HERBAL REMEDIES FOR COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa extreme documentaries- Clinical Trial Version-Vol 3

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HERBAL REMEDIES FOR COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) BY BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa extreme documentaries- Clinical Trial Version-Vol 3

In my previous work ,Clinical trial version of herbal remedies on COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) volume 1and 2 . We reveal some formula that can be  use in treatment of this diseases thus:
Osan Grapu (Grape fruits/ Citrus Paradis)
Egbo ,epo ati ewe Awun (fresh root, leaves and bark stem of Alstonia Boonei)
Oruwo (  Fresh bark stem and leaves of Brim stone tree /Morinda lucida)
Cut the (fresh root, leaves and bark stem of  Alstonia Boonei)  and ( Fresh bark stem and leaves of Brim stone tree /Morinda lucida) in pieces .Put them inside a clean pot. You will cut as many grape fruit as you can into pieces. You must not peel the skin of the gape fruit before cutting it. Filled it up with clean water. Boil it together for 40 minutes at the boiling point of 100 °C.
Drink one full glass(250  ml in volume) of it three times daily. This can use as preventive and treatment of COVID-19(Coronavirus)
Herbal remedies for COVID-19(Coronavirus) By Babalawo Obanifa  Vol 2 (Clinical trial version)

Ewe,epo ati egbo Asofeyeje tutu (fresh leaves, bark stem and leaves of Rauvolfia Vomitoria )
You will boil the aforementioned in water  for an hour.
Take one full glass of two time daily. You will drink it when it is hot.
Ewe Ewuro tutu ( leaves of Verlonia Amydalina/Bitter leaves )
Omi osan ganyingayin (Natural juice of Citrus Aurantium fruits)
Obtain plenty juice of Natural juice of Citrus Aurantium fruits. Use it to squeeze the fresh leaves of bitter leaves /Verlonia Amygdalina) .
Take one glass of it two times daily (
Ewe Kooko Oba ( Leaves of Lemon Grass/Cymbopogon leaves)
Ewuro (Bitter leaves /Vernonia  amygadalina )
 Efinrin nla (Ocimum Gratisimum)
 Dongoyaro (Azardirachta indica)
You will boil the aforementioned items to decoction
Drink one full glass of it three times daily
Ewe Ida ( Indian shot leaves /Cana indica)
Grape/Citrus paradis fruits)
Lime orange /Citrus aurantifolia  Fruits
You will boil the aforementioned items to decoction
Drink one full glass of it three times daily
We promised to update this work on timely basis as soon as will lay our hand on any other potent formula. By this morning. We have been able to have access to another set of   four(4) different formula that can be experiment or undergo Clinical trial on treatment of COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) and they are:
Ewe Oruwo (leaves of Morinda lucida)
Kooko oba (lemon grass Cybopogon Gigantens )

Epo Osun pupa (Bark stem of Enanthia Chlorontha)
Ewe rooro (leaves of Eriosema Psoraleioides)
Ewe ati Igi Efiri Oko (leaves and stem plant of Lipia Multiflora)
Boil the aforementioned items into clean water with decoction.
Drink (200 ml) of  it for adult .Children will drink 100ml of it. Daily.
Leaves of Trema Guineensis)
Ewe dongoyaro(leves of  Neem plant/Azadiracta indica)
Ewe ati egbo osan wewe (leaves and roots of lime of lime orange /Citrus Aurantifolia)
Epo Oruwo (bark stem of Brom stone tree/Morinda lucida)
Ewe asofeyeje (leaves of Rauvolfia Vomitoria)
Ewe Iyeye(leaves of  Spondia Mombins)
Boil the aforementioned items on the list into decotion.
Drink two full table spoon of it three times daily.
Epo Ahun (bark stem of Alstonia Boonei)
Atale pupa/Olorin (Rhizome of Curcuma domestica)
Ata Ijosi (Capsicum Fruttecesn)
Oruwo (Morinda Lucida)
Pahan (Lophira aneceolata)
Egbesi (Nauclea Latifolia)
Awopa ( Enanthia Clorontha)
Aidantoro (Cassia Siebrina)
Boil the aforementioned item into decoction
Adult will drink 100 ml of thee times daily. While children will drink 50ml of it three times daily

Ewe ati epo Mangoe (leaves and bark stem of Mango tree /Mangnifera Indica)
Osan ganyinganyin(Citrus Aurantium fruits)
Epo ahun (Bark stem of Alstonia Boonei)
Epu Amuje (Back stem of Haurgana Madagscariensis)
Ewe Orin Ayin( Leaves of  AnOgeissus Leicarpus)
Pahan (Lophira Alata)
Abafe (Pilostiga Thonigi)
Boil the aforementioned items into clean water with decoction.
Drink (200 ml) of  it for adult .Children will drink 100ml of it. Daily.



Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa
, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

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