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OBATALA (THE KING IN WHITE CLOTH) BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa extreme documentaries(Vol 1).                                      

In this work Babalawo Obanifa will document detail about Obatala also known as Orisa nla in African Spirituality. My first area of observation is to bring it to your notice that Obatala is not an Orisa (saint) but Obatala is an Irunmonle(Divinity or Celestial being) . The fact that his other name is known as Orisa -Nla has even create more confusion to make many people to misconstrue this divinity as Orisa (saint )

Who is Obatala?

In Africa spirituality, Obatala or Orisa Nla which many people in some traditions like Santeria, Lucumi and Candombe spell as Ochala, Oxala, orisala have corrected Yoruba spelling and pronunciation of it as Obatala (meanings the king in white clothes) or Orisa Nla ( meanings the great Divinity or the Divinity with the most grandeur). Although Obatala also have others names like Olufon(owner of Ifon), Orisa ala(the  deity of white cloth) Orisa Popo ( the owner of popo),Orisa Alaso funfun(Orisa with white cloth) Alabalase(he that possess absolute power to make things happen) Orisa Nla Alamo Amonpin (the arch Divinity that have clay to mold destiny), Orisa Gbingbinnikin (a very wealthy Divinity) Oko Yemoo( venerable father husband of  Yemoo) Arugbo Ile Ifon(the aged man of Ifon city) Oba nla (the great King), Obatala - Obatarisa or simply Obatasa. All these names are normally use by Awo (initiate) Orisa devotee if they don't want mentioned his name directly (notice I use his wish is a male pronoun because Obatala is a male divinity as you will see when I explain further) Obatala also known as Orisa Nla Oseremagbo. What you should have in mind is that more name of this divinity under discussion –(Obatala) can be derive from his praises known as Oriki Obatala. You will also have access to this in course of this work.

Gender of Obatala

Now that we have understand different names of this divinity. It is also important that we know the gender of this Divinity. Many priests and writer of Santeria and Lukumi origin have claimed that the gender of Obatala cannot be ascertain, or better put some of them say he is androgynous Orisa- that it possesses male and female gender. But I must say with due respect and humility that this view is wrong and it is due to distortion of history and lack of connection with the origin of Ifa and Orisa tradition. OBATALA gender is male. As you can see in his Oriki (praise) wish goes thus :Oko Abuke(husband of hunch back) Oko aro (husband of cripple) Oko rara bori rekete (husband of a dwarf with big flat head) Oro Oko afin (the  spirit the husband of albino) Agba orisa Oko yemoo (great father the husband of Yemoo). You can see for yourself from the Oriki Obatala that what Babalawo Obanifa is saying that Obatala gender is a male is valid. He is been refer to as a father, a husband, not a mother or wife. So in short, I humbly submitted that henceforth in Santeria and Lukumi and Candomble religion it should be correct that Obatala is actually a male Divnity. But it is instructive to note that almost all Orisa  or Irunmonle have the ability to appear to their followers In whatever gender they deem fit at that moment, but that doesn't change the original gender of that Orisa or Irunmonle. Obatala Oseremagbo is male in gender. Now that we are clear with the gender. It will not be absolutely clear if I don't make a little touch on the Santeria and Lukumi classification of Obatala into male and female. This is done in diaspora then during the slave trade because in Africa  where I Babalawo Obanifa reside and which is continent from wish Obatala worship originated, I have not heard or see any classification of such. For example  in  Lukumi  and Santeria we have the classification into Caminos(Avatar or roads)  where we have  Obatala Ayaguana it must be noted that here in Yoruba land Ayaguana original name is Ajagana ' (this is referring to a male fiery temper warrior that ride on horse and fight with sword to santeria and lukumi people Ayaguana share the trait of Orisa sango), We have Obatala Obamoro (this is also male road of Obatala that is an extremely old and gentle. He always sits quietly and don't like any trouble or conflict. We have Obanla(Obanla was a female Obatala that is in marriage with Obatala Ayaguana(Ajagana) , she is young and vibrant and fight as well) we also have Osa Olufon wish in Santeria Lukumi called ochalufon (this is an aged Obatala is a male, first person to speak in tongue. orishalami orisanla(this is a female Obatala that is married to oshagiyan she likes fun and music) oshagiyan is also a road. In short all this road are sixteen, 8 are male, 8 are female. It is instructive to note that the Santeria and Lukumi and candomble are correct that all this sixteen road exist. But they are disciples of Obatala. Obatala himself is a male divinity. The using of them as a receiving of the Orisa is done mainly to conserve historical facts about them. But people has lost focus of that.

