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In this current work Babalawo Obanifa  will make exhaustive commentaries on Odu Ifa  Oturupon -Ogunda   also known as Odu Ifa Oturupon Eguntan,Oturupon ngada,Oturupon n gede. This current work will be useful to any practicing Babalawo and Ifa devotee who want to know about Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda. The work will also be useful for those who imprint or born by Odu Ifa Odi Ogbe  during their Ikosedaye or Itelodu(Ifa initiation), Who want to have detail knowledge and interpretations Of Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda. It is instructive that any information reveals or commentaries made during the course of this work is authoritative and can be rely on as a practicing guide by any Babalawo or Ifa devotee in field of African Ifa spirituality. The author of this work (Babalawo Obanifa) is an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian so any knowledge reveals and document in this work is for actual spiritual practice. This work shall examine among other things: What is Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda? Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa  Odi Oturupon Ogunda ? What are the taboo of Odu Ifa Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda?What are the area of Compatible profession or career for those born under the star of Odu Ifa  Oturupon Ogunda .The likely names that can be given to those born by Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda during Ikosedaye or Itelodu ? Synopsis of messages for those born under star of Odu Ifa  Oturupon Ogunda during Itelodu or Ikosedaye. Some sacred messages in Odu Ifa Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda and commentaries on them. These aforementioned and more will be the major focus of this current work.

What is Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda ?

Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda is one of the Odu Ifa that fall into Amulu category among the 256 odu Ifa. Whether on dida owo(divination chain throwing divination) or Onte ale(Ikin ifa consultation on opon Ifa(Ifa divination tray) whenever you have one leg of Odu Ifa Oturupon meji on the right and one leg of Odu Ifa Ogunda meji on the left such Odu Ifa is known as Odu Ifa Oturupon  Ogunda. The Babalawo do have other appellation for it . Other names for Oturupon Ogunda in Ifa practice are : Oturupon Eguntan,Oturupon ngada,Oturupon n gede.

Who  are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda?

By this question we are referring to other divinities that have nexus and affiliated in one way or the other with Odu Ifa Oturupon  Ogunda , that those who were born under the star this Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda  during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye can have along with their Ifa in other to have a very successful and problem –free life. The outstanding identifiable Irunmole and Orisa in this Odu Ifa are ; Ifa,Ori,Egugun,Esu odara, Orisa oko,Sango , Osun and Ogun
Ifa-  Ifa function for getting direction, protection, success, support, victory, guidance, progress, elevation, contentment, general wellbeing
Ori-Ori function for fulfillment of destiny, guidance, sanctuary, protection, victory, success, progress, elevation, contentment and self actualization
Egungun –Egungun function  for ancestral support, victory, protection, success, elevation and general wellbeing
 Esu-Odara – Esu odara function for guidance, sanctuary, protection, achievement, progress, elevation, contentment, support, and general wellbeing
Ogun – Ogun function  for victory, leadership, progress, childbearing, and general wellbeing
Sango – Sango function for victory, elevation, support, leadership, success, general progress
Orisa-Oko – Orisa Oko function for support, success, progress, leadership, and general wellbeing
Osun-Osun function for overcoming  sterility

What are the taboo of Odu Ifa  Oturupon Ogunda?

By this we are referring to both animate and inanimate object or behavior that those born under the star of Odu Ifa Odi Oturupon Ogunda   during their Itelodu or Ikosejaye must avoid in other to have a less problem free life. Below is commonly identifiable taboo for those born under this Odu:
The must take custody and child upbringing serious so that their children don’t end up been a source of sorrow to them.
They must never underestimate their selves to avoid unconsummated fortune
The must avoid humiliating their spouse  to avoid unconsummated fortune
They must never disagree, fight or quarrel with their spouse to avoid unconsummated fortune and failure
They must avoid been miserly to avoid unconsummated fortune, failure and disaster
They avoid wearing red or black dress  to avoid unconsummated fortune and failure
They must  never make a foreign land  their abode to avoid unconsummated fortune and regret
They must  never be in a hurry to achieve success  to avoid unconsummated fortune and failure

What is the area of Compatible profession or career for those born under the star of Oturupon Ogunda ?

