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In this work Babalwo Obanifa will document in details the meanings of seeing husband in dream from the perspective of Africa Culture and spirituality. The word for husband in Yoruba language is Oko, In Hausa language it is known as Mijina , in Igbo it is known as Di. In Swahili it is known as Kibanda.In Fulani language it is known as Gorkor .In Somali it is known as Nin. In Oromo it is known as Dhirsa.In Amharic it is known as Bali.By husband within the context of this work, I am referring to a male partner in a marriage. A married man, especially when considered in relation to his partner in marriage. The definition of a husband is a male partner in a marriage. The man a woman is married to is an example of a husband. Having known what we mean by husband within the context of this work. I will proceed to document the meanings of seeing husband in dream and appropriate spiritual remedial measure to them.
Seeing husband in dream as in the case of any other dream symbols can have either positive or negative meanings. The meanings to be attribute to any kind of dream of this nature as we shall see in the course of this work will usually depend on the contents and context of such dream. Below are details documentation of the meanings of husband dream from perspective of Africa Culture and Spirituality as document by Babalawo Obanifa  

TI OBIRIN BA LALA WIPE OKO OHUN KU (IF A WOMAN DREAM OF THE DEATH OF HER HUSBAND): When a woman sees in dream that her husband dies. This kind of dream is a warning dream, and it usually have two meanings. Firstly, it can connote total breakdown of such relationship which may bring abrupt end to such marriage and relationship. In such instance, it connotes permanent love lost between the couple. It may not mean the husband we undergo physical death. Secondly, the reverse may be the case if you dream your husband is dead and is inside the coffin/casket or grave or you see that he is been lower down inside the grave. This kind of dream is direct warning about imminent death of your husband, telling you that your husband is under imminent spiritual or physical occurrence that can take away his life.
Quick Fix for this kind of Dream
The quick fix for this kind of dream may either be physical or spiritual.
Physical fix: If you dream of death of your husband, you must look into your interaction with him to avoid occurrence that can lead to permanent abrupt end in your marriage or relationship.
Spiritual Fix: When you see that your husband is been lower down into grave or coffin. The stem to take is spiritual.
If at the time you have this kind of dream your husband is terribly sick and is on sick bed, or he want to undergoes medical or surgical treatment, the dream is telling you that unless certain prayers are done, he will die. In such instances this is what you need to do. The old ways are to pack all the clothes and shoes and personal effects of such husband inside a casket/coffin or anything that look like casket. You will now use ashes to imprint Odu Ifa Oyeku meji and pray on it. You will sprinkle it over the coffin. The coffin will be buried as if you bury a corpse. It comes to a time in history that reputable spiritualists discover that it is not mandatory to carry out the process or the ritual in question with casket /coffin simply because whenever they recommend it to wives who have such terrible dreams ,When they hear coffin, they will run ,they deem it too scary to be carrying a coffin around. In most cases their dream does come to pass. The Spiritual sages now device new method. What they now does is to tell such woman to get some pair of clothes (not all his clothe in this case/because civilization have reach a stage that some people get many clothes, shoes and personal effects, including expensive jewelries that is even difficult  for a truck to convey at once not to talk of telling them to lose everything for a single ritual).One pair of his clothe, sandal/shoes and some personal effects. This will be put inside six yards of white clothes .Six yards of white clothe is now been use instead of a casket or Coffin).You will then use ashes to imprint Odu Ifa Oyeku meji on it thus.