Personality of Obatala

Now that I have explained the gender of Obatala. The next question is who is s Orisa Obatala? The answer is very straight. Obatala is a divinity of white clothes and purity. He is the elder and father of all other divinity and Orisa. In Africa Ifa cosmology and spirituality Obatala exist as OLODUMARE first son. And he is the first deity sent by OLODUMARE(God) to create the earth. He is the first representative of Olodumare on earth as a result is the eldest of all the Irunmole and Orisa. He is the one that lead the contingent from Isalu Orun (heaven) to Isalu aye (earth). As you shall see in the course of this work it is due to his excessive drinking of palm wine on the road that make him drank him self to stupor which make him fall asleep on road and other left him behind. This is the major reason While Obatala devotes avoid alcohol and palm wine. Odu Ifa Oturupon  Owonrin state that failure of Obatala to carry out creation is what make the responsibility of creation fall on Oduduwa who create Ife Oodaye. Since he did not fulfill the responsibility Olodumare  saddle  him with another responsibility which is molding of human. Hence it is believe that it is Obatala that create the first human out of clay, It is believe that whenever he is through with the molding ,he will then present the figure to Olodumare(God) then Olodumare will breath the breathe of life to the clay figure to make it human being. Though some early theologian were of the view that he start drinking when ever he was tired  and any human figure mold at that period in time is always in disfigure or disable  hence we have people like  Abuke (hunch back) Aro(cripple) Rara(dwarf) and Afin(Albino).Some others early Ifa  theologian were also of the view that it is the inability of Obatala not observing his taboo not drink palm wine that make commit such blood. Babalwo Obanifa the not take position with any of the two. The role of Obatala  goes beyond molding Figure .He is also regards as molder of destiny. He is in charge of molding destiny ("hence he is called Alamon Amonpin (that is one with clay to mold destiny),because it is believe in Africa Ifa  spirituality (Ifa and Orisa spirituality). That Obatala own all head. And if you don't know your Orisa or Irunmonle Obatala will be in charge to take care of you and even if you know your Orisa and you are not yet initiated to that Orisa,Obatala will still be in control of your Ori (head).  Obatala area of influence are: knowledge, geology, military, legal system or justice, taking care of people with special need e.g handicap. Farmine. Obatala is pure divinity less I forget, it is wrong to syncretize  Obatala  with our Lady of mercy or jesus Christ of Nazareth. Because in IFA  spirituality the only figure similar to Jesus is  known as Ela(an astute Babalawo will know the verse inside Ejiogbe). And Ela is very  low in rank to Obatala. Obatala is the oldest divinity. That is why, he is  the one who usually settle dispute between Orisa (saints) and )Irunmonle(divinities).  in ancient times. If you observe the Santeria and Lukumi Orisa practice you will see that  they usually set the alter or shrine of Obatala  higher than any orisa at the temple or home. The reason  why the Santerians do this is to accord respect to him as an elder divinity. But here in Yoruba land those who have Obatala among other orisa is that they feed him before feeding others.
There is no how original spiritual historical facts about Obatala  will be explained without touching   creation of the world Mythology. In African Ifa Spirituality . The creation of the earth myth that have been handled down to us by our forefathers are many. But only one of it have physical evidence and archeological evidence that still exist till today. So it can be said that only that one that have concrete evidence is the true one. Babalawo Obanifa in this work will explain these various myths and let us know why majority of these myths are wrong and should not be pass further to another generation. And will explain the original one that I will strongly advise to make it popular to avoid distortion of our traditions in years to come. But all these myths have to one or two things to deal with Obatala. Now let explain each in turn.


