

O feyinti moju ekun sunrahun tomo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

E lo ba mi sipe f’Osun o 

Osun de Afideremeon


A rich man cannot have protruded teeth 

For one to use the lips of a servant to cover them

Ifa’s message for Yeye mi Otooro Efon, Osun

Also known as Ejigbojo ile Ode Ido

When lamenting her inability to have many children

She was advised to offer ebo

She complied

Please help me appeal to Osun

Here comes Osun Afideremon


Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal have been having nightmare about his/her child or some important person or property that belong to him. Particularly this person should offer ebo for protection of his/her children so that they will not experience untimely death. He should offer ebo with obuko-He goat and place it at the Esu shrine. On this Ifa says:

Ganagan  ere gangan oun ere

Dia fun Ikusaanu omo Orunmila

Lojo ti baba  lala ibi to kominu lori omo re

Won ni ki Orunmila rubo ki omo re ma ba ku

O si gbo ebon be  o rubo

Nje Iku saanu omo Awo

Arun saanu omo Awo

Gbogbo ajogun ibi e saanu omo Awo

E y agba Ibomiran lo


Ganagan  ere gangan oun ere

This was Ifa’s message for Ikusaanu(death have pity on me) the child of Orunmila

When Baba have nightmare and was fear for life of his children

Orunmila was advised to offer ebo to avoid untimely death of his children

He heard of the ebo and complied

Death have  pity on omo Awo

Diseases  have pity on omo Awo

All malevolence forces have pity on omo Awo

Find somewhere else to go to


Ifa says that part of  the destiny  of this person in life is for him/her  to do good on earth  in such a way that they  will leave the world better than they  have found  it. Ifa urges people born under the star of Odu Ifa Ifa Ofunrete to take other people’s matter more serious than their own personal matter. Ifa says that those who had received one form  of assistance or the other from them  are the ones who will raise them  up  and transform them  into an important personality in life. Ifa advises this clients  to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two pigeons, two hens, two  guinea-fowls and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ofun ni o rete beyin

A kii pe ki omo olowo o maa seyin ganngan

Bo ba seyin ganngan

Ao nii fete Iwofa fi boo

Dia fun Orunmila

Won ni ko fi ebo araa re sile

Won ni ebo aye gbogbo ni ko waa se o

Orunmila ni komo Oso o ma kuu

Baba ni komo Aje o ye

Nitori wipe ebo aye gbogbo ni mo nse o


Ofun has no lips to cover his pointed teeth

We cannot advise the child of a wealthy person not to have protruded teeth

If the child choses to have a pointed teeth

We cannot use the lips of a servant to cover the 


Ifa’s messages for Orunmila

When he was told to set aside his own personal ebo

And he was advised to continue to offer the ebo of 

the world

Orunmila declared that may death spare the 

children of the wizards

And may the children of the witches survive

Because I am offering ebo for the whole world


 Ifa advises this client never to demand for money from those who are  owing you him/her  by  force. Ifa says that heading this advice we only spare  him /her  from entering into avoidable troubles. Ifa advises him to offer  ebo  with one matured he-goat and to feed Esu with a big rooster. On this, Ifa says:

Eyin olowo ni o se ganngan

Kafi ete iwofa bo o

Dia fun Ofun

Eyi ti n se olowo eba-ilo

Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se

Won koti ogbonhin sebo

Esu bo saarin won

Nje igba aitubo, Igba won o teru

Eyi o rifa awo ki

Bo to nse ope abise wara


The teeth of a wealthy man cannot protrude 

For us to use the lips of a servant to cover them

Ifa’s message for Ofun

Whom is being wealthy man by the street corner

He was advised to offer ebo

He refused to comply

Refusal to comply with the advice

Can’t you see how Ifa has manifested with alacrity 


 Ifa says that there is the need for the client whom this Odu Ifa during Ifa consultation or Ikosdaye or Ifa initiation to offer ebo and propitiate  fellow human beings especially the Elders of the Night (Iyaami) in order for them not to destroy all what they will labor for or  have labored for in their  life. Ifa says  that  biggest challenge of this person  under the star of Odu Ifa Ofun Irete  in life is with their fellow human beings. They  also need to offer ebo so that their  belongings will not be taken away from them by other people. Ifa advises them to offer ebo with one  matured he-goat and money. They also need to propitiate the elders  of the night with either one hen or one she-goat. On this, Ifa says:

Ookan ni o ro sekeseke

Ese eniyan kan ni o ro girigiri lona

Bese kan ba nro girigiri laarin igbe

A sa e mo pe yoyo oka lo ko bori

Dia fun Eeyan

Ti n sawo lo Ilu pelun

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

E da kun

Eniyan to, eda kun

Mofi Ifa mi beyin

Eniyan to edakun

Mo fi Olorun be yin

Eniyan to o, E dakun


One piece of coin cannot make a sound

One leg cannot match forcefully on the road

If only one leg matches forcefully in the forest

Can’t you see that it is covered with guinea-corn 


Ifa’s message for human beings

When going to the land of Ekun

They were advised to offer ebo 

The complied

Now, fellow human being I beg you

Fellow human beings

I take my Ifa to beg you

Fellow human beings

I use the name of God to beg you

Fellow human beings I beg you


Ifa advises the person to whom this Odu is reveal during Ifa consultation or Itelodu(Ifa initiation) to be very careful anytime you go out on occasion. Ifa says that he/she  need to ask Ifa before he/she  go out on any ceremony.  This is because there are many envious people out there who will gladly harm him/her  because of his/her real or perceived achievement in  life. Ifa advises the clients to offer ebo with three roosters, three guinea- fowls, three pigeons and money. On this, Ifa says:

