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Many people have Opon Ifa and they don’t even known the use  of it to the fullest, its spiritual significance and  how to harness it will be the  focus of  Babalawo Obanifa this work.

What is Opon Ifa?

In Yoruba  land, Opon is a word that is used to describe any type of flat carve wooden work. When we are talking about Opon Ifa ,where are talking about any flat carved wooden work that serve as an Ifa paraphernalia, when  I said wood work here, I am not just talking of any wood work. The thought of our forefather is that genuine Opon Ifa should be carved from Iroko tree. The believes is that Opon Ifa carved from Iroko tree will aid quick acceptance of ebo because of the spirit guide behind Iroko tree. This does not mean other trees could not be used to carved Opon Ifa ,but we must state it clear here for practicing Babalawo of this generation and future that Iroko tree is the tree to use to make Opon Ifa . The popular term for Opon Ifa this day by Ifa devotes is to refer to it as Ifa divination tray. Opon Ifa  is usually embellished with different artistic work such as Esu image, Opele Image,Crocordile image and lizard Image  etc. The Esu image is very important on Opon Ifa , because it is only Esu image that have significance on Opon Ifa , as other artistic image embellished on it aparts from the Esu Image have no spiritual significance, it is just for aesthetic value. The writers of Wikipedia are wrong when they document on their website and says that ‘ the artistic  and embellished  nature of the tray as they are meant to praise and  acknowledge the noble  work of the Babalawo’. With due respect they are wrong. The most important artistic image needed on Opon Ifa is just the Esu Image at the top central of the tray. All other artistic image can be dispense with, as it is of no use than adding more aesthetic value to the Opon Ifa.

The Making of Opon Ifa

Opon Ifa is usually carved out of any hard wood that have durability feature. The people before us make it clear that Iroko tree is the spiritually recognize tree for carving Opon Ifa. There other school of thoughts, that Igi Omon(Omon tree) and Iroko can be used. Babalawo Obanifa choose to aligned his thought with the first position as I usually make my Opon Ifa from Iroko tree, I can attest to the efficacy of Opon Ifa of such nature. Anybody can make Opon Ifa so far you have the knowledge of wood carving. But for sake of professionalism Opon Ifa is usually make by people who we traditionally refer to as Agbegilere(wood carver). Wood carvers are people who work with chisels and other carving implements to make image out of wood. The Awo can order for Opon Ifa of any size. I have read many works where I see authors and writers given description of size, dimension, diameter, meter of what an Opon Ifa should look like. With due respect to those people with such opinions ,they are all wrong. Nobody can give precise general acceptable standard of what Opon Ifa should look like. In fact, the size of Opon Ifa whether it is big or small is immaterial. The only standard that our forefather do set for the Agbegilere(wood caver )in the day of the old is that Opon Ifa must be able have space that can accommodate two Odu Ifa at once, though we do have the Opon Ifa that can accommodate more than two or three Odu Ifa at once. when the Odu is imprinted on it. Apart from this criteria Opon Ifa can be of any size from mini ,small ,medium and big sizes. The Size is immaterial as they all perform same function irrespective of the size. The carver are very smart to put different artistic designs on the Opon Ifa to increase the market value of it and make it attractive to the intending Awo who want to buy. It is instructive to note that these artistic feature is of no spiritual value except the head Of Esu I mage which is usually at the front center of the Opon Ifa. The traditional Agbegilere(wood carver) learned from the Babalawo the essential part of what will make Opon Ifa a valid Ifa Spiritual paraphernalia. A good Ifa tray must have this features: Iwaju Opon (the front of opon) thi s the center where the carver will carved the Esu Image, Ese Opon( bottom base/feet of the opon) this the bottom that usually have no design and if it have at it will not be Esu image if the carver is a spiritually inclined carver, because Ese Opon must be made in such a way that it will be easy for the user to distinguish between the head and bottom base of the opon Ifa. Though many wood carvers out of excessive artistic embellishment of the Opon do carve Esu Image at the top and bottom base of the Opon Ifa some do even carve head of Esu Image at the four middle position of the Opon ifa. This is wrong as this will make it difficult for Babalawo to identify which position is the front of Opon Ifa on each usage during ebo. The third most important feature that Opon Ifa must have is Oju Opon /Arin Opon. This is the most important the  face or hollow flat top of the Opon Ifa. It is usually plain; this is where Iyerosun Ifa divination powder is normally place during Ifa consultation or Ebo and etutu. These three features must be present in Opon Ifa . others can be dispense with.
Reason for Having Head Of Esu Image on Top Of Ifa Divination Tray
You may have be wondering while emphasis is made on having Esu image on top center of Opon Ifa. Esu is one of the Orisa/irunmole in African spirituality. Esu is deemed to be an intermediary between Aye (earth) and Isalu Orun(heaven). It is a messenger that carry messages and ebo(ritual and prayers) between Aye and Orun. The representation of its head on Opon Ifa as explained  to me 30 years back by late Baba Arifalo is that Esu Image is on the Opon mainly to bear the supplications of the Awo and the prospective client to Olodumare. In African Ifa cosmology Esu is the bearer of Ebo.

