Click on the Vedio above to watch and download   CĂ©line Dion - It's All Coming Back To Me Now

Babalawo Obanifa will through the medium of this current work interprets and document in details the meanings of seeing car in dream from the perspective of African culture and spirituality. By car within the context of this work I am referring to a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine and able to carry a small number of people. Car as in the case of any other dream Symbol can have either positive or negative meaning. The message in car dream can even be a warning or divine instruction to the dreamer. The meanings to be giving to car in dream will depend on the contents and context of such dream. Below are interpretation and some spiritual and physical quick fix to meaning of car in dream.

IF A MARRIED PERSON DREAM THAT HIS/HER SPOUSE LEAVE OR ABANDONED  HIM/HER IN THE CAR IN THE COURSE OF THEIR JOURNEY: It is not uncommon for married person or an individual in very serious romantic relationship to have a dream that his/her spouse suddenly left him or her in the car. He/she she may also see in dream that he/she is with his /her spouse in the car and his /her spouse disappear. he can not find him in the car again. In any kind of dream of this nature. The car connotes the life journey in the marriage or the relationship. If your spouse suddenly leaves in the car in dream and left. It connotes an imminent divorce or an abrupt end to such relationship due to fight or misunderstanding.  If you see that your spouse suddenly disappears when you are sitting in the car together on a journey. This kind of dream connote an imminent death of the spouse if proper physical and spiritual preventive measure are not put n place to avert such.

Quick Fix To this kind of Dream

There are two method of fixing this kind of dream. It involves both physical and spiritual measure.

Physical Measure:  An individual who have this kind of dream that his /her left him in the car in the course of a journey, must first take physical step to manage conflict that may arises in the union. He/she must from that period on develop the skill of conflict managements. CONFLICT IS AN INEVITABLE PART of marriage or union. As imperfect people, we will always have differences with others — and we may not always handle them well. Marriage is a petri dish for conflict because it forces you to face life’s stresses alongside another imperfect person.

Interestingly, research has shown that the frequency of conflict has less effect on a marriage’s longevity than the quality of those confrontations. Some studies have even shown that avoiding conflict can be more damaging to a marriage than fighting. So, what kind of arguments should you avoid in order to have a long, happy marriage?  It is never too late to develop healthy conflict strategies.  Below are ten tips that an individual can use to manage conflicts in marriage or relation as explain by CALLED Magazine.

Talk About Conflict Before It Happens

How does your husband/wife feel about conflict? Does he/she  face it head on or avoid it at all costs? When you understand how he/she  feels about confrontation, you will be more equipped to manage fights when they arise. If one of you avoids conflict, you may need to establish strategies to ensure that issues aren’t left to fester. Sweeping important problems under the rug doesn’t make them disappear. It slowly erodes your marriage’s foundation.

Evaluate the Situation

When conflict does arise, look for underlying issues before you react. Are you or your husband stressed out because of work? Is your blood sugar low? Is this issue tied to your personal history? Sometimes frustrations arise because of external factors that need attention before you can resolve a disagreement. Try to hone in on the true cause so that you can resolve it.

Avoid Bitterness, Wrath, Anger, and Clamor

It is important that you either remain calm or reschedule your fight for a time when you can address it with less emotion. Unchecked emotions can cause the deepest wounds through hurtful words and actions. If you want your fight to be productive, you must first ensure that it isn’t destructive.

Avoid Absolutes

You already know that you shouldn’t call your husband/wife names or insult him. But, when you say, “You always…” you are no longer commenting on his actions. Talking about behavior in absolute terms is attacking your husband/wife’s character. Those words can be as damaging as a direct insult. And if you are being honest with yourself, your husband /wife probably isn’t always guilty of something. These unfair comments can alienate him/her over time, even if you resolve the issues at hand.

Stay Focused

It can be tempting to air a long list of grievances when tensions run high. Spouting off complaints may make you feel like you’re winning the fight, but you’re really sabotaging your relationship. All those issues matter and deserve your attention, but you should address them as they come up — rather than in a single burst of rage. When you avoid talking about problems, small things grow bigger over time. Eventually, they grow so big that they obscure the true heart of your argument.

Don’t Make Assumptions

Angry people are not very good listeners (or communicators, for that matter). Force yourself to slow the dialogue down by telling your husband/wife what you hear him/her saying. “When you say _____, I understand ______.” Then make sure that your understanding matches his/her intentions. If you do not understand each other, it will be nearly impossible to find a mutually satisfying solution.

Forgive During AND After

Trading insults and grievances back and forth will thrust you both into a vicious cycle. One of you will need to take the first step towards the other person. That step starts with forgiveness. You can stop the fight and pave the way for resolution by being the first to accept your fault or to see your husband/wife’s perspective. By the end of your conversation, you may see new areas where forgiveness and apologies are necessary.

