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In this current work Babalawo Obanifa  will make exhaustive commentaries on Odu Ifa  Odi Oyeku  also known as Odu Ifa Idin Yeku,Idin Kulu. This current work will be useful to any practicing Babalawo and Ifa devotee who  want to known about Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku. The work will also be useful for those who imprint or born by Odu Ifa Odi Ogbe  during their Ikosedaye or Itelodu(Ifa initiation), Who want to have detail knowledge and interpretations Of Odu Ifa Odi Ogbe. It is instructive that any information reveals or commentaries made during the course of this work is authoritative and can be rely on as a practicing guide by any Babalawo or Ifa devotee in field of African Ifa spirituality. The author of this work (Babalawo Obanifa) is an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian so any knowledge reveals and document in this work is for actual spiritual practice. This work shall examine among other things: What is Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku? Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa  Odi Oy? What are the taboo of Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku?What are the area of Compatible profession or career for those born under the star of Odi  Odu Oyeku .The likely names that can be given to those born by Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku during Ikosedaye or Itelodu ? Synopsis of messages for those born under star of Odu Ifa  Odi Oyeku during Itelodu or Ikosedaye. Some sacred messages in Odu Ifa Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku and commentaries on them. These aforementioned and more will be the major focus of this current work.

What is Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku ?

Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku is one of the Odu Ifa that fall into Amulu category among the 256 odu Ifa. Whether on dida owo(divination chain throwing divination) or Onte ale(Ikin ifa consultation on opon Ifa(Ifa divination tray) whenever you have one leg of Odu Ifa Odi meji on the right and one leg of Odu Oyeku meji on the left such Odu Ifa is known as Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku. The Babalawo do have other appellation for it . Other names for Odi Oyeku in Ifa practice are : Idin yeku,Odiyeku, Odi Oyekun,Ediyeku.

Who  are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku?

By this question we are referring to other divinities that have nexus and affiliated in one way or the other with Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku , that those who were born under the star this Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku  during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye can have along with their Ifa in other to have a very successful and problem –free life. The outstanding identifiable Irunmole and Orisa in this Odu Ifa are ; Ifa, Obatala,Egungun ,Orisa Aje, Osun,Gelede .each of this Orisa and Irunmole have the function and purpose with the Odu:

Ifa : Ifa function  for seeking guidance , protection and direction in life.

Obatala -Obatala function for wealth creation and promotion of economic wellbeing.
Egungun-Egungun function for seeking ancestral support and gaining honor.
Gelede- Gelede like Egungun function for seeking ancestral blessing and guidance and support.
Osun _ Osun function for blessing of fruit of the womb.

What are the taboo of Odu Ifa  Odi Ogbe?

By this we are referring to both animate and inanimate object or behavior that those born under the star of Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku    during their Itelodu or Ikosejaye must avoid in other to have a less problem free life. Below are commonly Identifiable taboo for those born under this Odu:

They must not secretly sleeps with another person spouse on the same mat or bird to avoid disaster and untimely death.

They must avoid eating horse or u it for Akose Ifa to avoid becoming slave s and be dishonor
The must avid bee a drummer or using stik to beat the bell (Agogo)

 The must always corporate with their spouse to avoid disaster and even untimely death

They must not be ungrateful to those who have help them

What is the area of Compatible profession or career for those born under the star of Odi Oyeku?

Odi Oyeku children are usually successful in area of tarde such as diviner and Orisa priestess, hunter, military and para military, business and tourism

Some sacred messages Inside Odu Ifa Odi Oyeku  as document By Babalawo Obanifa

Ifa advised the person to whom this Odu is reveals to offer ebo with two pegion, 3 guinea fowls , and meat from horse as well as money. The essence of ebo is to make prevent him from becoming slave when he attain the position of leadership. On This Ifa says:

Odi Oyeku
Idin yeku
A difa fun Orisa  Iko
Ti won ko fi Esin bori
Ko ba deru lode Iko
To ba joba ki gbogbo aye ma ba ma bu
Odi Oyeku
Idin yeku
Make divination for Orisa Iko
He was  told to offer ebo with horse
So that he will not  slave
When he become king
So that everybody will not be Abusing him
Ifa says there are blessings for the person to whom this Odu is reveal  to have a good family.  Ifá says that he must make a ebo to be able to settle down and that there is always a good environment around him and see the prosperity he seeks.  He should offer ebo  with  2 hens, 2 pigeons, 2 guinea fowl, 2 roosters, 4 obi abata, palm oil and lots of money. On this Ifa says:

