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In this work Babalawo Obanifa  will document some of the meanings of lakes dreams from the perspective of Yoruba culture and spirituality. The nomenclature for Lake in Yoruba language is known as Omi Adagun. By lake within the context of this work . We are referring to a considerable inland body of standing water. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Define lake thus: A lake is an area filled with water, localized in a basin, surrounded by land, apart from any river or other outlet that serves to feed or drain the lake.[1] Lakes lie on land and are not part of the ocean, and therefore are distinct from lagoons, and are also larger and deeper than ponds, though there are no official or scientific definitions.[2] Lakes can be contrasted with rivers or streams, which are usually flowing. Most lakes are fed and drained by rivers and streams.

Natural lakes are generally found in mountainous areas, rift zones, and areas with ongoing glaciation. Other lakes are found in endorheic basins or along the courses of mature rivers. In some parts of the world there are many lakes because of chaotic drainage patterns left over from the last Ice Age. All lakes are temporary over geologic time scales, as they will slowly fill in with sediments or spill out of the basin containing them.

Many lakes are artificial and are constructed for industrial or agricultural use, for hydro-electric power generation or domestic water supply, or for aesthetic, recreational purposes, or other activities.

Having understands what we mean by Lakes , We will go in understanding some of the meanings of seeing Lake in dreams. Lake in dreams can have either positive or negative meanings . The meanings to be attribute to lake dreams will usually depend on the contents and context of such dream. Below are detail documentation of some of the meanings of seeing Lakes in dream as document by Babalawo Obanifa

TI A BA RI ADAGUN OMI TO KUN FUN EROFO LOJU ALA WA (IF YOU SEE A MUDDY LAKE ): In any kind of dream where the dreamer see a muddy lakes  in dream .If you dream and see a lake that is filled with dirty muddy water . This kind of dream is a warning dream telling the dreamer that he /she is going to experience trouble and fight in his /her family, relationship or work. It is a warning dream about an imminent misunderstanding that is about to occur among group of people or family.

TI A BA N RI ADAGUN OMI LERA-LERA LOJU ALA (IF YOU DREAM OF SEEING LAKES FREGUENTLY IN YOUR DREAM): In any kind of dream where you see that you see lakes often in your dream. Seeing lakes often in one dream connotes stagnancy.

A person who see lakes often in dream, If such person is experiencing financial stagnancy in real life.

 He will need to go and fetch water from three different lakes .

Three cowries (Eyowo meta)

Ewe Dagunro(leaves of Alternathera Repens).

Ose dudu (local black soap)

You will pound it together and go and use it to bathe in flowing river.

TI A BA LALA TI A RI SINU OMI ADAGUN (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU GET DROWN INISIDE LAKE): In any kind of dream where you see yourself that you have get drown inside Lake. This kind of dream connotes imminent litigation or disaster that can a lot of financial loss, Imprisonment, or even sickness that can make the dreamer bedridden for years. This is a warning dream that this disaster is avoidable and preventable if such dreamer can take uncalculated risk. The same interpretation and solution apply if you see other member of your family or friends drown in lakes in your dreams.

TI A  BA LALA TI TALA KURO NINU ODO ADAGUN(IF YOU SEE YOURSELF THAT YOU ARE SAVED FROM  LAKES ): In any kind of dreams where you see yourself that you are safe from drowning inside a lake. If you see yourself that you swim out of   a lake. This is a positive message dream. This kind of dream connotes that the dreamer will overcome trouble and litigation or any legal matters.

TI A BA  LALA TI  WON JU WA SINU ODO ADAGUN (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE THROWN INISDE THE LAKE): In any kind of dream where the dreamer see that he /she is thrown inside a lake. This is a warning dream telling the dreamer that some people are already planning to put this dreamer in trouble by implicating him/her in legal matters.

TI A BA RI OMI ADAGUN TO KUN FUN EJA (IF YOU SEE A LAKES THAT IS FULL OF FISHES): If you dream and see a lot of fishes inside a lake. This is kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he/she will be blessed with wealth, property and a lot of profit in his business venture.

TI A BA LALA RI OMI ADAGUN TO KUN FUN OKU EJA(IF YOU SEE A LAKES FULL OF DEAD FISHES IN YOUR DREAM): In any kind of dream where you see a lake that is full of dead fish. This kind of dream connotes loss of profit or business failure.

If you are trying to set up business at the point when you have this kind of dream . It connote such business is likely to result into disaster.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

 Haga clic en el Vedio de arriba para ver y descargar el video oficial de Jay Marcus Ni Gboro] -Don ieazy



 En este trabajo, Babalawo Obanifa documentará algunos de los significados de los sueños de los lagos desde la perspectiva de la cultura y la espiritualidad yoruba.  La nomenclatura del lago en idioma yoruba se conoce como Omi Adagun.  Por lago en el contexto de este trabajo.  Nos referimos a un considerable cuerpo interior de agua estancada.  Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre, define el lago así: un lago es un área llena de agua, localizada en una cuenca, rodeada de tierra, aparte de cualquier río u otra salida que sirva para alimentar o drenar el lago. [1]  Los lagos se encuentran en tierra y no son parte del océano, y por lo tanto son distintos de las lagunas, y también son más grandes y profundos que los estanques, aunque no hay definiciones oficiales o científicas. [2]  Los lagos pueden contrastarse con ríos o arroyos, que generalmente fluyen.  La mayoría de los lagos son alimentados y drenados por ríos y arroyos.

 Los lagos naturales generalmente se encuentran en áreas montañosas, zonas de grietas y áreas con glaciación continua.  Otros lagos se encuentran en cuencas endorreicas o a lo largo de los cursos de ríos maduros.  En algunas partes del mundo hay muchos lagos debido a los patrones de drenaje caótico de la última Edad de Hielo.  Todos los lagos son temporales a lo largo de escalas de tiempo geológicas, ya que se llenarán lentamente con sedimentos o se derramarán de la cuenca que los contiene.

 Muchos lagos son artificiales y están construidos para uso industrial o agrícola, para la generación de energía hidroeléctrica o el suministro de agua doméstica, o para fines estéticos, recreativos u otras actividades.

 Habiendo entendido lo que queremos decir con Lagos, entenderemos algunos de los significados de ver a Lake en sueños.  El lago en los sueños puede tener significados positivos o negativos.  Los significados que se atribuirán a los sueños del lago dependerán generalmente de los contenidos y el contexto de tal sueño.  A continuación se detalla la documentación de algunos de los significados de ver Lagos en sueños como documento de Babalawo Obanifa

 TI A BA RI ADAGUN OMI TO KUN FUN EROFO LOJU ALA WA (SI VE UN LAGO MUDDY): En cualquier tipo de sueño donde el soñador ve un lago fangoso en el sueño. Si sueña y ve un lago lleno de barro fangoso  agua .  Este tipo de sueño es un sueño de advertencia que le dice al soñador que él / ella va a experimentar problemas y pelear en su familia, relación o trabajo.  Es un sueño de advertencia sobre un malentendido inminente que está a punto de ocurrir entre un grupo de personas o una familia.

 TI A BA N RI ADAGUN OMI LERA-LERA LOJU ALA (SI SUEÑAS VER LOS LAGOS FRECUENTEMENTE EN TU SUEÑO): en cualquier tipo de sueño donde ves que a menudo ves lagos en tu sueño.  Ver lagos a menudo en un sueño connota el embarazo.

 Una persona que ve lagos a menudo en sueños, si esa persona está experimentando un problema financiero en la vida real.

 Tendrá que ir a buscar agua a tres lagos diferentes.

 Tres caracoles (meta de Eyowo)

 Oveja Dagunro (hojas de Alternathera Repens).

 Ose dudu (jabón negro local)

 Lo golpearán juntos y lo usarán para bañarse en el río que fluye.

 TI A BA LALA TI A RI SINU OMI ADAGUN (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE TE LANZAN EN EL LAGO): En cualquier tipo de sueño en el que te veas a ti mismo que te has ahogado en el lago.  Este tipo de sueño connota litigios inminentes o desastres que pueden causar muchas pérdidas financieras, encarcelamiento o incluso enfermedades que pueden hacer que el soñador quede postrado en cama durante años.  Este es un sueño de advertencia de que este desastre es evitable y evitable si tal soñador puede tomar un riesgo no calculado.  La misma interpretación y solución se aplica si ve a otro miembro de su familia o amigos ahogarse en los lagos en sus sueños.

 TI A BA LALA TI TALA KURO NINU ODO ADAGUN (SI SE VE QUE SE SALVA DE LOS LAGOS): En cualquier tipo de sueño en el que se vea a salvo de ahogarse dentro de un lago.  Si te ves a ti mismo que nadas fuera de un lago.  Este es un sueño de mensaje positivo.  Este tipo de sueño connota que el soñador superará problemas y litigios o cualquier asunto legal.

 TI A BA LALA TI WON JU WA SINU ODO ADAGUN (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE TE LANZAS EN EL LAGO): En cualquier tipo de sueño donde el soñador vea que él / ella es arrojado dentro de un lago.  Este es un sueño de advertencia que le dice al soñador que algunas personas ya están planeando poner a este soñador en problemas al implicarlo en asuntos legales.

 TI A BA RI OMI ADAGUN A KUN FUN EJA (SI VE UN LAGO QUE ESTÁ LLENO DE PECES): Si sueña y ve muchos peces dentro de un lago.  Este tipo de sueño es decirle al soñador que él / ella será bendecido con riqueza, propiedad y muchas ganancias en su empresa comercial.

 TI A BA LALA RI OMI ADAGUN A KUN FUN OKU EJA (SI VES UN LAGO LLENO DE PECES MUERTOS EN TU SUEÑO): en cualquier tipo de sueño donde ves un lago lleno de peces muertos.  Este tipo de sueño implica pérdida de ganancias o fracaso empresarial.

 Si está tratando de establecer un negocio en el momento en que tiene este tipo de sueño.  Connotar que tal negocio es probable que resulte en un desastre.

 Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, teléfono y contacto de WhatsApp: +2348166343145, ubicación Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

 AVISO IMPORTANTE: en lo que respecta al artículo anterior, todos los derechos reservados, ninguna parte de este artículo puede reproducirse o duplicarse de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias y grabaciones, o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento o recuperación de información sin permiso previo por escrito  del titular de los derechos de autor y del autor Babalawo Obanifa, hacerlo se considera ilegal y traerá consecuencias legales

  Clique no vídeo acima para assistir e baixar o vídeo oficial de Jay Marcus Ni Gboro] -Don ieazy



  Neste trabalho, Babalawo Obanifa documentará alguns dos significados dos sonhos dos lagos a partir da perspectiva da cultura e espiritualidade iorubá.  A nomenclatura para o lago na língua iorubá é conhecida como Omi Adagun.  Por lago dentro do contexto deste trabalho.  Estamos nos referindo a um considerável corpo interior de água parada.  Wikipedia, a enciclopédia livre, Define lake assim: Um lago é uma área cheia de água, localizada em uma bacia, cercada por terra, além de qualquer rio ou outra saída que sirva para alimentar ou drenar o lago. [1]  Os lagos jazem em terra e não fazem parte do oceano e, portanto, são distintos das lagoas, e também são maiores e mais profundos que os lagos, embora não haja definições oficiais ou científicas. [2]  Lagos podem ser contrastados com rios ou córregos, que geralmente fluem.  A maioria dos lagos é alimentada e drenada por rios e córregos.

  Lagos naturais são geralmente encontrados em áreas montanhosas, zonas de fissuras e áreas com glaciação contínua.  Outros lagos são encontrados em bacias endorréicas ou ao longo dos cursos de rios maduros.  Em algumas partes do mundo, existem muitos lagos por causa dos padrões caóticos de drenagem que restam da última Era do Gelo.  Todos os lagos são temporários em escalas de tempo geológicas, pois se enchem lentamente de sedimentos ou derramam da bacia que os contém.

  Muitos lagos são artificiais e são construídos para uso industrial ou agrícola, para geração de energia hidrelétrica ou abastecimento de água doméstico, ou para fins estéticos, recreativos ou outras atividades.

  Tendo entendido o que queremos dizer com Lagos, entenderemos alguns dos significados de ver Lake em sonhos.  Lago nos sonhos pode ter significados positivos ou negativos.  Os significados a serem atribuídos aos sonhos do lago geralmente dependerão do conteúdo e do contexto desse sonho.  Abaixo está a documentação detalhada de alguns dos significados de ver Lagos em sonho como documento de Babalawo Obanifa

  TI A BA RI ADAGUN OMI PARA KUN FUN EROFO LOJU ALA WA (SE VOCÊ VÊ UM LAGO MUDDY): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que o sonhador vê um lago lamacento em sonho. Se você sonha e vê um lago cheio de lama suja  água .  Esse tipo de sonho é um sonho de advertência, dizendo ao sonhador que ele / ela enfrentará problemas e lutará em sua família, relacionamento ou trabalho.  É um sonho de advertência sobre um mal-entendido iminente que está prestes a ocorrer entre um grupo de pessoas ou família.

  TI A BA N RI ADAGUN OMI LERA-LERA LOJU ALA (SE VOCÊ SONHA EM VER LAGOS FREGUENTEMENTE EM SEU SONHO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que você vê que costuma ver lagos em seu sonho.  Ver lagos frequentemente em um sonho conota estagnação.

  Uma pessoa que vê lagos frequentemente em sonho, se essa pessoa está passando por uma estagnação financeira na vida real.