Accept Fault

You will rarely (if ever) walk away from a fight with clean hands. Even if the fight wasn’t your fault to begin with, were you loving and kind the entire way through? Or did you say a few things you shouldn’t have? Did you become angry more quickly than you should have? Did you fail to offer your husband grace for his extenuating circumstances (like stress at work)? Was your tone sharp when it should have been gentle? Be sure to apologize for those actions.

Make a Plan

Conflict does not arise because couples want things to stay the same. Your differences became a problem because one of you needed a change. Instead of assuming that things will be different, tell each other the specific changes you’ll make to prevent future issues. Make sure that those actions meet his needs, as well as yours — rather than unilaterally identifying a solution.

Your conflict may be over when you have reached a mutual understanding, but it may not feel resolved. It may be difficult to release the tension of confrontation. Reconnecting with your husband through a hug or an activity that you both enjoy can help you move forward.

Spiritual quick fix

Spiritual Quick fix is applicable where you see that your spouse or partner disappear in the car on a   journey. In this kind of dream, the first thing is to advise your spouse in question to undergoes physical   medical test in order to ascertain whether there is an underlying health condition that can cause him/her untimely death. If any things is discover medically , Detail attention must be given to it.

Secondly you will get  Iyerosun(Ifa consultation powder) and use it to imprint Odu Ifa Oyeku meji thus :





You will chant the following  Ifa recitation on it thus:

Titiiti Lori Ogbo

Biiripe Biiripe ni omi oko n da

Dida ni omi oko n da

Omi oko ki yi

Dia fun Oodua Atewonron nife

Won nib o rubo

Lodun yi ni yoo Goroye baba e

Bi ko si rubo

Lodun yi ni yo goroye baba e

Sabee loro

Togun lofa

Won o je sigun Ilobrin

Ki n ma ba won lo

Un ba mu pa

Un ba mu ta

Um ba mu rele  lo sobinrin.

Oran bi oyi bi oyi

Dia fun Itu

Itu ni se oko Ewure

Oran bi oyi bi oyi

Dia fun Agbo

Agbo ni soko awon Aguntan

Oran bi oyi bi oyi

Dia fun aparo yeye aparao yeye

Ti se omo Oluoko

Oran bi oyi bi oyi

Dia fun Akereponju

Omo Agemon ba won ni lohun gbogbo lohun gbogbo

Okan soso poro lobinrin dun monlowo oko

Bi won ba di meji

Won dojowu

Bi won ba di meta

Won a di eta ntule

Bi won di merin

Won a di Iwo lo rin mi ni mo rin o

Bi won ba di marun

Won di lagbaja n lo run oko wa tan sususu

Bi  won ba di mefa

Won a di Ika

Bi won ba di meje

Won a di aje

Bi won ba di mejo

Won a di Iya alatari bamba

Lo ti ko iru eyi se okow a lowo

Bi won ba di mesan

Won a di Iyaale wa ko ni Ise kan

Ko labo kan

Bo ba tiji

Aso okow a ni maa san kiri

Bi won di mewa

Won a dile ni okow a jokoo si

Ni won n wa okow a wa

Igba to di elekini

Mo lo ba won janpate Lode Aro

Won nke janpata janpata mon mi

Won nke Oloyee mon mi

Mo ni ki len nse  lode Aro

Won ni Iyawo ni Awon ngbe

Mo ni e pele  o

Iyawo agbele

Omo AbiluOmo Agboge lori Oge

Iyawo a boosan

Iyawo a booro

Iyawo a gboogbo Oluyenyentuye

Iyaawo a gboogbo Oluyenyentuye

Iyawo a gboogbo Oluogbo

A gbo gboo gbo

Bi agba kan ti o fi omo Owu ran onde sorun

Omoowu je je ku bi Okini

Okini je ku bi Iru Esin

Mo ni e je ki n koja

Won ni ki n ma lo

Mo de Igbo je

Mo de Eluju je

Mo ba Iyarubo kan jokujoku

O pa  Eewo Isuko sowo Otun

O pa Tewura sowo Osi

O p ewoo koko si Arin

O ni nwaje

Mo lemi o gbodo je

Nigba to di elekeiji

Mo lo bawon janpata janpata  lode Aro

Won nke janpata -janpata mon mi

Won nke olooye mon mi

Mo ni ki len n se lode Aro

Won ni Awon n joye ni?

Mo ni e pele oo

Oloye  a gboogbo Oluyentuye

Oloye a gboogbo Oluyenye tuye

Oloye a gboogbo Oluogbo

A gboogbobo

Bi agba kan ti o fi omoowu se onde sorun

Omowu jeje je o di Okini

Okini je je ku bi Iru Esin

Mo ni e je ki koja

Won ni ki n malo

Mo de Igbo je

Mo de Eluju je

Mo ba Iyarubo kan jokujoku

O pa  Eewo Isuko sowo Otun

O pa Tewura sowo Osi

O p ewoo koko si Arin

O ni nwaje je

Mo lemi O gbodo je

O mu owo epo

O fi tomi leeke Otun Itooro  Itooro

O mu owo Epo

O fi tomi leeke osi Itooro -Itooro

Igba  ti mo dele

Iya ni mo jehun lode

Mo lemi o jehun lode

Iya lohun o na mi

Moni Eewo Orisa

Enikan o gbodo siwo na Babalawo to gbofa yaran-yaran lotu Ife yii

Woni ki ni n o se?

