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In this current work Babalawo Obanifa  will make exhaustive commentaries on Odu Ifa  Oturupon -Obara  also known as Odu Ifa  Oturupon Odara ,Oturupondara. This current work will be useful to any practicing Babalawo and Ifa devotee who  want to known about Odu Ifa Oturupon Odara. The work will also be useful for those who imprint of or born by Odu Ifa Oturupon  Obara during their Ikosedaye or Itelodu(Ifa initiation), Who want to have detail knowledge and interpretations. It is instructive that any information reveals or commentaries made during the course of this work is authoritative and can be rely on as a practicing guide by any Babalawo or Ifa devotee in field of African Ifa spirituality. The author of this work (Babalawo Obanifa) is an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian so any knowledge reveals and document in this work is for actual spiritual practice. This work shall examine among other things: What is Odu Ifa Oyeku Odi? What are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Oyeku Odi ? What are the taboo of Odu Ifa Oyeku Odi?What are the area of Compatible profession or career for those born under the star of Oyeku Odi The likely names that can be given to those born by Odu Ifa Oyeku Odi during Ikosedaye or Itelodu ? Synopsis of messages for those born under star of Odu Ifa  Oyeku Odi during Itelodu or Ikosedaye. Some sacred messages in Odu Ifa Oyeku Odi and commentaries on them. These aforementioned and more will be the major focus of this current work.

What is Odu Ifa Oturupon Obara?

Odu Ifa Oturupon Obara is one of the Odu Ifa that fall into Amulu category among the 256 odu Ifa. Whether on dida owo(divination chain throwing divination) or Onte ale(Ikin ifa consultation on opon Ifa(Ifa divination tray) whenever you have one leg of Odu Ifa Oturupon  meji on the right and one leg of Odu Ifa Obara meji  on the left such Odu Ifa is known as Odu Ifa Oturupon Obara. The Babalawo do have other appellation for it . Other names for Oturupon Obara  in Ifa practice are : Oturupon Odara ,Oturupon pondara..

Who  are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ia Oturupon Obara?

By this question we are referring to other divinities that have nexus and affiliated in one way or the other with Odu Ifa Oturupon Odara, that those who were born under the star this Odu Ifa Oturupon Odara  during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye can have along with their Ifa in other to have a very successful and problem –free life. The outstanding identifiable Irunmole and Orisa in this Odu Ifa are ; Ifa, Ori,Esu Odara,, Ogun, Obatala,Osun,Orisa Oko, and  Orisa Aje .each of this Orisa and Irunmole have the function and purpose with the Odu
Ifa – Ifa function for  direction, success, elevation, progress, victory, contentment, and general wellbeing .
Ori – Ori function  for guidance, direction, protection, victory, success, fulfillment of destiny and self actualization
Esu Odara- Esu function for sanctuary, for victory, progress, financial success, elevation, leadership, contentment, and overall success
Ogun- Ogun function  for victory, progress, leadership, elevation, contentment, and general wellbeing 5.
Obatala -Ogun function  for financial success, leadership, progress, childbearing, childrearing, elevation and general wellbeing 6.
Osun- Osun function  for compatible spouse, childbearing, childrearing, general wellbeing 7.
Orisa Oko- Orisa  Oko  function for leadership, progress, success, victory, and general wellbeing
Aje function for financial success, leadership, contentment, general wellbeing

What are the taboo of Odu Ifa Oturupon Odara?

By this we are referring to both animate and inanimate object or behavior that those born under the star of Odu Ifa Oturupon Odara  during their Itelodu or Ikosejaye must avoid in other to have a less problem free life. Below are commonly Identifiable taboo for those born under this Odu

The must avoid  arrogance or pride to avoid the wrath of Ogun
The must avoid dealing in palm oil trade to avoid Marital Disaster
They must avoid the eating of coconut to avoid unconsummated fortune, failure, disaster and childbearing problems
Their male must avoid  marry a fair skinned woman  to avoid grief and disaster in matrimony
They must not engage in act of  snatching another person’s lover  to avoid unconsummated fortune, failure, regrets and disaster

 They must not  betray anybody’s trust to avoid disaster and regrets 6. Must never swear on false oath to avoid the wrath of Ogun

What is the area of Compatible profession or career for those born under the star of Oturupon Obara?