According to this oral myth. Handle down to us orally by people before us . In the ancient time life only exist in Ajule Orun (heaven) OLODUMARE (God) live in heaven with all the Irumonle. The Irumonle that is ,the orisa. They  exist in male and female and they are living fine. It is pass down to us that Olodumare gender cannot be ascertain. He is far beyond gender classification. He lives with his Irunmole around a very big tree. And under this tree all the divinities  get everything they want. Includes gold clothes and any good things you may think of. But Obatala who is the most  oldest among them was not satisfied with this kind of life. Thy myth says o si ferese Orun ori pe isalu aye kun fun omi (Obatala open the window of heaven and see that the world was full of water) then Obatala goes to OLODUMARE and ask him to give him permission to go and create the earth. OLODUMARE consent   and angry that Obatala should go and create the world. Obatala went to Orunmila the father of wisdom. Because Orunmila is the diviner that knows everything. So Orunmila instruct Obatala to get golden chain, get some sounds behind a baobab tree into a snail shell , get palm nut, and maize and sacred egg. That have the image of all the Irunmonle on it. Obatala did as Orunmila instructed. He went to other divibities and get their necklaces and chains and bring it to o ogun alagbede Orun (OGUN the heavenly blacksmith). It is after Ogun have turn it to a long chain. Obatala carry all the aforementioned item in a bag and use the golden chain to descended to earth. He spent seven day and seven night before he can actually descend to a stage where the chain no longer reaches the earth. He hung to the chain in perpetual fear. He did not know what to do but he heard Orunmila shouting from Isalu Orun (heaven) that he should pour the sound from the snail shell on the water. His frequent heart bit because of fear hatch the egg so a bird flew from the egg the wind from the fly of the bird blow the soil to scattered. Not long Obatala drop the chain and land on the land call Ife. He begins to take a long walk. After a while he becomes very thirsty. He stop by a pond as he bent over the water. He then see the reflexion of his own image. He loves it. Then he began to make mold clay from the bank of the river to make image of his similar nature. Over time he becomes very thirsty than ever before then he begins to make juice from the palm trees he has planted. He drinks himself to stupor. To the extent that when he made image further some are without eye or leg or arm.. OLODUMARE send chameleon to look for Obatala success. But chameleon need to bring disappointed news to OLODUMARE that Obatala is in mess of hard drinks. OLODUMARE send a ball of fire to dry the land and make the land and he breathe from heaven into the molding images of Obatala and they become a living beings.


This first myth may have some elements of truth but even if there is any it has already be distorted. It cannot be said to be the original facts of Obatala. Because Oduduwa took part in the creation story. And this first myth however small it may be doesn't make mentioned of Oduduwa in relation to obatala and the creation story. Also, the use of egg instead of hen is not acceptable as there is no archeological proof to back it up. Thus I humbly submitted that this story explain should not be flaunted again in Africa Ifa  spirituality whether Yoruba Ifa, Santeria Lukumi or Candomble as a story of creation story or that of Obatala.

Now let examine another myths wish say that Obatala was sent from Orun (heaven) by Olodumare  to create this world. And  Obatala kneels down before OLODUMARE and say I didn't know what to do to create the earth, that the mystery is hidden from him. But Olodumare assure Obatala to give him the ase (spiritual power to make what you want or what you say happen) it is Ogun (god of iron that took  all the chain of Iwori sasa in heaven. And Ogun use it to make  a  very long chain.Oobatala was given a  snail shell  wish contact soil by OLODUMARE, Palm kernel, and an hen, so when Obatala fling the chain. When the chain finished to the end. He empty the soil from the snail shell, and he now took the hen down, the hen now spread the soil until  there is enough land. Obatala then  throw seed of palm nut and on to the soil and the seed grow up instantly and Obatala climb the palm trees down. And started to mold human being from the clay. He is very fond of drink so he make palm wine out of the Palm tree  as  a  result he  drink himself to stupor. And make disabled human image. But  he later realize this flaw and since then he has been responsible for  the disabled.

Analysis of this second myth

Analysis of this second myth ,proof that this second myth also is  incomplete, although it may have some elements of truth as the  first one. Firstly it did not in any way make mentioned of Orunmila and Oduduwa and the role they play during the creation story, any myth about Obatala wish does not make mentioned of these two aforementioned individual and their name is foul. There is no any historical monument in ancient city of Ile ife that can be trace to this myth. Babalawo Obanifa humbly suggest that this myths should not be pass in any religion of Yoruba spirituality whether Santeria or Lucumi and Candomble.


