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In this work Babalawo Obanifa will meanings of alms in dream from the perspective of Yoruba culture and spirituality. By alms within the context of this work .We are referring to : something (such as money or food) given freely to relieve the poor . Alms in dream can have either positive or negative meanings. The kind of Meanings to be given to alms dream will usually depend on the contents and contexts of such dream. Below is the documentation of some of the meaning of alms dream in Yoruba spirituality as document by Babalawo Obanifa.
TI A BA LALA TI ARUGBO SE ITORE AANU FUN WA LOJU ALA(IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT AN ELDERLY PERSON IS GIVING YOU OR GIVE YOU ALMS: In any kind of dream of this nature. It is a positive message dream warning the dreamer and giving him/her advise on the need for him or her to seek counsel, advice and opinion of people who are more knowledgeable than him or her in what is doing or about to do. Such advice is needed  for him or her to be able to achieve his/her purpose.
TI A BA LALA TI A SE ITORE ANU FUN OBA ILU /IJOEY TABI ILE IJOSIN(IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU GIVE ALMS TO KINGS /CELEBRITY /INFLUNETIAL FIGURE/RELIGION ORGANIZATION IN DREAMS)In any kind of dream of this nature. This kind of dream connote losing of properties or belonging to powerful people or government. This is a warnings dream telling the dreamer to be very careful with activities that may make him lose his properties.

TI O BA LALA TI O WO AKISA TI ON TORO ANU(IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU DRESS IN RAG AND SOLICITING FOR ALMS ): In any  kind of dream where you see yourself that you dress in rags and  begun to solicit for alms. This kind of dream is a negative  dream . It connotes retrogression and backwardness.
TI A BA LALA RI OBI WA TO TORO AANU LOJU ALA(IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOUR PARENT ARE SOLICITING FOR ALMS IN DREAM):In any kind of dream of this nature . This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he /she need to look after and take care of his parents. If the parent of this dreamer are dead already this kind of dream is telling him that there are certain properties of the parent that is suffering from depreciation. Such dream can also connote that there is family of people close to the parent of this person that are suffering that need attention of the dreamer to provide succor.
TI A BA LALA TI OBA ILU N SAGBE (IF YOU SEE A KING OF A TOWN SEEKING FOR ALMS IN YOUR DREAM): In any kind of dream of this nature. It connotes demotion. If a person in position of authority whether elected or hereditary have this kind of dream. It connotes downfall from grace to grass. Necessary physical and spiritual steps need to be taking to avoid such occurrences.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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 En este trabajo, Babalawo Obanifa tendrá significados de limosna en sueños desde la perspectiva de la cultura y espiritualidad yoruba.  Por limosna en el contexto de este trabajo. Nos referimos a: algo (como dinero o comida) que se da gratuitamente para aliviar a los pobres.  Las limosnas en los sueños pueden tener significados positivos o negativos.  El tipo de significados que se le dará al sueño de limosna generalmente dependerá de los contenidos y contextos de dicho sueño.  A continuación se muestra la documentación de algunos de los significados del sueño de limosna en la espiritualidad yoruba como documento de Babalawo Obanifa.

 TI A BA LALA TI ARUGBO SE ITORE AANU FUN WA LOJU ALA (SI USTED VE EN SU SUEÑO QUE UNA PERSONA MAYOR LE ESTÁ DANDO O LE OTORGA ALMS: En cualquier tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza. Es un mensaje positivo de sueño que advierte al soñador  y aconsejarle sobre la necesidad de que él o ella busque asesoría, asesoramiento y opinión de personas que tienen más conocimiento que él o ella sobre lo que está haciendo o a punto de hacer. Tal consejo es necesario para que él o ella pueda  para lograr su propósito.

 TI A BA LALA TI A SE ITORE ANU FUN OBA ILU / IJOEY TABI ILE IJOSIN (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE DAS ALMS A REYES / CELEBRIDAD / FIGURA INFLUNECIAL / ORGANIZACIÓN DE RELIGIÓN EN SUEÑOS) En cualquier tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza.  Este tipo de sueño implica la pérdida de propiedades o pertenecer a personas poderosas o al gobierno.  Este es un sueño de advertencias que le dice al soñador que tenga mucho cuidado con las actividades que pueden hacerle perder sus propiedades.

 TI O BA LALA TI O WO AKISA TI EN TORO ANU (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE TE VESTIRAS DE RAGA Y SOLICITAS PARA LAMENTAS): En cualquier tipo de sueño donde te ves a ti mismo que te vistes con harapos y comienzas a pedir limosna  .  Este tipo de sueño es un sueño negativo.  Connota retroceso y atraso.

 TI A BA LALA RI OBI WA A TORO AANU LOJU ALA (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE TUS PADRES SOLICITAN LAMINAS EN SUEÑO): En cualquier tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza.  Este tipo de sueño le dice al soñador que él / ella debe cuidar y cuidar a sus padres.  Si el padre de este soñador ya está muerto, este tipo de sueño le dice que hay ciertas propiedades del padre que sufre de depreciación.  Tal sueño también puede connotar que hay una familia de personas cercanas a los padres de esta persona que sufren que necesitan atención del soñador para brindar ayuda.

 TI A BA LALA TI OBA ILU N SAGBE (SI VE A UN REY DE UN PUEBLO QUE BUSCA LAMENTAS EN SU SUEÑO): En cualquier tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza.  Connota degradación.  Si una persona en posición de autoridad, ya sea elegida o hereditaria, tiene este tipo de sueño.  Connota caída de la gracia a la hierba.  Deben tomarse los pasos físicos y espirituales necesarios para evitar tales ocurrencias.

 Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, teléfono y contacto de WhatsApp: +2348166343145, ubicación Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

 AVISO IMPORTANTE: Con respecto al artículo anterior, todos los derechos reservados, ninguna parte de este artículo puede reproducirse o duplicarse de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias y grabaciones, o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento o recuperación de información sin permiso previo por escrito.  del titular de los derechos de autor y del autor Babalawo Obanifa, hacerlo se considera ilegal y traerá consecuencias legales

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  SIGNIFICA ALMS EM SONHO DE BABALAWO OBANIFA - Documentários extremos de Obanifa


  Neste trabalho, Babalawo Obanifa terá significados de esmolas em sonho a partir da perspectiva da cultura e espiritualidade iorubá.  Por esmolas no contexto deste trabalho. Estamos nos referindo a: algo (como dinheiro ou comida) dado livremente para aliviar os pobres.  A esmola no sonho pode ter significados positivos ou negativos.  O tipo de significado a ser dado ao sonho de esmola geralmente dependerá do conteúdo e do contexto desse sonho.  Abaixo está a documentação de alguns dos significados dos sonhos de esmolas na espiritualidade iorubá, como documento de Babalawo Obanifa.

  TI A BA LALA TI ARUGBO VEJA AANU DIVERTIDA WA LOJU ALA (SE VOCÊ VÊ EM SEU SONHO QUE UMA PESSOA IDOSA ESTÁ DANDO A VOCÊ OU DANDO ALMAS: Em qualquer tipo de sonho dessa natureza. É uma mensagem positiva, um sonho avisando o sonhador  e dar-lhe conselhos sobre a necessidade de buscar conselhos, conselhos e opiniões de pessoas que têm mais conhecimento do que ele ou ela sobre o que está fazendo ou prestes a fazer.Este conselho é necessário para que ele possa  para atingir seu objetivo.

  TI A BA LALA TI A VEJA ANU DIVERTIDO OBA ILU / IJOEY TABI IJOSIN (SE VOCÊ VÊ EM SEU SONHO QUE DÁ ALMAS A REIS / CELEBRIDADE / FIGURA INFLUNCIAL / ORGANIZAÇÃO INFLUNETIAL / RELIGIÃO EM SONHOS) Em qualquer tipo de sonho dessa natureza.  Esse tipo de sonho indica perda de propriedades ou pertencimento a pessoas poderosas ou governo.  Este é um sonho de advertência que diz ao sonhador que tenha muito cuidado com atividades que possam fazê-lo perder suas propriedades.

  TI O BA LALA O WO AKISA TI EM TORO ANU (SE VOCÊ VÊ EM SEU SONHO QUE VESTIDA EM RAGGOS E SOLICITANTE PARA ALMAS): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que você se vê vestido de trapos e começou a solicitar esmolas  .  Esse tipo de sonho é um sonho negativo.  Conota retrocesso e atraso.

  TI A BA LALA RI OBI WA PARA TORO AANU LOJU ALA (SE VOCÊ VÊ EM SEU SONHO QUE SEU PAI ESTÁ SOLICITANDO ALMAS NO SONHO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho dessa natureza.  Esse tipo de sonho está dizendo ao sonhador que ele / ela precisa cuidar e cuidar de seus pais.  Se os pais deste sonhador já estão mortos, esse tipo de sonho está lhe dizendo que existem certas propriedades dos pais que sofrem de depreciação.  Esse sonho também pode significar que há uma família de pessoas próximas aos pais dessa pessoa que sofrem e precisam da atenção do sonhador para fornecer socorro.

  TI A BA LALA TI OBA ILU SAGBE (SE VOCÊ VÊ UM REI DE UMA CIDADE PROCURANDO ALMAS NO SEU SONHO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho dessa natureza.  Conota rebaixamento.  Se uma pessoa em posição de autoridade, eleita ou hereditária, tem esse tipo de sonho.  Conota a queda da graça na grama.  É necessário tomar as medidas físicas e espirituais necessárias para evitar tais ocorrências.

  Direitos autorais: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, telefone e whatsapp: +2348166343145, local Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

  AVISO IMPORTANTE: Com relação ao artigo acima, todos os direitos reservados, nenhuma parte deste artigo pode ser reproduzida ou duplicada de qualquer forma ou por qualquer meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocópia e gravação ou por qualquer sistema de armazenamento ou recuperação de informações sem permissão prévia por escrito  do detentor dos direitos autorais e do autor Babalawo Obanifa, fazê-lo é considerado ilegal e atrairá consequências legais

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  Dans ce travail, Babalawo Obanifa aura des significations d'aumône dans le rêve du point de vue de la culture et de la spiritualité yoruba.  Par l'aumône dans le cadre de ce travail. Nous faisons référence à: quelque chose (comme de l'argent ou de la nourriture) donné gratuitement pour soulager les pauvres.  L'aumône dans le rêve peut avoir une signification positive ou négative.  Le type de signification à donner au rêve d'aumône dépendra généralement du contenu et du contexte de ce rêve.  Vous trouverez ci-dessous la documentation de la signification du rêve d'aumône dans la spiritualité yoruba comme document de Babalawo Obanifa.

  TI A BA LALA TI ARUGBO SE ITORE AANU FUN WA LOJU ALA (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QU'UNE PERSONNE ÂGÉE VOUS DONNE OU VOUS DONNE DE L'ALMS: Dans tout type de rêve de cette nature. C'est un message de rêve positif qui avertit le rêveur  et lui donner des conseils sur la nécessité pour lui de demander conseil, avis et opinion à des personnes qui sont mieux informées que lui sur ce qu'il fait ou est sur le point de faire. Ces conseils sont nécessaires pour qu'il puisse  pour atteindre son objectif.

  TI A BA LALA TI A SE ITORE ANU FUN OBA ILU / IJOEY TABI ILE IJOSIN (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOUS DONNEZ L'ALMS AUX ROIS / CELEBRITE / FIGURE INFLUNETIELLE / ORGANISATION RELIGIONNELLE DANS LES RÊVES) Dans tout type de rêve de cette nature.  Ce genre de rêve signifiait la perte de propriétés ou l'appartenance à des personnes ou à un gouvernement puissants.  Il s'agit d'un rêve d'avertissement disant au rêveur d'être très prudent avec les activités qui pourraient lui faire perdre ses propriétés.

  TI O BA LALA TI O WO AKISA TI ON TORO ANU (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOUS VOUS HABILLEZ EN CHIFFON ET SOLLICITEZ POUR L'ALMS): Dans tout type de rêve où vous vous voyez que vous vous habillez en haillons et que vous commencez à solliciter l'aumône  .  Ce genre de rêve est un rêve négatif.  Il évoque la régression et le retard.

  TI A BA LALA RI OBI WA À TORO AANU LOJU ALA (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE VOTRE PARENT SOLLICITE POUR L'ALMS EN RÊVE): Dans tout type de rêve de cette nature.  Ce genre de rêve dit au rêveur qu'il doit s'occuper de ses parents et prendre soin de lui.  Si les parents de ce rêveur sont déjà morts, ce genre de rêve lui dit qu'il y a certaines propriétés du parent qui souffre de dépréciation.  Un tel rêve peut également signifier qu'il existe une famille de personnes proches du parent de cette personne qui souffrent et qui ont besoin de l'attention du rêveur pour lui porter secours.

  TI A BA LALA TI OBA ILU N SAGBE (SI VOUS VOYEZ UN ROI D'UNE VILLE À LA RECHERCHE D'ALMS DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Dans tout type de rêve de cette nature.  Il évoque la rétrogradation.  Si une personne en position d'autorité, qu'elle soit élue ou héréditaire, a ce genre de rêve.  Il évoque la chute de la grâce à l'herbe.  Les mesures physiques et spirituelles nécessaires doivent être prises pour éviter de tels événements.

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, contact par téléphone et WhatsApp: +2348166343145, emplacement Ile Ife, état d'osun, Nigeria.

  AVIS IMPORTANT: En ce qui concerne l'article ci-dessus, tous droits réservés, aucune partie de cet article ne peut être reproduite ou dupliquée sous quelque forme ou par quelque moyen que ce soit, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et l'enregistrement ou par tout système de stockage ou de récupération d'informations sans autorisation écrite préalable  du titulaire du droit d'auteur et de l'auteur Babalawo Obanifa, le faire est considéré comme illégal et entraînera des conséquences juridiques

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 巴巴拉·奥巴尼法(BABALAWO OBANIFA)-Obanifa极限纪录片


 在这部作品中,巴巴拉沃·奥巴尼法(Babalawo Obanifa)从约鲁巴文化和灵性角度将梦中施舍的含义 通过这项工作中的施舍。我们指的是:为减轻穷人的自由而给予的东西(例如金钱或食物)。 梦中的施舍可以具有正面或负面的含义。 施舍梦的含义通常取决于梦的内容和背景。 以下是巴巴洛沃·奥巴尼法(Babalawo Obanifa)撰写的关于约鲁巴灵性中施舍梦的一些含义的文献。

 TI A BALALA TI ARUGBO SE ITORE AANU FUN WA LOJU ALA(如果您在梦中看到老人正在赐予您或给予您施舍,这是任何一种这种性质的梦。这是一个积极的信息梦,警告梦者 并向他/她提供建议,让他/她有必要寻求比他/她在做什么或将要做的事情上知识更丰富的人的咨询,建议和见解。 实现他/她的目的。

 TI A BALALA TI SE SEORE IT ANU FUN OBA ILU / IJOEY TABI ILE IJOSIN(如果您在梦中看到自己赋予国王/名人/基础人物/宗教人物/宗教组织在这种梦中的梦想)。 这种梦想意味着失去财产或属于有权势的人或政府。 这是一个警告性的梦,告诉梦者在做可能会使他失去财产的活动时要格外小心。

 TI O BALALA TI O WO AKISA TI在TORO ANU上(如果您在梦中看到您穿着破烂的衣服征求僧侣):在任何一种梦想中,您都会看到自己穿着破旧的衣服并开始征募施舍 。 这种梦是消极的梦。 它意味着倒退和落后。

 TI A BALALA RI OBI WA to TOA AANU LOJU ALA(如果您在梦中看到您的父母正在寻求梦中的ALMS):在这种性质的任何梦想中。 这种梦想告诉做梦的人,他/她需要照顾并照顾他的父母。 如果这个梦想家的父母已经死了,这种梦想就告诉他,父母的某些财产正遭受折旧的折磨。 这样的梦想也可以暗示有一个与这个人的父母亲近的人的家庭,他们需要梦想家的注意才能提供帮助。

 TI A BALALA TI OBA ILU N SAGBE(如果您想在梦中寻求镇上的国王):在这种性质的任何形式的梦想中。 它意味着降级。 一个当权者无论是当选还是世袭都有这种梦想。 它意味着从恩典到草丛的倒台。 需要采取必要的身体和精神步骤来避免这种情况的发生。

 版权:Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa,电话和whatsapp联系人:+2348166343145,位于尼日利亚Ile Ife osun省。

 重要声明:关于上述条款,保留所有权利,未经事先书面许可,不得以任何形式或通过任何方式(包括影印和录制的电子或机械方式或任何信息存储或检索系统)复制或复制本文的任何部分 版权持有人和作者Babalawo Obanifa的行为被认为是非法的,并将引起法律后果

Meanings of alms in Dreams According to Different Culture And Spiritualities

Dream Meaning of Alms

To see alms in a dream may indicate that you will get rid of your troubles, reach the peace, save from the doubts.

To give alms in your dream signifies that you will get relaxed by noticing that your doubts are untruthful about an issue which you have doubts.

If the person whom you give alms becomes very happy and responses with pray and favour to you, this dream tells that you have a reliable friend whom you won’t have doubts. If the person whom you give alms seems unpleasant from this and shows unfavourable behaviours towards you, you will learn a quality of the person whom you have been with for a long time.

To dream that you give alms to an artist, reputable person or statesman indicates that you will pay tax for the state because of your property which you will buy.

If you give alms to a woman, you are wrong about a person whom you have doubt. If you give alms to a man, you will learn that a person whom you think as poor has a lot of properties. If you give it to a small child, your childhood dream will happen.

The alms which is given to an old person in your dream means that if you don’t have any house, you will buy a property and get rid of rent. If you have already a house, you will have a new property and reach a regular income.

To see alms as cash in your dream indicates that you will get rid of your doubts about an issue which you are disturbed. If you see alms as coins, you will make people relaxed because you reveal the issue which everyone is nervous.

To see of taking alms in your dream may indicate that you will understand that a person whom you exaggerate in your eyes isn’t better than you. Your self confidence will enhance.

To see alms box in your dream symbolizes that you will take financial valuable support from a person whom you did favour and you will get rid of your monetary problems.

Alms Dream Meaning
What does giving to the poor mean in dreams?

To dream of alms or almsgiving in connection with a religious rite refers to material goods that will soon enter your life. If you perform a religious act in regards to alms, then times are going to be happy in the future.

What does it mean to give to the poor in your dream? Alms are basically gifts of money, clothes or material items given to the poor. So what happens if you dream of giving alms or recieveing them? Being poor in a dream can indicate that you may need to focus on yourself for a while. In my view, this kind of dream indicates that you should be watching what you spend money on. If you see a poor man in a dream this can suggest that you may need to overcome obstacles in life. To help this poor person by giving clothes or gifts can indicate ongoing support will be needed in life. To see a large number of poor people in the dream can suggest that though others you will always get what you want.The key to this dream is for you to begin to place the balance in the right way. With an understanding of the spiritual side of life, you need to be able to open up more to others, as well as yourself. Having alms featured in your dream demonstrates the need for communication with others so that whatever you do focus the mind, you should consider what is in it for others. In other words, how many people will benefit from your actions? The more people will benefit, the more successful your endeavors will be.

In your dream:

Given alms to others = happiness.
Dreamt that you are part of a secret order = delay but for the best.
Been in a strange land or place = will rely on others.

Received alms from someone you know = you will gain advice going forward.
Asked for alms = others want to connect with you.
Made alms = you will give advice to someone who needs it.
Distributed alms to the poor = take some time out.
Expected alms = happiness will be yours.
The good news is this dream is full of positive changes. I hope you find this useful and I will quickly run through positive changes going forward. If your dream is not covered then please leave a comment at the bottom of this page and I will try to get back to you. Positive changes are afoot if: The dream was positive in nature and you felt good. The religious symbols in your dream resulted in feeling relaxation. You had happy times in the strange place. You are confessing any sins or wrongdoings during your dream. You have understood and gained insight into the situation within your dream. You express emotion within your dream which is positive in nature.

What is the detailed dream interpretation of alms? The alms in your dream may be associated with any of the following religions: Buddhism. Christianity. Hinduism. Islam. Judaism. To give alms to another person in connection with any of the above religions is a sign that you may have a good year. This should be a time of enjoying life. If you refused the alms in a dream it means growth and that you need to move on in your life. This dream is likely to be prevalent across a number of your dreams. Are our dreams normal...? Well the answer is of course "no", so do not read too much into this meaning, but just take note that it means the process of cosmic ordering is waiting for you.

It is recommended that you revisit this dream through meditation. There is a fear of losing control of your body, and also your soul. The alms may also indicate that you are possibly coming to terms with something in life. If you dream that you are being asked for alms, and you refuse to give them to everyone it portends great joy coming your way. It is said that if you dream of giving alms, you will be prosperous in the next world. To dream that you are prosperous and you can easily give alms means better times will come. Alms in a dream suggests recognition from others. If you ask for alms, this is the omen of adventures in love. Giving alms suggest conceit, great joy, and also happiness. Preparing alms is the sign of dignity. If you receive alms in your dream means inheritance, and loss of a situation. Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of alms: Amazed. Scared. Worried. Confused. Grateful. Upset. Surprised. Content. Faithful. Appreciative. Happy. Enjoying. Good heart.
Alms - Meaning of Dream
HomeAInterpretation of a dream «Alms»

It is necessary to distinguish the word "ask" and "give" when interpreting the dream about alms. So, if whole hearted people give alms to you, the dream forebodes that you will become rich in a short time, and this will be due to inheritance or monetary reward.

If a young lady asks alms in a dream, it hints that she has to have a closer look at her lover, and revise his attitude to her. Maybe he just does not deserve her attention or neglects her. For a single man, this dream predicts the opportunity to get married into money.

The dream about alms is truly a warning, and you should treat it more carefully. If alms are given or taken not of one’s own will but at command, this is a signal of big and serious problems, losses, both at work and in personal life.

Alms or charity is a voluntary donation of food, money, clothing, and other things to the poor and people in need. Such dreams should be interpreted more responsibly, taking into account every nuance.

If the poor accept the alms with big pleasure, this dream portends welfare, benefit and good health. If you see yourself giving alms, the dream reflects your rich inner spiritual world, and states that you are ready to help people in need even in a difficult period for yourself.

If a young man and a woman see how they give alms to the poor, the dream tells that they may meet detractors and opponents who will try to disrupt the affairs, but the young will safely manage the situation.

If you see yourself standing on your knees and begging for alms but nobody notices you, this dream foretells bad or unpleasant events in reality. It also indicates the dissatisfaction in relationships with loved ones, and low material condition, which can lead to big troubles. A person, who saw this dream, should ponder over own steps and actions thousand times, and monitor word that he/she says, otherwise they will backfire.

Once again it is worth reminding: in order to properly learn the interpretation of the dream, you have to pay attention to the environment, people, and the weather in a dream. Taking into account all the nuances you can properly and correctly interpret the dream.

Interpretation of a dream about giving alms

Giving alms in a dream is good, but only under an indispensable condition: if you do it with all your heart. Any doubts or forcing promise major trouble.

Giving alms near the church in a dream means that you are touched by pleas for monetary assistance, but, alas, you cannot provide it, due to financial difficulties, Miller thinks.

As for giving money to the poor, interpretation of such dreams depends on personal emotions. If you have experienced joy or relief in a dream, then there will be a chance to improve your own well-being in reality. However, the dream book warns: first you have to show generosity and tolerance.

To give alms under compulsion and with special irritation is bad. This means that with your will encounter real evil, embodied in a human being.

Giving alms without much emotion in a dream is also an unkind sign. Dream interpretation suspects that you really do not value anyone and do not like anyone near you.

Dreamed that you give others money generously and eagerly? After a period of total failure, you are should be prepared for life in contentment and even luxury.

If you saw that you were throwing coins to everyone who was asking, without exception, all previously started endeavors will come into motion almost in magical way.

Sometimes giving alms in a dream is even bad. Dream interpretation suspects that you give love to a person who is not able to appreciate it and takes your attitude for granted and as something irrelevant.

Did you dream that you donated to a drunkard, knowing that he would drink up the money? People surrounding you consider you obviously short-sighted and gullible person.

If you refuse to give alms, be prepared for the shameful humiliation that will knock out the remnants of your confidence.

Personally giving out alms in a dream literally means that you paid off some serious misfortune. After this dream, you are reliably protected from diseases, accidents and smaller problems.

The dreambooks draw your attention to whom you gave charity in a dream:
To an old person – you have to wear a mask;
To a handicapped – you will receive a profitable proposition;
To a drunkard – a doubtful issue will be solved in your favor;
To a homeless person – people close to you will appreciate your deed;
To someone you know – you will refuse from your idea.
If a person in custody happened to give alms in his dream, he will soon get free.

Alms dream meaning
Alms dreams by DreamMean
Alms will bring evil if given or taken unwillingly. Otherwise, a good dream.
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Dream Dictionary
For a young woman to dream of an alms-house, denotes she will meet failure in her efforts to contract a worldly marriage. (read all at source)
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The alms in your dream, may be associated with any of the following religions:
Judaism. (read all at source)
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Alms tax
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
(Tithe) Paying the dues alms tax in a dream means increase in one's income or prosperity. (read all at source)
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Alms :
If you got alms you will get improved economy. You will you be happy if you gave alms. Did you refuse to give something, you can get an unexpected problem. (read all at source)
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Alms (donations)
General Meanings: Fear to be poor Who distributes alms/donation in a dream wants to be generous, and also expects gratitude. Who dreams that he begs and accepts alms, means that he is so afraid of material hardship that he would like to secure himself "at all costs. (read all at source)
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To dream that you are giving alms, is a good omen. To dream that you are giving alms unwillingly, signifies the coming of evil.
To dream that you are alone, indicates feelings of rejection. You may be feeling that no one understand you. (read all at source)
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For a young woman to dream of an alms-house, denotes she will meet failure in her efforts to contract a worldly marriage. (read all at source)
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Giving alms in a dream can be a message that you need to behave more generously. If you dream that you are giving alms, your unconscious could be telling you that you should be more appreciative of the efforts made by people who are not as fortunate or as gifted as you are. (read all at source)
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advance, alms, alms fee, approach, asking price, award, benefaction, beneficence, bid, birthday present, box, burnt offering, cadeau, charity, Christmas present, collection, contribution, dole, donation, donative, drink offering, ex voto offering, fairing, feeler, gift, handout, handsel,... (read all at source)
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Begging For Alms- When you dream about begging for alms this means that the enemy wants you to be poverty stricken. It also means that the devil wants your helpers to turn their backs on you.

... (read all at source)
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For a young woman to dream of an alms-house, denotes she will meet failure in her efforts to contract a worldly... Continue dream interpretation - Alms-house"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Alowance... (read all at source)
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Advance Advantage Adventure Adversary Advertise Advice Affection Affiliation Affliction Affluence Affront Afloat Afraid Africa Afro Afternoon Agate Age Agent Agnostic Agony Agreement Ague Air Airplane Pilot Aisle Alabaster Alarm Clock Alcohol Alder Alien Alimony Alley Alligator Almonds Alms Alone... (read all at source)
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- What if I should discover that the poorest of the beggars and the most impudent of offenders are all within me; and that I stand in need of the alms of my own kindness, that I, myself, am the enemy who must be loved -- what then? (read all at source)

Alms tax Dream Explanation — (Tithe) Paying the dues alms tax in a dream means increase in one's income or prosperity. If a rich man sees himself paying the due tithe on his liquid assets in a dream, it means increase in his wealth, a spiritual growth and receiving the blessing of performing one's obligatory prayers on time. Payment of one's due tithe also represents protection from one's enemies. Paying alms tax in a dream also means performing supererogatory prayers during the night, repayment of debts, absolution, or it could mean paying a fine. Alms tax in a dream also means the death of a dear person in the family, or it could mean losing a limb due to an illness or an accident, giving a charity for the benefit of a departed soul, or payment of one's debts.

Alms tax Dream Explanation — Thus, paying alms tax in a dream may mean increase in one's wealth, recovering from illness or payment of one's debts, all of which earn levels of exaltation and blessings. To pay charity on one's property of silver in a dream means begetting a son, or it could mean getting married. If it is a poor person, then paying alms tax in a dream represents Allah's acceptance of one's deeds. If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent of sin and earn lawful money, and if he is a disbeliever, it means that he will become a believer. (Also see Charity; Endowment; Tithe collector)

Due alms Dream Explanation — (See Cauterize; Property taxes)

Giving Dream Explanation — (Allot; Distribute; Gift; Offer) Giving something in a dream indicates the value or worth of the giver. If one gives his workers or a needy person little money when they merit more, it denotes his disobedience to the commands of Allah Almighty, or straying away from the prophetic traditions.

Giving Dream Explanation — If one is denied what he is asking for in a dream, it means failure in his religious practices, suffering from the consequences of challenging others and arguing about religious laws, or it could represent one's perilous pursuit of heedless thoughts. If a sick person sees himself paying his debts in a dream, it means his death or the spoiling of his wealth. If he is healthy, then it denotes a case of mental derangement, anger, lack of self-control or raising one's voice unnecessarily. If a poor person sees himself paying someone's debt in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits. Receiving monetary compensation by a court order in a dream denotes lawful earnings.

Giving birth Dream Explanation — (See Childbirth)

Giving Someone Black Coins Dream Explanation — A secret will be divulged to him.

Giving up the ghost Dream Explanation — (Death) In a dream, the return of one's soul back to its Lord means remitting of a trust back to its rightful owner, the recovery of a sick person from his illness, the release of a prisoner from jail, or perhaps it could represent a reunion of people who love one another. (Also see Death)

Giving people Water to Drink Dream Explanation — Drawing water from the well and seeing impurities and filth in such water means the person doing so will pollute his wealth with haraam wealth.

Giving the Dead Roti, Bread or a Ring Dream Explanation — It means a son will be born to him and he will die, or if he is wealthy he will lose his wealth.

Accepting from or Giving to the Deceased Something Dream Explanation — Accepting something from the dead is regarded as good while giving him something is regarded as bad. If a person sees a dead person giving him something of this world it mean he will acquire livelihood from an unimaginable source. And if he sees himself giving a dead person clothes normally worn by living persons and he accepts such clothes and wears them it means he (the giver) has a short life span.

Incident - Giving birth to a long braided rope of black hair Dream Explanation — When Urn Jareer bin Al-Khatfi was pregnant, she saw in a dream that she gave birth to a long braided rope of black hair. A soon as the rope
Incident - Giving birth to a long braided rope of black hair Dream Explanation — When Urn Jareer bin Al-Khatfi was pregnant, she saw in a dream that she gave birth to a long braided rope of black hair. A soon as the rope fell from her womb, it began to go from one man to another and strangle them. Um Jareer woke up scared from her dream. The next day, she related the dream to a dream interpreter who told her: "You will give birth to a son who will grow to be a famous poet. His poetry will incur evil, hardships, vigorousness, and disdain." When she gave birth to a boy, she called him Jareer, meaning a pulling rope in Arabic.

Incident - Allah giving piece of iron and a sip of vinegar Dream Explanation — It is related that a man came to Jafar As-saadiq (RA) and said: “ I dreamt that Allah gave me a piece of iron and a sip of vinegar. What is the Interpretation of this dream?” The Imaam replied: “Iron depicts hardships, for Allah says in Quran : And we have sent iron wherein is material for mighty war. But it is possible that your children may learn this tradeoff Dawood (AS) (for he was a blacksmith by trade). As for vinegar, it means you will be afflicted with a disease from sometime, at the same time acquiring abundant wealth. Thereafter, if Allah gives you death, we will be pleased with you and forgive all your sins, past and future.

Tithe Dream Explanation — (Alms giving; Charity. See Alms Tax; Tithe collector)

Sadaqa Dream Explanation — ALMS GIVING.
• Dreaming of alms giving depends on the dreamer. Such a dream made by a religious scholar or an erudite man means that he will be conveying his knowledge to others. The same dream made by a ruler means that he will be in charge of more people. To a craftsman it means that he will teach his craft to certain persons, etc.
• Giving sadaqa to the poor:  (1) No more worries.  (2) No more fear.

• Feeding an atheist: The dreamer is fortifying the enemy.

Requital Dream Explanation — (Retaliation; Retribution) In a dream, requital means longevity, departure from one's past, or it could mean instituting justice, or performing penance that will purify the person from his sins, such as prayers, voluntary fasting and alms giving. (Also see Atonement)

Birth Dream Explanation — If one sees his mother giving birth to him in a dream, and should he be ill, it means the approach of his death. (Also see Childbirth; Giving birth)

Taxes Dream Explanation — (Due alms; Property taxes)

Child birth Dream Explanation — (Giving birth) Seeing one's wife giving birth to a baby son in a dream when in fact she is not pregnant means wealth. If a pregnant woman sees herself giving birth to a baby girl in a dream, it means a boy, and if she gives birth to a boy in the dream, it means a girl. Giving birth to a girl means relief from distress, while giving birth to a boy in the dream means distress and worries. If a sick person sees his mother giving birth to him in a dream, it means the approach of his death, for a deceased person is wrapped in a shroud, while a newborn is wrapped with a receiving cloth.

Stairway Dream Explanation — Coming near a staircase in a dream also means attaining success and a growing piety. Each step represents a different station. Climbing a staircase in a dream also represents the dangers one may have to cross. Seeing a staircase with five steps in a dream represents the five time prayers, or the pulpit where the Imam stands to deliver his Friday sermon. That is why some interpreters qualify the staircase in one's dream as glad tidings, good news, prayers, charity, alms giving, fasting, or a pilgrimage. Allah knows best.

Alms tax Dream Explanation — (Tithe) Paying the dues alms tax in a dream means increase in one's income or prosperity. If a rich man sees himself paying the due tithe on his liquid assets in a dream, it means increase in his wealth, a spiritual growth and receiving the blessing of performing one's obligatory prayers on time. Payment of one's due tithe also represents protection from one's enemies. Paying alms tax in a dream also means performing supererogatory prayers during the night, repayment of debts, absolution, or it could mean paying a fine. Alms tax in a dream also means the death of a dear person in the family, or it could mean losing a limb due to an illness or an accident, giving a charity for the benefit of a departed soul, or payment of one's debts.

Alms tax Dream Explanation — Thus, paying alms tax in a dream may mean increase in one's wealth, recovering from illness or payment of one's debts, all of which earn levels of exaltation and blessings. To pay charity on one's property of silver in a dream means begetting a son, or it could mean getting married. If it is a poor person, then paying alms tax in a dream represents Allah's acceptance of one's deeds. If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent of sin and earn lawful money, and if he is a disbeliever, it means that he will become a believer. (Also see Charity; Endowment; Tithe collector)

Due alms Dream Explanation — (See Cauterize; Property taxes)

Tithe Dream Explanation — (Alms giving; Charity. See Alms Tax; Tithe collector)

Taxes Dream Explanation — (Due alms; Property taxes)

Goodwill Dream Explanation — (Alms; Generosity; Secondhand; Thrift shop; Torn garments. See Used clothing)

Sadaqa Dream Explanation — ALMS GIVING.
• Dreaming of alms giving depends on the dreamer. Such a dream made by a religious scholar or an erudite man means that he will be conveying his knowledge to others. The same dream made by a ruler means that he will be in charge of more people. To a craftsman it means that he will teach his craft to certain persons, etc.
• Giving sadaqa to the poor:  (1) No more worries.  (2) No more fear.

• Feeding an atheist: The dreamer is fortifying the enemy.
Stocking Dream Explanation — (Sock) In a dream, stockings represent wealth and prevention, as long as they are not worn. Once seen worn in a dream, they mean business losses. If one's mother is alive, it means that he will migrate with her to another country, or it could mean that she will be deprived of her son. If the socks are new and have a clean smell in the dream, it means that one regularly pays his due alms, that he is praised for his character and that his money will grow in a lawful way. If his socks are old or emit bad odors in the dream, it means that he withholds paying the obligatory alms tax, that he is uncharitable, worthy of blame and that his wealth will quickly disappear.

Requital Dream Explanation — (Retaliation; Retribution) In a dream, requital means longevity, departure from one's past, or it could mean instituting justice, or performing penance that will purify the person from his sins, such as prayers, voluntary fasting and alms giving. (Also see Atonement)

Palm fiber Dream Explanation — (Rubbing cloth) Palm fiber in a dream represents new clothing, or an accumulated wealth that is bearing heavy on its owner because of the methods he uses to gather it, or because of failing to pay its due alms tax, or required charities.

Crawl Dream Explanation — • Crawling on one’s belly: Will be handicapped and compelled to spend all savings owing to unemployment.
• A person dreaming of being unable to crawl anymore after stomach has been skinned and asking people to carry him: Will become poor and ask people for alms.

Knife handle Dream Explanation — (Haft; Saber guard; Sword hilt) Seeing a knife handle or a sword haft in a dream means that one still has a property or a minimum amount of property, including but not limited to livestock, gold, silver, or cash savings that is subject to the obligatory (Zakat) alms tax.

Toilet Dream Explanation — • Getting soiled with the water that overflows from the toilet, which, however, has no bad smell:  (1) Coming welfare.  (2) Demands will not be met, at least not easily.
• Eating the sewage flowing out of the toilet:  (1) Will rescind or come back on something you had donated or alms you had given. The Muslims  Holy Prophet is said to have likened the one who changes his mind after donating something or giving alms to somebody who eats his own vomit or excrement.  (2) The dreamer will return to corruption and unholy means of living.

• A large and clean toilet with no smell in it: The dreamer’s wife is pleasant, virtuous, and obedient. The cleanliness of the toilet refers to her virtue and obedience, the lack of stink to her good reputation. If, on the contrary, the toilet is tiny and full of dirt, so much so that the dreamer finds no place to sit on it  (in the dream), the wife will rebel against the authority of her husband. More, if it stinks, she will be impudent and make her husband notorious.

Endowment Dream Explanation — (Alms; Charity; Contribution; Donation; Fulfilling needs; Gift; Offering; Profits; Religious endowment) Making a religious endowment in a dream represents good deeds that are done for Allah's pleasure, seeking to be in His nearness and asking for His blessings. Making a religious endowment in a dream also means rising in station, both in this world and in the hereafter.

