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“I am not endeavoring to change the future but to free the present, I am not codifying any cannon to fetter the coming generation, but I am breaking the fetters that some of our fathers  mistakenly made for us , from my practice and experience over the years, I have concretely come to conclusion  that it is better to investigate  yourself, than to repeat a creed ‘’ Babalawo Obanifa

In this work Babalawo Obanifa will explain the concept and consequences of Apostasy (renunciation of faith) in Africa Spirituality. Note, I used the word Africa Spirituality, because the scope of this current work is to cover every aspect of indigenous spiritual practice in Africa. From personal experience, observations and research over the years. I can authoritatively write and lay down rules and regulations on this concept under discussion for present and future practitioners of Africa Spirituality, be it Ifa practitioners and any Orisa and divinities devotee Indigenous to Mother Africa. It is instructive to note that author of this work (Babalawo Obanifa) is a practicing diviner and an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian. The positions explain in this work can be rely upon as authoritative practicing guide for practitioners of Africa Indigenous faith of this generation and future. This work will examine inter alia; What is Apostasy? Reasons that can give rise to Apostacy, Consequence of Apostasy in Indigenous Africa Spirituality, , Prevention of Apostasy. The future practitioners should follow the lay down procedures I explain in this work, whenever they face or handling any issue related to Apostasy.
What is Apostacy (Renunciation of faith)?
Literately Apostasy simply mean the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief or principle. When you refuse to no longer follow or practice certain creed, that is what I mean by Apostasy within the context of this work. Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia give an all -encompassing definition of apostasy thus: “Apostasy (/əˈpɒstəsi/; Greek: ἀποστασία apostasia, "a defection or revolt") is the formal disaffiliation from, abandonment of, or renunciation of a religion by a person. It can also be defined within the broader context of embracing an opinion that is contrary to one's previous religious beliefs.[2] One who undertakes apostasy is known as an apostate. Undertaking apostasy is called apostatizing (or apostasizing – also spelled apostacizing). The term apostasy is used by sociologists to mean the renunciation and criticism of, or opposition to, a person's former religion, in a technical sense, with no pejorative connotation.
Occasionally, the term is also used metaphorically to refer to the renunciation of a non-religious belief or cause, such as a political party, social movement, or sports team.
Apostasy is generally not a self-definition: few former believers call themselves apostates due to the term's negative connotation.
Many religious groups and some states punish apostates; this may be the official policy of a particular religious group or it may simply be the voluntary action of its members. Such punishments may include shunning, excommunication, verbal abuse, physical violence or even execution.[3] Examples of punishment by death for apostates can be found in the Sharia law and they are currently imposed on apostates in certain Islamic countries. As of 2014, about a quarter of the world’s countries and territories (26%) had anti-blasphemy laws or policies,[4] of which 13 nations, all Muslim-majority, have the death penalty for apostasy.[5]

What will be deem as Apostasy In Africa Indigenous Spirituality?