Oturupon Ogunda children are usually successful business person. , However the following area have been regarded and identifies as soft landing for people born under  the star of this Odu

Diviners such as been a priest or priestess, Singer, dancer, instrumentalist, drummer, Musical organizer , Hospitality worker, hotelier, restaurateur , Military, paramilitary, security, secret service personnel, Politician.
The likely names that can be given to those born by Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda  during Ikosedaye or Itelodu ?

By this question we are referring to likely names that can be given to those born under the star of Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda  during Itelodu Or Ikosedaye. The source of this name are derive from  the positive character  from each stanza and story from  Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda. Below are some of the names available for this purpose:

Some sacred messages inside Odu Ifa Oturupon Ogunda  as document By Babalawo Obanifa
Ifa advise that the person to whom this Odu is reveal should offer ebo because of his/her children. Ifa says that so that they can give him peace of mind. The essence of offering ebo is to prevent such children from becoming a source of sorrow and depression to their parent. This can occur when such children took to stealing, hooliganism, thuggery and some other problems that is unbecoming of good person. i.e any criminal or antisocial behavior. And If such children are already in such unpleasant situation. The spiritual remedy that will be apply is this:The Awo must look for Ewe Eso, and plenty of snail slime. The two aforementioned will be pound together and mix with soap. It is the soap that will be used to bath for those children in question. The person must equally offer ebo with plenty of snail, plenty of live cat fish and money . On this Ifa says:
Kekere ni a ti n peka iroko
To ba dagba  tan
Se ni gba ebo lowo eni
Dia fun Oturupon Ogunda alabiyamon
Ti won ni ko rubo nitori  Omo
 O ko ti ogboin   sebo
Igba aisebo
Igba aitu
E o ribi Oturupon ogunda o se ri ere omo je
The branches of Iroko tree must be prune at tender ages
If it is allowed to grow up
It will become  sacred and untouchable
This was Ifa’s message for Oturupon Ogunda Alabiyamon (the nursing mothers)
She was advised to offer ebo because of her children
She refuse to comply
Failure to comply with the terms of ebo
Failure to comply with the terms of the Etutu
Don’t you see how Oturupon Ogunda fail to reap the dividend of motherhood
Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal should offer ebo with a she goat, snails, Ifa says that he will help this person remove generational curses. and his life will be free from curses. He should feed Ifa with 2 rats ,two fishes and hen. On this Ifa says:

Oturupon Eguntan
Awo Ile Orunmila
Dia fun Orunmila
Lojo ti Egun aimondi n ja baba
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O si gbo ebo n be  o rubo
Nje Eguntan loni
Oturupon Eguntan Awo ire ni se
 Epe tan loni
Oturupon Eguntan Awo rere ni se
Oturupon Eguntan(Oturupon the curse has end)
Awo Ile Orunmila
Make Ifa divination for Orunmila
When he was suffering from unknow curse
He was advised to offer ebo
He heard of the ebo and complied
Alas curse has end today
Oturupon Eguntan is indeed a good Awo
 Curse has end
Oturupon Eguntan is indeed a good Awo
 Ifa advises the person  to whom this Odu is reveals to offer ebo of victory in order for him/her not to face the problem of humiliation. If he  is going somewhere together with other people, or if he  going for a contest or competition, Ifa says that he  will excel. He will never be subjected to disgrace or humiliation. Ebo materials; one matured he-goat, socks, hand gloves and money.  On this Ifa says
Oturupon n gada
Oturupon ngede
Gedegede lomode n takiti pa elegede
 Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa n loo takiti atala nile Olofin
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse ogun
Aruuse Ogun ni a bani lese Ope
 Oturupon n gada
Oturupon ngede 
A child is known to summersault with dexterity inside the pumpkin plantation farm
This was Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to engage in the summersault that will lead to prosperity in the palace of Olofin
 He was advised to offer ebo
He complied Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory
It is in the midst of victory you will met us at the base of Ope