Treasure Dream Explanation — Discovering a great treasure in a dream means martyrdom. Discovering a treasure and rejoicing in the dream means loss of one's money or business. Discovering a treasure in a dream also could mean ease in one's life, receiving an inheritance, distress, trouble, wearing a new garment, a wife, cheating on one's taxes, or it could mean avoiding to pay alms tax, or hindering the distributions of charitable endowments.

Damson Dream Explanation — • Eating immature or green damson: Will give alms or heal from a disease.
• Eating yellow damson: Will obtain money but get ill.

• Eating damson from a tree: Will befriend a wealthy but irreligious person.
• Picking damson from a tree: Will marry an heiress.
• Breaking a branch of a damson tree:  (1) Will be ungrateful to a source of living and lose it.  (2) Will abandon prayers and abstain from fasting.  (3) Will squander someone’s money.

Bowing in prayers Dream Explanation — If one sees himself standing in prayers, but remains standing without bowing until the prescribed time elapses in a dream, it means that he does not pay his due alms. Bowing in prayers in a dream also means a job for someone who needs it most. Bowing in a dream also means longevity. If a woman sees herself bowing before Allah Almighty in prayers in a dream, it means repentance and exalting her name by protecting her chastity. (Also see Prayers)

Eyelid Dream Explanation — They also represent one's teacher, brothers, sisters, family, wife, children, coffer, veil, guards, confidant or trustees. Eyelids in a dream also mean something to be overlooked. Having bleared eyelids in a dream means being in love. If one's eyes are interpreted to represent his wealth, then they mean protection, or paying alms tax. If the outer edge of the eyelid turns white in a dream, it means an illness affecting one's head, eyes or ears. (Also see Body)

Stairway Dream Explanation — Coming near a staircase in a dream also means attaining success and a growing piety. Each step represents a different station. Climbing a staircase in a dream also represents the dangers one may have to cross. Seeing a staircase with five steps in a dream represents the five time prayers, or the pulpit where the Imam stands to deliver his Friday sermon. That is why some interpreters qualify the staircase in one's dream as glad tidings, good news, prayers, charity, alms giving, fasting, or a pilgrimage. Allah knows best.

Tax collector Dream Explanation — Collecting taxes in a dream means compelling someone or forcing him to pay due alms, or it could mean coercing someone to live with him. If one sees himself as a tax collector in a dream, it means that he will earn respect, or that he will be forced to ask everyone for permission regarding everything he does. A tax collector in a dream also means paying one's debts, or he could represent a policeman, an emissary, a treasurer, or a safe.

Alms, giving dream meaning

Getting on prosperously in life. 5.

Related dreams
Beggars, giving alms to Good success in all transactions, return of love. 210....

Alms tax (Tithe) Paying the dues alms tax in a dream means increase in one’s income or prosperity. If a rich man sees himself paying the due tithe on his liquid assets in a dream, it means increase in his wealth, a spiritual growth and receiving the blessing of performing one’s obligatory...

Alms To dream that alms are begged of you, and you deny them shows want and misery to the dreamer, but to dream you give them freely is a sign of joy and long life....

Alms To dream that alms are begged of you, and you deny them shows want and misery to the dreamer; but to dream you give them freely is a sign of joy and long life....

Alms To dream that alms are begged of you, and you deny to give them, shows want and misery to the dreamer; but to dream that you give them freely, is a sign of great joy, and of long life to the dreamer....

Alms To give it to someone joy and long life....

Alms To dream they are begged of you, and you refuse them, shows want and misery to the dreamer; but to dream you give them freely, is a sign of joy and long life. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 11, 13, 4....

Beggar, being asked for alms by it Cheerfulness, happiness....

Alms Alms will bring evil if given or taken unwillingly. Otherwise, a good dream....

Alms-house For a young woman Dreaming of an alms-house, denotes she will meet failure in her efforts to contract a worldly marriage....

Charity, Alms Giving alms augurs unexpected wealth. Receiving them will cause serious losses....

Alms When you dream of yourself giving someone the alms, it is a good symbol. Make sure you play in lotto or any other game, as there is a very big chance winning some money. When you see yourself giving alms grudgingly, it signifies the harm. Stay cautious with those people...

Due alms (See Cauterize | Property taxes)...

Alms, receiving Good income. 47....

Alms Giving alms means good friendly ties. Receive them means someone will make you a favor....

Gold, giving away Getting invited to a wedding. 66....

Pump giving no water, seeing it Getting into poor circumstances, misfortune....

Juice, giving some to a sick person Being favoured....

Oil, giving some away Bad for everybody. 17....

Giving The dream, in which you give something to someone may represent the generosity you have. Alternatively, the dream could symbolize the necessity to give someone something instead of taking all of it for yourself. Maybe you should reconsider and start giving others instead of taking everything. If someone has given...

Giving birth (See Childbirth)...

Giving up the ghost (Death) In a dream, the return of one’s soul back to its Lord means remitting of a trust back to its rightful owner, the recovery of a sick person from his illness, the release of a prisoner from jail, or perhaps it could represent a reunion of people who love...

Giving (Allot | Distribute | Gift | Offer) Giving something in a dream indicates the value or worth of the giver. If one gives his workers or a needy person little money when they merit more, it denotes his disobedience to the commands of God Almighty, or straying away from the...

Related dreams
Beggars, giving alms to Good success in all transactions, return of love. 210....

Alms tax (Tithe) Paying the dues alms tax in a dream means increase in one’s income or prosperity. If a rich man sees himself paying the due tithe on his liquid assets in a dream, it means increase in his wealth, a spiritual growth and receiving the blessing of performing one’s obligatory...

Alms To dream that alms are begged of you, and you deny them shows want and misery to the dreamer, but to dream you give them freely is a sign of joy and long life....

Alms To dream that alms are begged of you, and you deny them shows want and misery to the dreamer; but to dream you give them freely is a sign of joy and long life....

Alms To dream that alms are begged of you, and you deny to give them, shows want and misery to the dreamer; but to dream that you give them freely, is a sign of great joy, and of long life to the dreamer....

Alms To give it to someone joy and long life....

Alms To dream they are begged of you, and you refuse them, shows want and misery to the dreamer; but to dream you give them freely, is a sign of joy and long life. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 11, 13, 4....

Beggar, being asked for alms by it Cheerfulness, happiness....

Alms Alms will bring evil if given or taken unwillingly. Otherwise, a good dream....

Alms-house For a young woman Dreaming of an alms-house, denotes she will meet failure in her efforts to contract a worldly marriage....

Charity, Alms Giving alms augurs unexpected wealth. Receiving them will cause serious losses....

Alms When you dream of yourself giving someone the alms, it is a good symbol. Make sure you play in lotto or any other game, as there is a very big chance winning some money. When you see yourself giving alms grudgingly, it signifies the harm. Stay cautious with those people...

Due alms (See Cauterize | Property taxes)...

Alms, receiving Good income. 47....

Alms Giving alms means good friendly ties. Receive them means someone will make you a favor....

Gold, giving away Getting invited to a wedding. 66....

Pump giving no water, seeing it Getting into poor circumstances, misfortune....

Juice, giving some to a sick person Being favoured....

Oil, giving some away Bad for everybody. 17....

Giving The dream, in which you give something to someone may represent the generosity you have. Alternatively, the dream could symbolize the necessity to give someone something instead of taking all of it for yourself. Maybe you should reconsider and start giving others instead of taking everything. If someone has given...

Giving birth (See Childbirth)...

Giving up the ghost (Death) In a dream, the return of one’s soul back to its Lord means remitting of a trust back to its rightful owner, the recovery of a sick person from his illness, the release of a prisoner from jail, or perhaps it could represent a reunion of people who love...

Giving (Allot | Distribute | Gift | Offer) Giving something in a dream indicates the value or worth of the giver. If one gives his workers or a needy person little money when they merit more, it denotes his disobedience to the commands of God Almighty, or straying away from the...

Feasting, giving or being at it Disagreeableness, apprehension, fear, separation in love affairs, and vexation with children....

Tobacco, giving some away Denotes vexation....

Childbirth, Giving Birth Being in one, means you will receive unexpectedly favorable news. A difficult delivery means sensible sorrows and contrarieties. If a pregnant woman dreams that she gives birth to a boy, it is a sign that her son will have good health and he will give her a lot of satisfactions;...

Advice, giving Luck in a troublesome business. 316....

Medicine, giving to others Profit and advantage. 96....

Pump giving plenty of water, seeing it Being surprised, a fortunate sign....

Builder, seeing him giving orders Good progress....


To dream that you are giving alms is a sign of success, achievement, and a positive attitude. To dream that you are giving alms against your will could be a warning that hardships and turbulent times lay in wait.

To dream of an almanac means an uncertain future and temporary enjoyment.

Seeing an almanac in a dream means an uncertain future and temporary enjoyment.

To see almonds in your dream indicates that you will encounter a phase of significant prosperity; but only after experiencing a minor time of great anguish and despair. You will be able to relax and find time for yourself.

To dream of eating fresh almonds signifies that you will be privy to a large quantity of prosperity and accomplishment.

To see an almond tree in your dream means that you will experience great pleasure and joy in your life. It may also be a sign of upcoming nuptials.

To dream that you are extending or making an offering symbolizes disingenuity and hypocrisy.

To see a beggar in a dream, or to dream that you are begging, is an indication of self-doubt and poor self-esteem. You feel that you are not worthy.

To dream that you are giving a gift represents your kindness toward other people. You could be attempting to discuss a tricky situation with someone while seeking to find a tactful way of saying it.

To dream that you are given a gift suggests your good luck in prosperity and love. You are being recognized for a job well done and others are respecting you for it.

The meaning behind Alms Dreams
Alms will bring evil if given or taken unwillingly. Otherwise, a good dream.

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Dream dictionary entry taken from 10,000 Dreams Interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller. Psychologist World provides these definitions as a courtesy and is not responsible for, or for any consequences resulting from the use of, Miller's archaic dream interpretations.


Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about giving alms to beggars or the poor? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about giving alms to beggars or the poor by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.
Short meaning: the dream about giving alms to beggars or the poor can prefigure assuagement, lust and amiability.

Alms (donations) dream meanings
Home / Money / A, D / Alms (donations) by The Amber · Leave a comment
General Meanings:

Fear to be poor Who distributes alms/donation in a dream wants to be generous, and also expects gratitude. Who dreams that he begs and accepts alms, means that he is so afraid of material hardship that he would like to secure himself “at all costs.” Even if he lets himself to be humiliating.

Psychological Meanings:

Generosity and fear To receive alms, this expresses fear to be a burden to other. You give charity or alms, this shows willingness to sacrifice and also notes that nobody should skimp internally.

Traditional Meanings:

European (Judeo-Christian)

Bad luck if request and refuse – This dream is not so positive, this is a sign of misfortune;
Joy and loss if freely give – In the dream you give charity/donation, this promises happiness and you may expect to improve your financial situation. For rich one – anger and financial problems;
Bad news if be charity recipient – In the dream you are charity recipient, this announces you unpleasant events;
True friends if receive – This dream shows that you have good friends and good business partners, you’ll get a good service and help;
Generosity if see charity recipient – You have to be more generous with people who need your help.
Arabian (Islamic)

Worries if get charity – This dream expresses anger and annoyance, also trouble and vexation;
Luck if distribute alms – This is a sign of happy days that lie ahead, your plan will have  good success.
* Please, see meaning of beggar, poverty, vagrant.


To dream that you are giving  something away indicates that you need to give more in some relationship or situation. To be able to give helps fulfill your need to share and to belong. Consider also how you were received.

To dream that something is given to you suggests that you need to appreciate the gifts you have.

To dream of giving something to someone represents your waking life appreciation for a person or situation. Showing someone else that they are special, showing affection. It may also reflect the transfer of ideas, influence, hope, access, or forgiveness. Permission being given out.

Alternatively, giving something to someone in a dream may reflect your wish to make a situation easier for someone else. It could reflect your attempt to accept yourself or forgive yourself. Giving yourself permission to behave in a certain way.

Negatively, giving something away in a dream may reflect power or leverage you are "throwing away" or giving away too easily. Giving up. Not bothering to stand up for yourself or being aware of yourself choosing to cave in to others. Not trying hard enough to win or protect yourself. Easily surrendering power or being subordinate. Alternatively, from a negative perspective giving  something away in a dream may reflect the handing off of problems. An "I'm finished, you deal with it" type situation.

To dream of being given something represents feelings of being appreciated or special. It may also reflect feelings about a situation being made easier for you or good luck. Accepting an idea or responsibility.

Negatively, being given something in a dream may reflect feelings of having never earned something.

Giving something in a dream indicates the value or worth of the giver. If one gives his workers or a needy person little money when they merit more, it denotes his disobedience to the commands of God Almighty, or straying away from the prophetic traditions. If one is denied what he is asking for in a dream, it means failure in his religious practices, suffering from the consequences of challenging others and arguing about religious laws, or it could represent one’s perilous pursuit of heedless thoughts. If a sick person sees himself paying his debts in a dream, it means his death or the spoiling of his wealth. If he is healthy, then it denotes a case of mental derangement, anger, lack of self-control or raising one’s voice unnecessarily. If a poor person sees himself paying someone’s debt in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits. Receiving monetary compensation by a court order in a dream denotes lawful earnings.


To dream that you are giving alms  represent your giving nature.

Alms will bring evil if given or taken unwillingly. Otherwise, a good dream.

When you dream of yourself giving  someone the alms, it is a good symbol. Make sure you play in lotto or any other game, as there is a very big chance winning some money. When you see yourself giving alms  grudgingly, it signifies the harm. Stay cautious with those people around you, as you never know what the intentions they have.

Giving Up The Ghost

In a dream, the return of one’s soul back to its Lord means remitting of a trust back to its rightful owner, the recovery of a sick person from his illness, the release of a prisoner from jail, or perhaps it could represent a reunion of people who love one another.

Giving Birth

Due Alms

Alms Tax

Paying the dues alms tax in a dream means increase in one’s income or prosperity. If a rich man sees himself paying the due tithe on his liquid assets in a dream, it means increase in his wealth, a spiritual growth and receiving the blessing of performing one’s obligatory prayers on time. Payment of one’s due tithe also represents protection from one’s enemies. Paying alms tax in a dream also means performing supererogatory prayers during the night, repayment of debts, absolution, or it could mean paying a fine. Alms tax in a dream also means the death of a dear person in the family, or it could mean losing a limb due to an illness or an accident, giving a charity for the benefit of a departed soul, or payment of one’s debts. Thus, paying alms tax in a dream may mean increase in one’s wealth, recovering from illness or payment of one’s debts, all of which earn levels of exaltation and blessings. To pay charity on one’s property of silver in a dream means begetting a son, or it could mean getting married. If it is a poor person, then paying alms tax in a dream represents God’s acceptance of one’s deeds. If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent of sin and earn lawful money, and if he is a disbeliever, it means that he will become a believer.

Alms House

For a young woman dreaming of an alms-house, denotes she will meet failure in her efforts to contract a worldly marriage.

Property Taxes


Making a religious endowment in a dream represents good deeds that are done for God’s pleasure, seeking to be in His nearness and asking for His blessings. Making a religious endowment in a dream also means rising in station, both in this world and in the hereafter. If what one donates for this purpose is a house or a book or money in the dream, it means repentance from one’s sins and guidance on the straight path, or it could mean begetting a son. Offering a swine or wine as an endowment in a dream means rising in rank in the world, injustice, and causing harm to others.


Cauterization in a dream denotes a ruler, or it could mean painful words. If one’s forehead or sides are seared or cauterized in a dream, it means that he is obviating or hindering the distribution of charities or the due alms tax on one’s assets, or it could mean a crack down by the authorities on people who are evading to pay their taxes, or it could mean separation between dear ones. If one is cauterized with gold or silver in the dream, it means stinginess or hindering the payment or distribu- tion of God’s rights upon one’s earnings to poor and needy people. If one is cauterized with iron in a dream, it means punishment for his sins. Discovering old marks from cauterization in a dream means discovering a treasurer. Cauterizing someone in a dream also means speaking to someone with harsh and painful words. If the mark left by such cauterization looks like a rounded seal in a dream, it means subjugation to a court order or complying with the law. Cauterizing a vein or a knee in a dream means begetting a daughter or getting married, or it could mean slandering a stranger. Discovering a burn caused by cauterization in one’s chest in a dream means presiding over people. If one’s back is seared or cauterized in a dream, it denotes stinginess, or it could mean that he fails to comply with God’s rights upon him.

Tithe Collector

In a dream, a tithe collector represents someone who interferes in people’s business. Seeing the tithe collector in a dream also denotes adversities, calamities, heavy losses , disasters, or trials that befall a believer to direct him to repent, to wash his heart from impurities, and to free him from the burdens of his sins.


To dream that you are giving or receiving charity is analogous to your ability to give and receive love. You have compassion for others.

Charity in a dream means repelling calamities, recovering from illness, profits or truthfulness. This is also true when it comes to earning one’s money lawfully, but if one gives a dead animal or alcohol or a stolen or mismanaged money in charity, then his charity is not acceptable and it means that he will pursue evil and indulge in sin. If a farmer who is having a bad harvest sees himself giving some of what he plants in charity in a dream, it means that his crop will increase and his produce will be blessed. If one donates his charities to a rich person in a dream, it means that he may suffer from tight financial circumstances, or that he may come to be in need of such a person. If one gives a charitable donation to a prostitute in a dream, it means that she will repent of her sin. If he gives a charity to a thief in a dream, it means that the thief will cease his profession. Charity in a dream also could mean suppressing the envy or spite of one’s rivals or subdue the jealousy of one’s enemy, averting his dislikes, or suppressing evil in general. If an angry person sees himself secretly distributing charity in a dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven him his sin of anger. Giving charity in secret in one’s dream also could mean seeking the friendship of people in authority, or to join the circles of people of knowledge. If a man of knowledge is asked to give money in charity, and if he complies in his dream, it means that he will expound his knowledge to others. If he is a merchant, it means that he will benefit others with his business or teache them his trade. If he is a craftsman, he will teach people his craft. If one who is under pressures, or if one is scared of something sees himself feeding a beggar who is undergoing his own trials in a dream, it means that one’s fears and stress will be dispelled. Charity in a dream also denotes celebrating God’s praises, devotion, visiting the graveyards and doing good. To spend money on God’s path in a dream means that one will surely receive money in wakefulness.

Dreaming of giving charity, denotes that you will be harassed with supplications for help from the poor and your business will be at standstill. Dreaming of giving to charitable institutions, your right of possession to paving property will be disputed. Worries and ill health will threaten you. For young persons Dreaming of giving charity, foreshows they will be annoyed by deceitful rivals. Dreaming that you are an object of charity, omens that you will succeed in life after hard times with misfortunes.


To dream that you are paying taxes represent the price you are paying for the way you live. The dream may be stemming from some sort of self-guilt and the debt that you owe to society. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for something that is physically or mentally "taxing" on you. You are feeling overburdened.

To refuse to pay taxes in your dream indicates that you are rebelling against society or the government. You are a non-conformist.

To dream of paying taxes represents behavior that you or someone else is supposed to be doing. Doing what is expected or normal. Feelings about a responsible obligation you feel you have to keep in waking life.

To dream of not paying taxes represents your refusal to do what is you're supposed to or what is expected of you. Acting out of the norm. You may have made a promise that you aren't keeping or obligations you are not keeping. You may be behaving in a way that is


Seeing one’s wife giving birth to a son in a dream when in fact she is not pregnant means wealth. If a pregnant woman sees herself giving  birth to a girl in a dream, it means a boy, and if she gives birth to a boy in the dream, it means a girl. Giving birth to a girl means relief from distress, while giving birth to a boy in the dream means distress and worries. If a sick person sees his mother giving birth to him in a dream, it means the approach of his death, for a deceased person is wrapped in a shroud, while a newborn is wrapped with a receiving cloth. If the person in question is poor, it means that his financial conditions will change for the better, but if he is rich, it means restriction of his earnings, for a child is dependent on others while his move- ments are restricted. If a traveler sees his wife giving birth to a new child in a dream, it means obstruction of his travels and changes in his plans. If a woman gives birth to a child from her mouth in a dream, it means her death. If a man gives birth to a son in a dream it means illness, escape from danger or separation from a bad wife. If a man gives birth to a daughter in a dream, it means relief from distress, happiness or the birth of a child from his posterity who will grow to become a renowned leader. If a woman gives birth to a cat in a dream, it means that her child will grow to be a thief. Childbirth in a dream means relief from hardships, recovering from illness or departure from one’s home or neighbor- hood. Childbirth in a dream also means comfort, relaxation, payment of one’s debts and repentance from sin. If a woman gives birth to a son in a dream, it denotes the conclusion of her sufferings, glad tidings, payment of her debts or repentance from sin. If she gives birth to a daughter in the dream, then it means honor, prosperity and ease. If a poor man gives birth to a child in a dream, it means prosperity. If he is rich, then it means distress. If he is unmarried, it means a forthcoming marriage, so that his future wife will give the birth he saw in his dream. In general, if a man sees himself giving birth in a dream, it means his death or the death of a relative, or it could mean experiencing poverty. As for a needy person, it means relief or an escape. As for a merchant, giving birth in a dream means loss of his investment.




To dream about the death of a loved one suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what you like about them. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances. Alternatively, the dream indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life anymore. In particular, to dream about the death of your living parents indicates that you are undergoing a significant change in your waking life. Your relationship with your parents has evolved into a new realm. If you dream about the death of a child, then it implies that you need to let go of your immaturity and start being more serious. As your child reaches certain milestones and grows into an adult, dreaming of their death may be symbolic of their own self-discovery, transition and transformation into a new stage of life.

To dream that you are faking your own death suggests that you are looking for a new start. You need some change in your life. If you dream that your significant other is faking their own death, then the dream represents something new that you are learning about them. Or it may mean that they are not who you thought they were.

To have a near death experience in your dream implies that you are experience a relapse of sorts. You are reverting back to your old habits and ways. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are being given a second chance or second try at something.

To dream that you die in your dream symbolizes inner changes, transformation, self-discovery and positive development that is happening within you or your life. You are undergoing a transitional phase and are becoming more enlightened or spiritual. Although such a dream may bring about feelings of fear and anxiety, it is no cause for alarm as it is often considered a positive symbol. Dreams of experiencing your own death usually means that big changes are ahead for you. You are moving on to new beginnings and leaving the past behind. These changes does not necessarily imply a negative turn of events. Metaphorically, dying can be seen as an end or a termination to your old ways and habits. So, dying does not always mean a physical death, but an ending of something. If you dream that someone is telling you that you are going die, then it implies that you are being pressured to make an important change or choice. You are about to embark on some new life adventure.

If a love one has past away, but you dream that he or she didn't really die that first time and are being buried again indicates that this loved one was taken before their time and you never got a chance to say a proper good bye. Perhaps there was some unfinished issue that is still left lingering long after their death. You wished you had a little more time with them.

On a negative note, to dream that you die may represent involvement in deeply painful relationships or unhealthy, destructive behaviors. You may feeling depressed or feel strangled by a situation or person in your waking life. Perhaps your mind is preoccupied with someone who is terminally ill or dying. Alternatively, you may be trying to get out of some obligation, responsibility or other situation. You are desperately trying to escape from the demands of your daily life.

To see someone dying in your dream signifies that your feelings for that person are dead or that a significant change/loss is occurring in your relationship with that person. Alternatively, you may want to repress that aspect of yourself that is represented by the dying person. If you see a stranger die in your dream, then it implies that you are feeling detached from the changes that are happening around you.

To smell death in your dream refers to a situation that has long been dead. It is time to stop dwelling on the past and move on.

To dream about death represents change. Your personality or life situation is transforming for better or worse. An area of your life has come to an end, an era is over, or roles are shifting. You may also be preoccupied with someone else's death or illness. Alternatively, death in a dream can reflect failure or loss.

Dreams of death that come true are incredibly rare. They are more likely to reflect a need to take precautions for undesirable changes than an actual death. In one study, people with heart disease who dreamed of death and journeys had a much higher mortality rate.

Seeing bad people die in your dreams is a sign that issues have been confronted. Negative aspects of the personality are being overcome by positive influences. Good people in your dreams dying symbolizes positive aspects of your personality being overcome by negative influences.

To dream of experiencing your own death represents feeling of watching yourself fail completely. Positively, it may reflect the experience of watching yourself undergo a powerful change or transformation.

To dream of experiencing your own death after helping others may be a sign that you nee to reconsider how you are handling yourself in waking life. You may be stupidly giving up too much of yourself to others. Unreasonable risks or endangering yourself.

To dream of dying while people laugh at you represents feelings about situations or people being indifferent or insensitive to your failures.

To dream of people you know dying symbolizes changes to certain qualities in yourself that these people reflect in you. It may also represent your view of these people succumbing to a problem as well as shifts in their personality or lifestyle.

To dream of a child dying represents a loss or unpleasant change to some area of your life that had potential. Positively, a child death may reflect a growing problem that has finally been dealt with.

To see your parents die in a dream reflects an inability to make positive or effective choices. Your father dying symbolizes your conscience or ability to make positive choices being compromised. Your mother dying symbolizes your intuition or ability to think ahead being compromised. A dead mother may also reflect feelings of being overwhelmed by bad luck. You can't find answers you want, or you feel unlucky. The death of parents in a dream is a sign that you need to seriously reconsider your current life path. Significant or fundamental changes may be in order.

To see a boyfriend or girlfriend die in a dream symbolizes a helpful or protective aspect of your personality that has been overcome by a problem. A habit or situation that had your best interests at heart may no longer be viable or has been compromised.

To dream of a spouse dying represents a permanent or secure aspect of yourself that has been compromised. A habit or situation that you've completely depended has changed. Something you were accustomed to may have been compromised. It may also reflect a loss of something in your life that you never believed would change.

Example: A woman dreamed of her father dying. In waking life she had broken up with her boyfriend. The dream reflected the metaphorical "passing" of her decision (father symbolizes decision making) to give her boyfriend anymore chances in the relationship.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her child being hit and killed in a car accident. In waking life she had gotten into a big argumen

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her child being hit and killed in a car accident. In waking life she had gotten into a big argument with her husband about future plans they had together which she felt would never happen now.

Example 3: A man dreamed that his best friend had died. In waking life his friend had joined a religious cult and he felt that he had lost his ability to connect with his friend forever due to his inability to accept his friends new life.

To dream about death represents change. Your personality or life situation is transforming for better or worse. An area of your life has come to an end, an era is over, or roles are shifting. You may also be preoccupied with someone else's death or illness. Alternatively, death in a dream can reflect failure or loss.

Dreams of death that come true are incredibly rare. They more likely to reflect fears of failure or feelings about undesirable changes than an actual death. In one study, people with heart disease who dreamed of death and taking journeys had a much higher mortality rate.

Seeing bad people die in your dreams is a sign that issues have been confronted. Negative aspects of the personality are being overcome by positive influences. Good people in your dreams dying symbolizes positive aspects of your personality being overcome by negative influences.

To dream of experiencing your own death represents feeling of watching yourself fail completely. Positively, it may reflect the experience of watching yourself undergo a powerful change or transformation.

To dream of experiencing your own death after helping others may be a sign that you nee to reconsider how you are handling yourself in waking life. You may be stupidly giving up too much of yourself to others. Unreasonable risks or endangering yourself.

To dream of dying while people laugh at you represents feelings about situations or people being indifferent or insensitive to your failures.

To dream of people you know dying symbolizes changes to certain qualities in yourself that these people reflect in you. It may also represent your view of these people succumbing to a problem as well as shifts in their personality or lifestyle.

To dream of a child dying represents a loss or unpleasant change to some area of your life that had potential. Positively, a child death may reflect a growing problem that has finally been dealt with.

To see your parents die in a dream reflects an inability to make positive or effective choices. Your father dying symbolizes your conscience or ability to make positive choices being compromised. Your mother dying symbolizes your intuition or ability to think ahead being compromised. A dead mother may also reflect feelings of being overwhelmed by bad luck. You can't find answers you want, or you feel unlucky. The death of parents in a dream is a sign that you need to seriously reconsider your current life path. Significant or fundamental changes may be in order.

To see a boyfriend or girlfriend die in a dream symbolizes a helpful or protective aspect of your personality that has been overcome by a problem. A habit or situation that had your best interests at heart may no longer be viable or has been compromised.

To dream of a spouse dying represents a permanent or secure aspect of yourself that has been compromised. A habit or situation that you've completely depended has changed. Something you were accustomed to may have been compromised. It may also reflect a loss of something in your life that you never believed would change.

Example: A woman dreamed of her father dying. In waking life she had broken up with her boyfriend. The dream reflected the metaphorical "passing" of her decision (father symbolizes decision making) to give her boyfriend anymore chances in the relationship.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her child being hit and killed in a car accident. In waking life she had gotten into a big argument with her husband about future plans they had together which she felt would never happen now.

Example 3: A man dreamed that his best friend had died. In waking life his friend had joined a religious cult and he felt that he had lost his ability to connect with his friend forever due to his inability to accept his friends new life.

In a dream, death signifies religious failure, corruption and rising in status in the world. This interpretation applies if one is carried on a bier or on a litter and his funeral is accompanied with crying and lamentation except if he is buried in the dream. If one witnesses his own burial in the dream, then it means that his case is hopeless and that he will be seized by the world. One’s followers or assisting entourage will be as many as those who walk in his funeral in the dream. However, he will conquer people and ride over their shoulders. If one dies in his dream but does not have the look of dead people and there is no crying over his death or a funeral in the dream, it means that one of his properties will be torn down, or that a room in his house will collapse, or that a wall will cave in, or it could mean that a pillar will breakdown. Such a dream also may signify weakness in one’s religious standing or blindness of his heart. Despite that, he will live a long life. If one dies in a dream and finds himself looking like a dead person, and if his body is washed and wrapped in a shroud, it also means weakness in his religion. All the sorrow and crying one sees in this case, represents his rising in rank and promotion in the world. Death in a dream also signifies travels, or it could mean poverty. One’s death and burial in his dream also means that he will die short of repentance. If one comes out of his grave after his burial in the dream, it means that he will repent for his sins before dying. Death in a dream also signifies marriage, for a deceased person is washed and perfumed, and a bridegroom also takes a bath and anoints himself with perfumes on his wedding day. If one dies and is carried over people’s shoulders, though they do not bury him in the dream, it means that he will conquer his enemy and should he qualify for leadership, he will attain it. To come back to life after dying in a dream means that one will become rich and dispense with poverty, or it could mean that he will repent for his sins. This dream also means the safe home coming of a traveller. The death of an unk

also means the safe home coming of a traveller. The death of an unknown woman in a dream means absence of rain or dearth, and if she comes back to life in the dream, it means rain. In general, the death of a woman in a dream means the death of a child in wakefulness and vice-versa. If a deceased person tells someone in a dream that he did not die, it means that he is blessed in the hereafter. Carrying a deceased person in a dream means carrying the provisions or .bod supplies of an irreligious and an ungodly person. Carrying a dead person in a different way than one carries a deceased person to bury him in a dream means acquiring unlawful money. Carrying a deceased person to bury him in a dream means working for the governor. If one sees a deceased person sick in a dream, it means that he is being questioned about forsaking his religious attendance during his lifetime. If one sees the dwellers of the graveyards coming out of their grave to eat people’s harvest or food supplies in a dream, it means rising of food prices. If he sees them drinking from the wells in a dream, it means that a great plague will befall that town. If one sees a deceased person die, then if he walks in his funeral in the dream, it means that someone among his children or in the family of that person will shortly die. If no crying or sorrow follows his death, then it means that someone in his progeny will get married. What a deceased person says about himself in a dream is true, for he has reached the abode of truth and he can exercise no falsehood in that abode. If a deceased person tells something in a dream, and if it does not take place, then it means that one is experiencing confused dreams. If one sees a deceased person well dressed in a white or a green garment, smiling and happy in a dream, it means that he is in that state one witnessed in his dream. Otherwise, if one sees him disheveled, dirty, frowning or crying in a dream, this also denotes his condition in the hereafter. If one sees a deceased person sick in a dream, it means that his condition is contingent upon the satisfaction of his debts and that he is awaiting the Divine justice to take its course. Performing a funeral prayer for deceased people in a dream means asking for forgiveness on their behalf or visiting their graves, or it could mean admonishing someone with a dead heart, or it could mean bidding farewell to travelling people or taking care of needy people. If one’s wife dies and returns back to life in a dream, it means making profits from a plantation or a farm. Discovering a body of a deceased in a dream means finding money.

Walking behind a deceased person in a dream means following his footsteps or emulating his trade or traditions, whether they be material or spiritual. If the Imam of the country dies in a dream, it means destruction of that city by war. On the other hand, if one sees a city in ruins in a dream, it means that the Imam has died. If one sees that he is immortal in a dream, it means the nearing of his death. Death in a dream also signifies being recalled to account for a major sin or a crime. To die in a dream with no apparent reason or illness and to exhibit no features of a dead person means longevity. To suffer from death-pangs in a dream means being unjust to oneself or to others. To sees oneself dead and naked in a dream means poverty. To see oneself dead and lying on a straw-mat or a carpet in a dream means prosperity and success in the world. If one sees himself dead lying on a litter in a dream, it means rising in rank. If he is lying on a bed in the dream, it means benefits from one’s family. If one hears about the death of an unknown person in a dream, it means a warning about his success in the world at the expense of his religious compromises. If one’s son dies in a dream, it means that he will escape from an enemy. If one’s daughter dies in a dream, it means despair from relief. If one dies and gets buried in a dream, it means his freedom. Otherwise, if he is entrusted with something, it means that he will be required to deliver it back to its rightful owner. If one dies and gets buried in a dream, it means that he will get married. If a sick person gets married in a dream, it means that he will shortly die. If a married person dies and gets buried in a dream, it means that he will divorce his wife or break a business partnership or separates from his brothers, sisters and friends, or it could mean that he may emigrate to another country. Otherwise, if he has already migrated from his homeland, it means that he will return to it. Death in a dream has positive connotation for someone in fear of something or a sad person or a sick person. The death of one’s brothers in a dream means the death of one’s enemies, or it could mean saving one’s capital. Walking amidst dead people in a dream means befriending some hypocrites. Walking in the company of a deceased person in a dream means undertaking a long journey, or it could mean profits from one’s travels. Eating the flesh of a dead person in a dream means enjoying a long life. If one discovers that he died suddenly in a dream, it means that he will rejoice. If a deceased person eats something in a dream, it means that such a commodity will become expensive. If one sees himself laying on a washing table in a funeral home in a dream, it means that his sins will be washed away and that his debts will be paid. If a deceased person asks someone to wash his cloth in a dream, it means that he needs the prayers and forgiveness of the person who saw him in his dream, or it could mean that one needs him to pay a debt he left behind or to ask people to forgive him his sins or to fulfill his will. If one washes the deceased person’s clothes in the dream, it means that the deceased person will become free from his burdens in the hereafter. Transport- ing dead people to the cemetery in a dream means that one is doing something right. If he transports them to the marketplace in a dream, it means that he needs something, or that his merchandise will be sold quickly. If one sees that a deceased person has returned to life in a dream, it means that one will recuperate something he considered it dead, or if he happens to be going through difficulties, it means that his adversities will dissipate. If a deceased person comes back to life in a dream, it also means that his progeny will benefit from something he left. If he looks beautiful, happy and well dressed in the dream, it means that such happiness will become the inheritance of his descendants. If one sees a deceased person busy, worried

Having sexual intercourse with a deceased person in his grave in a dream means committing adultery or mixing with an evil person or losing money to a deceitful and a hypocritical person. If one sees that a deceased woman has come back to life, and if he engages in sexual intercourse with her, then finds his body spattered with her ova and semen in a dream, it means that he has committed something which he regrets. Conse- quently he will suffer losses because of it. To have a wedding with a deceased person and to move to his or her house in the dream means one’s own death. Walking behind a deceased person and entering an unknown house from which one does not come out again in the dream means death. If one follows the deceased person and does not enter such a house in the dream, it means that he will near his death, then recuperate from his illness. If a deceased person beats the person seeing the dream, it means that one has displeased his Lord and has committed an abominable act from which he should repent, for in the abode of truth, a deceased person accepts only what pleases God Almighty and dislikes what He dislikes. If one sees a living person beating a deceased person who is willingly submitting to his fate in a dream, it represents the spiritual and religious strength and the rank of the living person, his charities, prayers, devotion, piety, or it could mean that he is fulfilling the deceased person’s will. If one sees a deceased person asleep in a dream, it means that the hereafter is the abode of rest and comfort for the believers. Sleeping in one bed with a deceased person in a dream means longevity. If dead people come out of their graves to sell merchandise in a dream, it means stagnation of the markets. A dead mouse in one’s food in a dream means tampering with that product. If one sees a deceased person doing something good in a dream, it means that he is ordering him to do the same. If it is a bad thing he is doing in the dream, it means that he is ordering him not to do it. If a deceased person comes in one’s dream and tells him about the time of his death, then the day may be one month and the month may be one year and the year ten years. If one sees his mother dying in a dream, it means that he will lose his worldly attainments, comfort and that he may become heedless. If he is a seeker on the path, then it means that he will lose the benefits of his work or fail to perform his obligatory prayers. If a sick person sees his brother die in a dream, it means his own death. Otherwise, it could mean someone in his family. If one is poor in the dream, it means that may lose one of his eyes. If one’s wife dies in a dream, it means bankruptcy and loss of one’s source of livelihood. Performing the funeral prayer in a dream means interceding on his behalf and praying for his salvation. If one answers the call of a deceased person in a dream, it means that he will shortly follow him. If one sees a deceased person drowning in a dream, it means that one is plunged in abominable sins. If one sees dead people coming out of their graves and going to their homes in a dream, it means a mass release of prisoners during a general amnesty. This dream also may mean that God Almighty will give life to a barren land. Death for a believer in a dream means honor, dignity, aloofness and ascetic detachment. The death of a prophet in a dream means weakness in people’s religious life, while their coming back to life in a dream means a flourishing spiritual life in that place. The death of a ruler in a dream means the weakness of his army or government. The death of a religious scholar in a dream means the birth of innovation or invalidation of one’s proof. The death of a pious worshiper in a dream means failure to attend one’s religious obligations. The death of a craftsman mean the end of his craft. The death of one’s parents in a dream means tightening of his financial means. The death of one’s wife in a dream means the end of a prosper

This indicates long life. But a sick person dreaming of death has the positive results.

