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Babalawo Obanifa will through the mediums of this work document the meanings of seeing clock or watch in dreams from the perspective of Yoruba culture and spirituality/ The name of clock in Yoruba language is known as Agogo. Seeing clock in dream as in the case of any other dream symbol can have either positive or negative meanings. The meanings to be given to clock or wrist watch dream will depends on the contents or context of such dreams. Below is the documentation of some of the meanings of seeing clock or wrist watch in dream from the perspective of Yoruba culture and spirituality as Document by Babalawo Obanifa.
TI A BA LALA RI AGOGO TO SIWO ISE (IF YOU DREAM AND SEE A WRISTWATCH OR CLOCK THAT STOP WORKING); In any kind of dream where the dreamer see that clock suddenly to working or wristwatch stop working. This kind of dream is an instructional message dream . Telling the dreamer that some one very close to him/her such as family , friends or acquaintance  will die. Nothing can be use to avert such death. It  may even be that such person has died already but the news has bot be broken to this dreamer. It is premonition message dream.
TI A BA LALA WIPE ORE WA TABI ALABSISE  PO SO AGOGO MO ORUN NIGBA TI A BA JO N JEHUN PAPO(IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOUR FRIEND OR CO-WORKER TIGHT WRISK WATCH AROUND HIS /HER NECK WHEN YOU ARE EATING TOGETHER):In any kind of dream where you see that the person you are eating together with tie wristwatch around their neck. This kind of dream is pure message dream telling you that the person very close to you such as spouse ,friend or business partners that you that you have business together  have business together  or agreement will go behind to break that pact as he /she has already device every necessary  mechanism to make sure he escape the consequence of it. It is a pure message dream.
TI A BA LALA  RI AGOGO TO N KA OJO PADA SEYIN (IF YOU SEEN IN YOUR DREAM THAT THE CLOCK OR WRIST WATCH  PIN IS MOVING ANTICLOCKWISE IN YOUR DREAM ): In any dream of this nature where the dreamer see that the clock is moving anti-clock wise this kind of dream is telling the dreamer that his or mode of operation and idea he /she is adopting wish bring him backwardness. It is a warning dream telling the dreamer that he or she need to re evaluate his plan and strategy so that he can become successful.
TI O BA LALA WIPE O JI AGOGO (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU STEAL CLOCK OR WRISTWATCH): This kind of dream connotes that such person should be careful about his conduct that can subject him to public disgrace. Stealing watch or clock in a dream is warning dream that if he continues. He will soon experience public humiliation.
TI A BA LALA  TI A N WO AGOGO(IF YOU ARE CHECKING CLOCK OR WRISTWATCH TO ASCERTAIN  TIME IN DREAM):This kind of dream is telling the dreamer . The blessing of this person will soon manifest. However, he need to exercise due patience.

IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THE YOUR CLOCK OR WRIST WATCH GOT BROKEN: In any kind of dream of this nature it connotes disappointment especially when you are aspiring to get certain position.
TI OBIRIN BA LALA WIPE OHUN SO AAGO/AGOGO DANU (IF A WOMAN LOSS HER CLOCK OR WRISTWATCH IN DREAM ): This is warning dream for a woman telling her that she is likely to lose the prospective love and care from her lover due to her own carelessness.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract
legal consequences

 Haga clic en el Vedio de arriba para ver y descargar [Video] Don Coleone - RunAway



 Babalawo Obanifa documentará a través de los medios de este trabajo los significados de ver el reloj o mirar en sueños desde la perspectiva de la cultura y espiritualidad yoruba / El nombre del reloj en idioma yoruba se conoce como Agogo.  Ver el reloj en sueños como en el caso de cualquier otro símbolo de sueño puede tener significados positivos o negativos.  Los significados que se le den al sueño de reloj o reloj de pulsera dependerán del contenido o contexto de tales sueños.  A continuación se muestra la documentación de algunos de los significados de ver un reloj o un reloj de pulsera en sueños desde la perspectiva de la cultura y espiritualidad yoruba como Documento de Babalawo Obanifa.

 TI A BA LALA RI AGOGO A SIWO ISE (SI SUEÑAS Y VES UN RELOJ O RELOJ QUE DEJAN DE FUNCIONAR);  En cualquier tipo de sueño donde el soñador ve que ese reloj de repente funciona o el reloj de pulsera deja de funcionar.  Este tipo de sueño es un sueño de mensaje instructivo.  Decirle al soñador que alguien muy cercano a él / ella, como su familia, amigos o conocidos, morirá.  Nada puede ser usado para evitar tal muerte.  Incluso puede ser que esa persona ya haya muerto, pero la noticia se le ha dado a este soñador.  Es un mensaje de premonición de sueño.

 TI A BA LALA WIPE ORE WA TABI ALABSISE PO SO AGOGO MO ORUN NIGBA TI A BA JO N JEHUN PAPO (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE TU AMIGO O TU TRABAJADOR TIGHT WRISK MIRA ALREDEDOR DE SU CUELLO CUANDO ESTÁS COMIENDO JUNTOS)  : En cualquier tipo de sueño en el que veas a la persona que estás comiendo junto con un reloj de pulsera con corbata alrededor del cuello.  Este tipo de sueño es un simple mensaje de sueño que le dice que la persona muy cercana a usted, como su cónyuge, amigo o socios comerciales, que usted tiene negocios juntos, tiene negocios juntos o un acuerdo se retrasará para romper ese pacto, ya que él / ella ya lo ha hecho.  utilice todos los mecanismos necesarios para asegurarse de que escapa de las consecuencias.  Es un mensaje puro sueño.

 TI A BA LALA RI AGOGO A N KA OJO PADA SEYIN (SI USTED HA VISTO EN SU SUEÑO QUE EL PIN DEL RELOJ O DEL RELOJ DE MUÑECA ESTÁ MOVIENDO ANTICUERARIO EN SU SUEÑO): En cualquier sueño de esta naturaleza donde el soñador vea que el reloj se mueve en contra  En el sentido de las manecillas del reloj, este tipo de sueño le dice al soñador que su modo de operación y la idea que él / ella está adoptando desean traerle atraso.  Es un sueño de advertencia que le dice al soñador que necesita volver a evaluar su plan y estrategia para que pueda tener éxito.

 TI O BA LALA WIPE O JI AGOGO (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE ROBAS EL RELOJ O EL RELOJ DE PULSERA): Este tipo de sueño connota que esa persona debe tener cuidado con su conducta que puede someterla a la desgracia pública.  Robar reloj o reloj en un sueño es un sueño de advertencia que si continúa.  Pronto experimentará humillación pública.

 TI A BA LALA TI A N WO AGOGO (SI ESTÁ COMPROBANDO EL RELOJ O EL RELOJ DE PULSERA PARA ASEGURAR EL TIEMPO EN EL SUEÑO): Este tipo de sueño le está diciendo al soñador.  La bendición de esta persona pronto se manifestará.  Sin embargo, necesita ejercer la debida paciencia.

 SI VES EN TU SUEÑO, EL RELOJ DE TU RELOJ O PULSERA SE ROTÓ: En cualquier tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza, connota desilusión, especialmente cuando aspiras a obtener cierta posición.

 TI OBIRIN BA LALA WIPE OHUN SO AAGO / AGOGO DANU (SI UNA MUJER PIERDE SU RELOJ O RELOJ DE PULSERA): Este es un sueño de advertencia para una mujer que le dice que es probable que pierda el posible amor y cuidado de su amante debido a ella  descuido propio.

 Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, teléfono y contacto de WhatsApp: +2348166343145, ubicación Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

 AVISO IMPORTANTE: en lo que respecta al artículo anterior, todos los derechos reservados, ninguna parte de este artículo puede reproducirse o duplicarse de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias y grabaciones, o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento o recuperación de información sin permiso previo por escrito  del titular de los derechos de autor y del autor Babalawo Obanifa, hacerlo se considera ilegal y traerá consecuencias legales

  Clique no Vedio acima para assistir e baixar [Vídeo] Don Coleone - RunAway



  Babalawo Obanifa irá, através dos meios deste trabalho, documentar os significados de ver o relógio ou assistir nos sonhos a partir da perspectiva da cultura e espiritualidade iorubá. O nome do relógio na língua iorubá é conhecido como Agogo.  Ver o relógio no sonho, como no caso de qualquer outro símbolo do sonho, pode ter significados positivos ou negativos.  Os significados a serem atribuídos ao sonho de relógio ou relógio de pulso dependerão do conteúdo ou contexto de tais sonhos.  Abaixo está a documentação de alguns dos significados de ver relógio ou relógio de pulso em sonho a partir da perspectiva da cultura e espiritualidade iorubá como Documento de Babalawo Obanifa.

  TI A BA LALA RI AGOGO PARA SIWO ISE (SE VOCÊ SONHA E VÊ UM RELÓGIO DE PULSO OU RELÓGIO QUE PARE DE TRABALHAR);  Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que o sonhador vê aquele relógio repentinamente para funcionar ou o relógio de pulso para de funcionar.  Esse tipo de sonho é uma mensagem instrutiva.  Dizer ao sonhador que alguém muito próximo a ele / ela, como família, amigos ou conhecidos, morrerá.  Nada pode ser usado para evitar essa morte.  Pode até ser que essa pessoa já tenha morrido, mas as notícias estão muito ruins para esse sonhador.  É um sonho de mensagem de premonição.

  TI A BA LALA LIMPE ORE WA TABI ALABSISE PO SO AGOGO MO ORUN NIGBA TI A BA JO N JEHUN PAPO (SE VOCÊ VÊ NO SEU SONHO QUE SEU AMIGO OU CO-TRABALHADOR APARECE O RELÓGIO EM RELAÇÃO AO SEU / NO PESCOÇO QUANDO ESTÁ COMENDO JUNTO)  : Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que você vê que a pessoa que você está comendo junto com o relógio de pulso em volta do pescoço.  Esse tipo de sonho é pura mensagem de sonho, informando que a pessoa muito próxima a você, como cônjuge, amigo ou parceiro de negócios, com quem você tem negócios juntos, tem negócios juntos ou que um acordo será atrasado para quebrar esse pacto, já que ele / ela já  dispositivo todos os mecanismos necessários para garantir que ele escape das conseqüências dele.  É um puro sonho de mensagem.

  TI A BA LALA RI AGOGO A N KA OJO PADA SEYIN (SE VOCÊ VIR EM SEU SONHO QUE O PULSO DE RELÓGIO DO RELÓGIO OU PULSO ESTÁ SE MOVENDO ANTICLOCKWISE EM SEU SONHO): Em qualquer sonho dessa natureza, em que o sonhador vê que o relógio está se movendo  Em relação ao relógio, esse tipo de sonho está dizendo ao sonhador que seu modo de operação e ideia que está adotando o desejo lhe trazem atraso.  É um sonho de advertência dizendo ao sonhador que ele ou ela precisam reavaliar seu plano e estratégia para que ele possa ter sucesso.

  TI O BA LALA LIMPA O JI AGOGO (SE VOCÊ VÊ EM SEU SONHO QUE ROUBA RELÓGIO OU PULSO): Esse tipo de sonho indica que essa pessoa deve ter cuidado com sua conduta que possa sujeitá-la à desgraça pública.  Roubar relógio ou relógio em um sonho é um aviso de que, se ele continuar.  Ele logo experimentará humilhação pública.

  TI A BA LALA NÓS AGOGO (SE VOCÊ ESTIVER VERIFICANDO RELÓGIO OU RELÓGIO DE PULSO, PARA VERIFICAR O TEMPO NO SONHO): Esse tipo de sonho é contar ao sonhador.  A bênção dessa pessoa logo se manifestará.  No entanto, ele precisa exercer a devida paciência.

  SE VOCÊ VÊ NO SEU SONHO, O RELÓGIO DO SEU RELÓGIO OU PULSO FOI QUEBRADO: Em qualquer tipo de sonho dessa natureza, isso indica desapontamento, especialmente quando você está aspirando a obter uma determinada posição.