Odi Idin kulu oye kulu awo oya
A d'ifá fún oya
Ti n f'omi ojú s'ògbérè omo
 Ebọ ni w̟n ní ko şe
 Ó si gbébo nbè
O rubo
Èrò po Èrò Ófà
Kó  í pé, kó í jiná
È wá bá ní jèbútú omo
Idin kulu kulu Awo of oya T
Made  Ifa divination for oya
When he lamented for not having children
 He was told to make ebo
 He  obeyed
People of Ipó People of Ofà
Not in a long time
Come see how  we have many children now.

Come see us in the midst of many  blessings
Ifa says that there are blessings for the person to whom this odu is reveals  in whatever he /she is  doing in your work.  Ifá says that you will have a lot of prosperity and that he must offer ebo to avoid the stumbling blocks that may arise.  He should offer ebo wilth  1 pegion, 2 chickens, 2 eku ifa and 2 gold ring. On this Ifa says:
Odi Idin oyee oyee
A d'ifá fún olomọ afowodowo
Wòn rubo nitori aseyori lenu işe
Ebo ní wò̟n ni kó şe
O și gbébo nbè
  O rubo
Ko pe ko jina
E  wá bá ní jèbútú iré
Idin oyee oyee
This was Ifa message for Olomo afowodowo
 He was  advise to make ebo  because of his work
He was told to make ebo
 He complied
People  of Ipó ,People of  Ófà
 Not in a long time
Meet us in the midst of blessings
Ifa says there are blessings of children  for  sterile woman where this Odu is reveals. Ifa advise this woman to offer ebo with 4 hens, lots of money, 4 obi obi abata and palm oil pregnant . Pregnat woman   must offer the ebo so she  can have a safe birth.  Ebo itesm. 4 hens, lots of money, 4 obi obi abata and palm oil  Akose Ifa (Ifa medicine Iyerosun is thrown on the board to mark the sign Odi Oyeku. and pray the enchantment.  This powder is then made on a pregnant woman's pillow before going to sleep

 Idin yekutu
Idin yekete
 A d'ifá fún ewiri
Tii Sobimrin ogun
Won ni kó rubo nitori omo
Ó și gbębo nb̟e
O rubo
Ko pe ,ko jina
E wa bani jebutu omo

Idin yekutu
 Idin yekete
This was Ifa’s message   for ewiri
Who is the wife of ogun
She was advised to make Ebo to have children
She complied
Not too long
 Come see how we have many children now
Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveals should make ebo and that you should not be sharing your bed with another person spouse to avoid death .  ebo materials: 3 roosters, 1 okete, 1 aja, palm oil and 4 obi abata.  Akose Ifa (Ifa Medicine) Iyèròsùn is thrown on the board to mark the sign and pray the enchantment.  After praying, the iyèròsùn is thrown on the aja(Dog) and takes it for a pet. On this Ifa say:
 Idin kulu
Oye kulu
Bi eni toko bò gbe
A d'ifá fún aja
Ti nșe omo odé òrun
Won ni kó rubo
Ebo ni wòn ní kó se arun
O și gbębo nb̟ or grove
 È wá bá ní làikú kan n gìri
Idin kulu Oye kulu 
Idin kulu
Oye kulu
As if one was working with a waddle
This was Ifa message   for the dog
Who  is the son of heaven