Abandonment of priest/priestess hoods- In many lineages in Africa community back then, when a child is born. There is a ritual known as Esentaye/Ikosedaye (the first Ifa divination conduct for new born baby to ascertain his/her life path). During that rite it may be reveal that such child is a priests/priestess of certain deities, such as been a Babalawo, Orisa priests/ priestess of any kind. Many are time when such child grows up, he/she may choose to deviate or chose not to take up such calling. Such act will be deemed as apostasy. It usually attracts consequence and punishment, The Maximum punishment for apostasy of this nature in Indigenous Africa spirituality is that such child will be struggling financially and be experiencing unconsummated fortune in his/her life pursuit. He /she may be in other very lucrative and prestigious profession, but he/she will have nothing to show for it. It is instructive to note that there is no death penalty either physically or spiritually for any form of apostasy in Africa spirituality.  For any practicing diviner who did not know how to conduct Ikosedaye or anybody who want have general knowledge on it should vide my previous work on it via this link:https://www.babalawoobanifa.com/2019/04/meanings-of-esentayeikosejayeikosedaye.html. Spate of modernity and coming of colonial religion such as Christianity and Islamism to Africa have increases the spate of apostasy of this nature. This has also knowingly or unknowingly cause untold hardship in the life of many.
Abandonment of Family rites- In many communities in Africa, some family have rites and ritual they perform on their children at birth, some for their pregnant woman and some for bride and groom that are about to marry. Due to the spate of modernity and westernization many people deliberately abandoned this rite, some parent known of those rites, but because they have received western education or they are now a Christian or Muslim they will ignore it. I have seeing in many instances were people will say the blood of Jesus has set me free from custom and tradition ,but in actual fact the consequence of such negligence still hunt their life  in various form such as experience protracted illness that devoid medical diagnosis, inability to get marry despite been fit and proper, infertility and inability to maintain financial equilibrium.
Abandonment of Indigenous spirituality and covert to other Religion : This is referring to renunciation of one's faith and believe ,which eventually result in conscious abandonment of practice of Africa Spirituality by any practitioners both in word or through deed This when you have been practicing indigenous Africa spirituality and you suddenly decided either due to social pressure,stigima or where people of other religion manage to convince you either with education, gift, or you face ostracizations ,or people you practice same faith together are doing thing that are detrimental to your well being which pressurize you to dump your believe. In  such instances you now  stop any form of activities relate to indigenous practice, some will even bring their paraphernalia or instrument out or take it to churches or mosque to burn it. Some will throw them in the river etc. Ifa wisdom which is the guiding compass of Africa Spirituality state clearly that in such circumstance there is usually consequence. The maximum punishment for this kind of Apostasy is physical suffering, economic and financial hardship, loss of job and trade, sometime protracted ailment. But there is no death penalty for any form of Apostasy in Africa spirituality.
For example, from personal experience of the author of this work, in many years back despite having the revelation from birth to practice as priest, I choose not to, at certain stage when I am growing up. My own case is partial repudiation then. I still practice for myself, but I chose not to attend to anybody such as attending to clients, I love to be a corporate man, I even adopt Christian name known as Joshua which is still on most of my  record till date. But the consequence is not sweet, the western education I want to abandoned the practice for come with a lot of challenges for me despite the fact that I know myself that I have a very bright and smart cerebral. I quickly retrace my steps that year, before I started to get thing right in term of my education back then. My own case was still good, I did not renounce totally, I just choose not to practice fully and be attending to clients as require of me. But immediately I retrace my steps despite the mistake, I start to use the gift and knowledge I have acquire to help people, I did not only do that alone I even propagate. Things change for me. I was able get thing right in term of my western education and other sphere of my life that catch my interests. My own case is good, If some do what I did, it may be more devastating for them.
Abandonment  of Ifa or Orisa After Initiation-  There are instances where people get initiated to Ifa or certain Orisa . But due to certain reason, such as :
Failure to meet their need: Some do get initiated to Ifa to acquire certain need such money, position, power, fame, to get marry or have children etc. But due to mis application or incompetence on the part of their Oluwo,god father or mother etc. They will grow weary and decide to dump the practice.
Social Stigma – To some up till today anything relating to Africa spirituality is evil. Due to this misconception some will decide to drop the practice after they have achieve their purpose with it.
Anachronistic and Unimproved Nature of practice of Some Practitioners: Some practitioner can due to ignorance still have the stone age practice, Intimidation of the novice and creating unnecessary tense and scary atmosphere and looks to intimidate people. Due to spate of advancement in human civilizations in this century, people can no longer cope with anything that have no aesthetic essence. This has made a lot of people to renounce indigenous faith.
Hypocrisy on the path of people that people perceive as leader in Indigenous practice- Today many people that come to revere position in indigenous practice either by hereditary or election  are Hypocrite. They are not there to add value to peoples life, they are there to feed fat on the fear and ignorance of the populace .Some time they even lack the  sound knowledge the spirituality  as show in the character and their ways of life  ,from my personal observation of their life with what they do to their own family members not to talk of stranger.  In fact some of them are ignorance of the message of Ifa scripture. When wise and rational thinker take note of such people, they see the system as sham.  
What ever the case abandoning your practice does not always  bring good consequence.
Reasons that can give rise to Apostasy
Deceptions:  Deception is number one thing that normally lead to apostasy in any religion or spirituality. There is a lot of  fake and false indigenous practitioners, who hide under the guise of practicing indigenous spirituality to commit fraud, sexual immorality such as sleeping with other people wife or husbands  , Given of false hope and predictions, Misleading the society .Extortion in the name of Indigenous faith .Having Oluwo  who is there to exploit you or your family without value in return. Treating people that you will kill or harm them if they did not give you certain money or if they did not perform certain ritual that something bad such as death, sickness or loss will happen to them. This is age of enlightenment society is tired of such nonsense.
Betrayal of Public interest and Abuse of privilege Position and power- Situation where people who ought to guide society or community right collect bribe to give misleading information. I.e  in the olden day for King to ascend a throne, divination will be conduct to choose among the candidates. This day once an Awo collect bribe of millions and luxurious  car ,they will go to public to announce a candidate  even though no consultation was made not to talk of even manipulating it. No reasonable man in his/her right sense will take such clown personality serious no matter how flamboyant they appear in playing to the gallery. It shown they don’t even know what  they are doing, not to talk of consequence of it.Hence many intellectual repudiate indigenous practice when the see such rot.
Persecutions- Persecution can be in two forms; External and Internal persecution. External persecution is from people who adopt colonial religion such as Christianity and Islam. Due to Ignorance some people in this category do try to treat anyone who practice indigenous faith with contempt and disdain. Or see them from perspective of evil or been inferior to them. Some time they even face ostracization. These pressure from a lot of  meaningful but ignorance person who occupy important position in the society has make a lot of indigenous practitioner to renounce their believe in African spirituality. But when I am growing up some smart parent who are ardent Indigenous faith practitioners are smart enough to insert Christian or any foreign  name among the name on the record of their children. They do this mainly to make them have comfortable interaction and not face a lot of discrimination when they come in contact with anybody who is not of same view with them ,but that is mandatory for them to get   his/her favor in one way or the other. In my own on opinion, I don’t think parent should use this method any more, is of no use. African names are more meaningful and better. And the world has  advance  and thing are now better and people are nor better informed than in eighties and seventies .