  Ele precisará buscar água em três lagos diferentes.

  Três cowries (Eyowo meta)

  Ovelha Dagunro (folhas de Alternathera Repens).

  Ose dudu (sabão preto local)

  Você vai bater juntos e usá-lo para banhar-se no rio que flui.

  TI A BA LALA TI RI SINU OMI ADAGUN (SE VOCÊ VÊ EM SEU SONHO QUE SE ENCONTRA NO LAGO DO LADO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que você se veja se afogando no lago.  Esse tipo de sonho conota litígios iminentes ou desastres que podem causar muitas perdas financeiras, aprisionamento ou até doenças que podem tornar o sonhador acamado por anos.  É um sonho de alerta que esse desastre seja evitável e evitável se esse sonhador puder correr riscos não calculados.  A mesma interpretação e solução se aplicam se você ver outro membro da sua família ou amigos se afogar em lagos em seus sonhos.

  TI A BA LALA TI TALA KURO NINU ODO ADAGUN (SE VOCÊ SE SALVAR DOS LAGOS): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que você se veja seguro de se afogar dentro de um lago.  Se você se vê nadando para fora de um lago.  Este é um sonho de mensagem positiva.  Esse tipo de sonho indica que o sonhador superará problemas e litígios ou quaisquer questões legais.

  TI A BA LALA TI GANHOU JU WA SINU ODO ADAGUN (SE VOCÊ VÊ NO SEU SONHO QUE É LANÇADO NO LAGO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que o sonhador vê que é jogado dentro de um lago.  Este é um sonho de advertência, dizendo ao sonhador que algumas pessoas já estão planejando colocar esse sonhador em problemas, implicando-o em questões legais.

  TI A BA RI OMI ADAGUN PARA KUN FUN EJA (SE VOCÊ VÊ LAGOS CHEIOS DE PEIXES): Se você sonha e vê muitos peixes dentro de um lago.  Esse é o tipo de sonho que está dizendo ao sonhador que ele será abençoado com riqueza, propriedade e muito lucro em seu empreendimento comercial.

  TI A BA LALA RI OMI ADAGUN PARA KUN FUN OKU EJA (SE VOCÊ VÊ LAGOS CHEIOS DE PEIXES MORTOS EM SEU SONHO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho, você vê um lago cheio de peixes mortos.  Esse tipo de sonho indica perda de lucro ou falha de negócios.

  Se você está tentando estabelecer negócios no momento em que tem esse tipo de sonho.  Isso implica que tais negócios provavelmente resultarão em desastre.

  Direitos autorais: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, telefone e whatsapp: +2348166343145, local Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

  AVISO IMPORTANTE: Com relação ao artigo acima, todos os direitos reservados, nenhuma parte deste artigo pode ser reproduzida ou duplicada de qualquer forma ou por qualquer meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocópia e gravação ou por qualquer sistema de armazenamento ou recuperação de informações sem permissão prévia por escrito  do detentor dos direitos autorais e do autor Babalawo Obanifa, fazê-lo é considerado ilegal e atrairá consequências legais

  Cliquez sur le Vedio ci-dessus pour regarder et télécharger la vidéo officielle de Jay Marcus Ni Gboro] -Don ieazy



  Dans ce travail, Babalawo Obanifa documentera certaines des significations des rêves des lacs du point de vue de la culture et de la spiritualité yoruba.  La nomenclature du lac en langue yoruba est connue sous le nom d'Omi Adagun.  Par lac dans le cadre de ces travaux.  Nous parlons d'une masse intérieure considérable d'eau stagnante.  Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre, Définissez le lac ainsi: Un lac est une zone remplie d'eau, localisée dans un bassin, entourée de terre, en dehors de toute rivière ou autre exutoire qui sert à alimenter ou à drainer le lac. [1]  Les lacs se trouvent sur la terre et ne font pas partie de l'océan, et sont donc distincts des lagunes, et sont également plus grands et plus profonds que les étangs, bien qu'il n'y ait pas de définitions officielles ou scientifiques. [2]  Les lacs peuvent être contrastés avec des rivières ou des ruisseaux, qui coulent généralement.  La plupart des lacs sont alimentés et drainés par les rivières et les ruisseaux.

  Les lacs naturels se trouvent généralement dans les zones montagneuses, les zones de rift et les zones de glaciation continue.  D'autres lacs se trouvent dans des bassins endoréiques ou le long des cours des rivières matures.  Dans certaines parties du monde, il existe de nombreux lacs en raison de modèles de drainage chaotiques laissés par la dernière période glaciaire.  Tous les lacs sont temporaires sur des échelles de temps géologiques, car ils se rempliront lentement de sédiments ou déborderont du bassin qui les contient.

  De nombreux lacs sont artificiels et sont construits pour un usage industriel ou agricole, pour la production d'énergie hydroélectrique ou l'approvisionnement en eau domestique, ou à des fins esthétiques, récréatives ou autres.

  Ayant compris ce que nous entendons par lacs, nous irons à comprendre certaines des significations de voir le lac dans les rêves.  Le lac dans les rêves peut avoir des significations positives ou négatives.  Les significations à attribuer aux rêves lacustres dépendront généralement du contenu et du contexte d'un tel rêve.  Vous trouverez ci-dessous une documentation détaillée de certaines des significations de voir Lakes in dream comme document de Babalawo Obanifa

  TI A BA RI ADAGUN OMI TO KUN FUN EROFO LOJU ALA WA (SI VOUS VOYEZ UN LAC MUDDY): Dans tout type de rêve où le rêveur voit un lac boueux en rêve.Si vous rêvez et voyez un lac rempli de boue sale  l'eau .  Ce genre de rêve est un rêve d'avertissement qui dit au rêveur qu'il va avoir des ennuis et se battre dans sa famille, sa relation ou son travail.  Il s'agit d'un rêve d'avertissement concernant un malentendu imminent qui est sur le point de se produire parmi un groupe de personnes ou une famille.

  TI A BA N RI ADAGUN OMI LERA-LERA LOJU ALA (SI VOUS RÊVEZ DE VOIR DES LACS DE MANIÈRE FREGUENTE DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Dans tout type de rêve où vous voyez que vous voyez des lacs souvent dans votre rêve.  Voir des lacs souvent dans un même rêve signifie la stagnation.

  Une personne qui voit souvent des lacs en rêve, si une telle personne connaît une stagnation financière dans la vraie vie.

  Il devra aller chercher de l'eau dans trois lacs différents.

  Trois cauris (Eyowo meta)

  Ewe Dagunro (feuilles d'Alternathera Repens).

  Ose dudu (savon noir local)

  Vous le pilonnerez ensemble et irez vous en servir pour vous baigner dans une rivière qui coule.

  TI A BA LALA TI A RI SINU OMI ADAGUN (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOUS OBTENEZ LA NOYADE DANS LE LAC INISIDE): Dans tout type de rêve où vous vous voyez que vous vous êtes noyé dans le lac.  Ce type de rêve évoque un litige imminent ou une catastrophe qui peut entraîner de nombreuses pertes financières, une peine d'emprisonnement ou même une maladie qui peut rendre le rêveur alité pendant des années.  C'est un rêve d'avertissement que cette catastrophe est évitable et évitable si un tel rêveur peut prendre des risques non calculés.  La même interprétation et solution s'appliquent si vous voyez un autre membre de votre famille ou des amis se noyer dans les lacs de vos rêves.

  TI A BA LALA TI TALA KURO NINU ODO ADAGUN (SI VOUS VOYEZ QUE VOUS ÊTES SAUVÉ DES LACS): Dans tout type de rêve où vous vous voyez que vous êtes à l'abri de la noyade dans un lac.  Si vous vous voyez que vous nagez hors d'un lac.  C'est un rêve de message positif.  Ce genre de rêve implique que le rêveur surmontera les problèmes et les litiges ou toute question juridique.

  TI A BA LALA TI WON JU WA SINU ODO ADAGUN (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOUS ÊTES JETÉ INISDE LE LAC): Dans tout type de rêve où le rêveur voit qu'il est jeté à l'intérieur d'un lac.  Il s'agit d'un rêve d'avertissement disant au rêveur que certaines personnes prévoient déjà de mettre ce rêveur en difficulté en l'impliquant dans des questions juridiques.

  TI A BA RI OMI ADAGUN TO KUN FUN EJA (SI VOUS VOYEZ UN LAC PLEIN DE POISSONS): Si vous rêvez et voyez beaucoup de poissons à l'intérieur d'un lac.  C'est une sorte de rêve qui dit au rêveur qu'il / elle sera béni avec de la richesse, des biens et beaucoup de profits dans son entreprise.

  TI A BA LALA RI OMI ADAGUN TO KUN FUN OKU EJA (SI VOUS VOYEZ UN LAC PLEIN DE POISSONS MORTS DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Dans tout type de rêve où vous voyez un lac qui est plein de poissons morts.  Ce genre de rêve implique une perte de profit ou un échec commercial.

  Si vous essayez de créer une entreprise au moment où vous avez ce genre de rêve.  Cela signifie que de telles affaires risquent de provoquer un désastre.

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, téléphone et contact WhatsApp: +2348166343145, emplacement Ile Ife Osun, Nigeria.

  AVIS IMPORTANT: En ce qui concerne l'article ci-dessus, tous droits réservés, aucune partie de cet article ne peut être reproduite ou dupliquée sous quelque forme ou par quelque moyen que ce soit, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et l'enregistrement ou par tout système de stockage ou de récupération d'informations sans autorisation écrite préalable  du titulaire du droit d'auteur et de l'auteur Babalawo Obanifa, le faire est considéré comme illégal et entraînera des conséquences juridiques

 单击上面的视频观看并下载Jay Marcus Ni Gboro官方视频] -Don ieazy

 BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa极端纪录片中梦中湖的含义


 在这篇著作中,巴巴拉瓦·奥巴尼法(Babalawo Obanifa)将从约鲁巴文化和灵性的角度记录一些湖泊梦的含义。 约鲁巴语中的Lake命名法被称为Omi Adagun。 在此范围内通过湖边工作。 我们指的是相当大的内陆积水。 维基百科是免费的百科全书,因此定义了湖泊:``湖泊''是一个充满水的区域,位于一个流域内,周围被土地包围,除了任何河流或其他用于湖泊进水或排水的出口。[1] 湖泊位于陆地上,不是海洋的一部分,因此与泻湖区分开,并且比池塘更大,更深,尽管没有官方或科学定义。[2] 湖泊可以与通常流淌的河流或溪流形成对比。 大多数湖泊是河流和溪流的给水和排水。

 天然湖泊通常见于山区,裂谷带和持续冰川化的地区。 在内河盆地或沿成熟河道发现了其他湖泊。 由于上个冰河时代遗留下来的混乱的排水模式,在世界的某些地区有许多湖泊。 所有湖泊在地质时间尺度上都是暂时的,因为它们会缓慢地充满沉积物或从含有它们的盆地中溢出。


 了解了湖泊的含义后,我们将了解在梦中看到湖泊的一些含义。 梦中的湖可以具有正面或负面的含义。 湖梦的属性通常取决于梦的内容和背景。 以下是Babalawo Obanifa撰写的有关梦见湖泊的一些含义的详细文档

 TI A BA RI ADAGUN OMI到KUN FUN EROFO LOJU ALA WA(如果您看到一个泥泞的湖):在任何种类的梦中,做梦者在梦中看到泥泞的湖泊。 水 。 这种梦是一个警告性的梦,告诉梦者他/她将在家庭,人际关系或工作中遇到麻烦并打架。 这是关于即将在一群人或家庭中发生的误会的警告梦。

 TI A BA N RI ADAGUN OMI LERA-LERA LOJU ALA(如果您在梦中梦见湖):在任何一种梦中,您都会看到梦中经常看到湖泊。 经常在一个梦中看到湖泊意味着停滞。



 三座山庄(Eyowo meta)

 母羊达古罗(Alternathera Repens的叶子)。

 Ose dudu(本地黑肥皂)


 TI A BALALA TI A RI SINU OMI ADAGUN(如果您在梦中看到被困的伊尼斯德湖):在任何一种梦中,您都会看到自己被淹死在湖中。 这种梦想意味着迫在眉睫的诉讼或灾难,可能会造成巨大的经济损失,监禁甚至疾病,这可能会使梦想家卧床不起多年。 这是一个警告性的梦想,即如果这样的梦想家可以承担不可估量的风险,那么这场灾难是可以避免和预防的。 如果您看到自己的家人或朋友的其他成员在梦中淹没在湖泊中,则适用相同的解释和解决方案。

 TI A BA LALA TI TALA KURO NINU ODO ADAGUN(如果您发现自己从湖中得救了):在任何梦中,只要您看到自己就可以安全地淹没在湖中。 如果您发现自己从湖中游泳出来。 这是一个积极的信息梦想。 这种梦想意味着梦想家将克服麻烦和诉讼或任何法律问题。

 TI A BA LALA TI WON JU WA SINU ODO ADAGUN(如果您在梦中看到自己被扔向湖中):在任何类型的梦中,梦者看到他/她被扔进湖中。 这是一个警告性的梦,告诉梦者某些人已经计划通过牵连法律事务的方式使梦者陷入困境。

 TI A BA RI OMI ADAGUN向KUN FUN EJA(如果您看到满是鱼的湖):如果您梦想着看到湖中有很多鱼, 这是一种梦想,告诉梦想者他/她将在自己的企业中拥有财富,财产和很多利润。