Mo ni bi enyan ba siwo na Babalawo to gbofa yaran -yaran lotu Ife yi

Ohun buruku  a ma sub ulu ohun buruku

Ohun buruku a maa sub lu ohun buruku

Egun Ewon a ma ja lu Egun ata

Ohun buruku a ma ja lu ara won

Paminpao  ni pnasa ojubuna n re luraa won

Luminluo ni kengbe meji lu ara won lona odo

Lonii pariko o tenuuu dundun wa

Lonii ni parigidi o tenu bata jade

Dia fun Orunmila

Nijo ti won n paya Iku nigbe loja Ejigbomekun

Iku gbo

Iku han gate

Iku merin se kese

O fefon sokun fa

O fi Akeke pa Kese ija mese dahin-danhin

Iku te ori ooro

Ooro gbiramu

Ooro giramu nle

Iku te ori Apa

Apa gbiramu nile

Iku te ori Igba

Igba gbiramu nile

Igi gbogbo gbiran mu nile

Ayunre nikan loni ori ohuno gbo

O ni iku ti n pa loja -lojo

Ti n pa loruko-loruko

Iku ti n pa onile , ti n pa abuledo

Bawoo ni Iku yi o se pa ohun ni n dafa si?

Ayunre ni eeji adibo

O mu eeta iteeni

O kori si oko Awo

Won ni ko ru eku meji Oluwere

Won ko Eja meji abiwegbda

Obidiye meji abedo luke-luke

Ewure meji abamu rede-rede

Erinla meji to fi Iwo se Osuka

Gbogbo re loru

Obinrin lodale

Obinrin leke

Ki eni ma se fi inu won Obinrin laye

Dai fun Olonjogbodu ti n se Obinrin Iku

Won pe ni Arro kutukutu

Won ni kini Iku oko re o gbodo je

Ti n fi pa omoolomon kiri

O ni kini won yoo fohun?

O ni ohun ohun yo gba Igba oke owo

Igba to gba igba oke owo tan

O ni iku oko ohun o gbodo je Eku?

O ni owo Iku a m ak  ihororo -Ihororo

O ni Iku oko ohuno gbodo je eja

Won ni ti Iku ba je eja nko ?

O ni ese Iku a ma gbon Ihiriri -Ihiriri

O ni Iku oko ohun o gbodo je eyin pepeye

Won ni ti Iku ba je eyin pepeye nko?

O ni Iku a ma bi igoro-Igoro

O ni Iku oko ohun o gbodo je eyin pepeye?

Won ni ni Iku ba je elente nko ?

O ni gbogbo ara Iku a m ja Ibute -Ibute

Won fun  Iku leku

Owo Iku ka Ihoro-Ihoro

Iku je eku tan

Won fun  Iku leje

Iku jeje tan

Gbogbo ese Iku n gbo ihiriri-Ihiri

Won fun iku leyin pepeye

Iku je eyin pepeye tan

Gbogbo ara Iku n ja Ibute-Ibute

Iku o teri ayunre

Ayunre yeri bese

Iku way o teere

O wa fige sale

Iku way o tere

O wadi di gbiramu nile

O wa fi ariwo ta ssale -saale

Orunmila lo di Oyeye mi oyeye

Ooto niku ye lori omo Awo

Mo ti jawe Oluyeere o



The soul of elder is everlasting

The water inside a moving canoe splashes about persistently

The water inside canoe splashes about

It cannot spills away

This was Ifa’s message for Odua atewonro nife, who descended  from chain in Ife

They said ,If he perform ebo

It was that year that he will ascend his father throne

And if he did not perform ebo

It was that year that he will ascend his father throne

The people of city of Saabe have poison

 The people of city of Togun have arrows

None of them dare lay siege to the city of women

I would have gone with them

I would have killed many

I would have sold many to slavery

I would have take some home as wives

Matter that seem unstable

This was Ifa’s message for   he -goat

Who is the husband of the goat

 Matter that seems unstable

This was Ifa’s message for Ram

Who is the husband of the sheep

 Matters that seems unstable

This was Ifa’s message for  bush fowl

The offspring  of Olu oko

Matter that seems unstable

This was Ifa’s message for Akereponju

The son of Agemon that help them to have everythings

It is one wife that is good for a man

If wive become two

They become rivals

If the wives become three

The will destroy the home

If they increase to four

They laugh at one another

If they increase to five

They will accuse the first wife of monopolizing  their husband’s  property

When they increase to six

The become wicked people

When they increase to seven

The will become witches

When they increase to eight

They will says the fart fat head-wife have taught their husband his evil ways

When they increase to nine

They will say the favorite wife has no other work

No other occupation

Excerpt to wake up in the morning and wrap herself in theirs husbands’ apparel

When they become ten

They will says if their husband sit at home

Women will come to him on their own volition

On the fisr occasion

I want to engae in contest in the city of Aro

The people of Aro were shouting at me

I asked ,what are they doing in the city of Aro

They said they were marrying a wife

Then I said ‘accept my greeting)

