Click on the Vedio above to Watch and Download  Falz - Bahd Baddo Baddest (Official Video) ft. Olamide, Davido

This work will document some of the meanings of seeing scorpion in dream from the perspective of Yoruba culture and spirituality. The nomenclature for scorpion In Yoruba language is Akeeke. By scorpion within the context of this work we are referring to Scorpions are predatory arachnids of the order Scorpiones. They have eight legs[1] and are easily recognized by the pair of grasping pedipalps and the narrow, segmented tail, often carried in a characteristic forward curve over the back, ending with a venomous stinger. Scorpions range in size from 9 mm / 0.3 in. (Typhlochactas mitchelli) to 23 cm / 9 in. (Heterometrus swammerdami).[2]
The evolutionary history of scorpions goes back to the Silurian period 430 million years ago. They have adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions, and they can now be found on all continents except Antarctica. Scorpions number about 1,750 described species,[3] with 13 extant (living) families recognized to date. The taxonomy has undergone changes and is likely to change further, as genetic studies are bringing forth new information.
All scorpions have a venomous sting, but the vast majority of the species do not represent a serious threat to humans, and in most cases, healthy adults do not need any medical treatment after being stung.[4] Only about 25 species are known to have venom capable of killing a human.[5]:1 In some parts of the world with highly venomous species, human fatalities regularly occur, primarily in areas with limited access to medical treatment.[4] (definition source, Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia)
As in the case of any other dream symbol. Seeing scorpion in dream can have either positive and negative meanings. The meanings to be given to scorpion dream will usually depend on the content or context of such dream. Below are some of the documentation of meanings of seeing scorpion in dream from perspective of Yoruba culture and spirituality as document by Babalawo Obannifa

TI O BA LALA TI O JE AKEEKE (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU EAT SCORPION IN YOUR DREAM): In any kind of dream where you see that you are eating scorpion in dream. This kind of dream is a warning dream telling the dreamer that he or she need to be careful because enemies are trying to attack him with diseases through poison of his foods.
TI A BA LALA TI AKEEKE YIWA PO (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE SORROUNDED BY SCORPION IN YOUR DREAM): In any kind of dream where you see that you are surrounded by scorpion in dream .This kind of dream is a warning dream telling the dreamer that he or she is surround by bad people who have malice and ill-motive toward him /her. It is a warning dream telling the dreamer to stay vigilant because of people around him are evil people with evil intentions.
TI A BA LALA TI A FI ESE TE AKEEKE PA (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU STEP ON A SCORPION WITH YOUR LEGS AND KILL IT ): This kind of dream is a positive message dream telling the dreamer that success is assure for the dreamer if he can attack his /her perceive enemies. The same interpretation apply when you see dead scorpion in your dream.

TI BA LALA TI AKEEKE N TA ARA RE LOJU ALA (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT SCORPION IS STINGIN ITSELF ):In any kind of dream where you scorpion stinging himself in dream .This kind of dream is warning dream telling the dreamer to be very carful with his/her own anger . so that he don’t end up hurting himself /herself in the process.
TI A BA LALA TI AKEEKE TA WA LORI IBUSUN WA (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT SCORPION STING YOU IN YOUR BED) In any kind of dream where you see that scorpion sting you in your bed .This kind of dream connote you need to be very careful and insider such as your close friend ,spouse, even children or family member have made tarp to harm you.
TI A BA LALA TI WON JU AKEEKE SI WA LARA (IF YOU  SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT THEY THROW SCORPION INTO YOUR BODY ):This kind of dream connote that the person need to be careful there is plan to cause him sever body injurie that may lead to protracted sickness.
TI A BA LALA TI WON FI AKEEKE SINU OTIN FUN WA (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT THEY THROW SCORPION INSIDE DRINKS FOR YOUR): The dream of this nature is warning the dream not to eat or drink outside or from unknown source at that point in time because some people are trying to poison him/her
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

 Haga clic en el Vedio de arriba para ver y descargar Falz - Bahd Baddo Baddest (Video oficial) ft. Olamide, Davido



 Este trabajo documentará algunos de los significados de ver escorpiones en sueños desde la perspectiva de la cultura y espiritualidad yoruba.  La nomenclatura para el escorpión en idioma yoruba es Akeeke.  Por escorpión en el contexto de este trabajo nos estamos refiriendo a los escorpiones que son arácnidos depredadores del orden Scorpiones.  Tienen ocho patas [1] y son fácilmente reconocibles por el par de pedipalpos de agarre y la cola estrecha y segmentada, a menudo transportados en una curva característica hacia adelante sobre la espalda, que termina con un aguijón venenoso.  Los escorpiones varían en tamaño desde 9 mm / 0.3 pulg. (Typhlochactas mitchelli) hasta 23 cm / 9 pulg. (Heterometrus swammerdami). [2]

 La historia evolutiva de los escorpiones se remonta al período silúrico hace 430 millones de años.  Se han adaptado a una amplia gama de condiciones ambientales, y ahora se pueden encontrar en todos los continentes, excepto en la Antártida.  Los escorpiones son alrededor de 1.750 especies descritas, [3] con 13 familias (vivas) existentes reconocidas hasta la fecha.  La taxonomía ha experimentado cambios y es probable que cambie aún más, ya que los estudios genéticos están aportando nueva información.

 Todos los escorpiones tienen una picadura venenosa, pero la gran mayoría de las especies no representan una amenaza grave para los humanos, y en la mayoría de los casos, los adultos sanos no necesitan ningún tratamiento médico después de ser picados. [4]  Se sabe que solo unas 25 especies tienen veneno capaz de matar a un humano. [5]: 1 En algunas partes del mundo con especies altamente venenosas, las muertes humanas ocurren regularmente, principalmente en áreas con acceso limitado a tratamiento médico. [4]  (fuente de definición, Wikipedia la enciclopedia libre)

 Como en el caso de cualquier otro símbolo de sueño.  Ver escorpiones en sueños puede tener significados positivos y negativos.  Los significados que se le darán al sueño del escorpión generalmente dependerán del contenido o contexto de dicho sueño.  A continuación se presentan algunos de los documentos de los significados de ver escorpiones en sueños desde la perspectiva de la cultura y espiritualidad yoruba como documento de Babalawo Obannifa

 TI O BA LALA TI O JE AKEEKE (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE COMES ESCORPION EN TU SUEÑO): En cualquier tipo de sueño donde ves que estás comiendo escorpión en sueños.  Este tipo de sueño es un sueño de advertencia que le dice al soñador que debe tener cuidado porque los enemigos están tratando de atacarlo con enfermedades a través del veneno de sus alimentos.

 TI A BA LALA TI AKEEKE YIWA PO (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE ESTÁS ASOMBRADO POR EL ESCORPIÓN EN TU SUEÑO): en cualquier tipo de sueño donde ves que estás rodeado de escorpiones en sueños. Este tipo de sueño es una advertencia  sueñe diciéndole al soñador que él o ella está rodeado de personas malas que tienen malicia y mala motivación hacia él / ella.  Es un sueño de advertencia decirle al soñador que se mantenga vigilante porque las personas que lo rodean son personas malvadas con malas intenciones.

 TI A BA LALA TI A FI ESE TE AKEEKE PA (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE PISAS EN UN ESCORPIÓN CON TUS PIERNAS Y LO MATAS): Este tipo de sueño es un sueño de mensaje positivo que le dice al soñador que el éxito es garantía para el  soñador si puede atacar a sus enemigos percibidos.  La misma interpretación se aplica cuando ves escorpión muerto en tu sueño.

 TI BA LALA TI AKEEKE N TA ARA RE LOJU ALA (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE EL ESCORPIÓN ESTÁ SOMBRANDO A SÍ MISMO): En cualquier tipo de sueño donde el escorpión se pica a sí mismo en un sueño. Este tipo de sueño es un sueño de advertencia que le dice al soñador que sea  muy cariñoso con su propia ira.  para que no termine lastimándose en el proceso.

 TI A BA LALA TI AKEEKE TA WA LORI IBUSUN WA (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO ESO ESCORPIÓN SORTEO EN TU CAMA) En cualquier tipo de sueño en el que veas que el escorpión te pica en la cama.  sea ​​muy cuidadoso y la información privilegiada, como su amigo cercano, su cónyuge, incluso los hijos o un miembro de su familia, han hecho una lona para dañarlo.

 TI A BA LALA TI WON JU AKEEKE SI WA LARA (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE LANZAN EL ESCORPIÓN EN TU CUERPO): Este tipo de sueño connota que la persona debe tener cuidado de que haya un plan para causarle lesiones corporales graves que puedan  conducir a una enfermedad prolongada.

 TI A BA LALA TI WON FI AKEEKE SINU OTIN FUN WA (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE LANZAN ESCORPIÓN DENTRO DE BEBIDAS PARA TU): El sueño de esta naturaleza es advertirle que no coma ni beba afuera o de una fuente desconocida.  punto en el tiempo porque algunas personas están tratando de envenenarlo

 Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, teléfono y contacto de WhatsApp: +2348166343145, ubicación Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

 AVISO IMPORTANTE: en lo que respecta al artículo anterior, todos los derechos reservados, ninguna parte de este artículo puede reproducirse o duplicarse de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias y grabaciones, o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento o recuperación de información sin permiso previo por escrito  del titular de los derechos de autor y del autor Babalawo Obanifa, hacerlo se considera ilegal y traerá consecuencias legales

  Clique no Vedio acima para assistir e baixar Falz - Bahd Baddo Baddest (vídeo oficial) com Olamide, Davido



  Este trabalho documentará alguns dos significados de ver escorpião em sonho a partir da perspectiva da cultura e espiritualidade iorubá.  A nomenclatura para escorpião na língua iorubá é Akeeke.  Por escorpião, no contexto deste trabalho, estamos nos referindo a escorpiões, são aracnídeos predadores da ordem escorpião.  Eles têm oito pernas [1] e são facilmente reconhecidos pelo par de pedipalpos de agarrar e pela cauda estreita e segmentada, geralmente carregada em uma curva característica à frente nas costas, terminando com um ferrão venenoso.  Os escorpiões variam em tamanho de 9 mm (Typhlochactas mitchelli) a 23 cm (Heterometrus swammerdami). [2]

  A história evolutiva dos escorpiões remonta ao período da Silúria, 430 milhões de anos atrás.  Eles se adaptaram a uma ampla gama de condições ambientais e agora podem ser encontrados em todos os continentes, exceto na Antártica.  Os escorpiões numeram cerca de 1.750 espécies descritas, [3] com 13 famílias existentes (vivas) reconhecidas até o momento.  A taxonomia sofreu mudanças e provavelmente mudará ainda mais, à medida que os estudos genéticos estão trazendo novas informações.