 TI A BALALA RI OMI ADAGUN到KUN FUN OKU EJA(如果您在梦中看到大量死鱼之湖):在任何一种梦想中,您都会看到充满死鱼的湖泊。 这种梦想意味着利润损失或业务失败。

 如果您打算在拥有这样的梦想的时候开展业务。 它意味着这样的业务很可能会导致灾难。

 版权:Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa,电话和whatsapp联系人:+2348166343145,位于尼日利亚Ile Ife osun省。

 重要声明:关于上述条款,保留所有权利,未经事先书面许可,不得以任何形式或通过任何方式(包括影印和录制的电子或机械方式或任何信息存储或检索系统)复制或复制本文的任何部分 版权持有人和作者Babalawo Obanifa的行为被认为是非法的,并将引起法律后果

  ऊपर दिए गए वेदियो पर क्लिक करके देखें और DownloadJay मार्कस नी Gboro आधिकारिक वीडियो] -Don ieazy

  BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa चरम वृत्तचित्रों द्वारा सपने में आने वाले समय की गणना


  इस कार्य में बाबलाव ओबनिफा योरूबा संस्कृति और आध्यात्मिकता के परिप्रेक्ष्य से झीलों के सपनों के कुछ अर्थों का दस्तावेजीकरण करेगा।  योरूबा भाषा में लेक के लिए नामकरण को ओमी अडागुन के रूप में जाना जाता है।  इस कार्य के संदर्भ में झील द्वारा।  हम खड़े पानी के एक काफी अंतर्देशीय शरीर की बात कर रहे हैं।  विकिपीडिया, मुक्त विश्वकोश, परिभाषित झील इस प्रकार है: एक झील पानी से भरा एक क्षेत्र है, जो एक बेसिन में स्थानीयकृत है, भूमि से घिरा हुआ है, इसके अलावा किसी भी नदी या अन्य आउटलेट से जो झील को खिलाने या बहाने का कार्य करता है। [१]  झीलें भूमि पर पड़ी हैं और महासागर का हिस्सा नहीं हैं, और इसलिए लैगून से अलग हैं, और तालाबों की तुलना में बड़े और गहरे हैं, हालांकि कोई आधिकारिक या वैज्ञानिक परिभाषा नहीं है। [२]  झीलें नदियों या नालों के साथ विपरीत हो सकती हैं, जो आमतौर पर बहती हैं।  अधिकांश झीलों को नदियों और नालों द्वारा खिलाया जाता है।

  प्राकृतिक झीलें आमतौर पर पहाड़ी क्षेत्रों, दरार क्षेत्रों, और चल रहे हिमनदों वाले क्षेत्रों में पाई जाती हैं।  अन्य झीलें एंडोर्फिक बेसिन में या परिपक्व नदियों के पाठ्यक्रमों के साथ पाई जाती हैं।  दुनिया के कुछ हिस्सों में पिछले हिम युग से अधिक अराजक जल निकासी पैटर्न के कारण कई झीलें हैं।  सभी झीलें भूगर्भिक समय के तराजू पर अस्थायी हैं, क्योंकि वे धीरे-धीरे तलछट के साथ भरेंगे या उनमें से बेसिन से बाहर निकलेंगे।

  कई झीलें कृत्रिम हैं और औद्योगिक या कृषि उपयोग के लिए, हाइड्रो-इलेक्ट्रिक पावर जनरेशन या घरेलू पानी की आपूर्ति के लिए, या सौंदर्यवादी, मनोरंजक उद्देश्यों या अन्य गतिविधियों के लिए बनाई गई हैं।

  झीलों से हमें क्या मतलब है, यह समझने के बाद हम सपनों में झील देखने के कुछ अर्थों को समझेंगे।  सपनों में झील के सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक अर्थ हो सकते हैं।  झील के सपने देखने की विशेषता होने का अर्थ आमतौर पर इस तरह के सपने की सामग्री और संदर्भ पर निर्भर करेगा।  नीचे बाबलावो ओबनिफा द्वारा दस्तावेज के रूप में सपने में झीलों को देखने के कुछ अर्थों का विस्तार से उल्लेख किया गया है

  TI A BA RI ADAGUN OMI TO KUN FUN EROFO LOJU ALA WA (अगर आप किसी मुर्दे को देख रहे हैं): सपने में किसी भी तरह का सपना देखने वाले को सपने में एक कीचड़ वाली झील दिखाई देती है।  पानी ।  इस तरह का सपना सपने देखने वाले को चेतावनी देने वाला सपना है कि वह अपने परिवार, रिश्ते या काम में परेशानी और लड़ाई का अनुभव करने जा रहा है।  यह एक आसन्न गलतफहमी के बारे में एक चेतावनी का सपना है जो लोगों या परिवार के समूह के बीच होने वाला है।

  TI A BA N R R ADAGUN OMI LERA-LERA LOJU ALA (अगर आप अपने सपने में आने वाले समय को कम करके देखें): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां आप देखते हैं कि आप अपने सपने में अक्सर झीलें खोते हैं।  एक सपने में अक्सर झीलें देखना स्थिरता को दर्शाता है।

  एक व्यक्ति जो अक्सर सपने में झीलों को देखता है, यदि ऐसा व्यक्ति वास्तविक जीवन में वित्तीय स्थिरता का अनुभव कर रहा है।

  उसे तीन अलग-अलग झीलों से पानी लाने और ले जाने की आवश्यकता होगी।

  तीन कौड़ी (आईवोवा मेटा)

  ईवे दागुनरो (अल्टरनेथरा रेपेन्स की पत्तियां)।

  Ose dudu (स्थानीय काला साबुन)

  आप इसे एक साथ पाउंड करेंगे और जाकर बहती नदी में स्नान करेंगे।

  TI एक बीए LALA TI A RI SINU OMI ADAGUN (यदि आप अपने सपने में आपको देख रहे हैं तो आप इन दिनों में मिलेंगे): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां आप खुद को देखते हैं कि आप झील के अंदर डूब गए हैं।  इस तरह का सपना आसन्न मुकदमेबाजी या आपदा को दर्शाता है जो बहुत सारे वित्तीय नुकसान, कारावास, या यहां तक ​​कि बीमारी है जो सपने देखने वाले को वर्षों तक परेशान कर सकता है।  यह एक चेतावनी का सपना है कि इस आपदा से बचने और रोकने योग्य है अगर इस तरह के सपने देखने वाले अनजाने में जोखिम उठा सकते हैं।  यदि आप अपने परिवार के अन्य सदस्य या दोस्तों को अपने सपनों में झीलों में डूबते देखते हैं, तो यही व्याख्या और समाधान लागू होता है।

  TI A BA LALA TI TALA KURO NINU ODAG ADAGUN (यदि आप खुद को देख रहे हैं कि आप लाख से बच गए हैं): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां आप खुद को देखते हैं कि आप एक झील के अंदर डूबने से सुरक्षित हैं।  यदि आप अपने आप को देखते हैं कि आप एक झील से बाहर तैरते हैं।  यह एक सकारात्मक संदेश का सपना है।  इस तरह का सपना दर्शाता है कि सपने देखने वाले को परेशानी और मुकदमेबाजी या किसी कानूनी मामलों से उबरना होगा।

  TI A BA LALA TI WON JU WA SINU ODO ADAGUN (यदि आप अपने सपने में आपको देख रहे हैं तो आप LISE में शामिल हैं): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां सपने देखने वाले को झील के अंदर फेंक दिया जाता है।  यह सपने देखने वाले को एक चेतावनी सपना है कि कुछ लोग पहले से ही इस सपने देखने वाले को कानूनी मामलों में उसे / उसे फंसाने की योजना बना रहे हैं।

  TI A BA RI OMI ADAGUN TO KUN FUN EJA (अगर आपको लगता है कि मछलियों का एक बड़ा हिस्सा है): यदि आप सपने देखते हैं और झील के अंदर बहुत सारी मछलियां देखते हैं।  इस तरह का सपना सपने देखने वाले को बता रहा है कि उसे अपने व्यापार उद्यम में धन, संपत्ति और बहुत सारे लाभ प्राप्त होंगे।

  टीआई ए बीए लाला आरआई ओएमआई अदुनुन को फुन ओनू ईजेए (यदि आप अपने सपने में मौत के दोषों से पूरी तरह से बचते हैं तो देखें): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां आप एक झील देखते हैं जो मृत मछली से भरा है।  इस तरह का सपना लाभ या व्यापार की विफलता के नुकसान को दर्शाता है।

  यदि आप इस तरह का सपना होने पर बिंदु पर व्यवसाय स्थापित करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।  यह अनुमान लगाता है कि इस तरह के व्यवसाय से आपदा की संभावना है।

  कॉपीराइट: बबालावो पेले ओबासा ओबनिफा, फोन और व्हाट्सएप संपर्क: 13:48166343145, स्थान इले इफ ओसुन राज्य नाइजीरिया।

  महत्वपूर्ण सूचना: जैसा कि ऊपर दिए गए लेख के अनुसार, सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित हैं, इस लेख का कोई भी भाग किसी भी रूप में या किसी भी तरह से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक या मैकेनिकल द्वारा फोटोकॉपी और रिकॉर्डिंग या किसी भी जानकारी के भंडारण या पुनर्प्राप्ति प्रणाली से लिखित अनुमति के बिना पुन: प्रस्तुत या दोहराया नहीं जा सकता है।  कॉपीराइट धारक और लेखक बबालावो ओबनिफा से, ऐसा करना गैरकानूनी माना जाता है और कानूनी परिणामों को आकर्षित करेगा

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 معنى البحيرات في الأحلام بقلـم بابلو عنيفة-أبنيفة


 في هذا العمل ، سيوثق Babalawo Obanifa بعض معاني أحلام البحيرات من منظور ثقافة اليوروبا والروحانية.  تُعرف تسمية البحيرة بلغة اليوروبا باسم أومي أداجون.  عن طريق البحيرة في سياق هذا العمل.  نحن نشير إلى مجموعة كبيرة من المياه الداخلية الدائمة.  ويكيبيديا ، الموسوعة المجانية ، Define lake هكذا: البحيرة هي منطقة مليئة بالمياه ، وموضعة في حوض ، وتحيط بها الأرض ، بصرف النظر عن أي نهر أو أي منفذ آخر يعمل على تغذية البحيرة أو تصريفها. [1]  تقع البحيرات على اليابسة ولا تشكل جزءًا من المحيط ، وبالتالي فهي متميزة عن البحيرات ، كما أنها أكبر وأعمق من الأحواض ، على الرغم من عدم وجود تعريفات رسمية أو علمية. [2]  يمكن أن تتناقض البحيرات مع الأنهار أو الجداول التي تتدفق عادة.  تتغذى معظم البحيرات وتجرفها الأنهار والجداول.

 توجد البحيرات الطبيعية عمومًا في المناطق الجبلية ومناطق الصدع والمناطق التي تتعرض للتجلد المستمر.  توجد بحيرات أخرى في الأحواض الداخلية أو على طول الأنهار الناضجة.  في بعض أنحاء العالم ، توجد العديد من البحيرات بسبب أنماط التصريف الفوضوي التي خلفتها العصر الجليدي الأخير.  جميع البحيرات مؤقتة على النطاقات الزمنية الجيولوجية ، حيث إنها ستمتلئ ببطء بالرواسب أو تخرج من الحوض الذي يحتوي عليها.

 العديد من البحيرات مصطنعة ومبنية للاستخدام الصناعي أو الزراعي ، لتوليد الطاقة الكهرومائية أو إمدادات المياه المنزلية ، أو لأغراض جمالية أو ترفيهية أو غيرها من الأنشطة.

 بعد فهم ما نعنيه بحيرات ، سوف نفهم بعض معاني رؤية البحيرة في الأحلام.  البحيرة في الأحلام يمكن أن يكون لها معان إيجابية أو سلبية.  عادة ما تعتمد المعاني التي يجب أن تنسب إلى أحلام البحيرة على محتويات وسياق هذا الحلم.  فيما يلي وثائق تفصيلية لبعض معاني رؤية البحيرات في الحلم كوثيقة من إعداد Babalawo Obanifa

 TI a BA RI ADAGUN OMI إلى KUN FUN EROFO LOJU ALA WA (إذا كنت ترى بحيرة موحلة): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث يرى الحالم بحيرات موحلة في المنام. إذا كنت تحلم ورؤية بحيرة مليئة بالوحل الموحلة.  ماء .  هذا النوع من الحلم هو حلم تحذيري يخبر الحالم أنه / أنها ستواجه المتاعب والقتال في عائلته أو علاقته أو عمله.  إنه حلم تحذير حول سوء فهم وشيك على وشك الحدوث بين مجموعة من الأشخاص أو الأسرة.

 TI A BA N RI ADAGUN OMI LERA-LERA LOJU ALA (إذا كنت تحلم برؤية البحيرات في أحلامك): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث ترى أن البحيرات غالباً ما تراها في حلمك.  رؤية البحيرات في كثير من الأحيان في حلم واحد يعني الركود.

 الشخص الذي يرى البحيرات في كثير من الأحيان في الحلم ، إذا كان هذا الشخص يعاني من الركود المالي في الحياة الحقيقية.

 سوف يحتاج إلى الذهاب وجلب الماء من ثلاث بحيرات مختلفة.