You will marry more wives and bear more children

You will marry more and more maidens

The wife will deliver female children

She will deliver male children

The wife will live old to become like Oluyeyentuye

The anvil become old and worn -out that its size reduce to that of a needle

The needle-size become old and worn out that its size reduce to the size of a horse’s tail

I pleaded they should let me pass

They said I can continue my journey

On my way , I pass through seven forests

And seven wilderness

I met an old worn-out woman

She put boiled  and crushed yam on the right

She put a boiled-crushed water yam on the left

She put a boiled -crushed cocoyam in the middle

She invite me to eat

I refused

On the second occasion

I went to engage in contest in the city of Aro

The people of Aro city were shouting at me

They were yelling at me

I asked ,what are you doing in the city of Aro

They answer they were installing a chief

I said accept my greeting.

The chief will be as old old as Oluyetetuye

He will old as Oluyenyetuye

The chief will be as old as Oluogbo

He was so old that  he uses anvil to make belt of charm around his neck

The anvil become old and worn out that its size was reduced  to a needl

The needle size  iron become old  and worn -out that it was reduce to the size of horse tail

I plead they should let me pass

They said I could continue my journey

On my way , I pass through seven forests

And seven wilderness

I met an old worn-out woman

She put boiled  and crushed yam on the right

She put a boiled-crushed water yam on the left

She put a boiled -crushed cocoyam in the middle

She invite me to eat

I refused

She took her oily hand

And with it made a slender mark on my right cheek

She took her oily hand

And with it made a slender mark on my left cheek

When I arrived home

Mother said that I eat outside

But I said I did not

Mother say that she will beat me

To which I answered ,it is forbidden by the orisa(gods)

For any one to beat an Awo that is verse in Ifa in this Ife city

She demand to known the consequence of doing so

To which I replied

If a person beat an Awo that is verse in Ifa in  this city of Ife

Bad things will fall above on bad things, worse things will fall upon worse things

Sharp Ewon thorns will fall on sharp Ata thorns

Bad things will fall one another

Paminnpao is the sound produce by the gourd hung over fireplace when it fall on those below it

Luminluo is the sound produce by gourds when they hit one another on the way to the river

This is the day the dundun drum will sound no more

This is the day that Bata drum will not sound again

This was Ifa message for Orunmila

On the day the mother of Iku (death) was flogged at the market of Ejigbomekun

Iku heard of it

He cry loud in anger

Death made Elephat his horse ‘s pur

He made Bufallow his rope

He made scorpion his tightly fixed spur ready for war

Death was seen next on Ooro tree

He pulled down the ooro tree with great force

Death was seen next on mahogany tree

He pulled down the mahogany tree with great force

Death was seen next on locust bean tree

Death was seen next on locust bean tree with great force

Death was on top of other tree

He fell other tree with great force

The only exception was Ayunre tree who said he was not mature enough  for the figth

He aske that death that killed the kings

Death that killed the influential

Death that kill the free-born and the strangers

How  this death not kill him?

He got hold hold of wo cowries for casting Ifa lot

He took three cowries for  fo Awo to spread on mat

He went to Awo

He was advised to offer ebo with

Two fast moving rats

Two fish that swim gracefully

Two hens with big livers

Two cow with fat horns

He complied

 Women are traitor

Let no man open his mind for woman

This was Ifa’s message for Olojongbodu

The wife of death

She was summoned in the morning

And aske what her husband will not eat

That made  him to be killing other people children around

She aske for what they would give her

She said that she would take two hundred  cowries

 After she received the money

She said Iku (death) her husband  must not eat rats

They asked what will happen if he eat rat?

She said the hand of death will be shaking without stop

She said death her husband must not eat fish

They asked what will happen if he eat fish?

She said, “the legs of death will be shaking without stop”

She said that death her husband must not eat duck egg.:

They asked, what will happen if he eat duck egg

She said ,death will be vomiting without stop

She said death her husband must not eat Elente

They asked what will happen if he eat Elente

She said, death will become very weak

They rat to death

Death ate rat

His hand begin to shake without stopping

They gave fish to death

Death ate fish

And his feet start to sake without stopping

They gave duck ‘s egg to death

Death ate duck egg

And he started to vomit without  stop

They gave Elente  to Iku

Death ate Elente 

An he become weak

Death slipped suddenly and fell chest downward

Death slipped and fall down with loud noise

And started to shout in pain

Orunmila Oyeye I hail you

It is certain that death have slipped from Awo head

Oyeye I hail you

I have pluck Oluyere leaves

I hail you Oyeye..

This must be sprinkle on cloth normally wear by such spouse. He/she will escape untimely death.

IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAMS THAT YOU ARE ENTERING DIFFERENT CARS IN DREAM: If you see in your dream that you are entering different cars in dream. For a married person who see in his/her dream that he /she is dropping from car and entering another. This kind of dream connote unstable marriage. That is moving from one relationship to another. For unmarried person who have this kind of dream this kind of dream connotes unstable unemployment life. Moving from one job to the other with rest of mind.  The same interpretations apply when use see in your dream that you are moving from one plane flight to the other without stop. Same interpretation also applies when you see that you are moving from one ship or canoe to another without stop.

Quick fix to this Kind of Dream

The quick fix to this kind of dream is both physical and spiritual. For a married person or person in serious relationship who have this kind of dream. He/she can adopt these “verywellmind” outline  strategies on avoiding divorce. It's no secret that it takes work to protect, nurture, and grow a marriage. Between work schedules, children, and other obligations, sometimes it can seem impossible to maintain that partnership. And when problems arise, for some couples it's healthier to divorce and go your separate ways,1 while for others, it's a better choice to work on your relationship.

If you want to stay with your partner but navigate the bumps in the road, there are proactive measures—from improving communication to infusing more romance in day-to-day life—you can take to prevent divorce. Here are 13 ways to improve your partnership.

Rule Out the Idea of Divorce

Just toying with the idea that you might be better off outside of the marriage can put a major strain on the relationship, even if you never voice those thoughts. In fact, that thought alone can cause a major break in your motivation to make the marriage better.2 To combat this risk to your marriage, decide ahead of time that divorce is not an option. Making this commitment will help you focus on how you can make the marriage better and stronger, rather than thinking about what life might be like outside the marriage.

Honor and Respect Your Partner

People inevitably change over time and understanding, appreciating, and adapting to those changes is critical. To help remind yourself of the wonderful person you married, make a list of their best qualities. This exercise will help you remember why you fell in love in the first place. It also helps to vocalize how much you appreciate your partner's quirks and eccentricities.3

Let your partner know every day—through compliments or thank yous—that you appreciate all that he or she does.

These little expressions are like deposits in the bank. You don't want to make withdrawals from your marriage without ever making any deposits. So, be sure you are doing things that honor your partner for who he or she is.

Communicate Regularly

In the age of smartphones, Netflix, and work-from-home lifestyles, it's easy to get distracted and go days without having a real conversation with your spouse. Communicating openly about your life, interests, dreams, frustrations, and feelings is an important way to foster intimacy in a relationship.4 Likewise, it's crucial that you listen to your partner voice his or her thoughts, too. Sometimes it's helpful to set aside 30 minutes each day without interruptions where you can talk without any distractions.

Share Financial Expectations and Budgets

Many marriages are fraught with disagreements over finances.5 Often couples bring different expectations about money to a relationship and find it difficult to see the other person's perspective. Coming to an agreement on how to handle money together is a critical component of successful marriages. Agree on a budget and an approach to debt and then live within your limits.

For some, it's important to differentiate between a need and a want. While both are legitimate, couples face problems if they try to fulfill all their wants without considering their budget. Likewise, it's important to incorporate some flexibility in your budget to allow for entertainment, gifts, vacations, and other activities that help strengthen the marriage.

Give Each Other Space

One of the hardest things to balance in a marriage is the right amount of time to spend together. Too much can feel like smothering while too little can be interpreted as inattentive. So, when your partner needs space or a night out with friends, offer to watch the kids or run the errands so they can easily get that time.

It's also important that you make time to spend with your partner. If babysitting issues or financial constraints make that difficult, plan a fun, cost-effective date night at home. The key is that you both are making a concerted effort to spend quality time together but allowing one another the space to have an outside community as well.6

Ditch the Sweatpants

It's easy to get into a routine of being overly casual, especially if you've been with your partner for many years. But an easy way to rekindle romance is to think back to those early days of dating—preparing for date night with an at-home manicure, getting a fresh shave and haircut, or choosing a fun outfit.

And while that may sound superficial, there are other ways to remind yourself just how attractive and energized you are. Keeping up with your physical fitness boosts confidence and well-being,7 and can double as a way to spend time with your partner, whether it's taking a new workout class, training for a 5K, or prepping healthy meals together on Sundays.

Keep Up the Courting

Another way to keep the flame burning in a marriage is to continue courting your spouse.8 Make time for a date night every week, even if it's to get ice cream or cook a new recipe together. If money is a concern, trade babysitting with another couple, or put the baby in a stroller and walk around the mall or go to the park.

It also helps to continue doing the things you did when you were dating. Leave your partner little love notes where he or she will find them. Make them coffee in the morning. Buy their favorite snack at the grocery store. Many couples report that these types of small gestures help them feel like newlyweds.

Forgive Quickly

Often marriages begin to fall apart when one person holds a grudge. In fact, research has shown that feeling contempt toward your partner almost always festers and can lead to divorce if it's never resolved.9 As a result, try to forgive your partner as quickly as possible.