Dreaming of seeing any of your people dead, warns you of coming dissolution or sorrow. Disappointments always follow dreams of this nature. To hear of any friend or relative being dead, you will soon have bad news from some of them. Dreams relating to death or dying, unless they are due to spiritual causes, are misleading and very confusing to the novice in dream lore when he attempts to interpret them. A man who thinks intensely fills his aura with thought or subjective images active with the passions that gave them birth | by thinking and acting on other lines, he may supplant these images with others possessed of a different form and nature. In his dreams he may see these images dying, dead or their burial, and mistake them for friends or enemies. In this way he may, while asleep, see himself or a relative die, when in reality he has been warned that some good thought or deed is to be supplanted by an evil one. To illustrate: If it is a dear friend or relative whom he sees in the agony of death, he is warned against immoral or other improper thought and action, but if it is an enemy or some repulsive object dismantled in death, he may overcome his evil ways and thus give himself or friends cause for joy. Often the end or beginning of suspense or trials are foretold by dreams of this nature. They also frequently occur when the dreamer is controlled by imaginary states of evil or good. A man in that state is not himself, but is what the dominating influences make him. He may be warned of approaching conditions or his extrication from the same. In our dreams we are closer to our real self than in waking life. The hideous or pleasing incidents seen and heard about us in our dreams are all of our own making, they reflect the true state of our soul and body, and we cannot flee from them unless we drive them out of our being by the use of good thoughts and deeds, by the power of the spirit within us. See Corpse.

Alms in Dream

Dreaming of alms mean you will be the recipient of an unlikely inheritance that solves all your financial woes. Your prayers are answered by a benefactor that had ties to your family which you did not know personally. Be thankful and continue the tradition of helping others in tough times as you have always done in the past before the life changing inheritance.

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Give alms to a beggar. Meaning of dream and numbers.
Find out what it means to dream give alms to a beggar. The interpretations and numbers of the Neapolitan cabala.

give alms to a beggar 80
Meaning of the dream: Good speculationgive alms 15
Description: be luckymeet a beggar 66
Interpretation of the dream: revengebe a beggar 58
Translation: changes

feed a beggar 71
Dream description: serious relationshipsblind beggar 21
Meaning: fake friendscrippled beggar 24
Translation of the dream: inheritancebeggar thief 56
Interpretation: discover pleasant
beggar weeping 15
alms 69
What does it mean: long lif

Dream Giving Alms to Beggars Interpretation

fantareis / Pixabay
Alms include actions aimed at saving lives, reducing suffering and helping others. Humans must help each other out. You can help others voluntarily and with good intentions and you do not want to get anything in return.

Dreaming of giving alms becomes a vision that happens quite often in certain people. Are you generous when you give something to others? The subconscious world is exciting. You will learn to uncover messages from your subconscious. The dream dictionary will guide you and guide you to get the most appropriate interpretation according to your current state.

Some dream experts say that dreaming of a beggar is your fear in the social sphere. You are afraid of the rejection of many people. On the other hand, dreaming of giving alms to beggars symbolizes the character of a benefactor. Many people in countries with economic crisis have dreams like this more often. In some cases, your subconscious is concerned about your current financial condition. Even so, the meaning of dreams will depend on your actions in your sleep. Therefore, you should read other contexts about dreaming with charity.

What does it mean to dream of giving alms?

> When you give charity to beggars in your sleep, this dream symbolizes the good news. You always try to help others. You will not think that you will benefit or not. On the other hand, this dream also shows that certain people are trying to trick you for their purpose.

> When you have to give charity, but you refuse, this dream shows that you will remain consistent with yourself. Your friend or spouse will ask you to do what is in harmony with your principles. You decide to act in the higher interest though others will not understand.

When you became a beggar and asked for money from others, this dream symbolizes your desire to attract attention. Although your economy is in good condition, you need to feel secure when you have other problems.

> When you donate something to others, this dream shows that you have to give help. It is a humanitarian task; you can help others according to your abilities.

When a beggar asked you for money, this dream shows that you are afraid if you do not have money. This dream usually strikes you if you feel your finances are beginning to decline and you are anxious about your future.

> When you were begging on the road, this dream is a bad sign. That means your money will run out, and you have to sell your property for the future. This dream also symbolizes that you do not know where to go because you find no chance in your life.

> When you gave alms to some children, this dream shows that you will try to help a friend. The good thing is you do not want your friends to know that you will help.

> When you gave something to the poor, and they receive it with pleasure, this dream symbolizes well-being, profit, and good health.

If you like to share with others, this dream is not something strange. You feel that you have to do good and the subconscious has created this picture in your sleep. You can remember how your dream last night. Did you become a beggar on the streets and ask for alms from others?

Dream About Begging

Phillipians 4:19 says, ”But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Psalm 37:25 says, ”I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.”

Begging alms in the dream is a sign of foundational problem and poverty. Begging for alms is an indication of no helpers. Begging for alms is a clear definition of self-pity, rejection and limitation. When you beg for alms in the dream, you are giving the enemy legal ground to inject poverty and lack into your life. When you beg for alms in the dream, you are keeping a covenant with financial problem through debt and stagnation . People who beg for alms in the dream are always dried physically and spiritually. It is certain that if such people have lots of money to spend in the physical, the person will not be able to make good account for his money which will affect every department of his life, and marriage in particular. Begging for money, food, clothes, baby materials etc in the dream are all setbacks. If you frequently beg in the dream, you have to ask God to deliver you from this stubborn wicked spirit that has the capacity to disgrace you and mess up your financial life.

Receiving coins/money in the dream under the platform for begging brings a man down completely. That is why you keep having difficulties in their financial life. This dream also establishes the anointing for hardship, lack and poverty. God cannot ask you to beg for alms in the dream when He has created you in the physical world to fulfil your destiny. God is a hardwoking God! He asked you to use your gift, talents, potential to make a way for yourself. (Prov 18:16). If this dream persists, you need go for deliverance very fast.

Take a comprehensive prayers

Prayers when you are begging in the dream
1. I break and separate myself from every spirit of begging, in the name of Jesus.
2. I break every covenant with the spirit of poverty, in the name of Jesus.
3. I break every bondage of inherited poverty, in the name of Jesus.
4. My financial glory shall not sink, in the name of Jesus.
5. Every foundation of poverty in my family line, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every garment of poverty, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
7. Any power that want to turn my glory to shame, die, in the name of Jesus.
8. Every damage done to my financial life through begging for alms, be repaired back, in the name of Jesus.
9. I cover myself with the blood of Jesus.
10. Arrows working against my wealth gathering backfire, in the name of Jesus.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

Accepting something from the dead is regarded as good while giving him something is regarded as bad.
If a person sees a dead person giving him something of this world it mean he will acquire livelihood from an unimaginable source. And if he sees himself giving a dead person clothes normally worn by living persons and he accepts such clothes and wears them it means he (the giver) has a short life span.... Islamic Dream Interpretation

Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Alms will bring evil if given or taken unwillingly. Otherwise, a good dream.... Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

The Bedside Dream Dictionary

Giving or receiving success and wealth are to be yours. Good fortune is indicated by alms. Are they being accepted and received with respect and ease? If not, look at the hidden patterns in your life that need to be adjusted to receive the good as it is intended for you to receive. (Given) great joy. (Received) loss of enemy. ... The Bedside Dream Dictionary

Gypsy Dream Dictionary

To give or to receive alms indicates that your business will be successful and you will become wealthy.... Gypsy Dream Dictionary

The Complete Dream Book

To dream they are begged of you, and you deny to give them, shows want and misery to the dreamer; but to dream that you give them freely, is a sign of great joy, and long life to the dreamer or some particular friend of his.... The Complete Dream Book

Mystic Dream Book

This dream depends upon the circumstances.
If in your dream, some one begs of you, and you refuse, it is a sign of misfortune for the dreamer. But if you give, and give freely, then it is a sign of great happiness, either to yourself, or to some intimate friend. ... Mystic Dream Book

Islamic Dream Interpretation

(Tithe) Paying the dues alms tax in a dream means increase in one’s income or prosperity. Ifa rich man sees himselfpaying the due tithe on his liquid assets in a dream, it means increase in his wealth, a spiritual growth and receiving the blessing of performing one’s obligatory prayers on time. Payment of one’s due tithe also represents protection from one’s enemies. Paying alms tax in a dream also means performing supererogatory prayers during the night, repayment of debts, absolution, or it could mean paying a fine. Alms tax in a dream also means the death of a dear person in the family, or it could mean losing a limb due to an illness or an accident, giving a charity for the benefit of a departed soul, or payment of one’s debts. Thus, paying alms tax in a dream may mean increase in one’s wealth, recovering from illness or payment of one’s debts, all of which earn levels of exaltation and blessings.
To pay charity on one’s property of silver in a dream means begetting a son, or it could mean getting married. Ifit is a poor person, then paying alms tax in a dream represents God’s acceptance of one’s deeds.

If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent of sin and earn lawful money, and if he is a disbeliever. it means that he will become a believer. (Also see Charity; Endowment; Tithe collector)... Islamic Dream Interpretation

Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

For a young woman to dream of an alms-house, denotes she will meet failure in her efforts to contract a worldly marriage.... Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Cauterize; Property taxes)... Islamic Dream Interpretation

Islamic Dream Interpretation

If one’s sins are forgiven in a dream, it means receiving guidance, abstinence from sin, protecting one’s chastity, hoping for God’s forgiveness, engaging in charitable actions and offering atonements.... Islamic Dream Interpretation

Dream Meanings o



If one gives alms, points this willingness to make sacrifices and points out at the same time to the fact that one should not be mean internally. To the outside one is generous with pleasure, gratitude and consideration also, however, expects for it. Alms express received the fear not to create it even any more, to be a burden to others or to have to ask. Outwardly one fears material need so much that one would like to protect himself 'at all costs'. Even if one would have to (allow to degrade himself for it.


give or take refuse: Annoyance and frustration experience,
with joy conceive: one can be certain to receive help in a predicament quite unexpectedly, - a long-preserved wish could come true,
with prejudices take: you will become poor and ill, you will bring disgrace about your house,
distribute: glad days approach, - your plan achieves good success, - the view of financial success for the next time is good.

Being one in the dream receiver from alms, so a light financial improvement remains to expect.
distributed one alms to others, so is to be calculated on a strong increase of own social position.
denying you to itself, nevertheless, to give alms or to accept, hard times approach you.
recommends quite in general the symbol, to be less hard and to raise more understanding for others, above all for weaker.
(European ones).:

are requested and decline: Signs for bad luck,
give freely: promises the deprived luck and probably soon of an improvement of his financial relations, however, the rich annoyance and financial problems,
receiver of alms be: joyless events approach,
conceive: good friends and good shops, you will get a good office, - also: one be certain to receive help in quite an astonishing predicament, - also: a long-preserved wish could come true,
see a receiver of alms: one will appeal to your generosity.

Symbols are the language of dreams.

A symbol can invoke a feeling or an idea and often has a much more profound and deeper meaning than any one word can convey. At the same time, these symbols can leave you confused and wondering what that dream was all about.

We are here to guide you, interpret your dreams & give you prayer points and bible portions to claim your good dreams or cancel bad dreams!

Dreams are like letters from the unconscious mind. If only they were written in the same language we use in waking reality...

Fortunately, we have the ability to study our dreams and interpret the common dream symbols they contain. Although there is no hard-and-fast rulebook of universal definitions, the following dream meanings offer a sound starting point for most people to create their own personal dream meanings.

ohnwell(m): 9:12am On Aug 19, 2014
Dreams of Airplane…
Spiritual meaning for airplane includes:- person, work, church, travel, journey, migration, excursion, pilgrimage, tour.
- To see small plane in the dream forecast your person or personal ministry.
- To pilot an airplane in the dream successfully suggests a good omen of unusual achievement in business or extracurricular enterprise you may be involved.
- To fall out of a plane in the dream suggests you may experience some temporary reverse in business or in discipline.
- To miss a flight and became sad in the dream: it is a dream of contrary. Expect surprise and positive outcome within a short time. God has intervened in your situation, the sadness portends joy.
- To see airplane dropping bombs in the dream portends disturbing news, evil hand work of satanic air force agent against your venture, and or, likely physical destruction to come.
- To witness in the dream of an airplane taking off and explode in the air; it suggests enemies are out to scatter or destroy valuable projects in your hand, and or, your journey, ministry or person.
- To ordinarily miss boarding an airplane and wake up, suggest spirit of delay and denial at work.
- To fly in formation and in good weather in the dream forecasts financial gain and success.

Fish pond:
Dreaming of a fish-pond, denotes illness through dissipation, if muddy. To see one clear and well stocked with fish, portends profitable enterprises and extensive pleasures. To see one empty, proclaims the near approach of deadly enemies.

meanings attached to frogs are many because of their nature and actions. Generally, frog represent demon, witchcraft, curse, evil, words, puffed-up, arrogance, possession of jumping spirit-taking decision before thinking,noisemakers, false friend around, hypocritical behavior, fruitless journey.

A fish represents spirit or soul, a person's character or motive, Holy Spirit, unclean spirit.
In Business, it represents carrier, projects, design, ventures, plan & purpose, devise or whatever is your pursuit in life for a living.

in summary, your dream is a sign of disappointment, or deception. you have to fast & pray about it....
prayerfully make your decisions in life and be careful.

ohnwell: Dreams of Airplane…
Spiritual meaning for airplane includes:- person, work, church, travel, journey, migration, excursion, pilgrimage, tour.
- To see small plane in the dream forecast your person or personal ministry.
- To pilot an airplane in the dream successfully suggests a good omen of unusual achievement in business or extracurricular enterprise you may be involved.
- To fall out of a plane in the dream suggests you may experience some temporary reverse in business or in discipline.
- To miss a flight and became sad in the dream: it is a dream of contrary. Expect surprise and positive outcome within a short time. God has intervened in your situation, the sadness portends joy.
- To see airplane dropping bombs in the dream portends disturbing news, evil hand work of satanic air force agent against your venture, and or, likely physical destruction to come.
- To witness in the dream of an airplane taking off and explode in the air; it suggests enemies are out to scatter or destroy valuable projects in your hand, and or, your journey, ministry or person.
- To ordinarily miss boarding an airplane and wake up, suggest spirit of delay and denial at work.
- To fly in formation and in good weather in the dream forecasts financial gain and success.

Airplane Continued.....

- To see yourself travelling to somewhere by air in the dream suggests unusual open doors, breakthroughs, progress, victory, success, or speedy answer to your problems. It also suggests you will probably hear news from a distance and, or concerning someone who lives far away.

- If you boarded one but it develop fault or landed roughly in the dream, it forecast that your efforts to quick breakthrough may be thwarted.

- To fly in one and it landed safely in the dream portends success in your undertakings, foreign benefits, good news and prosperity in the offing.

- To fly in bad or foggy weather in the dream suggests confusion, difficulties, or satanic hindrance to your journey.

- To see airplane soaring far into the sky in the dream, means to be moved by the spirit through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The meaning has to be related to the size of the airplane, such as; a passenger plane portends church, while a small airplane means your person or ministry. A large airplane soaring means the church at large are filled with the gift of the spirit, or are experiencing spiritual revival and elevation. Small airplane suggests you as a person is experiencing spiritual elevation or you are loaded in the spirit, or with gifts of the spirit.

terpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by johnwell(m): 10:10am On Aug 19, 2014
- To see airplane flying too low in the dream suggests spiritual deflation, prayerlessness, open door to sinful acts, spiritual activities without Holy Spirit lead.

- To witness airplane crash in the dream suggest unusual catastrophe, business failure, loaded sorrow, heartless witchcraft judgment, church split, marital breakdown.

- To see plane flying near electrical power lines in the dream signifies danger in social and business pursuit, caution in respect of decision at hand, need to add more fuel into your prayer life.

- To be accompanied by strange persons in black dress as you boarded airplane in the dream suggests witchcraft agents are out to rob your success and joy, evil monitor, arrows of effortless efforts, household wickedness.

- To see a faulty aircraft propeller in the dream suggests arrows of stagnancy against your finances.

- When an airplane is declared air-worthy in the dream, it suggest easy sail in business or calling, when it is declared not air-worthy, it portends a reverse in business or calling in offing.


It is good to pray right prayers after a good dream. sometimes, after right interpretation, you may not know how to go about it, numbers of prayer points are written below, you can pray all or select what relates to your situation.

1. This is my season of laughter, I shall not be polluted by powers of darkness, in Jesus name.

2. Thou laughter that suddenly seized in my mouth as a result of dreams attacks, my God shall restore you, in the Name of Jesus.


Bad dreams are bad, there is no doubt about it. anytime you dream a bad dream you have to pray and cancel it. This section gives you the opportunity to equip yourself with violent prayers to cancel evil dreams.

1. Any power attacking my star in the dream, die in the Name of Jesus.

2. Every witchcraft anointing upon my head, dry up In the Name of Jesus.

3. Every calabash of darkness assign against me, be dismantled by thunder.

4. Every household wickedness assign to pull me down, die in the Name of Jesus.

5......... to be updated early!

Nobody: 1:58pm On Aug 19, 2014
I think we over-rate dreams in the metaphorical sense that we often build from a symbolism point of view. I think it is also very dangerous to deepen our assumptions to the point of certainty as regards the meaning of dreams. we can only decipher so much in association with the dreamers' psychological and sub-conscious states in the past and present. it may also represent future "spiritual" (philosophical) affairs that we are trying to grasp or give meaning to.

Giving dreams a character (Bad or Good) is dangerous... especially if you have zero background on the nature of the human mind i.e psychology. Dreams are very important as they are are actually an important part of self-discovery. I don't think Alfas and Pastors are a good point of call when it comes to dreams and interpretations. often they send the dreamer on a journey of fear, misplaced priorities and often anxiety and depression in most cases i have heard.

I see people talking about Flying in planes and giving meaning.. what happened to people who lived and dreamed in times where there where no planes and talked about flying in some other contraption they never saw in real life?     why do physically challenge people dream of talking, walking hearing when in reality they cannot do those things, how do you interpret that.

Dream interpretation from what i have read on Nairaland is a myopic journey in my personal opinion and should be used responsibly.

I think we over-rate dreams in the metaphorical sense that we often build from a symbolism point of view. I think it is also very dangerous to deepen our assumptions to the point of certainty as regards the meaning of dreams. we can only decipher so much in association with the dreamers' psychological and sub-conscious states in the past and present. it may also represent future "spiritual" (philosophical) affairs that we are trying to grasp or give meaning to.

Giving dreams a character (Bad or Good) is dangerous... especially if you have zero background on the nature of the human mind i.e psychology. Dreams are very important as they are are actually an important part of self-discovery. I don't think Alfas and Pastors are a good point of call when it comes to dreams and interpretations. often they send the dreamer on a journey of fear, misplaced priorities and often anxiety and depression in most cases i have heard.

I see people talking about Flying in planes and giving meaning.. what happened to people who lived and dreamed in times where there where no planes and talked about flying in some other contraption they never saw in real life?    why do physically challenge people dream of talking, walking hearing when in reality they cannot do those things, how do you interpret that.

Dream interpretation from what i have read on Nairaland is a myopic journey in my personal opinion and should be used responsibly.

I had two strange dreams
The first one was around a month ago. I was in a forest with some friends, then we passed some old women begging for alms. We all gave them money but the woman I gave was sitting down. Then we passed some children also begging for alms. They said they could protect us from their mothers but we didn't give them any money. After a while, we approached a stream. There was an ugly woman with one hand in the stream. She asked all of us if we knew who she was, but none of us knew. She now entered the water, and reemerged as a beautiful woman. She said her name and that she was the goddess guarding the stream and she will let us pass. We all passed but when I reached the shore I realised I was no longer waring any slippers.
I had another dream a few days ago. I was at home, when someone told me I have a visitor. The visitor told out to be one of my uncles that just recently passed away(though we are not really close). Immediately I saw him, I said you are dead what are you doing here. He seemed angry at what I said and then his form changed to another man. He then started advising me to pray hard and avoid some other things. After a while, his presence started fading, and he said a woman is coming. As he said that, I felt like I woke up. However, I was still dreaming. I saw myself lying down on my bed in my room, then a woman dressed in white started shaking me on my bed. It felt like she was right there in my room. Then I woke up finally.

Very correct! I had similar dream when my frnd was about to get married less than a month. In the dream, her brother brought an invitation letter to me and as i was seeing him off, immediately i opened our gate, i saw this small plane that was just flying started to loose control. Immediately i said a little prayer "GOD HELP THIS YOUNG PILOT" before i could finish, i saw the plane going down. That night, i sent a text to her telling her of my dream. Latr on, the young man canceled the wedding.

Pls, a frnd want to know the meaning of this dream. He applied for a job and his friend said he will connect him with his contact(oga @ the top). The friend also applied 4 same job. In the dream, they were already @ the screening venue. On getting close to his turn to be screened, he discovered that his friend (same guy that wanted to connect him to d oga) went out and was with the file containing his certificate. He cried out as he was looking 4 d frnd and woke up.

191: Pls, a frnd want to know the meaning of this dream. He applied for a job and his friend said he will connect him with his contact(oga @ the top). The friend also applied 4 same job. In the dream, they were already @ the screening venue. On getting close to his turn to be screened, he discovered that his friend (same guy that wanted to connect him to d oga) went out and was with the file containing his certificate. He cried out as he was looking 4 d frnd and woke up.

you don't need an interpretation for this, it's so straight forward....

When one go for an interview and was successfully in the dream, it portends better opportunities to breakthrough in the offing, while certificate signifies one's destiny, big opportunity, new doors; In your (friend's) case, he was not even interviewed when his credentials was hijacked....

The future (destiny) of that young man has been hijacked, he need nothing but deliverance prayers and fasting against destiny hijackers.

I can assist him with books, prayer points & bible portions for the fasting (deliverance) if he desires.

....With God all things are possible!

I had two strange dreams
The first one was around a month ago. I was in a forest with some friends, then we passed some old women begging for alms. We all gave them money but the woman I gave was sitting down. Then we passed some children also begging for alms. They said they could protect us from their mothers but we didn't give them any money. After a while, we approached a stream. There was an ugly woman with one hand in the stream. She asked all of us if we knew who she was, but none of us knew. She now entered the water, and reemerged as a beautiful woman. She said her name and that she was the goddess guarding the stream and she will let us pass. We all passed but when I reached the shore I realised I was no longer waring any slippers.

I had another dream a few days ago. I was at home, when someone told me I have a visitor. The visitor told out to be one of my uncles that just recently passed away(though we are not really close). Immediately I saw him, I said you are dead what are you doing here. He seemed angry at what I said and then his form changed to another man. He then started advising me to pray hard and avoid some other things. After a while, his presence started fading, and he said a woman is coming. As he said that, I felt like I woke up. However, I was still dreaming. I saw myself lying down on my bed in my room, then a woman dressed in white started shaking me on my bed. It felt like she was right there in my room. Then I woke up finally.

Could you interpret this please.


you don't need an interpretation for this, it's so straight forward....

When one go for an interview and was successfully in the dream, it portends better opportunities to breakthrough in the offing, while certificate signifies one's destiny, big opportunity, new doors; In your (friend's) case, he was not even interviewed when his credentials was hijacked....

The future (destiny) of that young man has been hijacked, he need nothing but deliverance prayers and fasting against destiny hijackers.

I can assist him with books, prayer points & bible portions for the fasting (deliverance) if he desires.

....With God all things are possible!

had this dream in the year 2009.
I was praying fervently under a tree and people were passing and commending me because I was praying.Then I saw a crusade advert that was to hold at ore(ondo state),there was a car available to take us there.
At the next scene,the prophet in the crusade had started seeing vision for the people present there.he saw vision for me and he said ''this your vision make sense ooo,e be like say make I draw am like tattoo for my hand''
Then I woke up and started praying, during prayer, I slept off again and continued the revelation where I stopped it,there was a shirt on a bed,the prophet picked it up and read what is in front of it and asked who the owner of the shirt is,the people in the dream told him that the shirt belongs to me.He then looked at me and asked ''wetin be the meaning of scarface ?''he asked the question as though scarface is what he read in front of the shirt.Then I replied and said ''Na popular guy now'' and then I winked at him with ma left eye..... and then woke up.

Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by chomlee1(m): 5:51pm On Aug 22, 2014
I am a woman married with 2 kids nd I saw myself pregnant and in labour in a dream I had.I also see myself in the dream with successful actors nd actresses,prominient nigerians often.pls wat are d meanings of these? Seriously...
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Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by johnwell(m): 6:22pm On Aug 22, 2014
chomlee1: I am a woman married with 2 kids nd I saw myself pregnant and in labour in a dream I had.I also see myself in the dream with successful actors nd actresses,prominient nigerians often.pls wat are d meanings of these? Seriously...

but your status says MALE, please correct it before i ...
Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by johnwell(m): 6:29pm On Aug 22, 2014
zezebabyxoxo: I had two strange dreams
The first one was around a month ago. I was in a forest with some friends, then we passed some old women begging for alms. We all gave them money but the woman I gave was sitting down. Then we passed some children also begging for alms. They said they could protect us from their mothers but we didn't give them any money. After a while, we approached a stream. There was an ugly woman with one hand in the stream. She asked all of us if we knew who she was, but none of us knew. She now entered the water, and reemerged as a beautiful woman. She said her name and that she was the goddess guarding the stream and she will let us pass. We all passed but when I reached the shore I realised I was no longer waring any slippers.

Could you interpret this please.

Please follow carefully, your dream is very complicated, it signify many things, I will pick point by point…

Point 1 …I was in a forest with some friends:
To suddenly see yourself in the forest signifies you’re after something and could not have it due to porous plans, but in your own case something came up. (do you have marital plans?)

Point 2 … some old women begging for alms:
- To give alms in the dream suggests expenses in real life,
- To refuse a beggar alms in the dream suggest unexpected hardship

Point 3… Then we passed some children also begging for alms. They said they could protect us from their mothers (the goddess you finally met) but we didn't give them any money.

Point 4… After a while, we approached a stream.
The general symbol of stream in the dream is that of flow of life forces.
- If your dream is of a stream that flowed clearly and smoothly, expect your life pattern to follow suit,
- The stream might also signify obstacle from marine powers (as in your own case)

Point 5 …. There was an ugly woman with one hand in the stream. She asked all of us if we knew who she was, but none of us knew. She now entered the water, and reemerged as a beautiful woman. She said her name and that she was the goddess guarding the stream and she will let us pass.
- The woman you saw is the marine powers contending with your destiny
- can you recall the name name she mentioned?

Point 6… We all passed but when I reached the shore I realized I was no longer wearing any slippers. (She took your slippers & let you pass, what a terrible exchange)
Dream of Slippers/shoes;
- To wear one comfortably signifies contentment
- Uncomfortable ones signifies domestic problems
- To wear one leg or non signifies marital warfare

for a marine spirit to take away your shoes/slippers, it means she has taken your marriage away (spiritually she might be your wife), you will be experiencing problems in your relationship. If you are married, how is your marriage? Is it full of problem?

In addition, in your prayers always call her by that name and command her to release everything she has taken from you.

your reply will determine my next comment(s)

1: I am a woman married with 2 kids nd I saw myself pregnant and in labour in a dream I had.I also see myself in the dream with successful actors nd actresses,prominient nigerians often.pls wat are d meanings of these? Seriously...

I am a woman married with 2 kids and I saw myself pregnant and in labour in a dream I had.I also see myself in the dream with successful  actors and actresses, prominient nigerians often. pls what are d meanings of these?

the generic meanings of pregnancy are; sin, desire, expectancy, marine connection.

to dream of having labour pains signifies struggle that gives sound achievement at the end of the day
Seeing yourself with celebrity, hmm, get ready to be at the top, your pregnancy is a sign of great expectation/desires and the labour means your time has come, but you need the power of prayers and fasting to deliver that which you are carrying.

Kripa Mishra (कृपा मिश्रा), A rational thinker
Answered Jul 7, 2018 · Author has 89 answers and 167.1k answer views
Dreams can include important narratives for the dreamer about unresolved issues in the past, present and future. Often, a very important message for the dreamer that has been ignored will repeat until it’s understood, or worked through by the dreamer.

Dreams hold many layers of meaning, and the more details you can draw out of them the more success you’ll have at unearthing these layers. As the dreamer, you’re the only one who can truly determine what the dream means by analysing your current situation.

If you give money in the form of repaying your debt, it is a very positive prediction. Aft...
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f you give money in the form of repaying your debt, it is a very positive prediction. After this dream soon you will have the opportunity to solve all the financial difficulties and improve your welfare. If you are giving money in the form of lending, it represents your obligations to others. Alternatively, it symbolizes the value of your support system.

Since mad man is not chasing you or forcing you to give money, it means you are generously giving money and it shows that someone may need attention from you and you will be capable of helping someone.

Answered Sep 10, 2019 · Author has 4.6k  answers and 4.2m answer views
I’ll give an answer based on how I understand your question, for your question is open to interpretation, for what is a mad person?

A mad person can mean many things to many people.

Because my answer is based on my interpretation of mad you’ll have to decide if what I say fits your circumstances.

Money in a dream represents value and power, for with money comes advantageous.

Dreams can be compensatory to everyday attitudes. A mad person as I understand your question is a person that has no fixed psychological structures that can bring a certain ridegidity to life. In other words a mad person does not live a ridged life. They have no fixed believes about what most understand is real and what is not real. Their mind flows where it flows, and they follow it without question.

In modern life it’s all too easy to fall into patterns in life that can become what most understand as real and the right way to live.

A mad person doesn’t. A mad man goes where the mind takes him or her. They follow their inner promptings even when these promptings go against how most people understand life and how life should be lived. Thus from the point of view of a non mad person the one who follows their inner promptings appear mad.

Knowledge can blind one to other possibilities.

The dream is saying to you there’s value and power in letting go of your knowledge about how life should be lived and understand by most.

By letting this go by holding all of how you understand about life loosely then other possibilities come into view.

There’s value and power in not living a life that can be too ridged without being aware it’s too ridged. Be a little mad in your life.

Best wishes.


Seniors we do not know in dreams. The male figure of the elderly in dreams. Symbolic meaning and interpretation. What does it mean to dream of finding a very old man or woman and lending a hand? What does it mean to dream of meeting a man with dirty and long hair, who has not been brushed for a long time and without teeth? Why can we dream of an old man who dies, who commits suicide, dead, who has died for so many years, who cries, who laughs, embraces us, kisses us, cries, who insults us, who talks to us but we can not understand him? Why is it possible to dream of an old man with a stick and a very long white beard that falls, burns, hurt, bad, ill, weak, unhappy, sad? The old man in dreams is a widespread symbol. At least once in your life you have dreamed of an old man with a big stick asking for help, asking for food, money, a very old and unknown man, sitting on the ground in the street asking for alms. What does it mean to dream of seeing two very old men who fight each other? Or what does it mean to dream of giving some money, a little money to a very old person who is so hungry? Why can we dream of seeing an old couple making love? Dreaming of an old lady or an old gentleman who is with our mother, father, wife, husband, son, brother-in-law, cousin, grandfather, friend, work colleague, lover. Which and how many numbers, using the book of Neapolitan grimace, can I play to try to win if I dream an old man with a long white beard according to the guide on dreams? What does it mean to dream of an unknown old man with very long black hair who comes towards us to hurt us? "The other night I remember dreaming of being with my children and a very old man wanted to kill us. Last night I dreamed of being with my girlfriend and a very ugly old woman shouted at us. This night I dreamed that I ate with many men full of wrinkles because they were very old. Last night I saw a person coming towards me but I was very scared and ran away". The very old people in a dream that we can know or not, are a very frequent symbolism and that hides a meaning that is not indifferent, a message that must absolutely be interpreted very well.

Dreaming of old people is a very common thing among people because this type of dreams establishes ties with the people we have by our side in a very important period of our earthly existence. This oneiric symbolism also represents the need to be guided by a mature and wise person, while at other times this kind of dreams represents the dreamer's fear of becoming old. Here we can dream of old people crying or elderly who need help and who are very sweet or terrible old men who want to kill us, make us sick and generate a terrifying sense of fear. When we dream of an elderly man or woman, we must think and reflect mainly on four aspects of our lives. We must reflect on life and death, especially if we are already ahead with age, we must reflect on physical and mental aging, on the passage of time and therefore also on the last act of this life, namely physical death. In order to understand this kind of dreams we always try to remember what an elderly person is for us. When we think of a very old person, perhaps we think of our grandmother or our mother or father or the elderly who beg for alms on the street or those who live in hospitals and nursing homes, in hospices. Memory lapses, dementia, various diseases associated with advancing age, loneliness. All these elements are never trivial and can be the fulcrum of our dreams, just those dreams in which an elderly man is very present. Obviously when we see a very old person in our dreams or nightmares we must first try to understand if that person is ourselves, so it represents ourselves, our body, our mind or a period of our life in which loneliness prevails, uncertainty, boredom. Although these dreams can be very distressing, unpleasant, disturbing, terrifying and cause much fear and anxiety in the dreamer, they always communicate a useful message of great depth related to our personal evolution, acceptance of the life we ??are living in a certain period and the resolution also of some problem that tires us very physically and mentally.

Old age in our dreams can represent many aspects of our daily existence, of our life. For example, it can represent weakness, experience gained through the years, making mistakes, obtaining successes, reflection and maturity, intelligence and experience. All qualities, all aspects that can be a very useful guide for the dreamer and for the people who live with him. Dreaming of old people can also bring out aspects of protection, a strong and intimate need for protection and offer valid alternatives and advice to solve the problems that the dreamer has to face every day on his earthly path. Certainly it is very important to remember every aspect of the dream so that the male or female figure of the elderly person can find a valid position and thus arrive at a correct interpretation of the dream. We must never forget that objects that we see and maybe use in dreams, people we meet, places where we are and above all emotions and sensations we feel, are really fundamental to understand the meaning of the dream itself. For example, surely you have dreamed, at least once in your life, an old unknown man who came towards you in a very threatening way. Maybe an old man with a stick or a knife and with a really terrible face. Here this dream figure can represent our father or anyway a male or female figure that we perceive to be despotic, severe with us in real life. Children and young people can often dream of old people and, in this case, these dreamlike figures can represent a parent or school teacher who is too strict. When this very old man who does not have a face does not represent a very severe person with whom we have a contact in our lives, it could represent a situation we are living in, so a situation full of responsibility, a very complex situation that requires a lot commitment, dedication, sacrifice.

The dreams which we remember and are able to describe are those which occur just as we are falling asleep or just as we are beginning to awaken. It is during these times that our conscious mind is partially active and in a state to receive impressions which are retained by the memory. Frequently, however, these impressions are so faint that they are remembered only for a short time. We may remember a dream for  a few minutes when we wake up in the night, but the next day, it is entirely forgotten. On the other hand, there are dreams which are so vivid, and  which impress themselves so very strongly upon us, that we can recall them and describe them in detail years afterwards.

During sleep, this mysterious underworld of thoughts comes into control, and because it is unbounded either by time or space, it can reveal to us conditions of our present and future state of which we have no knowledge when we are awake and wholly conscious.

That « dreams go by opposites » is a general belief which is sometimes doubted. With certain qualifications, however, it is perfectly true statement, although it is only recently that the reason for this has been discovered. There is one peculiarity about the subconscious mind which particularly distinguishes it from the conscious. When we are awake, we are constantly making mental contrasts, or thinking in opposites. For instance, we distinguish black from white, large from small, forwards from backwards, joy from sorrow, and so on, by reason of the fact that the one is the direct opposite of the other. Now, when we are asleep, we sometimes lose this power of contrast,   and there occurs in our mind what is called a « unification of opposites ».  In other words, we are unable to draw distinctions. When we think we dream of black, it may really be white, up may be down, small may be great, sorrow may signify joy. In fact, almost every dream is a puzzle-picture which must be solved with the aid of past experience.


Dreams of falling from high places, of running without gaining ground, of being chased or terrified by ghosts and monsters, of screaming with fear (and often awaking at once), of stepping off a kerb or step and of slipping and then waking up with a jerk, of going up or down in lifts, of fields or rivers flowing with blood, of fire and flames, of great stretches of plain or sea, of drowning, of diseases and dreaming that one is dying —these and, in fact, any of those dreams which are accompanied by feelings of great terror and which are usually described as « nightmares » are caused by alteration in the flow of blood through the brain ; and they must not be regarded as being prophetic, since they do not arise from the subconscious or intuitive mind.

Under the title of self-suggested dreams, come all those which concern a person or thing which has been prominent in our mind just before falling asleep. Perhaps a book we have been reading may have made a deep impression on us, and we may dream about incidents or characters from it.  It may be that we have read something in a newspaper or heard some story from a friend, or that we may have seen a film or play. All the things are able to affect us because they are retained by the memory, and are liable to be released when we fall into the sleeping state.

It will be seen that, before we attach any divinatory or prophetic significance to a dream, we must cast our mind back to make sure that it is not merely the result of something which has occured to us a day or two previously, and which has been unconsciously reproduced in sleep.

Yet another type of dream requiring no interpretation is that which is caused by mental telepathy. That is to say, if someone with whom we are closely associated is undergoing a severe emotional disturbance, it may sometimes be communicated to our mind during sleep. It is everyone, however, who possesses this peculiarly receptive power, and it is dangerous to jump to the conclusion that, when we dream that a friend is ill or in trouble, this must necessarily be the case. Those dreams, then, which may be truly regarded as oracular dreams are the ones for which we can find no explanation. They must not be nightmares, or dreams of persons or things we have recently seen or heard about ; they must not be those which come to us in illness or from worry or fright. They must be the natural products of untroubled and healthy sleep, when our body is resting in a normal position and we are not affected by adverse conditions of extreme heat and cold. In the key which follows, it must be remembered that the interpretations given are necessarily broad, for it is impossible to enter into detailed descriptions which will agree with every variety of dream. The meanings must be taken as general indications rather than exact prophecies, for when we are dealing with the subsconscious mind, it is not always easy to arrive at an exact interpretation. It is important to remember that the interpretation of a dream may denote both present and future events, for the two are inseparable. The future is ever in preparation, and it is the peculiar power of our subconscious mind which allows us to see it in the making.