  Todos os escorpiões têm uma picada venenosa, mas a grande maioria das espécies não representa uma ameaça séria para os seres humanos e, na maioria dos casos, adultos saudáveis ​​não precisam de tratamento médico após serem picados. [4]  Sabe-se que apenas cerca de 25 espécies têm veneno capaz de matar um humano. [5]: 1 Em algumas partes do mundo com espécies altamente venenosas, fatalidades humanas ocorrem regularmente, principalmente em áreas com acesso limitado a tratamento médico. [4]  (fonte de definição, Wikipedia, a Enciclopédia livre)

  Como no caso de qualquer outro símbolo de sonho.  Ver o escorpião no sonho pode ter significados positivos e negativos.  Os significados a serem dados ao sonho de escorpião geralmente dependem do conteúdo ou contexto de tal sonho.  Abaixo estão algumas das documentações dos significados de ver o escorpião no sonho da perspectiva da cultura e espiritualidade iorubá como documento de Babalawo Obannifa

  TI O BA LALA TI O JE AKEEKE (SE VOCÊ VÊ NO SEU SONHO QUE COME ESCORPIÃO NO SEU SONHO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que você vê que está comendo escorpião em sonho.  Esse tipo de sonho é um sonho de advertência, dizendo ao sonhador que ele ou ela precisa tomar cuidado, porque os inimigos estão tentando atacá-lo com doenças através do veneno de seus alimentos.

  TI A BA LALA TI AKEEKE YIWA PO (SE VOCÊ VÊ EM SEU SONHO QUE ESTÁ ABANDONADO POR ESCORPIÃO EM SEU SONHO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que você vê que está cercado por escorpião em sonho. Esse tipo de sonho é um aviso  sonhe dizendo ao sonhador que ele ou ela está cercado por pessoas más que têm malícia e más intenções em relação a ele / ela.  É um sonho de advertência que diz ao sonhador que fique vigilante porque as pessoas ao seu redor são pessoas más com más intenções.

  TI A BA LALA TI FIESE TE AKEEKE PA (SE VOCÊ VÊ NO SEU SONHO QUE PISA EM UM ESCORPIÃO COM AS PERNAS E O MATA): Esse tipo de sonho é uma mensagem positiva, que diz ao sonhador que o sucesso garante o sucesso.  sonhador se ele pode atacar seus / ela percebe inimigos.  A mesma interpretação se aplica quando você vê um escorpião morto em seu sonho.

  TI BA LALA TI AKEEKE N TA ARA RE LOJU ALA (SE VOCÊ VÊ EM SEU SONHO QUE ESCORPIÃO ESTÁ PINGANDO EM SI): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que você escorpião se pinta em sonho. Esse tipo de sonho é alertar os sonhos dizendo ao sonhador para estar  muito cuidadoso com sua própria raiva.  para que ele não se machuque no processo.

  TI A BA LALA TI AKEEKE TA WA LORI IBUSUN WA (SE VOCÊ VÊ EM SEU SONHO QUE ESCORPIÃO PODE VOCÊ EM SUA CAMA) Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que você vê aquele escorpião picando você em sua cama. Esse tipo de sonho você precisa  tenha muito cuidado e informações privilegiadas, como seu amigo íntimo, cônjuge, até filhos ou parente fizeram uma lona para prejudicá-lo.

  TI A BA LALA TI VAI JU AKEEKE SI WA LARA (SE VOCÊ VÊ EM SEU SONHO QUE JOGUE ESCORPIÃO EM SEU CORPO): Esse tipo de sonho indica que a pessoa precisa tomar cuidado, pois há planos de causar danos corporais que possam  levar a doença prolongada.

  TI A BA LALA TI GANHAU FI AKEEKE SINU OTIN FUN WA (SE VOCÊ VÊ EM SEU SONHO QUE JOGUE ESCORPIÃO DENTRO DE BEBIDAS PARA O SEU): O sonho dessa natureza é alertar o sonho de não comer ou beber fora ou de uma fonte desconhecida.  momento, porque algumas pessoas estão tentando envenená-lo

  Direitos autorais: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, telefone e whatsapp: +2348166343145, local Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

  AVISO IMPORTANTE: Com relação ao artigo acima, todos os direitos reservados, nenhuma parte deste artigo pode ser reproduzida ou duplicada de qualquer forma ou por qualquer meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocópia e gravação ou por qualquer sistema de armazenamento ou recuperação de informações sem permissão prévia por escrito  do detentor dos direitos autorais e do autor Babalawo Obanifa, fazê-lo é considerado ilegal e atrairá consequências legais

  Cliquez sur le Vedio ci-dessus pour regarder et télécharger Falz - Bahd Baddo Baddest (vidéo officielle) ft. Olamide, Davido



  Ce travail documentera certaines des significations de voir le scorpion en rêve du point de vue de la culture et de la spiritualité yoruba.  La nomenclature du scorpion En langue yoruba est Akeeke.  Par scorpion dans le contexte de ce travail, nous nous référons aux scorpions sont des arachnides prédateurs de l'ordre des scorpiones.  Ils ont huit pattes [1] et sont facilement reconnaissables par la paire de pédipalpes saisissants et la queue étroite et segmentée, souvent portée dans une courbe avant caractéristique sur le dos, se terminant par un aiguillon venimeux.  La taille des scorpions varie de 9 mm / 0,3 pouce (Typhlochactas mitchelli) à 23 cm / 9 pouces (Heterometrus swammerdami). [2]

  L'histoire évolutive des scorpions remonte à la période silurienne il y a 430 millions d'années.  Ils se sont adaptés à un large éventail de conditions environnementales, et ils peuvent maintenant être trouvés sur tous les continents sauf l'Antarctique.  Les scorpions comptent environ 1 750 espèces décrites [3], avec 13 familles existantes (vivantes) reconnues à ce jour.  La taxonomie a subi des changements et est susceptible de changer davantage, car les études génétiques apportent de nouvelles informations.

  Tous les scorpions ont une piqûre venimeuse, mais la grande majorité des espèces ne représentent pas une menace sérieuse pour l'homme, et dans la plupart des cas, les adultes en bonne santé n'ont besoin d'aucun traitement médical après avoir été piqués. [4]  Seules environ 25 espèces sont connues pour avoir du venin capable de tuer un humain. [5]: 1 Dans certaines parties du monde avec des espèces hautement venimeuses, des décès humains se produisent régulièrement, principalement dans les zones où l'accès aux traitements médicaux est limité. [4]  (source de définition, Wikipedia l'Encyclopédie gratuite)

  Comme dans le cas de tout autre symbole de rêve.  Voir scorpion en rêve peut avoir des significations positives et négatives.  La signification à donner au rêve de scorpion dépendra généralement du contenu ou du contexte d'un tel rêve.  Ci-dessous une partie de la documentation des significations de voir le scorpion dans le rêve du point de vue de la culture et de la spiritualité yoruba comme document de Babalawo Obannifa

  TI O BA LALA TI O JE AKEEKE (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOUS MANGEZ DU SCORPION DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Dans tout type de rêve où vous voyez que vous mangez du scorpion en rêve.  Ce genre de rêve est un rêve d'avertissement disant au rêveur qu'il doit faire attention parce que les ennemis essaient de l'attaquer avec des maladies en empoisonnant ses aliments.

  TI A BA LALA TI AKEEKE YIWA PO (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOUS ÊTES ENTOURÉ PAR SCORPION DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Dans tout type de rêve où vous voyez que vous êtes entouré de scorpion dans le rêve. Ce type de rêve est un avertissement  rêve disant au rêveur qu'il est entouré de mauvaises personnes qui ont de la méchanceté et de la mauvaise motivation envers lui / elle.  C'est un rêve d'avertissement disant au rêveur de rester vigilant car les gens autour de lui sont de mauvaises personnes aux mauvaises intentions.

  TI A BA LALA TI A FI ESE TE AKEEKE PA (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOUS MARCHEZ SUR UN SCORPION AVEC VOS JAMBES ET TUEZ-LE): Ce genre de rêve est un message positif qui dit au rêveur que le succès est assuré pour le  rêveur s'il peut attaquer ses ennemis perçus.  La même interprétation s'applique lorsque vous voyez un scorpion mort dans votre rêve.

  TI BA LALA TI AKEEKE N TA ARA RE LOJU ALA (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE SCORPION STINGIN LUI-MÊME): Dans tout type de rêve où vous scorpion piquant lui-même dans le rêve. Ce type de rêve est un rêve avertissant le rêveur d'être  très attentif à sa propre colère.  afin qu'il ne se blesse pas dans le processus.

  TI A BA LALA TI AKEEKE TA WA LORI IBUSUN WA (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUI SCORPION VOUS STING DANS VOTRE LIT) Dans tout type de rêve où vous voyez ce scorpion vous piquer dans votre lit.Ce type de rêve connote que vous devez  soyez très prudent et des initiés tels que votre ami proche, votre conjoint, même vos enfants ou un membre de votre famille ont fait une bâche pour vous nuire.

  TI A BA LALA TI WON JU AKEEKE SI WA LARA (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QU'ILS JETENT SCORPION DANS VOTRE CORPS): Ce genre de rêve connote que la personne doit faire attention il est prévu de lui causer des blessures corporelles graves qui peuvent  conduire à une maladie prolongée.

  TI A BA LALA TI WON FI AKEEKE SINU OTIN FUN WA (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QU'ILS JETENT DU SCORPION À L'INTÉRIEUR DES BOISSONS POUR VOTRE): Le rêve de cette nature avertit le rêve de ne pas manger ou boire à l'extérieur ou de source inconnue à ce  un moment donné parce que certaines personnes tentent de l'empoisonner

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, contact par téléphone et WhatsApp: +2348166343145, emplacement Ile Ife, état d'osun, Nigeria.

  AVIS IMPORTANT: En ce qui concerne l'article ci-dessus, tous droits réservés, aucune partie de cet article ne peut être reproduite ou dupliquée sous quelque forme ou par quelque moyen que ce soit, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et l'enregistrement ou par tout système de stockage ou de récupération d'informations sans autorisation écrite préalable  du titulaire du droit d'auteur et de l'auteur Babalawo Obanifa, le faire est considéré comme illégal et entraînera des conséquences juridiques

 Cliquez sur le Vedio ci-dessus pour regarder et télécharger Falz - Bahd Baddo Baddest (vidéo officielle) ft. Olamide, Davido



 Ce travail documentera certaines des significations de voir le scorpion en rêve du point de vue de la culture et de la spiritualité yoruba.  La nomenclature du scorpion En langue yoruba est Akeeke.  Par scorpion dans le contexte de ce travail, nous nous référons aux scorpions sont des arachnides prédateurs de l'ordre des scorpiones.  Ils ont huit pattes [1] et sont facilement reconnaissables par la paire de pédipalpes saisissants et la queue étroite et segmentée, souvent portée dans une courbe avant caractéristique sur le dos, se terminant par un aiguillon venimeux.  La taille des scorpions varie de 9 mm / 0,3 pouce (Typhlochactas mitchelli) à 23 cm / 9 pouces (Heterometrus swammerdami). [2]

 L'histoire évolutive des scorpions remonte à la période silurienne il y a 430 millions d'années.  Ils se sont adaptés à un large éventail de conditions environnementales, et ils peuvent maintenant être trouvés sur tous les continents sauf l'Antarctique.  Les scorpions comptent environ 1 750 espèces décrites [3], avec 13 familles existantes (vivantes) reconnues à ce jour.  La taxonomie a subi des changements et est susceptible de changer davantage, car les études génétiques apportent de nouvelles informations.