What is Actual Shape of Opon Ifa?

As in the case of the sizes of Opon Ifa explained earlier there is specific shape for Opon Ifa. Opon Ifa can be of any shape. It can be in circular form, semi-circular form, square form, rectangular, triangular form. Any shape so far it have head of Esu image at the top center of it and have the three features I explained earlier.

Uses of Opon Ifa

Opon Ifa is used for two things .Firstly Opon Ifa is used during  Ikin Ifa consultation . The awo will put Iyerosun on the Opon Ifa  and imprint the symbol dictate by Ikin on the Iyeosun during Ifa consultation. Secondly is that Opon Ifa is the Ifa paraphernalia to use during ebo.The Awo will imprint the Odu Ifa Ose -otua  on the right hand and the Odu that come out for the prospective clients on the left hand on the opon Ifa . while the ebo will be perform accordingly.

Consecration and maintenance of Opon Ifa
The issue of consecrating Opon Ifa before use is optional because Opon Ifa can be use without consecration and same efficacy of usage still obtained. But I do consecrate mine before usage ,and here is documentation If any practicing Awo want to consecrate his/hers, it is the same consecration method for Ikin Ifa that you will use to consecrate Opon Ifa paraphernalia. Get:

Ewe Odudun(leaves of Kalachoe  Creanata)

Ewe rinrin( leaves of pepperomia pellucida)

Ewe tete( Leaves Of Amaranthus Hybridus)

Ewe alukerese(Leaves Of Ipomea Invulucrata)

Ewe Oora( leaves of Rauvolfia Vomitoria)

Ewe tunpemu(no English name avalible)

Ewe alugboran(leaves of Triclisia Subcordata)

Ewe amuwagun(leaves of Acalyphea Ornata).

This is not the comprehensive list of all kooko ewe Ifa ( Ifa leaves).But at least If these aforementioned can be get .it will deem that Opon Ifa can be consecrated with it with high level of professional competence and accuracy.

All the leaves will be put in a bowl. You will then pour a lot of schnapps or dry gin in it .water will be added. You  will count the sacred palm nut (Ikin Ifa to be activated Inside It) 16 by 16 in their numbers depend on the hands of Ifa you have. You will Pour Iyerosun(Ifa consultations Powder  on the Opon (Ifa divination tray).You will imprint Odu Ifa Ejiogbe  symbol up to Ofun meji, you will be chanting the Ifa stanza from the odu on the divination tray, after the recitations of the Odu you will put little out of the divination powder that you chant to the Ifa stanza into the bowl containing the leaves and Ikin (sacred palm nut) Though out the Imprinting of Oju Odu Merindinlogun (The sixteen principal odu  Ifa ).   You can chant along with Ifa songs. Space and time will not allow explanation on that.  But you can simply chant the following Ifa Incantation thus:

Ora mo ra ki n ri se

Mo ra ki n lowo

Mo ra ki n koi le

Mo rayi lowo re na ora mo ra ki n rise

Amuwagun ko mu iwa temi gun

Tupemu ki o tun ipin mi se

Ona gbonran niti Alugboran

 Mo tu Odundu

Mo tu rinrin

Ina ki jo nipa odo

 Ki ile mi ko tutu

Te omo si obinrin ninu

Te ire mon mi lowo


I have bought this

I should be prosperous

I should build a house

I have bought this from you

I should have all the blessing of life

Amuwagun help me strait my life journey

I have fetch Odundun

I have fetch Rinrin

Tunpemu help refurbish my destiny

Alugboran always enjoy a straight path

Fire don’t burn the stream flowing channel

Odundun leaves is always fresh and cool

Rinrin leaves is always fresh and cool

May my home and path be cool and calm?

