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In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will make exhaustive commentaries on Odu Ifa  Oyeku Oturupon -also known as Odu Ifa Oyeku-Turupon, Oyeku Baturupon. This current work will be useful to any practicing Babalawo and Ifa devotee who want to have detail knowledge of Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon  . The work will also be useful for those who imprint or born by Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon   during their Ikosedaye or Itelodu(Ifa initiation)  who want to have detail knowledge and interpretations of it. It is instructive that any information reveals or commentaries made during the course of this work is authoritative and can be rely on as a practicing guide by any Babalawo or Ifa devotee in field of African Ifa spirituality. The author of this work (Babalawo Obanifa) is an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian so any knowledge reveals and document in this work is for actual spiritual practice. This work shall examine among other things: What is Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon ? What are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon? What are the taboo of Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon?What are the area of compatible profession or career for those born under the star of Oyeku Oturupon. The likely names that can be given to those born by Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon during Ikosedaye or Itelodu ? Synopsis of messages for those born under star of Odu Ifa  Oyeku Oturupon   during Itelodu or Ikosedaye. Some sacred messages in Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon  and commentaries on them. These aforementioned and more will be the major focus of this current work.

What is Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon?

Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon is one of the Odu Ifa that fall into Amulu category among the 256 odu Ifa. Whether on dida owo(divination chain throwing divination) or Onte ale(Ikin ifa consultation on opon Ifa(Ifa divination tray) whenever you have one leg of Odu Ifa Oyeku  meji   on the right and one leg of Odu Ifa   Oturupon meji   is  on the left such Odu Ifa is known as Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon. The Babalawo do have other appellation for it . Other names for Oyeku Oturupon  in Ifa practice are:  Oyeku-turupon.Oyeku baturupon.

What are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa  Oyeku Oturupon?
By this question we are referring to other divinities that have nexus and affiliated in one way or the other with Odu Ifa Oyeku  Oturupon  that those who were born under the star  of this Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon  during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye can have along with their Ifa in other to have a very successful and problem free life. The outstanding identifiable Irunmole and Orisa in this Odu Ifa are ; Ifa,Ori, Obatala. Each of this Orisa and Irunmonle have specific function
Obatala is the dominate Ori in Oyeku Oturupon-Obatala function for success, blessing and creation of wealth.
By this we are referring to both animate and inanimate object or behavior that those born under the star of Odu Ifa Oyeku Ofun    during their Itelodu or Ikosejaye must avoid  in other to have a less problem free life. Below are commonly Identifiable taboo for those born under this Odu.
They must avoid lending people money or chose any vocation that involve that they should be lending money to other. This is to prevent them from been a victim of untimely debt from debtor who will not want to pay them back.

What is the area of Compatible profession or career for those born under the star of Oyeku Oturupon ?
Oyeku Oturupon   children are usually successful as  Ifa/Orisa Priest, Ifa/Orisa Priest/Priestess, Military and paramilitary service, farming and hospitality business
The likely names that can be given to those born by Odu Ifa  Oyeku Oturupon  during Ikosedaye or Itelodu ?
By this question we are referring to likely names that can be given to those born under the star of Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon their  during Itelodu or Ikosedaye. The source of this name are derive from  the positive character  from each stanza and story from  Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon. Below are some of the names available for this purpose:
No name found in this odu..
Some sacred messages Inside Odu Ifa Oyeku Oturupon as narrated and Document by Babalawo Obanifa