 Tous les scorpions ont une piqûre venimeuse, mais la grande majorité des espèces ne représentent pas une menace sérieuse pour l'homme, et dans la plupart des cas, les adultes en bonne santé n'ont besoin d'aucun traitement médical après avoir été piqués. [4]  Seules environ 25 espèces sont connues pour avoir du venin capable de tuer un humain. [5]: 1 Dans certaines parties du monde avec des espèces hautement venimeuses, des décès humains se produisent régulièrement, principalement dans les zones où l'accès aux traitements médicaux est limité. [4]  (source de définition, Wikipedia l'Encyclopédie gratuite)

 Comme dans le cas de tout autre symbole de rêve.  Voir scorpion en rêve peut avoir des significations positives et négatives.  La signification à donner au rêve de scorpion dépendra généralement du contenu ou du contexte d'un tel rêve.  Ci-dessous une partie de la documentation des significations de voir le scorpion dans le rêve du point de vue de la culture et de la spiritualité yoruba comme document de Babalawo Obannifa

 TI O BA LALA TI O JE AKEEKE (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOUS MANGEZ DU SCORPION DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Dans tout type de rêve où vous voyez que vous mangez du scorpion en rêve.  Ce genre de rêve est un rêve d'avertissement disant au rêveur qu'il doit faire attention parce que les ennemis essaient de l'attaquer avec des maladies en empoisonnant ses aliments.

 TI A BA LALA TI AKEEKE YIWA PO (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOUS ÊTES ENTOURÉ PAR SCORPION DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Dans tout type de rêve où vous voyez que vous êtes entouré de scorpion dans le rêve. Ce type de rêve est un avertissement  rêve disant au rêveur qu'il est entouré de mauvaises personnes qui ont de la méchanceté et de la mauvaise motivation envers lui / elle.  C'est un rêve d'avertissement disant au rêveur de rester vigilant car les gens autour de lui sont de mauvaises personnes aux mauvaises intentions.

 TI A BA LALA TI A FI ESE TE AKEEKE PA (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOUS MARCHEZ SUR UN SCORPION AVEC VOS JAMBES ET TUEZ-LE): Ce genre de rêve est un message positif qui dit au rêveur que le succès est assuré pour le  rêveur s'il peut attaquer ses ennemis perçus.  La même interprétation s'applique lorsque vous voyez un scorpion mort dans votre rêve.

 TI BA LALA TI AKEEKE N TA ARA RE LOJU ALA (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE SCORPION STINGIN LUI-MÊME): Dans tout type de rêve où vous scorpion piquant lui-même dans le rêve. Ce type de rêve est un rêve avertissant le rêveur d'être  très attentif à sa propre colère.  afin qu'il ne se blesse pas dans le processus.

 TI A BA LALA TI AKEEKE TA WA LORI IBUSUN WA (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUI SCORPION VOUS STING DANS VOTRE LIT) Dans tout type de rêve où vous voyez ce scorpion vous piquer dans votre lit.Ce type de rêve connote que vous devez  soyez très prudent et des initiés tels que votre ami proche, votre conjoint, même vos enfants ou un membre de votre famille ont fait une bâche pour vous nuire.

 TI A BA LALA TI WON JU AKEEKE SI WA LARA (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QU'ILS JETENT SCORPION DANS VOTRE CORPS): Ce genre de rêve connote que la personne doit faire attention il est prévu de lui causer des blessures corporelles graves qui peuvent  conduire à une maladie prolongée.

 TI A BA LALA TI WON FI AKEEKE SINU OTIN FUN WA (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QU'ILS JETENT DU SCORPION À L'INTÉRIEUR DES BOISSONS POUR VOTRE): Le rêve de cette nature avertit le rêve de ne pas manger ou boire à l'extérieur ou de source inconnue à ce  un moment donné parce que certaines personnes tentent de l'empoisonner

 Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, contact par téléphone et WhatsApp: +2348166343145, emplacement Ile Ife, état d'osun, Nigeria.

 AVIS IMPORTANT: En ce qui concerne l'article ci-dessus, tous droits réservés, aucune partie de cet article ne peut être reproduite ou dupliquée sous quelque forme ou par quelque moyen que ce soit, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et l'enregistrement ou par tout système de stockage ou de récupération d'informations sans autorisation écrite préalable  du titulaire du droit d'auteur et de l'auteur Babalawo Obanifa, le faire est considéré comme illégal et entraînera des conséquences juridiques

Meanings Of Scorpion In Dreams According To Other Cultures And Spirituality
Scorpion Dream Meaning

Are you interested in the Scorpion Dream Meaning? Then this guide is for you!

Scorpions are much feared the world over. Although they are not very common in dreams, they have a strong symbolic meaning when they appear to you.

They could be alerting you about your fears regarding unfavorable interaction with something or someone.

Are you seeing a scorpion in your dreams? This means that you have been making some stinging comments to some people.

The scorpion dream reminds you to tone down on your hurtful comments. At the same time, you need to be keen to avert any hurtful comments directed towards you.

The scorpion dream is a reflection of your character. You are often prone to being violent. You are being reminded to avoid this as it will often give rise to betrayal, vengeance, and probably death.

What’s Does the Dark Beauty of Scorpions in Dreams Represent?

There’s much to say about the symbolic meaning of scorpions. These animals are close relatives of spiders.

Most people are in agreement that these arachnids look both gentle and cute. This gives them a special magnetic appeal.

Symbolically, the scorpions have a strong connection with the dark arts. As such, they are associated with mystery, sorcery and all kinds of harmful behavior.

But, their dark beauty has a certain unique appeal. For example, they have deep energy as well as artistic beauty.

It is no wonder, then, that people born under the Scorpio zodiac sign come across as beautiful, strong, irresistible, and elegant.

In many cultures across the globe, scorpions are seen as a representation of things negative. However, they have certain attractiveness, even in their negativity.

Many cultures regard the scorpion as a representation of evil, greed, betrayal, pain, and darkness. In some cases, these animals are seen as a symbol of malice, death, and danger.

What Do I Do When I Have a Scorpion Dream?

Having a scorpion dream a number of significant meanings. The most obvious one is that there’s a dark force at work in your life.

This animal comes to you through the dream to warn you to take care of your life. To avert the danger that this dark force portends, you are strongly advised to wear a scorpion pendant.

Also, you can consider having a scorpion tattoo done on some part of your body.

When you do so, you invite the power of this deadly yet mighty relative of the arachnid family. This animal spirit will enter your life, bringing with it protection from the Underworld.

People who regularly dream of the scorpion have the special energy of the scorpion. Few things in life puzzle them.

These people are not easily daunted by the occurrences in their lives.

Moreover, such people are as attractive as they are intriguing. They are self-confident, artistic, and outgoing.

However, you have the power to be dark and narcissistic when the situation demands it.

You have a genuine attraction to things that most people consider dark. For example, black clothing, gothic art, and dark beauty hold a special appeal for you.

What’s the Spiritual Meaning of a Scorpion Dream?

Dreams involving a scorpion have many spiritual meanings in your life. It all depends on how you perceive this animal.

Also, the interpretation of such a dream depends on the spiritual approach that you find most relevant to your circumstances.

All the same, we can talk about a number of common basic interpretations.

The most common of these represents bad omen. You need to bear in mind that the scorpion is not only dangerous but also deadly.

This animal appears in your dream as a warning. It is most likely that some people close to your bear some malice towards you.

Also, it could be that you have taken a path that will definitely lead to self-destruction.

Are you a perfectionist? Do you find it hard to get fulfillment and satisfaction with the life you are leading? Then, it’s likely for the scorpion to visit your life through dreams.

It comes to warn you about the toxic obstacles you’ve allowed to block your path to progress.

What’s the Significance of a Yellow Scorpion Dream?

When a yellow scorpion visits your life, it’s a warning to watch out. You have a person close to you who’s out to sabotage your growth.

Such a person is planning to frustrate your every effort. Indeed, their only goal in life seems to make you feel miserable.

The yellow scorpion is guiding you to evaluate those around you. Are there some people that you feel uncomfortable being around them?

Have you immersed yourself in a relationship that’s potentially toxic?

When you remove such people from your life, good things start happening. Check your relationships, and cut out those that don’t add you value.

What’s the Meaning of a Black Scorpion Dream?

This dream is a strong sign of bad omen. It alerts you that you are likely to meet some misfortune in the near future.

This dream comes as a wake-up call to change the course of your life. Plan your actions carefully, and think of about your next steps keenly.

What Does Dreaming of a Scorpion in Water Mean?

If the scorpion in floating on the surface of the water, you are being asked to get rid of sad and painful feelings.

It could be that the hard times you have encountered are affecting the quality of your life. Here, the scorpion appears in your dreams to give you the strength to overcome your challenges.

It’s time to forget the past and start moving on. Stop living a life of regrets. You don’t need to wallow in the muddy waters of guilt anymore.

What Does it Mean When I dream of Being Bitten by a Scorpion?

This dream means that you are in a toxic relationship. You are surrounded by people who are up to no good.

Such relationships will usurp your energy. They only serve to stress and exhaust you.

Alternatively, this dream means that karma is about to catch up with you for some wrong that you’ve committed.

Resolve the matter before karma comes calling!

What is the Meaning of Dreams about Eating Scorpions?

If your dream involves eating or swallowing a scorpion, it means you have a loose mouth. The Scorpion comes in your dreams to tell you to be careful about what you say in public.

It’s important that you care about the opinions and feelings of other people. Also, learn to keep secrets.

In case you find an irresistible urge to say things that you shouldn’t, it’s likely that you are suffering some sort of stress.

What’s the Significance of Dreaming of Killing a Scorpion?

You are not likely to forget this kind of a dream. This is because these dreams are usually very vivid and powerful.

A dream involving killing a scorpion is a positive one. It is a sign that you’ll soon overcome the challenges you face in your waking life.

The dream tells you that you should stay steady on your chosen path in life. Stay the course, for good things are going to happen soon.

What Does it Mean When I dream of a Dead Scorpion?

If a dead scorpion appears in your dream, take it as a positive sign. All your troubles will soon melt away.

The scorpion comes into your life in this manner to give you its powerful, mysterious protection.

Also, this dream shows that all the forces of nature are working to advance your success.