The woman will pray over it to avert untimely death on her husband . Then it will be buried. The second method is as valid as the first one. But if you can still do the first one, good. But this second method has gained recognition over time among the practicing spiritualist to the extent that most with the white  garment prophets and prophetess including Muslim clerics have modify it by following same procedure but they now remove the Oyeku meji verse and replace it  with their own scriptural verse. For instance .The prophets and pastors who get this knowledge from Africa spirituality have been able to be adding psalm 118, to be specific some people will juts recite psalm 118:17,they will equally chants Psalm 102 as whole ,some will go to Psalm 102:20 to be specific, and Psalm 33(33:19) ,91(91:6) and they will follow the procedure explain earlier. We have instance where Africa Muslim cleric popular known as Afaa will add hadith like:Astaghferullaha Rabbi min kulle zumbin wa atoobo ileh.I seek forgiveness from Allah for all my sins and turn to Him.”Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min mawtil fuja-ah.O Allah! I seek your refuge from sudden death.” Or more such as “Rahmatullahe alaihe. May Allah have mercy on him”
In most cases using this method they will be able to avert the untimely death of the husband of such woman. With due respect to those concern. I reveal the secrets for posterity to know the source of the knowledge and preparation despite the modification in usage.
TI OBINRIN BA N LALA LERA-LERA WIPE OHUN N WO ASO OKO OHUN TO JE ALAWO DUDU(IF A WOMAN IS  HAVEN FREQUENT DREAM THAT SHE IS WEARING HER HUSBANDS CLOTHES ,THE ONE THAT IS BLACK COLOR):In any kind of dream where a woman see that she is wearing black color clothes that belong to her husband. If she is having this kind of dream persistently or frequently. This kind of dream is a warning dream telling the dreamer that she is likely to go into mourning mood over that husband in question. It is warning dream of imminent death hovering over her husband.
Quick fix for this kind of dream
The fix to this kind of dream is two- prong approach. They are Physical and Spiritual.