 ثلاثة كويرز (Eyowo meta)

 نعجة داجونرو (أوراق بديل ريباثرا).

 Ose dudu (الصابون الأسود المحلي)

 سوف تقوم بقصفها معًا واستخدامها للاستحمام في النهر المتدفق.

 TI a BA LALA TI A RI SINU OMI ADAGUN (إذا كنت ترى في أحلامك التي تهاجر داخل بحيرة): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث ترى نفسك أنك قد غرقت داخل بحيرة.  هذا النوع من الحلم يدل على التقاضي الوشيك أو الكارثة التي يمكن أن تسبب الكثير من الخسائر المالية أو السجن أو حتى المرض الذي قد يجعل الحالم طريح الفراش لسنوات.  هذا حلم تحذيري بأن هذه الكارثة يمكن تجنبها ويمكن تجنبها إذا كان هذا الحالم يمكن أن يخاطر بغير حساب.  ينطبق نفس التفسير والحل إذا رأيت أحد أفراد عائلتك أو أصدقائك يغرقون في أحلامك.

 TI a BA LALA TI TALA KURO NINU ODO ADAGUN (إذا كنت ترى نفسك تنقذ من البحيرات): في أي نوع من الأحلام حيث ترى نفسك في مأمن من الغرق داخل البحيرة.  إذا رأيت نفسك تسبح خارج البحيرة.  هذا حلم رسالة إيجابية.  هذا النوع من الحلم يدل على أن الحالم سيتغلب على المتاعب والتقاضي أو أي مسائل قانونية.

 TI a BA LALA TI WON JU WA SINU ODO ADAGUN (إذا كنت ترى في أحلامك ، فأنت تندثر في البحيرة): في أي نوع من الحلم يرى الحالم أنه يتم إلقاؤه داخل البحيرة.  هذا حلم تحذير يخبر الحالم أن بعض الأشخاص يخططون بالفعل لوضع هذا الحالم في ورطة بتورطه في المسائل القانونية.

 TI a BA RI OMI ADAGUN إلى KUN FUN EJA (إذا كنت ترى بحيرة مليئة بالأسماك): إذا كنت تحلم وترى الكثير من الأسماك داخل البحيرة.  هذا نوع من الحلم هو إخبار الحالم بأنه / أنها ستنعم بالثروة والممتلكات والكثير من الأرباح في مشروعه التجاري.

 TI a BA LALA RI OMI ADAGUN إلى KUN FUN OKU EJA (إذا كنت ترى بحيرة كاملة من الأسماك الميتة في أحلامك): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث ترى بحيرة مليئة بالأسماك الميتة.  هذا النوع من الحلم يعني خسارة الربح أو فشل العمل.

 إذا كنت تحاول إنشاء أعمال في الوقت الذي يكون لديك فيه هذا النوع من الحلم.  انها تشير إلى مثل هذه الأعمال من المرجح أن يؤدي إلى كارثة.

 حقوق الطبع والنشر: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa ، الهاتف واتس اب الاتصال: +2348166343145 ، موقع إيل إيف أوسون ولاية نيجيريا.

 إشعار هام: فيما يتعلق بالمادة أعلاه ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة ، لا يجوز إعادة إنتاج أو نسخ أي جزء من هذه المادة بأي شكل أو بأي وسيلة ، سواء كانت إلكترونية أو ميكانيكية ، بما في ذلك التصوير والتسجيل أو أي نظام لتخزين المعلومات أو استرجاعها دون إذن كتابي مسبق  من صاحب حقوق الطبع والنشر والمؤلف Babalawo Obanifa ، يعتبر القيام بذلك غير قانوني وسيؤدي إلى عواقب قانونية

Meanings of Lakes Dreams from Different Culture And Spiritualities

The interpretation of the dream «Lake»
Lake — a reflection of conditional love.

Freud’s dream book

If you had a lake, this suggests that in life you are calm and reasonable man. Those of you staying in sex. you're doing it steadily and slowly, stretching as far as possible pleasure. Unfortunately, you have enough at the best at one time. Go for a swim in the lake in a dream - promises you a meeting with a representative of the opposite sex in an unusual place. The situation could not be better to have a familiarity that you safely continue in bed.

Miller’s dream book

If you dream that you are in the company of good friends sailing on the lake, where the water was clean and unruffled, this suggests that in the future you will be happy and rich man - to the extent that it is in your understanding of happiness and wealth.

Lake of dirty water around which lie the bare sullen rocks and withered trees - it's a harbinger of failure of some of your plans. Dirty lake whose banks were beautiful and green, dreaming to what your spirit will overcome your passion and move the energy to look for a reliable and non-hazardous areas of life.

Dreamed lake was clean, but it was visible around pretty sparse vegetation - a dream tells you that frivolous, dissolute behavior will lead to the fact that you will leave with a former well-to-.

The reflection in the clear waters of the lake to the dream of joy and loving friends. The reflection of the state of foliage promises pleasure of love and happiness.

Dreamed inhabitants of the lake - horrible, disgusting, who picked up closer to you and create a threat - it's your future failures and disappointments about the mediocre wasted time, effort, and health, joy of life disappeared, replaced by a bitter sense of belated remorse.

For a young woman's dream in which she was in a filthy, the troubled waters of the lake means that soon she will have to repent in extravagance and disregard of virtue.

I dreamed that the water overwhelmed the boat, but with vigorous strokes the woman managed to reach the pier - it says that now she is influenced by false beliefs, but after get rid of them and reach of honor and respect. Another meaning of this dream - your close can get sick.

For a woman to see the boat in which sat a couple of young people and trying to cope with the elements, with the risk of their lives, which means that each of its first commit reprehensible act, and then he would be able to return her favor.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Danger; sail on the lake - the separation of lovers.

Hasse’s dream book

I dreamed a quiet, sun-lit lake - then your union will be happy; hectic, waves - a dream warns that the love you have plenty of obstacles; Fish  - a dream for the future wicked wife; see the bottom through the water - this dream means that your conscience will be clean.

Esoteric Dream Book

To see a beautiful lake - pure thoughts will bring peace. Deserts, cold - afraid of their emotions. Under their influence can be made a lot of ills. Dried - to tears.

Modern dream book

You discovered in a forest lake dreams to the appearance of the person who will make every effort to come to the end of your well-being.

If you dream that you come to the lake, the reality may become ill.

Clean and calm lake surface dream to measured and calm the flow of your life.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

See how this lake. Calm and clear lake is intuition and inner wisdom. Ripples on the surface of the water may indicate emotional disturbance. Muddy Lake says the emotional stagnation.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Pay attention to the condition of the lake as the water symbolizes emotions. Quiet, clean lake indicates intuition, inner wisdom, emotional balance. Ripples on the surface of the water may indicate emotional disturbance. Muddy Lake says the emotional stagnation. To the ancient Egyptians, was a symbol of the lake occult and mysterious inner worlds. At certain times of year the pr
emotional stagnation. To the ancient Egyptians, was a symbol of the lake occult and mysterious inner worlds. At certain times of year the priests were sent to the lakes in ceremonial processions. In Celtic mythology, Land of the Dead was at the bottom of the lake. Water can be a symbol of the unconscious and the unknown depths of your soul. Mysterious Worlds live in you. Take the trouble to stop and examine their.

Dream book of the Maya

Good znachenieEsli you dream that you are standing on the shore of the lake, now is a good time to start something new. Will bring you good luck jewelry with precious stones. ZnachenieEsli bad you had a dream that you are floating on the lake, in the near future you will cause stabbing. To avoid this, sprinkle a little salt on the knife and the fire-heat. When the salt of the alloy, hide the knife in a dark place.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Lake — the dominance of your mind to it over the opposing forces. Clear Lake, all the strands of which are clearly visible - a life stretched out in front of you / will get the opportunity to soberly judged on their deeds and actions. Stormy lake shore if you see him - a symbol of domination over himself in difficult times. The shores of the lake in the mist darken - the harm, the damage from that, loosened his self-control. From the lake to drink - the process of self-discovery. In his fall - nechayannost. Bloody lake to see - or something more sinister is hiding in you. In the bloody lake swim - danger to life from the hatred / injury or misfortune. A blue mountain lake to see - luckily / possess a good. Gloomy forest lake to see, among the dark rocks - something dangerous lurking in you and can find themselves sorely / did you stop yourself understood. Suddenly, in front of shoaling lake to see - the death of the senses, which formed an important part of your spiritual life. Marshy lake or pond to see - peace or spiritual stagnation.

New family dream book

A young woman, who saw in a dream that she bathed in a muddy lake and troubled, big changes. As if she did not have to repent of his extravagance! If a woman is floating on the lake by boat and reached the pier - it is under the influence of false beliefs, which in the end will overcome. A dream in which you are floating on a calm lake and clean with nice and close friends, promises wealth and happiness. Dirty lake portends a sad end to your plans. Dirty lake with beautiful green banks means that your prudence will prevail over passion. Clear Lake, surrounded by sparse vegetation, can put an end to your well-being, if you do not become more reasonable. If you see my reflection in the clear water of the lake, then you expect joy and loving friends. Foliage  reflected in the surface of the lake, heralds joy, love and happiness.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

If you dream you glide across the calm mirror-like surface of the lake - it's a harbinger of the favorable circumstances of life, happy, full of life's pleasures. This dream promises success in business and a prestigious job and a large close-knit family. Enamored successfully without any hindrance achieve a happy marriage. But if the water of the lake seem muddy and dirty - it promises the grief and anguish of loss that fate will send you a test of your strength of spirit.

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements — earth, water, wood, metal. Elements - the humidity, cold, wind, dryness. Emotions - pensiveness, fear, anger, sadness. Organs - the spleen, kidneys, liver, lungs. The planets - Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus. Lake - it is one of the Chinese philosophy of values ​​trigram Dui (bottom two solid yang features top - one broken yin). yang features - it gives the water a bowl shape and holding her bottom / Hollow Lake. yin broken the bar - it tends to seep through the bottom of the water. Under normal conditions, these processes are balanced: as congestion in the upper waters of the new lake, the old falls away - filtered

Thus, the blow - is the transition of the material of the solid state land to the water amorphous material, the transition from the middle of the summer - the autumn and winter, which corresponds to the close connection with the spleen lungs (autumn) and kidneys (winter). Communication lung and spleen are discussed in the blood from the nose. The ability of the blood to the spleen to transport nutrients throughout the body depends on the yang - the heat of the kidneys, which, in turn, is replenished by nutrients coming from the spleen substances. This is the positive interaction of. When the disease kidney yang heat is not enough, and they do not heat - do not give a warm spleen-yang: there is a yang deficiency in the spleen, which, in turn, leads to a lack of yang in the kidneys. There is a void as the spleen and kidney. The vision of the lake - a middle state between elements spleen (humidity) and the primary element of kidneys (water) can be considered as characteristic of the work of the two bodies in a given season and the season of autumn. Lake / pond in a dream to see / swim / drink water from the lake - water-yin, becoming part of the inner feelings too - yin yang through external perception. Sleep can mean both favorable and unfavorable. See the lake / swim in the clear lake in a dream - favorably: mid-season match of the summer, ready for the next season and in every season - the good condition of the spleen. See / swim / fall in dirty / cold and frightening lake - unfavorably: starting an imbalance between energy qi spleen and kidneys, requiring medical intervention that can capture and intermediate body yin (light) because winter (kidney) does not come forward fall (light ). See parched, beneaped lake - the emptiness of spleen and kidney subsequent void. Crowded water is bottled lake - complete spleen (see. The blood from the nose of the article) and all related pathology yin organs. Wet my feet in the lake is (a feeling) - should be especially worried for kidney.

Dream book of Health

Pure water surface of the lake symbolizes the need of spiritual cleansing; Waves on the surface - the coming of emotion; Turbid water - to disease.

Lunar Dream Book

Lake — a feast, the way.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

For a young woman to dream that she was alone in the dirty waters of the restless lake, foretells many changes: it would soon repent for past extravagance and disregard for virtue.

If the water overflows the boat, but with vigorous rowing, women still reaches the pier - which means that it is under the influence of false beliefs that she eventually change and achieve honor, and respect. This story may also herald a disease of a loved one.

If she is watching a boat in which a young couple risked their lives to cope with the elements - it means that one of her friends and even make improper action, but will be able to regain her favor.

To dream that you are floating on a calm lake and clean with nice and close friends, means that you will find happiness and wealth, match your requirements.

Dirty lake surrounded by bare rocks and gloomy dry trees, portends a sad end to your plans.

Dirty lake with beautiful green banks - portends that the moral force of your nature will prevail over passion, paying your, energy in search of a safe and reliable way.

If the lake is clear and is surrounded by sparse vegetation - it means that your comfortable existence would collapse under the pressure of dissolute actions.

See his reflection in the clear water of the lake - foreshadows what awaits you joy and loving friends.

See the foliage reflected in a mirror of water - heralds joy, pleasure, love and happiness.

See slippery and eerie inhabitants of the lake, walking up and threaten you mean failure and frustration from wasted wasted time, energy and health. The joy of life will expire the last straw and you drink bitter wine belated remorse.

Dream book of lovers

The woman, who had a dream lake with dirty water, will soon repent of having committed a reckless and thoughtless actions that threaten her happiness.

If you dream that you are floating on a calm lake, it foretells happiness and love. Trees reflecting in the water of the lake, enjoying portend love and harmony in the family.