Aboard. — If on board a ship, will gain from a hazardous enterprise.
Abroad. — To travel to a foreign country : an advancement in business ; if a friend or relatives goes abroad : a future estrangement.
Abyss.— If looking down an abyss : you are in danger but can avoid it if you act swiftly. Falling down an abyss : an organic dream with no prophetic significance.
Accident. — To be involved in an accident on the road, or to see one : great discretion in your affairs ; you are trusting others too much. A train accident : a warning that, unless you place a greater confidence in yourself, you will meet with failure in the enterprise which you contemplate.
Aircraft. — Your ambition and courage will lead you onwards to your goal. If a flying accident, avoid taking business risks for the next few days.
Alphabet. — If reciting the alphabet, much worry and agitation is in store for you.
Altar. — To dream you are before an altar is an unhappy omen signifying losses and affliction. If you are decorating the altar, however, a happy love affair awaits you.
Anchor. — If you hope and have faith, you will be delivered from your present trouble. If the anchor is dragged, you will embark upon some rash business which will bring you shame.
Angels. — Fortunate for those in love. A happy marriage will result. Joy and consolation.
Anger. — When angry with a friend, the latter may be regarded as being especially faithful. The object of another’s anger, he may rest assured that he is greatly loved.
Animals. — Happiness. Wild animals, treachery and cruelty on the part of enemies.
Arm. — If strong and healthy, will have success in an unexpected quarter ; if weak or diseased, will suffer a great disappointment.
Arrow. — If fired towards you and wounds you, a betrayal of your confidence. If dreamer is shooting arrows, he will be led into slanderous utterances in the near future.
Assassin. — Within a few days, the dreamer will meet one who will help him greatly in finance matters.
Axe. — To wield an axe tells of great strength of character, which will bring success and much reward.

Baby. — A happy omen for a woman. Great joy and a true lover. If a man, a disappointment in a love affair.
Bag. — If carrying a full bag, an unimportant loss is to be expected shorly. An empty bag : a trifling present from an acquaintance.
Ball. — If you are playing with the ball, expect some exceptionally good news. If you watch others playing, you will soon become jealous of a friend.
Bath. — To dream you are in your bath and the water is warm : you will fail in the task you have undertaken. If water is cold, success and prosperty.
Beggar. — If you refuse to give money, you may expect a loss. If you give alms, prosperity is in store for you.
Bells. — Tolling bells, bad news concerning a friend or distant relation. To see a bell, a sudden quarrel, especially for married persons.
Birds. — To wealthy person, birds on the wing is a loss of money. To one in humble circumstances, an upward trend of affairs, bringing happiness and success.
Blood. — If in great quantity, no significance ; otherwise, blood symbolizes gold, an increase in material wealth.
Boat. — If on calm water, expect a change of residence and occupation. If water is rough and stormy, a great disappointment.
Book. — A good sign, especially if reading one. You will journey to another part of the country, and there,  make a discovery of great value.
Bottle. — A letter containing surprising news is on its way, if an empty bottle. A full bottle, indisposition of a friend.
Box. — Opening a box, a secret of the dreamer has been discovered. Closing a box, trouble in money matters.
Bread. — Eating it, expect to enjoy very good health. If baking it, a bad sign : sorrow at home and quarrels between man and wife.
Bridge. — Crossing a bridge, you have been worrying unduly over a matter which is not serious. If bridge should collapse, exercise special care in your financial affairs.
Broom. — To sweep, a change of occupation. Lying on the ground, desertion by an old friend.
Burglar. — In one’s house, a lucky speculation. If you are a burglar and are arrested, will defeat an enemy who has been troubling you.
Burial. — Good news from a relative which will affect yourself. To lovers, a speedy marriage.

Cage.— If a woman dreams of a cage full of birds, an offer of marriage. If cage is empty, an elopemend owing to family opposition. For a man, an early marriage.
Cards. — If you are playing and win, speedy marriage ; if you lose, will shortly be engaged upon a dangerous undertaking. If a spectator, anticipate an attempt to defraud you in some business transaction.
Castle. — To live in one, you will be burdened with some great responsibility which will cause worry for a time. To view from a distance, an improvement in fortune and an appointment to some public office.
Cat. — If one walking alone, a journey ; a mewing cat, lies will be told about you ; a cat which scratches itself, you will be deceived ; a purring cat, you will be guilty of hypocrisy.
Cave. — If hiding, someone is spreading a scandal about you. To see wild animals coming out of a cave, the discovery of a secret which will cause misgivings.
Cemetery. — Good news; the restoration to health of a sick friend or relation .
Cheating. — If cheating someone else, be on your guard against fraud or deception. If in the dream you are being cheated, you are contemplating a doubtful deal and would be well advised not to go on with it.
Children. — Great joy and prosperity. For a woman, she has, or will have, a good husband ; for a man, complete domestic concord awaits him.
Church. — If doors are open, rise in position or expansion in business. Closed doors of a church, expect a bitter disappointment, perhaps a monetary loss.
Coffin. — Recovery of sick persons and dispersal of worries. If lying in a coffin, an early marriage.
Cross. — If bound to a cross, you will have some great triumph. To see a cross to which someone else is bound, it is a most unlucky sign.
Crown. — An ill-omen if you wear it

Dagger. — Pointed towards you, strife and enmity. If you yourself hold dagger, your cherished wish will be fulfilled.
Dancing. — Will receive an unexpected present from a stranger. To watch others dancing, jealousy in love.
Death. — Long and comfortable life. To sick persons, a speedy recovery to health.
Desert. — To travel across a desert, signifies a short journey on business matters.
Devil. — An unlucky dream foretelling approaching danger and temptation.
Diamond. — If you find it, loss of money. If you are cutting it. You will prevail over a relentless enemy.
Digging. — To dig for gold or other treasure is unlucky. To be digging on cultivated land, increase wealth.
Diving. — Diving into water, a good omen. To watch others dive, you will see your friends succeed where you have failed.
Doctor. — You will enjoy good health and your ills will be minor ones.
Dog. — To dream of your own dog denotes fidelity of friends. Strange dogs, enemies are waiting to ruin you.
Doll. — Much pleasure and festivity will occur within a few days, probably at the house of a stranger.
Dove. — Peace and prosperty, unless you see it fall to the ground, when it foretells the death of a distant relative.
Drinking. — If you drink wine, beer or spirits, you will have a business loss. To drink water, a disappointment for one who is closely associated with you.
Drowning. — Good omen if you yourself are drowning. To watch others drowning, misfortune ; if you rescue them, you will be lucky in love.

Earthquake. — To the married, discord between man and wife ; to the lover an indication that he has a rival ; to business men a warning to proceed with caution.
Eating. — Strife between friends or lovers.
Eggs. — Provided they are unbroken, success in business undertakings ; if broken, misfortune and quarrels.

Face. — To see your face in a mirror, the discovery of a treasured secret ; if your face appears pale, you will suffer by the discovery ; if swollen and red, you will benefit by the discovery.
Fairy. — Good news from an unexpected quarter. To lovers, a long and romantic life.
Falling. — A dream which is organic and has no prophetic significance.
Farm.— Great success in your business, especially if it involves much mental work. To the lover, an early marriage to a good tempered and devoted partner.
Father. — If you dream of your father, a sign that he bears the greatest affection for you.
Feather. — You will be caused of a great deal of worry through the indiscretions or the misfortunes of a relation.
Fighting. — If you fight and lose, all your troubles will soon be dispersed. It is unlucky to fight and win.
Fire. — An organic dream, caused by physical disorders. No prophetic significance.
Fish. — To see a single fish, increased prosperty, a devoted spouse and a brilliant child. If several fish, many friends are working to help you.
Flag. — Danger if flag is of a foreign country. To see the flag of your own country, a special honour will be awarded you.
Flowers. — In dreams, certain flowers have special significations ; they are as follows :
     Bluebell. — You will have a nagging spouse.
     Buttercup. — Your business will increase.
     Carnation. — A passionate love affair.
     Clover. — Someone who is very poor seeks your hand.
     Daffodil. — You have been unjust to a friend ; seek reconciliation.
     Forget-me-not. — Be firm, break with your love — he is not suitable for you.
     Honeysuckle. — Domestic quarrels will cause you sorrow.
     Iris. — A letter bearing good news.
     Poppy.— A message bringing great disappointment.
     Primrose. — You will find happiness in a new friendship.
     Rose.— A wedding, perhaps your own, within a year.
     Snowdrop. — Do not conceal your secret, you will feel happier if you confide
     In someone.
     Violet. — You will marry someone younger than yourself.
     Forest. — To be lost in one is lucky ; if you view one from a distance,
     You will lose some property.

Fruits. — Fruits have particular meanings, they are as follows : 
     Apple. — If red, a present of money within a few days ; if green, you will wait
     a month or two for it. Golden apples are omens of great wealth.
     Cherry. — Unhappy circumstances in love affairs.
     Gooseberry. — Beware of a rival.
     Grape. — Success for the trader ; jealousy for those in love.
     Lemon. — Quarrels between man and wife, or breaking off an engagement.
     Orange. — Loss of goods and infidelity of a lover. Beware of placing implicit
     trust in a chance acquaintance.
     Pear. — An advance in business and a new friendship.
     Plum. — Sickness of a friend or relation.
     Raspberry. — Great disappointment, but consolation from an unexpected
     Strawberry. — A visit to the country with one who loves you.

Games.— To play, good news ; to watch them, jeasousy of a friend.
Garden.— Marriage with a very beautiful woman or a handsome man.
Ghost.— If a terrifying and horrible character, an organic dream and no significance.
Giant.— Lucky omen. Commercial prosperty is foretold.
Gipsy.— Domestic happiness. To dream that you are a Gipsy means you will never settle down.
Gloves.— To dream of losing them, a business loss ; to find a pair, a parting from a friend ; to wear them, a wedding.
Grave.— Health for the sick, riches for the poor, and lovers for the loverless.
Gun.— to hear the report, the death of a distant relative. To fire

Hand. — A right hand refers to brothers or sisters ; a left hand represents children. If the hands appear to be tied, the removal of some impediment to success.
Hanging.— If you dream that you are being hanged, a good omen ; to see another being hanged, a friend or relation will become honoured and famous.
Harvest.— Prosperity for those engaged in business.
Hat. — To wear a new one foreshadows a disappointment ; to lose one, a present ; to find one, a trifling loss of money.
Head.— An injury to the head, a forewarning of misfortune for the dreamer. Unseen enemies encompass him.
Hearse.— A marriage or a similar joyful celebration.
Hills.— In the distance, realization of ambitions ; to climb them, future worries ; to run down them, bitter disappointment.
Horse.— To ride a horse, the making of money and true friends ; to fall off, a hasty marriage. To see a number of horses signifies independence and happiness.
Horseshoe.— Ill luck telling of gambling losses and unrequited love.
Hospital.— Good health and freedom from worry.
House.— Domestic comfort and a contented wife. To see a house fall foretells family quarrels and estrangements.
Hunger.— If you dream of hunger, you will never experience it in reality.
Husband.— If you are a single and dream that you have a husband, you will long remain a spinster.
Hymn.— To be singing hymns denotes love that will not be returned ; to hear others singing them, distress among friends or relatives.

Ill Health.— A contrary dream, good health and a long and peaceful life.
Ink.— To spill, it is lucky. Writing with it, it foretells business revival.
Inn.— If you are inside one, you will know poverty ; if you are outside, you will have a great disappointment.
Insanity.— Social success. You will possess a faithful marriage partner.
Invention.— To dream of a new invention is a sign of great advancement in business, through your own ability.

Jealousy.— To dream that you are jealous means you will have cause for jealousy ; to dream that someone is jealous of you is a sign that you are deeply loved.
Jewellery.— Your vanity will bring about many disappointments. To those who have passed through great grief, the healing of wounds and the love of a devoted friend.
Journey.— To make a journey is a direct prophecy that you will do so in real life.
Jumping.— To fall while attempting to jump, a lucky omen ; it denotes the overcoming of difficulties, and eventual success.

Key.— A single key is a sign of love and marriage ; many keys denote prosperity, but little affection.
King.— Unlucky. It means degradation. If you see a king, you will be helped in life by some rich friend.
Kissing.— If kissing someone against his will, it is lucky ; you possess a true lover. If you are kissed, you will live a life without love.
Kitchen.— Great domestic bliss and a faithful circle of friends.
Knife.— Illness. Loss of money and quarrels with relations.

Key.— A single key is a sign of love and marriage ; many keys denote prosperity, but little affection.
King.— Unlucky. It means degradation. If you see a king, you will be helped in life by some rich friend.
Kissing.— If kissing someone against his will, it is lucky ; you possess a true lover. If you are kissed, you will live a life without love.
Kitchen.— Great domestic bliss and a faithful circle of friends.
Knife.— Illness. Loss of money and quarrels with relations.

Ladder.— If you climb a ladder, you will succeed with the plan you have in mind ; if you fall, make certain that your course of action is wise.
Lameness.— If you see a lame person, a disappointment. To dream that you are lame, you will never know poverty or loneliness.
Lamp.— To carry or to see a burning lamp is lucky ; truth will remain your ideal throughout life. A dim or unlit lamp is unlucky ; it suggests that you possess a dull intelligence.
Laughter.— If you laugh in a dream, in reality you will really cry.
Letter.— If receiving a letter, you will shortly send an urgent one. If you send a letter, you may expect a valuable present.
Lightning.— Great success in business and for all those who work on the land.
Love. — To those who are lonely and unloved, an affair of the heart, probably marriage. If married, quarrels and domestic strife as it is also for those who are engaged.
Luggage.— If you see your own luggage, great difficulties to be encountered next day. To see other people’s luggage, a short journey for you.

Madness.— If you dream you are mad, a sign of keen intellect and ability, and portends great success in the future.
Marriage.— Trouble, anxiety, and loss of money.
Milk. — To sell milk a great disappointment. To give milk away, a sign of future prosperity.
Mist.— If you are enveloped in it, the plans which you have in mind will succeed. To view mist from a distance betokens troubles and misunderstandings with friends.
Money.— To lose money foretells unexpected gains ; to find it, a heavy loss.
Moon.— Unexpected happiness and sucess in love. A new moon is favourable to merchants, farmers and lovers. A full moon :  an approaching marriage.
Mother.— Wise counsel, kind and loving friends, happy marriage and an honourable position.
Motoring.— If you are motoring, a short journey is predicted.
Murder.— An organic dream of no prophetic significance.
Music.— If it is harmonious, good news. Discordant notes signify a journey, with mishaps.

Nails.— To be hammering nails, a sign of unexpected news concerning a dearly loved friend. To be drawing them out betokens quarrels with a new acquaintance.
Needles.— Lawsuits or arguments concerning your property. If bright and shining, you will be successful ; if they are dull, expect loss.
Numbers. In dreams, we are frequently aware of a certain number of objects, or perhaps certain numbers or figures flash vividly before us. Now, these numbers have a significance, but only when they are reduced to primaries, or thos from one to nine inclusive. To reduce any number to a primary, add together the digits of which it is composed, thus : 496 = 4 + 9 + 6 = 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1.
If you dream of the number 24, you must interpret it as 6, for 2 = 4 = 6.
 In this manner any number can be reduced.

1.You will attain outstanding skill in some trade or art.
2.Complications in business affairs.
3.Your ideas will materialize and bring success.
4.A secure and sheltered life awaits you.
5.You are about to make an important discovery.
6.A sincere love affair is in store for you.
7.Solution of your problems and dispersal of worries.
8.An advantageous offer, perhaps within a week.
9.Be cautious ; you are pursuing a dangerous course.
0.  (the cipher has no significance.)

Nursery.— Prosperity. Wealth earned through labour. To the married, the birth of a child, probably a son. To those in love, an early wedding.
Nut.— Nuts growing, you w

Table.— An omen of domestic comfort ; a happy and contented marriage partner.
Talking.— If talking loudly to someone, a sum of money is coming to you by way of your business or in the form of a legacy.
Tea.— To dream you are drinking tea denotes a loss of property.
Tears.— Laughter and much joy.
Teeth.— To dream that they are aching or discoloured, a slight illness.
Telegram.— A pleasant surprise awaits you.
Temptation.— If you are tempted and fall, the contrary will happen ; to be tempted but resist, you will be led astray by false friends.
Thunder.— If you hear thunder overhead, great success and the overthrowing of enemies. Distant thunder, many worries in your domestic affairs.
Trees.— In bud, a new love ; with luxuriant foliage, a happy marriage and children ; without leaves, trouble in matrimonial affairs.
Tunnel.— Walking through a tunnel, you will make a discovery of importance. To be looking into the mouth of a tunnel foretells a change of dwelling place.

Umbrella.— To lose an umbrella is unfortunate ; to find one : a severe loss in business.
Uncle.— To dream of one’s uncle implies a visit from a stranger who will bear surprising news.
Undressing.— You will make a grave mistake in your business affairs unless you listen to advice.

Veil.— If a woman is wearing a torn veil, it predicts the revelation of a secret. To see others wearing thick veils, many misunderstandings between friends.
Velvet.— A dream of discord, presaging petty strife and worries in the household.
Violin.— A good dream for lovers, an early marriage and prosperity. To the sick, an omen of returning health.
Voices.— To hear voices but not to see the speakers betokens sorrow and much worry.
Voyage.— A direct prophecy of a voyage ; if you  dream that the conditions will be rough, they will be calm ; and vice-versa.

War.— Peace and success in business awaits you. To the tradesman, it foretells the failure of his competitors.
Water.— Clear water means happy love and freedom from cares ; muddy water, an evil conscience ; quarrels with friends.
Wealth.— To the poor, it is a good dream ; to the rich, a sign of losses caused through a craving for much money.
Weeping.— A contrary dream denoting festivity, joy and laughter.
Wife.— If a spinster dreams she has married, she will long remain single. If a man dreams of his wife, it is an omen that she loves him deeply and will be faithful.
Wine.— Drinking wine implies a business loss and the making of a new friend. To serve others with wine, great domestic enjoyment.
Women.— For a man to dream of seeing many woman is a sign of lies, betrayal and downfall. If a woman dreams she is in the company of other women, she will have many new clothes.
Writing.— To dream that you are writing a letter denotes that you will receive one from a very old friend.

Yew.— To be sitting under a yew tree predicts the loss of a friend through illness. To see one, a lucky escape from a serious accident is implied.

Zebra.— A change of circumstances ; poverty followed by a successful business transaction, which will bring riches.

ream «Beggar»
Beggar's see — the need to be generous and compassionate.

Miller’s dream book

Not a good sign - to dream yourself or someone from friends to the poor. This signal worries and hardships, who warn you. The young woman, this dream foretells someone's inappropriate, interference with her life plans. If a beggar in your dreams, old and decrepit, then this dream warns business people about the need to better manage your time and work, otherwise there may be great material deprivation. If you are filing a dream alms to a beggar - this means that the actual circumstances of your life, and perhaps lead you in despair and need to change their. Unfavorable dream in which you refuse to give alms. See yourself in a dream poor man - a reference to a nasty case. Seeing the poor - the impulse to generosity in life.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Home joy; give alms - eminence; deny - the loss of service.

Hasse’s dream book

To see a beggar in his house - to the consternation of it; gave him alms - get rewarded for their good work for some; pour out his anger on him - to the present. Sami begging - win the lottery.

Esoteric Dream Book

Legal conflicts, taxes, public service. Serve him - successfully get rid of tax. Being poor - famous public arena.

Ancient French dream book

If the dream of a beggar, it foretells you commit some foolish actions, which may be the cause of your humiliation. Someone beat the poor - this means that you deserve his activism prosperity and good fortune. If you dream beggars, entering into your house, steal something, it means that you are waiting for grieving.

Modern dream book

Good fame, fortune, wealth.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To see the beggar will presage house trouble.

Dream book of lovers

If the beggar dreams the girl or the woman, it means that somebody will interfere with her private life and will spoil it the relations with darling.


Not a good sign - to dream yourself or someone from friends to the poor. This signal worries and hardships, who warn you. The young woman this dream foretells someone's inappropriate interference in her life plans. If a beggar in your dreams, old and decrepit, then this dream warns business people about the need to better manage your time and work, otherwise there may be great material deprivation. If you are filing a dream alms to a beggar - this means that the actual circumstances of your life, and perhaps lead you in despair and need to change their. Unfavorable dream in which you refuse to give alms. See yourself in a dream poor man - a reference to a nasty case. Seeing the poor - the impulse to generosity in life.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

To see him in the house - fear; give him alms - good will be rewarded; angry at him - get a gift.

Dream book of the Wanderer

The poor, the beggar - to see - rich to ruin, poor to welfare improvement. See additional. Alms.


Russian Dream Book

Symbol of poverty and despair; but also Man of God. The image of the beggar talks in sleep about negative perception you your situation.

Ukrainian Dream Book

To see the beggar – efforts


To see yourself in a dream poor - an allusion to some unpleasant incident. Seeing the poor - the impulse to generosity in life.

Islamic dream interpretation

If someone sees himself in a dream the poor - his property multiplied, but he will spend it on unnecessary or make important person.

Miller’s dream book

Abad sign — to dream about herself or someone from the friends of the poor. This signal worries and hardships that warn you. The young woman, this dream foretells someone's undue interference in her life plans. If a beggar in your dreams, old and decrepit, it is a dream warns business people about the need to better organize their time and work, otherwise there may be great material deprivation. If you are applying in a dream beggar alms - this means that the actual circumstances of your life, and perhaps lead you to despair and need to change them. Unfavorable dream in which you refuse to give alms.

Ukrainian Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Begging Vagrant Meaning Dream Definition

noun [ plural ]   old use
UK  /ɑːmz/ US  /ɑːmz/

clothing, food, or money that is given to poor people:
In the past, people thought it was their religious duty to give alms to the poor.
 Thesaurus: synonyms and related words
Gifts in the form of money
aid award bequest bonus book token bounty Christmas box community chest debt relief donation dowry foreign aid gift token gratuity handout honorarium Maundy reward tip tronc
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

Organizations - charities
Helping and co-operating

I also heard the district waqf director caution villagers against giving alms to the local preacher for transmission to the local waqf office.
From Cambridge English Corpus
Only legal taxes should be imposed including the obligation of the alms tax (zakat), and encouraging people to give voluntarily.
From Cambridge English Corpus
These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



To dream that you are an adventurer indicates that you are lacking adventure in your waking life. You need some excitement and variety. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are too absorbed with your ambition that you do not take the time to acknowledge those who have helped you along the way. TOP


To dream that you are confronted by an adversary represents a conflict or a fear that you are facing in your waking life. You are in denial or are rejecting an aspect of yourself.

To dream that you overcome an adversary indicates a resolution to some inner conflict or waking life problem. TOP


To dream that you are met with adversity represents the obstacles that you are facing in your waking life. You feel that you have failed.

To dream that others are in adversity signifies your pessimistic outlook in life. You need to learn to see the brighter side of things. TOP


To dream that you are looking through advertisements represents a message conveyed to you via your subconscious. You need to act on some problem, decision or opportunity. Consider the content of the ads to determine what area of your life needs to be recognized or acknowledged. If someone you know is advertising themselves, then it suggests that this person can help you in your current situation. You may need to learn to ask for help when you need it.

To dream that you are putting out an advertisement indicates hard work is needed to achieve your goals. TOP


To dream that you are receiving advice suggests that you need to listen to your instinct and gut.

To dream that you are giving advice indicates that you have the knowledge and information to help others. TOP


*Please See Counselor.


To dream that you are an advocate for a cause signifies your faithfulness and conviction towards your interest and your loyalty to your friends. TOP

A erobed

*Please See Inflatable Bed.

A erobics

To dream that you are doing aerobics suggests that you need to get out there and be more active. You need to exercise more. TOP


To see an aerosol can in your dream indicates that you may be feeling under pressure. You need a release. TOP


*Please see Adultery .

Af fection

To dream that you are showing your affections for someone represents your satisfaction and happiness with a current relationship. It may also indicate your need to be more affectionate to the ones you love and care about. Alternatively, dreaming about affection may be an indicator that you are lacking affection in your waking life.  TOP


*Please see Scared.

Af terlife

To dream of an afterlife refers to your desire of escaping from your own reality. You are feeling disconnected from life and society and want to make a fresh start. TOP


To dream of the afternoon time suggest that it is time to put your energies to good use. Draw and learn from your past experiences and lessons. Alternatively, it symbolizes clarity to a situation. TOP


To dream that you have an affliction signifies bad news and possible disaster.

To dream others afflicted in your dream denotes that you will find yourself surrounded by grief and misfortune. TOP


To dream that you are affluent r epresents your achievements and the rewards you reap for your hard work. The dream may be a metaphor for your enriching and fulfilling life. TOP


To dream that you are affronted suggests that someone is working against you and taking advantage of your ignorance or naivet�. You may find yourself in a compromising situation. TOP

Af rica

To dream about or that you in Africa reflects your desires to return to your roots. You want to find out more about your heritage. If you are traveling to Africa or thinking about visiting Africa, then your dream may indicate your anticipation of such a trip. Or if you have lived in Africa or been there, then the dream reflects your personal feelings and memories about the continent. TOP

Af rican American

To see an African American in your dream signifies your roots and heritage. You may need to discover the soul within your own self. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you need to be more expressive and creative. TOP


To dream that you have an afro signifies creative freedom. You


To see an airport in your dream symbolizes birth (arrivals) and death (departures). If the airport is busy, then it signifies the desire for freedom, high ideals, ambition, and hopes. It is an indication that you are approaching a new departure in your life. Some new idea is taking off or is ready to take off. You may be experiencing a new relationship, new career path or new adventure.

To dream of a deserted airport indicates that your plans or goals will be changed or delayed. You are having to put some aspect of your life on hold. TOP

**See The Meaning In Action: " Online Encounter "


To dream that you are walking down or through an aisle represents your ability to move forward in life with confidence. There is balance in your life. Alternatively, the dream indicates dissension and disagreements. You are stuck in the middle between two diverging viewpoints. TOP


To see alabaster in your dream represents success in your love life. You have healthy personal relationships.

To dream that you break an alabaster figurine signifies grief, sorrow, and regrets. TOP


To see or dream that you are Aladdin represents realization of your goals or dreams. TOP


To hear or pull an alarm in your dream suggests that you are experiencing a conflict in a relationship or situation which is giving your much anxiety. You may be questioning the decisions you have made. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on an "alarming" situation which needs your immediate attention. You need to spring into action quickly. TOP

Alarm Clock

To see or hear an alarm clock in your dream represents your anxieties and fixation with time. You fear that you do not have enough time to meet your deadlines or accomplish your goals.  TOP

Alb atross

To see an albatross in your dream represents endurance and freedom.

To see a dying or dead albatross in your dream symbolizes bad luck and harsh, vulnerable times.  TOP


To see an albino in your dream represents purity or eternal life. You need to be more accepting and tolerant.

To dream that you are afraid of the albino figure suggests that you are irrationally concerned about the well-being of a loved one. It may also mean denial.  TOP


To see an album in your dream indicates that you are surrounded by true friends.

To dream that you are looking through a photo album suggests that you are unwilling to let go of your memories and the past. You are idealizing about the past. TOP


To dream of alchemy suggests that you are going through a period of turmoil, inner transformation, and self-renewal. You are striving toward perfection. Although these may be tough and difficult times, it will have a positive outcome. TOP


To dream that you are enjoying alcohol in moderation denotes contentment and satisfaction in the decisions that you have made. Success is within your grasp. The dream may also be a metaphor for "spirits" and your need for spiritual enrichment.

To dream that you are consuming alcohol in excess signifies feelings of inadequacy, worries, regrets and fears of being discovered for who you really are. You are using alcohol as a way to escape or as an excuse for something you did. Alternatively, the dream may be reflective of waking issues and problems of alcoholism.  Recovering alcoholics often have dreams of drinking which results in feelings of guilt. Such dreams help to reinforce their sobriety.

To dream that someone is an alcoholic (and he/she is not one in real life) indicates that this person is in desperate need for an outlet to express himself or herself. He or she may be indirectly asking for help.  TOP


To see an alder tree in your dream symbolizes joy and happiness. TOP

Alfred E. Neuman

To see Alfred E. Newman in your dream suggests that you are being self-conscious. You are in a situation where you fear being ridiculed or mocked.  TOP

Al gae

To see algae in your dream indicates that you need to leave your emotions


To see an alligator in your dream symbolizes treachery, deceit, and hidden instincts. It may be a signal for you to take on a new perspective on a situation. It may also represent your ability to move between the physical, material world of waking life and the emotional, repressed world of the subconscious.  Alternatively, the alligator represents healing powers and qualities. An alligator also suggests that you are thick-skinned or insensitive.

To dream that you are running away from the alligator indicates t hat you are unwilling to confront some painful and disturbing aspect of your subconscious. There is some potentially destructive emotion that  you are refusing to acknowledge and owning up to.

To dream that you are raped by an alligator indicates that you feel violated or taken advantage of in some way. The alligator is symbolic of someone who is ruthless, insensitive and treacherous. This person has a strong hold on you despite your efforts to break free from the unhealthy relationship.

According to biblical interpretations, an alligator suggests that leviathan is king over the children of pride. (Psa 74:14, Job 41:1,Isa 27:1) TOP

**See The Meaning In Action: " Alligator In Ostrich Suit "


To dream of getting an allowance symbolizes the rewards of your work. It may be a pun on "allowing". You need to be more yielding to others.  TOP


To see an alloy in your dream indicates that you will experience some complications in your professional life. TOP


To see an almanac in your dream represents the ups and downs of life. You are experiencing fleeting pleasures and unsteady finances. TOP


To see or eat almonds in your dream represent success and richness.

To see an almond tree in your dream signifies happiness. Wedded bliss is also in your near future. Alternatively, it symbolizes your resilience and your ability to bounce back from some adversity or hardship. TOP I


To dream that you are giving alms represent your giving nature. TOP


To use aloe in your dream suggests that you are ready to heal from some emotional wound. You are ready to forgive or forget about someone's betrayal.  TOP


To dream that you are alone indicates feelings of rejection. You may be feeling that no one understand you. TOP


*Please see Letters .


To see the altar in your dream suggests that you are making a great personal sacrifice. You may also be expressing concerns about your spirituality. The dream may also be a pun on your need to "alter" some behavior, attitude or aspect of your life.

To see a priest at the altar in your dream signifies strife and disharmony in both your work and home. The dream may also point to some guilt that you are suppressing and refusing to acknowledge.

To dream that you are kneeing in front of the altar represents unfulfilled desires.

In particular, seeing a satanic altar in your dream indicates that a dark power or energy is at work.  TOP

Altar Boy

To see or dream that you are an altar boy symbolizes innocence and purity. TOP


To see alum in your dream signifies frustrations on plans that you have set for yourself.

To dream that you taste alum denotes that you have feelings of regret and remorse over the evil you have done onto an innocent person. TOP


To see aluminum in your dream signifies your ability to retain what is valuable to you. You are happy with what you have. What may seem insignificant to others is important to you. TOP

Alzheimer's Disease

To dream that you or someone has Alzheimer's Disease refers to your fear of letting go of the past. You are holding on to old memories for fear of forgetting about them. Alternatively, the dream may be an anxiety dream where you are overly worried about forgetting an important date, appointment or event. If someone in your waking life is suffering from Alzheimer's Disease, then the dream may represent the stress and/or sadness of dealing with the disease.  TOP


To dream that you are an ambassador suggests that you need to be more diplomatic in a situation. TOP


To see amber in your dream symbolizes the sun and positive energy. Amber is said to have natural healing power. Some believe that the amber can heal sore eyes, sprained limbs or arthritis. Thus the amber in your dream could mean you need to be healed in some way.

Alternatively, to see amber in your dream represents resurrection. Something in your past will prove to be extremely important to your future. It could mean a situation or relationship in your waking life that was once lively, is now non-existent. You feel trapped or that your life is too rigid and inflexible. You need to change your outdated way of thinking and old ideas. TOP


To see an ambulance in your dream indicates that your careless activities and indiscretion may lead to major problems and complications. This dream may also stem from your own fears of contracting a disease or your deteriorating health. Perhaps,  you should cease what you are doing and pay closer attention to some waking situation.

To see an ambulance full of wounded passengers signifies a fear of letting go your old Self and making space for the new you. You are projecting your emotional wounds and painful experiences onto others.  Alternatively, it may also mean that you are hanging around the wrong crowd and are doing yourself more harm than good.

To dream that someone is hit by an ambulance suggests that some aspect of your psyche is injured and needs immediate care and attention. TOP



To dream that you have been ambushed forewarns of a danger lurking near you. Your situation has taken an unanticipated turn for the worse. You have been prevented from reaching your goals or destination.

To dream that you are lying in ambush indicates that you will use underhanded means to achieve your goals. TOP


If you are from America and dream of America then the dream symbolizes independence and freedom to do what you want. If you are from outside of America, then the dream may represent commercialism, riches, or abundance. Your own political views will also strongly influence this imagery. TOP


To see an amethyst in your dream signifies peace of mind and satisfaction in your professional and personal life. You are content with where you are in your life. It does not take much to make you happy.

To dream that you lose an amethyst signifies heartbreaks and disappointments in love. TOP


To see or dream that you are Amish suggests that you need to concentrate on the more important things and basic necessities in life. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are wishing for a more simplified life.  TOP


To see or smell ammonia in your dream indicates that there is some distressing or offensive matter that you need to confront. TOP


To see ammunition in your dream suggests that you are utilizing your power to persuade or protect. Alternatively, it may indicates that you are trying to get your way via destructive means. TOP

Great Book of Interpretation of Dreams
The Great Book of Interpretation of Dreams  (Tafsir al-Ahlam al-kabir) attributed to the 7th century scholar Ibn Sirin which was originally compiled in the 15th century by al-Dārī under the title Selection of Statements on the Exegesis of Dreams[1].

The typology of categorization of dreams in Arabic literature of dream interpretation is noted for it close adherence to orthodox theological categories, and assumes an intimate relationship between dreaming and conventional expressions of devotional religious piety. Traditional Arabic books of dream-interpretation were composed by theologians.

Contents Edit

The Great Book of Interpretation of Dreams is in 59[2] chapters, thus:

1 Seeing God Almighty
2 Seeing the prophets
3 Seeing archangels and angels
4 Seeing the Prophet's companions
5 The various chapters of the Holy Quran
6 Islam
7 Saluting and shaking hands
8 Cleanliness
9 Call for prayers; praying
10 Rites
11 Seeing the mosque, the prayer niche, or the minaret
12 Seeing alms-giving and the feeding of the poor
13 Fasting and breaking the fast
14 Pilgrimage
15 Jihad
16 Death, the dead, tombs
17 Day of Resurrection; the Judgement; the Balance of the Last Day
18 Hell
19 Paradise
20 Genies
21 People, old and young
22 Parts of the body
23 Bodily secretions and excrements
24 Sounds and languages of animals
25 Pains and diseases
26 Remedies, medicines, potions
27 Food, cooking utensils, dining tables
28 Harps, cups, games, perfumes
29 Clothes
30 Sultans, kings and their courts
31 Warfare and weapons
32 Craftsmen
33 Horses and livestock
34 Wild beasts
35 Birds
36 Traps, fishing hooks, snares
37 Pests, insects
38 Breeze, wind, rain, earthquakes, lightning, rainbow, etc.
40 Metals, minerals, petroleum
41 Sea, rivers, wells
42 Fire
43 trees
44 Grain, legumes, melons, cucumber
45 Pens, ink, writing
46 Idols
47 Rugs, beds, canopies, curtains, tents
48 Riders, saddles, stirrups, reins, bridles
49 Spinning, weaving, ropes
50 Sleeping; servants and slaves
51 Drinking and eating
52 Calamities
53 Pairs of opposite qualities
54 Marriage and adultery
55 Traveling
56 Selling, lending, borrowing
57 Disputes
58 Scattered dreams
59 Stories by holy men

Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Alms; Almsgiving

ams, ams-giv'-ing:

The English word "alms" is an abridged form of the Greek word, eleemosune (compare "eleemosynary"), appearing in gradually reduced forms in German Almosen, Wyclif's Almesse, Scotch Aw'mons, and our alms.

The later Jews often used "righteousness" tsedhaqah as meaning alms, that being in their view the foremost righteousness. (Compare our modern use of "charity" to denote almsgiving.) This use is seen in the Talmud and in the frequent translations of the Hebrew word for "righteousness" (tsedhaqah) by "alms" (eleemosune) in the Septuagint, though nothing warranting this is found in the Hebrew Old Testament, or in the true text of the New Testament. This notion of righteousness as alms being well-nigh universal among Jews in Jesus' day, and spreading even among Christians, accounts for "alms" in Matthew 6:1, where the true text has "righteousness":

"Take heed that ye do not your righteousness before men, to be seen of them" (the Revised Version (British and American) with Codex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Bezae, the Latin versions, etc.). The oriental versions which generally read "alms" may be accounted for on the supposition that "alms" was first written on the margin as explaining the supposed meaning of "righteousness," and then, as according with this accepted oriental idea, was substituted for it in the text by the copyists.

Dikaiosune and eleemosune are both used in the Septuagint to translate chesedh, "kindness," and are also both used to translate tsedhaqah, "justice." Almsgiving was regarded not merely as a plain evidence of righteousness in general but also as an act of justice, a just debt owing to the needy. "No one refuses directly," Mackie says, hence, possibly, Christ's teaching in Luke 11:41, "Let your righteousness (charity) be from within," "Give your hearts to almsgiving."

In the course of time the impulse and command to give alms in a true human way, out of pity, such as is found expressed in Deuteronomy 15:11 the King James Version, "Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land," gave place to a formal, meritorious" practice, possessing, like sacrifice, as men came to think, the power of atoning for man's sins, and redeeming him from calamity and death. For instance, Proverbs 11:4 (compare Proverbs 16:6; 21:3) was expounded:

"Water will quench blazing fire; so doth almsgiving make atonement for sins" (Ecclesiasticus 3:30). "Lay up alms in thy storehouse; it shall deliver thee from affliction" (Ecclesiasticus 29:12). The story of Tobit is especially in point: it is simply a lesson on almsgiving and its redeeming powers: "Alms delivers from death and will purge away all sin" (Tobit 1:3,16; 2:14; 4:7-11; 12:8,9. Compare Sirach 29:11). Kindred teaching abounds in the Talmud: "Alms-giving is more excellent than all offerings," is "equal to the whole law," will "deliver from the condemnation of hell," will "make one perfectly righteous," etc. According to Rabbi Assi, "Almsgiving is a powerful paraclete between the Israelites and their Father in heaven, it brings the time of redemption nigh (Babha' Bathra' Talmud 10a).