  TI OBIRIN BA LALA LIMPA OHUN SO AAGO / AGOGO DANU (SE UMA MULHER PERDER RELÓGIO OU RELÓGIO DE PULSO NO SONHO): Este é um sonho de advertência para uma mulher que diz a ela que provavelmente perderá o amor e os cuidados futuros do amante devido a ela.  descuido próprio.

  Direitos autorais: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, telefone e whatsapp: +2348166343145, local Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

  AVISO IMPORTANTE: Com relação ao artigo acima, todos os direitos reservados, nenhuma parte deste artigo pode ser reproduzida ou duplicada de qualquer forma ou por qualquer meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocópia e gravação ou por qualquer sistema de armazenamento ou recuperação de informações sem permissão prévia por escrito  do detentor dos direitos autorais e do autor Babalawo Obanifa, fazê-lo é considerado ilegal e atrairá consequências legais

  Cliquez sur le Vedio ci-dessus pour regarder et télécharger [Vidéo] Don Coleone - RunAway



  Babalawo Obanifa documentera à travers les médiums de ce travail la signification de voir l'horloge ou de regarder dans les rêves du point de vue de la culture et de la spiritualité yoruba / Le nom de l'horloge en langue yoruba est connu sous le nom d'Agogo.  Voir l'horloge dans le rêve comme dans le cas de tout autre symbole de rêve peut avoir des significations positives ou négatives.  La signification à donner au rêve d'horloge ou de montre-bracelet dépendra du contenu ou du contexte de ces rêves.  Vous trouverez ci-dessous la documentation de certaines significations de voir une horloge ou une montre-bracelet dans le rêve du point de vue de la culture et de la spiritualité yoruba comme document de Babalawo Obanifa.

  TI A BA LALA RI AGOGO À SIWO ISE (SI VOUS RÊVEZ ET VOYEZ UNE MONTRE OU UNE HORLOGE QUI ARRÊTE DE TRAVAILLER);  Dans tout type de rêve où le rêveur voit cette horloge soudainement au travail ou la montre-bracelet cesse de fonctionner.  Ce genre de rêve est un rêve de message pédagogique.  Dire au rêveur que quelqu'un très proche de lui, comme sa famille, ses amis ou sa connaissance, mourra.  Rien ne peut être utilisé pour éviter une telle mort.  Il se peut même qu'une telle personne soit déjà décédée mais la nouvelle n'a pas été annoncée à ce rêveur.  C'est un rêve de message de prémonition.

  TI A BA LALA WIPE ORE WA TABI ALABSISE PO SO AGOGO MO ORUN NIGBA TI A BA JO N JEHUN PAPO (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOTRE AMI OU CO-TRAVAILLEUR SERRURE À POIGNET REGARDER AUTOUR DE SON / DE SON COU LORSQUE VOUS MANGEZ ENSEMBLE)  : Dans tout type de rêve où vous voyez que la personne que vous mangez avec une montre-bracelet nouée autour du cou.  Ce genre de rêve est un pur rêve de message vous disant que la personne très proche de vous, comme un conjoint, un ami ou des partenaires commerciaux que vous avez ensemble, a des affaires ensemble ou un accord ira derrière pour rompre ce pacte comme il l'a déjà fait  dispositif tous les mécanismes nécessaires pour s'assurer qu'il échappe aux conséquences de celui-ci.  C'est un pur rêve de message.

  TI A BA LALA RI AGOGO À N KA OJO PADA SEYIN (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE LA MONTRE OU L'HORLOGE DE LA MONTRE AU POIGNET SE DÉPLACE ANTI-HORAIRE DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Dans tout rêve de cette nature où le rêveur voit que l'horloge bouge contre  Dans le sens horaire, ce genre de rêve dit au rêveur que son mode de fonctionnement et l'idée qu'il / elle adopte lui apportent du retard.  C'est un rêve d'avertissement qui dit au rêveur qu'il ou elle doit réévaluer son plan et sa stratégie afin qu'il puisse réussir.

  TI O BA LALA WIPE O JI AGOGO (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOUS VOLEZ HORLOGE OU MONTRE-BRACELET): Ce genre de rêve implique que cette personne devrait faire attention à sa conduite qui peut le soumettre à la honte publique.  Voler une montre ou une horloge dans un rêve avertit le rêve que s'il continue.  Il connaîtra bientôt une humiliation publique.

  TI A BA LALA TI A N WO AGOGO (SI VOUS VÉRIFIEZ L'HORLOGE OU LA MONTRE-BRACELET POUR OBTENIR DU TEMPS DANS LE RÊVE): Ce genre de rêve est révélateur au rêveur.  La bénédiction de cette personne se manifestera bientôt.  Cependant, il doit faire preuve de patience.

  SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE, VOTRE MONTRE D'HORLOGE OU DE POIGNET A ÉTÉ CASSÉE: Dans tout type de rêve de cette nature, cela signifie une déception, surtout lorsque vous aspirez à obtenir une certaine position.

  TI OBIRIN BA LALA WIPE OHUN SO AAGO / AGOGO DANU (SI UNE FEMME PERD SON HORLOGE OU MONTRE-BRACELET EN RÊVE): Ceci est un rêve d'avertissement pour une femme lui disant qu'elle est susceptible de perdre l'amour et les soins potentiels de son amant à cause d'elle  propre négligence.

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, contact par téléphone et WhatsApp: +2348166343145, emplacement Ile Ife, état d'osun, Nigeria.

  AVIS IMPORTANT: En ce qui concerne l'article ci-dessus, tous droits réservés, aucune partie de cet article ne peut être reproduite ou dupliquée sous quelque forme ou par quelque moyen que ce soit, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et l'enregistrement ou par tout système de stockage ou de récupération d'informations sans autorisation écrite préalable  du titulaire du droit d'auteur et de l'auteur Babalawo Obanifa, le faire est considéré comme illégal et entraînera des conséquences juridiques

 单击上面的视频,观看和下载[视频] Don Coleone – RunAway

 BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa极端纪录片对约鲁巴精神的钟表感


 巴巴拉沃·奥巴尼法(Babalawo Obanifa)将通过本作品的媒介记录从约鲁巴文化和灵性角度看钟或在梦中观看的含义/以约鲁巴语命名的钟称为Agogo。 与其他任何梦境符号一样,在梦境中看到时钟可能具有正面或负面的含义。 时钟或手表梦的含义将取决于梦的内容或背景。 以下是巴巴洛沃·奥巴尼法(Babalawo Obanifa)撰写的文档,从约鲁巴文化和灵性角度出发,在梦中看到钟表或手表的一些含义。

 TI BA BALA RI AGOGO SIWO ISE(如果您梦AND以求的手表或时钟会停止工作); 在任何一种做梦的梦中,做梦者都会看到时钟突然停止工作或手表停止工作。 这种梦想是指导性的信息梦想。 告诉做梦者与家人,朋友或熟人等非常亲近的人会死。 没有任何东西可以避免这种死亡。 甚至可能是这样的人已经死了,但这个梦想的消息已经破灭了。 是预告信息梦。

 TI A BALALA WIPE ORE WA TABI ALABSISE PO SO AGOGO MO ORUN NIGBA TI A BAJO N JEHUN PAPO(如果您在您的朋友或同事的梦境中看到他/她在一起吃饭时面临的严峻威胁)  :在任何一种梦想中,您都会看到正在吃饭的人和领带表在脖子上。 这种梦想是纯粹的信息梦想,它告诉您与您非常亲密的人(例如配偶,朋友或商业伙伴),您一起开展业务或达成协议将破坏该协定,因为他/她已经 运用一切必要的机制来确保他逃脱其后果。 这是一个纯粹的信息梦想。

 TI A BALALA RI N AGOGO到N KA OJO PADA SEYIN(如果您在梦中看到时钟或腕上的手表正向着您的梦中移动逆时针方向):在这种性质的任何梦中,梦者都看到时钟在反动 顺时针地,这种梦告诉梦者,他或她采用的操作方式和想法会带来落后。 这是一个警告性的梦,告诉梦者他或她需要重新评估自己的计划和策略,以使他能够成功。

 TI O BALALA WIPE O JI AGOGO(如果您在梦中看到自己偷时钟或打钟):这种梦想意味着该人应谨慎对待自己的举止,以免使他蒙羞。 在梦中偷手表或钟是警告梦,如果他继续下去。 他将很快遭受公众屈辱。

 TI A BALALA TI A N WO AGOGO(如果您正在追逐时钟或追梦,以确保梦想中的时间):这种梦想正在告诉梦想者。 这个人的祝福很快就会显现出来。 但是,他需要保持应有的耐心。


 TI OBIRIN BA LALA擦拭OHA SO AAGO / AGOGO DANU(如果女人失去了时钟或梦D以求的话):这是一个警告的梦,一个女人告诉她,她很可能会失去爱人的预期爱和关怀 自己的粗心。

 版权:Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa,电话和whatsapp联系人:+2348166343145,位于尼日利亚Ile Ife osun省。

 重要声明:关于上述条款,保留所有权利,未经事先书面许可,不得以任何形式或通过任何方式(包括影印和录制的电子或机械方式或任何信息存储或检索系统)复制或复制本文的任何部分 版权持有人和作者Babalawo Obanifa的行为被认为是非法的,并将招致法律后果

  देखने और डाउनलोड करने के लिए ऊपर वेदियो पर क्लिक करें [वीडियो] डॉन कोलोन - रनवे

  BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa चरम वृत्तचित्रों द्वारा YORUBA SPIRITUALITY में क्लॉक ड्रैम की योजनाएं


  बाबलाव ओबनिफा इस कार्य दस्तावेज के माध्यम से योरूबा संस्कृति और आध्यात्मिकता के परिप्रेक्ष्य से सपने में घड़ी या घड़ी देखने के अर्थ का दस्तावेज होगा / योरूबा भाषा में घड़ी का नाम एगोगो के रूप में जाना जाता है।  सपने में घड़ी देखना किसी अन्य सपने के प्रतीक के मामले में सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक अर्थ हो सकता है।  घड़ी या कलाई घड़ी सपने को दिए जाने वाले अर्थ ऐसे सपनों की सामग्री या संदर्भ पर निर्भर करते हैं।  नीचे योरूबा संस्कृति और आध्यात्मिकता के परिप्रेक्ष्य से सपने में घड़ी या कलाई घड़ी देखने के कुछ अर्थों का दस्तावेजीकरण बाबलावो ओबनिफा द्वारा दस्तावेज के रूप में किया गया है।

  तिवारी के लिए एक BA LALA RI AGOGO ISE (यदि आप सपने देखते हैं और गलती से काम कर लेते हैं या काम करना बंद कर देते हैं);  किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां सपने देखने वाला उस घड़ी को अचानक काम करता हुआ देखता है या कलाई घड़ी काम करना बंद कर देता है।  इस तरह का सपना एक शिक्षाप्रद संदेश है।  सपने देखने वाले को यह बताना कि उसका कोई बहुत करीबी / जैसे परिवार, दोस्त या परिचित मर जाएगा।  ऐसी मौत को रोकने के लिए कुछ भी इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जा सकता है।  यह भी हो सकता है कि ऐसे व्यक्ति की पहले ही मृत्यु हो गई हो, लेकिन खबर इस सपने देखने वाले के लिए टूट गई है।  यह प्रीमियर मैसेज ड्रीम है।

  तिवारी एक बीए LALA WIPE ORE WA ताबी ALABSISE PO SO AGOGO MO ORUN NIGBA TI A BA JO N JEHUN PAPO (यदि आप अपने सपने में देख रहे हैं कि आप अपने दोस्त से मिलें या CO-काम करने वाली टाइट वॉटर्स वॉट्स हाऊस HIS / HER NECK से संपर्क करें)  : किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां आप देखते हैं कि आप जिस व्यक्ति के गले में टाई कलाई घड़ी के साथ खा रहे हैं।  इस तरह का सपना शुद्ध संदेश का सपना है जो आपको बता रहा है कि व्यक्ति आपके बहुत करीब है जैसे पति या पत्नी, दोस्त या व्यावसायिक साझेदार जो आपके साथ एक साथ व्यापार करते हैं या समझौता उस संधि को तोड़ने के लिए पीछे चला जाएगा जैसा कि वह पहले से ही कर चुकी है।  यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि वह इसके परिणाम से बच जाए, हर आवश्यक तंत्र का निर्माण करता है।  यह एक शुद्ध संदेश का सपना है।