Oturupon Obara  children are usually successful business person. , However the following area have been regarded and identifies as soft landing for people born under  the star of this Odu
Diviners such as been a priest or priestess, , ,arbitrator ,dancing and theater art, business enterprise of any nature, Any work that involve production or fabrication of metal products.
Military, paramilitary and security establishment , Marketing, salesmanship, consultancy, trading, and commercial enterprises.

The likely names that can be given to those born by Odu Ifa Oturupon  -Obara during Ikosedaye or Itelodu ?
By this question we are referring to likely names that can be given to those born under the star of Odu Ifa Oturupon Obara  during Itelodu Or Ikosedaye. The source of this name are derive from  the positive character  from each stanza and story from  Odu Ifa Oturupon Obara. Below are some of the names available for this purpose:
 Olayori– my honour is higher than theirs
Ikukoroju- death has no time for me
3 Olufalake – the Divinities honor me with piety
4. Egbeyemi– Egbe befits me
5. Ifasemiloore- Ifa blesses me with all ire of life

Some sacred messages Inside Odu Ifa Oturupon Obara as document By Babalawo Obanifa

He should offer ebo so that is Ire will not slip awat from his hands,Ifa advise this person to offer ebo so that he will no be slave to his fellow human being. He should offer ebo so that He can have his own Ire. Ifa said that he should feed with two hen and get eku emo and Iyere. It is   Ewe Emon.Eku emo and Iyere that the Awo will cooked it and use Iyerosun that will use to imprint Odu Ifa Oturupon Obara .On this Ifa says:
Mo sare sese
Mo tu Ikin mida
Mo posese mo tun Ikin mi te
Ahoho haha
Ifa mon fimi se Eru
Riru ni eru mon ru won ka
Orunmila  ma fi se Iwofa
Seni Iwofa ma n fa won seyin
Ifa ma fi me se ‘Alasasin laasan
Seni Alasain laasan  ma bo Ifa Onifa kiri
Oturuponda odara Ifa ma da ire temi nu
Ewe emon loni ki ire temi o mon mi lowo
Oturuponda odara Ifa ma da ire temi nu
Eku emo loni ki Ire temi o mon mi lowo
Oturuponda odara Ifa ma da ire temi nu
I ran quickly
I re -cast my Ikin
I walk slowly
I re -initiate myself
Ahoho haha
Ifa don’t make me a slave
Been a slave subject one to suffering around
Orunmila don’t make me a pawn
 Be a pawn draw someone backward

Ifa don’t make me a mere serf to another person
A mere serf venerate other peoples’ Ifa around
Oturupon odara don’t let my own Ire slip from my hands
It is Ewe Emon that say my own Ire should stick to my hands
Oturupon odara don’t let my own Ire slip from my hands
It is Eku emon that say My Ire should stick to my hands
Oturupon odara don’t let my own Ire slip from my hands
Ifa advise that there is Ire of blessing for the person to whom this Odu is reveal. He should offer ebo so that he will be able to wave all the evil that is about to befall him. Ifa advised him to offer two hands fan as ebo to Esu Odara.On this Ifa says:
Oturu pon Odaara lo sale Ife
Dia fun Ikuyeba
Ti n fi omi oju sogbere Ire
Ebo ni won ko se
Ko rub abebele ilewo meji lebo
O rubo
Igba owo ni won n fi n ke
O n s
Iku yeba
Omo Agunare
Mo ru egba
Omo Agunare
Ofo Yeba
Omo Agunare
Mo ru abebe
Omo Agunare
Gbogbo Ajogun Ibi e yeba
Omo Agunare
Mo ti rubo
Omo Agunnare
Oturu backed odara to  he city of Ife
This was Ifa message for Ikuyeba the child of Agunare
When he was lamenting for lack of all Ire
He was advised to offer ebo
With two hands fans
He complied
He was favor with money
Death have leave my way
The child of Agunare
I offer ebo with twenty thousand unit of money
The child of Agunare
Loss have leave my way
Child of Agunare
All evil forces should my way
Child of Agunare
I have offer the required ebo

Ifa says that it foresees the ire of financial success and progress for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa promises that Esu Odara will always look after the welfare of this person and will always provide financial success for him/her. Ebo materials; seven matured roosters, seven cowries and money. He/she also needs to feed Esu Odara with three roosters and three cowries. After this, he/she needs to feed Aje as recommended by Ifa. On this, Ifa says :
 Awerewe idi ikoto
 Dia fun Esu Odara
 O n sunkun Aje lo sotu Ife rere
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Eni sebo lore
 Esu gbee
Translation T
The tip end of a snails shell
This was Ifa message for Esu-Odara
When weeping in order to attain financial success to Otu Ife Rere
 He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Whoever offered ebo as prescribed
Esu will always support