Ifa says that there is a lot of blessing for the person to whom this Odu is reveals. Ifa says that his/her life will be peaceful. There is no any obstacle that will be able to cross his/her path of success. Ifa advise him to offer ebo for quick manifestation of the blessing he /have choosing from heaven.
He should also venerate Orisa nla Oseeremagbo with sixteen snails and sixteen yards of white clothes. Ifa also advise the person to whom this Odu is reveal to venerate Ifa . Ifa says that life will please him. Ifa says that if the person to whom this odu is reveals want to embark on a mission or military crusade or on certain business . Ifa advise that he should offer the ebo as prescribed . He is going to have a lot of blessings. On this Ifa says:  On this Ifa says:
Ire gbogbo womu
Dia fun Oosa nla Oseeremagbo
Lojo ti n gbogun lo Ilu Igbin
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O rubo
Ire gbogbo womu
This was Ifa message fo Orisa  Oseeremagbo
When he want to embark on military crusade to city of Igbin(snails)
He complied.
Oosala Oseremagbo was The one who want to embark on military mission to the city of Igbin(snails).He went for Ifa consultation to ascertain whether he will be able to  be successful. Ifa reveal  that there will be a lot of success for him in life. Ifa says that he should offer ebo as prescribed above. He complied . When he got to the city Of the snails .He was able to subdue them. He was happy. He said that is exactly what is Babalawo have predicted
Ire gbogbo womu
Dia fun Oosa nla Oseeremagbo
Lojo ti n gbogun lo Ilu Igbin
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O rubo
Ko pe ko jina
E wa bani laruusegun
Ero ipo
Ero Ofa
Eni gbo ebon be
E ni ko sebo
Ire gbogbo womu
This was Ifa message fo Orisa  Oseeremagbo
When he want to embark on military crusade to city of Igbin(snails)
He complied
Not too long,Not too far
Come and meet us in the midst of blessings
People of Ipo
People Of Ofa
Those who heard Of ebo let them complied
Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal is in midst of rebellion and conspiracy. Though this person is in the midst of detractors. He will eventually overcome all these detractors. And he will become a kings over them. Ifa says that this person these people are trying to kill him and they are trying cause him physical body damage and diseases’ advise the person to whom this Odu is reveal to exercise a lot of patience and offer ebo with sixteen snails and hens. Ifa advises that this person will overcome all the evils. On this Ifa  says:
Onisuru gbogbo
Ohungbogbo suuru
Dia fun Orunmila
Lojo ti Baba n gbogun rode Ajantiele
Won ni ko rubo nitori Iku
O si gbo ebon be
O rubo
Plenty of patience
Plenty of pateinec on everything
This is Ifa message for Orunmila
When he want to embark on Military mission to the city Ajantiele
He was advised to offere ebo
He complied
.Orunmila  is the one who want to embark on one to the city of Aja-n-tilele,He was advised to offer ebo. Because of the detractors who are trying to kill him. He complied. He offered sixteen snails. Where they are cracking the snails on the ebo. The Iku(spirit of death) arrive. The bottom base of the snail stray into the eyes of Iku(death).He was unable to see Orunmila again. He was happy. He said that is what is Babalawo have said.
Onisuru gbogbo
Ohungbogbo suuru
Dia fun Orunmila
Lojo ti Baba n gbogun rode Ajantiele
Won ni ko rubo nitori Iku
O si gbo ebo n be
O rubo
Ko pee ko jina
E wa bani laiku  ara
Plenty of patience
Plenty of pateinec on everything
This is Ifa message for Orunmila
When he want to embark on Military mission to the city Ajantiele
He was advised to offere ebo
He complied
Not too long
Not to far
Come and meet us in the midst of blessings of longevity.
Ifa advise the person to whom this Odu is reveal to offer ebo . Ifa say the person to whom this Odu is reveal must offer ebo with  plenty of beans cake that full a pot and plenty of salt. He should  also venerate Esu odara. The essence of veneration  is to prevents  the loss of children or staffs of the person to whom this Odu is reveal in the course of their work. Ifa advise that if person  to whom this Odu is reveal have already loss one of his or her children or staff for any reason. The same Ebo prescribed above should be offer. He will overcome .
On this Ifa says:
Oyeku batutu
Kunkundunku abewe geru-geru
Mo ru ebo Agbagba
Dia fun Oba Anjori
Omo ajifomosara
Won ni ki O ru agbada akara kan
Ki omo re mon ba nu
Oyeku batutu
Kunkundunku abewe geru-geru
Mo ru ebo Agbagba
This Is Ifa message for Oba Ajori
Omo Ajifomo sara
He was advised to offer ebo
So  his child will not get lost.
 Oba Ajori have one child. And he loves this child so much. He slept one day and see that he was looking for his child in the darkness. He was advise to offer ebo.So that his child will not get loss. He refuse. He said the Ifa revelation does not correlate with looking for his child in the darkness. Not too long after . his child was carry away by Ajija. There is no where in this world that they did not look into to look for the child, But the child is no where to be find. He went back to the Babalawo in question who advise him again to complied with the terms of the ebo.He complied. Not to long after that .Ajija return his child .He was happy.He said that is exactly what is Babalawo have said:
Oyeku batutu
Kunkundunku abewe geru-geru
Mo ru ebo Agbagba
Dia fun Oba Anjori
Omo ajifomosara
Won ni ki O ru agbada akara kan
Ki omo re mon ba nu
Igba omo alade rubo
La to ro Ajogun dnau
Oyeku batutu
Kunkundunku abewe geru-geru
Mo ru ebo Agbagba
This Is Ifa message for Oba Ajori
Omo Ajifomo sara
He was advised to offer ebo
So  his child will not get lost
It is when the prince offer ebo
That is when will push away all evils
Ifa advise the person to whom this Odu is reveal to offer ebo with plenty of money and rats. He/she should also heed the instruction, Not to lend or borrow anybody money. Because if he did such person will come after his life. And if he has already borrow some people huge amount of money says those people have already come after him. They are coming after his life. Ifa advise him to offer ebo so that he can overcome untimely death. On this Ifa says:
Ooru mu ganrin-ganrin  abe odan di eleni
Igba ojo n ro suru-suru
Kaluku sa lo si odede iya e
Opolo ko ya oorun
O ri ibi tutu
O saba si
Dia fun Olorigi
Won ni ko rubo
Ki eni to fi owo re sise
Ma ba ran Oniko Iku si
When the day is extremely hot, the shield of Igi odan will have many people as friend
When there is heavy downpour
Everybody will go to the house of his mother
The frog does bask in the sun for long
When he see a cool spot
He will rest there
This is Ifa’s message  for Origi
He was advised to offer ebo
So that the person trading with his money
Will not send hire -killers to him
Origi was a very successful rich man. He have borrow his friend huge amount of money to trade. His friend Did not want to pay this money back. Rather than he is after his life. He had scary dream which make him to seek Ifa consultation. He was advised to offer ebo.He complied .He was able to unravel the evil plan of his debtor who want to annihilate his life.

