Click on the Vedio above to Watch and Download  Causes and Consequences of LUTO (2 of 9)
In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will document some of the effective herbal remedies available in Yoruba Herbal Medicine for the treatment of Obstructive Uropathy which some people also in lay man diction refer to as Urinary tracts obstruction or Ureteral obstruction. In Yoruba herbal medicine parlance, the term use for description of this condition is known as Aisan Seto- Seto. The aim of this work is to give the reader general educational information on Obstructive Uropathy (Urinary tracts Obstruction) as well as various herbal formula available in Yoruba herbal medicine for the treatment of such conditions.  However, it is instructive for any body who have access to this work to note that medical information made available in this work are for education purpose, and should not be regarded as a substitute to the service of qualified trained health practitioners where service of one is required.
One of the leading works that give detail concise comprehensive information about Obstructive Uropathy is the work of Erica Roth titled Obstructive Uropathy The work have been Medically reviewed by University of Illinois-Chicago, College of Medicine and publish on According to Erica Roth, Obstructive uropathy is when your urine can’t flow (either partially or completely) through your ureter, bladder, or urethra due to some type of obstruction. Instead of flowing from your kidneys to your bladder, urine flows backward, or refluxes, into your kidneys.
The ureters are two tubes that carry urine from each of your kidneys to your bladder. Obstructive uropathy can cause swelling and other damage to one or both of your kidneys.
This condition can affect men and women of any age. It can also be a problem for an unborn child during pregnancy.
Obstructive uropathy can occur due to a variety of factors. Compression can lead to damage to your kidneys and ureters.
Temporary or permanent blockages in your ureter or urethra, through which urine exits your body, can result from:
  • injuries such as a pelvic fracture
  • tumor mass that spreads to your kidneys, bladder, uterus, or colon
  • diseases of the digestive tract
  • kidney stones trapped in your ureter
  • blood clots
Nervous system disorders can also cause obstructive uropathy. This occurs when the nerves responsible for bladder control don’t function properly. The use of neurogenic drugs to control an overactive bladder can also cause obstructive uropathy in some cases.

An enlarged prostate is a frequent cause of obstructive uropathy in men. Pregnant women may also experience a reversed urine flow due to the additional weight of the fetus pressing down on their bladder. However, pregnancy-induced uropathy is very rare.
The onset of obstructive uropathy can be very quick and acute, or slow and progressive. You’ll feel pain in your midsection on one or both sides of your body. The level and location of pain varies from person to person and depends on whether one or both kidneys are involved.
Fever, nausea, and vomiting are also common symptoms of obstructive uropathy. You may experience swelling or tenderness in the kidneys as urine flows backward into your organs.
A change in your urinary habits can indicate a blockage in your ureters. Symptoms to look for include:
  • difficulty passing urine
  • a slowed stream, sometimes described as a “dribble”
  • a frequent urge to urinate, especially at night (nocturia)
  • the feeling that your bladder isn’t empty
  • decreased urine output
  • blood in your urine
You may have a decrease in the amount of urine you expel if just one of your kidneys is blocked. Usually, both kidneys need to be blocked to impact urine output.

Symptoms in unborn children

Obstructive uropathy can be a problem in an unborn fetus. One of the signs of obstruction in an unborn baby is a level of amniotic fluids in the womb that’s lower than normal. Urine is one of the components of amniotic fluid. A fetus with obstructive uropathy is unable to urinate outside their body. This leads to a drop in amniotic fluid volume, which can lead to fetal or birthing complications.

Diagnosis of obstructive uropathy

Your doctor will diagnose obstructive uropathy with an ultrasound. Scans of your pelvic region and your kidneys will show if urine is backing up into your kidneys. Imaging tools can also point out blockages to your doctor.

Treatment for obstructive uropathy

Removing the obstruction from blocked ureters is the main goal of treatment.


A surgeon will remove masses such as cancerous tumors, polyps, or scar tissue that forms in and around your ureters. Once they clear the blockage from the affected ureter, urine can flow freely into your bladder.

Stent placement

A less intrusive form of treatment is the placement of a stent in the blocked ureter or kidney. A stent is a mesh tube that opens up inside your ureter or blocked area of your kidney. Stenting can be a solution for ureters that become narrower from scar tissue or other causes.
Your doctor will place a stent in your ureter with a flexible tube called a catheter. Catheterization is typically performed with the use of numbing medication while you’re awake. In some cases, you may be sedated for the procedure.

Treatment for unborn children

Your doctor may be able to treat fetal obstruction in the womb in some cases. Your doctor may place a shunt, or drainage system, in your unborn baby’s bladder. The shunt will drain urine into the amniotic sac.
Fetal treatment is usually performed only when the baby’s kidneys appear to be irreversibly damaged. Most often, doctors can repair kidney function and blocked ureters after the baby is born.

Long-term outlook

The outlook for obstructive uropathy depends on whether one or both kidneys are affected. People who have an obstruction in only one kidney are less likely to encounter chronic uropathy. Those with recurring obstructions in one or both kidneys are more likely to experience extensive kidney damage. Kidney damage may be reversible or can remain unchanged based on a person’s overall health.

Herbal Remedies for Treatment of Obstructive Uropathy In Yoruba Herbal Medicine as Document by Babalawo Obanifa.


Alubosa elewe  (Allium asacalonicum)

Alubosa Onisu(Allium cepa)

Karooti(carrot/Daucus Carota Sativa)

Tomatoes (Tomatoes /Solanum Lycopersicum)

Oyin Igan gidi (Original honey)

Alubosa Aayu( Garlic/Allium sativum)


You will grind the entire aforementioned items together to fine paste. You will then mix it the honey. Pack it inside a small bottle or plastic container with cover. Allow it to undergo fermentation for three days.


You will be taking one short of this preparation. Three times daily.


Ojere Agbado(Maize Tarssel)

Epa Ikun(Cassia tora/Curculigo Pilosa)

Baara(Citruluss Lanatus )

Epo ara Ireke( peel of sugar cane / Saccharum officinarum)

Oyin Igan (original wild honey)


You will boil the items 1 to 3 on with water and mix it with Original wild honey.


You will be drinking one glass of it three times daily


Osepotu(Oyo) Iseketu(Ekiti)-(Fresh Sida Acuta leaves _

Emu Ogidi (Original undiluted palm wine)


You will use the undiluted natural palm wine  to squeeze the fresh leaves of Sida Acuta.


You will be drinking one full glass of it three times daily after meal

·         Preminger GM. (2016). Obstructive uropathy (urinary tract obstruction). 
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

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