Ifa promises this person that he/she will be speared from experiencing any calamity or disaster. If this person intends to travel to anywhere at this time that this Odu is revealed. The person is advised not to go yet. This is just in a bid to protect his/her life. This person also needs to ask Ifa regularly if there is no problem before embarking on any  journey. Ebo materials; roasted corn, honey and money.
 Agba ti ko ba m’oju
 Kunmo nii mo
Dia fun Itu Itu nsawo lo sile Onibedi
 Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
 Itu ma ma de o 
 Awo ile Onibedi
Igba ti Awo yoo lo Enikan ki yoo mo
Any elder who does not recognize decorum Such elder will be made to recognize beating with bating and sticks
This was Ifa’s message for Itu, the He-goat
When going on Ifa mission to the home of Onibedi
 He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Here comes Itu
The resident Awo of Onibedi

By the time that an Awo would take his leave
 Nobody will be aware

Ifa advises this person to offer ebo against unconsummated fortune. The present job of this person will never bring him/her success. It is in his/her best interest to go and seek another work. The ebo materials here are one matured he-goat, one rooster, two land snails and money. After the ebo, the Sefunsefun leaves will be grinded into fine powder; incisions will be made round the wrist of the person for whom this Odu is revealed. The water inside a coconut will be used to rub on the mark of the incision. Then the grinded Sefunsefun will be used to rub on the incision. After this, the blood of a pigeon will also be rubbed on the incision. On this, Ifa says:
Oturupon ‘dara
 Dia fun Ada
 To n sise ti ko ri ere je
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire
 Oturupon dara
That was the message of Ifa for Ada
When working without making any profit

He was advised to offer ebo
 He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of financial success
There is the need for a pregnant woman to offer ebo in order for her to have a safe delivery. This woman is more likely going to deliver through caesarian operation and normal birth. The reason why she needs this ebo is for her not to lose her life and/or that of the baby during the process of child birth. It is a big taboo for the pregnant woman or her husband to eat coconut. Anything made with coconut must be avoided at all cost. Ebo materials; one matured he-goat and money.
 Dia fun Agbon-Eluju
To diwo-dise sinu
Won ni ko sebo
 Ko le baa bii
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba nib a jebutu ire
The awo of Agbon-Eluju, the Coconut of the wilderness
This was  Ifa message  for Agbon Eluju
When she was pregnant with her baby
She was advised to offer ebo
In order for her to have a save delivery
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all ire of life
Ifa says that it foresees the ire of long life and victory for this person. It had even been decreed in some quarters that this person will not live up to the end of the following year. Ifa says that this person needs to offer ebo and he/she will be blessed with long life beyond the prediction of his/her enemies. Ebo materials here are two matured rams and money. One of the rams will be used as ebo. While the second ram will be used to feed Ifa. Before feeding Ifa there is the need to procure Alugbonran and Agidimagboyin leaves to prepare omi ero to wash the Ikin. On this, Ifa says:
Orore won o lagba
Gbogbo won ni won daradara
Won ri wesewese
Isoju aseni la s n lana gbon-anrangbon futa
Dia fun Orunmila
Won ni Baba o nii bo ikin re kadun
 Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
 Ogun odun lonii Emi n bokin temi  Agbigboniwonran