In short, you are destined to achieve all your goals in good


Mysterious and dark as it is, the scorpion is an inspiring creature. In many spiritual systems, this animal is held in high regard.

Granted, this arachnid is deadly. However, it is as mystical as it is beautiful. It is a sign of power, darkness, and passion.

Having the scorpion dream has a significant impact on your life. Don’t take such a dream for granted.

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Ignore the criticism that surrounds you today. You are simply a little bit ahead of your time and they have not yet caught up with your thinking.
Scorpion Meaning, and Messages

In this case, scorpion symbolism is asking you to remove and cut out those things in your life that no longer serve you. In other words, you must evaluate your surroundings with a critical eye to releasing old baggage. This “letting go” will include getting rid of objects that are cluttering up your home, as well as purging the clinging energy of those that are co-dependent to you. Hence, the scorpion meaning also asks you to focus on minimizing the enabling of others not to move forward.
Additionally, scorpion symbolism reminds you to take your growth steps towards death and rebirth. Thus you should re-establish your boundaries. Moreover, make clear decisions about which direction your next few months go and move on.

Occasionally, scorpion symbolism arrives to let you know that you can always find light in the darkness. Thus if you positively channel your energy and passions, you will soon be able to sense which directions are appropriate for you. In other words, like the angelfish, scorpion meaning is reminding you that transformation is inevitable and that it is up to you whether or not it is chaotic or calm.

Scorpion Totem, Spirit Animal

People with the scorpion totem are influential people and can inspire others. They are passionate in their love affairs and are known as good lovers. Folks with this spirit animal totem have powerful sexual needs. However, they often enjoy periods of solitariness between their intense and passionate relationships. Like the flamingo, they also have the gift of Psychometry. Thus they tend to use their sense of touch in most things and enjoy textures in their foods.

Like the tiger, people with the scorpion totem are protective of their solitude when they need it. They will also be very defensive of their children. Occasionally, they will protect their children from situations where they need to face the consequences to learn and grow. These folks are unafraid of allowing themselves to be vulnerable with others. They have a way with words that can often be stinging in their remarks. Furthermore, their overall charisma will carry them through any conflicts.

Scorpion Dream Interpretation

When you have a scorpion dream, it symbolizes death and rebirth. Thus, like the parrot, the vision is letting you know that you need to get rid of the old and make room for something new. Alternatively, this insect can represent a person who is born under the astrological sign for Scorpio.

Alternatively, your scorpion dream can also represent a situation which may be painful or hurtful in your waking life. It may be that you are harboring negative feelings, “stinging” remarks, bitter words and negative thoughts that have been expressed by or aimed against you. In other words, you may be on a self-destructive and self-defeating path.

When you see these insects floating in water, it suggests that you need to let go of some pain and learn to accept the situation. In other words, you may be going through the three-step process of denial, acceptance, and finally moving on.

Dreams About Scorpions – Interpretation and Meaning
Scorpios fall into the category of dangerous and mystical animals. Their symbolism has been used for centuries and many different cultures interpreted the secret meaning of this animal in their own way.

In our dreams, certain symbols can have an important impact on our wake-life, so if you ever wondered what does a dream about a scorpion means, then keep on reading.

Dream about a scorpion in general

Scorpions are often related to the dark energy and dark magic. They have often been used in popular culture as a symbol of something out of this world and mystical.

When you had a dream about a scorpion in general, then this dream represents your relationship with other people. You definitely have enemies in your wake life and you might not even be aware of this fact.

Scorpions are usually linked to vengeance and shadiness, so be careful to whom you gift your trust and whether that is a good idea or not.

This dream also represents your naïve nature that is often being used by other people. They take you for granted and don’t even consider the fact that you are a person too. If you already have an idea who these people are, then don’t waste any time and get them out of your life.

On the other hand, if you are not sure about who these people are, then be careful around others and don’t reveal anything personal or important to you.

Dream about being bitten by a scorpion

If you got bitten by a scorpion in your dream, then this dream represents karma that is coming your way, and it won’t be the good-kind. Maybe you have done something bad recently or something you are not proud of, that is now coming back to haunt you.

There are people in your life who feel hurt by your words or your actions, but they don’t want to tell you this directly. Karma is definitely going to straighten things out and unfortunately, if you weren’t very good, it will punish you for your actions.

Dream about a big scorpion

If you had a dream about a big scorpion, then this dream represents decisions you are going to have to make in your life. These changes are going to impact your life greatly and you should be careful about them. Don’t rush things and act only after you have investigated all of the possible options.

This will be a life changing period in your life, so make the best out of it.

Dream about a black scorpion

If you had a dream about a black scorpion, then this dream represents bad luck. You will fail at almost everything you try to complete, so it is best for you to lay low for a while.

This period won’t last for too long, but the longitude of this period will also depend on your actions. If you make the right decision and you take the right path, this bad luck might turn out to be not so bad.

Dream about killing a scorpion

Dream about killing a scorpion represents a positive sign. You will have a lot of luck in all of your plans and things will finally be looking good for you. This is a good period to start working on new projects because this will be one of your most productive periods.

You will also be successful at finding out more about people around you, and some of them will be nothing you have imagined them to be. They likely represented themselves differently and now you will be surprised by their real faces and personalities.

Dream about eating a scorpion

Dream about eating a scorpion represents love you are going to experience with someone you will meet very soon.

This dream could also be related to another kind of love, like love for your relatives and family members or even love for your friends.

This will make you feel good about yourself and the love you are giving to them will definitely open new perspectives in life.

This is a person who will be very important for you later on in life, so make sure you cherish and value this relationship.

Dream about stepping on a scorpion

If you had a dream about stepping on a scorpion, then this dream represents a possible road accident or car accident you might get into.

This is a good period to stay off the road and avoid reckless driving or drivers. Reckless driving is not a good thing anyway, but this period will be extremely sensitive and dangerous for you.

Dream about a scorpion stinging himself

If the scorpion in your dream was stinging himself, then this dream represents self-loathing you are feeling at the moment.

There are certain things that you aren’t proud of and you don’t know how to keep your mind of them.

This dream is also a representation of low self-esteem or self-confidence that you possess. This cost you many great opportunities in life and made you miss out on meeting amazing new people. If this is something you are struggling with your whole life, then maybe it is time to seek professional help and work on your issues, because it is never too late.

If you have no problems with your self-esteem, then this dream could represent doubt you are feeling regarding certain project in your life. Maybe you feel like things won’t go as planned and for the first time in your life, you are stressing too much about something.

Perhaps it is best to see how the things will develop and don’t waste time thinking about something that hasn’t happened yet.

Dream about fear of

Dream about fear of scorpions

If you felt afraid in your dream after seeing a scorpion, then this dream represents a negative sign. You might be betrayed by someone close to you and let down in a major way.

You were probably counting on someone to help you or be there for you in your time of need, but this person bailed on you and this felt like a true betrayal.

Conversation is always a great solution for everything, so don’t discard this person yet and try to solve your issues with them first.

Dream about a dead scorpion

If you saw a dead scorpion in your dream, then this dream is a representation of luck and joy you are about to feel. These feeling will be connected to something important for you, that you have been waiting for a long time and now it is finally becoming a reality.

Use this positive period to improve all the areas in your life that need more work and don’t miss out on chances that will be offered to you.

Dream about a scorpion killing prey

If the scorpion in your dream was killing its prey, then this dream is a representation of an ominous sign. You might get in the middle of something scary, like an earthquake or a fire, and you won’t be able to do anything.

This dream can also represent a possible robbery or murder, of someone close to you or even yourself. This is the right time to stay away from suspicious situations and alert for everything that might happen in the upcoming period.

Dreams About Scorpions – Meaning and Interpretation

Scorpions are much feared insects. They are not a common symbol in dreams, but when you dream of them, they might indicate your fears of being hurt by someone or something.

Sometimes scorpions in a dream might signify stinging comments you are making to someone. They might also represent poisonous remarks someone is making about you.

Maybe scorpions in your dream are a sign of your character, which in some cases might be violent.

A scorpion is a symbol of death and pain. That is why in a dream it may symbolize some painful things and situations in your life.

Scorpions in dreams are also a symbol of vengeance and betrayal. Sometimes scorpions signify backstabbing that you are experiencing or might experience from someone. Scorpions in dreams might signify trouble and stress caused by somebody’s betrayal. The backbiter might be a person with scorpions characteristic.

Scorpions in dreams may also signify your enemies, especially the ones out to destroy and harm you. Sometimes they signify new acquaintances that might bring trouble and loss in your life.

Sometimes they can be related with false friends attempting to ruin or cause you any harm.

Scorpions in dreams can be a sign of stress and anxiety. Maybe this dream is a message to finish with your past and move on with your life.

This symbol in dreams might also be an indication that you are currently on the wrong path in life. Maybe you have been behaving self destructively lately.

Scorpions in dreams may also symbolize danger. Maybe the dream is revealing that recently you’ve been engaged in some things harmful to your wellbeing. That might refer to drinking excessively, or smoking and even doing drugs. It may refer to any other behavior that puts you in danger. In such occasions the dream about scorpions is a message to start taking care about yourself and stop behaving irresponsibly.

Scorpions can also symbolize anxiety and fear. Maybe you’ve been scared or troubled by some things or people in your everyday life. Sometimes this dream can be a manifestation of a fear from some expected event or a situation, or from an expected attack or a threat, which is something that is probably only in your head and cannot be actually happening.

Sometimes dreams about scorpions can be related to destructive feelings you have been harboring.

They may also represent people who talk too much.

Dreams About Scorpions – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreaming about scorpions in general. Dreams about scorpions may be a warning about your friend circle. Maybe this dream signifies that some false friends surround you trying to use your weaknesses for their own good. Maybe they strive for advancement at your expense. This dream is a message to reconsider who you can trust and get rid of the people who don’t deserve your time and friendship. This dream might also be an indication that someone has been using you.

Dreaming about a yellow scorpion. This dream might reveal your thoughts of money and ways of making them. It may also signify earning money.

If you kill a yellow scorpion in a dream, this dream might be indicating a large profit from some investments you’ve made.

Yellow scorpion in a dream may also represent a dangerous enemy.

Dreaming about a scorpion being burned.  Scorpion burning in your dream might be a sign of defeating your enemies soon.

Dreaming about scorpions floating on water. This dream might signify letting go of some painful feelings and situations and accepting your reality in order to move on with your life. This process probably goes through phases of denial, acceptance, letting go and moving on.

Dreaming about a scorpion in the sand. A scorpion in the sand in your dream might reveal your ability to discover true motives of other people. As a result of your ability you are not allowing anyone to hurt or use you in any way.

Sometimes this dream can signify that somebody misses you or wants you.

Dreaming about killing scorpions. Killing scorpions in a dream is a good sign and foretells defeating your enemies. It may also signify failed attempts of some dishonest individuals from your surroundings to betray and discredit you. This might also be due to your abilities to see ahead of their game.