The Roman Catholics, holding the books of Tobit and Sirach to be canonical, find in them proof-texts for their doctrine of almsgiving, and likewise attach great value to the gifts to the poor as atoning for sins. Protestants, by a natural reaction, have failed to hold always at its true value what was and is an important Christian duty (see Luke 12:33 the King James Version, and, compare Matthew 6:19-24:

"Sell that ye have and give alms," etc.). It seems to have been so regarded and kept up in the Christian communities until the beginning of the 4th century (Apos Const II 36; Cyprian, De Opera and Eleemos. xiv).

The teaching of Jesus on the subject is important, first, as bearing upon Jewish ideas and practices, and second, as

Clearly what Jesus here forbids in general is not publicity in performing good deeds, which is often necessary and proper, but ostentatious publicity, for the purpose of attracting attention. (The Greek conveys distinctly this idea of purpose, and the verb for "to be seen" is the one from which comes our word "theater.")

Jewish writers, as also Greek and Roman philosophers, have many notable maxims upon the beauty and importance of being unostentatious in virtue, especially in deeds of benevolence. The Essenes had their treasury in a chamber of their own in the temple that both the giving and the taking should be unobserved (Mishnah, Sheq., v.6). Rabbi Eleazer said, "Alms-giving should be done in secret and not before men, for he who gives before men is a sinner, and God shall bring also the good deed before his judgment" (B.B. 9a; compare Ecclesiastes 12:14).

In applying this principle to almsgiving Jesus teaches His disciple:

"When ... thou doest alms, sound not a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do" (Matthew 6:2). The conjecture of Calvin, followed by Stier and others, and mentioned as early as Euthymius, that it was a practice among Jews for an ostentatious almsgiver literally to sound a trumpet, or cause a trumpet to be sounded before him, in public places to summon the needy is without foundation (Lightfoot); as is also the notion, made current by the rabbis and accepted by Edersheim (The Temple, etc., 26), that by "sounding a trumpet" Jesus was alluding to the trumpet-like receptacles of brass in the temple treasury.

There is no proof that these were found "in the synagogues," or "in the streets." "Sound a trumpet," according to the Greek commentators, and the best modern authorities, is merely a figurative expression common to many languages, for self-parade--efforts to attract notice and win applause (compare our vulgar English saying about "blowing your own horn"). The contrast with the common practice instituted by Jesus is the significant thing:

"But when thou doest alms"--"thou" is emphatic by position in the Greek--"let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth," etc., i.e. "So far from trumpeting your almsgiving before the public, do not even let it be known to yourself." Jesus here, Calvin well says, "silently glances at a kind of folly which prevails everywhere among men, that they think they have lost their pares if there have not been many spectators of their virtues." (The traditional saying of Mohammed, "In almsgiving, the left hand should not know what the right has given," is evidently borrowed from this saying of Jesus.) It is worthy of note that, despite popular practice, to give alms with right motives, and only to those who were worthy to receive, was a matter of special solicitude and instruction with the best among Jews as well as among Christians. The words of the Psalmist, "Blessed is he that considereth the poor," are construed to be an admonition to "take personal interest in him and not simply give him alms" (Lev. R. xxxiv). "When thou wilt do good, know to whom thou doest it. Give unto the good and help not the sinner" (Ecclesiasticus 12:1-6; compare Didache 1:5,6). "He that gives a free offering should give with a well-meaning eye" (Yer. B.D. 4 11). Jesus' words concerning the "single" and the "evil" eye (compare Luke 11:34-36), and Paul's teaching, "God loveth a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7-9) have their counterparts in Jewish teaching. Rabbi Eleazer, referring to Hosea 10:12, taught this high doctrine. "The kindness displayed in the giving of alms decides the final reward" (Suk. 49b). Other kindred teaching in a way anticipated Jesus' supreme lesson, "that thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father who seeth in secret shall recompense thee" (Matthew 6:4).


Commentaries at the place Rabbinical literature in point. D. Cassel, Die Armenverwaltung des alten Israel, 1887.

George B. Eager

The alms during a dream mean a sign of help, charity or of collaboration to receive or to offer soon. To dream of alms symbolizes a success, achievement or attitude of very positive delivery. If you dream of alms that several people offer to other very poor in the street you will give all the support to a friend or relative in problems. Dreaming of alms that an old man gives to a healthy youth seeks advice to check the execution of those bigger of your family on them testament and warnings about the use of the familiar patrimony.

Precisely, this dream is an important consultant to remember or to alert of things that they should never be stopped to be made with all the other people. This includes all the human beings, besides relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues.

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ngladesh named Abdul. Read about how a dream from Allah changed a Muslim’s life.

“He Would Never Denounce Me”
I had a happy and comfortable life in Bangladesh. I had a great house, job, and wife named Rosnita. One day I would exchange my success for marks on my back.

The constitution of Bangladesh promises freedom of religion. However, there has been an increase in cases of government persecution of non-Muslims. While working in a government position, I witnessed a man named Abraham sentenced to death because he started following Isa Al-Masih.

I asked Abraham, “Why don’t you denounce Isa Al-Masih?”

His reply shocked me, “I cannot denounce Isa Al-Masih because He would never denounce me!”

I tried to convince him to renounce his faith to be saved, but he refused.

ersistent Faith Awakened My Heart
Two days later Abraham was tortured with chains. One of the chains even crushed his skull. But Abraham just prayed to Isa. He had total peace. This touched my heart and gave me the desire to know Isa Al-Masih.

A few months later a Western man named Stuart approached me asking for directions. I asked him if he was a missionary. He answered that he was a follower of Christ.

Stuart and I became friends. We often discussed our differences in philosophies and beliefs. We started studying the Bible and Quran together. We found major discrepancies about Isa Al-Masih and salvation between Qs 4:157, 5:75 and John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 15:12-14.

Dream from Allah Changed A Muslim’s Life
I had difficulty sleeping while I wrestled with who Isa Al-Masih is. I wanted to accept Isa as Allah but couldn’t because of my upbringing.

One night I had a dream about Isa Al-Masih. He asked, “Who will you trust?” I immediately woke up and answered, “Isa, I trust you.” I finally found true peace. Email us if you want eternal peace from Isa.

Trials That Brought Peace
After my boss discovered my belief in Isa, I was fired and thrown in jail. It took one year for my wife to learn I was in jail and sentenced to death.

I was imprisoned for four years, but I maintained my new faith. I received many severe beatings. One time I woke up in a hospital in Dhaka with 14 broken bones and 32 lacerations. Finally, I was released from jail. But all the beatings left scars on my back.

New Life Full of P

ew Life Full of Peace
I began a new life with Rosnita. At first, she wasn’t ready to follow Isa, but my faith touched her heart. Eventually Rosnita became a follower of Isa Al-Masih!

I might have lost some time in jail, but I gained eternal life. I never regret this path chosen for me. Although treated like a criminal, I am righteous in Allah’s eyes. My suffering was a small price to pay to be cleansed of my sin (Isaiah 53:5).

Please email us if you want to know Isa Al-Masih.

We encourage our readers to comment on the article above. Comments that don’t directly relate to the topic will be removed. Please start a dialogue with us by focusing on one of the following questions:

How were Abdul and Abraham able to hold onto their faith in Isa with such persistence?
Why was physical suffering not able to shake their faith?
Have you ever experienced anything like Abraham or Abdul? Please share your experiences.
[We invite you to visit us at to learn more about God’s gift of Salvation. God loves you and waits to hear from you. Isa clearly said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (Injil, John 14:6). For a deeper understanding of Isa, we suggest you subscribe to “Isa, Islam, and Al-Fatiha” at this link.]

I gree you all my people in the Lord.
My question is this: Is Isa Jesus?
If yes then he’s in PARADISE.
Because in our Lord Jesus Christ our sins are taken away and another life has been giving to us.
Jesus said : He’s going to prepare a place for us and moreso he said in his father’s house are plenty of mansions.

21 November 2019 at 11:10 am


Dear Akinremi,

Thank you for your comment.

Isa Al-Masih is Jesus Christ. He is in heaven now prepare a place for us, His followers, and He will come back and take us with Him (Injil, John 14:2-3). Whoever believes in Isa, his/her sins are forgiven and will be saved from punishment in hell and will have eternal life.
Because we are delivered from punishment in hell, we can live in peace, no more fear.

We reserve the right to edit or delete, in part or in whole, comments that contain words or phrases that are offensive, disrespectful, or aggressive in nature as well as comments that do not relate to the topic article. Furthermore, we reserve the right to edit comments to correct grammar or sentence structure to improve its readability.

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2. Please relate questions and comments to the article.
3. Please do not post more than two questions.
4. Please be polite and unaggressive.
5. Please use only English or give the English translation of non-English words.
6. Please use only one box.
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The Physical Nature of Dreaming
Dreams: The Process of Awakening

A Physical Interpretation of Dreams

By Bruce McKeithan


Dreams are about dealing with new energy entering the brain after a period of rest. Initially the base of the brain releases energy which flows into the central brain to avoid a buildup of heat. The mind then chooses to do something constructive and beneficial with that energy to improve the situation further. That works to a large extent, but to achieve maximum relief one must awake to continue the process. A dream also reflects this transition.

Psychoanalyses, which was born in 1900 at about the same time as quantum physics, could not possibly appreciate the role of energy in the brain. It mistakenly identified inborn energy as drives and wishes, and so it thought that in dreams we repressed our wishes. Therefore, psychoanalysis could be rethought in terms of minimizing the deleterious effect of internal energy.

Let us see more specifically how energy and its associated wave motion affects us.

In the Beginning

In the first place, energy flows from the originating base, or stem, of the brain to the central part of the brain where dreams occur. The reason for this is that brain waves have threatened to become too sharp to be sustained in the same position or state. At some critical point, they accommodate this prospective change in momentum, moving to a new state that allows them to become more elongated and stretched out.

Thus, we may find ourselves away from home. For example, we may be at a resort, or in the mountains, or in another region of the country, or even in another country. We also may find ourselves back in time: at an earlier home, or at an old school or workplace. In short a displacement in place and/or time occurs. Various happy memories are elicited as a part of the initial relief from excessive agitation and avoidance of a buildup of heat in the brain.


Because the brain has a limited capacity for expansion, the waves are still quite excited and a considerable amount of energy remains. We continue to draw upon memories and emotions that reside in the central part of the brain to improve the situation further. At first, we may even see ourselves up a river at a college, reflecting both the displacement and the learning that we need to prevent an increase in heat from internal energy. In the final analyses, the only way to better the situation is to decrease the velocity of the waves, making them more agreeable.

To this end, the mind forms images of a multitude of people, or a very large object, or a great many objects. For example, we may see large crowds or gatherings of people, or a number of buildings or houses, or a single large building or structure, or a large number of tables or desks in some setting. The objects also have a certain density which expresses their ordering.

setting. The objects also have a certain density which expresses their ordering.

A reciprocal decrease in the velocity of waves accompanied by a substantial change of kinetic energy into stored, potential energy must occur to allow one to remain asleep. To make this possible, it is necessary to add insulation between positive and negative electric charges, creating a capacitor-like effect. In physics, there is a self-regulating increase in the dielectric strength of the material between opposite charges, reducing an applied electric field.

As for brain physiology, positive ions of sodium flow from the outside to the inside of neurons, where negatively charged chlorine atoms reside. This initiates or propels an impulse. At first though, the membrane of a neuron becomes less permeable to this passage. Dr. Clay Armstrong, professor emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania, has found evidence of just that, with positive ions of calcium tending to prevent the opening of sodium gates, or channels. When impulses do move from one node of a neuron to another, some sodium ions combine with chloride ions within the nerve to release energy that facilitates their flow. But they again encounter calcium blockers restricting and impeding their progress.

Other features presumably also help maintain a balance between the kinetic energy and electric fields in the brain. There are inhibitory neurons in addition to excitatory neurons. Each have their own transmitter at their end to send a signal across the opening between neurons, the synapse. Acetylcholine molecules, which release energy into the brain in the first place, exist In-the synapse. They can affect both excitatory and inhibitory receptors on the postsynaptic neuron.

Let us also briefly discuss thermodynamics as it pertains to dreams. Physicists refer to the release of energy that is prelude to a dream as an increase in entropy, or disorder. To avoid an increase in pressure, energy flows out of the stem of the brain, presenting a new challenge to us in the form of increased heat and temperature in the interior of the brain. The mind must then take further action to lessen this impact. Two psychiatrists Hobson and McCauley point out in their 1977 paper that dreams are the brain’s effort to make sense of the resulting chaos. This is the first stage of the mind’s effort to reduce entropy sufficiently to complete the brain’s thermodynamic cycle.

In The End

ce entropy sufficiently to complete the brain’s thermodynamic cycle.

In The End

Toward the end of a dream, the images not only become greater in number, they also often align themselves. For example, homes are in a line or there is a congregation of people in a church or other assembly. The alignment of the figures is essential in order to store the energy that is lost due to lowering the frequency and velocity of brain waves. There is however a limit to this process so that it appears the alignment represents a maximum that can be achieved in this way.

At times, we are playing a sport, but we cannot achieve the object of the game. In golf there are too many trees, hills or rocks. In tennis, hitting a ball proves difficult. In football, one’s opponent is too strong. Again the images have reached a maximum without one changing state. Yet we continue to try to remain in the same state by inwardly using our energies in such ways.

In another dream, we wish to go home and prepare to do so. Home represents deep sleep which we can really only achieve by waking up and participating in real activities. Going home during sleep is dangerous, like falling into a deep ravine. Yet in a dream we prepare to go home, but we cannot get our clothes together, or we encounter some other problem. This forces us to awake.

Many other failures also occur in dreams, including failing a test at school, failing at a job, and even a plane preparing to make a crash landing. Wanting to help a sick friend or relative who is deceased in real life is an attempt to restore the failing dream state. We may have to repair an old car that we need for transportation home. These failures really represent being unable to accomplish any further pacification of the internal energy threat. Nevertheless, we wish to persist in the current state despite the difficulty or futility of doing so.

Prolonging sleep can engender a dangerous, or severely hostile, situation. We may approach a large waterfall at the end of a large body of water. Water itself represents considerable energy surrounding us. Occasionally, some police or military force, or enemy, may threaten us with execution or death. In these situations, it is impossible to stay asleep.

We may also witness many automobiles trying to squeeze through a gate on the road, or people trying to get through a door, or a stream rushing down a hill toward a town, or water rapidly going through a culvert, sweeping one along with it. These images seem akin to positive sodium ions flowing through the gates within a nerve’s membrane, indicating a possible identification.

In the end, a reduction in the electric field cannot keep up with the accumulation of images. Control over one’s energies is no longer tenable, and a dream becomes unsustainable. Thus it is necessary for us to wake up and deal with the imminent threat of excessive heat from internal energy in some other way. Only consciousness and expending energy in an objective, active fashion allows us to return to deep sleep.

In other words, we can neutralize the disturbing effect from internal energy only to a certain extent, smoothing out and slowing down brain waves only so far. Then, our discomfiture overwhelms our resistance, causing us to awake. Hopefully, the environment and circumstances are favorable enough, and we are clever enough, for us to find ways to use our energies positively.


Thanks to Dr. John P. Ralston, professor of physics at Kansas University, for helping me over the past several years to understand and appreciate various things about physics.

See this document on the internet:

What does it means to dream Alms-house?
For a young woman to dream of an alms-house, denotes she will meet failure in her efforts to contract a worldly marriage.

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(Note: See almsgiving for more definitions.)

When he was set down on the Judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, "Have thou nothing to do with that just man; for I have suffered many things this day in a dream, because of him."
—Matthew xxvii, 19.

To dream that you are abandoned, denotes that you will have difficulty in framing your plans for future success.
To abandon others, you will see unhappy conditions piled thick around you, leaving little hope of surmounting them.
If it is your house that you abandon, you will soon come to grief in experimenting with fortune.
If you abandon your sweetheart, you will fail to recover lost valuables, and friends will turn aside from your favors.
If you abandon a mistress, you will unexpectedly come into a goodly inheritance.
If it is religion you abandon, you will come to grief by your attacks on prominent people.
To abandon children, denotes that you will lose your fortune by lack of calmness and judgment.
To abandon your business, indicates distressing circumstances in which there will be quarrels and suspicion. (This dream may have a literal fulfilment if it is impressed on your waking mind, whether you abandon a person, or that person abandons you, or, as indicated, it denotes other worries.)
To see yourself or friend abandon a ship, suggests your possible entanglement in some business failure, but if you escape to shore your interests will remain secure.


To see an abbey in ruins, foretells that your hopes and schemes will fall into ignoble incompletion.
To dream that a priest bars your entrance into an abbey, denotes that you will be saved from a ruinous state by enemies mistaking your embarrassment for progress.
For a young woman to get into an abbey, foretells her violent illness. If she converses with a priest in an abbey, she will incur the censure of true friends for indiscretion.

For a young woman to dream that she sees an abbess, denotes that she will be compelled to perform distasteful tasks, and will submit to authority only after unsuccessful rebellion.
To dream of an abbess smiling and benignant, denotes you will be surrounded by true friends and pleasing prospects.

To dream that you are an abbot, warns you that treacherous plots are being laid for your downfall.
If you see this pious man in devotional exercises, it forewarns you of smooth flattery and deceit pulling you a willing victim into the meshes of artful bewilderment.
For a young woman to talk with an abbot, portends that she will yield to insinuating flatteries, and in yielding she will besmirch her reputation. If she marries one, she will uphold her name and honor despite poverty and temptation.
See similar words in connection with churches, priests, etc.


To see your abdomen in a dream, foretells that you will have great expectations, but you must curb hardheadedness and redouble your energies on your labor, as pleasure is approaching to your hurt.
To see your abdomen shriveled, foretells that you will be persecuted and defied by false friends.
To see it swollen, you will have tribulations, but you will overcome them and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
To see blood oozing from the abdomen, foretells an accident or tragedy in your family.
The abdomen of children in an unhealthy state, portends that contagion will pursue you.
See Belly.

To dream that you abhor a person, denotes that you will entertain strange dislike for some person, and your suspicion of his honesty will prove correct.
To think yourself held in abhorrence by others, predicts that your good intentions to others will subside into selfishness.
For a young woman to dream that her lover abhors her, foretells that she will love a man who is in no sense congenial.

To dream that you are abject, denotes that you will be the recipient of gloomy tidings, which will cause a relaxation in your strenuous efforts to climb the heights of prosperity.
To see others abject, is a sign of bickerings and false dealings among your friends.

To dream that you can't find your abode, you will completely lose faith in the integrity of others.
If you have no abode in your dreams, you will be unfortunate in your affairs, and lose by speculation.
To change your abode, signifies hurried tidings and that hasty journeys will be made by you.
For a young woman to dream that she has left her abode, is significant of slander and falsehoods being perpetrated against her.
See Home.


For a woman to dream that she assents to abortion being committed on her, is a warning that she is contemplating some enterprise which if carried out will steep her in disgrace and unhappiness.
For a doctor to dream that he is a party to an abortion, foretells that his practice will suffer from his inattention to duty, which will cause much trouble.

To see anything hanging above you, and about to fall, implies danger; if it falls upon you it may be ruin or sudden disappointment. If it falls near, but misses you, it is a sign that you will have a narrow escape from loss of money, or other misfortunes may follow.
Should it be securely fixed above you, so as not to imply danger, your condition will improve after threatened loss.

To dream that you are abroad, or going abroad, foretells that you will soon, in company with a party, make a pleasant trip, and you will find it necessary to absent yourself from your native country for a sojourn in a different climate.

To dream of Absalom, is significant of distressing incidents. You may unconsciously fall a victim to error, and penetrate some well beloved heart with keen anguish and pain over the committal of immoral actions and the outraging of innocence. No flower of purity will ever be too sacred for you to breathe a passionate breath upon. To dream of this, or any other disobedient character, is a warning against immoral tendencies. A father is warned by this dream to be careful of his children.

To grieve over the absence of any one in your dreams, denotes that repentance for some hasty action will be the means of securing you life-long friendships.
If you rejoice over the absence of friends, it denotes that you will soon be well rid of an enemy.

To dream that you have an abscess which seems to have reached a chronic stage, you will be overwhelmed with misfortune of your own; at the same time your deepest sympathies will be enlisted for the sorrows of others.

To come under the influence of absinthe in dreams, denotes that you will lead a merry and foolish pace with innocent companions, and waste your inheritance in prodigal lavishness on the siren, selfish fancy.
For a young woman to dream that she drinks absinthe with her lover warns her to resist his persuasions to illicit consummation of their love. If she dreams she is drunk, she will yield up her favors without strong persuasion. (This dream typifies that you are likely to waste your energies in pleasure.)


To dream that you are possessed with an abundance; foretells that you will have no occasion to reproach Fortune, and that you will be independent of her future favors; but your domestic happiness may suffer a collapse under the strain you are likely to put upon it by your infidelity.

To dream of abusing a person, means that you will be unfortunate in your affairs, losing good money through over-bearing persistency in business relations with others.
To feel yourself abused, you will be molested in your daily pursuits by the enmity of others.
For a young woman to dream that she hears abusive language, foretells that she will fall under the ban of some person's jealousy and envy. If she uses the language herself, she will meet with unexpected rebuffs, that may fill her with mortification and remorse for her past unworthy conduct toward friends.

To dream of looking into an abyss, means that you will be confronted by threats of seizure of property, and that there will be quarrels and reproaches of a personal nature which will unfit you to meet the problems of life.
For a woman to be looking into an abyss, foretells that she will burden herself with unwelcome cares. If she falls into the abyss her disappointment will be complete; but if she succeeds in crossing, or avoiding it, she will reinstate herself.

To visit an academy in your dreams, denotes that you will regret opportunities that you have let pass through sheer idleness and indifference.
To think you own, or are an inmate of one, you will find that you are to meet easy defeat of aspirations. You will take on knowledge, but be unable to rightly assimilate and apply it.
For a young woman or any person to return to an academy after having finished there, signifies that demands will be made which the dreamer may find himself or her self unable to meet.

For a business man to dream that his proposition has been accepted, foretells that he will succeed in making a trade, which heretofore looked as if it would prove a failure.
For a lover to dream that he has been accepted by his sweetheart, denotes that he will happily wed the object of his own and others' admiration.
If this dream has been occasioned by overanxiety and weakness, the contrary may be expected. The elementary influences often play pranks upon weak and credulous minds by lying, and deceptive utterances. Therefore the dreamer should live a pure life, fortified by a strong will, thus controlling his destiny by expelling from it involuntary intrusions.


To dream of an accident is a warning to avoid any mode of travel for a short period, as you are threatened with loss of life.
For an accident to befall stock, denotes that you will struggle with all your might to gain some object and then see some friend lose property of the same value in aiding your cause.

To dream of hearing the music of an accordion, denotes that you will engage in amusement which will win you from sadness and retrospection. You will by this means be enabled to take up your burden more cheerfully.
For a young woman to dream that she is playing an accordion, portends that she will win her lover by some sad occurrence; but, notwithstanding which, the same will confer lasting happiness upon her union. If the accordion gets out of tune, she will be saddened by the illness or trouble of her lover.

To dream of having accounts presented to you for payment, you will be in a dangerous position. You may have recourse to law to disentangle yourself. If you pay the accounts, you will soon effect a compromise in some serious dispute.
To hold accounts against others, foretells that disagreeable contingencies will arise in your business, marring the smoothness of its management.
For a young woman book-keeper to dream of footing up accounts, denotes that she will have trouble in business, and in her love affairs; but some worthy person will persuade her to account for his happiness. She will be much respected by her present employers.


To dream that you accuse any one of a mean action, denotes that you will have quarrels with those under you, and your dignity will be thrown from a high pedestal.
If you are accused, you are in danger of being guilty of distributing scandal in a sly and malicious way.
See similar words in following chapters.

To dream that you have aches, denotes that you are halting too much in your business, and that some other person is profiting by your ideas.
For a young woman to dream that she has the heartache, foretells that she will be in sore distress over the laggardly way her lover prosecutes his suit. If it is the backache, she will encounter illness through careless exposure. If she has the headache, there will be much disquietude of mind for the risk she has taken to rid herself of rivalry.
This dream is usually due to physical causes and is of little significance.


To drink any acid is an adverse dream, bringing you much anxiety.
For a woman to drink aciduous liquors, denotes that she may ensnare herself with compromising situations; even health may be involved.
To see poisonous acids, some treachery against you may be discovered.

Seeing acorns in dreams, is portent of pleasant things ahead, and much gain is to be expected.
To pick them from the ground, foretells success after weary labors.
For a woman to eat them, denotes that she will rise from a station of labor to a position of ease and pleasure.
To shake them from the trees, denotes that you will rapidly attain your wishes in business or love.
To see green-growing acorns, or to see them scattered over the ground, affairs will change for the better. Decayed or blasted acorns have import of disappointments and reverses.
To pull them green from the trees, you will injure your interests by haste and indiscretion.

To meet an acquaintance, and converse pleasantly with him, foretells that your business will run smoothly, and there will be but little discord in your domestic affairs.
If you seem to be disputing, or engaged in loud talk, humiliations and embarrassments will whirl seethingly around you.
If you feel ashamed of meeting an acquaintance, or meet him at an inopportune time, it denotes that you will be guilty of illicitly conducting yourself, and other parties will let the secret out.
For a young woman to think that she has an extensive acquaintance, signifies that she will be the possessor of vast interests, and her love will be worthy the winning. If her circle of acquaintances is small, she will be unlucky in gaining social favors.
After dreaming of acquaintances, you may see or hear from them.

To dream that you are acquitted of a crime, denotes that you are about to come into possession of valuable property, but there is danger of a law suit before obtaining possession.
To see others acquitted, foretells that your friends will add pleasure to your labors.

To dream of seeing acrobats, denotes that you will be prevented from carrying out hazardous schemes by the foolish fears of others.
To see yourself acrobating, you will have a sensation to answer for, and your existence will be made almost unendurable by the guying of your enemies.
To see women acrobating, denotes that your name will be maliciously and slanderously handled. Also your business interests will be hindered.
For a young woman to dream that she sees acrobats in tights, signifies that she will court favor of men.
Actor and Actress
To see in your dreams an actress, denotes that your present state will be one of unbroken pleasure and favor.
To see one in distress, you will gladly contribute your means and influence to raise a friend from misfortune and indebtedness.
If you think yourself one, you will have to work for subsistence, but your labors will be pleasantly attended.
If you dream of being in love with one, your inclination and talent will be allied with pleasure and opposed to downright toil.
To see a dead actor, or actress, your good luck will be overwhelmed in violent and insubordinate misery.
To see them wandering and penniless, foretells that your affairs will undergo a change from promise to threatenings of failure. To those enjoying domestic comforts, it is a warning of revolution and faithless vows.
For a young woman to dream that she is engaged to an actor, or about to marry one, foretells that her fancy will bring remorse after the glamor of pleasure has vanished.
If a man dreams that he is sporting with an actress, it foretells that private broils with his wife, or sweetheart, will make him more misery than enjoyment.
Adam and Eve

To dream of Adam and Eve, foretells that some eventful occasion will rob you of the hope of success in your affairs.
To see them in the garden, Adam dressed in his fig leaf, but Eve perfectly nude save for an Oriental colored serpent ornamenting her waist and abdomen, signifies that treachery and ill faith will combine to overthrow your fortune.
To see or hear Eve conversing with the serpent, foretells that artful women will reduce you to the loss of fortune and reputation.

To dream of adamant, denotes that you will be troubled and defeated in some desire that you held as your life.

To dream of seeing an adder strike, and a friend, who is dead but seems to be lying down and breathing, rises partly to a sitting position when the adder strikes at him, and then both disappearing into some bushes nearby, denotes that you will be greatly distressed over the ill luck of friends, and a loss threatened to yourself.
For a young woman to see an adder, foretells a deceitful person is going to cause her trouble. If it runs from her, she will be able to defend her character in attacks made on her.

To dream of pondering over addition, denotes that you will have a struggle to overcome difficult situations, which will soon prominently assume formidable shapes in your business transactions.
To find some error in addition, shows that you will be able to overcome enemies by fortunately discerning their intention before they have executed their design.
To add figures with a machine, foretells that you will have a powerful ally who will save you from much oppression.
If you fail to read the figures, you will lose fortune by blind speculation.


To dream of bidding cheerful adieus to people, denotes that you will make pleasant visits and enjoy much social festivity; but if they are made in a sad or doleful strain, you will endure loss and bereaving sorrow.
If you bid adieu to home and country, you will travel in the nature of an exile from fortune and love.
To throw kisses of adieu to loved ones, or children, foretells that you will soon have a journey to make, but there will be no unpleasant accidents or happenings attending your trip.

To dream that you are an object of admiration, denotes that you will retain the love of former associates, though your position will take you above their circle.

To admonish your child, or son, or some young person, denotes that your generous principles will keep you in favor, and fortune will be added to your gifts.

To see your adopted child, or parent, in your dreams, indicates that you will amass fortune through the schemes and speculations of strangers.
To dream that you or others are adopting a child, you will make an unfortunate change in your abode.

To dream that you commit adultery, foretells that you will be arraigned for some illegal action. If a woman has this dream, she will fail to hold her husband's affections, letting her temper and spite overwhelm her at the least provocation. If it is with her husband's friend, she will be unjustly ignored by her husband. Her rights will be cruelly trampled upon by him. If she thinks she is enticing a youth into this act, she will be in danger of desertion and divorced for her open intriguing.
For a young woman this implies abasement and low desires, in which she will find strange adventures afford her pleasure.
It is always good to dream that you have successfully resisted any temptation. To yield, is bad. If a man chooses low ideals, vampirish influences will swarm around him ready to help him in his nefarious designs. Such dreams may only be the result of depraved elementary influences. If a man chooses high ideals, he will be illuminated by the deific principle within him, and will be exempt from lascivious dreams. The man who denies the existence and power of evil spirits has no arcana or occult knowledge. Did not the black magicians of Pharaoh's time, and Simon Magnus, the Sorcerer, rival the men of God? The dreamer of amorous sweets is warned to beware of scandal.


To dream that you seek adulation, foretells that you will pompously fill unmerited positions of honor.
If you offer adulation, you will expressly part with some dear belonging in the hope of furthering material interests.

To dream of advancing in any engagement, denotes your rapid ascendency to preferment and to the consummation of affairs of the heart.
To see others advancing, foretells that friends will hold positions of favor near you.

To dream that you meet or engage with an adversary, denotes that you will promptly defend any attacks on your interest. Sickness may also threaten you after this dream.
If you overcome an adversary, you will escape the effect of some serious disaster.
See Enemies.

To dream that you are victimized by an adventurer, proves that you will be an easy prey for flatterers and designing villains. You will be unfortunate in manipulating your affairs to a smooth consistency.
For a young woman to think she is an adventuress, portends that she will be too wrapped up in her own conduct to see that she is being flattered into exchanging her favors for disgrace.

To dream that you are in the clutches of adversity, denotes that you will have failures and continued bad prospects.
To see others in adversity, portends gloomy surroundings, and the illness of some one will produce grave fears of the successful working of plans.
The old dream books give this as a sign of coming prosperity. This definition is untrue. There are two forces at work in man, one from within and the other from without. They are from two distinct spheres; the animal mind influenced by the personal world of carnal appetites, and the spiritual mind from the realm of universal Brotherhood, present antagonistic motives on the dream consciousness. If these two forces were in harmony, the spirit or mental picture from the dream mind would find a literal fulfilment in the life of the dreamer. The pleasurable sensations of the body cause the spirit anguish. The selfish enrichment of the body impoverishes the spirit influence upon the Soul. The trials of adversity often cause the spirit to rejoice and the flesh to weep. If the cry of the grieved spirit is left on the dream mind it may indicate to the dreamer worldly advancement, but it is hardly the theory of the occult forces, which have contributed to the contents of this book.

To dream that you are getting out advertisements, denotes that you will have to resort to physical labor to promote your interest, or establish your fortune.
To read advertisements, denotes that enemies will overtake you, and defeat you in rivalry.

To dream that you receive advice, denotes that you will be enabled to raise your standard of integrity, and strive by honest means to reach independent competency and moral altitude.
To dream that you seek legal advice, foretells that there will be some transactions in your affairs which will create doubt of their merits and legality.

To dream that you advocate any cause, denotes that you will be faithful to your interests, and endeavor to deal honestly with the public, as your interests affect it, and be loyal to your promises to friends.

To feel that you are afraid to proceed with some affair, or continue a journey, denotes that you will find trouble in your household, and enterprises will be unsuccessful.
To see others afraid, denotes that some friend will be deterred from performing some favor for you because of his own difficulties.
For a young woman to dream that she is afraid of a dog, there will be a possibility of her doubting a true friend.


To dream that you are in Africa surrounded by Cannibals, foretells that you will be oppressed by enemies and quarrelsome persons.
For a woman to dream of African scenes, denotes she will make journeys which will prove lonesome and devoid of pleasure or profit.

For a woman to dream of an afternoon, denotes she will form friendships which will be lasting and entertaining. A cloudy, rainy afternoon, implies disappointment and displeasure.

To dream that affliction lays a heavy hand upon you and calls your energy to a halt, foretells that some disaster is surely approaching you.
To see others afflicted, foretells that you will be surrounded by many ills and misfortunes.

To dream that you are affrighted, foretells that you will sustain an injury through an accident.
See Agony.
To see others affrighted, brings you close to misery and distressing scenes. Dreams of this nature are frequently caused by nervous and feverish conditions, either from malaria or excitement. When such is the case, the dreamer is warned to take immediate steps to remove the cause. Such dreams or reveries only occur when sleep is disturbed.

This is a bad dream. The dreamer is sure to shed tears and weep. For a young woman to dream that she is affronted, denotes that some unfriendly person will take advantage of her ignorance to place her in a compromising situation with a stranger, or to jeopardize her interests with a friend.

To dream that you are in affluence, foretells that you will make fortunate ventures, and will be pleasantly associated with people of wealth. To young women, a vision of weird and fairy affluence is ominous of illusive and evanescent pleasure. They should study more closely their duty to friends and parents. After dreams of this nature they are warned to cultivate a love for home life.
See Wealth.


To see agate in a dream, signifies a slight advancement in business affairs.

To dream of age, portends failures in any kind of undertaking.
To dream of your own age, indicates that perversity of opinion will bring down upon you the indignation of relatives.
For a young woman to dream of being accused of being older than she is, denotes that she will fall into bad companionship, and her denial of stated things will be brought to scorn. To see herself looking aged, intimates possible sickness, or unsatisfactory ventures. If it is her lover she sees aged, she will be in danger of losing him.

This is not as good a dream, as some would wish you to believe. It portends worry and pleasure intermingled, more of the former than of the latter.
To be in agony over the loss of money, or property, denotes that disturbing and imaginary fears will rack you over the critical condition of affairs, or the illness of some dear relative.
See Weeping.

A sickly condition of the dreamer is sometimes implied by this dream. To dream that you are shaking with an ague, signifies that you will suffer from some physical disorder, and that fluctuating opinions of your own affairs may bring you to the borders of prostration.
To see others thus affected, denotes that you will offend people by your supreme indifference to the influences of others.

This dream denotes a withering state of things, and bodes no good to the dreamer.
To dream of breathing hot air suggests that you will be influenced to evil by oppression.
To feel cold air, denotes discrepancies in your business, and incompatibility in domestic relations.
To feel oppressed with humidity, some curse will fall on you that will prostrate and close down on your optimistical views of the future.

To dream of alabaster, foretells success in marriage and all legitimate affairs. To break an alabaster figure or vessel, denotes sorrow and repentence. For a young woman to lose an alabaster box containing incense, signifies that she will lose her lover or property through carelessness of her reputation.
Alarm Bell
To hear a bell in your sleep, denotes that you will have cause for anxiety.

To dream of an album, denotes you will have success and true friends.
For a young woman to dream of looking at photographs in an album, foretells that she will soon have a new lover who will be very agreeable to her.

The dreamer of an ale-house should be very cautious of his affairs. Enemies are watching him.

To dream of a stranger pleasing you, denotes good health and pleasant surroundings; if he displeases you, look for disappointments.
To dream you are an alien, denotes abiding friendships.

To dream of an alley, denotes your fortune will not be so pleasing or promising as formerly. Many vexing cares will present themselves to you.
For a young woman to wander through an alley after dark, warns her of disreputable friendships and a stigma on her character.

To dream of an alligator, unless you kill it, is unfavorable to all persons connected with the dream. It is a dream of caution.

To dream of alloy, denotes your business will vex you in its complications. For a woman to dream of alloy, is significant of sorrow and trouble completely hiding pleasure.

To dream of an almanac, means variable fortunes and illusive pleasures. To be studying the signs, foretells that you will be harassed by small matters taking up your time.

This is a good omen. It has wealth in store. However, sorrow will go with it for a short while. If the almonds are defective, your disappointment in obtaining a certain wish will be complete until new conditions are brought about.

Alms will bring evil if given or taken unwillingly. Otherwise, a good dream.

For a young woman to dream of an alms-house, denotes she will meet failure in her efforts to contract a worldly marriage.


To dream of seeing a priest at the altar, denotes quarrels and unsatisfactory states in your business and home. To see a marriage, sorrow to friends, and death to old age.
An altar would hardly be shown you in a dream, accept to warn you against the commission of error. Repentance is also implied.

Alum seen in a dream, portends frustration of well laid plans. To taste alum, denotes secret remorse over some evil work by you upon some innocent person.
For a woman to dream of quantities of alum, foretells disappointment in her marriage and loss of affection.

To dream of aluminum, denotes contentment with any fortune, however small. For a woman to see her aluminum ornaments or vessels tarnished, foretells strange and unexpected sorrow, and loss will befall her.

