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This work will examine in plethora detail the act of offering of Obi (Kola nut) in Africa Ifa and Orisa Spirituality.  By Kola nut within the context of this work I am referring to   fruit of the kola tree (Cola acuminata and Cola nitida), indigenous to West Africa. The trees, which reach heights of 40 to 60 feet, produce a star-shaped fruit. Each fruit contains between two and five kola nuts. About the size of a chestnut, this little fruit is packed with caffeine. Wikipedia concisely  describe it as the fruit of the kola tree, a genus (Cola) of trees that are native to the tropical rainforests of Africa. The caffeine-containing fruit of the tree is used as a flavoring ingredient in beverages, and is the origin of the term "cola". In Yoruba language it is known as Obi, The Igbo people refer to it as Oji Igbo. The Hausa refer to it as Gworo. Traditionally here in Yoruba land Kola nuts is recognized to be of two varieties, which are Goro/gbanja(kola nut that don’t have more than two lobes) Obi Abata(kola nut that have more than two lobes ). The two are spiritually useful. But in offering of Obi to any Irunmole or Orisa or for purpose of divination Obi Abata is what is spiritually accepted in Yoruba Ifa and Orisa Spirituality for usage. So whenever I mention Obi or refer to Obi in this current work, I am referring to Obi Abata. Obi is one of the important items necessary for prayers, and any form of propitiation and venerations in African Ifa and Orisa spirituality. Below are some of the most usefulness of Obi in African culture and spirituality:
1.   Obi( Kola nuts) can be offer alone on it own without any other items to any Irunmonle and Orisa. This can be in form of prayers, propitiation and veneration
2.   Obi(kola nut) can be offer in conjunction with other items  prescribe during Ifa consultation or items that is meant to feed the Irunmole or the Orisa  in question.
3.   Obi can be use to entertain a fellow initiate
4.   Obi can also be share in place where meeting is been held, whether family meeting, or even a whole town.
5.   In place of ceremony like naming, wedding etc.
6.   Obi(kola nut) can be used for divination -It is called Obi didia
In this current work, I am majorly concern about offering of Obi to Irunmonle and orisa during personal prayers, or venerations. In my previous work .I have written on Obi divination  itself. You can vide my work on Obi divination via this link below:
This work will focus specifically how to pray with Obi, or when you want use Obi (kola nut) to pray to any Orisa or Irunmonle (divinities) and to be precise, how you can ascertain through Obi dida(Kola nut  throwing) whether your veneration has been duly accepted or not? And at the same time decode and decipher the messages that the divinities in question is passing to the diviner, devotee, or person offering such obi through the symbol that show up after the throwing of the Obi. It is instructive to note for the readers who have access to this work either now and in future, that this work is not theoretical but practical and it can be rely on as authoritative practicing guide for any Babalawo,Ifa or Orisa practitioners as practical guidance in their practice. The author of this work( Babalawo Obanifa )is a practicing diviner and an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian. So, any explanation made can be rely upon for practice.
As a pointed out earlier when I am trying to differentiate between Obi Gbanja and Obi Abata. I have told you that it is through the numbers of lobes they have, that is used to identify them. When a Kola nut have a single longitudinal axis that partition it to two lobes alone and not more than two. That is what we call Obi Gbanja. But when the longitudinal axis in the kola nuts divided it to more than two lobes, it may be three, four, five even six such is known as Obi Abata. But in offering Obi to Irunmonle and Orisa or Egungun etc. It is Obi Abata that is acceptable for usage . That is Kola nut that start from three lobes on. It is instructive to note that it is a taboo to feed Orunmila with Kola nut with three lobes. It must be four and it is Obi Oloju merin (Kola nut) with four lobes that can be used to divine whether veneration or prayers is accepted or not. So kola nut with two lobes is not acceptable for throwing to ascertain whether prayers have been answered or not. However, there are school of thought in Yoruba spirituality that believe that where obi abata (kola nut) with four lobes is not available, you can use Kola nut with two lobes which is  Gbanja to divine.  With due respect to the Babalawo and fellow spiritualists who hold this view, though it may be valid I cannot recommend it as valid. Obi Abata should be the valid items to use at any time, at least to my humble knowledge.