Remember that forgiveness is just as much a gift you give yourself. Holding a grudge takes up mental and emotional space and almost always impacts your health and stress levels.10 Opt for a forgiving spirit and reap the positive benefits, which range from better sleep to stress relief.

And, if you have wronged your partner in some way, be sure to sincerely apologize and ask for forgiveness. Truly listen to what your partner has to say and why he or she is upset to understand how to do things differently in the future.

Don't Try to Control Your Partner 

Give your spouse room to be the person he or she is and learn to collaborate on decisions. In healthy marriages, both partners have mutual respect for one another and don't demand their own way. They also give their spouse the freedom to come and go without having to ask permission. They don't monitor or control one another. Be sure you're collaborating with your partner on any big decisions, from spending to raising children.

Partners who try to control one another often become emotionally abusive or display signs of financial abuse, which frequently leads to divorce.

Get Help Before It's Too Late

If you're still having challenges or you fear that divorce might be imminent, consider counseling or couples therapy.11 Often your or your partner's workplace will have access to an employee assistance program (EAP), where you can receive some initial help or get a referral. You also could consider meeting with a trusted religious leader if you share faith and then move beyond that if needed.

It's no secret that it takes work to protect, nurture, and grow a marriage. Between work schedules, children, and other obligations, sometimes it can seem impossible to maintain that partnership. And when problems arise, for some couples it's healthier to divorce and go your separate ways,1 while for others, it's a better choice to work on your relationship.

If you want to stay with your partner but navigate the bumps in the road, there are proactive measures—from improving communication to infusing more romance in day-to-day life—you can take to prevent divorce. Here are 13 ways to improve your partnership.

Rule Out the Idea of Divorce

Just toying with the idea that you might be better off outside of the marriage can put a major strain on the relationship, even if you never voice those thoughts. In fact, that thought alone can cause a major break in your motivation to make the marriage better.2 To combat this risk to your marriage, decide ahead of time that divorce is not an option. Making this commitment will help you focus on how you can make the marriage better and stronger, rather than thinking about what life might be like outside the marriage.

Honor and Respect Your Partner

People inevitably change over time and understanding, appreciating, and adapting to those changes is critical. To help remind yourself of the wonderful person you married, make a list of their best qualities. This exercise will help you remember why you fell in love in the first place. It also helps to vocalize how much you appreciate your partner's quirks and eccentricities.3

Let your partner know every day—through compliments or thank yous—that you appreciate all that he or she does.

These little expressions are like deposits in the bank. You don't want to make withdrawals from your marriage without ever making any deposits. So, be sure you are doing things that honor your partner for who he or she is.

Communicate Regularly

In the age of smartphones, Netflix, and work-from-home lifestyles, it's easy to get distracted and go days without having a real conversation with your spouse. Communicating openly about your life, interests, dreams, frustrations, and feelings is an important way to foster intimacy in a relationship.4 Likewise, it's crucial that you listen to your partner voice his or her thoughts, too. Sometimes it's helpful to set aside 30 minutes each day without interruptions where you can talk without any distractions.

Share Financial Expectations and Budgets

Many marriages are fraught with disagreements over finances.5 Often couples bring different expectations about money to a relationship and find it difficult to see the other person's perspective. Coming to an agreement on how to handle money together is a critical component of successful marriages. Agree on a budget and an approach to debt and then live within your limits.

For some, it's important to differentiate between a need and a want. While both are legitimate, couples face problems if they try to fulfill all their wants without considering their budget. Likewise, it's important to incorporate some flexibility in your budget to allow for entertainment, gifts, vacations, and other activities that help strengthen the marriage.

Give Each Other Space

One of the hardest things to balance in a marriage is the right amount of time to spend together. Too much can feel like smothering while too little can be interpreted as inattentive. So, when your partner needs space or a night out with friends, offer to watch the kids or run the errands so they can easily get that time.

It's also important that you make time to spend with your partner. If babysitting issues or financial constraints make that difficult, plan a fun, cost-effective date night at home. The key is that you both are making a concerted effort to spend quality time together but allowing one another the space to have an outside community as well.6

Ditch the Sweatpants

It's easy to get into a routine of being overly casual, especially if you've been with your partner for many years. But an easy way to rekindle romance is to think back to those early days of dating—preparing for date night with an at-home manicure, getting a fresh shave and haircut, or choosing a fun outfit.

And while that may sound superficial, there are other ways to remind yourself just how attractive and energized you are. Keeping up with your physical fitness boosts confidence and well-being,7 and can double as a way to spend time with your partner, whether it's taking a new workout class, training for a 5K, or prepping healthy meals together on Sundays.

Keep Up the Courting

Another way to keep the flame burning in a marriage is to continue courting your spouse.8 Make time for a date night every week, even if it's to get ice cream or cook a new recipe together. If money is a concern, trade babysitting with another couple, or put the baby in a stroller and walk around the mall or go to the park.