 Ifa advise the person to whom this odu is reveal  to offer ebo for his/her children. She have the tendency of giving birth to all male children. Ebo materials; three roosters, three hens and money. She also need to feed with one rooster if he /she have already have a lot of Male children and want female . On this, Ifa says:
 Oturupon ngada
Oturupon ngede
Dia fun Agere
Tii sobinrin Ogun
Ti yoo ma fi gbogbo omo bi lakolako
 Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
 Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu omo
 Oturupon n gada
Oturupon ngede
This was Ifa ‘s message for Agere who was the wife of Ogun
She who  give birth and  all her  children are male
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied

Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of successful children
Ifa see Ire of ascending to position of leadership for the person to whom this Odu is reveal. Ifa says that there is certain competitive family title in front of this person. The position may either be elective or selective. Ifa says there are many people eyeing the position. Ifa says that if this person can offer ebo he will be the one that will be triumph. Ifa say he should offer ebo so that he will not be demote or the position that rightfully belong to him will not be taking away from him. He should offer ten knives ,and clothes and leopard skin. On this Ifa says:
Oturupon gunda
Oturupon gede
Dia fun Ikooko
Won ni ko rubo ko ba le jooye Oloota ,Oye ile baaba re
Oturupon gunda
Oturupon gede
Dia fun Ekun
Won ni ko rubo ko ba le jooye Oloota ,Oye ile baaba re
Ekun nikan lo rubo
Ikooko ko ru
Ohun ni Ekun fi jooye lori Ikoko
Igbakeji ni Ekun n je teleri
Oturupon gunda
Oturupon gede
This was Ifa ‘s message for  Ikooko(Hyna)
He was advised to offer ebo so that he can attain throne of his father as Olota
Oturupon gunda
Oturupon gede
This was Ifa’s message for leopard
He was advised to offer ebo so that he can attain throne of his father as Olota
It is only leopard that complied
Hyena refused
That is why leopard was king over Hyena till today
Leopard have always been deputy
Ifa says that there is a woman  where this odu is rveal that is looking for the fruit of the womb. This woman needs to offer ebo with two hens, plenty of Akara, three roosters and money. She also needs to feed Osun with one hen and plenty of Akara. On this, Ifa says:
 Oturupon ngada
Oturpon ngede
Dia fun Yeyee mi Otooro Efon Omo Ejigbojo ile Ode Ido
 O feyinti moju ekun sunrahun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
 E ki yeyee mi o Afideremo Yeye o,
Oturupon n gada
 Oturupon ngede
Ifa’s message for my mother the Otooro Efon land
 Offspring of the downpour which took over the whole of Ido land
When she was crying in lamentation of her inability to beget her own baby
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Help me greet my mother, who placates her babies with brass ornaments 
All hail my mother, who placates her babies with brass ornaments
Ifa says that this person is going to attain position of leadership and  become a very important personality in society. He should offer Ebo with ; two matured she-goats and money. One of the she-goats will be used to feed Obatala while the second one will be used as ebo. On this Ifa says
Aganigede ganigede
Dia fun Oosanla Oseeremagbo
Ti nraye apesin pitipiti
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
 Oosanla pele o  Abidi ojo iwase 
A fun Nini 
 A bu fun Aini 
 A bu regede lomo lowo
Aganigede ganigede
 He cast  Ifa for Oosanla Oseeremagbo
When going to the world of leadership
He was advised to offer ebo He complied Gently Oosanla He who was the originator of human existence

