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In this work Babalawo Obanifa will document the meanings of seeing fruits in dream from the context of Africa culture and spirituality.  The name for fruit in Yoruba language is known as Eso/Omo . In Igbo language fruit is known as Mkpụrụ. In Hausa language is known as  Ya'yan itace.In Fulani language fruit is known as Blinde ledde.It is known as Matunda in swahili.In Somali language fruits is known as Miro. Fruit  is known  as Muduraa/Kuduura in Oromo language .By fruits within the context of this work , I am referring to  something which grows on a tree or bush and which contains seeds or a stone covered by a substance that you can eat. The sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food. I. e "tropical fruits such as mangoes and papaya". Having known the meaning of fruits been refer to in this work. We will go to detail interpretation of seeing fruits in dream from the context of African Spirituality. Below are detail documentation of meanings of fruits in dream and spiritual way forward (known as quick fix ) where necessary  as interprets and document by Babalawo Obanifa .
TI A BA LALA RI IGI TI KO LESO (WHEN YOU SEE A FRUITLESS FRUITS IN YOUR DREAM):  In any kind of dream where you see tree that that does not bear any fruits. I mean when you see a fruitless tree in your dream. In most cases it must be a tree, plants, bushes etc. that do produce or bear fruits .Example of common tree that produce fruits are:Apples,Oranges,Mangoes,Lemons,Pears,Apricots,Coconuts,,Plum,Almond Indian Gooseberry .Cherry ,Mulberry ,Peach ,Fig, Persimmon,Pomegranate ,Grapefruit ,Avocado ,Jaboticaba fruit ,Lemon ,Lime ,Guava ,Olive ,Lychee,Durian,Jackfruit ,Cashew ,Trees, Dwarf,Columnar fruit Trees etc. So if in your dream you see a tree that ought to have fruits on it, but in that dream it is fruitless, it does not bear fruits or there is no any fruits on it. This kind of dream usually have various meanings depending on the situations and move in life at the time that he/she have that kind of dream.
 If an single man or woman that is about to marry have this kind of dream. It connotes that one of the prospective is already suffering or may later suffer from sterility or infertility problems. Same interpretation applies to already married persons that is having dream of this nature -seeing fruitless tree in dream. If a woman/woman who is about to marry see Ako Ibepe( A male pawpaw-Papaya plants that does not bear fruits but only have flowers , Same interpretation also apply -It mean that prospective partner is likely to be infertile .
Secondly, we may have cases where people who have already have many children and even have grand children may see in their dream that they see a fruitless tree in their dream. In such cases, it may not connote infertility or sterility. In such instance such dream will connote certain attempted project or business, investment or undertaking that will not yield profit or any fruitful result. Whether single or married if you about to enter into any business venture or relationships and you have this kind of dream. It connotes loss , unfruitful efforts.
Quick Fix for This Kind of Dream
The quick Fix for this kind of dream is usually in two dimensions, which are physical and spiritual.
Physical Quick Fix for Seeing Fruitless Tree in Dream

For prospective single person that is about to marry and one of them is having this kind of dream, they both need to undergoes physical laboratory medical fertility test to ascertain if any of them have fertility issue or have any underlying health condition that can give rise to infertility in future. If there is any one, they should seek medical treatment from qualified trained health practitioners. And seek professionals advise on same issue.
Below are documentation of herbal formula available in African Herbal medicine for treatment of infertility issue as documented by Babalawo Obanifa:

Female category

Ewe Akoko tutu (fresh fertility leaves scientifically known as Newbouldia laevis )
Oyin Igan gidi (Original natural wide honey)
You will boil the fresh leaves of Ewe Akoko tutu (fresh fertility leaves scientifically known as Newbouldia laevis ) together with water. When it has become cool. You will add honey to it.
The woman will be drink one glass of it two times daily.
NB: This herbal preparation documented above can make a woman to purge. If woman begin to purge after some days of usage. she must reduce the dose of it.
Eso Pandoro (Fruits of Africa Kigelia )
Alubosa Elewe( leafy onion/ Allium ascalonicum)


You will chop the Africa kigelia fruits into pieces  add  Alubosa Elewe( leafy onion/ Allium ascalonicum).You will boil  together.