Emi kasai bo’kin temi gbo
  Agbigboniwonran Ogbon odun lonii
 Emi n bokin temi 
Emi kasai bo’kin temi gbo
  Aadota odun lonii
Emi n bokin temi
Emi kasai bo’kin temi gbo
Mo wa d’ewe agidimagbonyin
 Isinku orun a peyinda
Orore birds have no apparent elder among them
They are all looking beautiful  And they all look youthful
It is in the presence of one’s slanderers that one succeed in
This were the messages of Ifa for Orunmila
When they declared that he would not be alive to propitiate his Ikin until next year
 He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
 In 20 years time
 I am still propitiating my Ikin 
I cannot do but propitiate my Ikin till my old age
In 30 years time
I am still propitiating my Ikin 
 I cannot do but propitiate my Ikin till my old age
 In 50 years time
 I am still propitiating my Ikin 
 I cannot do but propitiate my Ikin till my old
I have taken up the identity of Agidimagbonyin leaves 
All heavenly principalities Please get back from me
Ifa warns this person never to snatch another man’s wife and never to have any love relationship with a woman who is too fair skinned. If this consultation is made because of marriage, the moment it is discovered that the woman in question is a very fair skinned woman, it is better to stop the relationship because it can only lead to disaster. It is also a taboo for a woman her to sell palm-oil. Another area of concern here is not advisable to accept visitor who will stay in the house as a resident. Ebo materials; one matured he-goat and money. on this, Ifa says:
 Oturupon, o pon-on deere 
 Apaa re ni o ka o
 Obara, o faa deere
Apaa re ni o ka o
 Dia fun Atepo
O nlo sode Iweme
 Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Dia fun won lode Iweme
Won ni won ma gba alejo atepo sile
 Won koti ogbonyin sebo
Ipin aisebo Egba won aiteru
 Atepo lo so ile Iweme d’ahoro
 Translation :
Oturupon strapped it on his back
But he has no capacity for it
And Obara drag it 
And he too has no capacity for it
 These were Ifa messages for Atepo, the palm oil seller
When going to Iweme land
She was advised to offer ebo
 The same message was given to the inhabitants of Iweme land
When they were advised not to accept any visitor into their home
They all refused to comply
Refusal to heed Ifa’s warning
And failure to offer prescribe ebo  Atepo was responsible for the sacking and total destruction of Iweme land
Ifa says that this person plans to go somewhere with others. Ifa warns him/her not to go. Ifa says that he/she has a treacherous friend who is planning evil against him. There is the need for this person to offer ebo with four roosters, four hens and money. on this, Ifa says:
 Pondara pondara
Dia fun Itu Ti yoo pon Odara re fe
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Gbogbo isowo ope
Eni gbebo nibe ko sebo o
Gbogbo isowo ope
Nje talo pon’dara de’fe
 Itu lo pondara o
Pondara pondara
Ifa’s message for Itu
When going to lift Odara to Ile Ife
He was advised to offer ebo
He refused to comply 
All followers of Ifa
Those advised to offer ebo should comply accordingly
Now who lifted Odara to Ile Ife It was Itu who lifted up Obara

Ifa advises a sick person to offer ebo in order not to lose his/her life. The ebo materials here are; one matured ram and money for ebo, One rooster for Ogun, One rooster for Esu and one matured he-goat for Ifa. On this, Ifa says: Ookan o ro seke Dia fun Olojodu
Omo alagogo po’gun
 Ebo ni won ni ko waa se Oturupon npagbaagba
Ogun fe j’olojodu ndan?
One cowry shell does not make a clanging sound
Ifa’s message for Olojodu
He who uses Agogo to suppress uprising
He was advised to offer ebo of vitality
Oturupon is killing elders
 Does it me that Ojodu is about to be confronted by uprising
Ifa advises a barren woman to offer ebo in order for her to receive the blessing of the fruit of the womb. The ebo materials here two hens, two roosters and money. on this, Ifa says:
Sensen rele
Dia fun Lantete
Ti n moju ekun sunrahun tomo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ba jebutu omo
 Sensen rele
Ifa’s message for Lantete,Insect
When lamenting her inability to beget her own babies
She was advised to offer ebo
 She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of several children
 Ifa warns the person for whom this Odu is revealed to be very careful in order not to face the wrath of Ogun. He/she must do things truthfully and honestly. Must not swear to false oath, and must not operate any motorized or electrical instrument under alcoholic intoxication. Ifa also says that this person must be humble and respectful at all times. Ebo materials; one matured he-goat, and money. he/she needs to feed Ogun with one matured rooster.
Pondara pondara
Dia fun won niluu ais’oba
Niluu aisin Oosa Ogun ni tale nsin nile yi o?
Won ni awon o sin enikan
 Ogun boo ba j anile Boo ba ja loko