He was  advised  to make ebo
 He complied
Now see our blessings of long life
 Idin  kulu
Oye kulu
Ifa advise husband and wife to act in unison in everything they do to avoid disaster. Ifa advise both of them to contribute money and resource together to offer the ebo. To avoid the dearth of both of them on same day.Ebo material : one goat, one cock, one hen and money On this Ifa says:
Ogan etido
Abewu eje rese -reses
Dia fun  Ado
A bun fun aya re
Won ni ki won rubo si aiku ara won
Won rubo
Ogan Etido
With pure red color
Made divination for Ado
And his wife
They were told to offer ebo against untimely dearh.
They complied.
Ifa says that there is a blessing for the person tow whom this Odu is reveals. Ifa says that he will neutralize all the negative principalities that have been affecting the life of this clients. Blessings to remove the bad things and the negative influences around him that prevent him from moving forward.  Ifa advise him to make ebo  as soon as possible.  With : 1 goat, 2 roosters, akara, epo, eko size, 4 obi abata and lots of money. On this Ifa says:
 Idi kulu
Oye kulu
Dia fún Ogongo
O nfekun surahun omo
Ebo ni w̟n ni ko şe
O și gbębo nb̟e
O rubo
Erò Ipo Èrò Ófà
Kó i pé, kó i jiná
Eni gbebo ni be ko sębo
Idi kulu
 Oye kulu
This was Ifa message  for Ogongo
 When he lamented for not having children
He was told to make ebo
He complied
 Pilgrims of Ipó Pilgrims of Ofà
 Not in a long time
He was advised to make ebo should complied
Ifa says that there are many blessings for a woman  to have children.  Ifá says that this person have been  wishing to have something  for a long time. But he has failed to get it.  Ifá says that he  should make ebo  so he can get it.  Materials for ebo  2 hens, 2 pigeons, 2 roosters, 2 guinea fowl, eku meji, 1 obi abata, palm oil and lots of money .On this Ifa says:
 A d'ifá fún are
Tií nșe somọ onipo
Ebo ní wòn ní ko șe nitori omo
Ó și gbębo nb̟e 
Ebo rè fin
Ebo rè si da
Idun idin oyeye awo onipo
 Idin, idin oyeye awo onipo
 This was Ifa message  divination the son of onipo
They told him to make sacrifice for him to have children
 He  obeyed
The ebo was accepted
Odi Idin, idin oyeye awo onipo
Ifa  see Ire of plenty blessing for two brother who will complement each other. These two person may be  two brothers or for two friends.  Ifá says that you two together are a good complement and that one has what the other lacks in order to achieve their purposes.  Ifá say they sho cooperate and make ebo for them to see much prosperity.  Materials for ebo 4 roosters, 4 pigeons, 4 chickens, lots of money, 4 obi abata and palm oil

Idin yekutu
Idin yekete
A d'ifá fún Aba
 A d'ifá fún lle
Ebo ní wòn ní kó șe
Won si gbo ebon be  o rubo
Otito loko dun ni ko ile
lle sunwon ju oko lo
Idin yekutu
Idin yekete
This was Ifa message  made  for Aba
The same Ifa message was made for Ile
They were advised to offer ebo
 They complied
 It is true that the field is alive but not like the field
The  Camp is more alive than  the field
Ifá say that this person will be honor, He should offer ebo with pigeon. He should also offer ebo so that he can avoid  having problems if he leaves his house for a long time.  Ebo materials . 4 pigeons, 2 Guineas chickens, 2 ducks, obí àbàtà, eko tamale, palm oil and enough money. 

Odi Idun Yekun
Oye nku
Dia  fún Egungun Ti nrode lọ ree jo
Ebọ ní w̟n ní kó şe
 Ó și gbébo nb̟e
 O rubo
Eegun eni mò sębo
Idin yekun mò sẹbo yenkun
Yekun Oyenku
This was Ifa  message for Egungun
 When he went on a trip to dance
They told him to make ebo
 He complied
Egungun usually said he made the s ebo Odi yeku yeku
Ifa foresee plenty Ire for this person. Ifa says that there are blessings so that you can unlock all the problems that are occurring in your house or around you.  Ifá says you should make ebo to remove  negative influences around you.  Ebo matreislas: 2 goats, 10 pins, 2 pigeons, 1 pumpkin filled with water, Epo, obi abata, money. 
Idi Yekun
Oye nku
A d'ifá fún Ogongo
O nfekun surahun omo
 Ebọ ní wò̟n ní kO şe
O și gbébo nb̟ or rhombus
 Èrò Ipo
Èrò Ofà
Kó i pé, kó í jiná
Eni gbegbo nibe ko sębo
 Idun Yekun
Oye nku
This was Ifa  message for  Ogongo
When he lamented for not having children
He was told to ebo
He complied
 People of  Ipó
People of  Ofà
Not in a long time
He heard of the ebo should complied
Ifa says that there are blessings for you but that you must be a person always grateful for what your ancestors have done for you.  Ifá says to make a sacrifice and to feed his egungun and every year to make a festival to worship them ebo materials ; 2 rams, akara, oole, 1 dove, 1 rooster, obí àbàtà, tako eko, palm oil and enough money. On this Ifa says:
 Idu Yeku
Oye nku
A d'ifá fún wòn ni egbado
Omọ a bò igi rere
Nijo ti wòn fekun su ra hun omo
 Ebo ni wòn ni kó se
won și gbébo nb̟e won rubo
Ki wòn bò gelede
Wòn rubo
 Won sibo bo gelede
 Pele  Ara  Egbado Omo ò bò igi rere.