The woman will be drinking one glass of it daily to treat fertility issue 


Ewe Patanmon(leaves of Biophytum petersianum)
Ewa Ikaakure (beans of Ikaakure,Vigina Sinesis)
Odidi ataare ( A whole alligator pepper/Aframomum Melegueta)


You will burn the three aforementioned items together to fine powder.


Immediately  after the woman stop her menstruation .She will begin the usage. She will be adding it to Eko tutu (cold corn meal) she will mix it together and eat. She will use it for a week. It cure infertility well.

Ewe Patanmon(leaves of Biophytum petersianum)
Omo ataare ( Seeds of  alligator pepper/Aframomum Melegueta)
Emimo Aberodefe /Eemon -Aberodefe(leaves of Dyschoristes perroneni)


You will grind the aforementioned items to fine powder.


The woman will be adding one table spoon of to with water and drink it every morning.


Ewe Enupekure.Enuopire/Enukopire(fresh leaves /stem of Euphobia Laterifolia )
Ewe Oro Alagogo(leaves of Euphobia Deightonii)
Kahun bilala (Trona)
Ose dudu(local black soap)


You will pound the aforementioned items to fine saop.


The woman will be washing her vagina with it.


Epo Akoko tutu (fresh bark stem of  fertility plants scientifically known as Newbouldia laevis )
Ataale (Zingiber Officinale )


You will grind the two together to form a fine powder.


The woman will be adding one table spoon of this preparation with eko(corn meal) every day for a month starting from the day she finish her menstruation to the day she will start another one . This make it a month.

For Male Category:

Eepo Obi abata( Kolanut pod with scientific name Cola Acuminata)

Ororo eyin(raw eggs)

Omi osan wewe( lime orange juice with scientific  name Citrus Aurantifolia)

Oyin igan ( original wild honey)

Omi mimu ( potable water).


You will grind the kolanut pod with the raw eggs and mix it with the lime orange juice ,honey and water in adequate proportion.


Drink one shot morning and evening daily continuously for 90 days.


Eepo peregun(bark stem of dracaena  Frangrans)

Odidi igbin kan( a matured giant land snail)

Kanhun bilala(Trona)

Suga onikoro( cubes of sugar).


You will grind the entire aforementioned items together to formed a fine powder.


You will be adding one table spoon of it to a corn meal daily. It can also be process to capsule as a food supplements.
Egbo Totoro/ponpola(roots of Bombax brevicupse)


Obtain the aforementioned roots, chop it into pieces. Soak in in a clean water for fourty-eight hours.


Drink one shot of it daily after meal.


Egbo  ogbolo(roots of Cissus populnea with scientific name Leptoderris Brachyptera)

Ewe abiwere( leaves of Eragortis Tenella with scientific name  Hybansthus Enneaspemus).


The two aforementioned should be grind together to form a fine powder.


Mix the powder with original wild honey. Take one table spoon of it daily. It can also be process to powder as a food supplement.


 Ewe dandan(Unidentfied)

Eepo Obi abata Kolanut pod with scientific name Cola Acuminata)

Eja ojiji gbigbe( dry electric fish)

Eso atorin(Fower seeds of Glyphea brevis)

Igbin( one giant land snails).


You will grind all the aforementioned powder together to form a fine powder.


Mix it with raw honey.

Ifoofo okun

Oyin Igan


Grind the aforementioned together.


Mix the powder with honey, it one spoon daily.


Igbin( one giant land snail)

Egbo Ogbolo(roots of Cissus populnea with scientific name Leptoderris Brachyptera)


The two aforementioned will be grind together to form a fine powder.