Sometimes killing scorpions signifies getting rid of people that gossip about you.

Killing a scorpion in a dream might also be a message to be wary of people who are your false friends, and try to avoid them.

Dreaming about not being able to kill a scorpion. If you didn’t succeed in killing a scorpion in your dream that might be a bad sign and it might signify that you will be defeated by your enemies.

Dreaming about looking at scorpions killing prey. A dream about scorpions first stalking and then killing prey in your dream is a very bad sign. This dream might be foretelling unfortunate and maybe even catastrophic events in the near future.

Sometimes this dream can foretell news about the death of someone dear and a funeral you have to attend to.

Dreaming about being bitten by a scorpion.  If you were bitten by a scorpion in a dream, such dream is not a good sign. Maybe it foretells being betrayed soon by trusted people. Maybe someone you trust will misuse some confidential information that you shared and you’ll have problems as a result of that dishonest action. Sometimes this dream signifies betrayal that you will experience soon, but as a result of your own wrong deeds in the past.

Dreaming about eating scorpions. If you ate scorpions in your dream, such dream might be foretelling love coming soon into your life, which may not be romantic in nature. This new person that you will meet will bring joy and a breath of freshness in your life.

Dreaming about a giant scorpion. If your dream was about a giant black scorpion, maybe it signifies the need for some changes in your life soon. You will probably need to make some important life decisions in the near future, and considering the fact that the scorpion is a very dangerous creature, you should consider the consequences of your decisions and actions carefully before you decide anything, because wrong decisions might result in horrible outcomes.

Dreaming about encountering a scorpion. A dream in which you unexpectedly saw a scorpion in front of yourself may be a serious forewarning. This dream might signify danger and road accidents. The message of this dream is to be careful in traffic and on the road.

Dreaming about being afraid of a scorpion.  Being afraid of a scorpion in a dream is usually a bad sign. This dream might signify some sort of betrayal and deceit probably from someone you trust. Sometimes that person might turn out to be your long – term trusted friend.

Dreaming about dead scorpions. Seeing dead scorpions in a dream is usually a good sign foretelling happiness and luck. It might indicate new opportunities coming your way soon.

It also may indicate successfully avoiding accidents and getting injured.

Sometimes this dream might be a sign of defeating your enemies.

Dreaming about a scorpion sitting on your bed. This dream is not a good sign and might signify that you have an enemy living with you or is in your immediate surroundings.

Sometimes this dream might signify that some member of your family will leave the family home soon.

Dreaming about being stung by a scorpion.  If you were stung by a scorpion in your dream, such dream might signify troubles at work, sometimes in a form of a remark for not finishing your work as asked.

Sometimes this dream might signify being harmed by your enemies.

It might also be a sign of illness or even death.

Dreaming about a scorpion stinging itself. If you saw a scorpion stinging itself in a dream, such dream might signify that you’ve been too critical towards yourself, and the message of this dream is to stop doing that.

Dreaming about tearing the scorpion’s sting off. This dream is a good sign and might signify that you will avoid some great danger in the near future.

Sometimes this dream indicates solving problems easily.

Dreaming about catching a scorpion. This dream might be warning you about some mistakes you’re making. Maybe this dream is a sign that you need to change the way you behave.

Dreams About Scorpions – Interpretation and Meaning
Mysterious scorpion, dark and dangerous and yet, so intriguing and inspiring creature that takes place in many belief systems, symbolic approaches and spiritual paths.

Deadly, but beautiful in a strange, mystical way. Scorpion is one of the most powerful zodiac signs; a creature that symbolizes darkness, power and mystery.

There are so many stereotypes about Scorpio people; they are believed to be very narcissistic, eccentric, artistic, dark, mysterious, passionate and emotional, amazing lovers and deadly enemies.

In symbolical sense, scorpion represents many things related to those mentioned; the meaning of a scorpion seen in a dream is pretty much the same.

However, dreams’ interpretations always vary depending on a dreamer’s personal experience and emotions related to the dream he or she had.

Nevertheless, a dream about scorpions is something you would most certainly remember very well.

These strange and dangerous creatures inspire both admiration and fear, even some sort of queasiness.

No one feels at ease seeing a scorpion, even in dreams.

Dark beauty of mystical scorpions

Let us first discover symbolical meanings of scorpions.

Scorpions are close relatives to spiders; you have to agree, they do not look cute and gentle, but they have some special magnetic energy. Scorpions, as symbols, are always associated with sorcery, dark arts, mystery, secrets and all sorts of dangerous behavior.

However, they carry certain artistic, deep energy and shadowy beauty; that is the reason why people born under Scorpio zodiac sign are considered strong-willed, extraordinary beautiful, elegant, magnetic and irresistible.

In cultures around the world, scorpions represent many things, mostly negative, but there is certain attractiveness in their negativity. Scorpion is associated with darkness, pain, betrayal, greed and evil.,

Scorpion represents danger, death and malice; however, that is exactly the reason why many people like to have a scorpion designed tattoo or wear a scorpion pendant or so. They want to gain the power of this mighty, deadly and beautiful spider relative.

In mythology, scorpions have always been seen messengers from the Underworld.

In astrology, scorpions carry special symbolism. Autumn-born people, those born during the last half of October and the first half of November, carry the energy of the Scorpion, their primary and dominant zodiac sign.

These people are thought to be extremely attractive and intriguing, fatal, narcissistic, artistic, self-confident and dark.

Many of Scorpion people are genuinely attracted to dark stuff, things like gothic art, black clothing and all other sorts of ‘dark beauty’. There are variations, of course, that is not a rule.

In various religious and spiritual approaches, scorpions have been associated with devils, demons and the Hell. For example, there are religious texts in Israel, in which scorpions represent the devil himself.

On the other hand, scorpions have also been associated with peace and protection. In Tibet and Buddhist temples and so, many objects and artifacts are decorated by scorpion motifs, as symbols of protection, calmness and harmony.

Scorpion in a dream

Dreams about scorpions can mean many things, depending on what you think about this strange dark animal and what spiritual or religious approach you find the most appropriate.

There are various interpretations, but several basic ones could be established.

The first and the most common interpretation says that seeing a scorpion in a dream means something negative. It is generally considered a bad omen, having in mind this creature is deadly and dangerous.

To see a scorpion in a dream means you are being auto destructive and way to judging over your own behavior.

Scorpion appears in dreams of those who are perfectionist, who have great expectations and find it hard to feel satisfied and fulfilled in life.

Scorpion represents that sort of emptiness, that constant need to achieve something more. It is literally a thorn on your path.

Scorpion in a dream represents tiny, but toxic and devastating obstacles you have in your waking life. It reflects your real life restlessness over things that appear minor, but disturb you greatly.

Scorpion in a dream represents your dark side, all the negative energy you find hard to express in your waking life. You are full of greed, hate and anger, but all of those emotions are suppressed. You appear so strong on the outside, but inside, you are falling apart.

That is very common in Scorpio zodiac people characters’, so it is not uncommon to have dreams about scorpions.

On the other hand, scorpions represent mystery and elegant darkness. If you feel good about the dream, then a scorpion could be a positive omen for you. It means you are about to discover new skills and talents and maybe to find new inspiration in life.

The interpretations of a scorpion in dream vary depending on particular circumstances in that dream.

If a scorpion is of certain color, if it is in water or dead, all of these images have different meanings. It is also very important to remember what were you doing in that dream and how you were related to the scorpion.

Now we will try to interpret some of the most common specific scorpion related dreams.

Dreams about a yellow scorpion

If you dream about a yellow scorpion, it means you have a great enemy in your life. There is a person who wants to sabotage your plans and make you feel miserable.

Think about people around you; try to remember if there is someone you actually feel uncomfortable and drained around. Break toxic relationships and find company that is more suitable.

Maybe you have done or said something you have taken for granted to a vengeful person, so that person constantly tries to ‘punish’ you. Turn around and try to resolve such conflicts.

Dreams about a black scorpion

If you dream about a black scorpion, it is a negative omen. This dream is particularly related to your near future and it is a way of your sub conscious mind to prepare you for a bad period.

It could be a waking call dream, as well.

The black scorpion in your dream represents a warning signs; it symbolizes all the possible dangers you might face in your near future.

If you think about your next steps and carefully plan your actions, you could even avoid such bad things.

Dreams about a scorpion in the water

If you see a scorpion floating in water or on a water surface, this dream is a way of your sub conscious mind to get rid of painful and sad feelings. You have probably faced hard times or had a great loss you find difficult to overcome.

A floating scorpion represents that loss and/or your sad emotions. It could also symbolize the feeling of regret; maybe you feel guilty about things that have happened in the past and you simply cannot overcome the stress and anxiety about such a situation.

This dream could also represent the feeling of unfairness of life; you find it hard to believe that you have deserved bad things that happened in your life.

Dreams about being bitten by a scorpion

If you dream you were hurt by a scorpion, that means you are surrounded by toxic people or the situation you are currently in does not suit you, on the contrary.

You feel drained, stressed and exhausted in reality, so that reflects in your dreams.

It could also be some karma-like omen; maybe you have done something wrong and you are being punished for that.

You have to find out what it is and try to resolve the thing.

Dreams about eating a scorpion

If you dream about eating and/or swallowing a scorpion, it means you are being reckless about what you speak.

You do not care about others’ opinions and you speak your mind clearly, even if it could be painful both to you and others. You are about to reveal a secret; your own secret or something about someone else.

There are things that bothers you and you have to relieve your own conscience.

This dream represents your sub conscious need to relieve the stress about things that you believe should be revealed.

Dreams about killing a scorpion

Dreams about killing a scorpion are rarely forgotten by a dreamer. This kind of dream is very powerful and it is a positive one.

This dream means you are about to overcome difficulties and resolve certain problems in your waking life.

You are about to achieve something great, to conquer your own, inner demons and to face those who wish you bad luck. You will successfully overcome your insecurities and fears and grow stronger as a person.

Dreams about killing a scorpion are lucky dreams that bring fortune and progress.

Dreams about a dead scorpion

If you sim0ply see a dead scorpion in your dream, it is a positive sign. It means all your troubles are being carried away and you are being protected by some stronger, positive force.

You have great support in your environment and you should feel thankful.

This dream means the good period is coming your way.

You should finally relax and enjoy life. You should use this phase of your life to grow and develop and become a better person overall.

Interpretation of a dream about scorpion

The dreambooks are warning about global changes that a big black scorpion  seen in a dream can bring into our lives. If a woman sees such a dream, this is a sign of acquaintance with a man who later turns out to be a tyrant, with sadistic inclinations besides that.

A scorpion bite is a sign of getting acquainted with the dark side of people whom you used to trust. In addition to serious moral damage, a scorpion seen in a dream can lead to tangible financial losses, many minor troubles. Because of someone else’s slander, your reputation will be at risk.