He who gives to Nini  And collects to give to Aini
He who gives to one in abundance
Ifa advises a woman who has only one child to offer ebo in other to have more.. The ebo materials here are four roosters, four hens and money. She also needs to feed Ifa with four rats and four fish. On this, Ifa says:
Oturupon ngada
Oturupon ngede
Dia fun Ekiri
Ti yoo bii okan naa
Ti yoo padi mo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna E ba nib a jebutu omo o
Oturupon ngada
Oturupon ngede
They cast Ifa for Ekiri,
 the Bush goat Who will give birth to only one child 
And will stop childbearing
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of many children
Ifa say that some people are trying to implicate the person to whom this Odu is reveal in legal matter. Ifa advise the person to whom this Odu is reveal to offer ebo and feed Esu with rooster.You need to offer ebo with three roosters, three hens, and money. One rooster will also be used to feed Esu odara. On this Ifa says:
Oturupon ngada
Oturupon ngede
Dia fun Adagudu Tii somo bibi inu Agbonniregun
 Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Adagudu omo o mi nii se o
O ba te siwaju o
Koo mo te seyin 
Adagudu omo o mi nii se o
Oturupon ngada
 Oturupon ngede
They cast Ifa for Adagudu
The child of Agbonniregun
He was advised to offer ebo
 He complied
Adagudu is my child Please step forward
Do not move backwards  Adagudu is my child
Ifa advise the person to whom this Odu is reveal to offer ebo to overcome the conspiracy of the enemies. The aim of the enemies is to kill him . He should offer ebo with ; two roosters, two guinea-fowls and money. You also need to feed Ifa with eight rats and eight fish. On this, Ifa says:
 Oturupon ngada ngede
Dia fun Onire-Kunku
Ti nlo soko alero lodun Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
 Onire-kunku o
Oja awo da o
Koi tii pe o Onire-kunku
Oturupon ngada ngede
He cast Ifa for Onire-Kunku
When going on annual farm cultivation
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied Onire-Kunku o
The day that the awo appointed
The day has not yet arrived Onire-Kunku o
Ifa says that there is victory for the person to whom this is reveal . Ifa assures him that he  shall be victorious in life. The ebo materials here are four roosters, four hens and money. There is also the need to feed Ifa with eight rats, eight fish and one hen. On this, Ifa says:
 Oturupon ngada
Oturupon ngede
Gedegede lomode ntakiti pa elegede
Dia fun Akinsana
Tii sawo rode Ila Dia fun won lode Ila Nibi won nfojoojumo kominu ogun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Akinsana, awo ire ni o
Bi o ba si Akinsana
Ogun a ja Ila 
Akinsana, awo ire ni o
Oturupon n gada
Oturupon ngede 
A child is known to summersault with dexterity inside the pumpkin plantation farm
Ifa’s message for Akinsana
When going on Ifa’s
 mission to Ila town
 Cast for the inhabitants of Ila town
When they were apprehensive of uprising on a daily basis
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied 
 Akinsana is a proficient awo
If not for Akinsana
War would have overwhelmed Ila town 
Akinsana is a great Awo
 Ifa says that it foresees ire for this client   outside his  place of abode. At the initial stage he  will not be happy but in the end he  will have cause to celebrate. Ifa advises him to offer ebo with two pigeons, two hens, two guinea-fowls, two roosters, one large net and money. He shall also need to propitiate all drums as appropriate.
Ifa wi o lo dolugede- jingede
Dia fun gbogbo Okankanlenu Irunmole
Won nlo ogun agbofo
Ifa wi o lo dolugede- jingede
Dia fun Orunmila
O nlo ogun agbofo
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se
Orunmila nikan ni nbe leyin ti n sebo
Nje Oosanla nsodun o Ko rilu jo
Ifa wi, o lo dolugede-jingede
Sango nsodun o
Ko rilu jo
Ifa wi, o lo dolugede-jingede
Ogun nsodun o
Ko rilu jo
Ifa wi, o lo dolugede-jingede
Egungun nsodun o
Ko rilu jo Ifa wi, o lo dolugede-jingede
Orisa-oko nsodun o
Ko rilu jo Ifa wi, o lo dolugede-jingede
Ifa says that it is Olugede-jingede
This was Ifa’s message for the 401 Irunmole
When going to wage war on Agbofo land
They were advised to offer ebo
Ifa says that it is Olugede-jingede
This was Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to wage war on Agbofo land
 He was  advised to offer ebo
It is only Orunmila that  complied
Now Orisanla is celebrating his annual festival
 He has no drum to dance with
 Ifa says it is now Olugede-jingede
Sango is celebrating his annual festival
He has no drum to dance with
Ifa says it is now Olugede-jingede
Ogun is celebrating is annual festival
He has no drum to dance with
Ifa says it is now Olugede-jingede
Egungun is celebrating his annual festival
He has no drum to dance with
Ifa says it is now Olugede-jingede
Orisa-Oko is celebrating his annual festival
He has no drum to dance with
Ifa says it is now Olugede-jingede
13. Ifa foresee Ire of freedom from spiritual bondage from the person to whom this odu is reveals. Ifa assures him that he shall be liberated from bondage and servitude. There is the need for him to offer ebo with two giant rats and money. On this, Ifa says: Jaaja bale ja
Hugbe-hugbe nii gbeyin Oro
Dia fun Atapanigede
Ti nse iwofa Aro
Oun le bo loko janlele
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire
 Jaaja bale ja pata
 Hugbe-hugbe nii gbeyin Oro
This was Ifa’s message for Atapanigede
Who was in servitude under Aro
He was advised to offer ebo