  TI A BA LALA RI AGOGO TO N KA OJO PADA SEYIN (यदि आप अपने सपने में देख चुके हैं तो CLOCK या WRIST पिन देखें, जो आपके DREAM में ANTICLOCKWISE है): इस प्रकृति के किसी भी सपने में जहां सपने देखने वाला देखता है कि विरोधी चल रहा है  इस तरह के सपने को समझदार सपने देखने वाले को बता रहा है कि उसके ऑपरेशन का तरीका और विचार उसकी इच्छा है कि वह उसे पिछड़ापन लाए।  सपने देखने वाले को यह बताना एक चेतावनी का सपना है कि उसे अपनी योजना और रणनीति का मूल्यांकन करने की आवश्यकता है ताकि वह सफल हो सके।

  TI O BA LALA WIPE O JI AGOGO (यदि आप अपने सपने में आपको देख रहे हैं कि आप स्टील क्लॉक या WRISTWATCH हैं): इस तरह का सपना यह दर्शाता है कि ऐसे व्यक्ति को अपने आचरण के बारे में सावधान रहना चाहिए जो उसे सार्वजनिक अपमान के अधीन कर सकता है।  एक सपने में घड़ी या घड़ी चोरी सपने को चेतावनी दे रहा है कि अगर वह जारी है।  वह जल्द ही सार्वजनिक अपमान का अनुभव करेंगे।

  टीआई ए बीए लाला टीआई ए एन डब्ल्यू एजीओजीओ (यदि आप सपने में ASCERTAIN समय के लिए क्लॉक या WRISTWATCH की जाँच कर रहे हैं): इस तरह का सपना सपने देखने वाले को बता रहा है।  इस व्यक्ति का आशीर्वाद जल्द ही प्रकट होगा।  हालांकि, उसे धैर्य के साथ व्यायाम करने की आवश्यकता है।

  यदि आप अपने सपने को देखते हैं, तो आप अपने क्लॉक या चित्र को देखें: इस प्रकृति के किसी भी प्रकार के सपने में यह निराशा को दर्शाता है, खासकर जब आप निश्चित स्थान पाने के इच्छुक होते हैं।

  TI OBIRIN BA LALA WIPE OHUN SO AAGO / AGOGO DANU (अगर एक महिला हारम क्लॉक या ड्रीम्स में WRISTWATCH है): यह एक महिला के लिए सपना चेतावनी दे रही है कि वह अपने प्रेमी के कारण भावी प्यार और देखभाल खोने की संभावना है।  खुद की लापरवाही।

  कॉपीराइट: बबालावो पेले ओबासा ओबनिफा, फोन और व्हाट्सएप संपर्क: 13:48166343145, स्थान इले इफ ओसुन राज्य नाइजीरिया।

  महत्वपूर्ण सूचना: जैसा कि ऊपर दिए गए लेख के अनुसार, सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित हैं, इस लेख का कोई भी भाग किसी भी रूप में या किसी भी तरह से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक या मैकेनिकल द्वारा फोटोकॉपी और रिकॉर्डिंग या किसी भी जानकारी के भंडारण या पुनर्प्राप्ति प्रणाली से पूर्व लिखित अनुमति के बिना दोबारा तैयार या नकल नहीं किया जा सकता है।  कॉपीराइट धारक और लेखक बबालावो ओबनिफा से, ऐसा करना गैरकानूनी माना जाता है और कानूनी परिणामों को आकर्षित करेगा

Meanings of Clock dreams According to other writers from different Cultures And Tradition.
Clock Dream Interpretation

4 years ago
Clock in dreams signifies the important of time during your waking life. Take into consideration of how the clock within the dream is doing, and your emotions associated with the dream clock to get a accurate reading of encountering clock. Always take consideration of your reactions and thoughts during dreams that focus on clocks. Below we will go over some general interpretation of clocks occurring in dreams.

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Dream About Clock in General
Generally, any clock in your dream like a wall clock or standing clock signifies the timing of certain events in your life. Consider the occasion or location where you focus on the clock within the dream. For example, a chiming cuckoo clock at work during specific times may be a call that you may be ready to start certain projects or taking on certain career challenges. Maybe you are expecting something to happen shortly with your life.

The sound of clock ticking suggests a passing of time or your daily life. Pay attention to the click sound of the clock in your dream as it can refer to your physical and mental health such as heartbeat. If the clock is associated with other life events such as wedding, it can indicate that you may be expecting or hear the clock “ticking” for those events.

When the dream features yourself setting clock for the first time, it can signify important life goals that you may be setting for yourself. Perhaps you have made some plans to create something or visit some places.

However, if you are winding a clock or putting batteries into a digital clock, the action suggest that you need to put more effort toward your tasks at hand to obtain the desired results.

If the clock is positioned incorrectly like upside down in your dream, it indicates that you need to put a different perspective on your life. Perhaps the way you are viewing yourself and using your time is confusing you.

Dream About a Broken Clock Stop Moving
If the clock face is completely broken and stopped moving, you may be feeling anxiety about not being on top of things. You are losing track of time or the important tasks that you may have to do.

When the broken clock is moving backwards in the dream, it can represent how your life is going. You may feel that certain life events is putting you backwards, you are not able to achieve your goals and plans, and instead you are stuck in a rut. It could also relate that you wish to turn back time or time travel.

However, if the stopping clock is dreamed while knowing an serious ill person in your life, the dream may signify the death and passing of that individual.

Dream About a Fast Moving Clock
To dream a clock going out of control and moving fast forward, it suggests that your mind is preoccupied with a fast coming deadline. Perhaps you feel that you are running out of time to finish the tasks or planning that you have on your hand. Your mind is telling you to speed up your actions and act now.

Dream About an Alarm Clock
If an alarm clock is counting down or going off, it suggests that time is running out and you may be feeling anxious about the upcoming events. If the countdown alarm clock is a part of explosive mechanism like a bomb,

Dream about Giving or Receiving Clock as Gift
To give or receive a clock gift in gold, suggest that you will be rewarded for your hard work, or you might be rewarding others for helping you and putting in the time. If the gift clock received in the dream is an antique grandfather clock, it indicates that you may be receiving some sort of old inheritance in the near future.

However, if the clock gift received is broken or in bad shape, it can suggest bad omen or bad luck is coming your way.

In addition, in some asian cultures receiving a clock in dreams can have negative connotations related to death because clock’s pronunciation is similar to “the end”.

Dream About a Clock Tower
To see a clock tower in the dream suggest that someone will be recognized for their work. Pay attention to the surrounding information of the clock tower, to note the person who may need to be recognized. It can suggest that a accountable and responsible person looking after you to keeping you in check of your life.

Time, Clock dream meaning

Time or clock in a dream symbolizes the rhythm and the course of our lives. To see a stopped clock in a dream is an omen that our evolution has finished or that the clock’s owner doesn’t have any more hope, our lifetime has run out of time. If it’s a delayed clock it warns us to accelerate our pace of work, if we do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If the clock delays it, then it indicates that we should take things more calmly if we do not want to risk our health and our lives. If the hands turn madly or we dream we constantly look at the clock, then it reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we lead. If it works well and the time it tells catches our attention the dream’s meaning depends on the context and the marked time. For example: If we believe it’s all over for us and we see the clock ticking noon, it tells us that a new stage begins full of opportunities because we have a lot of life ahead.

Clock The clock in dreams stands for the symbolism of the time that is passing by. Maybe there is some important event in your life and the unconscious mind of yours reminds of it. The dream could also indicate the worries you have about making things on time. Perhaps there is...

Alarm clock To dream that you hear an alarm clock in your dream could simply be heard the ringing of an actual alarm clock. This is very common dream for everyone. If you dream that your alarm clock went off and you over slept some important meeting, means that you are being...

Clock Every clock means time, and if the hands are moving, it means active time, therefore this doesn’t indicate death, like people in ancient times used to think. In contrast, today is thought it suggests activity, movement, life. Dreaming that you see the time on a clock suggests that you should...

Clock The dream in which you are looking at the clock may mean that you are afraid of oversleeping your morning. You are afraid of getting up too late. Perhaps you have too much stress. Please also see the meaning of alarm clock....

Clock To dream you hear the clock strike, denotes speedy marriage; if you dream the clock falls or breaks, it denotes danger. To dream of counting the hours of the forenoon, is lucky; the afternoon, unlucky. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 72, 3, 12....

Clock (Timepiece | Watch) A clock in a dream represents money equal to the time setting when seen in one’s dream. An alarm clock in a dream means exposing ills, richness of a poor person and fulfilling a promise....

Clock To see a clock in a dream indicates that you like punctuality and order. On the other hand, it suggests that you should worry less and be more spontaneous. To see a clock breaking indicates that you are not sure of your own decisions and you don’t know how to...

Alarm clock (Timepiece) Seeing an alarm clock in a dream means exposing ills, richness of a poor person, or fulfilling a promise. (Also see Clock)...

Clock The clock in dreams suggests to start doing whatever you are planning instead of delaying it....

Clock To dream the clock strikes, and that you count, but that instant it stands still, forebodes death to some old friend, but if the hand moves again, the party will recover....

Clock To dream the clock strikes, and that you count, but that instant, it stands still, forbade death to some old friend, but if the hand moves again, the party will recover....

Clock To dream the clock strikes, and that you count, but that instant it stands still, forebodes death to some old friend, but if the hand moves again, the party will recover....

Clock To dream of a clock is a sure sign of happiness....

Clock Wall clock, pocket watch, wristwatch etc., indicates the resurgence of a past love, time lost in fruitless deeds, hatred and rancor....

Clock Dreaming that you see a clock, denotes danger from a foe. To hear one strike, you will receive unpleasant news. The death of some friend is implied....

Clock (On Church Steeple) Fortune, power, elevation. With the hands stopped, loss of employment....

Horloge (A Sort Of Clock) Greatly spent time....
Dreams about Clock
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Hello, my name is ZOLO, dreams about Clock are usually associated with dreaming about A wall clock, do you think it is true?


Antique clock
Seeing an antique clock in your dream alludes to reflection and personal realizations. You could be entering a period of introspection as a result of various factors which are out of your control. A lot of things may have gone wrong or you could be dealing with disappointments which would prompt you to reevaluate your lot in life. What good deeds and bad decisions have you made so far? What can you change and improve on as you plan a future for yourself and your loved ones? These would be the questions you would ask yourself as you enter this enlightening time.

A wall clock
A wall clock in your dream likely serves to remind you not to take anything for granted. You may be too focused on trivial and worldly things. Or perhaps you are too wrapped up in work and duties that you oftentimes miss out on appreciating the small pleasures of day-to-day existence. There is also a possibility that you would neglect your friends and family in pursuit of your dreams. Perhaps you need to think about your priorities and the essential things, otherwise you could end up alone and miserable. Alternatively, the wall clock could also signal an unexpected event that has the potential to lead you to a completely different path.

A clock with no face
A faceless clock or a clock with no face is a bad omen. This symbol usually portends a grim event unfolding in the near future. You could be involved in a controversial incident or experience an unfortunate accident. While seemingly random, this awful event bears an important lesson. Perhaps it serves to balance a previous mistake or wrongdoing. To avert this disaster, you may need to strengthen your faith and try not to ruffle any feathers to avoid attracting negative energy.

Ticking of a clock
To hear the ticking of a clock in a dream means you would constantly experience life's ups and downs with not a lot of respite in between. If you only hear the ticking without actually seeing the clock, then this could be an allusion to your strong intuition. You may have a knack for solving problems using your instincts and gut feel, but perhaps this is also the reason why trials continue to come your way. In trying to overcome various challenges, you would have to acquire the necessary skill and attitude to eventually reach your ultimate goal. On the other hand, this can also be a cry for help. The ticking of the clock may be that small voice at the back of your mind letting you know that someone close to you is in dire need of your help.