There are many legends in mythology in which the scorpion stings itself. To capture this moment, even in a dream is a symbol of great success.

If you got trauma because of a scorpion in a dream, it is time to gather your strength in order to be ready for betrayal of someone close to you. According to the Universal dreambook, seeing a scorpion sting another person in a dream means you should be careful since the next attack can be against you

If you managed to kill a scorpion in a dream, it is a favorable sign. You will be able to overcome the hostility and the machinations of numerous enemies, despite their willingness to commit the most despicable acts.

If you had a dream about such a rare guest in night plots as a black scorpion, you should not ignore this image. If you saw a dream about red scorpion, this is a sign of danger. Miller recommends “lying down on the bottom”: too many strong opponents sharpen their stings against you. It is better postpone your activities and correct your plans rather than be completely defeated.

The dream about red scorpion also reminds us that the danger does not always come from outside. Due to excessive aggression, panic and other uncontrolled emotions, you can easily become your own enemy. This image indicates your unbalanced state at the moment.

You are welcome to share your drea

Like any of the stinging insects, the scorpion can indicate your fear of being hurt, or vulnerability to hurts and slights. Its shape and down curled sting also gives it the sense of inturned negative emotions – the way we hurt ourselves with fears negative judgements, or angers turned in upon ourselves. In this sense it is like the snake. But it might be that you know the scorpion is an amazing mother, and so use it in your dreams to represent the ferocious and protective mother, carrying her children with her.

The Astrological meaning of Scorpio, the Scorpion, is the “Fixed” “Water” sign. Its hieroglyph is, like Virgo, the “Serpent” sign, but in this case the “sting” is very much in evidence. It represents emotions, feelings, etc. of a fixed, permanent nature. “Cancer” represented free and abundant emotional activity. In “Scorpio,” likes and dislikes are fixed and powerful for either good or evil.

The sign may produce great saints or great sinners, but never weak characters. It gives a very strong Will. It “dominates” others so naturally and spontaneously that it is often scarcely conscious of the power it exercises. When not working consciously for good, it can be very cruel and malicious. If it “stings” it stings to kill. So it becomes in its lower working the symbol of “Death,” but, in its higher working, of “Resurrection” to a higher life. In its highest meaning it has been figured as an “Eagle” or Phoenix rising heavenwards, with its gaze fixed on the Divine Sun. In its lower meaning it is the “Sting of Death.” In the “Children of Israel” it is Dan (the Judge). Dan is “an adder in the path, he biteth the horse’s heel,” etc. (Sagittarius the centaur archer follows Scorpio.) It is a combination of power and passion for good or for evil.

 Example: A female participant with severe, chronic sinusitis reported a very lengthy dream. One part of this dream consisted of her being bitten by a scorpion, at which time she heard a loud voice saying, “That’s why you have sinusitis.” In her analysis of this segment of the dream, she immediately stated that the scorpion stood for her husband, who is a Scorpio. She admitted to a difficult relationship with him, but indicated that progress had been made within the previous few months. 

Example: In the male incest dreams I have worked with, an insect (often described as a mother insect) such as a black widow or a scorpion fills the dreamer with disgust and perhaps a bit of fear. Then the dreamer’s mother appears and the dreamer is sexually aroused by her, but again feels disgusted at both his mother and himself. Quoted from Sexual Dreams by Dr Gayle Delaney

Useful Questions and Hints:

What do I associate with the scorpion and how is it portrayed in the dream?

Does this indicate bitterness, jealousy or guilt (stinging emotions)?

Have you turned your negative feelings inward by not expressing them?

Do you have any of the scorpions strengthsor faults?

See Working with associations – Meaning of Your Dream – Secrets of Power Dreaming

Dream Meaning of Scorpion

To see a scorpion in a dream refers to good news and smooth sailing.

To see that you feed the scorpion in your dream signifies that even if the fulfillment of your opinions about your school or job lasts long, they will happen.

To dream that a scorpion bites you signifies that you will have good news about the health of your family elders.

To see that you cook or eat scorpion in your dream symbolizes a good event within your family. This issue can be related to you or one of your family members.

To see a dead scorpion in your dream indicates that you will make innovations in your house, these innovations won't influence you financially.

To see of killing a scorpion in your dream signifies that your bad financial relation with your partner will begin to go well and your financial condition will be all right.

To see a scorpion in your house in your dream indicates that you will get your partner's opinion about your relationship. If you see that there is a scorpion in a car in your dream, it denotes that your friend wants help from you about his/her family issue.

Meaning of Dream «Scorpion»
Dream Interpretation:
Material Aspects

Scorpion is a stinging insect dreaded by moist people. To see it in your dreams indicates the fact that you are fearful of getting hurt. Scorpion in dreams can also mean poisono0us remarks and stinging comments. In material terms, you are a compulsive talker and slanderer and you can even hit or hurt your enemies in a violent manner should there be a quarrel. If you see a yellow scorpion in your dreams, it means you are thinking about money in real life. If you see a scorpion getting burnt, it means that your enemy is going to perish soon.

Psychological/emotional perspectives

Scorpion is a poisonous stinging insect that symbolizes pain and death. If you see a scorpion in your dreams, it could be symbolic of being in a painful or hurting situation in life. A scorpion in dreams also represents scathing and poisonous remarks and attitude of your enemies towards you. You could yourself be on a path of self destruction if you are seeing a scorpion in your dreams. If the scorpion is floating on water, it means that you let go of the painful thoughts and feelings and accept life as it is. Scorpion in dreams is indicative of the fact that you may be undergoing the phases of denial, acceptance, and moving on in your life.

You are being troubled by a backbiter or someone who talks too much in your life if you see scorpions in your dreams. Scorpion reflects that you are in distress and pain. Being a symbol of death, seeing a scorpion in your dream means that you should leave the past behind and move ahead in life.

Original Meaning

The sting of a scorpion can be very painful. This is why seeing this stinging insect in your dreams reflects the fact that you are in a painful situation in life. It also means that you are troubled by a backbiter or someone who makes scathing and poisonous remarks. It is a symbol of death but seeing it in dreams is indicative of the fact that you should bury the past and make a fresh start in life. If you see a burning scorpion, you can breathe a sigh of relief as this means that your enemies are going to perish soon. If you see a scorpion in your pants or underwear, it means that your wife will cheat upon you.

Dreaming of Scorpion Meaning
Animal Dream Symbols & Meanings N-Z
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What Scorpion in Your Dream Means
The Scorpions … yes, it’s the name of an awesome rock band (especially the album Love at First Sting), but we aren’t talking rock here … what we are talking about is a creature that you’d be better off not encountering in real life, lest you run the risk of experiencing its sting!

This creature is actually an arachnid with all the best weaponry one can get in the animal kingdom … a poisonous barbed tail and nasty, sharp, and biting lobster-like claws in the front.

In ancient Egypt, Scorpions were considered protectors of the goddess Isis, whereas she had eight of them to guard her whenever necessary. In the same vein, the goddess Serket from the same pantheon (a goddess of magic, medicine, animals, nature, fertility, and one who heals venomous bites and stings … her name, when translated literally means “[She who] tightens the throat” … as well as “causes the throat to breathe,” which is a direct reference to the paralysis a scorpion bite can induce on its prey and the act of reversing such paralysis.

Considering this knowledge in hand, if you see the scorpion in a protective role while dreaming, it might mean you have a stable support system surrounding you in your waking life at all times are that you are well protected on all sides of a situation. Considering the Scorpion’s correspondence with Serket (or Serqet), you can also view the Scorpion as a dream symbol pointing to what needs to be said but is not being expressed.

What are you holding back in your waking hours? What is paralyzing you and stopping you from free expression? When scorpions come crawling into your night dreams, it is time to release pent-up emotions, and any grudges or emotional work that is holding you back.

The scorpion has eight legs, much like a spider. This number associates the creature with the infinite, timelessness, and the eternal. The number eight is also about cycles, birth, life, death, and rebirth. The appearance of this arachnid in dreams suggests the potential rebirth of a relationship or condition once thought dead or gone, or it points to the potential for a lasting relationship: One that proves lifelong. Finally, you might meet some past life connections or soulmates soon when the scorpion speaks through dream imagery.

In many ways, the Scorpion is a symbol of balance: Its eight legs, with four on each side, two fixed and two moveable claws, head, and a tail, thereby proving an interesting symmetry. The abdomen or belly of this creature has seven somites (segments), and this is where the symmetry deviates, pointing to an importance of the number seven and its vibrations in your waking life. In some cases, this creature can be born with genetic anomalies, and well, in the dream realm, any number of abnormalities can present themselves in the imagery you see.

For example, you might see a scorpion with the hands of a human instead of claws … that being the case, focus on the anomaly and its meaning because it will prove important. You might interpret the latter imagery to mean something like the helping hands you encounter in your waking realm might not be as helpful as you think. Meanwhile, the exterior of the scorpion is hard and is a reminder to protect yourself in an otherwise chaotic and dangerous world.

Now that you have learned all the amazing messages the scorpion brings to you in the dream realm, other animals await! Here, on, you can learn all about the messages from mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish, and creatures of fantasy!

A scorpion in general
Dreaming of scorpions does not bode well for your social circle. Scorpions are generally known for embodying negative concepts like vengeance and betrayal. It means you may have some fake friends around trying to discover your flaws and weaknesses. They are bidding their time for the right moment to strike in order to advance their goals at your expense. Keep a watchful eye on suspicious personalities lest you let your guard down in their presence. If you tend to be naive and trusting despite obvious indications that you are being taken advantage of, you may just bolster their confidence in taking you down.

Bitten by a scorpion
Being bitten by a scorpion in your dream suggests bad karma coming your way. You could become a victim of gossip mongering among malicious individuals at work or in your community. Perhaps you entrusted certain personalities with sensitive information without knowing that they would betray your trust. The symbolic meaning of a scorpion bite involves elements of karma because the bad things about to occur may be a consequence of your own actions. The way others treat you is a reflection of how you treat them. As such, this dream vision is perhaps a wake-up call that you need for some self-examination in order to break the cycle of betrayal.

A giant black scorpion
The presence of a gigantic black scorpion in the dream world portends significant adjustments in the real world. You need to tread lightly in these circumstance as scorpions symbolize harmful, even deadly, outcomes should you react wrongfully or carelessly in the face of changes in your reality. Life-altering decisions need to be made, hence being circumspect is paramount.

Killing a scorpion
Killing a scorpion or scorpions in your dream suggests triumph over your enemies. Certain unscrupulous personalities are likely doomed for disappointment as their efforts to discredit and betray you would fail spectacularly. Perhaps their plans would even backfire. Thanks to your foresight and quick wit, you would be able to stay a few steps ahead of your detractors and devious personalities.