To see a lake in your dream, signifies your emotional state of mind. You feel restricted or that you are unable to express your emotions freely. Alternatively, the lake may provide you with solace, security, and peace of mind. If the lake is clear and calm, then it symbolize your inner peace. If the lake is disturbed, then you may be going through some emotional turmoil.

Nostradamus’s dream book

Dreaming of a specific body of water such as a lake must be analyzed according to its setting and the entire contents of the dream and much like dreaming of water in general, the clearness of the lake also has to do with the omen or situation it refers to. Clear water being the best. To dream of being in a boat on a calm, serene lake shows that you have much peace and happiness coming your way. If the lake is storm tossed then your life will take a turn for an emotional upheaval and possible losses. Seeing a lake in a glen with sunshine sparkling on the surface portends great good luck in all your endeavors.

Dream book of Vanga

Observing peacefully: Your emotions are under control and you know it. Drowning in it: You have lost control of your emotions. Wading of swimming: A sense of spiritual peace surrounds you.


For a young woman to dream that she was alone in the dirty waters of the restless lakes, portends a lot of changes: soon she will repent of past folly and neglect of virtue. If water overflows boat, but vigorously rowing, women still reaches the pier - which means that it is under the influence of false beliefs that she eventually will change and will do honor and respect. This story could also herald disease someone from the family. If she watches the boat in which the young couple, risking their lives, cope with the elements - it means that one of her friends and even make unseemly act, however, will be able to return her favor. see in a dream that you are floating on the lake clean and quiet with nice and close friends, means that you will find happiness and wealth, match your requirements. dirty lake surrounded by bare rocks and dry sullen trees, portends a sad end to your plans. dirty lake with a beautiful green banks - portends that the moral strength of your nature will prevail over passion, your drawing, the energy in search of a safe and reliable way. If the lake is clean and surrounded by sparse vegetation - it means that your secure existence would collapse under the onslaught of dissolute behavior. see your reflection in the clear water of the lake - foreshadows what awaits you joy and loving friends. See foliage reflected in a mirror Water - heralds of joy, delight and happiness of love. See slippery and creepy inhabitants of the lake, approaching and threatening you mean setbacks and disappointments of wasted wasted time, energy and health. The joy of life will expire the last straw, and you will drink the bitter wine belated remorse. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about lake

For a young woman sleeping in which she floats in the murky lake volatile, meaning that it will have bitter remorse for his frivolous behavior. Sail on the lake in a boat, which gradually filled with water, but in spite of everything to reach the coast, means that you are wrong in any fundamental point, but soon leave to the true path. Seeing that with you managed to save someone else, means that some of your friends make a noble act, but later it will be able to justify to you. Muddy, surrounded by bare rocks and dead trees Lake unlucky dream to forecast in business and love. Turbid lake in the shade of green trees means that you will have a

Miller’s dream book

For a young woman to dream that she was alone in the dirty waters of the restless lakes, it portends a lot of changes: soon she will repent Humor in the past and neglect of virtue. If the water overflows the boat, but vigorously rowing, women still reaches the pier - which means that it is under the influence of false beliefs that she eventually will change and will do honor and respect. This story may also herald disease someone from relatives. When she watches the boat in which the young couple, risking their lives, cope with the elements - it means that one of her friends and even make unseemly act, however, will be able to return her favor. To dream that you are floating on the lake clean and quiet with nice and close friends, it means that you will find happiness and wealth corresponding to your requirements. Dirty lake surrounded by bare rocks and dry sullen trees, portends a sad end to your plans. Dirty lake with a beautiful green banks - portends that the moral strength of your nature will prevail over passion, your drawing, the energy in search of a safe and reliable way. If the lake is clean and surrounded by sparse vegetation - it means that your secure existence would collapse under the onslaught of dissolute behavior. See your reflection in the clear water of the lake - foreshadows what awaits you joy and loving friends. See foliage reflected in a mirror of water - heralds the joy, the pleasure of love and happiness. See slippery and creepy inhabitants of the lake, approaching and threatening you mean setbacks and disappointments of wasted wasted time, energy and health. The joy of life will expire the last straw, and you drink bitter wine belated remorse.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Clear — gay life; dirty - damage failure; catch a fish in it - will have a wicked woman; see through the bottom of the water - have a clear conscience; quiet, sunlit - happy union; waves - many obstacles in love.

Ukrainian Dream Book

Dreaming of a lake - a danger float lake - parting lovers. Dreaming of a lake, swim in the clear water -Health.

Dream Dictionary Meaning For Lake
When you dream of a lake, as with most symbols, consider also the setting around it. In your dream, are you in or watching a group of people having an enjoyable time at a lake such as swimming or playing, or are you alone or with a few others on a boat in the middle of the lake during a storm? The former can represent a need for more play and relaxation in your life, while the latter points to more emotionally unclear situations in your waking life that need to be settled. Consider also the quality of the water and of the day in your dream. If the sun is shining and the water is clear, the "setting" of the dream is much more promising, (and points to a generally more comfortable waking life) than if in the dream the sky is cloudy or rainy and the water seems dark and murky. Murky water and cloudy skies can point to a waking situation/feeling that needs to be faced and worked through. This situation will tend to be confusing, but ignoring it will not make it go away. All in all the symbol of a lake in a dream is a good sign that either things are going very well…or you are getting close to make any changes which might be needed to clarify and improve your waking life. Consider also the people which appear in the dream with you and how you feel about them in your waking life.

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Seeing a lake in a dream signifies that there is a stage in your life where unexpected events continue to occur.

This dream also provides the opportunity to appreciate and understand yourself better. The lake symbolizes your inner world of feelings, your imagination and other inner resources that you must know how to tap into. A dirty lake indicates thoughts that are impure and not good for you, whereas a lake with clear water suggests that your thoughts and fears have been cleared.

In your dream you may have…

You see a lake.
You swim in a lake.
A big lake.
A small lake.
A deep lake.
A blue lake.
A lake with dirty water.
A lake with ducks.
You fish in a lake.
Positive changes are afoot if...

Your dream felt good and you had a good experience.
The outcome of the dream was good.
The weather was pleasant, spring-like.
Stay put about possible dangers.
Control your emotions.
Detailed dream interpretation

Dreaming of a lake is associated with holding back emotions and feelings. The question you should ask yourself is what feelings you should preserve more. Spiritually speaking, a lake symbolizes the collective unconscious with strong references to the personal unconscious. Dreaming of a calm lake portends quite times ahead.

A big lake with pure color waters is the sign of a good future and happy acquaintances, as well as some peace and quiet ahead. If the water is agitated, this portends disturbances ahead. Dreaming of yourself fishing in a lake it means you do not take advantage of opportunities, but also that you might fall in love. Swimming in a lake suggests that someone is observing you, and that you might make new friends. Seeing yourself on the shore of a lake it means you are content and happy.

A lake is an important dream to interpret because this relates to emotional stability. The dream is often associated with other factors that need to be interpreted separately. The lake generally implies there is a possibility that you have emotions you wish to discover. A lake can also be associated with a variety of different circumstances and images within your dream, so it is important to interpret this separately.

This dream could also mean you are likely to be aware of problems in the future, it highlights that it is important to subconsciously push things into various positive directions. If the water in the lake is agitated, it means life is moving too quickly for you. If you can see the lake is huge, this symbolizes that great changes are on the horizon. If the lake is deep in nature, it means that you have a fear of deep emotional situations. Lakes in dreams generally signify an emotion and energy in which you have taken to yourself. A small lake represents how you live your life. This dream will be dependent upon your attitude to whether see life as a large lake.

There are many ways to improve your life after dreams containing a lake. It is impossible to interpret every situation. However I have detailed the main interpretation points above.

Entering the lake generally represents that you monitor and do things important to you in life.
If you are actually on the lake, this usually represents a decision or even lack of a decisive action.

Going down in a lake generally indicates your strength in a situation, but if you are swimming this suggests a fresh start in your life.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of lake.

Surprised. Amazed. Curious. Enjoying. Scared. Worried. Surprised. Content. Anxious. Thankful. Admiring.


A man dreams of the lake with a lot of water indicates that he will have more domestic animals.
A woman dreams of the lake with a lot of water indicates that she will be healthy and have many children.

Dreaming of the dry lake indicates that you will encounter A famine and be possessed by the demon of disease.
Dreaming of the shallow lake indicates a disaster.
Dreaming of the deep lake indicates that you will defeat the enemy.
A person who leaves home dreams of the lake filled with water indicates that the dreamer will make a fortune and return in triumph.

A businessman dreams of the lake filled with water indicates that he will make a big fortune.
Dreaming of irrigating water into the lake indicates that you will be loved by the people.

Dreaming of discharging water of the lake indicates that you will will be worried about the family's illness for long time.
Dreaming of swimming in the lake indicates that you will live from hand to mouth.
Dreaming of sinking into the lake indicates loss and illness.
Dreaming of dredging from the lake indicates that you will inherit property。
A woman dreams of swimming in the lake indicates that she will marry a considerate husband.

A man dreams of swimming in the lake indicates that he will marry a good wife.
Dreaming of the lake with a lot of water indicates success.
Dreaming of the odorous lake indicates illness.
Dreaming of swimming in the lake indicates business depression.
Dreaming of rowing in a pond or lake indicates good luck for draw.
Dreaming of having a picnic at the lake on a cloudy day indicates a peaceful and happy life.

The meaning of the dream symbol: Lake

Added: 3 September
Lake dreams represent your nature and behavior. These dreams also signify your thoughts, running emotions and fears (if any). We all go through a certain uneasy situation in life and this is the time when people dream of lake.
Let's find out what they mean in your dreams.
Lake is a part of our unconscious mind and constant fears. It symbolizes future happiness or future troubles. For instance, stormy waves moving in the lake is a sign of family disagreements and ego clashes. On the other side, dreaming of a lake with calm water is a sign of peace and harmony in life.
Fishing in dream is a sign of falling in love or the desire to fall in love. Similarly, a dream in which people see themselves diving in the lake indicates that they wish to fall in life and also strive for peace.
Walking near the lake in dreams is a sign that you are thinking to make a new decision in life. This is mainly related to your personal life. It is important to remember the surrounding and supporting things around the lake in your dream. For instance, green trees surrounding the lake are a sign that you will feel fresh, peaceful and energetic for the next few days. On the other side, trees with no leaves around the lake are a sign that you will overcome your difficulties with lot of struggle in life

Most Common Lake Dreams:
Clear lake water: To dream about clear lake water is a sign that you will have loyal friends in life and enjoy a peaceful time with them. This is also a sign that joyful times are indicated with friends.
Dirty lake water: Dirty lake water in dream is a symbol of misfortune. It also means that you are unclear about your decisions in life. This is just a sign though and changing the things in real life is completely up to you.
Fish in lake water: Fish in lake water is a sign of danger and also an indication that you may get a wrong partner. Be careful of the proposals that you may receive before committing in a relation. The dreamer is soon to enjoy the fruits of his past labours. Positive developments in his life can be expected.
Lake Dream Meaning and Interpretations  13
Lake Dream Symbol – Dreaming of a lake can mean soon unexpected events will cross your path. A lake represents your emotions, innermost feelings, your imagination and creativity. This sort of dream can symbolize repressed feelings. You need to get these out to deal with them so you can move on.

A dirty lake can mean you may be depressed. Do you think dark thoughts? Is your outlook on the world negative rather than positive? You may need to seek help to find the light. A calm lake is a sign there is peace and quiet coming into your life.

A large lake with bright colored water symbolizes quiet times ahead. It also means you have a bright future, and will make a lot of friends and acquaintances. Fishing in a lake can mean you will meet your soul mate, but it can warn you let opportunities slip away. You may need to be more proactive in what you want to achieve. Being on the lake’s shore can mean you have a happy, content life. Swimming in the lake is a sign of new friends entering your life. There could be new beginnings on the way.

Lake dreams can refer to emotional stability. You need to interpret the other things highlighted in the dream to get greater insight into what it all means. Choppy water in a lake can indicate life is moving too quickly. Are you having trouble keeping up? A really big lake in a dream can mean there are positive changes coming. A deep lake can symbolize a fear of getting too deeply emotionally involved. Is this you? Do you fear becoming too close to others
Dreaming of going into a lake is a sign you are organized and usually keep track of what is important in your life. Being on the lake in a boat represents a decision you make or one that you avoid. This may be important so you need to take decisive action. Diving into a lake is a sign you have the strength to deal with obstacles that cross your path.

The lake is similar to the lagoon in that it represents a worry free environment in which to enjoy yourself. Dreaming about a lake typically is reminiscent of vacationing and taking time off from the burdensome worries of everyday life. If you see yourself swimming in a lake in your dreams it symbolizes a rebirth of old ideas and pleasures. Try revisiting some of your past hobbies and you will be surprised to find that they still have much more to offer you.

Note* If you have had a dream related to this dream symbol or would like to add something that is related to this topic please leave comment below. Comments are a great way to interact with others who are dreaming about similar topics.


To dream of a lake represents negative situations or uncertainty in your life with solutions you are aware of, but not currently choosing. The land surrounding the lake visible to you reflects answers or safe harbor that you are aware of.

To dream of a lake with trees around it may reflect feelings about difficult solutions to your problems that you do't like because they will leave you feeling confused. Accepting a difficult solution that leaves you feeling confused about the future. Solving your problems with a situation that gives you different problems.

Like any body of water in a dream, the size and condition of the water reflects your emotional state.