Practical steps to Follow in Offering Obi(kola nuts) to Any Divinities
I have said earlier that Obi (kola nuts) can be offer alone and it can also be offer in conjunction with other items. Whichever  is the case out of the two. Obi (kola nut) that will be offer must always be inside Omi tutu (cold water). As result you will need a bowl of water that the Obi will be put inside. In many instances for hygienics purpose.  If you don’t want to throw the Obi on bare ground /floor after splitting it in the course of prayers or veneration , you may get a clean flat board or plate that is flat, mat or thick card board will also surface.
You will then put the Kola nut out the water. You will sprinkle the water on the icon of the deity/divinities  in question. If it is Ifa  for example ,you will say Ifa Irin se o ( Ifa dew is drizzling on you ). You will insert the obi inside water again and sprinkle it on yourself. If you are praying for others or clients same process is applicable. Same thing is applicable to others divinities. However, it is instructive to note the following:
1.   One Obi (kola nut ) cannot be used to pray for two different person  unless they are doing joint prayers or veneration. But if they are praying differently each person must have his/her own Obi
2.   One Obi (kola nut ) can not be used to feed or venerate different Orisa even though you have them in one location or room or temple. For Example A Babalawo can have Ifa ,Osun ,Obatala, Sango,Yemonja  etc. In One temple and even place them beside each other . In such instance he can not use One kola nut (Obi) to pray to them all at once. What he will need to do is to be praying and venerating them one after the other and use new Kola nut whenever he approach each Orisa.
3.   The two position above apply when you are praying for family or clients.
4.   It is also important that Any Obi (kola nuts) that you want use for veneration must always be inside bowl that contain cold or cool water. the water must always sprinkle on ground or the Icon of divinities in question. You will open the Icon if it is cover, You will used the Kola nut to touch it in as necessary.
When I got to stage where I will give sample prayers   on this topic under discussion on how you can pray with Obi to each orisa you will comprehend this work better.
How to throw Obi (kola nut ) and Interprets It symbols
After you have venerated or offer Obi (Kola nut) for prayers in fronts of any divinities. You would have splits it in the course of the prayers. The next things are to throw it to ascertain whether the prayers are accepted or not, or wether there are further message be released to you by the Orisa/Irunmonle or the divinities in question. The position you need to be at the time of the throwing of the Kola nut  will be determine by the type of orisa you are praying to, for example if you are praying to Ogun ,Osun ,Esu,Osoosi,Ona, Kori,Ija -You  will throw your Obi while you are in Standing position, If you are praying to or venerating, Osun, Aje,Olokun,Ifa/Orunmila,Egungun,Odu,Oya,Oke You will throw your Obi when you are in kneeling position, When your are venerating Obatala ,Osun You will thrown your Obi when you are in  Crouching position. The style of throwing is simple , You will carry all the four lobes in your hand and hold it together and use it to touch your fore head, the  exception to this is when you are venerating Esu Odara ,in case of Esu Odara you will use it to touch back of the head. You will chants some prayers for acceptance and use it to touch the Icon of divinities been venerated , The Awo will again pray to Ile (mother earth) for the acceptance of the prayers. Then he will throw. After the throwing depending on which number of lobes open their  faces or turn their faces up and which number of it turn their faces down. That is what you will use to decipher the symbol and message.