You can mixt with honey, you can also means it with ogi (corn palp) dosage is one teaspoon of the powder daily).

Owo eyo ti ko luju lopo( plenty clean cowries)

Ataare(alligator pepper with scientific name aframomum melegueta)

Eja ojiji gbigbe (one electric fish)

Egbo Ayunda(

Egbo idi apata(root of axonopus compressus/Microdesmis puberculia)

Oko ati epon Obuko (penis and testis of he-goat).


You will sundry the entire aforementioned items. You  will grind it well to form a fine powder.

You will mix it with a honey to be taking one full table spoon two times a day.
Agbado tutu(fresh corn)

Eso obi edun( fruits of Cola milleni/Cola laurifolia

Sugar onikoro( cubes of sugar).


The entire aforementioned items will be grind together to fine paste and it will be mix with honey.


Take it one table spoon two times daily.

Ewe atorin (leaves of  of Glyphea brevis)

Isu ege tabi paki wewe ti ko gbo( immature tubers of cassava)


The two aforementioned item will be grind together to form a fine paste ,it thereafter be mix with an honey.


One table spoon daily.


Ogede wewe dudu( unripe banana with scientific name Musa sapentum)

Ogede agbagba dudu(unripe plantain with scientific name musa paradisaca)

Eso aikujegure/aikujegbe(Seeds of Comelina erecta)


The entire aforementioned will be grind together to a paste ,it will then be mix with honey.


Take one table spoon of it two times daily.

Egbo obi(root of kolanut tree with scientific name kola acuminata)

Odidi Igbin kan( a matured giant snail).


Wash the root peel it and grind it to paste. Use to cook the snail and eat it.


Prepare and eat occasionally if you are suffering from low sperm count.


Eso atorin lopo(flowers or seed of  of Glyphea brevis)

Agbado gbigbe(dry maize with scientific name zea maize)

Suga onikoro(cubes of sugars).


The entire aforementioned will be grind together to fine powder.


Add it as food supplement to ogi(palp or corn meal food daily).

Dosage: one table spoon daily.


Ewe omonigelegele tutu9 fresh leaves of  of Cassyytha Filiformis /Cuscuta Australis)


Squeeze the leaves in water.


Drink one glass of the decoction daily.


Eso atorin(flowers or seed of  of Glyphea brevis)

Ododo tabi omunu ewe obi(shoot or tender leaves of Kola acuminate tree).


Grind the two together, and mix with honey


One table spoon ,two times daily.


Eyin tutu(fresh raw egg)

Milik ( fluid milk)

Oyin (honey).


The three aforementioned item should be mix together


Drink the mixture at one. It is instructive to note that this has been said not be good for men whose age is above forty years


Isu ayunda

Sugar onikoro(  cubes of sugar)

Iyere( Africa black pepper with scientific name Pepper Guinesse)

Kanhun bilala(Trona)

Iyo isebe (table salt)


The entire aforementioned should be grind together.

Add one table spoon of it to a corn palp daily.


Isu ayunda

Ogede omini dudu(unripe planatain with scientific name Musa sapentum)

Akere gbigbe( dry frog)


You will sundry everything and blend together in form of powder.


You will be taking it one table spoon daily with hot corn palp.

The second physical step that can be taking when you have this kind of dream, If you want to embark on certain business or project. You will need to make physical feasibility s study or employ the technocrat or experts in such field to investigate for you and advise you on what will be the likely result of your undertakings.
The third step is to make Ifa consultation to ascertain what the dream all about and what are the appropriate ebo that can be done to avert loss or misfortune.
TI A BA LALA TI A N KA ESO IGI TO PON SORI IGI (IF YOU SEE A RIPE FRUITS ON IT TREE IN DREAM): In any kind of dream where you see a ripe fruits on its tree, for example you may see a pawpaw(papaya) tree with fruits on its head and many of them  are ripe, You may also see fruits like cashew, mangoes, pear akee apple , apples, quava,pineapple ,oranges, cocoa fruits, palm fruits ,Africa cherry etc.  that mature and ripe on its tree.  This kind of dream is a positive message dream. It connotes gaining dividends on efforts. It means you will begin to gain reward for your efforts.
For parents, it means their children will soon begin to take good care of them and reward them for their labor on them. the reward may either be via physical show of care and affection or even financial reward.
By investors who have this kind of dream, it connotes his/ her effort on his /her trade will begin to yield good results for him to benefits.
For married couple who have this kind of dream it connotes that the union will begin to produce good result and comfort for them.
For apprentice or student who have this kind of dream. It connotes that he will begin to get positive rewards for his/her efforts.