He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory
Ifa says that all the achievements of the person of whom this odu is reveals are in the land where he /she were born. Consequent upon this, there is no need for him to travel out of your country in search of prosperity or achievement. There is also the need for him to offer ebo so that whenever he  achieve the success that he  is looking for, it will not be that he will be using it to satisfy other people. Ifa also warns that if he insist on traveling out of his  country of birth in search of success, he  will return home with tears and regrets. The ebo materials here are two pigeons, two guinea-fowls, two hens, two roosters, plenty of liquor, and money.On this Ifa says:
Oku ni n woju oku
Ebora ni n woju Ebora
Eeyan ni n woju eeyan
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa n sawo lo ajo to jin gbooro bi ojo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
 Ifa a mi o sagbere mo
N o rele lo o bare
It is the dead that  looks up to the dead 
And the jinn looks up to the jinn
While human beings look up to fellow human being
This  was Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going on a long distant journey
He was advised to offer ebo
My Ifa is no longer interested in flirtations
I am returning home to meet all my ire
Ifa says that your matter shall turn to joy. You shall have cause to celebrate your success. Ifa says that one of the major problems in your life is unconsummated fortune. Ifa promises that the problem shall become a thing of the past. Ebo materials; three roosters and money. You also need to feed Ogun with one rooster. On this ,Ifa say:
Oturupon gunda
Oturupon gede
 Gedegede lomode kekere n tapa elegede
Bon-un bon-un n lokiti agbalagba
Dia fun Gaari
Ti n se Ode Igba iwase
 Igba ti nsode
Ti ko le peerin
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
 Gaari perin abi kinnla?
Gaari perin loni o
Gaari perin o
Oturupon n gada
Oturupon ngede 
A child is known to summersault with dexterity inside the pumpkin plantation farm
That of the elder is known to be clumsy
This was Ifa’s message for Gaari
 Who was the hunter of the olden days
When he was hunting 
And he could not kill an elephant
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Gaari killed an elephant today, are you sure?
Yes Gaari killed an elephant today
Indeed Gaari killed an elephant today
Ifa says that there is the need for  this person  to beware of being miserly. This may lead to serious problem. Ifa says that it is an established fact that this person  and his/her spouse will love each other. However, miserly behavior on his  part will make his woman to lose him unexpectedly.. Ebo materials; one matured he-goat and money. There is also the need to feed the elders of the night with dried meat. On this Ifa says:
Oturupon gunda
Oturupon gede
Dia fun Gbaale
Ti n se Obinrin Aroni
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Won ni ki Aroni rubo nitori Gbaale
O fi ebo se alo 
Aroni o ba tete mo
Iba fowo sarufin ebo
Oturupon gunda
Oturupon gede
This  was Ifa’s message for Gbaale
The wife of Aroni
She was advised to offer ebo
She refused to comply 
Aroni was advised to offer ebo for Gbaale
He failed to comply
Had Aroni known
He would have complied with the advice of the awo
Ifa warns the client and his spouse never to subject each other to ridicule in order for both of them not to face humiliation and regrets in life. This may also lead to unconsummated fortune and failure to achieve success. It is also a taboo for him and her spouse to engage in confrontation, argument, or disagreement.
Ifa advises each of them to offer ebo with three roosters and money.On this Ifa says:
 Oturupon gunda
Oturupon gede
Gedegede ni omode kekere n tapa elegede
Katakata n lagbalagba n tapa ijakadi
Dia fun Agere Ti n se Obinrin Ogun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Esin ode o n pele on pele
Iya ode o n pele o n pele
Ise ode o n dagba on dagba 
Awon mejeeji o ba tete mo
Iba wa fowo sarufin ebo
Oturupon n gada
Oturupon ngede 
A child is known to summersault with dexterity inside the pumpkin plantation farm
That of the elder is known to be clumsy
This is Ifa’s message for Agere
The wife of Ogun
They were advised to offer ebo
They refused to comply
The shame of this hunter is mounting
The suffering of this hunter is mounting
The tribulations of this hunter is growing
Had both of them known
They would have offered ebo as prescribed