Eating a scorpion in a dish
If you find yourself dreaming of eating a scorpion dish, or food containing scorpions, you may have love on your side pretty soon. It may not be the romantic kind of love, it may just be the platonic kind, but this individual about to take up a chunk of your personal space would add some spice in your existence. Your personalities would jive, introducing fun and adventure into both your journeys going forward.

A scorpion as a horoscope sign
Dreaming that you are a Scorpio, when in fact you are under a different sign in reality, could mean that your current situation would soon improve. Maybe you have been experiencing hardships and obstacles both personally and professionally, hence you are yearning for that ray of light to shine through. This dream shows you that the wheels are turning, lifting you up again. In addition, drawing the horoscope symbol of a Scorpio cautions you from getting involved with a potentially dangerous partner. This romantic affair could have a tragic ending, so be wary.

Stumbling upon a scorpion
If you unexpectedly come across a scorpion in your dream, take heed when travelling or being on the road. This dream scenario portends getting involved in a road accident or travel mishap. Taking precautions while on the road would be wise under these circumstances. If possible, it may be better to postpone planned trips for the moment for the sake of your well-being.

A scorpion stinging itself
Dreaming of a scorpion stinging itself reveals a degree of self-loathing. You may be putting too much pressure and expectations on yourself that you give yourself a hard time with every tiny mistake. Perhaps this is also indicative of your poor self-image and low self-esteem. Your self-destructive nature serves to put you and your loved ones in despair. This is an eye-opener, so you can begin healing and loving yourself from this point on.

Afraid of a scorpion
Seeing a scorpion in a dream vision and being scared because of its appearance or presence is often interpreted as a negative sign associated with deceit and betrayal. More specifically, this sign points toward a person you used to trust deeply stabbing you in the back, revealing your deepest, darkest secrets and starting false rumors about you. You should be careful of those friends who may benefit from you being out of the picture or the scapegoat for a problem.

A dead scorpion
Dead scorpions, in the context of dream visions, are auspicious signs associated with luck and happiness. Because of the good vibes floating around in your life, you may have access to better opportunities than normal. You may also be able to avoid getting ill or injured should an accident occur. It is important to note, however, that your luck should not lull you into a false sense of security. You should be aware of your surroundings and avoid careless behavior lest you tempt fate.

A scorpion running in the sand
Having a dream vision in which scorpions move about a sandy or dusty environment suggests you have an uncanny ability for discovering people's true motives and, if it suits you, acting accordingly to get ahead. This skill has likely helped you already and could, with more time and practice, bring you fame and fortune, at least within your community or sphere of influence. Additionally, scorpions in the sand can indicate being missed or desired by others, especially if you have recently moved or left a group you were a part of.

A scorpion killing its prey
Envisioning a scorpion stalking, stinging and killing its prey is a highly ominous sign which predicts being witness to some terrible, possibly catastrophic events in the near future. Beyond the danger of disastrous events within your community, this same sign can foretell learning about the passing of someone you care about or having to attend a funeral.

A scorpion in an insect display
Looking at a scorpion that is part of a larger insect collection or display in a museum is a positive sign predicting your victory over a rival or enemy whom you have butted heads with in the past. This competitor likely plays dirty and uses underhanded means to try and beat you. However, by taking the high road and fighting fair, you can come out ahead and maintain your reputation and dignity.

Trying to catch a scorpion
Attempting to catch a scorpion in the context of a dream vision indicates that, at least subconsciously, you have a desire to retaliate against or return the favor to someone who has tormented or bullied you in the past. While the idea of revenge may sound pleasant in the planning stages, any actions you actually take to this end are likely to leave you dissatisfied over the results and regretful over the time and energy you spent obsessing over this situation.

Stepping on a scorpion
Crushing a scorpion with your foot, whether you accidently stepped on it or purposely tried to kill it, often predicts an upcoming confrontation, probably with an enemy, rival or someone you do not really get along with. While you may come out victorious in this encounter, your win is not likely to improve your social standing or give you any satisfaction, despite what you may think before the encounter.

A mother scorpion with offspring (Archived)
Scorpions generally refer to fake friends and insincere colleagues who wish to advance their goals at your expense. The mother scorpion represents the ones leading the pack of gossip mongers and actively trying to find your flaws and weaknesses, while the baby scorpion symbolize those unwilling to do their bidding against you. Fortunately, you are a fighter who refuses to take things lying down. Killing the scorpions represents triumph over your enemies. Your rivals are doomed to fail as their plans would backfire thanks to your foresight and quick wit.

Scorpion Dream Meaning
January 10, 2020

Dreams about scorpion bite or killing a scorpion are not common, and the more scorpion is dangerous in a dream, the less you should ignore such a dream. The scorpion in the dream never comes without any reason, the dream with scorpion participation always has a hidden meaning. For a correct interpretation, try to remember all the details of your dream in order to get an accurate interpretation of the dream.

Table of contents
General Dream Interpretation of a Scorpion Dream
Scorpion Symbol in the Dream
Dreams About Scorpion Bite
Scorpion Dream For a Young Lady
Killing a Scorpion Dream
Dream of Scorpions of Different Colours
Scorpion Crosses Path in Your Dream
Dream comes true based on the day of the week
General Dream Interpretation of a Scorpion Dream

Scorpions are much-feared insects and their symbol in the dream might indicate your fears of being hurt by someone. The other interpretation could be that you are making stinging comments in waking life but regret them afterward and the dream with scorpion shows your feeling about the person that you have stung with your words.

Scorpions are often associated with pain and death, that’s why seeing a scorpion in a dream represents dangerous situations in life that you are facing. Your subconscious mind warns you of possible unpleasant outcomes of life situations.

Scorpion’s shape and down curled sting can also indicate that in waking life, your fears and your stings are intuned towards yourself. We can hurt ourselves with negative judgments or anger.

The dream about a scorpion somehow reflects the same dream meaning as the dream about a snake or a spider.

Here are some scorpion symbols that you may see in a dream:

Scorpion bite
Scorpion bites itself
Your family member is bitting by a scorpion
Kill scorpion
Eat scorpion
Red scorpion
Black scorpion
Yellow scorpion
Catch a scorpion
Scorpion crosses your path
Positive changes in waking life can be expected, when:

You do not feel the pain after the scorpion bite
You enjoy eating a scorpion
Scorpion runs away from you
Scorpion Symbol in the Dream

Scorpions in the dreams are often a symbol of enemies and betrayal. They signify backstabbing that you might experience from someone in waking life.

Scorpions in dreams are the symbols of enemies, so if you have a dream about a fight with the scorpion and you are defeated in the end, then this dream is a warning that you can be defeated by your enemies. Be careful in waking life and try to avoid conflicts and difficult situations.

The scorpions are also a symbol of new people in life that might bring trouble and problems to your life.

If you lay with a scorpion, don’t be surprised when it finally stings you

DaShanne Stokes
Dreams About Scorpion Bite

The dream in which you are stung by a scorpion portends to look at old acquaintances from a different point of view. They will be less ideal than you imagined and this will bring great disappointment and resentment. There may be a case that you will have to wash the stain of shame from the reputation, after the betrayal from your former friends.

To dream of a scorpion stinging, can also be a sign of future problems in the professional sphere or you may have an unpleasant conversation with your manager about poorly done work.

If a scorpion bites itself in your dream, then, this could be a sign that in your waking life you tend to criticize yourself too much and it’s hard for you to stop. And such a dream is a voice of your subconscious mind that tells you to stop punishing yourself and encourage and forgive yourself even if you have done something wrong in the past.

Dream about family members being bitten by a scorpion warns of impending danger. In real life, your enemies are preparing to strike. You have to be more careful and do not trust your secrets to anyone.

Scorpion Dream For a Young Lady

Dreaming about seeing a scorpion, for a young lady is a symbol of a powerful and strong man whom she might meet soon in life. But later on, this man might turn into a tyrant. So the larger the size of a scorpion encountered in a dream, the more evident the negative qualities of the man. Keep this in mind, when you will get in contact with this person.

Killing a Scorpion Dream

When you dream about killing a scorpion, it is a positive sign. This means that in real life, you will overcome all the troubles. You will be able to solve the core of the problem and prevent it from happening.

If you dream that you are cooking and eating a scorpion, it is a sign that in waking life, you will get all the best qualities of this animal. Your opinion will be significant to others and the enemies will be afraid of your “sting.”

See a dead scorpion on the road, such a dream signifies that you will feel relieved. All the troubles and problems will go away, positive times are waiting for you ahead. Use this period of life to improve all the areas of life that need more attention and do not miss the chances that can be offered to you in life.

Dream of Scorpions of Different Colours

A dream about red scorpion foretells that your opponents are stronger than you. Do not try to fight them, the chance is too high that you will lose. To get out of the situation with the least losses, it is necessary to rest for a while. The start of a new project will have to be postponed.

Another interpretation of the red scorpion in a dream – that you create problems for yourself. You cannot control strong negative emotions, and this can significantly damage your life. You should learn to meet with your negative emotions, accept them and let them go.

Dream about a black, big scorpion  foretells bad luck. You will fail almost at anything, whatever you do, will fall apart. But this period of life will not last long. Just be patient, try to make the right decisions and bad luck might turn out to be not so bad.

Dreams of a yellow scorpion may reveal your thoughts about money and ways to make them. If you catch or kill a yellow scorpion in a dream, this is a sign that you will get a large profit or return on investment in the nearest future. If you are stung by a yellow scorpion, then this could be a sign that you have fears of losing your money. Just remember, this is only your fears and this is not going to happen in real life.

Scorpion Crosses Path in Your Dream

To dream of a scorpion, who crosses your path, is a reminder that you should be mindful when crossing streets or on the road while driving a car. Take this dream as a warning and be extra attentive on the road.

Dream comes true based on the day of the week

Sunday Do not pay attention to the dream
Monday The dream may come true in 10-14 days
Tuesday Emotional dreams but will not come true
Wednesday High chance of the dream to come true
Thursday Prophetic dream
Friday Positive events of the dream will appear in your life or in the life of your family and friends
Saturday High chance of the events in the dream to come true the next day
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Scorpion Dream Interpretation
2 October 2019dreams

What does a scorpion represent? What does a scorpion in a dream indicate? Seeing scorpions in a dream is basically nothing good. If you have seen a scorpion in your dream, this is a sign of an enemy who gossips a lot. The scorpion in the dream, which is often interpreted as an enemy, indicates that troubles begin within the family. Let’s look at the dream interpretation of a scorpion below.