To dream of seeing an amateur actor on the stage, denotes that you will see your hopes pleasantly and satisfactorily fulfilled. If they play a tragedy, evil will be disseminated through your happiness. If there is an indistinctness or distorted images in the dream, you are likely to meet with quick and decided defeat in some enterprise apart from your regular business.

To dream that you are attacked from ambush, denotes that you have lurking secretly near you a danger, which will soon set upon and overthrow you if you are heedless of warnings.
If you lie in ambush to revenge yourself on others, you will unhesitatingly stoop to debasing actions to defraud your friends.

High officials should be careful of State affairs, others will do well to look after their own person, for some trouble is at hand after this dream.

Amethyst seen in a dream, represents contentment with fair business.
For a young woman to lose an amethyst, fortells broken engagements and slights in love.

Ammonia seen in a dream, means displeasure will be felt by the dreamer at the conduct of a friend. Quarrels and disruptions of friendships will follow this dream.
For a young woman to see clear bottles of ammonia, foretells she will be deceived in the character and intentions of some person whom she considers friendly.

To dream of ammunition, foretells the undertaking of some work, which promises fruitful completion. To dream your ammunition is exhausted, denotes fruitless struggles and endeavors.

To dream you are amorous, warns you against personal desires and pleasures, as they are threatening to engulf you in scandal.
For a young woman it portends illicit engagements, unless she chooses staid and moral companions. For a married woman, it foreshadows discontent and desire for pleasure outside the home.
To see others amorous, foretells that you will be persuaded to neglect your moral obligations. To see animals thus, denotes you will engage in degrading pleasures with fast men or women.

Ordinary amputation of limbs, denotes small offices lost; the loss of entire legs or arms, unusual depression in trade. To seamen, storm and loss of property. Afflicted persons should be warned to watchfulness after this dream.

To dream of an anchor is favorable to sailors, if seas are calm. To others it portends separation from friends, change of residence, and foreign travel. Sweethearts are soon to quarrel if either sees an anchor.

Andirons seen in a dream, denotes good will among friends, if the irons support burning logs; if they are in an empty fireplace, loss of property and death are signified.

To dream of relating an anecdote, signifies that you will greatly prefer gay companionship to that of intellect, and that your affairs will prove as unstable as yourself.
For a young woman to hear anecdotes related, denotes that she will be one of a merry party of pleasure-seekers.

To dream of angels is prophetic of disturbing influences in the soul. It brings a changed condition of the person's lot. If the dream is unusually pleasing, you will hear of the health of friends, and receive a legacy


To dream of anger, denotes that some awful trial awaits you. Disappointments in loved ones, and broken ties, of enemies may make new attacks upon your property or character.
To dreams that friends or relatives are angry with you, while you meet their anger with composure, denotes you will mediate between opposing friends, and gain their lasting favor and gratitude.

To dream of catching fish is good. If you fail to catch any, it will be bad for you.

This dream denotes that you have enemies who are at work against you. Annoyances experienced in dreams are apt to find speedy fulfilment in the trifling incidents of the following day.

Seeing antelopes in a dream, foretells your ambitions will be high, but may be realized by putting forth great energy.
For a young woman to see an antelope miss its footing and fall from a height, denotes the love she aspires to will prove her undoing.

The dreamer of ants should expect many petty annoyances during the day; chasing little worries, and finding general dissatisfaction in all things.

To see hot iron with sparks flying, is significant of a pleasing work; to the farmer, an abundant crop; favorable indeed to women. Cold, or small, favors may be expected from those in power. The means of success is in your power, but in order to obtain it you will have to labor under difficulty. If the anvil is broken, it foretells that you have, through your own neglect, thrown away promising opportunities that cannot be recalled.

A dream of this kind is occasionally a good omen, denoting, after threatening states, success and rejuvenation of mind; but if the dreamer is anxious about some momentous affair, it indicates a disastrous combination of business and social states.

This dream brings humiliation and disease to some dear friend.
To see a small ape cling to a tree, warns the dreamer to beware; a false person is close to you and will cause unpleasantness in your circle. Deceit goes with this dream.

Dreams of apparel, denote that enterprises will be successes or failures, as the apparel seems to be whole and clean, or soiled and threadbare.
To see fine apparel, but out of date, foretells that you will have fortune, but you will scorn progressive ideas.
If you reject out-of-date apparel, you will outgrow present environments and enter into new relations, new enterprises and new loves, which will transform you into a different person.
To see yourself or others appareled in white, denotes eventful changes, and you will nearly always find the change bearing sadness.
To walk with a person wearing white, proclaims that person's illness or distress, unless it be a young woman or child, then you will have pleasing surroundings for a season at least.
To see yourself, or others, dressed in black, portends quarrels, disappointments, and disagreeable companions; or, if it refers
To see yellow apparel, foretells approaching gaieties and financial progress. Seen as a flitting spectre, in an unnatural light, the reverse may be expected. You will be fortunate if you dream of yellow cloth.
To dream of blue apparel, signifies carrying forward to victory your aspirations, through energetic, insistent efforts. Friends will loyally support you.
To dream of crimson apparel, foretells that you will escape formidable enemies by a timely change in your expressed intention.
To see green apparel, is a hopeful sign of prosperity and happiness.
To see many colored apparel, foretells swift changes, and intermingling of good and bad influences in your future.
To dream of misfitting apparel, intimates crosses in your affections, and that you are likely to make a mistake in some enterprise.
To see old or young in appropriate apparel, denotes that you will undertake some engagement for which you will have no liking, and which will give rise to many cares.
For a woman to dream that she is displeased with her apparel, foretells t

hat she will find many vexatious rivalries


Take unusual care of all depending upon you. Calamity awaits you and yours. Both property and life are in danger. Young people should be decidedly upright in their communications with the opposite sex. Character is likely to be rated at a discount.

This is a very good dream to the majority of people.
To see red apples on trees with green foliage is exceedingly propitious to the dreamer.
To eat them is not as good, unless they be faultless. A friend who interprets dreams says:
"Ripe apples on a tree, denotes that the time has arrived for you to realize your hopes; think over what you intend to do, and go fearlessly ahead. Ripe on the top of the tree, warns you not to aim too high. Apples on the ground imply that false friends, and flatterers are working you harm. Decayed apples typify hopeless efforts."

To dream that you serve as an apprentice, foretells you will have a struggle to win a place among your companions

Dreams of seeing apricots growing, denote that the future, though seemingly rosy hued, holds masked bitterness and sorrow for you.
To eat them signifies the near approach of calamitous influences. If others eat them, your surroundings will be unpleasant and disagreeable to your fancies. A friend says:
"Apricots denote that you have been wasting time over trifles or small things of no value."

To dream of the month of April, signifies that much pleasure and profit will be your allotment. If the weather is miserable, it is a sign of passing ill luck.

To dream of an apron, signifies a zigzag course, for a young woman. For a school girl to dream that her apron is loosened, or torn, implies bad lessons, and lectures in propriety from parents and teachers.

An arch in a dream, denotes your rise to distinction and the gaining of wealth by persistent effort. To pass under one, foretells that many will seek you who formerly ignored your position.
For a young woman to see a fallen arch, denotes the destruction of her hopes, and she will be miserable in her new situation.

To dream of seeing an archbishop, foretells you will have many obstacles to resist in your attempt to master fortune or rise to public honor. To see one in the every day dress of a common citizen, denotes you will have aid and encouragement from those in prominent positions and will succeed in your enterprises.
For a young woman to dream that an archbishop is kindly directing her, foretells she will be fortunate in forming her friendships.

Architects drawing plans in your dreams, denotes a change in your business, which will be likely to result in loss to you.
For a young woman to see an architect, foretells she will meet rebuffs in her aspirations and maneuvers to make a favorable marriage.

To dream of seeing an arm amputated, means separation or divorce. Mutual dissatisfaction will occur between husband and wife. It is a dream of sinister import. Beware of deceitfulness and fraud.

For a young woman to dream of a sweet aroma, denotes she will soon be the recipient of some pleasure or present.

To see respectable-looking strangers arrested, foretells that you desire to make changes, and new speculations will be subordinated by the fear of failure. If they resist the officers, you will have great delight in pushing to completion the new enterprise.
See Prisoner.


Pleasure follows this dream. Entertainments, festivals and pleasant journeys may be expected. Suffering will cease.
An old or broken arrow, portends disappointments in love or business.
Art Gallery

To visit an art gallery, portends unfortunate unions in domestic circles. You will struggle to put forth an appearance of happiness, but will secretly care for other associations.

If you reach the extreme point of ascent, or top of steps, without stumbling, it is good; otherwise, you will have obstacles to overcome before the good of the day is found.

To dream of asceticism, denotes that you will cultivate strange principles and views, rendering yourself fascinating to strangers, but repulsive to friends.

Dreaming of ashes omens woe, and many bitter changes are sure to come to the dreamer. Blasted crops to the farmer. Unsuccessful deals for the trader. Parents will reap the sorrows of wayward children.

To dream of visiting Asia is assurance of change, but no material benefits from fortune will follow.

This is an unfortunate dream. Females may lose the respect of honorable and virtuous people. Deadly enemies are at work to defame character. Sweethearts will wrong each other.

To dream of asparagus, signifies prosperous surroundings and obedience from servants and children. To eat it, denotes interrupted success.

To see an ass in a dream, you will meet many annoyances, and delays will accrue in receiving news or goods.
To see donkeys carrying burdens, denotes that, after patience and toil, you will succeed in your undertakings, whether of travel or love.
If an ass pursues you, and you are afraid of it, you will be the victim of scandal or other displeasing reports.
If you unwillingly ride on one, or, as jockey, unnecessary quarrels may follow.
See Donkey.

If you are the one to receive the assassin's blow, you will not surmount all your trials.
To see another, with the assassin standing over him with blood stains, portends that misfortune will come to the dreamer.
To see an assassin under any condition is a warning that losses may befall you through secret enemies.

Giving assistance to any one in a dream, foretells you will be favored in your efforts to rise to higher position.
If any one assists you, you will be pleasantly situated, and loving friends will be near you.

To dream of an asylum, denotes sickness and unlucky dealings, which cannot be overcome without great mental struggle.

Dreams of the astral, denote that your efforts and plans will culminate in worldly success and distinction. A spectre or picture of your astral self brings heart-rending tribulation.

To dream you are looking at an atlas, denotes that you will carefully study interests before making changes or journeys.

Means joyous communing with friends, and speculators need not fear any drop in stocks. Courting among the young will meet with happy consummation. The sacrifice or atonement of another for your waywardness, is portentous of the humiliation of self or friends through your open or secret disregard of duty. A woman after this dream is warned of approaching disappointment.


To dream that you are in an attic, denotes that you are entertaining hopes which will fail of materialization.
For a young woman to dream that she is sleeping in an attic, foretells that she will fail to find contentment in her present occupation.

To see an attorney at the bar, denotes that disputes of a serious nature will arise between parties interested in worldly things. Enemies are stealing upon you with false claims. If you see an attorney defending you, your friends will assist you in coming trouble, but they will cause you more worry than enemies.

To dream of an auction in a general way, is good. If you hear the auctioneer crying his sales, it means bright prospects and fair treatment from business ventures.
To dream of buying at an auction, signifies close deals to tradesmen, and good luck in live stock to the farmer. Plenty, to the housewife is the omen for women. If there is a feeling of regret about the dream, you are warned to be careful of your business affairs.

To dream of the month of August, denotes unfortunate deals, and misunderstandings in love affairs.
For a young woman to dream that she is going to be married in August, is an omen of sorrow in her early wedded life.

To see augurs in your dreams, is a forecast of labor and toil.

For a young woman to dream of seeing her aunt, denotes she will receive sharp censure for some action, which will cause her much distress.
If this relative appears smiling and happy, slight difference will soon give way to pleasure.

To dream of discussing any subject relating to aura, denotes that you will reach states of mental unrest, and work to discover the power which influences you from within.

For a woman to dream of Autumn, denotes she will obtain property through the struggles of others. If she thinks of marrying in Autumn, she will be likely to contract a favorable marriage and possess a cheerful home.

To dream that you ride in an automobile, denotes that you will be restless under pleasant conditions, and will make a change in your affairs. There is grave danger of impolitic conduct intimated through a dream of this nature.
If one breaks down with you, the enjoyment of a pleasure will not extend to the heights you contemplate.
To find yourself escaping from the path of one, signifies that you will do well to avoid some rival as much as you can honestly allow.
For a young woman to look for one, she will be disappointed in her aims to entice some one into her favor.


For an author to dream that his manuscript has been rejected by the publisher, denotes some doubt at first, but finally his work will be accepted as authentic and original.
To dream of seeing an author over his work, perusing it with anxiety, denotes that you will be worried over some literary work either of your own or that of some other person.

To dream that you are awake, denotes that you will experience strange happenings which will throw you into gloom.
To pass through green, growing fields, and look upon landscape, in your dreams, and feel that it is an awaking experience, signifies that there is some good and brightness in store for you, but there will be disappointments intermingled between the present and that time.

Seeing an axe in a dream, foretells that what enjoyment you may have will depend on your struggles and energy. To see others using an axe, foretells, your friends will be energetic and lively, making existence a pleasure when near them.
For a young woman to see one, portends her lover will be worthy, but not possessed with much wealth. A broken or rusty axe, indicates illness and loss of money and property.

The Meaning of tramp, vagrant in Dreams
Posted on December 18 by Duke ZhouLeave a comment

Dreaming of a meal, the trip will be victorious, and you will be able to make a fortune after arriving at your destination.

Single nobles dream of having a meal. Recently, the relationship between love is complicated and there are many troubles.

Ask scholars to dream about meals, and the results of the omen test are average.

Dreaming about getting a meal, luck will soon turn better, work and career will improve.

I dreamed of going to dinner and had good interpersonal relationships. In the next six months, there will be no quarrel with others, and you can live a quiet life.

When the patient dreams of going to eat, the luck is very strong in the near future. Although it is smooth, it avoids excessive words and deeds and provokes right and wrong. Be modest and tolerant.

Single people dream of going to have a meal, then love fortune is difficult.

I dreamt of begging for the Lord’s fortune, because he is the closest person to the money, and he keeps reaching out for money every day from morning till night.

Dreaming of begging, generally means that there will be wealth and money in the near future;

Dreaming of giving alms to others symbolizes longevity and happiness;

Dreaming that you get the charity of others means poverty and disaster;

Married women dream of getting alms from others and their husbands will get sick or be fired.

Dreaming of jealousy, symbolizing charity and help. Sometimes it also symbolizes your inferiority, or reminds you that you need to be modest.

Dreaming of encountering a jealousy, indicating that the dreamer wants to help those who have suffered misfortunes or suffered difficulties;

If you meet in a dream, it means that the dreamer is compassionate, meaning that you can get the true blessings of others;

I dreamed that I would ask for money from you, indicating that you will break the money.

Dreaming of a meal, indicating that you will have good luck.

Dreaming of a ragged old man may indicate that your business is currently in a mess. If you can’t find a good business plan, it may cause a lot of damage. It may also remind you to be wary of the scandal being revealed. Reputation is sweeping.

A married woman dreams of quarreling with her, indicating that her husband will be destitute.

Dreaming that you have become a beggar, begging along the street, it indicates that you have to make a fortune.

If you refuse to give alms to you in your dreams, you will be forgiven.


Dream is a natural, but some are supernatural. In spiritual world when sleeping, this can occur at any time. Daniel 2:28-29; some dreams belong to God and some belong to the devils. Except for he dreams that are caused by man’s own physiology mind, the rest are supernatural. Dream is the first will for mankind from ages; it is confidential way for supernatural. Dream is the first will for mankind from ages; it is confidential way for God Almighty to talk to mankind


1. DREAM OF GOD: – Dream from God always make people normal, peaceful stable, reasonable and sensible. Genesis 37:2-3. Dream from God is very few this days and it comes through clean mind, because mind is man thinking organ, through mind we know, think, imagine, recollect and understand. The intellectual power, rationality, wisdom and intelligence of man all belong to the mind. Broadly speaking our mind is everything related to our brain. Our mind controls all the system in the bodies, eyes, nose, hand, leg and so on. A man whom God had cleansed his mind will have a clean dream or vision. Mind is the psychology is the brain in physiology. The mind occupies a big part in man’s life because the mind directs man’s dream in conduct most. Men of God often been in the position to have God’s dream because of their status before the Lord an many obedient child of God often get God’s dream, the mind of people today is in the carnal things of the world, it’s devils that mix it together. Today God is still speaking as of old if you will follow him, He will speak to you in your dream, God can use warning dream against your enemies for your own victory Judges 7:13-15. The dream of God gives confidence victory in the life of obedient man in the things I have mentioned above. The mind of man is bigger than the physical world; the mind of man is like a world room that has doors in the spiritual powers. Keep your mind and thoughts positive! Your good dream can keep you going.

DREAM OF DEVIL SPIRITS: – How can we know this evil spirit dream and their error in our dream? Devil spirits are invisible being, the physical eye can’t see them yet they are real like human beings, more wicked than man. Many people, evil spirits had gained their mind thought from long time through worldly things (picture) in this world; evil spirits make him see the pictures during the day and dream about them at night. They have wiles craft more than mankind because they are visible and ages on earth to bound the generation of Adam. This evil spirits use all good things in the physical world to bind the mind always when occur in the dream of man. But this is the dream that came from evil spirits are all strange, vain, false, foolish and caused people to become elated, stupefied, confused, and irrational. The evil spirits can give a Christian believer many strange dreams, some of which are very good, because his mind is passive. If a believer’s mind has fallen into passivity, all his dream will not come from God, neither will they be natural; instead, they will be from evil spirits and he or she will be looking for interpretation, it is a pity that this day some interpret evil spirits dream in their churches. At night the mind is naturally not as active as during the day and it becomes more powerless to the man and spirit world. The evil spirits will seize the opportunity to accomplish their goal; many will come for interpretation of evil spirits dream. These kinds of dreams at night make the people dizzy and heavy in the body when he wakes up in the morning. Sleeping does not increase your power because while you are sleeping evils spirit are affecting the whole body through the passive f your mind the brain. All frequently suffer from dreams at night have evil spirits working in their mind. If a believer single-mindedly rejects the evil spirits work both during day and night he will be free form them. Evil spirits automatically calculate the mind to afflict the mind and to put the soul into bondage. If a believer wants to check if his dream is form evil spirits, he only needs to ask, “Had my mind been passive during the day?” May be you lust through what you have seen hear and thought about and you contributed to it, means the dream which you received is not worth to be trusted affliction comes into mind ad finish the work in our dream. If evil spirits dream is often in your dream your mind is automatically cage by evil spirit dream can make you do what you are doing physically in your dream with forces such as eating in dream, sex in the dream, killing human being or animal knowingly labour in hard work by sweating in dream, counting money in the dream, crying in the dream, swimming in dirty rivers or waters and many more. “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

DREAMS OF FLESH: This is also known as dream of body, how can we know this? Evil spirits know mankind weakness and so they use this opportunity to afflict the generation of man with flesh dream. The flesh dream is between evil spirits and man’s list reviled of one line spirit controls the empty mind of man is carnal things through lust pictures songs and lust words, you can be fasting and at the same time eating in the dream having sex in the dream because of the mind had been so passive to the things of the world, flesh dream can come into two form good or bad it depend on the passivity of the mind of the person. The dream is caused by thought and physiological mind of man, control by spirit of man and evil spirits. Man is a spirit, the mind is also spirit in the brain, the evil spirit are spirits, they have access to the passive mind that’s empty mind to things of God, the dream of flesh will always tackles the things of God, oil and water cannot mix together, the two liquid can never be together, dream of flesh will want you to submit to the things of evil spirits so they can gain into your mind for work, they can blind the mind by instruct you in your dream to do sacrifices by killing bird or animals for rituals, this is also their gain doorway into humans mind. The dream of the flesh will not love discipline and discipline is the resistant of the flesh, flesh dream can make you ignorant in religion captive into evil spirits cages, flesh dream will want you to eat too much, sleep too much, spend time in pleasure of vanity while you suppose to be in God’s presence, flesh dream eat up destiny by evil spirits, they are orientation of the flesh dreams, we need to be careful of how you put things into mind, and thought, stay out from the things of flesh, too much in clothing, eating and so on. Flesh dream causes friend and enemy some dreams are flesh that’s why it will not happen physical, what is in your mind now? You will have flesh dream if you disobey God. “And evil spirit from the LORD troubled him”. 1Sam.16:14.

If you do not gain your mind back to God, you will lust in becoming the enemy of God, because of your fleshly dream some will say they have fall in love with someone, the picture of that lust called love will lead they to destruction, because their picture is negatively afflicted in the dream and they are continuing dream in the coffin of minds bondage, even in the relationship is broken their dream will still continued because their mind is passive to the things of negative thought pictures and pleasure, Some. Are sexy fleshly bound in their dream they become sex machine to evil spirit s (Female or Male Demons) you need to gain your mind back to God the creator. “For a dream cometh through the multitude of business. ECCL . 5; 3. Your dream is in your mind, in this book hundreds of bad dream you we see and the solution …. Good dream are few mind is a merchant field for buy and selling, few people mind is for God …. From the age up till now, Man mind is market, how to get more and more in this carnal generation. God want your thought and mind back so that you can have your future back in your hand, this book will open your mind Again for renewing soul mind against evil spirits ‘To come out of you and you ‘God will gain it (Mind) for eternal joy. Praying through the name of Jesus and Christ will guide you during your dream hour.


Seeing yourself under the earth meaning the rulers in darkness has been sent to fight you with determination of your accesstor, you’ve to pray with the Psalm or you will go extra miles in this battle of your accestors. Ps. 91, 121, 59, with 3 days fasting prayer time, 9, 12, 3, 6

This is bad omens; it may be directed to anybody, even your enemy. This is not good physically and spiritually.

i. Seeing yourself being accommodated into a good looking place, means you will be accepted during the time by some people, relax no matter your condition.
ii. If it is a rough or moulds place means the power of darkness are replacing your good luck with bad things even you have enter into some difficult battles, pray 3 days with fasting and Ps. 12, 18, 46

Seeing albino in your dream, is a bad omens no matter how it may look to you, pray against uncompleted blessing with this Ps. 106 because it is a sin that made the impossibility of the world get a water read this Ps. Seven times for 3 days, bath on the 3days and victory will be yours Psalm 57, 140

Seeing yourself drinking with people during the time of this dream, you will not be above your fellow once, drinking in the dream means you are inability to inability to resists the poising been misbehave. Ps. 106, 80 with 3 days fasting

Seeing this creature in your dream and there’s a lot of them, enemies are in action to devour your spiritual and physical blessing, if seen in your shop, home and your offices is a bad omen pray with 3 days white fasting get a water reading Ps. 28, 102, 18 into the water and sprinkle the water over your place and another dream will manifest for sure victory.

i. Seeing these peculiar men of God in your dream, praying or doing deliverance for you mean you will be free from your present problems.
ii. If they are rebuking you there is a hidden sin in your life, do all your best to resist sin because the sin is your hindrance to the door of your success

In your dream you see yourself being attack by hoodlums or thief and you are robbed and wounded. This means that enemies had fulfilled one mission in your life whether familiar or financially to recover back you loses 3 days white fasting, use this Ps. 83 get olive oil read this Psalm into it on each prayer hour 9, 12, 3, 6 for the period of 3 days, get yourself anointed and declare your loses to return fasting in Jesus Name. Psalm. 27.

In your dream you handle an axe or you use it to cut tress or chase your enemies. It is a good dream during your hard and difficulties of life you will always triumph over your enemies but be faithful with God always.

i. Seeing self eating, or the tree this is a good omens, your difficulties is going to turn fortune
ii. Seeing giving to somebody is bad dream 3 days fasting with Psalm 24, 59 for recovery of prosperity.

i. If seeing aeroplane crash and you saw the explosion with terrible flaming fire burning you will hear news that we shake the part place you saw the accident.
ii. If heard aeroplane crash and burn in the sky falling, any area good news will be alarm in that place
iii. Seeing landed is a sign of arrival of good thing to come, pray with night vigil for fast manifestation.

i. Seeing yourself ascending a hill is a sign of incoming progress in present venture.
ii. Descending from ill, it points to gradual loss in business or failure in a planned. For stability, pray over this Psalms 123, 3 days fasting.

Seeing an angel in your dream means God’s presence and guidance is with you no matter your condition relaxes.

Seeing them in many inside your sugar, meaning your gain effort will be eaten or transfer to another 2 days fasting with 2 days night of prayer, use this Psalm 24, 50 your progress will return speedily.

Seeing yourself sitting on the ashes, speaking of your level f status in life and this is lowest problematic of life. Psalm 18 with two days white fasting enemy want this to happen to you, you’ve to deliver yourself.

If one is hit in dream is a serious attack from the forces of darkness. There’s much to talk about this dream, contact man of God for more detail or three (3) days fasting with Psalm.24, for effective action in your prayer hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9pm daily. Check the prayer point at the back
If you see this animal in your dream or you are attach by this animal, one of the darkness power living around your premises or work at your office, be careful of how you expose your issues when talking together. Micah.7:5, the answer into this situation is to be careful how you behave among people that smile with you when you appear to them.

If you carry bag traveling school or business bag, it is a dream of transition in your endeavor and what you need is found inside the bag, you will prosper in any engagement of connection.

Seeing your have been bail out of prison or other yards by someone you know or unknown, mean your term problems will solve be determine, your prayer had been answer, finically you will be surprise physically. Give thank most in your prayer.

i. If seen yourself baking a beautiful cake or bread , this dream is also a fulfillment in endeavor keep on drying in your venture you will make it
ii. If the cake or the bread is burnt is a bad omen, this means you may not see gain in your business during this time if you don’t want this to happen, 7 days fasting and prayer, time 9, 12, 3, 6, during the prayer and fasting time get olive oil and water, pray into this materials and use this Psalms 128, 129 and 130.

i. If you seeing yourself eating banana in a dream is a bad omen and problematic in venture, prayer of affliction has to be prayer for with Psalm 86 for 7 times into a cup of water and drink it.
ii. If you are giving in a big basket with unripe is a fair dream, your expectant will not be eluded during your expenses

It is a sign of fruitfulness in venture, if cooked it another transformation of changes in status and levels together with your mate you will reach higher.

i. If you seen a banner written a word in it in your dream, means God is sending a divine message unto you, be watchful in prayer and fasting to know God’s messages for your people.
ii. If the banner is black is a bad omen, mean the enemy assign your area for bad work be prayerful that the assignment of enemy will not overcome you, because God want you to know this

i. If you seen yourself been pray in tongue and fire is around with power of God, this also is called Baptism
ii. If seen yourself been dip into Rivers water is also called Baptism, be prayerful to help yourself the more.

i. Seen yourself without shoe walking in your dream means a symbol of incomplete in your business, you must pray to recover it back with Psalm. 126 with 3 days fasting, and you will testify.
ii. If you are with shoe neat and smart in your leg, belief during this you will be above your fellow, no matter your situation, be happy.

If you see yourself in the barrack of soldiers, means know that you have been captured by the power of darkness, there premises is not secure with civilian, pray for total deliverance for yourself if not it will be difficult to be delivered later in your life, Psalm 46 into olive oil and anoint yourself for 3 days fasting, time for prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 and a dream will follow to deliver you and your total freedom of shekels of darkness.

If you seen a lawyer advocating for you, no matter your condition divine help will manifest to intercede on your behalf and you will win in any circumstance

Seen yourself in this condition and situation meant it may appear the same in the physical world, pray against this spirit, it will make you to elude blessing and opportunities get a water read Psalm 49 seven times drink and bath with 2 days fasting, from hence you are welcome into new world of success and boldness.

Seen this insert in your dream chasing you and bitten, mean you must stop speaking against some people around you or in your family, they may be in power of darkness, be careful how you use your mouth against men of great status in the spirit world.

i. Hearing the bell of prayer in your dream, mean during the time you have to come closer to God and his word.
ii. Seeing yourself ringing the bell in the church or in the street preaching means it’s a message from heaven unto you and unto your generation, see the prophet for this

i. Seeing yourself blind in the dream is a bad omen, mean the enemy had showed you what to happen or what has already happened that you may not see the end of your life even the good thing people use to see, immediately you wake up use the Psalm 11, 12, 13 in water for 7 times in 7 days drink and bath on the last day with 7 days fasting.
ii. If seen blind beggar in your dream begging for money and you give he or her money is a bad dream meaning the enemy had capture your treasury.
iii. If person you know blind in your dream is a straight forward dream pray for the person. this is hiding meaning

Seen yourself in the boarding school with your mate mean you have been trying to be above your mate or friends but it’s impossible, read this powerful Psalm 102 into water and pray aggressively for 7 days into the water with 7 days fasting, time of prayer 12, 3 , 6 and 9.

i. If seen this creature in your home mean you have been possessed by one spirit
ii. If seen this demon in your offices mean your business had been incarnate by the evil people around you.
iii. If you see this demon in your shop mean doom in your venture and it will cause problem of dept solution, 3 days fasting, get water, read this Psalms 27, seven times in each hour of prayer 12, 3 6, and 9 for the period of 3 days fasting, drink and bath with your choice of soap and sponge, victory is sure.

i. Seen a bottle cover with seal corked and wine is inside, it’s a good dream
ii. Seen it been corked and empty is a bad omen, 3 days fasting and use this Psalms 72 and 38 for prayer to be refilling your success and spiritual ability.

Some of your friends or your neighbours are using double mind with you, so refrain from trusting them or somebody closer to you is about to betray your trust, trust God only

This is evidence of failure in your venture because it does not hold water pray effectively inside a water or small nylon bag of pure water for 3 days each bag for 3 day and fasting, use the water for sprinkling

i. Personal reformation in character
ii. Is scraped without notice, evidence of evil forces against fellow. 3 days dry fasting with Psalm. 59, 83, hour of reading 12noon, 3, 6, 9pm before prayer. Follow the prayer at the back.

i. Seeing the Holy Bible in your dream and you are reading or a passage was giving to you is a message from God.
ii. If burnt in your dream or stolen is bad omen that’s the enemy wants the word of God or your spiritual life to be unaccomplished. Pray for restoration in spirit and physical, 3 days to regain your low estate. Psalm.23, 24, 25

Sure evidence of spiritual cleansing or change of behaviour on certain relevant issues. You will definitely change for good result character

i. Seeing if in dream is a sign of unreliable friendship.
ii. Holding it tight means under any situation, their tricks will leak into your hand.
iii. If a woman, refrain from unreliable man or boys men who are in love with you for personal satisfaction only

i. Seeing them together in a different types in their creature is a sign of evil force are holding a meeting, which could be against the person who stumbles on them in his or her dream, in this situation, no need of panicking as doing so this will give them access to win, go on 3 days fasting with the following Psalm 124, 50, 83 use the name of Jesus Christ to rebuke such forces in prayer as for sword of fire to go on your behalf.
ii. Rearing bird in a cage, this is a point of your gain been given to feed the other people, use the upper Psalm and pray for restoration of your ventures.

i. Seeing yourself line up for or awaiting cash, mean you should continue in prayer unexpectedly you will be surprise by money, miracles, prosperity and soon.
ii. If the banker harassed or quarreled with you in your dream, it’s a doom omen 3 days fasting with Psalm 120 to deliver yourself from money hijacker.
iii. If the Bank is robbed in your dream, mean devourer had been attacking your prayer blessing prayer of Psalm 27, 83, 102 will conquer them in 3 days fasting.

Seeing it in dream means you have to be careful on how you use your tongue. James 3:2


Pool of blood , it’s a sign of death, portends dream as auto accident is on the way or similar situation that will happen by blood, 3 days white fasting to avert such situation with Psalm 28, 50, 86 in water drink and bathing.

Seeing yourself in dream as a Boss of people and you started controlling men calling men as their master. This is evidence of low estate in the physical world, to reach the top will be unreasonable for such fellow, 3 days white fasting with the honey to break and salt.

i. Seeing bullets being put in your gun is a sing of superiority in the spirit realm and physical realm, be careful don’t negate things against yourself.
ii. Seeing it given to you in large numbers, prepare for confrontation that you will overcome very soon.
iii. Stolen in your dream is a bad omen for this is the work of enemy. 3days fasting with Psalm 109, 90 the Lord will return your stolen ability physically and spiritually. Follow the prayer at the back.

Seeing buses lining in the garages, be careful with the word you speak to those who senior you or else you will be attack by this seniors unknowingly.

i. Is seeing yourself in the bush and you see a lining road to the town mean in your present situation or present problem there is going to be testimony.
ii. Meeting yourself in the bus in dream without direction show your present struggle will not yield any result, pray and fast 2 days for pull up of God. Call upon the Lord to make a way for you. Exodus 14:15-22.

Seeing in the dream your house is burning and shouting all over places, calamities in bulk will speedily happen unknowingly by stopping this, 3 days white fasting with night vigil, for this calamities to be powerless over you and your families. Follow the back prayer.

i. Seeing a bakery bread and bread is made out of oven in dozen sizes with fresh colour it’s an incoming prosperity in business venture.
ii. Seeing yourself buying butter big fresh bread’s a sign of incoming mercy by someone you know.
iii. If the bread is burn or eating by another person in your dream, it is a bad omen, 3 days fasting with Psalm 1, 24, 145 prayer of recovery in business ventures.

Having it in dream is a cautionary sign against the hearer on an issue he/she is interested in, be careful of peeping into unknown matters.

If seeing a single broom in your dream is a sign of worthlessness because one cannot be useful or make places clean, pray for multiple help in your endeavour use Psalm 4

i. Seen yourself in the dream been bury is a bad omen, find out your situation through the spirit of God, mean go to God’s messenger (Prophet/Pastor) for counseling
ii. Seen yourself among the people in the burial ceremony range, mean somebody will die in that period why you will be among them, be prayerful that you may not left out by money

i. If you seen butchers in the market cutting meat, means the enemy are on there distributing human flesh, pray that non of your family will be victim with this Psalm 91 for ransom and recovery, 122.
ii. If using bunch of broom to sweep means a drastic economic change will take place in your life
If you seen yourself harvesting this kind of cultivated plant means progress and success of foreigner, money will be yours if you kindly wait for God to help you.

I. If you seen empty calabash in you dream is a bad omen, it’s emptiness of life
II. If you seen calabash full of sacrifices in your dream is a bad omen meaning someone using evil mind to use you and dump you.
III. If you seen calabash with water in your dream means problematic in your ventures. Way out is 3 days fasting use this Psalm 83 pray aggressively with the Psalm to empower yourself and enemy we loose power over you in Jesus name.

I. Seeing a candle with light in your dream it’s a good dream, meaning greatness in your life had started don’t loose hope over yourself.
II. If you seen above one candle with light mean multi greatness in the venture of your success
III. If you seen seven candlestick with light it’s a symbol of God’s perfection end confirmation, that’s God is real in your life and your will be the light for many people in the future.
IV. If you seen seven candlestick without light mean incompleteness with God, pray against your sin heartedly and repent with this Psalm 35, 38 pray for full empowerment

I. If you are under a beautiful canopy when sun or rain is on, mean someone will come to assist you in the time of your need.
II. If the canopy is removed by the power of wind or scotch by the sun is a bad omen meaning someone you trust will fail you suddenly trust God accurately in your endeavour.

I. If you seen cargo in your dream and open different resources is there is a good dream, mean your expectation will become manifestation believe remove doubt to make it happen in time.
II. If you see cargo in your dream open and empty, is a bad omens means what you have labour for another people have come to carry it away, quickly go into 3 days white fasting, get yourself anointed with oil and pray with this prophetic Psalm 140, 142, hour of pray 12, 3, 6, 9 you will be restored totally

I. If seen yourself or anybody repairing your house through carpentry work mean there’s going to be a transitions in your life, because your house symbolize your body, a good change, it may be character of venture.
II. If you seen stranger in your roof or your shop as a carpenter removing without putting another back mean that’s a destroyer get yourself anointed for 3 days with fasting and curse the demonic carpenter to die with Psalm. 18, 20

I. Seeing this material beautifully on the floor may be your office, home, or shop is a sign of new breakthrough, no matter the condition and status of your business, the change of progress will come.
II. If the carpet is tire, rough and dirty, is a bad sign, get yourself involve into prayer and reject this portion by anointing your head with olive oil with 3 days fasting and prayer Psalm 20 repeatedly in aggressively.

I. If you are a business fellow and you saw in your dream cash register machine mean your work will have a lot of again not matter the situation of your business
II. If seen in your dream a stranger as your cashier in your shop or office while people are buying and paying to he or she, it is a bad omen, curse your devourer to death by using this Psalm 18, 21 with 3 days fasting to regain your looses income
I. If you always see casket in your dream in other way you see yourself in it or people are crying for your death in the dream, meaning it simply death, it may appear to you in difficult way, get a prophet that know about dream to be notice without delay.
II. If seen someone you know in the casket dead is a symbol of long life.
III. If seen the casket prepared for your burial in your dream is broken and destroyed mean it’s a symbol of victory over sudden death be thankful by using the Psalm 21, 66 always in your quiet time.

Seen a cat or many cat in your dream is a symbol of enemy, mean one of your neighbors is using power of craft against you, if they attack in your dream use 3 days fasting with Psalm 68 in your prayer point and anoint yourself with olive oil.

Seeing yourself in the cemetery ground is a bad omen, mean death with time, you may see the minister of God for emergence counseling because is a dangerous dream.

I. If receive a certificate in your dream, mean accomplishments in your venture, your life will be transform tremendously in your labour, be prayerful all the time.
II. If seen your certificate tear is a bad omen quickly get yourself anointed on that day of the dream with 5 days fasting using this Psalm 82 into water seven times drink and bath

If seen this creature in you dream is a sign of evil and bad omen, someone you know love to copy you, this how it look like enemy have come to highjack your blessing through your dream by the changing colour of chameleon, pray against satanic chameleon to die instantly or else things will not go fine, Psalm 94, 102 with 3 days fasting get a water and read this Psalm into it, hour or prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 and the chameleon man will die and afford friends.

If you seen chief justice in your dream helping you to advocate against your accuser and your offenders, mean you have to completely leave everything to God, He will fight for you or give your life to Jesus in total submission. God will be glorified in any situation you are.

i. If you see choir singing in glorious way in your dream, means God wants you to come closer to Him and to use praises for victory over your foes.
ii. If you are the one among choir, changes is coming into your life dramatically that will give your spiritual life an upliftment.