Koo bawo fun mi loko lodo Ogun de,
Pondara pondara
This was Ifa’s message for the inhabitant of the land who worship no Oba 
And they worship no Orisa
Ogun enquired from them to know who they really respect or worship in the land
They responded that they have no one to respect or worship
 Ogun if you fight people at home 
And you destroy in the farm
Please spare us both by the stream or on the farm
Here comes Ogun alaugbonran
Ifa promises that a barren woman will be blessed with the fruit of the womb. Ifa says that Ifa, Osun and Obatala will make this person happy in this area. The ebo materials here are four guinea-fowls, four pigeons and money. she also needs to feed Ifa with four rats, four fish and one hen. She needs to feed Obatala with 16 land snails and shea butter. She equally needs to feed Osun with one hen. On this, Ifa says:
Oturupondara kango
Dia fun Ewo Tii somo Eleree agbon

O feyinti moju ekun sunrahun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ewo nkomoo bo
Won sebi ogun lo de
Oturupondara kango
Ifa’s message Ewo tree
The offspring of Eleree agbon
When she was weeping in lamentation of her inability to beget her own baby
 She was advised to offer ebo 
And she complied
When Ewo was coming along the road with her babies
People mistaken them to military troops because of their multitude
Ifa says that Ogun will help this person to overcome enemies. That is why this person needs to be very close to Ogun as well as Esu Odara. The ebo materials are two roosters, two hens, one male dog, one he-goat and money. The dog will be used to feed Ogun.
Ookan o ro seke
 Dia fun Ogun Onija Oole Ejemu Oluwonran
Otele girigiri rebi ija
 Igbati n gbogun lo Ejigbomekun Eseji

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
 Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse ogun
One cowries shell does not make a clanging sound
Ifa’s message for Ogun the Onija Oole
The Ejemu of Oluwonran land
He who matches forcefully to the venue of confrontation
When he was going on military  mission to Ejigbomekun Eseji land
He was advised to offer ebo
 He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory
Ifa advises that there is the need to offer ebo against restlessness and anxiety. There is also the need to offer ebo against the crises associated with death, affliction, contention and/or loss. The ebo materials here are 16 Obi with six lobe each, 6 guinea-fowls, 6 pigeons, 6 roosters, 6 hens, 6 rats, 6 fish. The 16 kola nuts will not be broken they will just be placed on Ifa. On this, Ifa says:
Ookan o ro seke
Ona kan won o woja
Dia fun Ikuoroju

Tii somo bibi inu Agbonniregun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Iku o nii roju pa iru awa wonyi mo o
 Iwarefa mefa obi
Won kii roju paraawon 
Arun o nii roju se iru aw wonyi mo o
 Iwarefa mefa obi
Won kii roju sera won
Ejo o nii roju se’ru awa wonyi mo o
 Iwarefa mefa obi
Won kii roju se’raa won
 Ofo o nii roju seru awa wonyi mo o
Iwarefa mefa obi
Won kii roju paraa won o
One cowry shell does not make a clanging sound
Only one road does not lead inside a market
This was Ifa’s message for Iku o roju,
Death has no time or space
The child of Agbonniregun
 He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Death has not time to kill people like us again
Kola nuts with six lobes Have no time to kill one another 
 Affliction has not time to affect people like us again
Kola nuts with six lobes
Have no time to affect one another
Contention has not time to affect people like us again
Kola nuts with six lobes Have no time to affect one another
 Loss has not time to affect people like us again Kola nuts with six lobes
 Have no time to affect one another 
All evil has not time to affect people like us again
Kola nuts with six lobes Have no time to affect one another
Ifa says that Esu Odara will open the path of success, progress, elevation, and contentment for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. As Esu will do it so also will Obatala do it for him/her. This person needs to offer ebo and feed the two divinities in order to receive all these blessings. Ebo materials; two matured he-goat and money. One of the he-goat will be used to feed Esu while Obatala will also be fed according to Ifa’s recommendation.
Ookan o ro seke
Dia fun Olajori Omo ojonnare
 Fun mi lookan Omo Ojonnare
Olajori Omo Ojonnare
Fun leeji Omo Ojonnare

Olajori Omo Ojonnare
Fun mi leeta Omo Ojonnare
 Olajori Omo Ojonnare
Fun mi leerin Omo Ojonnare
Olajori Omo Ojonnare Esu ni
Bo ba wo’ja
A jo
One cowry shell does not make a clanging sound
Ifa’s message for Olajori
 The offspring of Ojonnare
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Give me one
Omo Ojonnare
Give me two
Omo Ojonnare
Give me three
Omo Ojonnare
Give me four
Omo Ojonnare
Olajori Omo Ojonnare
He is Esu If he enters the market
He will definitely dance in merriment together with all those in the market
 Ifa advises this person to offer ebo of accomplishment. This person will accomplish great things in life. Ebo materials; two guinea-fowls, two pigeons and money. He/she will also feed his/her Ori with one guinea-fowl.
Oturu boo pon Odara
Koo pon Odara
Oturu boo pon Odara
Koo pon Odara
Oturu too ba pon’Dara mo