It also helps to continue doing the things you did when you were dating. Leave your partner little love notes where he or she will find them. Make them coffee in the morning. Buy their favorite snack at the grocery store. Many couples report that these types of small gestures help them feel like newlyweds.

Forgive Quickly

Often marriages begin to fall apart when one person holds a grudge. In fact, research has shown that feeling contempt toward your partner almost always festers and can lead to divorce if it's never resolved.9 As a result, try to forgive your partner as quickly as possible.

Remember that forgiveness is just as much a gift you give yourself. Holding a grudge takes up mental and emotional space and almost always impacts your health and stress levels.10 Opt for a forgiving spirit and reap the positive benefits, which range from better sleep to stress relief.

And, if you have wronged your partner in some way, be sure to sincerely apologize and ask for forgiveness. Truly listen to what your partner has to say and why he or she is upset to understand how to do things differently in the future.

Don't Try to Control Your Partner 

Give your spouse room to be the person he or she is and learn to collaborate on decisions. In healthy marriages, both partners have mutual respect for one another and don't demand their own way. They also give their spouse the freedom to come and go without having to ask permission. They don't monitor or control one another. Be sure you're collaborating with your partner on any big decisions, from spending to raising children.

Partners who try to control one another often become emotionally abusive or display signs of financial abuse, which frequently leads to divorce.

Get Help Before It's Too Late

If you're still having challenges or you fear that divorce might be imminent, consider counseling or couples therapy.11 Often your or your partner's workplace will have access to an employee assistance program (EAP), where you can receive some initial help or get a referral. You also could consider meeting with a trusted religious leader if you share faith and then move beyond that if needed.

Spiritual Quick fix

Sand taking from the base of big unmovable rock

Sand taking from pound or lake

Bathing soap

Iyerosun (Ifa consultation powder)


You will pound the Sand taking from the base of big unmovable rock, Sand taking from pound or lake with bathing soap. You will then use Iyerosun to imprint Odu Ifa Eji Odi also known as odi meji  thus:

I   I



I    I

You will chant the following Ifa recitation on it thus:

A dindi odi

A dindi odi

Dia fu Eji-Odi

Ti won bi ni Iresa Adu

Ti yo ma gbe ile onile kiri

Ebo ni won ni ko

O rubo

A ti ru a tit u

Eji wa ridi joko nile


A dindi odi

A dindi odi

This was Ifa’s message for Eji odi

That  who was a free born of Iresa Adu

An he now living in other people’s houses

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

We have offer ebo eji odi

Now he is stable at home

You will then mix it with soap

The person in question will bathe with it.

IF YOU DREAM YOU ARE INISDE A CAR AS A PASSENGER A MAD MAN IS DRIVING YOU – In any kind of dream where you see in your dream that you are inside a motor car as a passenger and a mad or insane person is the driver. This kind dream is a warning dream telling the dreamer that he/she is been control or advise on journey of his/her life by foolish and unworthy person.

IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU A PASSENGER AND THE CAR IS BEEN DRIVE BY RED OR BLACK COLOR BIRD: In any kind of dream where the dreamer see that he is inside a motor car, but the driver driving the car is a white or red color bird. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer destiny or journeys of life is been control by witches and wizard.

Quick fix to this kind of dream

Ewe Ajekobale (leaves of Croton zambesicus)

Epo Obo (bark stem of Obo tree)

Ose Iwe (bathing soap)


You will pound the aforementioned items together and be bathing with it regularly at night. You will be free from witches.

IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU INVOLVE IN MOTO ACCIDENT: This kind of dream usually have two meaning. Physically it can mean you will actually experience motor accident. While spiritual it mean sudden abrupt end to your relationship, job offer etc.

Quick fix to is kind of Dream

Physically if you haver personal car ,you need to check if there is any fault in it that can cause accident and fix it. Secondly you must drive with extreme safety precaution.

If you want to travel and you have this kind of dream you can postpone the journey it is kind of journey you can postpone.

Spiritually you need to get three snails and pray over it to avoid physical calamity. You will then  throw them into the bush and allow them to walk away.

IF YOU SEE YOUR SELF IN MOTOR CAR THAT IS DRIVING BACK WARD INSTEAD OF MOVING FORWARD IN YOUR DREAM: You may see in your dream that you are inside a motor car that is driving in reverse mode in dream. In any kind of dream of this nature where you see in your dream that you are inside car driving backward. This kind of dream connote spiritual attack of spirits of backwardness and lack of progress by agent of darkness.