I. If seen yourself smoking a cigarette is a bad omen meaning you will go back into your old lifestyles, be careful how you behave and be careful how you talk, don’t copy anybody to sweet your feeling.
II. If you see someone you know smoking cigarette in your dream mean the same.

I. If seen yourself in the classroom of nursery, primary or secondary school and you wear their uniform is a bad omen mean backwardness in any endeavour. Prayer: rejecting arrow of backwardness and send it to sender instantly through 3 days fasting by using this prophetical Psalm. 64, 140
II. If seen yourself in the classroom with some of elders in seriousness willing and teacher he or she in your front teaching all of you, mean you will be add more into your own experience and work, if you are a minister of God see this dream, God is teaching you another lesson in your ministry, don’t be afraid is also a good dream.

If you see yourself inside a mud of clay is a sign of problematic, read Psalm.88 with 3 days fasting, et yourself anointed with oil and pray eagerly to be deliver from sudden problems of enemies.

I. If seen a cloud in your dream with the glamour is a sign of transition of progress
II. If it’s a dark cloud is a problematic, mean there is a problem trying to invade your life, use this Psalm. 35, 44 Ask God for a divine change in your ventures.

I. If seen yourself been trained by a coach in your dream, football or any other game and you are able to follow the instruction of your coach, yes it’s a messages to you during this time, listen to your parents, guardian or your teacher in the Lord
II. If your coach is warning or rebuking you seriously in the dream mean, you must stop bad things you are doing and get yourself being obedient to God and man

I. If this snake attack you mean your neigbours are using bad mind against you be careful how you expose yourself before them
II. If you kill this serpent is a victory over your situation or somebody help you kill it in your dream, someone will help you and give you way out at the top of your problem.
III. If these snakes bite you as a bad sign go and illustrate your dream to the minister of God and he or she will tell you what to do or read Psalm 91 read it 50 times into water and drink it.

i. Seen this symbol in your dream, mean blockage of blessing and resources, that’s
ii. If this cobweb covers you is a bad omen, 3days white fasting use this Psalm. 52, 57
Into water drink and bath, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9

If you see this fowl in your dream humiliating you, meaning, some of the elder person around are quarrelling with you without guilt, report him or her to God or pray against them

I. If seen this insect in your room means that sickness or disease in your body that’s affecting you negatively.
II. If seen in your shop it’s the same mean affecting your business, solution read Psalm. 14, 18 into water with 3 days fasting sprinkle the water into your shop or room (Read it 7 times in a day) and drink or bath).

I. If the cocoa in your dream is full of fruit and flourish is a good dream, the next year will be a glorious year of harvest, be happy no matter your conditions.
II. If the cocoa tree without fruit is fruitless meaning what you are doing right now will not bring increase of your expectation, prayer for fruitfulness with 3 days white fasting and get olive oil and water read this Psalm 54, 59 into this materials and claim your right aggressively by fire in the name of Jesus Christ. Drink and use for bath.

If you found in your dream a strong box of ornamental mean be patient always in your prayer and in your expectation, your future will be envy by your friends and families.

If you are given a coin in your dream is a sign of poorness, get yourself anointed with olive oil, and pray for 3 days with fasting to renounce affliction out of your life, Psalm 64, 120

I. Seeing yourself collapse suddenly in your dream is a bad omen, it may lead to downwardness or unbelievable backwardness. Get yourself anointed immediately into 3 days white fasting and pray against the situation using the Psalm 11, 12
II. If somebody known or unknown came and lift you up means no matter how your business is and the circumstances a divine help will manifest through man.

If seen cotton-wool full of boll wool is a good dream, for the period of that year and the after you must experience wealth and land resources that we give you materials.

Seen this white shell in your dream, or this is given to you in your dream means it’s an ancient of backwardness, the lower level of poverty is a bad omen, it’s not a wealthy life at all, you have to escape from the cage of the ancient convord by using this Psalm. 20, 21, 35, means a lot, get yourself anointed pray aggressively to be delivered.

If seen know that it’s the same meaning with horn of cow at letter.

It is a sign of backwardness, if you are running with your hands and legs you know it’s impossible in the physical world but mean there’s a progress you use your ability to supercede above your levels.

This is a sign of powerless in the spirit, if not prayer man at the beautiful gate there’s no miracle again that can save, mean there is no way you can go forward or enemy can use this as evidence to confront their confronter, get yourself anointed with oil for seven days with seven days white fasting use Psalm 106, 80 you will have victory over your paralyzed

There is children of seacoast living around your domain, be careful of them

I. If it is cross of bad shape mean there’s a practicing of evil religious around you
II. It is the cross of good shape mean message, all the bad habit nail them to the cross

If seen them in unnumbered mean there’s going to be generation affection that we affect the citizen negatively

If given or found is a good dream, you are going into higher level which your generation had never reached.

It is a sign of fruitfulness in any effort or attempt.

i. Seeing somebody carrying you with car be assured you will find grace in the side of somebody that’s closer to you or any body.
ii. If seeing your car stolen or hijacked by armed robber in the dream is a bad omen of lost glory of help in your venture 7 days with prophetic Psalm 124, 125. If you don’t do it, help will be far from you.

i. If it is full of water, hope of prosperity is real
ii. If broken, it is also total shattered of hope, prayer and fasting is necessary with the following Psalms if on serious note Psalm 7, 124, and 126.
iii. If empty, mean hopeless situation, use the above Psalm and the prayer point at the back

If seeing in dream means fruitless effort, particularly if seen on desert which symbolizes barrenness. Pray with 2 days white fasting and Psalm to read 16, 54, 124.

If seeing in your dream ceremony as occasion and people are eating and drinking with high table guest, very soon joyful promotion will occur on your way because of your situation that is bad, you will be celebrated at last.

Seeing furniture only in glamour decoration means honour into higher level of dignity and economically. If sitting on it, it is the same.

i. Seeing chains like the one used for criminal, means character, be perceived to change your behaviour because is necessary.
ii. Seeing yourself band with chains means your involvements or bad behaviour could lead to arrest if not repented of.
iii. If seeing yourself band by soldier with guns in their hand, mean the demons had captured you already. This dream can come by sickness and sin, prayer of 3 days to loose yourself with this Psalm 125, 7, follow the back prayer point.

i. Seeing or capture in the dream, means positive active in your request and business.
ii. Seen dead crab is bad omen mean a calamity event is on the way pray with Psalm 141, 70 and three days fasting nullify this in Jesus name.

i. Seeing this with amount written on the cheque means money is on the way that will not be long.
ii. Seeing being torn in your dream or without amount written, is a sign of kobo less in your effort, 3 days white fasting with the following Psalms 102, 50, 124. Or restoration.

It is a bad omen, although no one could say it is bad in physical realm but in dream. It is problematic. Three day fasting to avert the problems but if dream does not change before the completion of the 3rd day make it 7 days. Get clean water and plastic key so that one could used such water after the payer of psalms 124, 50, 83 drink, bathe and sprinkle your surrounding and be very skeptical in you dealing with people.

i. Hearing it in dream is a sign of good news from some where.
ii. If it occurs again, move closer to God in prayer church attendance and learning from scripture reading for confidence.
iii. Invited people around you to come to God, you we gain in any labour you are involved.

Seeing such in dream is an indication that you need to change your stand and be faithful to God through Jesus Christ. It means on other source of reliable solution your problem except through God only and it even mean a call to service.

i. Seeing this is bad omen, this stand for your Angry character, change the way you angry when come to an issues, change before it is too late, Psalm 109.
ii. Or you may be warning to be careful of how you come into matter that will lead to fighting always be careful, peace! Pro.19 v 20.

i. If successfully climbed in dream means an important objective will be realistically achieved.
ii. If broken at mid-point means a unexpected failure is in the monition. Prayer with thus Psalms. 9, 124, 127. Check the prayer at the back.

i. If climbed successfully is a good dream.
ii. If the twisted-rope used in climbing cuts and one falls, is a bad omen like the ladder above. Fasting and prayer for days with this following Psalms. 16, 124, 109.

i. If not yet broken, has double interpretation
ii. If the seed is ripped and usually white, your expectation will have the desired result
iii. If it is spoilt or black in colour, it is sign that expectation will be negative 2 days fast and pray with Psalms 124, 89, 88.

i. Seeing self cooking food in the dream, your effort on venture will be fulfilled in that period.
ii. In what you are cooking fall and split into the fire, this is bad omen, 3 days fasting and prayer that you should not waste your time on what will not be successfully used.

Seeing self been coronate with traditional decoration, means the evil darkness forces had chosen the fellow as their leader, if want deliverance, 3 days white fasting and prayer of deliverance, don’t go outside when doing this. Stay some where to deliver yourself.

i. It is a sign of incoming promotion or leadership elevation.
ii. It is burnt, a sign of relegation.
iii. If suddenly remove from the head, it is also sign of relegation requires 7 days fasting and prayers with psalm 124, 50, 83, to recover. Follow the prayer it at the back.

i. If crossed successfully result is positive on expectation
ii. If broken before crossing news from expectation is likely to be negative. Before it manifest fast and pray for 3 days, for total guidance.

i. Seeing cup in a dream with water or soft drink mean in your shop or office, your money or salary will be benefit to use.
ii. If seeing without anything in your business there’s going to be famine 3 days fasting with Psalm 1, 23, 24, 102. Use the prayer.

i. Seeing self crying bitterly in dream, mean joyous incident will occur very soon.
ii. If somebody died and you started crying bitterly in that dream the person in whom you dreamt about will surely have long live.

i. A sign of incoming prosperity and pleasure.
ii. If is suddenly removed, it is relegation either economic or positional 3 days fasting with Psalm 124, 83, 127.

i. It is a symbol of spiritual power. When held, no hindrance in the bush can hold you back.
ii. If stolen, it is a sign of overpowering by enemy pray and fast 3 days with following Psalms. 11, 124, 50. Be careful how you use your mind and mouth.

i. Seeing this by waiting young man to marry is successful dream, you will marry that year
ii. If seeing as a young woman waiting for marriage is a bad omen, 3 days fasting and prayer with this following Psalm 121, 124, 125. Mean failure in marriage.

i. Seeing being carried or ride means someone you know or unknown will help you into a business journey successfully very soon.
ii. If accident happen on the cycle is a bad omen pray and fast 3 days against spirit of relegation.

i. Seeing light in your hand in the darkness, mean God is with you in any state you are.
ii. Without light inside darkness is a bad dream 7 days fasting and prayer. Enemy will not overcome you suddenly. Use the prayer at the back.

I. Seeing somebody you knew that is sick now died in your dream, the person will arise from the sickness very soon.
II. If somebody you knew is sick and you now dream the person died and put in the coffin is a bad omen the person will die by the sickness.

I. Seeing this animal in dream mean some of your friends are unreliable. They have double dealing character, you have to be careful.
II. Seeing dog baking on you in the dream mean sin is arrange on your way be careful of whom you play with.
III. If bitten in the dream this is a bad omen, if the fellow do not pray very well it will lead to spiritual captive or sin without limit prayer of Psalm. 141, 70 and three days fasting for instant resurrection.
IV. If playing with you or leaking your hand means some of your former sin trying to come back, be careful how you play with people around you.

Seeing it in dream is a sign of peace and satisfaction, it is an emblem of Holy Spirit and His manifestation in your life. Be faithful to the Lord read always John.14.

i. If drawing from the well, slightly well means there is fruit in present endeavor.
ii. If there is water but very deep, you will labour before achieving your aim.
iii. Drawing water up successfully means present effort will yield fruit.
iv. If you carry bucket of water to fill a large drum, means your effort on your venture will yield fruit don’t give up.
v. If the bucket is full of water and fall back midway means your present effort though bright it may seem will not yield fruit.
vi. If seeing dry well no result in present venture, prayer and fasting for 3 days with Psalms. 52, 71, 72 use the prayer at the back.

If your dream fails to fulfill or could not be remembered, you pray with this Psalm. 124, 123, 125, 126. In water drinking and bathing to cast out spirit of dreadfulness. Your mind had occupy by spirit of dreadfulness, use the prayer at the back.

i. Drinking it in dream is a sign of incoming comfort and prosperity.
ii. Serving people with it is lack of contentment, even through there is positive and guaranteed income you will not be contended financially, due to several demands. Read Psalms 83. Learn how to be contented.

i. In present reality, it refers to the condition of your business. The condition of the vehicle will clearly show the present posture of your business, for instance a care that is being pushed shows that the business is having serious problem.
ii. It could sometime be a long term plan for this fellow deferred for safer period because of surrounding spiritual or physical enemies. See II Sam. 16:1-15

Drowning in dream without being rescued is a sign of bad omen in surrounding situations. If rescued there is hope of surviving from problems associated with using Psalms. 91, 121, 125. Use the prayer at the back

dry bones in the dreams is a sign of fruitless effort in business environment. A change of plan will definitely solve the situation with the following Psalms 46, 121, 125 plus three days fasting

If you are unable to hear very well in your dream it is a bad omen. It is a sign of controversy between your close relations, solution be careful how you transport a word and the meaning

If you find yourself under the death blow is a sign of death as it goes, get yourself anointed with oil to reject this portion totally by fasting for 2 days, use this Psalm 91, 125

If seen desk in your dream with offices equipment mean a transition in your ventures positively.

If you are despise in your dream by someone you know, meaning fighting is approaching be careful how you allow satan

It is a sign of blessing of heaven

If you are given this unusual precious stone in your dream mean you will meet unusual person in your life that will turn around your situation and business into reality at that time. Be expectant.

If seen or reading is a sign of correction and improvement at the particular things you are involved.

It is a sign of mass burial, someone we be buried, you know or acknowledge

If in your dream things and days are dimming is a sign of enemy presence at that particular moment, if this occur in your dream pray against unfulfilment spirit in all your promises, use Psalm. 120, 18, 46

If seen yourself in dream as director of a company is a sign of doom what you suppose to be physically yet your position is not up to this level it is enemy trap. Pray and get yourself anointed fast 3 days white and use this Psalm 17, 35

If you see and hear people singing this song in your dream mean very soon someone closer to you will die, it is a bad omen anoint yourself and reject it.

If you are in the position of sickness, you now dream and see a doctor you will recover very soon. If the doctor attends to you in your dream, the symptom will go without drugs.

It is a sign of problematic in your venture, meaning this is also sign of witchcraft is one of their instrument in there convord, get yourself anointed with oil immediately as you wake up and use this Psalm 46, 50 as your prayer point and the Lord will see you through

I. It is a sign of increase, but you must pray and fast very well for this to come to pass, without your prayer, fasting and faith it will not manifest. 3 days white fasting use this Psalm 74, 120 hour of prayer 9, 12, 3, 6
II. In other words it mean superiority in the spirit if you’re given through envelop.

It is a sign of slothfulness in your venture though things will work out at last.

It is a sign of new chapter in your circular endeavour.

Dreaming and seeing a dove in your room or around you is an emblem of Holy Spirit, God want you to humble yourself and He wants to leave with you peacefully.

It is a sign of superior enemy the old snake of the world, if seen confronting or attacking or pursue you in your dream, mean the kingdom of satan will war against you very soon, pray for divine assistance from Heaven by 3 days white or dry fasting with Psalm 91 only for this.

If you dream in your dream mean you have to know the deeper things at T junction you are.

If seeing in your dream walking towards you or reluctantly with you it is a sign of doom correct yourself before God and man, Psalm 38, 39, 43. It is also your present situation pray against, reduction, limitation and backwardness seriously in your life.
It is a sign of bad omen in your dream, because of bouncing back and repeated the same reflection word or songs. Deeply searching your sin and ask for forgiveness.

i. If seen an elephant in your dream, the meaning is both in negative or positive. If seen this creature attacking you in your dream it’s a bad omen, meaning the power of darkness powerful than you are waging war against you, continue to stand in the power of Holy God of Heaven.
ii. If seen this creature carrying you at the neck is a sign of been higher in the level of divine help no matter your journey may be at that particular time.

If you see someone embalmed in your dream, it is a bad omen, pray against it, death is knocking at the door of the person very close to you.

If seen someone you know or yourself been enthrone mean you’ve been assigned to be leader and head of particular assignment that will last for long period and this will bring gain and fortune, wait in prayer always to run away from sin.

Seeing yourself receiving an envelope means you will receive a reward of your task for this appreciation reward.

If you see this minister of God in your dream may be on stage preaching, on your television or talking to you, whatever he or she tells you do and you will prosper in your life.

If seen this female sheep in your dream mean God had made you a shepherd over some people at the particular place, continue your mission over people secure.

If seeing in such devastating destruction, means a mishap, accident or warning, restorative prayer need to be intensified, fast and pray for 3 days with these Psalms 124, 50, 46, 90, white fasting is recommended if serious on note, if this dream continued plus your fasting to 7 days you will win that time.

Seeing earthworm every were in your dream is a sign of problematic and incoming doom, 3 days with Psalms 59, 145 in water for bathing only be careful how you trust people.

i. Seem this bird soar higher, the coming news and unexpected promotion in endeavours is expectant.
ii. If seeing this bird fighting you in your dream is sign that the enemy is using your helper to fight you prayer of 3 days for the enemy to scatter because of you if you like with fasting.

i. Giving any type of food to eat or swallow in dream is a poison
ii. If spiritually strong and it is rejected, it is a good omen.
iii. Eating meat or fish cooked, given by friend or any one you know, the person is your enemy, be careful with him or her. The plan of the enemy will not materialize after all. Use the following Psalm 123, 59, 140 with three days fasting in clean water for drinking and bathing and sprinkling in your rooms.

i. Seeing this in your dream may be you have offended this parent when they are alive, confess your sin always to man of God.
ii. Eating with dead parents or any dead person is a symbol of sudden death or terrible sickness. 7 days prayer and fasting with Psalm 91, 25, 59, 90

Seeing your self in the midst of elders doing meeting always. You are among evil forces unconsciously the solution will be proved by 3 days fasting and prayer of night vigil.

If it happens in or dream, means in one way or the other God will use your enemy for you. That is why we should not be on the look out for revenges but allow God always for necessary justice.

This is a symbol of incoming poverty and sorrows. Think on how you spent money, to avert these Psalm. 1, 23, and 48.

i. Seeing white egg in dream means mercy and grace, people will show to the person.
ii. If the egg is black colour this is bad omen meaning you may struggle to make it and lead to void in life and future this is bad omen 3 days prayer and fasting with Psalm. 13, 12, 24 for recovering of fortune.

i. Seeing if flowing away gently shows that the baffling problem will find its way out after all.
ii. If in the erosion means an economic problem or a related issue is likely to burst out pray and fast added to win your superior enemy with Psalm 124, 50, 141 use the prayer at the back.

i. Seeing self participating in examination means among your mate you will not lag behind them.
ii. Seeing self failed exam and feel sorrowful what your passing through will bring out joy for you read this Psalm9, 125, 150
iii. If one cannot participate in the examination is a bad omen, mean backwardness, cast the spirit of backwardness out with three days fasting and repent of your ancestor’s sin to God.

If your right eye is having problem in dream means someone closer very close to you may be loved one, husband, wife or children may be in sickness, it can cause you to spend unexpected money. Direct your prayer line to such people fast and pray for 3 days with Psalm. 124 and 105.
i. Excreting faeces in dream in the toilet, mean the enemy will not be allowed to cage you, during this particular time, because what they have poison had been excreted out.
ii. Seeing scrap on the wall is minor failure on your business pursued, seven days fasting with Psalm 1, 124, 29, 50, 23, 120.FARM FROG
Seeing in dream is a bad omen, is a sign of terrible disease or sickness, 3 days prayer and fasting with, psalm, 24, 59, 125

Meeting yourself on a spot in the forest mean pursuit without direction and result in your pilgrim. For restoration pray and fast 3 days

I. If many like those reared and are in good shape, means personal business is in good economic condition, but if they are dying or uncared for symbolized poor state of self-employment
II. If carrying food around and feeding them with different color of fowls mean you will spend money that will not bring income or gain to you, 3 days prayers and fasting for restoration. Psalm 46, 123

If funeral song is heard in dream is proverbial aid realistic 7 days prayer and fasting should offered to avert such occurrence if the dreams occur again visited man of God for counseling use Psalm. 60, 46 and 109.

i. Seeing self working as farmer mean your effort on your venture will abundantly gives fruitful result, when you are in hardship situation be patient.
ii. Seeing a dry farm is a point of unfruitfulness in what you are doing at that present 3 days fast and pray with this Psalm. 124, 60, 143.

i. Seeing it in dreams in retrogressive or backwardness in your pursuits unless serious restorative white prayer and fasting for 3 days are offered. Use Psalm 1, 24, 141, 89.
ii. If one relaxes in it, show it manifestation

i. Is a sure sign of incoming sickness
ii. If you seeing someone you know in the position is symbol of changes level with the fellow.

If this appears in dream, means spiritual enemies are at work against an eminent personality in the society. If the tree is felled successfully, prevent prayer need to be offered against their plan 7 days white fasting with Psalm. 124, 50 and 83.

If you dreamt, witches, wizards or other evil forces may use their faces as camouflage to destabilize the family, pray with Psalm 46, 91, 125 every day

If fell down in dream, refers to status and standing that such fellow may suffer relegation in business or in society this is the work of the enemy, prayer of stability need to be offered with the following Psalm. 46, 59, 83 and 3 days fasting. O lord restore me!

i. If seeing yourself or somebody cutting your nail means changing and up level in your endeavor business.
ii. If the cutting involves blood mean be careful of how you fear and risk not in what will not bring gain in your business.

i. If a standing dry tree is seen, means present pursue endeavour infertile is bad omen
ii. Gathering firewood is a sign of doom and poverty.
iii. Seeing it in dream also means the same 7 days fasting with this Psalm 124, 25, 140

i. Seeing yourself fighting with wild animals male or female, this dream pointing you into awareness and to be careful in everything you are about to say whenever there’s a quarrel, this animals are human being and they are agent of evil forces in this world, this shows thee power, be prayerful, the Lord will give victory over them, if you’re careful to let the Lord fight for you. Psalm 109, 35.
ii. Seeing yourself fighting your friends in the dream, the enemy is using this as a sign of divisions against you and your friends be careful also create a genuine love to win your enemy. Psalm 109.

i. Seeing or caught alive, in dream is a sign of good omen in business venture.
ii. Dead fish symbolize doom in business venture
iii. Dried fish if buying, you will overcome some closer enemy that’s close friend or relative.
iv. Eating fresh cooked fish or smoked fish is a sign of sickness. 3 days fasting and prayer for spiritual strength and to excrete the poison far above and over your life in drinking water.

i. Catching fish with it is a sure sign of success in set goal.
ii. Catching fish with hook is also good, depend on what you have caught
iii. Few catches of symbolize minor success in endeavor
iv. Without fish in fish hook or nets is a sign of failure in expectations. For success use Psalm. 124, 141, 48. Use the prayer at the back always.

Seeing it in dream is an evident of failure and worthlessness. 3 days white fasting with Psalm 48, 24, and 124. Use the prayer point at the back for guidance.

i. Seeing yourself flying boldly in dream is a sign of spiritual power and superiority over your enemies.
ii. Inability to lift up yourself symbolize lower in spiritual power 3 days fasting with Psalm 123, 46, 123 use the prayer point for divine change.

i. Seeing self playing dribble and score goals on the field filled with multitude, is a good omen. Continuing prayer you have reach the peak of success.
ii. Seeing yourself hold the ball in your hand is a sign of favour in business achievements. Peace!
Seeing yourself playing with unable to score, means enemies are too powerful on you, pray with fast 3 days white use this Psalms 124, 62, for the lifting up

I. If you and your father are fighting in the dream is bad dream, mean the curses of your fathers house they are at work to stop your progress, pray and fast 3 days white with the Psalm 68, 89, 120
II. If you see your father and he’s seriously annoyed and complaining in your dream mean you have done something wrong to this your old man or God in the same with the appearing of your father, find out your sin and it shall be well.
III. If you see your father happy and smiling with you in your dream, mean you will find he’s favour or God in the same mode to you is a good dream and favor. Be happy.

If seeing something in your dream that causes fear is a bad omen in your endeavour pray against incident that will cause the same physically, Read Psalm 124 seven times into water drink and bath.

If seen fig tree with fruits on the tree in your dream, it is a good and prosperity dream that will affect global life

If you are watching film traditionally or foreign film in your dream theater or on the screen by television, mean what you see on the show is a properly what to happen within seven day or a month, be careful how you allow to use your though.

I. If seen yourself come out of flooding means the problems you are facing now will soon be over relax.
II. If seen yourself standing or swimming in the midst of flooding is a problematic in your next journey of progress to remove the problems, seven days white fasting with Psalm. 102, 55, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 complete your seven days signs and wonder will follow you dramatically.

I. If you are planting flowers in you dream, mean you will work with money, its is a sign of fruitlessness
II. If you are given a beautiful flower in your dream, mean you will receive embrace that will not profitable or fruitful.

If seen yourself at the fountain of water and you drink from it in your dream, mean the events that will change your local or nation into positive goodness you be at the part of the gain.

If seen this dangerous animal in your dream, mean enemy at their work or to devour your goodness, to prevent yourself use Psalm 91, 121, 125 read this seven times into water sprinkle it into your home and shops.

If you see many fruits in one place in your dream, mean your labour at this time will not be valid, be prayerful and fast for this to manifest fastly.
I. Seeing a loaded vehicle in the garage portends assurance in endeavor
II. Vehicles without passengers in dream are a sign of disappointment, pray and fast 3 days with psalm. 24, 124,125.
III. Seeing large bus parked side-by-side means be careful with your saying among your colleague. For the disappointment not to occur 3 days prayer and fasting to rebuke spirit of disappointment shapely with this psalm 104, 125, 129.

If seeing a garden full of robust garden eggs are sign of success in a pursued endeavor.

Seeing wearing or given in dream is a sign of affliction to off this, pray with fasting 3days, to remove garment affliction of enemies over you with psalm 124, 109.

i. Seeing goats in dream is a sign of close enemies
ii. It also represents stubbornness in spiritual realm, be careful of your character towers people and God.

Seeing yourself with this mean success will be complete in your life very soon, pray for fast manifestation. Psalm. 104, 109

It is a sign of funeral if one visit the yard constantly pray and fast for 3 days with this psalm 124, 143,125 if occur constantly visit trusted man of God for prayer and deliverance.

i. Seeing or holding a gun in dream symbolized high spiritual power or superfluity level with Ability
ii. If stolen or something negative happen to the follow this is also sign of poor spiritual power, loan and fast for 3 days for restoration. Read this psalm. 91, 59, 83.
iii. Hearing the sound of gun in dream, symbolize news that is likely to upset the mind, relaxes you will be happy at the end of all time.

I. If seen yourself playing any games with person you know in your dream this is also a sign for you to know about the fellow be careful how you reveal your matter to people.
II. If you win at any game you may be playing in your dream is a sign of successful in your labour.
III. If you lose in any game you may be playing in your dream is a bad sign, if you do not want bad thing to happen get yourself anointed with three days white fast in aggressive prayer and use this Psalm 35, 20 pray for changing of status.

If you are standing or se

i. If you see gate open for you in your dream mean there is a way out for your expectation
ii. If the gate is lock behind you in your dream is a bad omen use psalm 24 read it seven times in a day to unlock the gateway of success in your venture fast three day break 7pm or 8pm.

If seen giant man or woman in your dream attacking you, it’s a sign of superior enemy. Pray with fast four days for more power in your life to be effective in the fire of God.

I. If you are given gold in your dream, is a sign of unstoppable goodness that’s unique, don’t play with prayer be serious in focus.
II. If someone comes and ask for your gold and you gave him or her in your dream is a very bad omen, meaning no matter how you pray against your enemy without receiving it back your effort will be valid always to get your gold back get yourself anointed with 6 days white fast use this Psalm 23, 24, 25, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 daily.

I. If seen Governor Come to you in your dream, meaning a change is coming expect this and be prayerful towards God’s promises.
II. If seen yourself won the governorship in your dream, mean your future is certainly fortunate, come closer to God in prayer and indeed.

If seen this insect in your dream is a sign of devourer in ventures, pray and fast against it three days fasting Psalm 60, 28

If seen yourself at the grave in your dream, mean enemy has been planning death around you, pray and fast for three days to overcome any plan of death around you with Psalm 70, 72

I. If someone greets you in your dream with respect is sign of transition how you are going to be embrace by people
II. If you are greeting with handshake in your dream a new friend will appear very soon.
III. If you are greeted wrongly in your dream becareful fighting is knocking on the door and take it easy in any situation.

If you see grinder machine in your dream working, mean the problem in the same situation will be vanish unknowingly.

I. If seen in plenty and bags its sign of prosperity
II. If seen in a cup its sign of problematic, three days fasting Psalm 71

If seen this fowl in your dream is a sign of how you behave among your friends and God.

I. If you see your gum teeth clean and clear is a symbol of clarity and security over your family
II. But if your gum teeth are wounded and bleeding it’s a problematic in your family. Pray against family problem that wanted to rise suddenly against your family with three days fasting and Psalm 28, 50, 55.

I. It is a sign of fruitfulness; the groundnut farm is incoming prosperity.
II. The dry one in the bottle is a sign of token miracle in your life.
III. If the dry one is burnt is a bad omens, pray against the power of useless spirit with Psalm 60, 70 three days fasting.

I. It is a sign of transition if you are playing it in your dream, be careful to serve God
II. If you see this instrument of music broken in your dream is a sign of doom, enemy are on the way to turn joy to sadness pray in three days fasting use Psalm 21, 28

I. If you have a new cut in your dream and you look good is a sign of changing characters
II. If look ugly is a sign of bad character
III. If it is cut roughly and scatter in your dream is a sing of enemy hijacking your right and they have given it to someone, get your self anointed with oil use Psalm 35 read it seven times a day with three day fasting you will recover with faith.

If see handcuffed in your dream means enemy had captured you already, it may be in bad characters or attitudes towards unconvinced of other, is a bad omen. Seven days white fasting, Psalm 30 68, 98, pray aggressively to be deliver, call for God’s help to help you.

I. If you are harvesting any crops or plants is a sign of gain in your daily task, be careful of how you speak about your dream to people you trust, it is a good dream.
II. If someone you don’t know is harvesting on your farm in your dream, mean enemy are on the way to over throne you over your right, get yourself anointed, three days white fast break it 7pm or 8pm use this Psalm 80, 102, 135, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 the victory will breakthrough in your venture

If seen in your dream been wounded is a sign inconvenience in your venture, two days fasting use this Psalm 60, 97 that the Lord should lift you up in your endevours that cause this wound

If you see in your head is a sign of weakness, it’s enemy will, to abolish the enemy’s wishes, get yourself anointed with oil pray heatedly with Psalm 70, 25, 102, 121 in three days fasting

I. If you are admitted in the hospital in your dream, if you are sick, you will soon get healed and better.
II. If you are not sick but dreamed you are being admitted to hospital is bad omen means your former sickness is about to come back, get yourself anointed with use Psalm 82, 83 read it seven times daily into water drink and bath with three days fasting

If seen yourself at the hotel enjoying in your dream, means the business you are called to do will not give profit that will satisfy you.

If seen yourself singing hymn with hearted praise, mean God is calling you for praise Him as preacher and singer.

Seeing yourself been carry inconvenient heavy load in the dream mean your present situation will be inconvenient if not praying about it, two day fast with psalm 9 and 92 as prayer point.
Good news is on the way if one heard it in dream.
Seeing yourself shaking hand with hands means an old friend will appear or you will meet new faces of peaceful friends you have never know before that will help.

It’s a sign of inconvenience. No matter how rich dependants will hinder the prosperity. Cautionary be faithful, to use your money for people need before enemies over come you, and pray for forgiveness.

i. Seeing a hill covering entire road is a sign of unexpected blocked, it could be financial or spiritual, 3days fast and prayer against hindrances.
ii. If the hill is removed or climbed successful, is a sign of achievement or success in pursued endeavour.

i. Seeing yourself on the horse running or walking means a journeys with confidence fruitfulness.
ii. If falling on the horse is a bad omen prayer in three days for straight and able ness.

Seeing honey comb or its liquid symbolizes prosperity in business endeavour.

i. Seeing it in dream shows the mind of people intending to confront you on some issues.
ii. Pursuing you, mean enemies could confront you any time from that night. Seeing the horn of cow means you confront them back with is prayer of 3days with fasting.

I. It is a sign of peace in your labour if used
II. If ice block is fallen like rain on you and every where in your dream is a sign of incoming peace and prosperity, be prayerful to see it happen.
If the ice block turning in red colour that is a sign of doom and calamity pilgrim, four days white fasting with, Psalm 18, 24, 35, 91,

RON (cloth iron)
i. Seeing yourself using it to press your cloth means within the period you will look good in your cooperate society.
ii. Seen shork or burnt your hand or skin is a bad amen be careful how you handle thing that come to your life.
A sad event is in the offing fast and pray against sudden calamities 3days in order to event such event. Psalm. 56, 80

i. It could be direct dream to self, hence it should be interpreted to suit situation that surround the person.
ii. If to overseas country serious prayer must follow it up before its manifestation because satan had seen the plan ahead and witness it, he wish to double cross it, prayer and fasting 7days while follow this psalms 104, 59, 43, into clear water bathing and sprinkle around you also.

i. Seeing a judges in your dream, judge or execution in judgment against you, be careful of people you are fighting, quit and want for God to if fight on your behave.
ii. If seeing the judge smile to you in your dream don’t be afraid heaven will fight for you.

i. If seen yourself drinking juice any colour it may be meant at junction of receiving your miracle it going to be easy for you to receive it.
ii. If it fell from your hand and split on the ground mean your convenient right it going to be elude, pray against hijacking spirit with three days fasting Psalm 35, 94

i. If seen yourself in the middle of jungle and suddenly away or someone leads you out, no matter your condition, you will come out of it very soon.
ii. If seen yourself in the middle of the jungle without way out, means the enemy has hand over your soul to the spirit of problematic over your life to be inconvenience, pray for deliverance with three days fasting and use Psalm 35, 94

Failure to pronounce this Name in your dream,when an evil force controls you shows lower situation and spiritual power your are. For more power behind the Name of Jesus Christ, 3days fasting and prayer. Luke 21-15
i. Seeing the tree in the dream-incoming prosperity of money that will come for that cannot be thief in life.
ii. Giving a kola in the dream, mean it’s symbolizes incoming portion of money that will come for that particular time.
iii. Seeing been eaten kola in dream raw or dry is a description of poison, pray inside water with psalm 89, 124, 50 to drink.

i. If seeing in dream mean direction to successful in life.
ii. If seeing the key brake it is bad luck, 3 days prayer and fasting with Psalm 24, 59,109.

If seeing knife in dream mean don’t use your mouth against yourself in matter you are not concern, be careful.

If it happens in your dream means calamity or unexpected mishap will happening, with this unstoppable pray and fast 3 day with psalm 46,124,129.

I. It is a sign of power and authority in one level, if put into lamp is a sign of power increase during the time.
II. If dry, put on the ground or into water is a sign of fruitlessness in labour, three days fasting using Psalm 85, 86 pray for recovery in sevenfold.

If seen kettle boiling hot water on the fire mean during this time you most be careful handle matter around you carefully.

I. If seen yourself with kings dialogue together in your dream mean a transition is coming into your difficult situation, if you can wait your past situation will be a story.
II. If the king is angry with you in your dream, mean you have offended one of powerful man or woman, remedy is to reconcile and resume the issue.
III. If seen you crown in a murder way is a fortune of the future be prayerful to be there.

It is a place of transformation, if the meal is prepared and ready you will see a change in your ventures your expectation will manifest

If seen them in your dream is a sign of enemy children, mean some children around your environ are growing for evil, be prayerful to disable their power, Psalm 68, 83

If broken and wounded seriously in your dram means your future will be brutal, sickness and wound, pray heartedly to assign your future for recreation and future healing, in other word is your future position that can cause downwardness in your venture get yourself anointed into seven day fasting and use Psalm 77, 60, 59
It is a sign of humility and peace during this time.

No matter your problem and situation, if this lamp is with light, you will surely come out into city of God on earth.

i. Seeing ladder in dream symbolizes progressive plan is in the making.
ii. Climbing it means same but closer to manifestation.
iii. If it is successfully climbed means the progress will definitely come to light.

i. Progress can never surface in present struggle.
ii. If other source of water flows in there is hope in this employment. Utilize the income effectively.
iii. If the water suddenly changes colour, enemies are at work, 3days prayer with the following psalm 50, 70, 125.

i. High illumination means progress in all rounds.
ii. If it is dull requires prayer for success and recovery.
iii. If suddenly extinguished requires prayer for sudden recovery. 4 days fasting and prayer with psalm 124,50,124 to pray

Sadness related to the issue been laugh with in the dream is on the way, prayer for successful recovery with 3 days prayer and fasting.

Seeing this creature in your dream is a symbol of close enemy, be careful of how you are close to people around you during the time you dream about lizard be wise or else fight will occur.

i. Seeing your roof leaking and water is coming in, means very soon you will park out of that house.
ii. Otherwise the leaking roof may mean under minded by spiritual forces. Intensify prayer for successful recovery with 3 days fasting and prayer.
i. This dream shows human effort in all endeavors or someone shouldering heavy load in the family responsibility.
ii. If it lifted up successfully, shows success behind it.
iii. If inability to lift it means total failure. Pray and fast for 3 days with psalm.124,61,104

If seeing in dream, means heart-felt and unexpected news is on the way. Before its manifestation pray and fast 3 days with the following psalm. 71, 59,105

If seeing in their thousand, in dream,

I. If carry your cloth to the laundry man in your dream mean cleanness and transition in your venture and your circumstance will take a new look.
II. If the laundry man watch your cloth roughly in your dream this is also a problematic in your expectation towards your business. Two days fasting use Psalm 16, 18
III. If the laundry man says your cloth is not with him or stolen is a bad omen mean the plan of enemy is about to be fulfilled get yourself anointed into three days fasting use Psalm 35, Job 18 for divine recovery in your fortune.