Idi Yeku
 Oye nku
This  was Ifa  message  for the people of Egbado
When they were lamenting for not having children
They were advised to make ebo
They complied
They were advised to  make ebo And 
They should venerate Gelede fed their ancestors
Look at the people of Egbado
That they are the followers of Gelede
Ifa says that you are going to have a lot of prosperity.  Ifá says you  must offer ebo and feed Obatala so that you can see sees much wealth in your  life.  Ebo materials  4 Guinean hens, 4 slugs, egusin itoo, efun, obí àbàtà, tako eko, palm oil and enough money. 
 Idin kulu
 Oye kulu
 A d'ifá fún Oosa nla Oseremagbo
 Eyi ti wò aye apesin pitpiti
Ebọ ní wò̟n ní kó şe
Ó și gbębo nb̟e
O rubo
Idin kulu
Oye kulu
This was Ifa message for Oosa nla Oseremagbo
When he was in the land of worship
He was told to make ebo
He complied  Pilgrims of ipó Pilgrims  of Ofà
Not long come  to see us in the middle of many blessings
Ifa says there are blessings  of riches for you.  Ifa says that you are going through economic problems and that everything is getting out of hand.  Ifá says to make sacrifice in order to see all the blessings that Ifá says there are for you.  Ebo materials  4 snail, 4 pigeons, melon soup, yam puree, obí àbàtà, eko tamale, palm oil and enough money. On this Ifa says:

Idin Oye
din Ogbo kulu
A d'ifá fún Orisa nla osere mogbo
 To șe oko ayeku yeku
Ebo ní w̟n ní kó şe
 Ó și gbębo nbè o rubo
 Nje ayeku ayeku gbi jo Orisa ko gbode Olufu orolu gbijo 
 Idin Ogbo kulu.

Idin Oye
din Ogbo kulu
This was Ifa message for Orisa Nla
When he was looking for prosperity
He was told to make sacrifice
 He obeyed
 Pilgrims of Ipó Piligrims  of Ofà
Now we are dancing to the Orisas with joy Orisa ko gbode Olufu orolu gbijo Orisa ko gbode
Ifa says there are blessings of victory for you.  Ifa says that you have  great enemy that was once your friend and now became your enemy,He has characteristics of being taller than you.  Ifa says that you must offer ebo so that you will gain victory.  Ebo materials : 1 goat, 1 rooster, 1 long bamboo bara, obí àbàtà, eko tamale, palm oil and enough money.  Medicine The grasses of the second hand are taken and crushed with black soap, then fortified with a rooster.  Ìyèròsùn is thrown on the board to mark the sign and pray the enchantment.  After praying, the ìyèròsùn is cast on the above materials and used for bathing.  On this Ifa says:
 Idin gba
Idin kere
 A d'ifá fún Opa nla
A d'ifá fún Agogo
 Igba ti won jo sote ara won
Ebo ní wòn ní kó şe
Won și gbébo nbè
Won rubo
Owo bewe  Segunsete emanso
Oko reureu no kasai se won sete
 Èrò Ipo   Ofà
Kó í pé, kó í jiná
 È wá bá ní lá ruşégun
 Nje opa to toun o pagogo ko le Pagogo mon
Opa ni mòmò ki agogo isi gelele
Idin gba
Idin kere
This was Ifa divination for Opa
They made divination for Agogo When both were enemies
They were advised to make ebo
It only  only Agogo complied
I  have got the  of Segunsete
People of Ipon
People of Ofa
I have overcome my enemies
Now I win the war Opa can't beat Agogo
Opa dies and ago remains alive
Ifá says that you are being disturbed by bad spirits and that you must offer sacrifice so that you can ward off the bad spirits that disturb you and you have to ring the bell every day in front of ifa always asking you  Give him peace of mind and spirit.  Sacrifice 1 goat, 1 rooster, 1 bell, obí àbàtà, tako eko, palm oil and enough money.  Medicine I know that a red-hot stick is killed until it becomes dust, then the abirikolo leaves are crushed together with the powder and the black soap.  Dust is made on the board to mark the sign and pray the enchantment.  After praying, it is used for bathing. On this Ifa says:
Idin kulu
Oye kulu
A d'ifá fún ajija gbogbo
Tinşe şomo ni bo sębo onibosibi
 Ajogun gbogbo nko
Ebo ní w̟n ní ko se

