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In this current work, I will document one of the leading spiritual preparation available in Africa Ifa spirituality that can be use to appease and venerate the Iyaami Aje energies. By Iyaami Aje in this work I am referring to the witches, which euphemistically been refer to as Awon Agba (elder of the night). When an individual is been face with malevolence forces of the Iyaami (the witches). The major symptoms in most cases is that such person will start to encounter impediment and mysterious obstruction and blockages in his/her life pursuit.  In such situation the Elders will say Owo Aye wa lara eni na (that is the person is under intense spiritual attack from the witches), which simply connotes spiritual witchcraft attacks.  This form of attack usually takes place in the realm of the spirit, and the resultant effect of such attack is experience physically. Below are some of the symptoms of witchcraft attack  that  person under such attack is likely to experience. They are:
1.Orinrin – Orinrin is spiritual dream paralysis. A person will be regarded as experiencing orinrin, when you sleep you will be experiencing as if certain big heavy load or forces pressing you down. You will observe that you are making attempt to shout but you are  unable to shout. Even If you are able to shout your voice will be stifle as if something as taking your voice away, if you are strong enough to still make efforts and attempt to shouts, you will discover your voice can not be heard. If you make attempt to stand up from the sleeping position you will discover that all your strength is not there. In many instances this visitation is usually at night. That does not mean you can’t experience it in the afternoon. You can experience it any time. On many occasions some people under this type of attack experience it daily, weekly, monthly or almost every time.
What are the effect of Orinrin on its Victims?
The following are effects of Oririn :
-         The witches do use orinrin as an instrument to put diseases in the body of the victims
-         It is an avenue for the witches to cart away the good destiny of the victims
-         Frequent and persistence visitation of such attack may lead to death one day
2.Ipe Awon agba- Ipe Awon Agba simply refer to spiritual summon by elder of the night. This when the victims will be hearing strange voices, especially when he/she is alone. Such voice may be  telling the victim to do wrong things I.e the voice may be telling him/her to go and steal in the market or to go and commit suicide.
What is the effect of Ipe Awon Agba on it victims?
The effects of Ipe Awon Agba are:
If an individual continues to hear strange voices direct him to do wrong things. If it continues for a very long time it may lead to depression ,insanity or even suicide
3. Ija Ekana aje – Ija Ekana Aje is the spiritual laceration by the witches. When an individual sleep at night or even in the afternoon before he/she wake up the witches will have used their nails to attack him/her. The physical manifestation of this type of attack will looks like big incisions,Marks or laceration. Sometime if the attack is intense you can see that your blanket or bed sheet will be stain with bloods.
What is the effect of Ija Ekana Agba ?
The effects Of Ija Ekana Agba  are;

  1. -         Sickness or protracted ailment

  1. -         Loss of financial blessings

  1. -         Relationship struggling

  1. -         Losing of blood without reason

4. Apeta – Apeta (spiritual arrow) is one the tools be used by witches to attacked their victims. You may experience sudden shot of arrow or gun shot or see that someone stab you in dream. In any kind of dream of this nation. if it occurs often it is one of the symbols of spiritual attacks.

What is the effects of Apeta ?

-    Sickness or protracted ailment which usually defy medical diagnosis in most cases
5.Eye Ibawi -Bird of Punishment it is one of the tools by witchcraft during their attacks. People under this type of spiritual attack will usually see that bird perch on their window or roofs and it will begin to make noise. Especially this occurs in the night. This kind bird disturbance is usually a consistent and persistent one.

What is the effect of Eye Ibawi ?

In this kind of situation. Such house will not be able to accommodate any good things, good vibes and energy will not dwell in such house. Sickness, loss, selling of belongings, etc. is usually the resultant effect of anything of this nature.