Internal persecution- This is persecution by indigenous practitioner persecuting their self. Hatred, competition. This is common in Ifa practice . That is even why in Yoruba land as at toady there is no uniform Ifa practice. They persecute one another. They cannot withstand success of another person. When they see you succeeding, They want to see your fall so that you will be coming their house to attend to their client, try to use other people to boost ego, Be their aid that will be travelling with them around to boost their ego . This act of wickedness have made meaningful people that can contribute to development of Idegenous Africa spirituality move to other religion or faith. They did same thing to me but I defeated them, If you have access to this work in future whether I am still alive or dead ,you should not follow the path of those people ,non of my disciples should persecute one another ,none of my followers should seek downfall of his fellow devotee, They should preach love, peace ,they should facilitate  the growth of one another. Most importantly they should learn and imbibe the spirit of given and helping the society  by adding value to the life of anybody that come across their path. They should prove the world that they are advancing personality, that anybody who associate with them will achieve same. And I assure you they will.  I created entirely new spiritual system from the Old one ,. I have made it to undergoes expurgation of old defect of practice of wickedness and greed, threat and fear and secrecy, our goal is impact and values. Not the old system of business as usual. Never persecute your fellow devotees . Whenever dispute occur is ether you settle it amicably or forgive and forget, persecution of one another can scatter you as it is  currently scattering the old order. Never persecute if you belong to this order, You should love and admit merit when you see one.
Temptations:Temptation is part of the thing that is leading to Apostasy.People can be tempt with wealth,woman,civilasiation ,persuasion and sometime technological and scientific advancement .
Consequence of Apostasy in Indigenous Africa Spirituality

The Maximum consequence for apostasy in Africa Spirituality  as point out by Ifa is restlessness and unbalance life. And it is the deity or divinities their self that have the jurisdiction to inflict such punishment. In African spirituality it is  wrong for anybody to force anyone to practice certain spirituality or faith or threat anyone physically or spiritually because he /she did not practice your creed or he /she has been practicing and choose not to again. You should not force any body to practice or not commit apostasy, You should not treat bodily harm ,violence or death or any form of physical or spiritual punishment for anybody to practice or to continue to practice indigenous faith. But you can always admonish and advise even implore .

I have seen instance where people say that their Oluwo threatining them with death or certain disease. There is no any Ifa scriptural stanza to back up  such misconduct.
However in Odu Ifa   Irosun Otua . Ifa make it expressly clear that there is usually a punishment  for ardent Awo who commit apostasy . This is what ifa says on it:

Ponpola Abaso Jingbini -Jingbini
Dia fun Ifakolade
Eyi tii se Elemeso Awo
Ifakolade Elemeso Awo
To se tan to ni ohun fe sin ifa mo
Ifakayode Elemeso Awo
Eese to lo fe ti Ifa mon
OOsa to ba gbeni la n isn
To ba lo sin Ifa mon
Atosan ati ooru
Igi ti n gba gab oko ki n sun
Ponpola with expensive  gorgeous dress
This was Ifa message for Ifakolade
Who is Elemeoso Awo
Ifakolade Elemeso Awo
Who suddenly decided to commit apsotacy against Ifa
Why did chose to commit apostacy aginst ifa
It is deity that favor one;s that one worship
If you say don’t worship ifa again
Day and night
The tree that clear bushes in the wall will never sleep

Remedy and rehabilitation of life after Apostacy
1.    Many are time when people commit apostasy. What is it that they need to do? The first things is for such person to have Ifa consultation  and do proper ebo and etutu
2.   Secondly the Person need to venerate and appeases the divination in question
3.   The person need to reactivate and reconsecrate the deity in question

Prevention of Apostasy

1 Peace and love  : Any body in this order should preach peace, Preach peace and love. Leave an exemplary life  that is worthy of emulation . Shun hypocrisy and deception in your practice. Shun violence of any sort. To achieve this you must master the psychology of human mind , You must not deny the truth of other religion ,you must not use violence to pass your idea and creed to other people .You must not engage in religion or personality persecution of any of  your fellow human being .You should  know that it utterly impossible to violently robb man of their opinion.

2.Expurgation of defect in old Creed- It is high time we Expunge some obnoxious ceremonial part of our spirituality that we known our self that it is not , serving any purpose  but it is there for the ceremony of it  but it is repugnant to advancement of human civilization . We should embrace the more practical and scientific solution and value oriented part of our spirituality and project same to lime light.

3.Exploitation and threatening of novice and uninitiated through scary dress code, verbal abuse or writing or in conduct whether express on imply should be avoid.

4.Any act of internal persecution of one another for sake of money and shameful fight and defaming of others  all in the name of ego and seeking for cheap popularity and legitimacy should stop.
Anybody who haves  access to this work after me and is in the leading  role in this order, should be able take the time and season and level of advancement obtainable at the time that he is leading this order and improve on my works, whether this work or any of my theological thought and writings . I can not teach a man anything, I can only make  them to think.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences


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