Ifa advise the person to whom this Odu is reveal to offer ebo with a gain he-goat. The goat should be cooked. And plenty of foods should be cooked. He should be using it to feed the people or the Awo.Ifa explain that doing this will let him get the blessing of money success and prosperity. On this Ifa says:
Mariwo Ope bale tu yeri-yeri
Dia fun Agbe
Agbe n lo si oko Iwaje
Ebo ni won ni ko
O rub o
Owo re si to Ire
Mariwo Ope bale tu yeri-yeri
This is Ifa’s message for Agbe
He was going on annual planting mission
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied.
Agbe was the one who is destitute of goods thing of life. He went for Ifa consultation to ascertain what he need to do to achieve his success in life. He was advised to offer ebo with with one he-goat and make a feast. The feast he should cooked and let everybody eat. He complied. Orisa nla heard that Agbe is making feast. He come there to it. When he is leaving .He forget  bag of money,soap,and a child . when agbe run after him and told him that he had left all this . he retorts that agbe can take them for himself. He was happy. He said that is exactly what his Babalawo have says:
Mariwo Ope bale tu yeri-yeri
Dia fun Agbe
Agbe n lo si oko Iwaje
Ebo ni won ni ko
O rub o
Owo re si to Ire
Nje orisa nla fi owo jimi
E fi ireo omo jimi
Efi ire akun jimi.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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