Negatively, a lake in a dream may reflect feeling of impatience with answers to problems you know are true. It may also reflect difficulty controlling yourself when you know better. Unpleasant obvious answers that you don't like accepting as the solution to current problems.

Difficulty controlling spending or staying away from someone because it's in your best interest when you don't like it. Feeling like a loser having to stop doing something. Knowing what the answer is to a problem or uncertain situation and not caring about it.

Example: A man dreamed of sitting in front of a lake. In waking life he was told by a women he was desperately in love with to back off and wait until her divorce was over to contact her (she was in a very devout Muslim community). He had problems doing respect this because he loved her too much. The lake in this case may have reflected his awareness of the solution to his relationship problem being the need to temporarily stay away from the women he loved for a short while and not liking it at all.

Example 2: A man dreamed of flying dangerously in the sky and then landing on the ground beside a lake. In waking life he received a large sum of money that he became enjoying spending to the point of draining his funds very low. He began to think about having to curtail his spending to conserve his financial stability, but didn't like it as he enjoyed how easily spending money made his life feel. The lake in this case may have reflected his feeling about his financial uncertainty having an obvious solution which was to stop spending when he didn't like it.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of walking on a lake with colorful fish in it. In waking life she was very happy and confident that a fertility treatment would help her to get pregnant, but she wasn't bothering to book an appointment to secure the pregnancy. The lake may have reflected her uncertain feelings about the possibility of getting pregnant while knowing that the fertility treatment was a solution to her problem that she was ignoring.

Dream Meaning of Lake

To see a lake in your dream may represent that you will help your family and friends, celebrate your achievement with your friends, be a hope with your gains for many people.

To see a clean and bright lake in your dream denotes that you will share your profits with your friends.

A dirty and blurred lake in your dream may represent that you will be a property owner and benefit people around you. You will hide your profits for yourself selfishly. It also means that there is a woman who benefits you and whose financial status is good.

To see of falling into lake in your dream denotes money which you will get coincidentally. To dream that you jump into a lake may represent that a risk will be concluded as you want.

To see that you drown in a lake in your dream may represent that you won’t make do with your gains and you will stick your chin out for more gain and raise your jobs. If you see a person who drowns in your dream, this dream denotes a friend which you will sacrifice for your self interest.

To see fish in a lake refers to chance and fortune. (Look at fish)

To dream that the lake is dried means that dangers in your job will disappear suddenly, problems in your relationship will finish, a person who makes you demoralize will go from your life.

To see a lake in the middle of a desert in your dream may represent that you will get the best of a bad issue because of this, you will be blamed unfairly.

Interpretation of a dream about lake

If you saw a lake in your dream, this image represents the person’s emotional state and the presence of external barriers affecting the fulfilling of your plans.

If the lake in your dream was clean, this means calm emotional state. The Modern dreambook is telling about being ready to take responsibility and move to the next stage.

You should pay attention to the dream where you can see the water pretty well. If you had a dream about a lake with clean and calm water, this means confidence in the future and easy overcoming of obstacles.

If you were bathing in the lake, this is a sign that you need to take into consideration all the risks before taking a decision.

If you were swimming in a lake in a dream, then you need to expect the emergence of new plans and imminent inevitable changes, the result of which shows the state of the water. If the water was dirty and muddy, then the plan will end badly; if the water is clean, everything will work out.
If you managed to swim across the lake in a dream, this means that the nearest plans will soon begin to be fulfilled.

If you were watching a lake with fish  swimming in it, you can expect success at work and recognition from your boss.

Fishing in a lake in a dream, shown your wish to get acquainted with a definite person or marry her; but this person will disappoint you as a result.

A dream about a dirty lake is a warning about some danger.

If you saw a muddy lake and its shores were green, the dreambook predicts many trials, fears and humiliations that will eventually lead to prosperity. Muddy estuary with rocky land  reflects the inability to make important decisions independently. Rough waters in a reservoir predict big changes.

Miller’s dreambook states that a person can see a lake in his dream before significant life changes.

If a woman sees dirty and restless lake in her dream, this image predicts a bitter remorse about her frivolous behavior in the past.

If you dreamed that the lake waters overflowed aboard your boat, then you will finally reach the goal that you set. The dream can also mean that you are overwhelmed by false ideas and thoughts, but you will get rid of them later.

Seeing your reflection in the clear lake  waters predicts finding loving and faithful friends.

If you saw the lake’s shores this is a symbol that you will be able to solve the problems. Green plants on the shores are a symbol of new opportunities. A swampy shore predicts that you can get stuck in problems and troubles. Rocky land is a sign of losing self-control and necessity to restore energy.

A dream about a lake in the forest is a symbol of your wonderful intuition and you should rely on it when the situation requires.

The Eastern dreambook predicts that salty waters of the lake are a sign that you need to relax, take a rest and change your thoughts to something else. Problems at home and at work should be solved with fresh mind and under new impressions.

A frozen lake seen in a dream is a sign that the relations with your partner are stuck and need to be revived.

Dreaming of Water: What Does It Really Mean?
Updated on June 6, 2019

Sue B.  more
Sue has been an online writer for over eight years. She is a mother, social worker, writer, and dream interpreter.
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Water is one of the most common and powerful dream symbols, and it's no wonder, considering how essential it is to life. Although we can't live without it, water is also mysterious, dangerous, and destructive. Bodies of water are places we cannot live.

What Do Dreams About Water Mean?

In general, water represents the unconscious, the place our minds go and the thoughts we have when we're not paying attention. If you are underwater in your dream, this might indicate feeling drowned, overwhelmed, or swallowed up by unconscious thoughts, emotions, urges, or memories.
In dreams, water is often associated with emotions and their expression. The surface of the water represents the dividing line between the consciousness and the unconscious. The type, shape, motion, and other characteristics of the dreamed water express the dreamer's conscious or unconscious emotions.
Water can also represent maternity, those primal feelings associated with our mothers or our desire to become a mother. Water can be associated with the womb, the very beginning of life, the primordial soup, or to our connection to maternal figures, the earth, God, or conception/pregnancy.
Finally, water can relate to spirituality and spiritual or religious beliefs.
How Do I Interpret My Dream About Water?

Water, as most symbols, can have both negative and positive meanings in dreams. It is important to consider the following to help you analyze and asses your particular dream's meaning.

What to Consider When You Have a Dream of Water
The cleanliness of the water: Is it clear and pure or polluted and murky?
The depth of the water: Is it shallow or deep?
The quality of water: Is it transparent or opaque, warm or cold, peaceful or ominous?
The motion of the water: is it still, rolling, flowing smoothly, or turbulent and choppy?
The quantity of water: Is there a drought, or is there too much water flooding the dream?

Dreaming of Oceans

Oceans can represent the state of your emotions and limitlessness of the unconscious and spirit. Oceans are often associated with tranquility, meditation, and retreat, but they're also subject to powerful forces of nature that we can't control.

The shoreline might indicate the edge of a dreamer's conscious mind, the division between what is known and seen and what is hidden. Being tossed by waves or set adrift in an ocean may reflect feelings of impotence or loneliness.

This dream symbol can have both negative and positive meanings. On one hand, the ocean may represent something larger than ourselves that we respect, are in awe of, or appreciate, something we go with the flow with as we sail through our life's journey. On the other hand, oceans can be overwhelming and rough. We are no match for the ocean and are unable to control it.

Are you going with the flow or drifting aimlessly?

Dreams of Waves, Tidal Waves, and Tsunamis

As with most symbols, waves can have both negative and positive meanings.

Riding a wave is a positive representation of effectively managing emotions and difficult challenges in life. This may represent the dreamer's ability to go with the flow at times and act decisively and deliberately to work with circumstances at hand. This type of flexibility allows the dreamer to surpass obstacles and achieve goals.
Creating or making a wave demonstrates the dreamer's ability to control emotions, thoughts, and behavior and use creativity and their own personal power/choices to shape the circumstances around them.
Tidal waves and tsunamis tend to relate to emotions that are overwhelming and threatening the dreamer. These emotions may relate to a real situation that is troubling the individual (financial troubles, for example) or the dreamer's perception of their place in life and negative anticipation of future events. When emotions and issues are repressed and avoided, they push back until they are acknowledged by the dreamer. Problems often grow and become overwhelming when ignored for too long.
Emotions represented within floods and waves are often layered. The wave may have begun with negative and dark emotions that were compounded with the dreamer's feelings about their feelings and the expression of these feelings. This type of dream may indicate to the dreamer a need to address the anxiety and fears associated with addressing the deeper emotions that have been avoided over time.
River Dreams

Similar to roads, rivers often represent your life's journey and your emotional, psychological, and spiritual state that is either supporting your journey or hindering your progress.

Are you going with the flow and trusting nature or a higher power to influence the direction of your life, or are you being passive and directionless?
Raging or muddy rivers often reflect emotional turmoil. Clear and calm rivers often reflect inner peace, balance, and harmony, a person who is not over-controlling or under-controlling, and positive feelings of joy and happiness in general.
Crossing a river may represent overcoming an obstacle or moving from one stage to another.
Often, the river represents the flow or direction of the dreamer's life. | Source
Dreams of Waterfalls

Waterfalls often relate to a great release of emotion, rejuvenation, and renewal of spirit.
Waterfalls can also have sexual connotations.
If the waterfall was negative, it could relate to feelings of overwhelm (if the dreamer was pinned at the bottom of the waterfall, for instance) or fears of "taking the plunge" or falling/losing control (if the dreamer was being conveyed over the waterfall).
Dreams of Pools

Pools often relate to relaxation and enjoyment associated with summer, spending time with family or friends, and vacation, but they can also have deeper meanings.

Since they are manmade, they can represent the compartment we have built to hold our emotions. Seeing a pool may represent your need to get in touch with and gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of these feelings.
An empty pool may represent feeling numb, drained, and without emotions. Although not always, many individuals with substance abuse issues report dreaming of empty pools. Perhaps escaping emotions and coming down from a high leave the dreamer feeling empty and void of all emotion.
Dreaming of Ponds

Ponds are often associated with tranquility, stillness, the need to sit quietly with oneself and reflect, and being emotionally calm in general.

Although ponds contain emotion, they are natural bodies of water and often represent the quiet, tucked-away emotions and unconscious self that has been present all along but not yet fully explored.

Ponds typically contain a lot of life. It may be beneficial to explore what creatures are contained in the pond. Are these plants or animals natural to the pond? Are these plants or animals thriving or dying? The qualities of the life surrounding the pond may give you further insight into your current emotional state

Dreams of Faucets and Drains

A faucet often represents the dreamer's ability to control the expression of his/her feelings.

If you dreamed of a faucet, do you find you are able to turn your emotions on and off easily, or do you yearn for that kind of emotional control?
Dreaming of a faucet you cannot control could mean you are attempting to over-control your emotions and are feeling overwhelmed. Your feelings cannot be completely contained and will gush through whatever barriers you have put up.
Dreaming of water that is too hot could relate to "hot" emotions such as anger or passion. Dreaming of water that is too cold could relate to "cold" emotions such as depression, sadness, lack of love, and difficulty being in touch with your emotions.
A leaky faucet could relate to an indicator that something within you needs some maintenance or attention. It could mean your regulation of your emotions is not in is best shape and you need to review where you are putting your energy.
If you are focused on the drain, perhaps you are feeling drained by your own decisions or by others.
Dreams of a Bathtub or Shower

Bathing often relates to self-renewal, cleansing, and shedding the past burdens, stress, and emotional residue of a situation.

Seeing a bathtub or shower in a dream may indicate the need to relax, take a break, and take care of emotional and/or spiritual concerns.

Bubble baths may indicate a need to pamper yourself and find time to relax. If you associate bubble baths with your youth, the dream may relate to a need to honor your inner child and make time for the little things that make you happy and carefree.

Rain Dreams

Rain dreams can be negative as well as positive. Although rain could be a symbol of depression, sadness, and shedding tears, it could also relate to grace from God (or a higher power) and forgiveness.

Rain may indicate a great, cleansing release of emotions. Dreaming of rain may allow you to shed symbolic tears.
If the dreamer gets wet, it could be a symbol of cleansing and becoming more in touch with a greater purpose and emotions/spiritual thoughts that were always there waiting to be discovered or rediscovered.
If you are a movie buff, rain may relate to a turning point in your life since it often rains during movies at a significant turning point

Dreams of Lakes

Lakes are similar to ponds in that they are natural (usually) and can be a place of peace of mind but may also reveal the dreamer's lack of an emotional outlet. Lakes are larger than ponds and tend not to carry a meaning of solitude the way a pond does.
As with all water dreams, the quality of the water and the overall context of the scene is important. A lake may represent the emotional state of the dreamer. Turbulent water tends to mean emotional turmoil.
As with all symbols, lakes can refer to something very personal to the dreamer. It is worthwhile to explore your experience with lakes. Perhaps this was a place you would vacation with family when you were younger for instance. In this case, the lake could represent fond childhood memories or a retreat to the security of the past.
Dreaming of a jetty or pier in a lake could represent self-reflection into the unconscious leading to emotional and spiritual growth.
Stream Dreams

Streams can represent the flow of emotions for many dreamers. Streams can also represent new and inspiring thoughts or ideas. A stream may indicate to a dreamer that thoughts are spontaneous, free flowing, and not over-thought.

Since streams are smaller than rivers, they may give a gentle, slow feel to the dream. In most dreams, the stream ends up relating to a little hint or a spark of something significant that can grow and develop over time for the dreamer.