Quick Fix To This Kind Of Dream

Any kind  of dream of this nature require spiritual quick fix . One of the spiritual quick fixthat can be use by anybody for this kind of dream is derive from Odu Ifa Ejiogbe :

You will use Iyerosun (Ifa consultation powder) to imprint Odu Ifa Ejiogbe thus:

I   I

I   I

I   I

I   I

You will then chant the following Ifa recitation on it thus:

 Enu saa

Dia fun Ogbe to ti Ikole Orun bow a sile aye

Won ni koni ba ese re jari

If ani to ba se bi ise temi ni

Iro ni won npa

Eke ni won n se

O ni emi emi yo ba ese temi jari

Oko ki mu ese oko aimaja

Ada ki mu ese oko aimaja

 Afa-re koja -ona Niti Inunrin

Bi karanjangbon ba fenu mu igi

A si to lara doke


Enu saa

This was Ifa’s message for Ogbe when coming from heaven to earth

When the enemies said he would not accomplish his mission

Ifa says that if it is my own case

They are only telling lies

They are merely deceiving their selves

I would accomplish my mission

Hoe never start farm row without accomplishing it

Cutlass never start farm row without accomplishing it

Crawling far across the footpaths  is that of Inunurin

When Kanranjogbon lay it hands on tree

It will definitely climb it to the top.

You will mix it with bath water o bath.

IF YOU SEE YOURSELF DRIVING CAR FORWARD AT GOOD MODERATE SPEED AND RELATIVE COMFORT; This kind of dream is a positive message dream. Telling the dreamer that he/she will experience relative comfort and progress with ease in his or her life .The progress will come from relationship and work life.

IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOUR CAR IS OVERHEATING: This kind of dream connotes stress, lack of peace of mind and health retaliated  issue on the part of the dreamer that have this dream

Quick Fix To this Kind of Dream

The fix to this kind of dream is physical the dreamer needs relaxation and rest. He /she can also undergo medical check up to ascertain if there is any underlying health condition that can affect his or her health.

IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE A COMPETITOR IN CAR RACE : In any kind of dream of this nature where you see in your dream that you are competing in car race. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he /she need to tight up his/her belt in his career pursuit, because there are already people competing with him or her to overthrow him.

IF YOU DREAM OF RECEIVING A CAR AS A GIFT IN YOUR DREAM: In any kind of dream where the dreamer sees in his/her dream that he receives car as a gift in his or her dream. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she needs to be prepare because he /she will soon enter into new friendship or relationship that will change the course of his/her life journey. It may be that he/she will have new lover or friends.

IF YOU KEEP ON DREAMING OF CAR CRASH OR AUTO CRASH: In any kind of dream where the dreamer keeps on dreaming of car crash or auto crash. This kind of dream is warning dream telling the dreamer to take precaution against the such occurrence. The meanings to be giving to this kind of dream depend on the situation and condition of the dreamer in life. In the first instance for a student who have this kind of dream. The dream is telling him to take necessary precaution to avoid abrupt ends of his education. Same interpretation applies to apprentice learning a trade. for an employee in the service of others same interpretations apply. Same apply to people in marriage.

IF YOU DREAM OF HAVING CUSTOMISED CAR PLATE NUMBER: If you see in your dream that you have a customized plate number bearing your name on a car. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he /she is will soon become blessed, famous and wealthy.

IF YOU SEE IN DREAM THAT SOMEONE IS TRYING TO WRITE YOUR CAR PLATE NUMBER WHEN YOU ARE DRIVING: In any kind of dream where you see that some one is trying to write or already write the registration number on your car when you are driving. This is warning dream that the secret of certain wrong things such as illegal activities, stealing, adultery will be expose, because some people are already keeping tab on you or trying to get information about you.

IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT FLOOD IS TAKING YOUR CAR AWAY: This kind of dream is a warning dream telling the dreamer that he/she is going to lose his relationship, marriage or job to financial crises if no pre-preparation is make to avoid it or manage the financial crises when it comes.

IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU BUY A CAR: In any kind of dream where you see that you buy a car. This kind of dream is positive message dream telling that you are going to embark on new face of journey in your life soon. This journey may be marriage, friendship or job offer.  You may also see in your dream that you bought car for your wife. This kind of dream is warning dream telling to re-enforce and re-union his/her relationship with his/her spouse through gift. You may also see in your dream that you buy car for your aged parent. This also warning dream telling the dreamer to maintain good life journey relationship with his/her parent.

IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT CAR HIT YOU: When you get hit by car in your dream ,this does nit mean car will hit you in real life. This kind of dream is telling you to very vigilant so that you can safe from avoidable accident which is not from your own accord.

IF YOUR CAR BRAKE FAIL TO WORK IN DREAM: In any kind of dream where you see that your car brake fail to work .This is warning dream to prepare yourself and your mind because some one you rely upon or certain promise you rely upon will fail you.

IF YOU SEE IN DREAM THAT A CAR CATH FIRE :in any kind of dream of this nature the dream is telling the dreamer of imminent danger or crises due to lack of observation and carelessness.

IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU HIT A PEDESTRIAN WITH A CAR: This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she be vigilant not to fall victim of legal matter due to his/her own carelessness.

IF YOU BUY A CAR WITHOU BATTERY OR ENGINE IN DREAM: If you see in your dream that you buy a motor car without engine or battery. This warning dream telling the dreamer that he/she is about to enter into marriage or relationship without or even business that look good to him/her but inwardly it will not be able to produce any result.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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