6. Iberu Agba – Paranoid attack, this is one the symptoms of spiritual attacks. When you are unnecessary paranoid about things. You will be hallucinating and seeing things that are not there.  You will be perceiving every body as threat or enemies including your family and those who can help you. You will be ins state of confusion in your mind due to perpetual fear and anxiety with no reason. You will be angry and frustrated with no reason and think some one is standing on your way or what you want to do.

What is the effect of Iberu Agba ?

  1. -         Loss of friendship and acquittance including your destiny helpers

  1. -         Financial struggling due to strains relationship with almost anybody

  1. -         Inability to have any romantic relationship or marriage

  1. -         Depression

  • -         Suicidal thoughts

7.Depression and suicidal thoughts without reason
8. Sickness, aches and pains.- Feeling sick every morning or afternoon with any medical reason
9. Accident prone.- Been unnecessary accident prone . When you damage things frequently without in reason in a manner that seems unnatural.
10. Nightmare -You may be seeing masquerade, animals like cow, wolves, snakes or dog chasing you often in dream
11. having sexual intercourse in dream  the resultant effect which usually result to you experience some misfortune in real life.
Whenever an individual is having any of these spiritual challenges or problems, in most cases it is traceable to spiritual witchcraft attack. One of the most potent spiritual formula available in Africa Ifa spirituality that can be used to subdue them and liberate such victims is known as EYONU/EBE AWON AGBA. Below is the documentation of Eyonu Agba that can be used for such purpose
Odidi Adiye Asa ( A whole Asa hen)
Iko odide meji (two parrot tail feathers)
Oku opolo oju ona meji (two dead toad you take on road side )
Odidi eye ega meji (two Ega birds)
Ori Oka (head of Africa Cobra)
Odidi eso obirisako merin(four whole fruits of
Ewe Aluki(leaves of Acacia Siebriena)
Ata pupa (ripe peper/capsicum annum)
Igi ti alapta n sa eran lori re(peel little out of the wooden canter where butcher cut its meat)
Eyowo mesan (nine cowries )

You will use the live Odidi Adiye Asa  to hit the bare ground, it will die . You will insert the parrot tail (eko odide to it right eyes it will come out on the left eyes.)You will burn all the entire aforementioned items together,. You will mix it with Iyersoun .
 ( A whole Asa hen)
You pour it inside Awo tasa dudu(black color clay pot) you will then use it to imprint odu Ifa Ejiogbe thus:
I   I
I   I
I   I
I    I
You will then chant the following Ifa incantation on it thus:
Iya to n fi oju sede (nigba meta)
Iya to n ti obo jedo(nigba meta)
Akokoniko meta olomo afidiwako meta
Won leyin Nife Esusu meta
E lo sife Iwoye meta
Won le yin nife Iwoye meta
E tun lo si ori Iroko Ogunregeje tana soko
Igba n ani eni eyin you fi ohun weo sile
Eni eewo ni e ko gbodo je oku opolo
Eye ko gbudo je oga
Bi esu ba je oko
A bowo fun igi Aluki
Eye ko gbudo je oga mon lai lai
Emi Babalawo obanifa di eni owo(a o daruko wa)
Owo eje ni a n bu fun eran tutu
E fi owo temi wo mi lati oni lo
Mysterious mother with eyes of brass (three times )
Mysterious mother who eat liver from vigina (three times)
Akokoniko meta olomo afidiwako meta
You were chase out of Ife Esusu Meta
You move to Ife Iwoye meta
You were pursued from Ife Iwoye meta
You move to the top of Iroko Ogunregeje tana soko
It from there your promise to avoid your taboo
You said it is your taboo to eat dead toad
It is forbidden for hen to eat chameleon
If locust eat up the plantation
He will spare Aluki tree
Eya must not eat chameleon for life
I Babalawo obanifa di eni owo(the prospective user will mention his/her name)
It is the honor of blood we accord to fresh meat
Accord me the honor due to me
You can lick little out of it. And mixt the rest with the soap to bath to gain total  deliverance.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences


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