A floor clock
Seeing a floor clock in your dream is often related to your intimate affairs. Specifically, this symbol represents your sexual relations with someone you initially thought was reserved and conservative. You would be pleasantly surprised at how satisfying and passionate it would become when you finally decide to get intimate. First impressions are not always accurate and this encounter would be a testament to that fact. Perhaps it may not turn into something serious for the both of you, but at the very least you could learn to reserve judgment until you have been fully acquainted with someone.

A tower clock
Envisioning a clock tower or a tower clock, such as the Big Ben, often points to the arrival of a much-anticipated piece of news. More often than not, this information is usually positive in nature. For example, a friend who has moved to another country may be coming to visit you. It is also possible that you would finally get an approval on a project you have been pitching for the longest time. Whatever it is that you have looking forward to, this dream vision suggests its imminent fulfillment.

A broken clock
Dreaming of a broken clock reveals intimacy issues with your current partner. You may be dissatisfied with your sex life for various

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Association: - Time planning, - measure. Question: - How much time do I have? What comes to an end?
In general:

The symbol of the clock always illustrates transitoriness, unstableness and advancement. If it particularly appears in the dream, it would like to draw the attention of the dreaming to use his time well and to seize offering chances to themselves to him. If this looks in the dream constantly at the clock, he fears not to be able to fulfil his duties sachgemäß and feels from the expectations put to him overtaxed. If one hears in the dream a clock ticking, one should take care of a logical fulfilment of his duties. If she breaks in the dream, fateful times approach. The golden clock can warn about deceptions and deception.

If in the dream a clock appears, the dreaming is drawn the attention to the fact that the time passes. Maybe he must stronger deal with his time planning or with his duties, - maybe he should also recognise that there a certain urgency is with that what he does. If the clock stands, a life phase comes to an end. Often it is in the dream the life clock and translates the fear that the life could pass too fast: One pays attention to the pointers which time of day they indicate to find out further details. If it is shortly before twelve, the unconscious announces, for example that a matter which just maybe stands in a queue must be done immediately. It can concern of course also periods of life which are indicated from the clock in the dream. In a dream of a clock the hands could indicate at the figures which are important for the dreaming. If in the dream an alarm clock rings, the dreaming is warned about a danger. Pay attention to whether the clock indicates the right time or goes forward or follows (one often has in the dream for it a feeling). Stopped watches often refer to the fact that one should take a break.
wristwatch: The wristwatch makes clear in the dream, so to speak, the time which one carries around with himself. This dream symbol is a widespread symbol for the inward-looking pressure of time.
station clock: The dream symbol station clock indicates that one is on the move always and feels so rushed. One also points to the fact that it is high time for a necessary change.
digital clock: The digital clock is the technical clock which refers in the dream to a maladjusted setting at the moment. One does not experience the time expiry more than one process.
egg timer: The egg timer refers in the dream on small periods. This may be a tip to the fact that one should plan his time more exactly, so in smaller segments.
church clock: The church clock is the big clock which owns from the steeple from the overview and controls the life of the inhabitants. Herewith at the same time it is expelled to the spirituality and with it to the internal rhythm. This dream symbol always appears when should be expelled to the discrepancy between from the outside certain time and internal rhythm.
pendulum clock: With the pendulum clock it is expelled in the dream mostly to the rash of the pendulum. This dream symbol registers that it goes up and down.
hourglass: The hourglass mostly refers in the dream to the 'good, old time'.
wall clock: The wall clock is covered in her symbolism in the dream to the space in which she is right. She controls the time in this space with which an internal space or area of the dreamer is demanded.
alarm clock: As a result the alarm clock or the wake-up clock indicates as a dream symbol almost always that, finally, one should awake. That is the fact that one should go with more consciousness by his life. This is the fight against the sleep in


At the spiritual level a clock symbolises the knowledge of age and time.

The clock means actions, enterprises, movements and starting of shops: They accomplish everything namely what the people do in view of the hours. Therefore, it feels sick and catastrophically particularly for sick people if a clock collapses or breaks. Always it is better to count the hours before the midday than after the same.


see: you should not be unpunctual,
see a big one: indicates at a scarcely limited time,
of gold: you will have envious person,
shortly before Twelve: one will feel put before an important decision,
the big pointer walks around fast the figure sheet: one is discontented with the present course of the life,
get as a gift: recover from an illness,
hear hitting: Punctuality is to you very much anzuempfehlen,
gather: you will be reminded of the fulfilment of your promise, - also: one gives you one more term, - also: a new period of life has begun,
shift: you are in love and have a date,
put back: push out an important thing no longer,
stops: a big fright meets you,
stopped ones: you will miss the best moment for the implementation of your intention,
drop: Illness and grief,
(European ones).:

symbol for the fear that the life passes by too fast - is also valid as a reminder of using the time wise ones,
hear hitting: one stands before an important decision in the life,
see: if approaching a determining hour tells in,
see a stopped one: if an unexpected end of a state or a close acquaintance registers,
shortly before twelve: now one will be put before an important decision and should not hesitate,
the big pointer runs too fast: one is very discontented with the present life,
gather: now a new period of life begins.

gather: you will find a good admission, - rendezvous,
golden ones: one has the intention to rob you,
break: one will despise you,
hear hitting: Time is for you money,
stopped ones: a death in the distance

This may refer to your sense of connection with other people, duties, or the restrictions or disciplines you place upon yourself. The clock can sometimes represent your span of life, and the ticking, your heart – how much time have you left? What time of your life is it?

Clock or watch: The boundaries or restrictions we create for ourselves through our awareness of time. It can also relate to a sense of duty and timing, a realisation of urgency or having ‘lots of time’.

The clock is also an indication of duration, of how much experience you have passed through, and of course your passing life. The watch or clock also connect powerfully with arriving, meeting and leaving; with departing work, or the pressure of being on time.

Ticking clock: Might be the heart; life ticking away.

Big clock: One’s life – how much time has passed or one has left.

Clock watching: Tension, a desire to be somewhere else or with someone else. Wanting to escape from either a situation or from the demands of time and responsibility. Being bored or lacking satisfaction. Feelings about ageing.

Clock with hands still: The end of something, timelessness, or a death.

Expensive watch: Quality; boastfulness; accuracy; wealth.

With hands racing: Time running out or a frenetic stressful feelings of events pressurising you. Sense of urgency.

Alarm clock ringing: Message to wake up to something happening in your life, or to remember something you had set yourself to do. Sometimes a warning. See: time – of day.

Useful Questions and Hints:

What is the dream situation about – parting, waiting, rightness, impatience – whatever it is how does it relate to me?

Is this about timing, and if so in regard to what?

What time of my life is it? See: time – of day.

See Being the Person or Thing – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams

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Clock dream meaning
Clock dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you see a clock, denotes danger from a foe.

To hear one strike, you will receive unpleasant news.

The death of some friend is implied.
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clock dream symbol
The idea of time in general, or the passage of time
Being late or early (or a fear of being so), short on time, or having too much time, or the idea of adhering to a schedule... (read all at source)
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Dreams About Clock
What do dreams about clock mean?
To dream that you see a clock, denotes danger from a foe. To hear one strike, you will receive unpleasant news. The death of some friend is implied. (read all at source)
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To dream that you see a clock, denotes danger from a foe. To hear one strike, you will receive unpleasant news. The death of some friend is implied. (read all at source)
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Dream "Alarm clock"
Lofa Dream Interpretation
Whether it every day at our disposal 84,600 dollars, how would we manage the money? About the same time, we manage: no matter how much you spend, but this is truly priceless gift ever not to be missed. (read all at source)
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Was time important yesterday? Did you need to do something? In what ways did you think it was the 'right time' yesterday? Is it 'time for a change?' Is something scheduled to happen tomorrow?
EXAMPLE DREAMS... (read all at source)
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A clock can mean you are worrying about having enough time for something in your life. This dream symbol can also refer to a past event you wish you could change. Don't be so hard on yourself.
closet... (read all at source)
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Dream Symbols
Heart, circulatory system, emotions (more)... (read all at source)
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Clock Dreams
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A clock in a dream symbolizes the passage of time. (read all at source)
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A large clock might mean you're feeling overwhelmed by time demands (schedules, restrictions, not enough time, etc.).
See also: alarm clock time
Category(s): Objects... (read all at source)
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Clocks are symbols of time passing, of growing older and aging. What does it mean if you dream about clocks, whether they are wrist watches or large grandfather clocks? (read all at source)
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Seeing a clock in your dream means the importance of time or that time is running out. You may be feeling some anxiety of not being on top of things. Your mind may be preoccupied with a deadline that you have to meet or some other time-sensitive issue. (read all at source)
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To dream about a clock represents the significance of time or that time may not be on your side. You may be stressing about being overwhelmed with things or you could be focused too much on a deadline coming up, or some other thing that could be time sensitive. (read all at source)
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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you see a clock, denotes danger from a foe. To hear one strike, you will receive unpleasant news. The death of some friend is implied.. (read all at source)
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To move in a clockwise direction also symbolizes your heart and in this case indicates it would be wise for you to following the advise of the dream.
To move in an anti-clockwise  direction is telling you that what you are doing is not wise for your heart. (read all at source)
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Alarm clocks in dreams are often a reminder of our limitations. These may be reflections of actual problems (such as running out of time), symbolic of poor time management, or completely conceptual (such as failing to complete a life-cycle task before that cycle ends). (read all at source)
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Clock Dreams
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A clock in a dream symbolizes the passage of time. (read all at source)
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A large clock might mean you're feeling overwhelmed by time demands (schedules, restrictions, not enough time, etc.).
See also: alarm clock time
Category(s): Objects... (read all at source)
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Clocks are symbols of time passing, of growing older and aging. What does it mean if you dream about clocks, whether they are wrist watches or large grandfather clocks? (read all at source)
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Seeing a clock in your dream means the importance of time or that time is running out. You may be feeling some anxiety of not being on top of things. Your mind may be preoccupied with a deadline that you have to meet or some other time-sensitive issue. (read all at source)
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To dream about a clock represents the significance of time or that time may not be on your side. You may be stressing about being overwhelmed with things or you could be focused too much on a deadline coming up, or some other thing that could be time sensitive. (read all at source)
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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you see a clock, denotes danger from a foe. To hear one strike, you will receive unpleasant news. The death of some friend is implied.. (read all at source)
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To move in a clockwise direction also symbolizes your heart and in this case indicates it would be wise for you to following the advise of the dream.
To move in an anti-clockwise  direction is telling you that what you are doing is not wise for your heart. (read all at source)
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Alarm clocks in dreams are often a reminder of our limitations. These may be reflections of actual problems (such as running out of time), symbolic of poor time management, or completely conceptual (such as failing to complete a life-cycle task before that cycle ends). (read all at source)
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To dream alarm clock in general - In the dream to hear/ to listen to an alarm clock always associated with the time. In your real life maybe you haven't done something, you have forgotten. This is a fear that you do not have enough time to finish your work, to reach your goals and aims. (read all at source)
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Sometimes dreams account for what is happening by making up things like if your alarm clock rings, you hear it, so your dream may show you a phone ringing to compensate for the sound. (read all at source)
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Clocks: The dream Clock, as you would guess, deals with time. Specifically, the Clock may indicate that you are afraid that life is moving by you, or things are moving too fast. (read all at source)