Symbol that can appear during throwing Of Obi
There are five major  symbols that can appear during throwing of Obi. They are Okaran sode,Eta Iwa,Eji Ife/Ire,Alaafia/Ilera, Oyeku /Isegun  Ita. I will explain each in turn. But one thing you must have in mind is this  it only when Eji  Ife/Ire appear that you will not need to throw the Obi further. Because in such instance the Obi message there simply means all the prayers has been answer in affirmative and it come with blessings. On the other hands all other four remaining pattern or symbols if they come up during throwing of Obi. It must compulsorily require further throwing. Because there is message been pass across. Now let me explain them in seriatim:
Eji Ife/Ire
When two lobes out of the four lobes of the kola nut thrown face up and rest of the two faces down; that will be regards as Ejife/Ire. The Obi message there simply mean that the prayers is accepted and it come out with Ire. And that the divinities in question have accepted the prayers of that person in question. In such instance no further enquires is needed. the only thing that can be sake is whether the divinities that the Obi is offer to allow that they can share with him out (that is if people can eat out of it or is talking it all)
When all the four lobes of the kola nut thrown faces up . That is Alaafia. I have explain that the actual words for this is Ilera (sound heath) .The Alaafia been use to represent it is not even indigenous Yoruba diction. But that is truth most Elderly Babalawo are also guilty of this  With due respect to those concern some of our fathers err in practice when they substitute Ilera with Alaafia.Alafia is not a Yoruba word at all, it is a borrow word from the Hausa people to Yoruba language to mean sounds health. The origin of the word is traceable to Arabic origin. Although the Hausa who have inter-ethnic relationship with Yoruba that bring the word to Yoruba language as a borrow language  ,The Hausas  adopt the word 'Lafia' which mean health or sound health from Arab 'the original origin is from Arabic language
; Andalusian Arabic al afya ultimately from “Classical” Arabic afiyah (عافية) “health”
So the original meanings of Alafia tabi Alaafia in Yoruba, Lafia in Hausa, al afya in Arabic actually mean health In Yoruba language we have our own indigenous. word for Alafia (health),such word are 'Ara lile tabi ilera' (sounds health '). Notwithstanding Alaafia  has been adopted in our language ,I am just pointing it out that , that is not the actual word abin.itio.
The message from this also connote sound health.
Oyeku/Isegun ota /Opotaku
When all the lobes of the Kolanut thrown faces down. That is call Oyeku. The obi message in such instances is talking about victory over the enemies. The practitioners will throw the Obi further to ascertain what is require of him to do to attain the desire victory in question.
You will re-thrown the kola nut to ascertain whether it is Iku (death) that it sees, whether it Arun (sickness) ,Ija (fight) Ofo etc.
Eta Iwa
When three lobes out of the four lobes of the kola nut thrown face up and the one lobe faces downs that is known as Eta Iwa. In most cases this do connote conflicts and jealousy. He will need to throw the Obi again to known what he needs to do to ascertain conflicts.

Okanran sode
When one of the four lobes of kola nut thrown face up and the rest of the three lobes faces down. that symbol is known as Okanaran sode.
However it is instructive for you to note the following:
1.   Out of the five  symbols or pattern that can appear during Kola nut throwing .it is only Eji Ife/Ire. All other four symbol require further to ascertain  messages and what to do.
You should also know that you must continue to throw tho seek answer until you arrive at Eji Ife/Ire or Ilera/Alaafia

Everyday sample prayers for Obi that can be use in any settings

Obi ni bi iku
Obi ni bi arun
Obi ni bi ofo
Obi ni bi gbogbo ajogun ibi
Ki o ba wa bi Iku danu
Ki o bi ofo danu
Ki o bi gbogbo ajogun ibid anu
It kola nut that pushes away death
It is kola nut that pushes away diseases
It is kola njut that pushes away loss
It is kola nut that pushes away all the malevolence forces
Pushes away death from us
Pushes away loss from us
Pushes away all the malevolence force.
Ifa Chants/prayer to send Obi (kola nut on errands)
The first chants I will document here is a sample chant/prayer that you can use to send Obi on errand whenever you want to pray with Obi or offer Obi to any Orisa or divinities .