Odi Ó și gbébo nbę  o rubo
 Iku bi ode ki oberu owo
O woo mi wate ewe abirikolo
 Isin ku ̟run e pàyinda
 Bina ba jo loko to beru ajiya gogo
 Idin kulu
Oye kulu
Make Ifa  for ajija gbogbo
Who is the son of onibosibi
When he  was being disturbed by evil spirits T
hey told him to make ebo
 He complied
Death when he goes out he is afraid of the priest  in the forest
You will always be afraid of the bell
Ifá says  that you will be able to get married soon and have a family rune like the one you have wanted.  Ifá says to make sacrifice.  Ebo materials ; 2 hens, 2 eku ifá, 2 eja aro, obí àbàtà, eko tamale, palm oil and enough money .On this Ifa says:
Idin kulu
Oye kulu
 A d'ifá fún Osun Ewuyii
 Tinşe şekun omọ
Ebo ní w̟n ní kó şe
Ó și gbébo nbè o rubo
 Èrò Ipo Èrò Ófà
Kó íe, kó jina
E wa  bá ní jebutu omo
Idin kulu
Oye kulu
This was Ifa divination for Osun Ewuyi
She  was lamenting for not having children
 She was told to make ebo
She complied
People of Ipo
People of Ofa
Not in a long time
Come see me surrounded by many children
Ifá says that you are going to be very lucky on a trip you plan to do.  Ifá says to make sacrifice so that everything is favorable for you.  Sacrifice 1 goat, 1 rooster, 4 pigeons, 2 eku ifá, 2 eja aro, obí àbàtà, eko tamale, palm oil and enough money. On this Ifa says:

Idin kulu
Oye kulu
 A d'ifá fún egungun
Ti nrode lọ rẹe jo
 Tinşe şekun omọ
 Ebo ní wòn ní kó șe
O și gbębo nb̟ o rubo
Èrò Ipo Èrò Ófà Kó óró Péfà
Kó  kó í jiná
Eegungun emi mẹ şebo Idin yekun mo sębo yenku
 Idin kulu
Oye kulu
This was Ifa   message  for egungun
When he was going to a dance
They told him to make ebo
He  obeyed
People of Ipo
People of Ofa
Now eegungun says that it has been thanks to  Idin yekun's sacrifice made
Ifa says that there are long-lived blessings for you.  Ifa says that you must offer sacrifice to stop the disturbances of evil spirits.  Sacrifice 1 goat, 3 roosters, palm oil, eko tamale, obi abata.  Money. Medicine Grasses the herbs of the sow and hoop, they are crushed together with the black soap and fortified with a rooster.  Iyèròsùn is thrown on the board to mark the sign and pray the enchantment.  After praying, the ìyèròsùn is cast on the above materials and used for bathing.  On this Ifa says:
Idin kulu
Oye kulu
Adifa fun ajija gbogbo
Tin somo mibo sibi
ominu Ajogin gbogbo lon ko
Ebo ni wón ní kó se
Ó si gbébo nbè orubo
Iku  ki oberu awo
 Idin kulu
Oye kulu
 This was Ifa message for  bell Son of mibo sibi
When he was being disturbed yy evil spirits
They told him to offer ebo
 He  obeyed
Aro's herbs will make him return back
Apada will make evil  return to them
Death, when you are outside Be afraid of the Awo
 People of Ipo
People Of Ofa
 Not in a long time Come and see how we overcome our enemies
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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