To dream that you see a clock, denotes danger from a foe. To hear one strike, you will receive unpleasant news. The death of some friend is implied.
Cloister... (read all at source)
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To dream of a clock implies danger from a foe. To hear a clock strike means that you are to receive some unpleasant news shortly.
Clothes... (read all at source)
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dream interpretation
meaning of dream
Carl Jung called all circular images a "mandala." It is one of the most important dream symbols which represent the psychic center of personality. It is symbolic of wholeness, completeness, and unity of the self. (read all at source)
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Clock top list
Time element. Allotted time.Check conditions surrounding the clock and the appearance of the clock.It is talking to you about time, a cycle, age or duration of something. Carl Jung called all circular images a "mandala. (read all at source)
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Clock- symbolic of waiting, an issue that is dependent upon God’s timing, 2 Pet. 3:9
Closet-symbolic of private prayer, Matt. 6:6. A closet may also symbolize a place where people bury things from their life that they do not wish to deal with... (read all at source)
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Objects - Dream Dictionary
The passage of time cycles. If it has a circular face, which is emphasized, it may represent a form of the mandala (Self). A huge, heavy clock  suggest the stability or burdens of time; possibly a looking deadline. (read all at source)
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Obviously, a clock in a dream is alerting us to a passage of time; that for some reason time is important and we must be aware of its' presence.
Close... (read all at source)
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Clock-Time: Late; early; delay. Grandfather Clock=past
Ephesians 5:16- covering clean or unclean. (Matt 5:40)
Closet-Private: Personal; prayer; secret sin (as in skeletons in the closet); something hidden. (read all at source)
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Like the Calendar, the clock can be associated with a sense of time and urgency, although its focus on a specific hour can bring importance to the number depicted. See Numbers. The alarm clock may be giving you a wake up call to acknowledge something.
Close... (read all at source)
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A symbol for time passing. If you dream of watching a clock ticking, with the hands moving steadily, this is a warning that you need to stop wasting time. Winding a clock or watch indicates that you are taking control of the situation. (read all at source)
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Alarm Clock
Dreaming of an alarm clock can be a message from your unconscious that you need to be more prudent, that you need more discipline, or that you need to have more willpower. Hearing an alarm clock in your dream can be a reminder that it is time to do something. (read all at source)
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Clock - Time is of essence; get on with the task at hand. Note numbers on clock and see' numbers'.
Closed - Anything that is closed may symbolize those things that are not available to you. It also represents feelings of inadequacy and frustration. (read all at source)
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cuckoo clock a reminder that time is going by; get on with it. Who is acting silly?
cup something needing to be contained; your cup runneth over; someone 'in their cups'; symbol of the feminine (chalice). (See grail) What is just your 'cup of tea'? (read all at source)
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Grandfather Clock
To dream of a grandfather clock  means you can improve your life by taking action, instead of just waiting and hoping things turn out okay.
Grandparents... (read all at source)
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A clockwise spiral which moves right demonstrates that you are on your way to great things, in terms of discovering yourself and your own mission in this life. If the spiral

Dream Meaning of Watch (Clock)

To see a watch in a dream refers to order, operation, being on the rail.

To see watch clicks or a watch who works orderly in your dream may indicate that you won’t have any problems about health and get rid of your small health problems if you have.

To see that a watch is broken or isn’t working in your dream suggests that you will overcome your health problems and you will implement your plans which you postponed because of the health.

To see of buying a watch in your dream signifies that you will fix the relationship with your partner or family.

To see of selling a watch in your dream indicates that although you find the reasons and solutions of your troubles, you will be late to implement the solutions because you don’t find time for this.

To find a watch in your dream symbolizes that when you lose hope, thanks to a person you meet or incident you have, you will get rid of your trouble rapidly.

To wear a watch in your dream denotes that you will see the mistakes in an issue which everyone makes mistake and you will create difference in your environment.

To see a wristwatch in a dream refers to a spouse who is careful and tidy.

To see a wall clock in a dream refers to merciful and fair leader or executive.

To see a sand glass in a dream may indicate that you will overcome your troubles by correcting your jobs with traditional methods in a condition which modern solutions aren’t sufficient.

To see gnomon in a dream means that you perform prayer regularly and will be happy in world and eternity life.

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Wall Clock dream interpretations
Islamic dreams about Wall Clock find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Wall Clock dictionary!

Clock Dream Explanation — (Timepiece; Watch) A clock in a dream represents money equal to the time setting when seen in one's dream. An alarm clock in a dream means exposing ills, richness of a poor person and fulfilling a promise.

Alarm clock Dream Explanation — (Timepiece) Seeing an alarm clock in a dream means exposing ills, richness of a poor person, or fulfilling a promise. (Also see Clock)

Wall Dream Explanation — Grabbing to a wall in a dream means the nearing of one's death, pending how firmly one is grabbing to it in the dream. Grabbing to a wall in a dream is also interpreted as holding firmly to one's interest in a strong person. If one builds a wall then tears it down in a dream, it means that he will attempt at destroying someone's livelihood, or perhaps kill him. If one sees and recognizes a wall in his dream, it represents a close friend who may die from depression.

Wall Dream Explanation — A wall in a dream represents knowledge, guidance, cognizance, knowing secrets, judgment, or separation between friend. Standing by a wall or sitting on it, and depending on its conditions in a dream represents one's own state. A wall in a dream also represents a strong, wealthy, powerful and religious person. If the wall needed urgent repairs, and if a group of people come to rescue it in the dream, it represents a man of knowledge, or the Imam of a mosque who has lost his control or respect, then some friends will come to his rescue and to help him restore his rank.

Wall Dream Explanation — A wall in a dream is also interpreted as a mighty person who cannot be managed except through kindness. Jumping over a wall in a dream means reverting from being a believer to a disbeliever, or accepting and following the advice of a disbeliever. Seeing one's picture reflected in a wall in a dream means one's death, and that his name will be itched on his gravestone. If a traveller sees himself returning to his house, whereby its walls are renewed, it means that he will get married. Seeping water from a crack in a wall in one's dream means adversities and stress. (Also see Walls of the city)

A Wall Dream Explanation — A wall reflects the status and position of a person if he is seen standing on top of it. But if he sees himself falling from the wall, it means he is heading for destruction.

Wall Dream Explanation — If a successful businessman sees the walls of his house collapsing in a dream, it means that he will recuperate a lost treasure. If one sees a wall caving over his head, or falling over other people in a dream, it means that he has committed many sins and unless his repents, his punishment will be swift. The caving-in of a wall toward the inside of a house in a dream means an illness, but if it falls toward the outside in the dream, it means death. Seeing a crack in the wall in a dream means that someone in the family will brace against him.

Wall Dream Explanation — If a successful businessman sees the walls of his house collapsing in a dream, it means that he will recuperate a lost treasure. If one sees a wall caving over his head, or falling over other people in a dream, it means that he has committed many sins and unless his repents, his punishment will be swift. The caving-in of a wall toward the inside of a house in a dream means an illness, but if it falls toward the outside in the dream, it means death. Seeing a crack in the wall in a dream means that someone in the family will brace against him.

Wall Gecko Dream Explanation — (Lizard) A wall gecko in a dream represents an evil person who is proud of himself, who encourages mischief, and dampens people's spirit to do good. A gecko in a dream also represents a backbiter and a slanderer. Getting hold of a gecko in a dream means encountering such a person. Eating a gecko in a dream means backbiting people. If a gecko takes a bite from someone's flesh in a dream, it means that someone will speak ill of him in public. A gecko in a dream also represents an avowed enemy who incessantly belittles his opponent and who drives from one place to another. (Also see Lizard)

A Brick Falling from a Wall Dream Explanation — A brick falling from a wall means a male or female member of his family will either get lost or run away or pass away.
A Brick Falling from a Wall Dream Explanation — A brick falling from a wall means a male or female member of his family will either get lost or run away or pass away.

Timepiece Dream Explanation — (See Clock)

Watch Dream Explanation — (Timepiece; Wristwatch. See Clock)

Gecko Dream Explanation — (See Wall gecko)

Separation Dream Explanation — (See Pencil sharpener; Wall)

Fall Dream Explanation —   (Also see God.) Dreaming of falling from a mountain or a wall means God is angry with the dreamer.

Reflection Dream Explanation — Seeing one's picture reflected in a wall means his death, and connotes that his name will be itched on his gravestone.

Seeping Dream Explanation — (Leaking) Seeping water from a crack in a wall in a dream means adversities and distress caused by a brother or an in-law.

Picture Dream Explanation — Seeing one's picture on a wall in a dream means one's death and that his name will be itched on a gravestone. (Also see Paintings)

Smashing Dream Explanation — (Bang; Collide; Hit; Impact; Knocking) To bang one's head against a rock or a wall in a dream means suffering from failing to perform one's night prayers, (arb. Isha)

Seeping Dream Explanation — (Leaking) Seeping water from a crack in a wall in a dream means adversities and distress caused by a brother or an in-law.

Picture Dream Explanation — Seeing one's picture on a wall in a dream means one's death and that his name will be itched on a gravestone. (Also see Paintings)

Smashing Dream Explanation — (Bang; Collide; Hit; Impact; Knocking) To bang one's head against a rock or a wall in a dream means suffering from failing to perform one's night prayers, (arb. Isha)

Guidance Dream Explanation — (Wall) Guidance in a dream means oppression. To receive guidance in one's dream through seeing a light, or hearing the admonition of the holy Quran means walking one the straight path and abstaining from falsehood, or it could mean mixing with its people.

Piercing a hole Dream Explanation — (Boring) Piercing a hole in a dream means deception. Piercing a hole in a stone in a dream means investigating someone in authority. Piercing a hole in the wall of a citadel in a dream means being obsessed with virgin girls and desiring to deflower them.

Clocks and watches are important prophetic dream symbols.  Usually, these objects are time markers for events that will take place in our lives. Therefore it’s very important to pay attention to the time in your dream or vision. Watches can also symbolize “The Watchman” or “The Prophet” who is on watch, meaning God has him/her standing in the gap or interceding in prayer for a particular person, group, ministry or nation. The vision I will share is not a watchman vision, but I will explain how the time was important for me to know.

“I was in my office at my place of employment. Three people were accusing me of making mistakes. All three people were against me. I was angry and hurt. I looked at my wrist watch and the time was 7:50 am”
This was a vision that had very little symbolism.  Visions are literal, dreams are symbolic. I was in my actual office at work and the people were actual people at my place of employment. The accusations against me were actually happening and the way I felt was a reality. The only symbolic part of the vision was the time.

God loves to communicate with us through numbers.  I looked up the meaning of the individual numbers in order for me to obtain revelation on the time.

7 represents – completion, something coming to end, finished. I thought, “Oh boy here we go!”
5 represents – Gods grace, the ability to overcome something.
50 represents – Jubilee, Liberty, freedom!
I also searched scriptures that had chapter and verse 7;50 and looked what popped up: “Jesus said to the woman, Your faith has saved you; go in peace – Luke 7;50″ again, here we go!

I began to understand that my days were numbered and sure enough a month later I was released from my place of employment.  God prepared me for this unfortunate event in my life. He warned me that something was coming to an end but he would give me the ability to overcome it. He also encouraged me by stating there would be a sense of freedom and  I have identified what that freedom is for me. I’ll keep that to myself for now lol!

I wasn’t going to add this but it might be useful to those who like to see how God speaks through numbers. I woke up from that vision at 3:14 am. I looked up scriptures for 3;14 and found:

“But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.” 1 Peter 3;14
God had my back the whole time. Don’t dismiss your dreams! Pay attention to the prophetic clock symbol and ask God to give you revelation. Here is the link to a Christian Dream Symbol book that I frequently use. Understanding The Dreams You Dream by Ira Milligan

Blessings, Tytenisha


Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about wall clock? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about wall clock by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.
Short meaning: the dreams of wall clock may express amenity, fancy and ardent friendship.