Adegunju ni Awo Alaaran
Itamuje ni Awo Itamupo
Oko lo ko obi wa sile aye
Gbagi lo ko obi lona
Dia fun Okamleleriwo Irunmole
Nijo to won darijo
Tow on ni Awon yo ran Obi nise
Adegunju fo soke o beju merin
Obi na fosoke o beju merin
Alaraan fo soke o beju merin
Sungbon obi nikan lo mon ise jije
Nje bob a ribe
Ise  a ba ran obi
Ki obi je reeo
Ise aje ni mo ran
Obi je re o
Ise aya ni mo ran
Obi je re o
Ise Ile  ni mo ran o
Obi je re o
Ise omo ni mo ran
Obi je re o
Ise ilosiwaju ni mo ran
Obi je re o
Ise aiku ni mo ran
Obi je re o
Adegunju is Awo Alaaran
Itamuje is the Awo of Itamupo
Oko(the cart) is the one that convey Obi to the world
It is Gbagi that met Obi on the road
This was Ifa’s message for all the 401 divinities
The day they want to jointly send Obi on errands
Adegunju jump up and splits to four folds
Obi jumps up and splits to four folds
Alaaran jumps and splits to four folds
But it is only Obi that was able to relay the message effectively
Any message we send Obi
Let it deliver it well
The message we sent Obi
Obi must deliver it well
It messages if having wealth I sent Obi
Obi should deliver it well
It is the message of spouse I sent Obi
Obi should deliver it well
It is the message of house  I sent Obi
Obi should deliver it well
It is the message of accomplishment I sent Obi
Obi should deliver it well
It is the message of longevity I sent Obi
Obi should deliver it well

Offering of Obi for Ancestral veneration

You can offer Obi to your ancestors and ancestral spirits. When an individual is finding life difficult and most of the things he /she is experiencing is traceable to negligence of his/her ancestral spirits . And it may also be that he/she want to cleanse himself from the misdeed and misdemeanor of his ancestors. Offering Obi (kola nut ) alone to Egungun -The ancestral spirit will suffice to make him achieve  the desire purpose . in such instances.  What he or she will need at that period in time will just be  Obi ojumerin idi kan (one bunch of Kola nut with four lobes -this usually contain Kola nut with fours lobes that are two. The tiny rope is usually use to tight them together.) and A bowl of water.  You can will put the Kola nut Inside the water. You will pay homage to Olodumare and your ancestors  and mother earth. You will sprinkle  the water on ground and offer your prayer. Most Importantly Odu Ifa Ose Irete also known as Osebile must be chant. on this you will chants:
Aja gbo-gboo-gbo
Aja ko ri obi ko fi se ohunje
Iponri Aja o jobi ri laye
Ki ni aja yoo fi obi se?
Iro le pa mon aja
Won sebi sile aja n roju
Awo won lode Isebinrin
Dia fun won lode Isebinrin
Omo Afisebi soro surusuru fun Olofin
If ani O di Esebi Iweere- Iweere
Emi n ani o di Esebi Iweere
If ani ti a ba ti ji
 Ki a ma mu obi ki a fi se orun eni
Orunmila afedefeyo ni ti a ba ji
Ki a ma fi Obi se Orun Ajija
Nitori eseele Obi ni dorun
Eseele obi bi o ba dona a dawe
Eseele Obi bob a dorun a dato
Dia fun Abitula
Ti n se omo bibi inu Agboniregun
Eyi to meyin ti
To n fi omi oju surahun ire gbogbo
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O si gbo ebon be , o rubo
Nje Abitula de  omo ikin
Igba to sebi tan la di alaaje
Abitula de omo ikin
Igba to sebi tan la di alaaya
Abitula de omo ikin
Igba to sebi tan la di olomo
Abitula de omo ikin
Igba to sebi tan la di onile
Abitula de omo ikin
Igba to sebi tan la di alaaje
Abitula de omo ikin
Igba to sebi tan la di Elesin
Abitula de omo ikin
Igba to sebi tan la di Oniregbogbo
Abitula de omo ikin
Dog bark and bark
He did not see kola nut and make it its food
The ancestors of dog have never eat Kola nut before in life
What would dog use Kola nut for?