A bridge over a stream may mean you are making an emotional transition. Are you attempting to avoid your feelings or are you overcoming an emotional issue?

Dreams of Floods

Floods can be damaging. In dreams, they tend to relate to emotional pain, devastation, and feelings of overwhelm.

Floods can have many different characteristics within a dream. It is important to explore if this was a biblical kind of flood (destroying your world and starting over), a slow flood, or the looming threat of a flood.
Threats of devastation that do not actually materialize in the dream relate to excess worry, fears, and negative thinking. This aspect of a dream may be most helpful to the dreamer because what needs to be addressed (negative thought patterns) is in the dreamer's control.
Some dream dictionaries will tell you a flood relates to pent-up sexual desires. This is a narrow interpretation of this significant symbol since sexual feelings are just one of the many feelings that may overwhelm and we may repress or experience in a rush or in which we may feel swept away. In general, feelings need to be expressed and acknowledged in some way. When they are ignored or repressed, tension builds up. Eventually, the feelings overwhelm and flood, forcing the person to express them one way or another.
This inner dynamic and struggle between over-controlling and being controlled by the emotions is not a healthy one. Emotional well-being is achieved when we find a balance in which we regulate emotions steadily instead of blocking them or being overtaken by them. Floods tend to tell us we lack harmony between our mind, emotions, body, and spirit.

Puddles in Dreams

Puddles often represent the emotions we have overlooked. They can be minor although they may develop into something bigger the dreamer will need to address down the road.

The location of the dreams may be significant to the meaning. For example, dreaming of walking down a path and encountering a puddle so large you would need to either turn around or walk through may indicate that in order to proceed forward–the dreamer will need to process the emotion.

Dreams of Aquifers or Underground Pools

Since aquifers are an underground layer of water, they often relate to the unconscious and unconscious emotions.
Although not visible, these unconscious aspects of self are present and may influence the emotional terrain of the dreamer.
Dreams of aquifers can be very positive. Since aquifers are often the source of water levels within other bodies of water, the dreamer may be exploring the core issue or underlying cause of emotional distress.
Discovering an underground pool might be like finding a deep and untapped part of yourself.
Dams in Dreams

Dams are a rather direct symbol indicating the dreamer is repressing emotions that need to be expressed. This is not natural and cannot be sustained. If it continues over time, the dam will eventually burst because the repression, avoidance, and compartmentalizing of emotions is not an effective way to manage them. This method of emotional regulation often backfires for the dreamer. If you dream of a dam, you might take some time to reflect about what you're avoiding and holding in.

Dreaming of a Hose or a Sprinkler

Do you feel like you are being "hosed" in a situation?

Hoses and sprinklers can relate to how the dreamer is directing emotion. Where is the dreamer directing his or her emotions? Is it appropriate or displaced?

Tears in Dreams

Tears in general relate to positive and healthy expressions of emotion that have allowed the dreamer to grow from a psychological and spiritual standpoint. Depending upon the context, tears can also indicate pain, compassion, release, or healing.

The symbol of a teardrop may relate to the wisdom the dreamer has gained through a tough and emotionally-challenging experience.

Sweat in Dreams

Sweat can relate to the need for hard work in order to achieve one's goals. It can also indicate to the dreamer the need to cool down. Sweat may relate to specific emotions such as anxiety, nervousness, and frantic worry.

Dreams of Sewage

This dream often represents the lowest of the low emotions. Sewage can relate to the emotions that have been discarded and disowned because the dreamer perceived them as vile and shameful. Sewage can also relate to the dreamer having low self-esteem and not valuing their life, their emotions, and/or their spirit.

Sewage can show the dreamer that unattended and unexpressed emotions are festering inside and becoming toxic.

What about you?

What Kind of Water Do You Dream?

Aquifer or underground pool
Bath or shower
Wave or tsunami
Tears or sweat
Hose or sprinkler

Questions About Leaks, Flooded Houses, Being Trapped Under Water, and Underwater Creatures

What does it mean when you dream of a water leak?
In this dream the water might represent emotions or it might also represent resources in general. If the vessel to hold the water isn't working and water is spilling, leaking, or getting lost, it may indicate feelings of impotence, lack of control, waste, and loss.

What does it mean if you dream about water flooding your house?
We all like to count on our homes to be safe living spaces. If you dream about your home being swallowed by water, it may indicate feeling endangered or threatened. Again, the water might also represent emotions and point to recent overwhelming emotional changes at home.

What if you dream of being trapped or living underwater?
People often dream of being underwater. Sometimes it's an anxious feeling, but other times, it's not. In dreams like this, it's not the amount of water to notice, it's how it makes you feel and what it might represent. Have you been enclosed or submerged in something new? Can you survive or even thrive in an unnatural setting?

What if the water is full of fish, whales, jellyfish, or other slippery creatures?
If the water represents your emotions or your unconscious thoughts, then finding it full of sneaky, slippery, squirming things with teeth can be quite unnerving. Your unconscious mind might be trying to draw your attention to the hidden threats or fears you're facing inside yourself.

What does it mean if you dream of a shark tank?
The underwater creatures might represent dangerous or threatening people or emotions in your life.

Religious Interpretations of Water

Without water, there is no life. Its significance to humans and the earth is often found in religious texts. The dreamer's beliefs and exposure to different religious practices may impact the dreamer's unique personal symbolism of water.

Water is often used for cleansing and purification, both physical and spiritual. It washes away impurities and can make something look brand new.

Water also has the power to destroy. Many cultures share flood stories and parables. Water is a force that is respected for both its power to destroy and create.

Buddhist Perspective
Water is used during Buddhist funerals. Dreaming of water may relate to someone's passing or the concept of death.

Christian Perspective
Water is used in many Christian rituals. Dreaming of water may relate to baptism and could be interpreted as liberation from sin and cleansing of the soul.

Hindu Perspective
In Hinduism, water is believed to possess spiritually cleansing power. Hindus regard water as sacred. Many places of worship or holy lands are found close to water, especially where two bodies of water meet. Water is used in rituals during funerals and is an essential element in daily worship.

Islamic Perspective
Water is used ritualistically in Islam as a means to cleanse and purify. Muslims cleanse themselves with water before they approach God.

Jewish Perspective
In Judiaism, water is used for ritualistic cleansing to maintain purity. There is an emphasis on "living water" i.e. water from oceans, rivers, streams, etc. Water can relate to the great flood, parting of the Red Sea, or mikveh. A mikveh is a ritualistic bath used after someone has contact with a corpse or menstruation.

Shinto Perspective
Water is present during Shinto rituals for the purpose of purification. Waterfalls are especially significant for purification.

Water Dreams: Positive or Negative?

In your dreams, is water a positive or negative symbol?

Both or I'm not sure.

Water – What Does It Mean?
Dream of Water – What Does It Mean?
by Aya Hajime 192 Comments

Water is the basis of life. Our bodies consist of mostly water, we need water to survive, the animals and plants around us need water to survive, which is why water is such a strong and commonly recurring symbol in our dreams.

Water is used to bless, renew, and purify. However, water can also be used to torture and kill. Water can be peaceful and life-giving, or it can be powerful, over-whelming, and dangerous.

Lying in a calm pool of water can be restful to our body and soul.
Riding on a wave of water can be exhilarating and exciting.

Falling into a deep ocean of water can be dark, directionless, and full of unknown terrors.
When we cannot properly express our emotions during the day, they may take form in our dreams at night. Therefore, finding the meaning of our dreams, will help us understand ourselves better, as well as improve our emotional and physical well-being.

To find the deeper meaning of our dream about water, we need to look at the details of our dream, within the context of what is currently happening in our life.

Dreams about water can have many different interpretations depending on –

How we interact with the water.
How we feel during and after the dream.
What type of water appears in our dream. A clear ocean, a fast moving river, a swampland, a swimming pool, or a lake, will all have different associated meanings.
What objects and people are in the water dream.
1. How we interact with the water

There are many ways with which we can interact with water. Different actions, have different purposes and effect, and therefore a different meaning.

Positive interactions –

Swimming in water indicates that we have a new goal or destination that we are moving toward. We could be finding a new direction in life, starting school, moving, or changing jobs. Swimming with the current, shows that our journey is going well, and we are happy and confident with our circumstances. Swimming against the current, signals that we are having difficulties and have to work hard to move forward. Being carried away by the current, suggests that the journey is too challenging, and we are no longer sure that we can reach our goals. In this case, we may want to re-evaluate our future and current actions.
Diving into water can signify a need to delve into our own emotions, needs, actions, and inner psyche. Alternatively, we may be trying to understand the goals and intentions of someone close to us, or how to solve a current work issue.
Crossing a body of water captures a yearning for freedom, independence, and change. We are moving from what was known and safe, to what is new and not constrained by old rules and old doubts.
Playing or frolicking in water signals the awakening of a new love or a new passion. We could be looking forward to a new relationship, a new work project, or learning a new skill.
Walking on water suggests that we are in control and are confident that we can face whatever challenges are currently in our life.
Listening to water shows a need for reflection, and to be at peace with our emotions.
Pouring water on someone else may mean that we are helping a friend recover, helping her embark on a new journey, or offering her new opportunities and blessings.
Drinking water from a water fountain, cooler, spring, or other nourishing source, suggests that we are seeking to be refreshed and renewed. On the other hand, drinking dirty water implies a fear of getting sick, continuing sickness, or some other contamination of the body and mind.

Negative interactions –

Drowning, rising water, or being swallowed up by a stormy sea indicates anxiety, dread, or a feeling of being overwhelmed by external forces. We could be experiencing a lot of stress from work, from our friends and relatives, or from our current environment and circumstance. We may have lost our job, lost someone we love, and may feel that we no longer have control of our emotions or our life.
Breathing under water suggests a wish to return to the womb, in particular, a need for safety, security, and freedom from responsibilities. We may be facing difficult issues in life and be overburdened by commitments, therefore we are looking to return to a simpler and safer place.

Bailing out water is a signal of future troubles or difficulties, which we have currently forestalled with hard work and effort. However, there is uncertainty as to whether we can hold-off the coming tide.
Looking or thirsting for water may mean that recent setbacks or current life experiences (e.g. work, health, relationships), have left us feeling empty and depleted. Therefore, we are looking to be refueled or reborn. We need to take time to nurture ourselves.
Falling into water captures a feeling of momentary helplessness, of not being in control, regrets on mistakes made, and possible unpleasant consequences.
Splashed by water symbolizes a wake up call. We need to focus, get our thoughts straight, and stop living in self-denial or self-delusion. Otherwise, we may end up in a dead-end job, a bad relationship, or a life full of regrets.
Throwing water at others suggests the onset of an emotional outburst, or the need to show more emotion. Getting water thrown at us, indicates that we may be the target of someone else’s anger or strong emotion.

How do we feel during and after the water dream

Feeling bold and laughing at the stormy sea indicates that we are ready to meet adversity, we are ready to transition into something new, we are confident we can sail through the difficult circumstances, and come out victorious on the other side.
Feeling anxious and fearful of the water is a signal that we are afraid of the unknown. We may be unsure of the direction to take on a vast trackless body of water, or we may feel that we have no control of where our life is taking us.

Feeling calm and peaceful about the water captures our feelings of safety, security, and contentment while in our mother’s womb. We feel safe in our current situation, our work life is progressing smoothly, and the people and environment surrounding us gives us peace.

What type of water appears in our dream

The type of water in our dream is also significant. In particular –

a) Size and depth of the water

Large or deep bodies of water (ocean, lake, or well) indicate the unknown, hidden secrets, uncertainty, and greater danger.
Small and shallow bodies of water (a pond, swimming pool or puddle) are safe, familiar, and known. Even if they are associated with negative emotions and actions, they are more of a nuisance or minor setback, rather than a life changing phenomenon.
A path of water (stream, creek, or river) signals movement to a particular destination, or having to choose which direction to take.

b) Condition of the water

Clear water indicates confidence, clarity in thinking, or that we are in tune with our spirituality.
Still or calm water shows that we are at peace, or that we are seeking peace and relaxation.

Murky or stagnant water, for example in a swamp or bog, is a sign of apathy and depression. We may feel lost, that our life is going nowhere, that we will never find love, or that our achievements are meaningless. We may be struggling with negative emotions, and find it difficult to take positive action, or indeed any action at all. Fog, is perhaps a weaker symbol, which indicates that we are having trouble reaching clarity, or taking action.
Ice represents repressed emotions, or some disturbing past experience that still haunts us. Melting ice signals that we are ready to face our past or childhood trauma, and start unraveling our repressed emotions.
Falling water, for example standing in the rain, under a shower, or in a waterfall denotes a cleansing or need for self-renewal. We may need to heal emotional scars or let go of pent-up emotions, that is causing us sadness and pain.
Fast moving water, for example in a river, may signify that our life or emotional landscape is changing too quickly. Similarly, boiling water indicates emotional turmoil and great stress.
Tsunamis, tidal waves, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other acts of God captures a strong sense of being overwhelmed by events that are beyond our control. They may also suggest a hidden guilt or sin, that is greatly weighing on our psyche. We may feel that we need to be, or are going to be punished.

What is in the water

Finally, the objects or people related to our water dream can also be significant.