Complete meanings of the wall clock dream's symbols
Time, Clock / Wall / Wall / Pendulum / Clock / Wall / Horloge (A Sort Of Clock) / Clock (On Church Steeple) / Wall / Wall / Walls / Cockroaches / Scale / Lintel / Staircase / Knock the bottom out / Brick / Shower / Earthquake / Spiders / Ex-Boyfriend / Beetle / Wallpaper / Hit /
Time, Clock
By Archinterpreter
Time or clock in a dream symbolizes the rhythm and the course of our lives. To see a stopped clock in a dream is an omen that our evolution has finished or that the clock’s owner doesn’t have any more hope, our lifetime has run out of time. If it’s a delayed clock it warns us to accelerate our pace of work, if we do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If the clock delays it, then it indicates that we should take things more calmly if we do not want to risk our health and our lives. If the hands turn madly or we dream we constantly look at the clock, then it reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we lead. If it works well and the time it tells catches our attention the dream’s meaning depends on the context and the marked time. For example: If we believe it’s all over for us and we see the clock ticking noon, it tells us that a new stage begins full of opportunities because we have a lot of life ahead….Read more…
By Archinterpreter

Seeing a wall in a dream means obstacles and limitations. There is a barrier that obstructs your progress. You’re too much dependent on your old habits and ways of thinking. Dreaming that you’re jumping over a wall suggests that you will overcome strong obstacles to succeed. Dreaming that you’re demolishing a wall indicates that you will break barriers and you will overcome your limitations. Seeing a wall crumble indicates that you easily rise from your problems and overcome your barriers. Dreaming that you’re building a wall represents a bad relationship. On the other hand, it indicates that you will accept your limitations. Dreaming that you’re hiding behind a wall suggests that you’re embarrassed of some relationships. Dreaming that you’re being thrown to a wall indicates some ways to break barriers and limitations….Read more…

By Archinterpreter
Seeing a wall in a dream means obstacles and limitations. There is a barrier that obstructs your progress. You’re too much dependent on your old habits and ways of thinking. Dreaming that you’re jumping over a wall suggests that you will overcome strong obstacles to succeed. Dreaming that you’re demolishing a wall indicates that you will break barriers and you will overcome your limitations. Seeing a wall crumble indicates that you easily rise from your problems and overcome your barriers. Dreaming that you’re building a wall represents a bad relationship. On the other hand, it indicates that you will accept your limitations. Dreaming that you’re hiding behind a wall suggests that you’re embarrassed of some relationships. Dreaming that you’re being thrown to a wall indicates some ways to break barriers and limitations….Re

By Archinterpreter
Seeing a wall in a dream means obstacles and limitations. There is a barrier that obstructs your progress. You’re too much dependent on your old habits and ways of thinking. Dreaming that you’re jumping over a wall suggests that you will overcome strong obstacles to succeed. Dreaming that you’re demolishing a wall indicates that you will break barriers and you will overcome your limitations. Seeing a wall crumble indicates that you easily rise from your problems and overcome your barriers. Dreaming that you’re building a wall represents a bad relationship. On the other hand, it indicates that you will accept your limitations. Dreaming that you’re hiding behind a wall suggests that you’re embarrassed of some relationships. Dreaming that you’re being thrown to a wall indicates some ways to break barriers and limitations….Read more…

To dream about a clock represents the significance of time, or that time may not be on your side. You may be stressing about a deadline or some other time-sensitive matter. You need to pick up the pace in life. Clocks also indicate death, especially if the clock has ceased turning. This is common among those surrounded by those with terminal conditions.

To dream that the clock is running backwards, runs concurrent with the way you feel your life is moving. You feel as though you haven't done anything important with your life or that you are currently stuck in the same place. Dreaming of a clock can also represent the human heart and how its beats are like the seconds of a clock. This would be representative of your sentimental side.

Alarm Clock 

To dream of an alarm clock is your unconscious letting you know that an important time is drawing near.
To dream of the clock going off but you are not responding is a reminder to keep to your appointments in the near future so as not to miss a vital piece of information.

Dreaming of an alarm clock that doesn't work shows that you may not be valuing another's time and effort could be made to show that you are in fact grateful for all that they do for you.

To dream of seeing ticks tells you that some person or situation is depleting your stamina. It could also represent a pun on being 'ticked off' - angry or disturbed.

To dream about time reflects concerns about dealing with anxiety and apprehension.

To dream that there isn't enough time symbolizes worry and concern. It could literally mean that you are facing a deadline to get something completed.


To dream that you hear or set off an alarm means that you are confused about something, and perhaps worried that you have made a wrong move.

To dream that something appears out of nowhere indicates that you are limiting your imagination and individuality. You should develop more unique thoughts and ideas. Your emotions should be based on practicality and reason. If you pay attention to the object that is appearing, you will reach a better comprehension of your inner feelings and ideas.

To dream of a year passing is a specific indication of an important milestone in your waking life. Take note of other aspects of your dream, as there may be cause for celebration in your life.

To dream of someone acknowledging one year suggests it is time to review your life and give thanks and credit to whom it is due.

A clock on the wall may be a sign that it is time for something to happen.
The time on the clock face may provide numeric significance.
For example, nine o’clock may mark a time of completion of a psychological process, such as the ending of a negative emotional pattern. Twelve midnight may signify the dawn of consciousness and liberation from negative karma.
Christian Dream Symbols by Tyler Wolfe
symbolic of waiting, an issue that is dependent upon God’s timing, 2 Pet. 3:9
Dream Dictionary Unlimited by Margaret Hamilton
İndication that it is time for something that should not be delayed
Dream Explanations of Astro Center by Astro Center
A symbol for time passing.
If you dream of watching a clock ticking, with the hands moving steadily, this is a warning that you need to stop wasting time. Winding a clock or watch indicates that you are taking control of the situation. Hearing a clock strike indicates that the time has come for some positive action. See “Calendar”.
Dream Meanings and Dream Interpretation by Dream Meanings and Dream Interpretation
Obviously, a clock in a dream is alerting us to a passage of time; that for some reason time is important and we must be aware of its’ presence.

Vision: If the clock shows five minutes before noon: you are faced with an important decision—don’t hesitate.
If the large hand is moving quickly: you are dissatisfied with your life. Winding up a clock: you are starring a new phase in your life. Hearing a clock strike: you are faced with a life-changing decision.

The clock has stopped: a relationship or situation is coming to an end.
Depth Psychology: The clock is a symbol of your fear that your life is going by too fast. Is it time to make an important decision? You will know what is best—what your situation requires.
Gypsy Dream Dictionary by Raymond Buckland
Seeing a clock on a building signifies that you will receive some recognition.
A small clock indicates that you have to reach a quick decision.
To wind a clock means you have much work to do to get a reasonable return.
To hear a clock chiming is a warning that time is running out.
If possible, try to remember the time shown on a clock in your dreams (or the number of times it strikes). This could be significant—see Numbers. See also Alarm Clock.
Islamic Dream Interpretation by Ibn-i Sirin
(Timepiece; Watch) A clock in a dream represents money equal to the time setting when seen in one’s dream.
An alarm clock in a dream means exposing ills, richness of a poor person and fulfilling a promise.
Little Giant Encyclopedia by Klaus Vollmar
See Mandala and Time.
According to Freud, the clock is a symbol of menstruation, because it measures cyclical periods.
The ticking of the clock, also according to Freud, corresponds to the pulse of the clitoris during sexual excitation. Is it possible to transfer this meaning to the rhythmical impulses of a Quartz watch.7

To dream of a grandfather clock means you can improve your life by taking action, instead of just waiting and hoping things turn out okay.
Mystic Dream Book by Internet Archive - Anonymous
To dream that you hear a Clock strike the hours is a fortunate sign. You will enjoy a comfortable life.
New American Dream Dictionary by Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin
1. Time is significant in something one is doing.
2. Hostility toward someone.
Psycho Dream Interpretation by Ella Freeman Sharpe
A clock or a watch indicates the dreamer’s fear of loss of time.
If you just see the clock, it implies fear of losing a job or rank.
If the clod strikes, the fear of death either to self or someone close.
Strangest Dream Explanations by Dream Explanations - Anonymous
Dreams of a clock represent concern about time, worry that you’ll be late, stress about the passage of time, time running out, or being behind schedule.
To want to know what time it is represents a desire for lucidity and that it is time for a reality check. See Watch, Calendar and Time.
Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by Pamela Ball
1- Largely, when a clock appears in a dream we arc being alerted to the passage of time. We may need to pay more attention to our own sense of timing or duty, or may need to recognise that there is a sense of urgency in what we are doing.
2- The clock hands in a dream may be indicating those numbers that are important to us (See Numbers). When an alarm clock rings we are being warned of danger.
3- The Realisation of Age and Time is signified by a clock.
Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by Gustavus Hindman Miller
To dream that you see a clock, denotes danger from a foe.
To hear one strike, you will receive unpleasant news.
The death of some friend is implied.
The Bedside Dream Dictionary by Silvana Amar
Time element. Allotted time.Check conditions surrounding the clock and the appearance of the clock.It is talking to you about time, a cycle, age or duration of something. Carl Jung called all circular images a “mandala.” It is one of the most important dream symbols which represent the psychic center of personality. It is symbolic of wholeness, completeness, and unity of the self.
The clock is a mandala that revolves and it may represent immortality. On the lighter side, when you are dreaming about a clock, time is an obvious issue. You may be currently experiencing anxiety in regard to a time-sensitive situation.
For example, people worry about their “biological clock” running out, or they are concerned about not being “on top of things.” In general, however, this dream may be a reminder that you need to speed up your actions and that time is an important factor. Old dream interpretations say that if you hear a clock strike, (or alarm go off), positive things will happen to you, and if you are winding a clock, you will fall in love! When interpreting this dream, try to remember the time and then attempt to understand how those numbers are meaningful to you.
The Complete Dream Book by Gillian Holloway
A clock dream is a good omen if you hear it strike the hour.
The Fabric of Dream by Katherine Taylor Craig
A dream of misfortune (Gypsy) ; probably associated with the common superstition attached to the timepiece, its stopping at the death of a member of the family, etc.
The Language of Dreams by Patrica Telesco
(see Bells, Hourglass, Numbers, Time)
Standing still: Impatience for some event soon to come, or feeling spiritually, emotionally, or mentally paralyzed.
Hands or mmibers moving counterclockwise: Ask yourself if you’re going against a personal taboo or taking a step backward toward obsolete habits and thought patterns.
Punching a time clock: The danger of becoming a slave to schedules and the agendas of other people.
Is the clock digital, electric, a wristwatch, wind-up, a cuckoo clock, or perhaps even a sundial? Each of these has different associations. Digital clocks show that you are living in the present. Electric clocks and wind-up versions are more antiquated, revealing a stronger focus on times past.
The cuckoo clock expresses
craftsmanship. Have you been giving enough time to your arts lately? Lastly, the sundial represents our ancient roots when humans were more intimately aware of nature. How much time do you spend outdoors just appreciating the Earth}
Look at what time the clock gives, and check the numerological significance.

Clock - Dream Symbol

Clocks are symbols of time passing, of growing older and aging. What does it mean if you dream about clocks, whether they are wrist watches or large grandfather clocks?

Is the clock a soothing presence in the dream? Is it the steady tick-tock of a grandfather clock as you sit in a living room? That could mean that you are comfortable with how life is going, with the things you are experiencing. You're ready for the next step.

Is the clock instead a frantic reminder that you're late? Is it the rushed tick-tick-tick of something left undone, or the buzzing alarm of an alarm clock? This means that you feel time has been wasted, that there are things you still have to do that you're running out of time to do. It could be that others are pressuring you to marry, have kids, go to college, or take other steps in your life. It could be that you, yourself want to do these things and feel like not much time is left. It's time to start looking seriously at your goals and taking concrete steps to achieve them.

Is your clock stopped? Do you look at your wristwatch or other clock and realize that it's not even moving? That you thought you had plenty of time but it turns out you were wrong? This is similar to the fast-ticking situation above, but even more urgent. You didn't even get a warning in this situation - it was only by accident, almost, that you realized that you are out of time. This means you REALLY haven't been paying attention to what your goals were and you need to work quickly to catch up, if you want to reach your dreams.

Dream Encyclopedia

Dreams are the gateways to our souls, and bring great messages to our conscious world. This encyclopedia is the key to unlocking what they are trying to tell you!

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Dream Information Main Page

Repairing a clock. Meaning of dream and numbers.
Find out what it means to dream repairing a clock. The interpretations and numbers of the Neapolitan cabala.

broken clock 71
Meaning of the dream: disillusionment of loveclock key 48

Grandfather Clock Dream Symbol  2

Grandfather Clock – Grandfather Clocks, as clocks are symbols of time. However, traditional grandfather clocks have to be wound and are, therefore, a symbol of your personal connection with the passing of time. If you dream about the pendulum on a grandfather clock it is a sign that you are wasting time. If you dream about a grandfather clock that is no longer telling the correct time, it is a symbol of losing track of time in an important project.