Quick Fix for This kind of Dream

In any kind of dream of this nature, the only thing needed is prayer to Olodumare (God) and the ancestors for quick manifestation of dream of this nature.  To spiritually facilitate this gives alms to needy, orphanages, Good mature ripe fruits must be included.
NB:It is instructive that the interpretations above and quick fix step above apply to when you see ripe banana or ripe plantain on its tree.

 In any kind of dream where you see that you are plucking unripe fruits or immature fruits in dream. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she is in too much haste and rush to do somethings. The dream is a warning that that such act of haste and rush can lead to unconsummated fortune against the dreamer.

Quick Fix for This kind Of Dream

Since the dream is warning about the negative consequence of haste and rush. he /she need to check himself and avoid hasty decision. Take time for all things: great haste makes great waste. Manners require time, and nothing is more vulgar than haste.  Haste and hurry can only bear children with many regrets along the way. (Senegalese Proverb). So why be hasty when you know that the slow and steady always win the race? The dreamer must shun hasty decision if has this kind of dream.
NB: The interpretation above applies when you see yourself eating unripe fruits in dreams. It also applies when you see in your dream that you are eating unripe fruits or picking unripe fruits.

TI A BA LALA RI ESO IGI TI KI GBO LORI IYA RE (IF YOU DREAM AND SEE IMMATURE UNRIPE FRUITS IN YOUR DREAM): In any kind of dream mere seeing immature unripe fruits in your dream is warning dream telling that you lack requisite knowledge and experience require for certain task. You are not yet ready, or mature for what you want to do now.

Quick fix for this kind of Dream

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” The dream is warning to the dreamer to get require knowledge and preparation that will make deem expert and mature in whatever he /she pursue.

TI A BA N MU OSAN KIKAN LOJU ALA (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT EATING SOUR ORANGE): In any kind of dream where you see in your dream that you are eating sour orange in dream. Eating sour orange in your dream is warning dream telling the dream that he/she must examine some his /her excesses morally. Because those behavior if not curtail have negative consequence on the dreamer. 

Quick fix for this kind of Dream

According Mahatma Gandhi: “It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape the consequences of one's acts.” So if you want to avoid repercussion from your excesses. When you have this kind of dream. Is either you avoid those excess or minimize them.