Physical approach - If the husband of this woman in question involve in some physical activities that is likely to expose him to risk of death. He must avoid taking risk that can expose him to physical body harm or injuries at that period in time. i.e
-If her husband occupation is in line of Military or paramilitary, the dream is warning that he must avoid been at the front of risk taking in his job, as doing so may cause him untimely death. If he cannot do without taking physical risk, then he must fortify himself to have adequate protection and he must always take extra safety precaution.
- If the husband in question is doing illegal job like smuggling, arm robbery, or hire assassin, or public thuggery. The dream is a warning that if he did not desist from such activities, he will soon meet his untimely death which will put his wife in state of mourning.
Spiritual Approach-The woman that have this kind of dream must get must engage in personal prayers to avoid untimely death o her husband for three days. During that day period she will be on Ate(That is she will not eat anything cook with red palm oil, salt, but she can eat pepper). After the prayers she must present a gift to widow in need. Her prayers will be answer.
TI OBINRIN BA LALA WIPE OKO OHUN SONU (IF A WOMAN SEE IN HER DREAM THAT SHE LOST HER HUSBAND): In any kind of dream where a woman sees in his or her dream that her husband is lost. This kind of dream usually take different format. You may see in your dream that you and your husband are in a ceremony, it may be funeral, naming, wedding ceremony, anniversary or festival. You will discover your husband is lost and you are now trying to find him. In most cases you may dream that you are in market, stores, supermarket, temple, church, mosque or any public gathering. You will suddenly discover that you cannot find your husband again. You may see that you are on a horse, in a ship, on train, in car, on a flight with your husband and suddenly you cannot see him anymore. In any kind of dream of this nature. It is a warning dream telling the woman is about to lose the attention she is getting from her husband if proper care is not taking physically or spiritually. The dream also connotes temporary cessation of cohabitation or separation in such marriage or relationship which can cause such woman in question emotional unrest.  It is warning dreams.
TI OPO BA LALA RI OKU OKO RE TO N WO AKISA (IF A WIDOW IS DREAMING AND SEEING HER DECEASED HUSBAND WEARING RAGS IN DREAM): In many instances where a widow is seeing her dead husband appearing to her in dreams and he is wearing rags. Such dreams are telling the dreamer that certain affairs of her husband such as property, aged parents, children, that her husband left behind in life is not been properly taking care off or is deteriorating mood and need attention or care. This same interpretation applies when a woman see that her dead husband appears to her in sad mood in dream. It is an instructional message dream
Quick fix to this kind of dream
The fix for this kind of dream is physical. Such woman needs to look into affairs of the husband in question such as children, property, business, aged parent, etc. that the man will have care about if he is alive.
TI OBINRIN BA LALA WIPE OKU OKO N PE OHUN LOJU ALA PE KI WON JO WA (IF A WOMAN IS SEEING IN HER DREAM THAT HER LATE HUSBAND IS VISTING HER IN DREAM AND TELLING HER TO LET THEM BE TOGETHER: In many instances the a wife whose husband is dead, will be seeing often in her dream that her late husband is coming to her in dream and will be beckoning to her that they should be together again. There are many reasons that can account for this kind of dream. The first reason is when there is covenant between the two of them not to marry another person. Secondly, if the wife in question is one of the causative factors that cause the death of the late husband.  It may be that she is the one who killed the man directly or she involve in act of sexual infidelity with another person wich lead to the death of the late husband. It is warning dream that if necessary steps are not taking, the wife can actually die.
Quick fix for this kind of dream
The fix for the kind of dream of this nature may be physical or spiritual.
Physical- If the woman is still within the age range that she can marry. She needs to marry quickly and start relationship with another man. And their relationship must be consummate with sexual intercourse.
If the woman is using any personal belongings that belong to that man in question such clothes, cars, and beds. She must stop to use them unless she can do spiritual cleansing of them.
Spiritual- If the woman is cause of the death of the husband in question either she kills him directly or indirectly through her immoral ways of life. Below is the documentation of spiritual cleansing she needs to undergo.
Eeru (ashes)
OdidiAguntan(a sheep)
Apo Saka(weaves sack)
Yepe iboji (sand taking from gave)
Yepe Odo (clay soil)
The woman will be pouring ashes on her whole body on daily basis for three day without bathing. She will be in seclusion. She will not eat any food that have meant or fish. She will dress in sack. On the third day she will bath. The bath water will be collected in a bowl. You will kill a sheep and collect it blood and mix it with the water. The mixture will be use to mold the clay in female figure. You will place it in sun to dry. You will put the sack cloth that the woman wears on the clay figure. It will be place in the coffin. The woman will be sleeping beside the coffin for another three days. After that. You will dig a grave. You will pour Yepe iboji (sand taking from gave) on it, and imprint odu Ifa Oyeku meji thus:




You will place the coffin that contain the female clay image on it. You will then bury it. She will not die again.
NB: This is not license for people to go and kill their husband and think they will go scot free. Any evils that human do in this life there is always a consequence for it.

TI OBINRIN BA LALA WIPE OKO OHUN FE IYAWO MIRAN LOJU ALA (IF A WOMAN SEE IN HIS OR HER DREAM THAT HER HUSBAND MARRY ANOTHER WIFE IN HER DREAM): In any kind of dream where a woman see that her husband marries another wife in dream. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that certain person such as friend, family, job, friendship, business, or article such as gadget or car is going to shift the attention and devotion that her husband has for her away from her. In most cases it does not mean her husband will go and marry another wife in real life.
TI OBIRIN BA LALA WIPE OKO OHUN SE AISAN (IF A WOMAN SEE IN HER DREAM THAT HER HUSBNAD IS SICK):In any kind of dream of this nature where the woman see in his her dream that her husband is sick or bedridden. This kind of dream is telling the dream that her husband can become incapacitated to perform husband duties to her both physically and financially. It can also connote physical sickness
TI OBIRIN BA LALA WIPE OHUN ATI OKO OHUN JOWA NINU  OKO TO JA JUISLE (IN ANY KIND OF DREAM WHERE YOU SEE THAT YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND ARE IN CAR,AND HE LEFT YOU): In any dream where you and your partner are inside a car ,ship ,plane train or on a horse. And he left you suddenly. That can of dream connotes an imminent divorce.
Quick fix for this kind of dream
You must be able to take every necessary behavioral precaution on anything that may lead to conflict or strain relationship wish may culminate to divorce.
TI OBIRIN BA LALA WIPE OHUN ATI OKO OHUN N DU OKUN ESIN MON ARA LOWO (IF A WOMAN SEE IN HER DREAM THAT SHE AND HER HUSBAND ARE STRUGLING WITH EACH OTHER ON WHO TO HOLD THE LEAD ROPE OF A HORSE): In any kind of dream where a woman and her husband are struggling with each other on whom to hold the lead rope of a horse. It is warning dream that there is power struggle in the marriage between the husband and the wife. None of them is ready to compromise her position in the marriage and it is affecting their relationship. The same interpretation applies when a woman is struggling with her husband on who will paddle a canoe or drive a ship. Same interpretation also applies when a woman is struggling with her husband on who will hold the steering of a car between them and who drive the car.
Quick fix for this kind of dream
The woman who have this kind of dream need to be patient a bit and be submissive and be a bale to compromise a little on some relationship issue with her husband. If she wants to have relationship that is free from struggle.