Tete should put children inside my wife womb.

Tete should imprint fortune into my hand.

After all this prayer has been said, you can start to kill snail etc. on it and start to use the leaves to wash the Ikin and remove the Ikin from the water into the plate Or Ajere Ifa. This is just a synopsis of how washing of Ikin Ifa can be carry out. This can also be used to wash or consecrate new Opon Ifa that have never been used before.
The blood of the goat used during ebo can also be taking to clean Opon ifa.


Ajere Ifa is one of the most Important Ifa paraphernalia that an Ifa practitioners or Babalawo must have and maintain. What is Ajere Ifa? Any container either wooden, Iron, brass, gold etc. That is carved or mold for the purpose of carrying, safekeeping and storing of Ikin Ifa (sacred palm nuts) for the purpose of Ifa consultation is known as Ajere Ifa. The Ajere Ifa is referring to any container that contain Ikin Ifa  for purpose of Ifa divination of Ifa veneration. Ajere Ifa have ritual and aesthetic functions. It perform ritual function in the sense that Ajere is the container that usually contain the Ikin merindinlogun (the sixteen cowries ) that are choosing from Opon Ifa(Ifa bowl) and  used for Ifa divination during Ifa consultation.  At this stage , I must explicate that there are difference between Ajere Ifa  and Opon Ifa. Because I have seen that many practicing Babalawo even here at home in Yoruba land cannot distinguish between the function of Ajere Ifa and Opon Ifa. As some usually depict Ajere Ifa  as Opon Ifa. But there is difference in the two. Opon Ifa is any wooden bowl that that is carved in such a manner to have like five or more inner segments and compartments. The middles or center compartment is usually large and big in comparisons to other compartments. Traditionally in olden days. This center compartments is normally used to house or store the Ikin of the father or the elder of the family .while the surrounding little compartments is use to store the Ikin of the children. This Opon Ifa (Ifa bowl) just describe is different from flat Opon Ifa (Ifa divination tray) that Iyerosun is normally pour upon during Ifa consultation. The two are called Opon Ifa but with different function and description. For example one is bowl and one is tray. So in short in defining or explaining Ajere Ifa ,It is wrong to attribute the function of Opon Ifa (Ifa bowl) to Ajere Ifa. In manner which previous writers and even Wikipedia have wrongly given misleading description of function of Ajere Ifa. In my research in the field I discover that even some practicing Babalawo as well cannot distinguish between the two. Talking from my experience in research field. So in short Ajere Ifa function is mainly to house or store the Ikin merindinlogun(sixteen Ifa sacred palm nuts) that is meant to be use for Ifa consultation  or Ifa divination.
When the Ikin is selected from Opon Ifa (Ifa divination bowl)  it will be select and put inside Ajere Ifa . It is inside Ajere Ifa  that Ibo (consecrated cowries shell for narrowing Ifa message to yes or no) or consultation fees of the client will be use to touch the Ikin for making the enquires.  Another function is the beautification and aesthetic value. Ajere Ifa is usually carved  with wood, or even bronze to have an hollow to plate to house the choosing Ikin for the purpose of Ifa consultation  and human figure or animal figure. But it is usually human figure ,mostly feminine figure in most cases in kneeling position using her hand to hold the hollow plates to house the Ikin for divination.
It must be noted henceforth that Ajere Ifa is different from Opon Ifa(Ifa bowl). The reader or student must also have it in mind that when we talk of Opon Ifa In Yoruba Ifa spirituality. Opon Ifa is in two formats; one is bowl and one is tray. The bowl is use to house Ikin Ifa in plenty numbers, while the tray is use to imprint Odu Ifa during Ifa consultation or ebo. But the nomenclature for the two is known as Opon Ifa.


The same process uses in consecration and annul reactivation of Ikin Ifa is the same process for the activation of Ajere Ifa. It is the same omi ero that will be use to wash and consecrate Ajere Ifa. You can read my work title ‘consecration of Ikin Ifa by Babalawo Obanifa’ to have the knowledge of this.


Maintenance include physical cleaning of it from dirt and residue of sacrificial items.
Each time an hen or goat is kill during prayers and ebo . The blood can be used to clean the whole body of the Ajere. You will put it in the sun to dry and bring it back inside to your
 Ile idafa or temple. It will always shine and glitters.
 To be continue, this piece was culled from Babalawo Obanifa unpublished work, “African Ifa Theology”

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequence

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