This is genuine faction of Obatala myth as handle down to us by people before us. And there is archaeological and spiritual evidence in the ancient city of Ife  up till today that I am writing this work to support and proof that this myth is the original truth one. According to it.
In the ancient time the earth was void and full of water. No life or plants exit on earth. OLODUMARE want to create the earth. OLODUMARE call Obatala who is the  eldest of all the Irunmonle  in ikole Orun.(heaven)   and give him the mission to create the  world. Obatala not  know how to start  went to Orunmila (the divinity  of  wisdom  for divination). After Orunmila has carry out Ifa divination reading for Obatala. Ifa told Obatala to carry out sacrifice  so that he can accomplish his mission. But Obatala did not carry out the sacrifice to esu. Esu then then say OK. I will see how you are going to be successful when you are very thirsty. OLODUMARE give the following items to Obatala :adiye okoko elese marun (hen with five legs) yepe ninu ikarahun igbin (snail shelll that contains sand in it)  Ikin ifa(palm nut) ewon ide ( a gold chain) keregbe omi a gourd  of water, apamowo (pouch)  irugbin orisirisi (different seed of plant. That is how OLODUMARE commission Obatala to go and create the world, remember as I said earlier. Obatala refuse to carry out ebo(sacrifice as instructed by orunmila) so esu place a thirsty gourd inside  obatala stomachs. As Obatala is thirsty he drink every water inside the gourd he has with him. So when  get to a stage on his journey he meet conglomerate of irumonle  where they are partying and dining and winning. He join them to take a sip of wine to quench his thirst. But he eventually drunk him self to stupor  to the extent that he loses his sense and fall asleep  for many day. When OLODUMARE  expect him but nothing to hear from Obatala. He then send Oduduwa  who is a younger brother to Obatala (it must  be stated clear here that all the santeria and lukumi and candomble record which say oduduwa is obatala wife is absolutely an error of Mythology and history)  so  Oduduwa is the younger brother of Obatala  went to  orunmila and make ifa divination. Orunmila to oduduwa to carry out sacrifice) ebo)  oduduwa carry out the ebo to the details. Oduduwa after the sacrifice proceed on his journey. When he  met obatala on the way  obatala was  ready drunk and asleep. Oduduwa just took the pouch that contains all the instrument to create the world from him. And oduduwa decend with the chain. When it gets a stage he stop. Not now what to do  esu alerted Orunmila of this. Orunmila instructed  Oduduwa to bring the ikarahun igbin (the snail shell that contains the sand) and sprinkle it on the surface of the water. He did as instructed. He then  place  the hen on the soil. The hen with five leg spread the soil. The left lump of the soil become mountains and the spread one are  real land. Orunmila they say Ile fe, Ile yi ti feto (that is this land is spread and large enough to occupy habitation) that is how the name Ile Ife  that is the cradle of Yoruba race and culture  and spirituality  arrived at in  the ancient time. Ile Ife mean the land  that is spread enough. The rest of the place where the hen cannot spread the sand to  are oceans and see of today. Oduduwa descended with the chain to Ile Ife. When Obatala regain his conscious he sober and promise never to take any intoxicating drink again and to be always neat forever. So OLODUMARE is forgiving God. He  gives Obatala another  mission to complete the creation story  to create human beings from the soil. And Obatala did so  but Mythology as handle down to us by our forefathers has it that Obatala still drink to the  extent that he made a lot of mistakes in his human molding, some are bad and deformed .So  when Obatala know this he was unhappy  he changed his way and started to be responsible for the deformed. this is brief fact about this myth of Obatala.

Analysis of this last Myth perceived as Original version

My first argument  is that the most cited Yoruba myth on creation story is this last myth. Which stated that when Olodumare (God) want to created the world .He gave Obatala who is one of his divinities  a mythical  five -toed fowl with some sand inside a shell and a chain. He gave him instructions to descend to the universe and create the world, but when Obatala was on his way to carry out his mission  he came across other divinities where they are drinking palm wine  he joined them to drink and drank himself to stupor and slept off, Oduduwa who is another divinity lower to him have heard of Olodumare instruction. And when he saw that Obatala is fast asleep. Oduduwa carry out the materials from him and descended to the earth with the aid of chain. When he arrived, he pour out the soil on the water body that filled the earth at that time and place the fowl on it to scatter it. It is the fowl that scatter it around. The path that was unable to spread form mountains. The part where the claw of the hen dug deep formed valley. The location where this event occurred is called Ile- Ife -that is where the earth spread. This version succinctly re-narrated in more concise manner here seem to be the most valid of all the myth in Yoruba theology and is the most refer to.

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