Check all your calendars for important dates to make sure you are not forgetting and important deadline or meeting. Grandfather clocks might also represent family ties, especially when they are connected to a real life heirloom.

Note: If you have had a dream related to this dream symbol or would like to add something that is related to this topic please leave comment below. Comments are a great way to interact with others who are dreaming about similar topics.


A dream about a clock may be your minds way of exploring thoughts like "Is this the right time" or "I need to get on with this." Look for issues which feature themes like these.
THE DREAM - I am sat talking with friends. They all have partners and are sat contentedly. I am happy but I keep looking at the clock.
THE REALITY The dreamer was single but most of her friends had already got married or were living with their boyfriends. She was at a point when she was realising the need to find a long term partner.
DREAM INTERPRETATION The clock was ticking for a reason - to make the dreamer aware. The dreamer was realising its time to search for a person to share his life with. The clock will continue to keep ticking until this issue is confronted. Often if you are sat down in a dream it may signify how you are becoming more accustomed to some idea or thought. The thought is growing on you.
Symbolic Meanings
CLOCK : "setting yourself serious goals"
SAT : "become accustomed to something over time"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I know that time is passing by. I should perhaps start looking for a more serious commitment. I notice many of my friends are starting to get married."
See how the Symbolic meanings weave together to form a key insight
DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
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•Dream interpretation - hollow tree
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•A woman's presence dream
The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at
Have you ever seen a clock/watch in your dreams?
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2 Answers

George Floyd, Director of PT Hendersonville (2001-present)
Answered Nov 15, 2016
Clocks and watches can and do appear in dreams but for whatever reason they never have the same time. Looking at a clock or your watch while dreaming is a great way to become lucid. For the vast majority of people If you look at a clock or a watch while dreaming, look away and then look again not only will the time dramatically change but the physical form of the clock/watch will change.

I have no idea why this is the case and it's fascinating to me. Why wouldn't your brain have the watch you wear everyday on your wrist during a dream? And why would it change both the time and physical form ...
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I heard clocks are never in dreams. But last night I had a dream in which I saw an analog clock showing 8:45. How did this happen?
Why is it said that there won't be clocks in your dreams?
Why don't clocks ever appear in dreams?
Could you really wake up by pinching yourself in the dream?
Has anyone ever experienced a dream within a dream? Has anyone managed to go even deeper? If so, how and what was it like?

Christine Leigh Langtree, daydream believer
Answered Apr 2, 2015 · Author has 1.9k answers and 3.8m answer views
Originally Answered: Have you ever seen a "clock/watch" in your dreams?
I can't think of a single reason why someone would think you couldn't see a clock in your dreams. It sounds like an old wives tale that could end with 'or your baby will be born unable to tell the time' or something similar.

I have in fact seen a clock in a dream several if not many times. Often, if I'm dreaming when the alarm goes off, an alarm clock will insert itself into the dream and then I wake up.

The best time though was once when I was sleeping in. I dreampt it was 10:22 and woke up naturally - that is, without an alarm. I went out to the kitchen straight away for some water an...
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Dream about Broken Clock

Dream about broken clock is your current surroundings. You may be going through an emotional cool-off period. You are being deceptive and manipulative. This dream indicates some issue you have at school. You need to open the lines of communication with someone in your life.

Broken clock dream is a signal for transformation, renewal or rebirth. You are creating your own opportunities. You are trying to escape life’s problems. It is a portent for how well you are doing in life’s lesson and how your are progressing through each stage in your life. Your views are in conflict with a person or persons.

If you dreamt about broken clock:

Unexpected communications from people far away could open up new opportunities regarding career, education, travel, or other broadening experiences. As a result, new friendships could develop, as well as new ideas and possibly exciting new goals. Modern technology could play a major role in this development. A trip by air could be on the horizon, probably to a place you’ve never been before. Don’t be too overwhelmed by it all!

Related to broken clock dream:

Dream about clock without hands denotes you are going to say yes to some question you have been asking yourself. You are missing a partner in life. You are feeling unprepared. Your dream is sometimes an inner battle between your own ideals and values and between the ideals and values of others. You need to focus on the task at hand and try not to let your emotions cloud your judgment.

Dream about giving clock is a hint for tact, immortality or vigilance. There is something from your past that you are not acknowledging. You are being underestimated in some way. Your dream signals cleansing and healing. Perhaps you are not ready to confront your feelings.

Dream about big clock  symbolises the minor details of life and how you deal with them. You are keeping aspects of yourself a secret and protecting yourself from others. You need to look to the issues or problems from a different perspective. This expresses some aspect of yourself that is private. There is something that needs to be discussed.

Dream about clock ticking is a premonition for an unwelcome guest. You feel everyone is looking over your shoulder or up in your business. You are seeking protection. The dream is a hint for mobility. Perhaps you are the one who is intruding on other people’s business.

Dream about a giant clock  signifies stored energy or hidden resources. You have a fear of separation or fear of being alone. Your support is needed in some cause. It points at some aspect of your family heritage and trait. You may be being deceived.

Dream about clock time  states relaxation and leisure. You feel you can let your inhibitions go and forget about the cultural mores. You or someone in your life may be a pushover. Your dream is a portent for some pressing matter. You need to be better prepared for unexpected challenges that may come your way.

Dream about new clock is a harbinger for glamour. You are having difficulties in sensing your emotional and psychological world. Some area in your life you need to assert more power. This dream symbolises your quick thinking and quick-action. Perhaps you are drawing it out of proportions.

Dream about time clock is a hint for your ability to shape your own path in life. You are being a little show-offy. You need to be careful in who you confide in. This dream denotes how you see the issues in your life. You are following someone else’s path in life instead of paving your own path.

Dream about black clock is a harbinger for dissatisfaction with the direction that a project or situation is going. You feel that you are being treated unjustly. You need to reevaluate the negativity you have towards an enemy. This is a portent for something in your life that you have kept hidden. You no longer have control of a situation.

Dream about clock stopping  is a clue for blood. You need to lea

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The Clock of Dreams
(Titus Crow #3)
by Brian Lumley,  Dave Carson
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In the Clock of Dreams, Cthulhu, one of the Elder Gods, sleeps and dreams - dreams so potent, so powerful, that they can warp reality itself. The mysterious Clock that is capable of hurling men through space and time, even into the monster's dreams, is de Marigny's only hope of finding Titus Crow and saving him from a soul destroying fate.
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Hardcover, 184 pages
Published December 1st 1993 by W.P. Ganley (first published January 1st 1978)
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Jun 24, 2014 C.T. Phipps rated it liked it
Shelves: cthulhu
The third volume of the Titus Crow series by Briam Lumley changes locales again. While the first volume was set on Earth and the second was a space-time crossing adventure, this is a story set entirely in the Dreamlands. H.P. Lovecraft's Dream Cycle is, already, his most "out there" work and its setting only becomes more so in Brian Lumley's hands.

This is certainly the most 'fantasy-esque' of his books and doesn't properly belong in the horror section of books at all. Indeed, I'd say it's as ...more
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Mar 10, 2014 Eric rated it it was ok
For some reason when Lumley writes Cthulhu Cycle fiction, it always comes out like Edgar Rice Burroughs. There is no great depth to any of the stories, with the exception of voluminous references to Lovecraft’s mythos. Pull those our and you have John Carter, or Carson Napier, or David Innes. It’s not bad writing, it’s just predictable (insert last minute miracle to save the hero… here).
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Feb 19, 2013 Estott rated it it was ok  ·  review of another edition
I ate this up with a spoon when I was 20-something. I just read it again at 55 and it doesn't hold up. Verbiage gushes out like a broken water pipe, with here and there a line like "With a vile paw he tore away the tattered cloth, the only thing covering her perfect breasts". Lumley is no genius, but he has done better than this.
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Sep 01, 2016 Jeff rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Big fan of the Titus Crow series and this entry into it didn't disappoint, though it was less about crow and more about fleshing out other characters within the TC universe. I gave 4 stars because I feel earlier books had a bit more depth, but highly entertaining read.
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Feb 21, 2016 Dollie rated it really liked it
Shelves: scifi
There was never a dull moment in this one. Henry and Titus ended up big heroes and now Henry has a love interest. Very interesting series.
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Aug 22, 2008 bluetyson added it  ·  review of another edition
The Clock of Dreams by Brian Lumley (1992)
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Aug 08, 2009 Seth rated it it was amazing
I read this thing several times. Very good book and my first introduction to the mythos known as Cthulhu. Scary stuff!
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Mar 10, 2014

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Dreams Nest – Dreams Dictionary
free online dreams' dictionary is a source for dreams' interpretations by general, psychological, spiritual aspects and with dreams' meanings by religions like Christianity, Islam and Hinduism

Alarm clock dream meanings
Home / Devices / A, C / Alarm clock by The Amber · Leave a comment
General Meanings:

The fear to be late The alarm clock is understood as a bell, a whistle, or signal. The dreamer must also consider the importance of the basic meaning of the clock if he dreams an alarm clock. To you dream that you set the alarm clock it can generally refer to time: what if it might be too late? What I have forgotten?

Psychological Meanings:

Reminder Dream an alarm clock means that your concision is showing that really important time is near you and you have to make decision. The alarm clock symbol is some kind of reminder, or the symbol which shows the end of “time”.

Traditional Meanings:

European (Judeo-Christian)

Annoying news if hear alarm – To hear an alarm clock in a dream, announces an unpleasant surprise or events;
Fear if listen to alarm clock – In the dream you hear and listen to an alarm clock, shows that you have fear that you not have enough time to finish your goals;
Respect if alarm clock does not work – When the alarm clock doesn’t work in your dream, this is the indication that you respect others people time, efforts and do not hurry them and yourself.
Hindu (Hinduism)

Punctuality if listen to an alarm clock – To listen to an alarm clock in your dream marks that you must be punctual and do not be late. Because you will lose your respect.
Arabian (Islamic)

Wish comes true if seeing an alarm clock – In the dream you see an alarm clock, this signifies the fulfillment of desires;
Concerns if alarm ringing loudly – In the dream an alarm clock is ringing very loudly, means that you have some kind of concerns and you can not focus on the main things.
Contexts’ Meanings:

To dream alarm clock in general – In the dream to hear/ to listen to an alarm clock always associated with the time. In your real life maybe you haven’t done something, you have forgotten. This is a fear that you do not have enough time to finish your work, to reach your goals and aims. Also this is a signal or a reminder to wake up and do not sleep for so long because you opportunity may pass away.

* Please, see meaning of bell, whistle, signal, clock, alarm device.

The Astrology Answers Dream Dictionary

Like the alarms that wake us up every morning, alarms in your dreams are doing the same thing. Good morning, sunshine, what do you need to look at in your life? Maybe you are waking up beside the wrong person, or waking up to the wrong job, or maybe even waking up in the wrong house. An alarm clock dream is as simple as it sounds. You can hit the snooze button on it as many times as you want, but we all know it is not going to stop dinging at you until you get up and do something about it.