Boats, jet skis, water skis, water floats, and other objects that give us the ability to stay on top of the water, suggests self-confidence. In general, objects that provide us with more control and more speed, signify greater belief in ourselves and our actions. For example, speed boats and jet skis > sail boats > row boats > paddle boats > water floats.
Hose, faucets, or other objects that allow us to control the direction and flow of water, also suggests that we are in control, and have the emotional fortitude to take charge of our life and actions.

Other people swimming in the water with us,  helping us get to the surface, or helping us get to shore, indicates that we have support from friends and family in our current troubles. On the other hand, being held back or pushed down into the water, suggests that we have enemies or competitors, who are trying to sabotage or impede our progress.
Fish and other sea creatures can have a variety of meanings. Mermaids and fantastical sea animals, show a need for change or an urge to escape into a different life. Being attacked by sharks, alligators, or sea monsters, implies that we are feeling harried in many aspects of our life, or that we are worried about embarking on something new and unknown. Observing fish and other sea life from a distance, represents a feeling or indifference, and an unwillingness to explore or to engage in the happenings of our life.
Barriers in the water or hitting some impediment, signals some complication that is preventing us from reaching our goal. We may be unwilling to take some risk, unable to commit to some action, or make a required sacrifice.
Familiar objects under water implies that we have repressed or hidden feelings related to those objects. We may feel reluctant to examine or confront those memories.
Water lily is a symbol of grief and separation. It indicates feelings of sorrow and bereavement.

Other people swimming in the water with us,  helping us get to the surface, or helping us get to shore, indicates that we have support from friends and family in our current troubles. On the other hand, being held back or pushed down into the water, suggests that we have enemies or competitors, who are trying to sabotage or impede our progress.
Fish and other sea creatures can have a variety of meanings. Mermaids and fantastical sea animals, show a need for change or an urge to escape into a different life. Being attacked by sharks, alligators, or sea monsters, implies that we are feeling harried in many aspects of our life, or that we are worried about embarking on something new and unknown. Observing fish and other sea life from a distance, represents a feeling or indifference, and an unwillingness to explore or to engage in the happenings of our life.
Barriers in the water or hitting some impediment, signals some complication that is preventing us from reaching our goal. We may be unwilling to take some risk, unable to commit to some action, or make a required sacrifice.
Familiar objects under water implies that we have repressed or hidden feelings related to those objects. We may feel reluctant to examine or confront those memories.
Water lily is a symbol of grief and separation. It indicates feelings of sorrow and bereavement.

In the interpretation of dreams, the water is generally regarded as a symbol of affection, female, creativity or vitality. It is a kind of mysterious substance because it can penetrate the object, flow along its surface and around it. It will destroy any obstacles on its way. Your potential and inner need to open a new life can also be manifested by the water. No matter what appear in your dream, such as serene lake, trickling creek, furious river and calm ocean, the water in your dream is always the indication of the essence of life and represents not only the baptism and rebirth of spirit but also your health condition. If you usually dream of flood or drowning and calling for help, it may indicate the disease in liver, gallbladder and kidney and you had better go to the hospital for a physical examination.

Psychological Meaning: Water is a symbol of purity and it can remove the inner and external contamination in people's daily life. It helps the baptized person to wash the past sins and makes you to get rid of the shackles of inheriting family property.

The state of the water in your dream is very important to analyze a dream. You should pay attention to whether the water is flowing or freezing, clean or dirty.

Dream about Water
The dream of gentle and clear water indicates the happiness and good luck in your life.

The dream of fast-flowing or dirty water may indicate difficulties in the future.

If you dream of ripples in the water surface, it represents that you may start a new love and you may meet through a chance encounter. Unexpected encounter in libraries, art galleries or other places will let you have an easy start.

The dream of boiling water suggests you should be calm. You should never be impetuous and impulsive.

If you are looking out at the calm water in your dream, you can do very well in dealing with others.

An unmarried man dreams of a pool of clear water means that you will fall in love with an innocent girl.

If you dream of being in the deep water, it indicates that you will lose your original dependence.

Waking in and over Water
If you dream of walking into the water, you are likely to have a new start.

If you are of physical discomfort, your dream about walking in the cold water reminds that you may have kidney disease.

If you are walking over the water in your dream, it indicates that your wishes will come true soon. However, you cannot do nothing but wait or rely on others and you must fight for it.

If you dream of just wait and do nothing over the water, it reminds you to make efforts to fight for it.

Taking a Bath
A woman's dream about bathing in the water is an indication of finding a considerate husband. Additionally, this kind of dream for a man is an indication of having a virtuous wife.

The dream of bathing in the sea indicates that you will win distinction, have a good luck and your career will enter a new stage.

However, the dream of soaking in the hot spring may imply the decline of your health condition. You should pay special attention to the recent nephritis, influenza, hepatitis, irregular menstruation and other diseases recently and should rest to ensure adequate sleep.

Swimming in Water
The dream of swimming in the water suggests you to work hard to be rich.

Diving into Water
The dream of diving may indicate your life situation makes you feel depressed and you are eager to get rid of it.

Floating in Water
If you dreaming of floating from the bottom to the water surface, it indicates that the original problem for you will finally get steadily resolved.

If you are happily floating on the water, you may want to go back home and back to your mother’s side.

Falling into Water
The dream of falling in the water indicates injury and disease.

Drowning in Water
The dream of drowning in the water is an indication of problems in your health. It reminds you of the large possibility of recurrence of the disease. People of allergic constitution or those who had suffered from nephritis must be especially careful.

Drinking Water
If you are drinking water in your dream, it implies you will be very healthy.

If you are drinking continuously, you will make a big fortune.

If the water you drink is clear, you will be physically strong.

If the water is cold, you will get achievements and honors through hard work.

The dream of flood represents enormous pressure. However, it may also mean you will get some expected money.

The unmarried girl's dream of flood means that your parents will approve of your marriage with your beloved.
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The symbolism of water dreams can include life, death, change, rebirth and renewal, to name a few. When analyzing dreams about water, take into account the type of water formation you are surrounded by (i.e., river, ocean, swimming pool, puddle, etc.), as each form signifies significantly different meanings. Notice the way the water made you feel in the dream, as your reactions may be slightly or greatly different than another individual’s. Also important is your location with respect to the water. How much water is there, does it flow smoothly or is the flow obstructed? Are you outside in the rain or inside taking a shower? In general, dreams about water are symbolic of your emotions in your waking life, the deepest recesses of your subconscious mind and your intuition.


Bath and Shower: This may indicate a need to take care of you and rid yourself of undo stress and leftover emotional conflicts. Subconsciously, it is a sign of self-renewal.

Boiling water: You have reached a breaking point in your waking life over certain situations. Emotional chaos and turbulence are starting to come to the surface.

Flood: You may be harboring feelings of being emotionally overwhelmed. It can also represent a crisis state that you need to address in your waking life.

Holy water: Somewhere in your waking life you may be looking for some type of spiritual help or guidance. Or it may represent that your mind, body and spirit is at peace.

Hurricane, Tsunami, Tornado, Tidal Wave: There is a negative force surrounding you that is beyond your control. You might also be dealing with unresolved feelings of stress and unhappiness in your waking life.

Muddy, dirty and stagnant water: You might be uncertain and confused about a situation and do not know how to take appropriate action. This can also indicate you are drowning in negative thoughts and emotions. You are not thinking or seeing clearly enough to find the proper solution to the problems in your life. It may also be an omen signaling some difficult times ahead. If the water is also stagnant, this symbolizes disappointment.

Ocean and Sea: It can represent emotions or mood, positive or negative, depending upon whether a calm or rough sea appears in the dream. It may also indicate your openness to unknown challenges or ideas. Further, it can signify that your outlook on life is positive and that your ability to achieve your goals is limitless.

Ponds and Lakes: These represents the current emotional state in your waking life. When the water is unsettled, this may indicate that you are not able to express your emotions freely or that you are being held back by something or someone. If the water is calm and still, it reflects your feelings of inner peace.

Rain: When rain falls on you, this can symbolize great sadness or that you are crying about something in your waking life. It can also represent emotional cleansing and the healing of unresolved past emotional sorrows or wounds.

Rivers and Streams: If the river or stream is tranquil and serene, this is an indication that you are at peace with changes that may be occurring in your waking life. If the river is tumultuous and fast flowing, this may be a sign that things are moving too quickly in your life and there is a need to slow down so that you can gain control. If you find yourself going with the flow of the river, chances are your life is taking you in a positive direction. If you are having trouble getting across the river, this can indicate that there are obstructions or blockages in your life keeping you from attaining your goals.

Splashed water: This is your wake-up call. It is time to stop holding yourself back or living in denial. Not heeding the message will result in stagnation and lack of accomplishment.

Swimming Pool: A swimming pool can represent the need or the want for relaxation. It can also mean that you have a need to finally deal with old emotional pains and cleanse yours

Rivers & Lakes In dreams

 Quornesha S. Lemon
3 years ago


Channeled by Quornesha S. Lemon| Shaman, Author, Transpersonal Life Coach| with Abilities in Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Mediumship, Animal Communication, Healing, Egyptian Healer, Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Reiki Master, Certified Life Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist, Hoodoo Practitioner, And so much more| Rivers and lakes in dreams. The river means you are or you have completed a chapter of your past. Nature and the elementals commend you. Something of family or generational nature comes to an end now and this has to do with the negative aspects.

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You can assure that something better awaits you as you come to the end of one chapter and into another one.You’ll be more accepting of your true nature.  And you will feel at peace in your ability/ies.

If you’ve been patiently waiting for something.  Know that the time for fruition and development has arrived. More importantly, YOU have arrived.
Look forward to easing of specific challenges. Stick with your inner prophecies and shrug away toxic vibrations or words being spoken around you or about your life in any way.

Keep a positive attitude or perception.  Things will go more smoothly for you and you’ll experience your calm. You are answering your calling. And are being commended.  You ARE stronger than you’ve realized.  You already know the negative aspects of life…why would you want to hear about it all of the time? If you like negativity…it is time to change…go with the flow. Allow your mind to rise in thought processes. Release all your fears. Stop honoring negative energy. You are not a victim.

10 Minute Email/Chat Reading

This reading is exclusively for email/text message only. It is a 10 Minute reading. This session can be gifted to others or bought for yourself.


Prophecy: The only moment that matters is the present. – Rumi through Quornesha S.
Listen to your inner and higher self, as it whispers before you, within you and around you. Shake off or let go/release past mistakes or happenings. You are free to travel forward.
In your dreams, should you invoke the same message or shall it repeat itself.  Intend to visit the river, join in with its currents and as you join in, imagine that all your worries or concerns are being washed away. Meditate on this river or lake in your dreams, and leave your problems, ‘down by the riverside.’
Spiritual Reminder: You are not the same story you once were. Choose how you will tell your new story. Express yourself the way you want to express yourself. Your life is yours by your intent and your ‘will’ to design it as you so please. Gather into your life, what you truly want. Do not allow anything outside of you to paint your ideal picture. It’s your choice to be happy with what you live out, right? Follow your own path, and only allow the highest will to intervene if you are, off-course in any way!

Expect your worries to be few and plans to be greater when you work from the vibration of your purpose and HIghest will, Which Divine has planned for you. Live with integrity, by completing your soul mission, which you have agreed to accomplish before descending upon the earth. -Quornesha S.

Shamanic Animal/Dream Interpretation

I will do a small shamanic animal/dream interpretation for you, that may have occurred in your waking life, dreams, visions or synchronicities.


 Remember if you don’t feel right about your life, then you are probably right and will need to look into your actions and the things you have in your path. How are you truly living your life? Make a decision to surrender to your highest will for your life, after all…YOU DID choose the lessons and blessings that you are here to experience. Remember, that at any time, we are free to surrender these lessons AND blessings, if they have run their due course.
YOU ARE finished and complete with your story*the past aspect*…when you feel you are done and it is finished. That is to say, anything in your life, that isn’t flowing as you’ve expected it to anymore…You can let it go, you are not limited you are not bound. You are as free, as you say you are.
The lakes and Rivers in your dreams and waking life, represent and symbolize,  knowledge, reverence, patience *going with the flow* surrender, life, death, experience, wisdom, and tranquility. You must allow dead things to be properly put away out of your life. Be amazing, be who you were always meant to be, have the blessings and lessons, you are here for and meant to experience.

One 30-minute Spirit reading from Quornesha| I will assist you in communicating with loved ones. This service will offer peace to those who are grieving.


I give up every toxicity in my life, or lessons and anything else that has ran its course which no longer serves me now or today. Factum est. Let it be & it is so!
I declare and I decree, In the wake of the violet flame. In the vibration of the holiest of all names, that I am happy and live each day, with my highest expectancy coming to pass in the most powerful of all ways. So mote it be.
“We are God, & We are the Kingdom, When we stand United, Rather than Divided, having a human experience.”~Quornesha S.


Quornesha S. Lemon

Sacred Spirit Shaman™

The Prophetic Life Coach

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The Above interpretation is a reflection of what it means to me, to join me and receive interpretations unique to you, you’re more than welcome to book a session.  You can learn about your abilities in an hour session, and consecutively follow up with as many sessions as possible to fully awaken your own abilities in order to tap into the meanings and interpretations of your own dreams, and the signs all around you!  There’s no course material, as each individual and their purpose is unique. Also, this ensures, you are learning what is vital and necessary for you, not what is in ‘general’. You can heal and gain knowledge in a single session, or at least begin your journey to awakening. ©
Quornesha S. Lemon
Multi-Dimensional Spiritual Professional
Rituals| Reiki| Rootwork

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