TI A BA LALA RI ESO TI KO GBO TO JABO LARA IGI ( IF YOU SEE AN IMMATURE /UNRIPE FRUITS DROPING FROM TREE): In any kind of dream where you see that immature unripe fruit is fallen of its tree. This kind of dream usually have different meaning depending on the person involve.
If a newly pregnant woman has this kind of dream. The dream is telling the dreamer that such woman should take either physical and spiritual measure require to prevents miscarriage of pregnancy.
If a leader of organization, religious body, or parent that have children have this kind of dream. This a warning dream to that such person should pray to avoid untimely immature death of many people under him/her who may be his children, disciples, apprentice etc.
Quick fix for this kind of dream
This person obtains ripe fruits and feed aquatic animal in the river with prayer.
TI A BA N SA ESO LOJU ALA (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THA YOU ARE PICKING FRUITS IN YOUR DREAM):  IF you see in your dream that you are picking fruit in your dream. The meaning to be given to such dream will depend on the content and context of such dream.
If you see that you are picking good mature ripe fruits in dream. This kind of dream mean you will make money, profits or gather resource with ease at the expense of others.
If you see in your dream that you are picking rotten or bad fruits in dream. This kind of dream connotes that you gathering friends or companions, or buy article that you ought to know it has defects, but you just want to take the chances whether it will be good. It is warning dream that it is not good.
If you are picking unripe fruits, it signs that you are too much in hurry and you are taking wrong decision.
TI A BA N RA ESO LOJA (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE BUYING FRUIT IN THE MARKET) : This kind of dream need careful consideration. I have seen many pastors and prophet given misleading interpretation about this kind of dream. As some of them have wrongly tell people that it means bad dream and that it means destiny robber want to rob the dreamer of his /her destiny. With due respect to the people who held this view. They are wrong. When an individual whether male or female seeing himself /herself buying fruits in the market, especially when the fruits is banana. It means the dreamer need to venerate his Egbe (Astral mates) for him her to have easy ride in life. If you have this kind of dream often you may need to feed Egbe
Quick fix for this kind of dream

Propitiation or feeding of EGBE AS DOCUMENTED BY babalawo obanifa

This aspect of this work, will give detail information about feeding or propitiating of Egbe (Astral or heavenly mates). And I will critically examine Eru Egbe Didi. Firstly what do we mean by feeding of Egbe, or propitiating Egbe, and what  necessitate the feeding of Egbe?.Feeding of Egbe simply mean rituals carry out to gain favors of one Astral mates, it may be done to gain their favors or to prevent them from menacing a person life. Wide range of food items associated with children are use in feeding Egbe, although any edible food items by human being can be used. The next question to answer is what can actually demand for feeding of Egbe. The following conditions or situation I will highlight below usually responsible for feeding of Egbe. They are:
- By Instructions Of Ifa During Divination :this is usually the most conditions that demand for feeding of Egbe. The Odu Ifa that appear on divination tray can reveal to the Babalawo that the client should appease or feed Egbe if the client want to achieve the purpose he divine on. Most Babalawo do have Egbe pot at home they can do such for the client, If the Babalawo don't have Egbe pot at home, he will direct the client to other Babalawo that have the pot. Or the client can go to Egbe shrine or any priest/priestess of Egbe to carry out the feeding.

-Through dreams Or Personal Intuition: some people do know through dreams that they need to feed their Egbe e.g. they may see themselves in dreams sharing banana or ground nut with group of children. Some people who have active Egbe force in them can notice the sign that indicates they need to appease Egbe.

-Self Volition: some people can actually feed or propitiate Egbe on personal volition.

-Peer Group Influence :some people can imitate their peer. A combination of all what I highlighted can actually be responsible for feeding of Egbe.

The next thing to discuss is about what item are actually needed to feed Egbe?
Normally as I said earlier that any edible things can actually be used to feed Egbe, but food items associated with children is normally used. I will make mentioned of some few items use in feeding Egbe.
The list goes thus:

-Eso lorisirisi (all varieties of fruits)
- Ogede wewe(banana)
-Ireke (sugar cane)
-Oyin (honey)
-Epa sise tabi yiyan (cook or roasted groundnut)
-Wara (cheese)
-Epo pupa (palm oil)
-Obi(kola nut) oti(gin) ori (shea butter)
- Mindinmindin (all varieties of modern provision or candies like biscuits, chocolate bar etc.)

There are some items that are very important that cannot be overlooked in feeding of Egbe. Although the most this food are no longer fashionable for modern day children to eat but it must still be added in feeding of Egbe. Examples of this age long food using in feeding Egbe are these:

-Aadun :Aadun is prepare from fried dry maize. The maize will be ground to powder form salt will be added to it.if this powder is take ordinary it is called Ekute, if palm oil is mix with it is called Aadun.