Koo f’Odara sile
 Dia fun Olaa-mi-yori-ju-won-lo
 Gbogboogbo lowo yoo jori
Temi nikan n Niyoo yori ju won lo o
Temi nikan Gbogboogbo latelese nyoo jona
Gbogboogbo logomo nyoo j’ope
 Temi nikan Niyoo yori ju won lo o
Temi nikan
Oturu if you intend to carry Odara

He is Esu If he enters the market He will definitely dance in merriment together with all those in the market
Ifa advises this person to offer ebo of accomplishment. This person will accomplish great things in life. Ebo materials; two guinea-fowls, two pigeons and money. He/she will also feed his/her Ori with one guinea-fowl. Oturu boo pon Odara Koo pon Odara Oturu boo pon Odara Koo pon Odara
Oturu too ba pon’Dara mo

Koo f’Odara sile
 Dia fun Olaa-mi-yori-ju-won-lo Gbogboogbo lowo yoo jori Temi nikan n Niyoo yori ju won lo o Temi nikan Gbogboogbo latelese nyoo jona
Gbogboogbo logomo nyoo j’ope
 Temi nikan Niyoo yori ju won lo o Temi nikan Translation Oturu if you intend to carry Odara

Go ahead to carry Odara Oturu if you intend to lift Odara Go ahead and lift Odara If you no longer wish to carry Odara Leave Odara alone
Ifa’s message for Ola-mi-yori-ju-won-lo, my honour is higher than theirs
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The hand is higher than the head
It is mine That will be higher than theirs Only mine
The legs stretch taller than the footpath
It is mine That will be higher than theirs Only mine The palm frond is taller than the palm tree
It is mine That will be higher than theirs Only mine
What will be taller than all others It is mine That will be higher than theirs Only mine
 Ifa says that somebody had just send another person somewhere on business. And this person had sent other

people before and those sent were not successful. This new person will succeed if he/she can offer ebo. The ebo materials here are four pigeons and money. There is also the need to feed Esu in order for Esu to assist this person to succeed.on this ifa says:
 Bola ba n ta, a wu won
Bola ba doju de, ola a sun won su won
 Igbeyinwa ola kii ro Kokooko nii le o
 Won n jo jinginni-jinginni lojude baba won ri Ko too hu gbegi
Dia fun Esu Odara
Ti n pon okankanlenu Irunmole lo sife Atuudodo
Dia fun Esu Odara Ti n pon Orunmila lo si Ife
Atundodo Orunmila nika ni nbe leyin ti n sebo
Nje Esu wa pon mi faje Ko ma pon mi fosi Nibi rere ni pon mi re o Translation When honour is reigning, it is highly appreciated When honour collapses, it brings exasperation The consequent of honour is not easy It is always loaded with discomfort They had been celebrating success in the frontage of their paternal ancestors Before everything is grown with grass and shrubs
Ifa’s message for Esu
When going to carry the 401 Irunmole to Ife Atuudodo
The same message was giving to Esu Odara
 When going to carry Orunmila to Ife Atuudodo
They were all advised to offer ebo
Only Orunmila complied
Esu please come and carry me to my point of prosperity
Don’t carry me into poverty
 Please carry me into comfortable place of ire
Ifa see a woman here that need to offer ebo with two pegion born of same mother, two hen and money. The reason for this woman to offer ebo is for her not to be desert by her children. So that her children can take good care of her when the become successful. So that her children will not travel to long distance without looking back to check on their parent. On this Ifa say :
Oturupon odara
Ola si lo nile
Ola dehinde
Dia fun Yemonke
Tio won ni ko rubo ko le ri ere omo je
O rubo
Ko pe ko jina
Bere si n ri ere omo je
Oturupon odara
The wealth leave the house
The wealth has come back home
This was Ifa message for Yemoke
Who was advised to offer ebo
So that she can reap and gain dividends of Mother hood
She complied
Not quite long
She begin to  reap and gain dividends of Mother hood
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

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