TI O BA LALA TI OKO RE N GBE OWO PAMON (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOUR HUSBAND IS HIDEN MONEY IN SECRETS): In any kind of dreams where you see that your husband is hidden money in secrets. This is pure message dream that your husband has investment or property that he did not disclose to you. The dream may also be telling you that your husband wants to make secret investment.

TI OBINRIN BA LALA WIPE OKO OHUN RIN NI IHOHO (IF A WOMAN SEE IN HER DREAM THAT HER HUSBAND IS WALKING NAKEDLY): In any kind of dream where a woman see that her husband is walking nakedly. It is warning dream telling her that the man conduct is likely to put her  wife in humiliation or shame.  Same interpretation applies when you see in your dream that your husband is dancing naked in a party.
TI O BA LALA TI OKO RE N WE PELU OBIRIN MIRAN (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOUR HUSBAND IS BATHING WITH ANOTHER WOMAN): In any kind of dream where you see that your husband is bathing with another woman in the river. It means you husband is about or already having extra relationship affairs with another woman. I.e. trying to marry another wife. Same interpretation applies if you see that your husband is swimming with another woman, or you see another woman in shower or bath tube with your husband. Same interpretation applies when you see another woman spoon-feeding your husband or your husband spoon-feeding another woman
TI O BA LALA WIPE WON FI OSE IWE TA OKO RE LORE (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT BATH SOAP WAS PRESENT AS GIFT BY ANOTHER WOMAN TO YOUR HUSBAND): In any kind of dream where you see that another woman presents a gift of bath soap to your husband. It is a warning dream telling you that your husband will be seduce by another woman.
TI A BA LA WIPE OBINRIN MIRAN IN GE EKANA ESE OWO ATI ESE OKO WA (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT ANOTHER WOMAN IS CUTTING THE NAILS OF YOUR HUSBAND): This is warning dream telling you that you are carefree in take good care of your husbands and this may lead to you losing him to another woman.  Same interpretation applies when you see another woman spoon-feeding your husband or bathing  for him.
TI A BA LALA WIPE OKO WA N YOJU WO NINU BALUWE (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOUR HUSBAND IS PEEPING AT YOU WHEN YOU ARE BATHING IN BATHROOM): In any kind of dream where you see that your husband is peeping at you when you are in bathroom or try to peep at you through door hole . This is a warning dream telling the woman that her husband is becoming suspicious of her. And he keeping her under intensive watch.
TI A BA LALA WIPE OKO ATIJO N SO ABATA LU WA (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOUR EX-HUSBAND IS THROWING MUD AT YOU): This kind of dream is positive message dream telling the dreamer that her ex is taking step to defame her and tarnish her reputation.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences


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