-Asaro:this is yam porridge. Yam porridge is prepare by cooking yam and mix it with palm oil and other cooking spices.
-Ekuru Funfun :Ekuru is prepared with beans, grinded into paste and cook. It normally eat with stew but the one to be used for Egbe will be ordinary white.

-Iyan(pounded Yam) Amala (Yam flour)
-Adalu (cook bean) Akara (local bean cake)
-Esunsu(roasted Yam) moinmoin (this is same things like ekuru I explained above with different that palm oil and pepper is added to grinded soak beans before cooking)
After all items required to feed Egbe has been gather.

The Babalawo or Egbe priest or priestess will ask the person to whom the propitiation of Egbe is meant for to do Iwure (prayer) on the assemble items. Sometime if the animals are part of the things to be use the person can use the rope tied to that animals to rob his body. The next thing to do by the Babalawo is to render the praises of Egbe. If the Babalawo know the classes of Egbe the client belong to, he can also render praises of that particular Egbe on behalf of the client. After this he will explain the reason why the client is making the ritual. And requests Egbe the come to his aids. I have explained the categories or classes of Egbe at the beginning of this work  .

Let  me quickly explain little out of the general praises of Egbe
that can be chant before feeding  Egbe :

Egbe oga ogo
Alabelenu a n sasi
Atelesin tele
A po Jojo bi erupe
Borokini ode Orun ti ki je ki ti aye o te
Nitori lagbaja omo lagbaja
Ni a se pe yin
E wa je ki o sese
Heavenly mates the great ones
You with umbrella under wish people seek solace
You that the affluent people to your path
You are plenty like sand
The heavenly mates who prevent disgrace of his counterpart on earth.

We invoke you because of (Babalawo will then mentioned the name of the client and her mother)
Let everything done for this person be effective.

Babalawo can also go further by quoting Osa meji Odu in relation to Egbe, let me quickly recite the Odu here :

Isansa meji ni ki ara won jejeje
A difa fun egbe Orun a bunch fun ti aye
Borokini Orun  e ma je ki ti aye o  te
Borokini Orun e gba wa
Ti aye  n  te  lo.
It is two truant that greet each other gently
Cast Ifa divination for Astral mates
Cast Ifa divination also for comrades on earth
It is the heavenly mates that prevents those on earth from falling into disgrace.
Astral mates please come to our aid
The comrades on earth is about to be disgrace.

After this chant may have been made by Babalawo. He will then proceed to take the sacrificial items one by one to do Iwure (prayer) for the client in question.

For example he can take oyin (honey)
Didun Didun la ba oyin aye re  a  dun
Honey is always sweet your life will always sweet.
He can take banana and said
Ogede re o
Ogede ki sunkun atide
Ki ara o de o
This is banana
Banana doesn't cry to become soft when ripe
Your life will full of comfort.

That is how Babalawo will go on with the items available to pray for the client. He will then eat small out of the items. And give little to the client to eat.

The next stage is the placement of the food items use to appropriate location or spot. Sacrifice to Egbe in most occasion is often place beside the Awe or the fan of Eleeko. And in some occasion Ifa may direct where the sacrifice is to be placed e.g. besides big trees like :Araba, Iroko, Iyalode leave also known as lapalapa, or Akitan (refuse dump) eti odo (river or river bank) after this has been done. The Babalawo will then use Obi oloju merin( four lobe kolanut) to divine if everything is well and acceptable.

TI A BA LALA TI A N TA ESO LOJU ALA (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE SELLING FRUITS IN YOUR DREAM)- If you see yourself selling fruits in your dream. The kind of meanings to be given to this kind of dream will depend on the contents and context of such dream .
If  a woman see herself selling Agbalumon (African cherry Mango) in her dream. This a warning dream telling the dreamer to be careful because some people are perceiving him as prostitute or immoral woman.
If you see yourself that you are selling Eyin  pupa (ripe palm fruits ) in dream . This kind of dream connotes suffering .necessary spiritual prayers must be made to avoid suffering

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying     recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequence


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