You lie against the dog
This was Ifa ‘s message for them in Isebirun(name of ancient city)
The offspring of the city that uses plenty of kola nut as offering to Olofin
Ifa says ,it is now a matter of cutting kola nuts in bit by bit
I retorts in the affirmative that it is a mater[h1]  of cutting kola nut in numerous bits
Ifa says whenever we wake up
We should offer kola nuts to our ancestors
Orunmila Afedefeyo said whenever we wake up
We should use kola nut to refresh our self
Because a bit of kola nut offer do get to heaven
A bit by bit of kola nut on the parth do become a whole
A bit by bit of kola nut that get to heaven do become unique
This was Ifa message for Abitula
Abitual is the child of Agboniregun
When he was in deep reflection about his life
Ad start to lament for lack of all good things of life
He was advised to ofer ebo
He heard of the ebo
And complied
Abitula you are the child of Ikin
It is when you offer kola nut that we become wealthy
Abitula you are the child of Ikin
It is when you offer kola nut that we have wife
Abitula you are the child of Ikin
It is when you offer kola nut that we have children
Abitula you are the child of Ikin
It is when you offer kola nut that we build house
Abitula you are the child of Ikin
It is when you offer kola nut that we have horses
Abitula you are the child of Ikin
It is when you offer kola nut that we all the Ire of life
Abitula you are the child of Ikin

Offering Obi to Ifa 

As in the case Of Egungun explain above, You can offer Obi to Ifa alone . All need ne is Obi and a bowl of Water. You will Open your  Ifa  and kneel in front of  it and hold the Obi in your hand while you use your hand to ditch the Obi inside the water in the bowl and sprinkle it on the ikin Ikin. You will say :
Ifa Olokun irin se oo
Ifa Olokun it is the drizzling of dew
Or you  can simply say Orunmila Irinse( Orunmila the dwe is fallen.
You will repeated the process three times .
In that kneeling  position you  will use same Kola nut to sprinkle water on yourself or if you praying for clients on such clients say:
Ko se irin ogbo
Ko se Irin ato
Ko se Irin aje
Ko se irin Isegun ota 
Ko se Irin Ire gbogbo
Si emi Akapo re lara
Let the dew  of long life
The dew of longevity
The dew of wealth
The dew of victory over enemies
The due of all the blessing of life
Fall on me your devotes.
You will pour little of the water on ground and say :
Tutu tutu ni a n ba Ile Oluweri
Ki ile ma gbona wa
Ki ona ma gbona mo
Oluweri abode is always I state of coolness
Don’t let us experience hotness and discomfort in our house
Don’t let us experience hotness and discomfort in our paths
You can then proceed and use to sen the Obi on errand
Ororo ma ro
Dia fun Obi
Ti n sawo re Ile Gbanja
 Obi o de loni o
Awo Ile  Gbanja
Aje ni n koni ni mow a ro fun o
Ororo maro
Awo lobi
Awo ni gbanja
Aya  ni n koni ni mow a ro fun o
Ororo maro
Awo lobi
Awo ni gbanja
Omo ni n koni ni mow a ro fun o
Ororo maro
Awo lobi
Awo ni gbanja
Ile ni n koni ni mow a ro fun o
Ororo maro
Awo lobi
Awo ni gbanja
Esin  ni n koni ni mow a ro fun o
Ororo maro
Awo lobi
Awo ni gbanja
Ire gbogbo  ni n koni ni mow a ro fun o
Ororo maro
Awo lobi
Awo ni gbanja
Ororomaro ( It has become a matter of explaining one’s plight)
This was Ifa’s message for Obi
Who is going on spiritual mission to city of Gbanja
Obi is astute Awo
Gbanja is an astute Awo
It my lack of wealth  that I come to complain to you
Obi is astute Awo
Gbanja is an astute Awo
It my lack of spouse  that I come to complain to you
Obi is astute Awo
Gbanja is an astute Awo
It my lack of child  that I come to complain to you
Obi is astute Awo
Gbanja is an astute Awo
It my lack of house that I come to complain to you
Obi is astute Awo
Gbanja is an astute Awo
It my lack of horse  that I come to complain to you
Obi is astute Awo
Gbanja is an astute Awo
It my lack of all Ire that I come to complain to you
Obi is astute Awo
Gbanja is an astute Awo
NB this sample prayers for sending Obi on errand can be use to when offering obi to any Orisa and Irunmonle including Ori. Even during Ebo.
Offering obi to Ori
You will   need the Obi and cool water. Insert the Obi inside the water and sprinkle it over your head and say Ori Aperee Irinse _same modalities  I explain in case of Egungun and Ifa above should be follow . You will need to invoke ori through ori Prayer. If you don’t know how to invoke Ori ,read my prayer on it via this link
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences


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