Ifa says that it foresees the ire of childbearing for y a woman very There is the need for this person to offer ebo with two rats, two fish, and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with two rats, two fish and one hen. On this, Ifa says:
Oturupon gun da
Oturupon gede
Gedegede lomode kekere n tapa elegede
Bon-un bon-un n lokiti agbalagba
Dia fun Orunmila Ti n sunkun oun o romo bi
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ona o jin
E wa ba ni ni jebutu omo
Oturupon n gada
Oturupon ngede 
A child is known to summersault with dexterity inside the pumpkin plantation farm
That of the elder is known to be clumsy
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When lamenting his inability to beget his own baby
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied Before long,
not too far Join us in the midst of many children

 Ifa says that it foresees Ire of victory for this clinets. Ifa says that  is  right in the midst of enemies. He will however be triumphant over all these enemies. Ifa advises him to offer ebo with one matured he-goat and money. He  also need to feed Sango with one rooster. On this, Ifa says:
Oturupon gun da
Oturupon gede
Gedegede lomode kekere n tapa elegede
Bon-un bon-un n lototi agbalagba
Dia fun Olukoso lalu Jenrola omo arigba ota segun
Sango to ri alapa segun ota e
Nigba ti n be laarin ota
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
 Tani nperi oba To!
Emi o peri re Alado
 Oturupon n gada
Oturupon ngede 
A child is known to summersault with dexterity inside the pumpkin plantation farm That of the elder is known to be clumsy
Ifa’s message for Olukoso lalu
 Jenrola who has 200 pebbles to overcome enemies
He who has broken walls to overcome opposition
When he was in the midst of enemies
He was advised to offer ebo He complied
Who is speaking ill of the oba No!
Ifa  says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal want to embark on certain journey or mission. Ifa says that .he should offer ebo . that life will pleases . The journey will fetch him blessing on this Ifa says:
Gege lose
Dia fun Orunmila
O n se awo lo si Ilameji Okun/Ilameji Osa
O n lo mu Arami wale
Ebo ni won  ni ko se
O rubo
Ifa ti reyin Okun
Ifa ti reyin osa
Ifa mu Arami wale
Gege lose
Gege lose
This was Ifa’s message to Orunmila
He was going on spiritual mission to  Ocean and the sea
To bring Arami home
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ifa have went to back of the Ocean
Ifa have went to back of the lagoon
Ifa have brough Arami home
Gege lose
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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