Contents [hide]
1 Scorpion in a Dream
2 Seeing Scorpion at Home
3 Seeing Scorpion in Your Work
4 Seeing a Scorpion in a Bag
5 Killing a Scorpion in a Dream
6 Escaping from a Scorpion Dream Meaning
7 Catching a Scorpion in the Dream
Scorpion in a Dream

Scorpion in a Dream
Scorpion in the dream is the symbol of bad energy. Seeing a scorpion in a dream means that there is something in your life that doesn’t go well and disturbs you. Scorpio also is the symbol of the enemy, dangerous person, or mischief person around the people who see a scorpion in the dream. In a dream, the scorpion sometimes can point to a person who, a jealous person, laughs at your face and lay a snare under you. To better interpret the dream of a scorpion in his dream, he must pay attention to exactly what happens in the dream. If the scorpion is harming you, there is the possibility of seeing a bad move from an enemy. Seeing scorpion wandering in a room but doing nothing to warn you that there are people like bombs ready to explode around you, but you will see their real faces only when you go into a fight with them. In a dream, the scorpion also points to dangerous situations. Although everything is fine in your life, there are delicate situations, and even a mistake can cause danger. You should look at your life and try to understand what can be dangerous for you because the scorpion in the dream is only seen when your fears and danger come close to you in real.

Seeing Scorpion at Home

Seeing a scorpion at home means that there is someone or something in your household or in your private life that bothers you. The scorpion seen at home can sometimes indicate an unwelcome guest or can be a sign of that there is something at your home bringing bad luck to your home. You must find out what should be removed from the household you live in and remove it from the household. There are too many problems to be solved in the house of the person who saw many scorpions in the dream. A person who sees a scorpion everywhere and does not even want to enter the house must solve the problems related to his house.

Seeing Scorpion in Your Work

It means that there are people who bother you in your workplace. If you focus on exactly what you are experiencing with the scorpions, you can interpret the dream better. If you kill a scorpion in your dream, it means that you will try to eliminate some of the problems that bother you at work.

Seeing a Scorpion in a Bag

There is a possibility that there may be bad developments about the private life of the person who has a scorpion in his bag. Your family, especially your siblings, may cause these bad developments. The person who has a scorpion in a bag in a dream may experience some situations that he does not like within three days. If you are running away from a scorpion in your own home, there are some people or problems that are bothering you at home.

Killing a Scorpion in a Dream

Killing the scorpion in the dream indicates that you need to solve problems in your life. For the person who has this dream, a problem will be solved within three days. In the dream, people who kill a scorpion win a race against an enemy or opponent. If a student wants to win an exam, he will receive the news that he has passed the exam.

Escaping from a Scorpion Dream Meaning

Escaping from a scorpion in a dream is an indication of escaping from fears in real life or from some unwanted situations. Escaping from the scorpion means that you try to get away from things that you do not want.

Catching a Scorpion in the Dream

Catching a scorpion in a dream is a sign that you may have some new problems. The person who kills the scorpion that he catches gets rid of a disturbing problem. Catching the scorpion and throwing it out of the house means that you should take something bad out from your home. It sometimes is an unwanted person leaving the house.

ed Scorpion Dream Interpretation
Are You Looking For The Red Scorpion Dream Interpretation? Don't Worry, Dream Experts Will Tell You About Meaning of Symbols In Your Sleep. Read Carefully Red Scorpion Dream Interpretation.

Scorpion Dream Interpretation

Scorpion dreams are messages that come from the subconscious. In general, this image has the deepest desires, feelings, fears, and sensations. In the astral field, dreams carry a series of signals that we can interpret based on details, impressions, and the context in which the dreamer finds himself. It is also related to the situation that we have experienced in the past.

The dream meaning of scorpions is a sign of order, power, and wealth above all. Scorpion, we see it as a dangerous animal because of its fatal venom. Like a spider, these animals also appear in scary films. This animal’s tail represents excellent strength, even with its relatively small size.

The dream meaning of scorpions is mainly related to paying attention to what is happening at the moment. There may be several situations that you are experiencing, maybe at work, a love affair, or family relations. To know what it means to dream about scorpions, it will also depend significantly on how the dream happens, especially about the details and feelings you have when scorpions come in your sleep.

Dream of a black scorpion

The dream meaning of a black scorpion is closely related to the mystery that comes from afar, both in the physical and astral sense. It is the relationship with the subconscious ideas that are not always close to everyday life. And even those who dream don’t realize that they have mysterious thoughts, because they aren’t aware.

They might want to express themselves for several reasons. Usually, the mind becomes more hidden during the day, and at night it becomes more apparent. The right time to connect with the stars and nature, especially at night, try to watch the stars and silence.

Dream of a yellow scorpion

Dream of a black scorpion

The dream meaning of a black scorpion is closely related to the mystery that comes from afar, both in the physical and astral sense. It is the relationship with the subconscious ideas that are not always close to everyday life. And even those who dream don’t realize that they have mysterious thoughts, because they aren’t aware.

They might want to express themselves for several reasons. Usually, the mind becomes more hidden during the day, and at night it becomes more apparent. The right time to connect with the stars and nature, especially at night, try to watch the stars and silence.

Dream of a yellow scorpion

The dream meaning of a yellow scorpion represents wealth. It combines the strength of small animals with a golden color. Regardless of the size of the scorpion, it is the color that determines its relationship with meaning. However, dreaming of small scorpions shows even more wealth, the smaller the scorpion, the deeper its meaning. It applies to any color.

Dream of a red scorpion

The dream meaning of a red scorpion is a sign of excitement and a lot of passion. While the scorpion represents death, red represents desire. If you feel good when you see a red scorpion, it shows pure and unlimited enthusiasm.

But if deep down, you feel something like distrust, that feeling might be related to psychological play. Pay attention to your tastes and relationships to find out which area you’re headed to or which side you’re playing.

Dream of a white scorpion

The dream meaning of a white scorpion is related to feelings of peace and hope. White color brings the element of goodness, although scorpion represents difficulties and danger. It is an excellent time to reflect and know that doing the right thing is always beneficial.

Dream of a brown scorpion

The dream meaning of a brown scorpion expresses deep feelings. It is often a feeling of distress that is closely associated with sexual problems. Brown color awakens and wider than unattractive appearance.

It is the color of nature because it is identical to the ground. Brown scorpions appear less often in dreams than other colors, just as feelings don’t seem to exist.

Dream stung by a scorpion

The dream meaning of scorpion stings reveals the opportunity to open moments and raise awareness of other lives. The dream that you are stung by a scorpion depends on the situation to interpret. If a scorpion stings you and you feel fear, it reveals …

Scorpion in a Dream – Esoteric Meaning

Seeing a scorpion in a dream has various meanings. It can be interpreted by carefully analyzing the dream settings and comparing them to the symbolic explanations given below. It could have both positive and negative symbolism. If you have a hard time understanding why this scary creature visited you while sleeping, don’t worry! I will help you guide you and help you find out what it means.

Scorpion Symbolism
Deadly – Even animals a hundred times larger than scorpion fear it because even one encounter could end with death.

Venomous – Famously scorpions use the venom that is in their tail. It is an important element while figuring out the dream meaning.

Powerful – They are not big, but scorpions are powerful due to their deadly nature.

Protection – They are amazing at protecting themselves. As mentioned above, even way larger animals fear them.

Scorpion Dream According To Esotericism
Seeing a scorpion at your house – While having them around where you live could sound dangerous, it is a good sign. It means you are on the right path and such dreams show the protecting side of a dangerous animal. There is a strength inside you to deal with the problems you face in life.

Scorpion Symbolism
Deadly – Even animals a hundred times larger than scorpion fear it because even one encounter could end with death.

Venomous – Famously scorpions use the venom that is in their tail. It is an important element while figuring out the dream meaning.

Powerful – They are not big, but scorpions are powerful due to their deadly nature.

Protection – They are amazing at protecting themselves. As mentioned above, even way larger animals fear them.

Scorpion Dream According To Esotericism
Seeing a scorpion at your house – While having them around where you live could sound dangerous, it is a good sign. It means you are on the right path and such dreams show the protecting side of a dangerous animal. There is a strength inside you to deal with the problems you face in life.

The entire house covered with scorpions means that you feel unsafe at your house. It is a place where you find comfort and protect yourself from the outside world. Having so many dangerous creatures in it shows how your brain feels threatened. The threat, however, is from real life and can be anything from financial problems to problematic relationships.

Scorpion bit you – Such a dream carries the negative meaning. There is an external threat around you. It is crucial for your success in life to identify where the danger is coming from and deal with it.
Scorpion bit your friend or a family member – The tension between you and that person is rising without noticing it. You are getting close to a point where it will translate itself into the conflict. Avoid contact with them if you know that the argument is inevitable. To keep the relationship healthy, it will be better to keep the distance for some period of time.

You captured scorpion in your dream – You are going to defeat your next challenge. The problem you will face won’t be easy. Scorpion symbolizes the danger and power behind it. Although since in your dream you captured it, you will find the way to come out victorious.

You killed scorpion – Dreaming of doing it means finally accepting the past and removing the guilt from your mind. There were mistakes you’ve made haunting and distracting you. Now your brain has learned to learn from them and move on. Embrace the change and look into the future with hope. Also, remember that failure is inevitable if you want to grow stronger and smarter. Make sure you forgive yourself easier next time.

Eating scorpion in a dream shows the desperation and the need for survival. You are willing to do everything to move forward and save yourself. There are various things in life trying to take you down, but you don’t give up. Instead, you try to find a way and go forward. It is the trait needed to achieve great things and you are on the right path.

Dreaming of running away from scorpion means you are too weak right now to deal with the people around you. There are some individuals in your life trying to compete with you. This could happen at work, in university or other familiar places. You take them as your enemies, but fighting them right now is not a good time. You should try to develop yourself and improve your skills so you have enough strength to deal with them later in life.

Golden scorpion – the strength within you reaches the peak level. You should use it to your advantage. You are going to have the best performance in your life and need to be ready. If you get distracted, you will miss the golden opportunity.

Red scorpion – There will be difficult times in the near future. You will have very little motivation to continue with the daily routine. The job could seem dull and the healthy habits you have acquired will be in danger. You will crave the simple pleasures. It is better to take a little break and allow yourself to relax in moderation. It is crucial you don’t overdo it and lose yourself in pleasure. If done correctly, after the break you will have more energy and will-power.

Flying scorpion – Wings give the dangerous animals even scarier appearance. Every symbolic meaning becomes stronger when scorpion can fly in a dream. If it is trying to attack you, then it means that the danger is real life is bigger than you might think. If you were able to kill such scorpion, then the way you deal with your past mistakes changes. Now it means you grew mentally and feel wiser. The same meaning applies to other situations, depending on the settings of a dream.

Having a pet scorpion in a dream might sound funny, but it is a common occurrence. The meaning behind is positive. If you had such a dream, it means you are confident about yourself and dealing with life won’t be a problem for you. If you have difficulties in a relationship, it will be only temporary and soon you will figure out everything. You will also be productive at work and if you push yourself enough, soon the promotion will come.


Scorpion is full of symbolism and dreaming about it has various meanings. I can only list here some of the most common ones. It is up to you to interpret it correctly based on the information above. If you are still unsure, leave a comment below and I will try to interpret your scorpion dream for you.


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