Lekeelekee tori iye gb’ota

Nitori Agbe ni won se nware kiri

Dia fun Aso funfun

Ti nlo sode eye o

Eyi ti yoo siba won keye bo wanu ile

O wa se tan

Won lo dori aso funfun o

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se 

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo


The cattle igret got its enemy because of his 

splendid feather

It is because of the Blue Touracco that we are 

looking about for indigo

Ifa’s message for Aso funfun, the White garment

When going to a prestigious occasion

And who will return home with prestige and honou

As a result of this they were after the down of the 

white garment

She was advised to offer ebo

She complied


Ifa advises  this client  to offer ebo so that all the things that are paining him/her   in  life shall be removed and be replaced with all the things that  will make him  happy. Ifa says that all what  this person  have being looking for are not beyond what Ifa can deliver to him/her  at a time. Ifa warns him never to practice lesbianism or homosexuality in  his/her life. Doing so will only bring  regrets and disappointment to his/her  life. Ifa advises him to offer ebo  with four rats, four fish, three roosters, two hens, two guinea-fowls,  two pigeons and money. He a also need to feed Ifa with either one  hen or one she-goat. On this, Ifa says:

Epo se e jesu

Isu se e jepo

Akaso dun-un g’aka

Obinrin se e ba sun j’okunrin lo

Okunrin se e sun ti j’obinrin lo o

B’okunrin ba n b’obinrin sun

Bii koko, bi oowo

Bi iku, bi agbaarin

Bobinrin ba n bobinrin sun

Bi epete bi oorun

Bi erofo bi eeri

Bokinrin ba nbobinrin sun

Bi obinrin ba n sun tokunrin

Bi enfola yunpun

Bi enfola yun’ra

Igi Ogun-O-Rete loro gangan-olele

Dia fun Apon-Ako

Ti no ree fe Olele omo Olofin saya

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Apon p’Olele o je o

Ko ju ohun tifa n se lo o

Apon p’Olele o je o

Ko ju ohun t’Ebora n se lo o


Palm-oil is good for eating yams

Yam is good for eating palm oil

A ladder is good for pantry tree

It is better for a man to make love to a woman 

Than to a fellow man

It is better for a woman to sleep with a man

Than with a fellow woman

If a man is making love to a fellow man

Lumps, boils and diseases are the result 

When a woman is making love to a woman

Flit, odour, disease are the result

If a man is making love to a woman 

And a woman is sleeping with a man

Limitless enjoyment, happy experience are the 


The stick of Ofun O rete stand erect

Ifa’s message for Apon Ako, the bachelor of Ako

When going to have the hand of Olele the daughter 

of Olofin as wife

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

The bachelor calls Olele but she refuses to answer

Well it is not beyond what Ifa can do

The bachelor calls Olele but she does not answer

It is not beyond what the Phenomenon can do 


 Ifa advises this client  to offer ebo in order for him  to avoid the wrath of the Elders of the Night(Iyaami). He also  need to use one matured he-goat to  appease the Elders of the Night. This he-goat slice open a lot of  palm-oil and corn meal with be poured inside the he-goat and will be  given to the Elders of the Night. On this, Ifa says:

Nisoju gunnugun bii kele o deko

Bi gunnugun o maa mu

Ki gunnugun o maa yo

Nisoju akalamagbo a maa mu

Ki akalamagbo o maa yo

Nisoju onigbanso oke Akesan

Bii kesin o topooro ese woja

Ko fo gbogbo igba ti nbe nibe

Ki onigbaso o maa mu

Ki onigbaso o maa yo

Dia fun Eniyan 

Ti nsawo relu Ekun

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ara Ekun o lapo

Ara Ekun o lofa

Eniyan mo be yin e dakun, eniyan


The wish of gunnugun the Vulture is for the whole 

ground to turn to eko, corn meal

So that the vulture can eat to it satisfaction

The view of Akalamagbo is for the whole ground to 

turn to corpse so that Akalamagbo will eat to it 


The wish of the calabash mender of Akesan Market 

Is for stray horse wander into the market place 

And break all the calabashes inside the market

So that he will have more jobs to perform to his 


These were the declarations of Ifa to Eniyan, 

Human Beings

When going to Ekun land

They were advised to offer ebo

The inhabitant of Ekun has no arrow

They also have no arrow container

Their poisons are in their mouths

Eniyan I beg you please 

Eniyan, Human Beings!

10. Ifa warns  the person to whom this Odu is reveal  never to go to the burial ceremony of anyone who just  died and had not yet been buried. Ifa says that this is in order to  avoid a situation where something will lead to his/her own death too. Ifa  also says that he/she  must not be wearing Anko - dresses that were designed in  form of uniform which many people were wearing on any occasion. Ifa advises him  to offer ebo with three roosters, three hens and  money. On this, Ifa says:

Ohun ti aja ri

Ti aja fi n gbo

Ko to ohun ti aguntan fin se iran wo

Dia fun Alaaye, omo Aro

A bu fun Alaaye, omo odofin o 

Alaaye n lo ku

Le gbe Alaaye eeyan sin

Ta ba je Aaye eeyan leyin ba n sin nile yii, mo lo o


What did the dog sees 

That makes it to bark continuously

It is not up to what the female sheep sees and just 

looks on

Ifa’s message for Alaaye, the child of Aro

And for Alaaye the child of Odofin

They were advised to offer ebo

It was Alaaye the child of Aro who died

But it was Alaaye the child of Odofin that you buried

Ifa declares that if you are in the habit of burying 

people alive in this land

Off I go.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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