Clock Dreams
A clock in a dream symbolizes the passage of time.
If you dream about a clock, it can be a reminder that you must attend to an urgent matter. [

clock dream symbol
Tweet this dream symbol! Tweet
The idea of time in general, or the passage of time
Being late or early (or a fear of being so), short on time, or having too much time, or the idea of adhering to a schedule
A particular time of day, or a certain event that tends to happen at that time ... []

Clock dream information - the meaning behind Clock dreams.
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The meaning behind Clock Dreams ... []

Dream Symbols
Heart, circulatory system, emotions (more) ... []

~[⇑] dream symbol
The idea of time in general, or the passage of time
Being late or early (or a fear of being so), short on time, or having too much time, or the idea of adhering to a schedule... (read a

This may refer to your sense of connection with other people, duties, or the restrictions or disciplines you place upon yourself. The ~[⇑] can sometimes represent your span of life, and the ticking, your heart - how much time have you left? What time of your life is it? []

Like the Calendar, the ~[⇑] can be associated with a sense of time and urgency, although its focus on a specific hour can bring importance to the number depicted. See Numbers. The alarm ~[⇑] may be giving you a wake up call to acknowledge something.
Dream Dictionary ... []

~[⇑] Dream Interpretation - 2 Comments
I had a strange dream involving time, and I'm wondering what it means. []

A large ~[⇑] might mean you're feeling overwhelmed by time demands (schedules, restrictions, not enough time, etc.).
See also: alarm ~[⇑] time
Category(s): Objects ... []

~[⇑]s are symbols of time passing, of growing older and aging. What does it mean if you dream about ~[⇑]s, whether they are wrist watches or large grandfather ~[⇑]s? []

NAVIGATION Home Dreams About Cab to Cymbal ~[⇑]
Meaning of Dreams About ~[⇑]s
To dream that you see a ~[⇑], denotes danger from a foe. To hear one strike, you will receive unpleasant news. The death of some friend is implied. []

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you see a ~[⇑], denotes danger from a foe. To hear one strike, you will receive unpleasant news. The death of some friend is implied.. []

Alarm ~[⇑]
To dream of an alarm ~[⇑] is your unconscious letting you know that an important time is drawing near.
To dream of the ~[⇑] going off but you are not responding is a reminder to keep to your appointments in the near future so as not to miss a vital piece of information. []

What do ~[⇑] dreams mean?
* May represent time passing by or a deadline is approaching.
* May represent a biological ~[⇑] (to have a baby).
* May suggest tracking or timing something.
* May represent the aging process. []

To move in a ~[⇑]wise direction also symbolizes your heart and in this case indicates it would be wise for you to following the advise of the dream.
To move in an anti-~[⇑]wise direction is telling you that what you are doing is not wise for your heart. []

Seeing a ~[⇑] in your dream means the importance of time or that time is running out. You may be feeling some anxiety of not being on top of things. Your mind may be preoccupied with a deadline that you have to meet or some other time-sensitive issue. It is time for you to tread on and speed up your actions. []

To dream alarm ~[⇑] in general - In the dream to hear/ to listen to an alarm ~[⇑] always associated with the time. In your real life maybe you haven't done something, you have forgotten. This is a fear that you do not have enough time to finish your work, to reach your goals and aims. []

You may often notice that waking up with an alarm ~[⇑] gives you a quick start into a day. You may then come to believe that using the alarm ~[⇑] might help you keep alert later during the day. This is not the case. [!-a8.html]

I had nightmares repeatedly of a huge grandfather ~[⇑] crashing through the roof of a home and what scared me about it was the imagery of the grandfather ~[⇑] actually falling over like that. I can't figure out what it could mean.
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Was time important yesterday? Did you need to do something? In what ways did you think it was the 'right time' yesterday? Is it 'time for a change?' Is something scheduled to happen tomorrow?

~[⇑]s: The dream ~[⇑], as you would guess, deals with time. Specifically, the ~[⇑] may indicate that you are afraid that life is moving by you, or things are moving too fast. []

~[⇑] :
To dream that you see a ~[⇑], denotes danger from a foe.
To hear one strike, you will receive unpleasant news.
The death of some friend is implied. []

To dream of a ~[⇑] implies danger from a foe. To hear a ~[⇑] strike means that you are to receive some unpleasant news shortly.
Clothes ... []

dream interpretation
meaning of dream
Carl Jung called all circular images a "mandala." It is one of the most important dream symbols which represent the psychic center of personality. It is symbolic of wholeness, completeness, and unity of the self. []

time.Check conditions surrounding the ~[⇑] and the appearance of the ~[⇑].It is talking to you about time, a cycle, age or duration of something. Carl Jung called all circular images a "mandala. []

~[⇑]- symbolic of waiting, an issue that is dependent upon God’s timing, 2 Pet. 3:9
Closet-symbolic of private prayer, Matt. 6:6. A closet may also symbolize a place where people bury things from their life that they do not wish to deal with ... []

Objects - Dream Dictionary
The passage of time cycles. If it has a circular face, which is emphasized, it may represent a form of the mandala (Self). A huge, heavy ~[⇑] suggest the stability or burdens of time; possibly a looking deadline. Consider the symbolism of particular number or time if emphasized. []

Obviously, a ~[⇑] in a dream is alerting us to a passage of time; that for some reason time is important and we must be aware of its' presence.
Close ... []

~[⇑]-Time: Late; early; delay. Grandfather ~[⇑]=past
Ephesians 5:16- covering clean or unclean. (Matt 5:40)
Closet-Private: Personal; prayer; secret sin (as in skeletons in the closet); something hidden. []

To see a ~[⇑] in your dream signifies the importance of time in some waking situation. You may be feeling some anxiety of not being on top of things. Your mind may be preoccupied with a deadline that you have to meet or some other time-sensitive issue. It is time for you to tread on and speed up your actions. []

A ~[⇑] can mean you are worrying about having enough time for something in your life. This dream symbol can also refer to a past event you wish you could change. Don't be so hard on yourself.
closet ... []

~[⇑] - Time is of essence; get on with the task at hand. Note numbers on ~[⇑] and see' numbers'.
Closed - Anything that is closed may symbolize those things that are not available to you. It also represents feelings of inadequacy and frustration. []

' We used to meet almost every evening after dinner in the dining-room, and play until about eleven o'~[⇑], when we would retire. []

I went to a brighter part of the library and found a small and very old ~[⇑]. Looked like it wasn't working for a long time. I moved the pointers to see if it would make a cool noise but it didn't. I realized I wouldn't make the ~[⇑] work again and was suddenly frightened by a voice that said "Peace!". []

Many users email me about what it means to dream of eating objects, I've had people contact me about eating ~[⇑]s, robots, metal and even babies. It is something unusual this can suggest that you go through a period of transition and is a sign that you really need to be warmer and more comforting around others. []
~[⇑] To dream that you see a ~[⇑], denotes danger from…
Planets Planets Dreaming about planets could represent desire to explore either…
Admire To dream that you are an object of admiration, denotes…
Facebook To dream about your Facebook page represents your desires to… ... []

A disorder of the body's timing system - the biological ~[⇑]
Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome Treatment / Remedies / Medication / Cures
What is used as a treatment, remedy, cure or medication for Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome? []

If you dreamt about a ~[⇑] you must stop throwing away your time. An alarm ~[⇑] that is ringing may tell you that you have dreamt about something important. To wind up a ~[⇑] mean you will have a pleasant time in your love life. []

We're a team of dreamers working around the ~[⇑] to bring you the very best dream interpretations. We all love sleep right, so let's make this fun! ... []

Popular Expressions: Like ~[⇑]work; borrowed time; going around in circles
Possible Meanings: ... []

Try and mess with your daily sleep patterns and set your alarm ~[⇑] back 1 hour and fall back asleep. Lucid dreaming and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) work hand in hand because we get our REM sleep hours or minutes before we wake up. During REM sleep we are more likely to remember what we dreamed about in that period. []

because by the time you've interpreted the number of stairs
on the flight of stairs, the number of pictures on the wall,
what time the ~[⇑] said, what color the carpet was, you've
lost the entire point of the dream. That kind of dream
analysis will drive you insane and you will miss the entire
point of the dream.

A dream about a clock

Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
You dream that you are standing in a cobbled square, at the foot of an immense bell-tower. You are looking up at the clock face, high above you. It is about to strike twelve. You are quite certain you should be elsewhere when it does.
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Photo Gallery of Dream - Clock

The meaning of the dream symbol: Clock

Added: 1 September
Any sort of clock attests to the dreamer's achievement-oriented character, or to his actual achievements. it also symbolizes wealth and abundance.

The purpose of clocks, watches and calendars is to measure how much or how little time we have available to us. Timepieces and dates remind us that time is passing and we are aging. Birthdays and anniversaries prompt us to reflect upon what we have and haven't accomplished and bring our memories to light.

While these nifty little items help us plan our days, months and years, they can also cause us a great deal of stress. In our busy society, our lives are organized around "false" routines arranged by the clock and not what is best for our bodies and minds. Don't even get me started about daylight savings time!

In a dream where a clock or calendar is significant, your dream may be telling you to make time for what you want and need to do for yourself independent of the schedule that society has designed for all of us. If you are under stress about deadlines or have been procrastinating about a task, clocks and calendars may simply be a manifestation of that stress: "I'm running out of time." A clock showing a specific time, such as one minute to midnight or 5:30 p.m. may indicate anxiety about an upcoming event.

Calendar dates can be significant in dreams. For instance, "December 12th" appeared very clearly on a sign, a wall, etc. First, look at whether the date has meaning for you. Is it someone's birthday, an anniversary or holiday? Was that day happy or sad for you or them? What does the person or event associated with that date symbolize for you? What's going on in life right now that relates to that? Some dream dictionaries say that dreaming of a future date means that something will be completed by then. Past dates with historical assocations can be interesting. Do some research to find out what happened on that date and compare it to the present. If the date was a fateful one, such as September 11th, it doesn't necessary foretell disaster. Your dream is telling you to live in the present and enjoy life to the fullest. Historical dates, along with other factors, can suggest past life dreams.

Clocks can symbolize the human heart, especially if you notice that it is ticking in your dream. The ticking represents the heartbeat and in the dream world symbolizes emotional issues. Is the ticking fast, slow, loud or soft? Does it sound like a clock or like a heartbeat? These observations can help assess the state of your emotions. A stopped clock may indicate a stilling of the emotions, such as depression or a broken heart. It may also symbolize uncertainty or ambivalence about an emotional issue. A clock with its hands spinning wildly could indicate that your emotions are spinning out of control or that you are feeling critically behind schedule in waking life.

Your dream may be a message to slow down and take a look at your stress level. The technology of cell phones and laptops is wonderful, but these nifty little items have helped create a seven day work week for some folks. A recent television commercial urging us to take vacations said it brilliantly: "Your time is our money." Unless you are self-employed and working long hours is really a necessity, beware of giving the precious time that belongs to you and your family to someone who wouldn't think twice about replacing you.

Perhaps you have an art, hobby or sport that helps you to feel whole and fulfiilled but are finding more and more that there never seems to be any time. While it initially sounds like yet another responsibility, joining a group, class or team may help you make time in your schedule to nurture what brings you joy. In her dynamic little book, Heal Your Body, Louise L. Hay says that heart attacks and heart disease are caused by joy being squeezed out of the heart. Life coach and inspirational author Iyanla Vanzant says that we must do what brings us joy to stay physically and emotionally healthy.

Mystical folklore says that to hear a clock chime in a dream indicates that you wlll receive bad news. My bet is that you'll change back into ripped jeans and no makeup, and some Prince Charming kind of guy will find you precious and adorable!

Oh, by the way - it's that time of year for lots of free calendars! So far I have one from Wal-mart, and my insurance company gave me both a wall and mini desk calendar. I'm looking forward to my pharmacy's - theirs has great coupons! As the year closes, this is a good time to evaluate progress on your goals or to firm up the dream your heart desires. Remember, your dream can't come true if you don't have one.

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Dream until your dreams come true!

Parthena Black is a professional social worker and ordained minister with experience in tarot and runes. For private spiritual counseling and intuitive readings via e-mail, please visit her at

Be inspired to live your dreams every day of the year with the positive messages, affirmations and beautiful images in the "Always Believe In Your Dreams" 2006 Calendar from Blue Mountain Arts.

448k members
u/Rum-King • Feb 25, 2018
IsItBullshit: you can’t see clock faces in dreams?
I remember learning this from a documentary but always questioned it.

Dream Dictionary & Dream Meanings
Clocks in Dreams

Clocks in a dream usually represent a sense of time, usually corresponding to the way you manage time. It most likely represents that you’re either running out of time, or that you’re deadline for somehting is almost up. Your mind is subconsciously reminding you that you need to get something done and that you have a duty to fulfill. Also it can be related to procrastination, where your mind’s telling you that all this procrastination is leading up to something bad. Your mind is letting you know that time is running out and you can’t put things back any longer. Or it can be the anxiety you have for something, such that you’re waiting for something to come to you, and your mind is very impatient.

The best solution to dreams involving clocks through a sense of time is to fix your problems in life. If there’s something important you need to do, do it now rather than wait. And sometimes, all you need is a little patience and hard work to get through your troubles.

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