I. If you see wings and garment of lawyer on yourself in your dream mean you will be use in certain level to help some people and to rescue them out of danger.
II. If seen lawyer advocating for you in the court in your dream no matter your situation God will intervene to help you by man or woman.
III. If seen lawyer pointing against you in the court mean guilty accusation, enter into court of God by seven days fast and renounce your accuser with Psalm. 35, 54, 63, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 the victory is sure.

I. Seen the tree of lemon in your dream and full of lemons mean your journey has yield increase that we not hurt you.
II. If seen single lemon is a bad omen, mean your effort will be paid with token result, pray against spirit of elusive in ventures in three days fasting Psalm74, 102 pray to God for help physical assistant.

If you know and see this animal in your dream chasing or angry against you in your dream, mean the higher power in cultic person had been offended be your transgression, be careful how you use your mouth to speak against anybody to be more empower than them. Use Psalm 89 seven times repeatedly for a week

If seen this scrap in your skin in your dream mean is a sign of hatred and quarrel, for this not to happen three days white fasting for the spirit of leprosy to leave you immediately effect with Psalm, 38, 129 drinking and bathing for good three days.

If seen yourself receiving a lesson is a sign of improvement in your knowledge and understanding.

I. If you received a white envelop with white letter mean good news
II. If your letter is brown letters is a bad news, pray against sudden bad news that will cause you to surfer by using three day fasting, Psalm 59, 64

I. If in your dream you are given new license, in circular job or business mean elevation in your venture be happy and prayerful.
II. If your driving license is ceased by police in your dream mean your work will be taken away form you very soon, if you don’t want this seven days fasting and take your right back with authority of Jesus Christ the saviour in every hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9


If you see caged lion in your dream mean the enemy had been band.
II. If seen this dangerous animal in your dream chasing you is a bad omen the higher secret occultism man is leaving around you, they have move power that you, pray to have dominion over them by three days white fast for Holy Ghost to empower you for sings and wonders, you will overcome them.
III. If seen a lion with crown on the higher mountain and far away from you, that is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

I. It is a sign of female human agent of satan living around your environment, they have power spiritually and physically, don’t despise prayer always and they are dangerous to wound in physical and spiritual,
II. If they are fighting you in the dream enter into fasting of seven days to regain more power and to have dominion over them on their realm by using Psalm 18, 69, 57

If your lips is wounded sore in your dream mean your husband or wife life is in danger be careful how you use your mind against your spouses. Pray for restoration in your family with three days fasting and Psalm 68, 102, 74

I. If you lust after man or woman to have sex with them means enemy cage, though enemy had seen something good in you to drill out by using this, get yourself anointed with oil for three days use Psalm 35 only, the spirit of lust may have been injected into your spirit by this dream, look out for deliverance
II. Be careful how you meditate on sex as practical in your heart ask for forgiveness read Psalm 51, 62

If you find yourself in this joyful mood in your dream is a bad omen this is what you suppose to do physically, get yourself anointed with olive oil and read Psalm 62, 69 for God to help you and to lift you up surprisingly in your business.
Seen a magician doing magic in your dream mean be careful how you wanted to turn kobo money into million of naira.

Seeing yourself in the magistrate court in your dream mean you will soon involve in small problems that we belted you by money, problematic dream pray for five days fasting and psalm 17, 82, and 106.

If seen yourself drinking cold Maltonic in your dream meaning the bad situation will soon go, even very soon be forgotten, be prayerful to be fulfilled.

I. If seen world map in your dream mean God want you to know you are his frontiers, you we travel into very far countries, keep yourself from sin, if sin involve it will not be possible.
II. if you seen the map of your nation, God is speak to you that new thing will happen or occur that we shake the nation, news good or bad, be prayerful that we not affect you physically.

I. If seen yourself at the middle of a market buying or selling, mean your fortune is used by source of your familiar gods in your fathers’ household.
II. If you find yourself in the midst of unknown market is a sign of confusion in your endeavors and in your involvements, pray with three days fast and call upon God of psalm by using psalm 1, 18, 30.

I. If seeing yourself been mastery over works as controller mean what you suppose to be doing physically is been transfer spiritually.
II. If someone is mastery over you sent you many work is a bad omen the enemy had not forgives you heartedly, go to man of God to report he or she the Lord will fight for you spiritually and physically.

This is a sign of worthlessness among your mate, get Olive oil and amount yourself for divine elevation and promotion by using Psalm 60 and 64 with three days fasting.

If given in pieces or bundles is a sign of incoming caution, be careful yourself in any matter that involves you

I. If you are looking at yourself inside the mirror in your dream and seen another person, mean that’s how you’re, it is the work of enemy that elude your physical blessing.
II. If you seen yourself inside mirror in your dream looking good and charming mean there going to be a change how people disrespect or dislike you, people will change to help, or in other word your old age in circular.

If biting in your dream and you kill them, a victory over some problems that govern your life presently.

I. If seeing yourself praying on the mountain with some people mean God want you to come closer to Him be careful how you draw yourself back in the work of God
II. If you see yourself on the mountain top mean a sign highest level in your spiritual being business always be prayerful, don’t proud

If seen musician singing (The worldly musician) be careful how you follow people speaking the same bad word before it too late for demon to overthrown your spirit.

Seeing mad man in dream, mean be careful of how you think or worry about your present life, give everything to God and read Psalm 16, 87 for transformation

Seeing this farm with robust yield is a sign of prosperity.
Without fruit is a sign of loss in present venture pray with psalm 124, 144, 140, for recovery.

i. It is a sign of prosperity if ripped.
ii. Unripe attracts patience in desire
iii. Rotted or decaying mean loss in business venture 2 days fasting and prayer with psalm 24, 124, 50.

If affected in dream indicates that the affected person is surrounded with problems be it economic or social pray with 3days fasting and read psalm 1, 124.

If seeing in dream is a sure sign of worthlessness just as faces or excreta on the walls, pray and fast for 3 days with Psalm 124, 39 and 129.

i. Fighting with masquerade in dream means spiritual struggle with familiar enemies.
ii. Ganging up with them symbolizes low spiritual power.
iii. Masquerade chasing in the dream means closer friend is your enemy’s be careful with those you reveal your heart to, prayer and fasting for successful recovery 3 days hours of prayer 12, 3, 6 and 9pm.

i. It is a sign of sudden death expect prayer of restoration to remove this embargo.
ii. If the dressing is incomplete, the victim may not die offer much care, prayer and fasting for 7 days with Psalm 124, 48 and 143.
iii. Seeing marriage preparation for a known person but neither the bride nor the bridegroom is present show clearly that the two will marry themselves.

Shows a serious problem is on the way. 3 days fasting and prayer with Psalm 24, 59, 70 and 143.


i. Seeing ringing in your dream and you pick it and receive it and heard the caller receiver clearly, good thing is on your way being expecting.
ii. If receiving but not hear clearly, is a bad omen pray with psalm 44 to not receive confusion messages.

i. Some portion of money was giving to you in the dream it will come to pass.
ii. Large cash gift in dream is a sign of doom in business
iii. Experiencing wealth also Symbolize doom and object poverty. Fasting and prayer with psalm.1,124,59
iv. Experiencing object poverty or spending money in dream shows economic condition will improve drastically. Go for counseling.

i. ½ or ¼ of moon is a sign of down-ward trend in endeavour
ii. Full moon is a sign of progress and exhalation in endeavor that will arouse the attention of all and sundry.

i. Seeing it in your dream is a symbol of progress.
ii. Being the celebrant with drummers in action is a bad sign pray with psalm 124, 23,
143, in 3 days.
Newly established business or diversion into such is on the way, prayer for stability psalm 9, 124, 125.

i. If happen when wake up from sleep renounce immediately.
ii. If it’s common pray with psalm 141 and curse to death anything that may involve.

If black nylon bag is given in dream, also this dream is bad, evil forces had hand over sickness which the roof will not be discover, pray and fast for 3 days in water for drinking only psalm 24,18,140.


i. If by standing people didn’t mock you, men will come to aid.
ii. If mocked in the dream, desire will be fail or any progress pursue will not be fulfilled. 3 days prayer and fasting with psalm1, 124,140.

i. If seen someone born a new baby mean miracle of unusual will happen in the life the fellow and every eye we see it.
ii. If the baby dies is a bad omen, three days fasting, Psalms 91, 1 and 140.

i. If you bought a new car in your dream is a good dream, you will go out and put your money into worthless business you think, it will help, pray before you do any big things.
ii. If you are given a car key that’s a sure assurance to come wait patiently for it.

If you are reading a newspaper in your dream and you understand it meaning, news is coming to comfort your bad situation.

If you are hearing a strange noise is a bad omen three days fasting to change it into good noise and happiness, Psalms 64 and 70.

If a nurse is taking care of you in your dream mean help in your physical or spiritual symptoms, no matter your health

If you seen yourself on the dinning table with different nutritious food in your dream, changes in your daily feeding is on the way believe God no matter your status.
I. If seeing yourself on the shore of large sea ocean big ships or big nets were delivering different goods on the shore for you mean the goodness of the world will be released unto you if you can wait for it, this dream is a future apart.
II. If you see a ship sink into an ocean is a bad omen, pray for divine help and divine rescue of some of your families’ souls.

If you are given a bottle of olive oil in your dream, if you use it or not is a symbol of honour and kingship.

If given a gallon of red oil is a sing of finishing and readiness, surely things will begin to change for you without suffering or struggling again.

I. If you see in a large contain bags and plenty mean dramatic transition to change many people faces will happen at the time and yours.
II. If the onion is stinking is a bad omen three days fasting to change condition of enemy into God with Psalm 120

If seen yourself operating a machine as an expert, meaning unknown work will be successful into your hands.

I. If seen yourself in local oven making bread is a sign of success in your venture
II. If the oven collapse without making anything seven days fasting for God to help against your enemy in Psalm.1, 35
III. If you make a roster in a modern oven successfully or bread is the same meaning of success and divine success.

If you are overweight in your dream and you cannot be able to do many things mean the enemy had tie you down spiritually three days fast with Psalm 80, 140 to loose you totally with immediate effect.

If seen the bird in your dream is a sign of danger and death, three days and Psalm 139, 140 for the will of enemy to be nullified totally.

I. If you are at the beach shore picking oyster at the shore mean change is coming no matter your bad condition.
II. If you are eating it in your dream is a bad omen three days fasting to vomit sea poison by using Psalm 70, 102


This is a sure sign of procrastination in all endeavors business will now be on the downward trend, prayer and fasting for total recovery with psalm to pray with 125, 23, and 124,143.

i. Seeing on the ground and pick in dream this is problematic.
ii. Seeing on the tree and pluck on the tree what you are praying for will be answered very soon. It’s a good dream.

Seeing in dream riches of darkness will be your portion very soon, prayer with psalmist 90 & 85.
Sign of progress and leadership. If it becomes realistic wield it with wisdom and fear of God, read psalm 128 & 150.

i. Picking or selling is all about problematic because one will not be financially balanced just as the effort in picking it all about. Psalm. 140, 143, for prayer
ii. Seeing it in plenty in your dream, mean unrespectable incoming blessing on way.

i. Sharing or selling it in dream is a sign of in contentment and bad omen. For prayer. 124, 123, 140
ii. Receiving the gallon full of oil is blessing. This is a finishing work of God in person life. Congratulations!

i. Seeing it in dream shows how useful and flourishing some one will be in society or among children of God. Every part of this tree is successful this is also good omen. Waiting patiently for God’s will at the end it shall be well.
ii. If uprooted or hewed down means a fall in fame or death, for the recovery prayer 7days fasting with psalm 124, 50, 143.

i. Seeing yourself inside the party place in dream and suddenly you started fighting some people, means these are the forces holding meeting over you, ready to be overcome, prayer with 3 days fasting, Psalm124, 59, 140.
ii. If seeing yourself inside party and you are given gift and served with different kind of food, it’s a good dream, you will accomplish a long term project and people will support you, have faith in yourself.

If seen yourself as prison or in prison is a bad omen, mean your soul is under some powerful enemy. Pray with psalm 123 and three days fasting for deliverance.

i. If the fruit is good and ripe symbolize result and prosperity in business venture.
ii. Without fruit is a fruitless effort 3days fasting and prayer with psalm 104, 24,125.

Peeping through window, it would not belong to see a friend of old time or colleague

i. A farm of pepper is a sign of doom.
Harvesting, sales, or grinding carry same problematic affliction. 7days fasting with following Psalm 1, 144, 124.
ii. If seen unripe pepper means reduction in problems.

i. Seeing your photo picture in a strange place mean the enemies had spoken about you otherwise becareful of how you walk around living.
ii. If seeing tear of brunt means suddenly death or sickness, 3days fasting with psalm 75, 85, to uphold your future.
iii. If seeing beautifully and shining in the dream means people will love to see you around them.

Its desecration, lack of honor and good morality, this type of life requires spiritual and character overhauling pray with fasting 3 days and read psalm 132, 125, 143.

i. Whatever the farm or harvested and ripped, is a sign prosperity.
ii. Unripe means one should exercise patience in desire.

Planting yam cut in dream is a sign of starting a profitable business or planting seeds in farm the mean is the same.

ii. If seeing in dream with money in it means that month favour is coming.
iii. If seeing with no money in it, economic backwardness, 3days fasting with psalm 23, 25, 140.

Seeing yourself playing with wild beast in their categories in your room, means the follow is in high evil forces ranks, to be delivered, 7 days fasting and prayer of death over the demonic friends.

i. Seeing this in your dream, mean people will come into your aid in business also sign of income prosperity?
ii. Seen the death once is a sign of problematic in your state level prayer of psalm 16, 94 with two days fasting for stability.

Seeing self being paid money for a payer, means you will spend money on business or your family that will not bring again, prayer and fasting for 3days to overcome spirit of destitute read psalm 14, 24, 59.

It is an appearance of hope that the future will be brighter.

No matter that condition you are, transformation to greater level is coming very soon. Keep on praying and wait patiently. Psalm 40, 27, 18.

i. A serious problematic if seen in the dream.
ii. A pregnant woman seen blood, is also doom and problematic of enemies, prayer and
Fasting for 3days with psalm 124, 59, 125.

If seen in your dream talking is a bad omen mean enemy are using unknown power over you, which can automatically turn on him you should be careful how you use your mouth when relating with people.

This is also a sign of household friendship enemy, you have noting to do with someone that hate you physically, than greeting. Be careful and watchful always around you

If your pocket is link in your dream mean God had reveal your spirit of deliver has invade your life money driver for you, by deal with this with three days fasting and psalm:18,30,35. The powers that steal your money must die.

If you are harvesting potato in your dream mean prosperity in your Endeavour and venture successfully.

i. If given pottage in your dream is bad omen, enemy are trying to poison you.
ii. If eaten it is a problematic in double fold, three day fast read Psalm 60, 91, into water for drinking and bathing seven times in three days.

If seen potter molding pot or any vessel in your dream mean changing is coming into your circular journey.

i. If you are in your poultry gathering eggs into crates in your dream mean fortune is coming very soon be prayerful for fulfillment.
ii. If you are feeding foul at poultry mean you we spend money on things that will not bring you quick gain, but if it’s your poultry in the dream wait to see your fortune be sure to pray aggressively for fulfillments.

If seen yourself in the prison is a sign of doom and calamity of your journey. Pray for great help and divine bail of God and angels, three days white fasting Psalm 86,129.

If you seen a divine called prophet of God old or young in your dream: he tells you your problems and solution into it, please do as it is given you in your dream.2chr20:20, Hos.12:10, 13 you must transform in your divine income.

If you seen yourself on the pulpit preaching it is a call in other hand duty in the church you are going, not to separate from the church, it is not to go and establish your own church.

If you seen a pumping machine pump waters out of well is a symbol of easiness in your success and prosperous in your ventures.

It is a colour of honour in your life and venture glory.

If seen this beautify bird in your dream or seen as living around you mean haughty sprit because all of the display feather are only for it beauty and selfishness, it is a spirit of pride.

It is a sign of death and hell is a bad omen; mean you’ve been involved into high occultism.

Some one you know very well he or she is using evil mind against you, be careful how you rely. On people when they respond to your needs.
i. If you seen a queen in her beauty garment and crown in your dream transition in circular life and favour in business.
ii. if you are decorated in your dream as a queen for a king, the darkness power has capture you or nominate you as queen of the power of darkness, without looking out for deliverance you we surfer in your present living and future , check out for deliverance.

i. If someone you don’t know is query with you, physically people we be looking for your trouble.
ii. If you are still querying with someone you have settle with in your dream, mean the fighting matters had not finished in your heart, pray for more forgiveness unto God to help to forgive and forget.

If you hold firm a quiver and arrow in your hand mean the Lord had give you power over the territorial spirit, their knowledge will bow for the power of God in you at the time your dream and future, don’t play with sin be prayerful always.
If participated in dream, is all about struggle if life among colleagues expecting promotion. Read and pray with psalm 124,140

Seeing self with rag on your body, means don’t be afraid, you will be highly esteem among your neighbour always, Read psalm 120, 24, 30

Seeing radio speaking in dream, means news that make heart gladly rejoice is on the way

i. If seen this powerless animal in your dream, or you are chasing it as hunter, meaning your hand will be at the neck of your enemy no matter how powerful they are on earth.
ii. If your trap captures this creature is also a victory over the enemy of your street and circumstance.
iii. If the rabbit ran away out of your power is a sign of powerlessness three days fasting Psalm 18, 60,140.

i. If seen rat in your room is a sign of poverty and enemy at controlling of your life negatively.
ii. If you kill the rat is a victory over poverty and affliction in your ventures during this time.

i. If the ram fighting you with this horn some one using power of darkness is querying with you pray to break their horn, but if you’re a pastor or shepherd this is also a meaning into right direction as a shepherd of that soul pray for more power to overcome them.
ii. If you face the ram and break the two horns is a sure victory that is you are empower already to face the problems of life.

If seen rapture taking place in your dream and you are left without taking, go and repent of your secret sin, the LORD JESUS CHRIST love you.

If seen this dangerous bird in your dream fighting you or chasing you the witchcraft are showing you to prepare for war and fighting physically, get yourself anointed with olive oil for three days fast and sent and arrow of death in Psalm 35, 102,121, pray with hearted voice of deliverance over your soul that witches are trouble.

If you are a student or secretary, you started dreaming reading books is a elevation of knowledge and understanding.

If seen in your dream working and harvesting crops successfully is a sign of incoming prosperity and future fortunes in your life.

If you seen yourself rearrange scattering instrument or materials, a change we occur to enhance your venture and business.

If seen yourself rebuilding house or machineries in your dream means your work or venture will take a new look and transform to be enjoy.

It is a simple the sign of greater enemy if you are a missionary into Africa or Asia or beyond, empower to be superior over the foreign enemy, see Psalm 35,18,52 finish them and envelop yourself in the security of God Almighty.

i. If you are in the farm of rice in your dream and you reap the rice is a good dream, success and prosperity will fence you through the year.
ii. If it a bag of rice or many things must change, hunger will soon be a story in your life.

i. If you seen yourself been rich in your dream it is a bad omen your riches physically have been transfer into spiritual, you must pray hardly to be rich physically no matter the circumstance.
ii. If you dream and seen someone you know is rich in materials mean direct to the fellow.
iii. If you seen a rich man you know in your dream and he favour you the meaning is he will not do anything for you physically, pray for help from above.


If you are riding horse in your dream, is a sign of help at this present situation.
ii. If it is motorcycles it mean the same, the help is on the way wait and be prayerful for manifestation.
iii. If you happen by accident is a sign of problematic in your present situation, it may be you sin that hijack the miracle, and repent of your sin God see you.

i. IF your roof is linking in the dream mean some people are against your suggestion and behaviour in that house, be careful
ii. If your roof is links that cause water to full your room you will soon pack out of that house no matter how your finances may be.

i. If you seen a decay human being in your dream and smelling badly mean the demon of death is at work around you, band the spirit of death through Jesus Name.
ii. If a tree fell and decay in your dream the power of familiar stronghold have been destroyed.

If you are among runner in your dream and you are first to come into finishing line, it is a good and achievements dream mean, whatever you lay your hand on it will flourish at this time, in other word it’s accomplishment of your labour.

Seeing some one rebuking you in your dream, means if you know the person what ever he or she directed you to do love to do it because, God sent the person to you.

Seeing ram attacking in the dream is a bad amen, be careful of how you relate with people through your secret, so this can stop quarrel or controversy

i. If rain is soft landing, it is prosperity on the way.
ii. If it thundering problem is also on its ways to your life. 3 days fasting and prayer in your office and home with psalm 24,46,143

Seeing this sign in your dream is a good sign from God to you, even if your sin is removed God’s blessing will have mercy on you and His covenant will come to pass in your life but change from hidden sin.

Seeing this creative in your shop or office, means doom of business will overcome the shop or office, 2days white fasting and prayer on night, destruction spirit will be powerless over your life.

Seeing it in dream is a warning sign on how you use your tongue. It only requires cautionary measures.

i. If it so happened in dream it has to do with your business or branches
ii. If the bicycle is moving smoothly the business is in good shape.
iii. If one of the types is punctured means there is a problem in the business. 3 days prayers for recovery Psalm 24, 7, and 141.

i. Swimming in water is problematic
ii. Ability to swim in a clear water come out of the water successfully and you drink from the water means in present struggle you will achieve Excellency.
iii. If dreamed bathing in river with soap and sponge on a spot well above water level shows spiritual cleansing and improvement in present endeavour.
iv. Inability to swim out or rescued need 3 days fasting and prayer with the following Psalms 23, 124, 140, its means stagnation in venture.

You dreamt that you were robbed inside your room the robbers start parking out through door and windows mean God is about to rearrange your life through some situation.

Seeing yourself in your own room with strange animals, which mean you have a strange spirit in your body that meaning the representative of darkness enemies. 3 days fasting and prayer with Psalm 24, 141 for deliverance.

Seeing drawn from above is a good omens, mean very soon help will come from
high places for your aids.

i. On The rock or climbing it in spiritual realm is a sign of progress on all fronts.
ii. Below the rock means downward trend in endeavour.
iii. If it blocks your way, it requires 3 day fasting and prayer for necessary recovery.
Psalm. 32 25, 140

If it’s so happen to seeing this animal in your dream, means a strange human being whom to be the animal living around your area
I. If this cloth is on you in your dream without some one dead is a bad omen pray against sudden death over you or your family.
II. If seen on someone you know is the same meaning, seven day fasting with Psalm 91, 140, with this evil may not happen.

It is a sign of disappointment if seen in your dream, It is way of familiar enemy to stop incoming success, seven day white fasting Psalm 35,54,57 to return spiritual calamity to the owner instantly.

i. If you receive through cheque it we delay for sometime.
ii. If you received through a envelop, it will come to pass.
iii. If you received a cash of money it may not happen or given half from it.

I. If using saw to cut wood successfully is a sign of easiness and accomplishment towards your venture.
II. If the cutting is hard and difficult is a sign of your poor present situation.

If scar is on your skin in your dreams mean enemy had emblem or embargo and blockages in your chances, get yourself anointed with olive oil seven days fasting, get five liters of water read this Psalms. 1, 18, 35,129,140 into the water for seven days in your fasting hour of prayer 12,3,6,9 miracle will follow.

I. It is a sign of rulers’ hip if given in your dream.
II. If broken is a bad sign, it may not recover if nothing do about it seven day white fasting with Psalm. 24, 59, 60 for recovering in your birthright or your due right.

If you are a student working in a lab in your dream God Almighty had show you your ways out in life , any challenges most be tackle face your studies or what your are learning.

I. If you use this instrument successfully is a sign of accomplishments.
II. If this instruments broken suddenly in your dream mean is a sing of enemy at work get your instruments anointed with oil, three days fasting Read Psalm 59, 140 into your instrument for three days period of fasting.

I. If seen a sculptor modeling or casting your images in your dream, people will know you, but you would be famous.
II. If the images are not you people we know you but not for good things in other word know you as bad fellow.
III. If your images that sculptor is casting or drawing is broken is a bad omen calamity unexpectedly may happen if not praying, prayer and fasting seven days with Psalm. 90, 91, 140 into water for seven days and bath only.

I. If dwarf in status making security always around you whenever danger occur in your dream mean you have been possess by some demon monitoring you.
II. If seen yourself as a security is a bad omen also, it difference from been a nurse or cave man.
III. If you are called out of the seminary classroom to join the circular work is a bad omen, mean backwardness in success, seven days white fasting with aggressive prayer of theology Psalm 35, 140 for the familiar spirit to die.

i. If seen yourself in the seminary school, is a sign of higher level of theology in God’s work.
ii. If you are with graduation garment and scroll, is a sign of accomplishment and success.
iii. If you are called out of the seminary classroom to join the circular work is a bad omen, meaning backwardness in success, 7days white fasting with aggressive prayer of theology. Psalm 35, 140 for the failure spirit to die.

I. If shaving your head in the dream is a transition in your endeavours.
II. If you are shaved with half hair on your head is a bad omen enemy of shame must die with Psalm 35, 140 with three days fasting.

It is a sign of healing in any situation of life.

I. If seen a clean and clear white sheep is a sign of incoming fortunate man or woman
II. If white black or other colour seen in your dream, the mean is, it may have good behaviors but the bad attitude will still be there.
III. If white sheep in many coming to you in the dream is a sign of a Shepard, yours are called to care and to nourish some people under your care and rules, be careful not to scatter them.


I. If you have a shield with sword and other amour is a sign of victory and readiness for victory in battle.
II. If your shield is crack of broken is a bad omen, three days with fasting use psalm 18, 34, 64, for effective recovering in many damages many damages.

If in your dream you are looking shinning allover, is a sign of glamour in your endeavor.

I. If you enter a ship bus in your dream meaning is traveling journey is on the way for you.
II. If the ship sink and you are there with help or rescue out of the ship dream, the solution is to risk travel to any places during the time your dream occurred.
III. If you the ship landed at the shores successful is a good dream, you will travel in to accomplished your vision.

I. If you are in shortcut road in your dream the meaning is you will not suffer in your expectation.
II. If the short cut is scatter ahead you without way out or knows the right way out is a bad omen three days fasting with Psalm 35, 64, 68 things will be difficult this time without way out pray against the dream.

I. If you use this instrument in your dream to move any things like coal, sand or dirty things means you we receive assistant into assistant into you heavy load to be lifted successfully.
II. If the shovel broken in your dream is a bad amen three days fasting use psalm.44, 54, 60 in three days you will recover totally

i. It is a sign of evil spirit and familiar power, if worship in the from of the shrine means you are been caged in the spirit soul to worship idol, seven days is not enough, but try it, call on God of Psalm to deliver you effective in Psalm. 35, 51, 57 in seven days hourly prayer 12, 3, 6, 9.
ii. If the shine is on fire you are free and delivered from been their worshiper

If seen this cloth taking from the dead corps, and cover you is a sing of incoming death. Get yourself anointed with oil in three days fasting with Psalm 57 seven times into water for bath for three days.

Seeing yourself as a singing star in your dream is a sing of incoming fame and glamour in endeavours
Unable to sing properly in the dream is a sing of downwardness and doom in endeavours. Three days white fasting in Psalm 68, 77, 83 for divine restoration.

I. If seen skeleton in your dream chasing you is a sign of familiar death mean someone closer to you is using spirit of death to harass you. Three days fasting Psalm.35, 44, 60, evil power should paralyze totally over you.
II. If seen or find the part bone of a skeleton in your dream is a sign of parted body that’s dead, rub the part you see with olive oil and read Psalm. 16, 23, 91 into the olive oil, Stop watching horror movies.

I. If seen hand slap your face in the dream mean that someone is using superior power over you or showing punishment of their hands, it is a person you know very well, be careful how you relate with people.
II. Someone you know slap you with hand in your dream he or she is looking for your troubles, at this time mind your business to avoid fighting.

If you sleep in your dream means there is a particular things God wanted to show you which you must know by this occurrence.

I. If you are with sling in your dream is a sing of preparation of victory, if using it is a sing of victory and accomplishments of battle of life
II. If the sling tears apart is bad omen three days fasting Psalm. 83, 94 for powerful recovery in your encounter

If you climb this hill successfully is good dream, things must change for better, if difficult to climb up is a bad sign of dream. Three days fasting without stop Psalm. 24, 121, 140 for help from above in time of needs.

If you cannot be able to do effective such as running or flying properly in your dream is a bad omen get anointed with olive oil in three days white fasting with Psalm. 35, 91, 140 to recover lossess in ventures.

If seen yourself smoking in the dream mean if you are not careful, the bad character and attitude you have left behind we return again, be careful, how you live your life.

I. If you are given soup to eat is a bad omen affliction and sufferings of life. Three days fasting use Psalm. 18, 35, 45, 140 pray for automatic help from God to assist you be free from cage of affliction.
II. If you reject the soup is a sign of overcoming in your ventures and career.

I. If seen in the dream is a sign of enemy at work mean they are targeting your goal and success to be valid
II. If the insert uses cobwebs against you, victory must be recovered in this dream without this three days white fasting Psalm.35, 70, 68 for bath only in three days.
I. If stranger call your name and you answer, fighting or quarrelling is approaching.
II. If stronger knock your door and open for him is a sign of problematic in your life, get anointed three days fasting and read Psalm 35, 68, 140 into water in three days drinking and bathing only.

If you succeed in any difficulty in the dream is also sign of accomplishment in your endeavours, be prayerful.

If suffer in the dream is a bad omen seven days or three days fasting it depend on how it look like to you. Psalm 1, 3, 9, 18, 24, 35

If you are operated in the theater room of operation successfully in your symptoms means whatever sickness or disease you will recover perfectly.

If you are eating sweet in your dream is not good to you, mean bitterness or sickness we occur without your knowledge.

I. If you are sweeping your room or office, cleaning in the dream mean transformation will take place with your notice if you continue closer to God and His word.
II. If you sweep the ground without being clean means the problem is still there, pray in three days fasting with Psalm 68, 102 into water sprinkle the water into your rooms, shops or office.

i. Seen in the dream melt into water or people walk on it. This is bad omens; mean the power to be prosperous had been eluded.
ii. In dream is an emblem of prosperity and pleasure.

i. To a man or woman means downward trend in business venture.
ii. It causes failure in obtaining fruit of the womb for a woman.
iii. Evil forces can use this cage for anybody that’s victim to them. 3 days prayer and
Fasting to recovery psalm 24,124,140

Seeing yourself or somebody in this condition is a sign of incoming prosperity.

ii. Seeing this poisonous creature without bite mean you should be careful with dangerous people you think as friends.
iii. If bite with poisonous sting its bad omen enemy is controlling situation prayer of psalm 16, 94 this can result to sickness or death if not praying.

i. Seeing yourself back in Primary school is a sign of backwardness in business, trade. This also is a bad omen.
ii. Seeing yourself with school uniform and you escape through a fence run out of the compound, for this time enemies will not have power to overcome you,
iii. Dream been back to school without stress in dream is a sign of a new trade, new business, branches and learning its associated innovations

i. New shoes symbolize new employment or progress that matches your status.
ii. An old shoe symbolizes downward trend or retrogression.
iii. Black shoe on both legs shows bad a companion or evil thoughts get rid of your evil thought when it comes.
iv. A new shoe on left leg shows something done that ought not to be done.
v. Removing worm out shoes show striking decision to boycott bad friends or progressive steps.

Seeing unknown person in your shop and selling in your shop, means evil forces are about to manipulate or disseminate your business, 3 day fasting with prayer of Psalm. 24, 140, 124, 72

Seeing this instrument is a sign of Harvest in multiple in your business venture in the same year.

You know you are a sickler or infirmity is in your body and dream bathing with soap and sponge at stream, means the infirmity us about adieu in your life.

Transfer may take place very soon, to a journey place of rest in your business.

i. Sure sign of slow progress or procrastination in all endeavours.
ii. If suddenly seeing a big ripen snail in your dream is a sign, to you and you pick it, someone you know will not give something special to you may be money or treasure be eagerly prayerful with the Psalm. 37, 122, is a sign of enemies
iii. Turnover on business or trade is an ado omen 3 days fasting to break barriers and to recover with Psalm. 24, 141, 143,

Speaking with unknown tongue in the dream is a sign of power in your spirit man and if you can keep praying the way you are praying you will see yourself more in exploit than that. Read. 1Cor.14:2-4 during this time God is passing messages unto you be watchful.

Seeing yourself treated as slave or servant in dream mean you have offended some who use to be witches, wizard or familiar spirit company, meditate on this to confess your sin before the Lord with prayer and fasting 3 days Psalm.1, 90, 143

I. Seeing this dangerous reptile in dream is a sign of close enemies, or somebody is dissembler against you.
II. If bitten by snake, care must be taken in order not to be implicated on issue that doesn’t really concern you. Pray with Psalm. 91, 59, 140

Seeing yourself stand behind watching stage play live means people will love to see you at last of your day if continue in what you are doing a professional.

This insect lives in homes. If seeing in dream symbolizes closeness to seeming friends. If bitten, implication could not be ruled out pray against household hatred with 2 days fasting and Psalm to read, 124, 50, and 143.

Experiencing storm in dream symbolizes downward trend or retrogression in business venture or surrounding situation pray and fast 2 days with Psalm. 24, 18, 69

ii. If seeing in their full glamour and alarming beauty, portrays the glory of God as seen by everybody, so shall your progress be seen by all and sundry, it reveals
iii. If seeing a star fall in your dream, mean someone who is known all around will die during the time, or a great one among people will die, the announcement will be national or world wide news to people, it’s a bad omen.

i. If seen in bundle or ingrains, is a symbol of progress and prosperity.
ii. If seeing fire burning the farm it’s a bad omen, mean the works of enemy is about to accomplish pray with Psalm 16, 94 to withstand any battle created to devour your business with two day fasting

If seeing snow falling on you softly in the dream, it’s a sign of sure prosperity coming into your life very soon. Be faithfully to God or your next journey is going to be peaceful.

It is a clear symbol of double-dealing among friends or couples with carefulness, they will fall into your hand and it could be vice verse.

It shows the glory of God as seen by all, so shall you be.

Seen in the dream, holding is a symbol of victory and superior in the spiritual realm.
If seen yourself as a man sewing cloth successfully, a new thing will occur.
If you are unable to sew it or understand three days fasting with Psalm 1, 18 140 for divine help from above.

If you are drinking tea in your dream is a sign of problematic tea is good for your physical body and physical health, it is a problems that cannot help you out, three days fasting Psalm 46, 91, 124 into olive oil in three days and drink.

If seen your teacher in your dream teaching you mean you must listen to the advice of someone talking to you which had successfully make it

If you received a call from your phone and you can understand what you hear, exactly the message you receive will soon happen physically

i. The inner secret will be reveal to you very soon
ii. If you receive it as a gift mean this same, no secret that will elude you.

If you are in cinema theater watching film mean God want you to learn from what you are passing through or learn from what’s around you

If your throat is paining you in the dream there is problematic to confront as you move ahead, pray into water with three days fasting and Psalm. 18, 20, 24 into olive oil during the fasting anoint yourself without number.

If thundering and earthquake every where is a sign of incoming problems in the area or personal endeavour or present situation be focus.

I. If you received a traveling ticket in your dream surely the trip will be successful at that moment
II. If the ticket is tearing apart is a bad omen three days white fasting with Psalm. 23, 28, 91 for great recovery into divine will

I. If wounded and painful in your dream mean is a sign of unbearable condition ahead of you, pray in three day fasting Psalm. 18, 19, 91
II. If cut and bleeding is a bad omen three day white fast and Psalm 1, 18, 35, 48, 68, 140 into water for three days period drink and bath finish

I. It is a sign of problematic and slow progress in business and lives generally or spirit of procrastination and witchcraft is seen in your house 2 day prayer
II. If you seen tortoise die in your dream is a sign of your long life or overcoming the spirit of procrastination and minor witchcraft in you environment.

I. It is a sign of no progress, if traffic without move, three day white and Psalm. 38, 41, 54, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 daily
II. If it is traffic light, if seen in it colour the means be as you seen it Red is for stop, yellow is to wait or read, green is go, no matter step you are trying to take the traffic light is your symbol and divine direction.

I. If seen your self enter train as transport successful in your dream, a common help will reach you very soon, be happy.
II. If the train had an accident three days white fasting, pray for help for God to support your storage life with Psalm. 86, 87, 89

I. If you seen a dangerous trap of animals on your way in the dream, be careful and pray to God that enemy will not capture you.
II. If trapped in the dream get yourself anointed with olive oil in three days fasting Psalm 91, 121, 140, for God intervention on your behalf.

i. If you see a good looking treasure in your dream, and you did not touch it mean you will have materials in what you see as your work or doing
ii. If you see treasure in your dream and you are now happy is a bad dream it is a trick of enemy.


I. If you seen a living tree with fruitful fruit on it and started to pluck it is a good dream, your life will take a new shape of success and prosperity
II. If without fruit is a bad omen, it is worthless and doom of business.
III. If the tree is cut down without fruit, the calamity in your venture and life will be nullified in this time.

I. If your trouser cut hole is a sing of disappointment in expectation.
II. If it is dirty are sign of incompleteness in your venture and life generally getting olive oil read Psalm. 1, 18, 14, 20, 24, 89, 121 into it anoint yourself at the last day of your three days fasting.

I. If seen yourself using this bricklayer instrument successfully in your dream is a symbol of accomplishment in your endeavour
II. If broken in your dream is a sign of doom in situation and present condition three days fasting use Psalm. 60, 41, 59, 71 in your prayer situation will change positively.

I. If seen this fowl bird pose in your dream is a sign of pride emptiness
II. If roasted in a modern oven for you and comes out with good look, good smelling, you were given big part of the share, very soon your expectation will be manifest physically.

If you seen sea turtles in your, water tortoise at the sea shore is a sing of problematic on earth round over the phenomenon

Seeing yourself talking with dead person, this dream mean evil forces are determine to use the fellow for manipulation of primary task to fulfill their needs, so be careful when this dream occurs.

i. Removal of all teeth in dream is a warning of sudden death or serious sickness; 7 days fasting with prayer use this Psalm. 141, 50, 85 in water, observing period of prayer 9:00 am, 12noon 3 and 6pm by reading this Psalm 3 times in clean water for bathing and drinking.
ii. If the front teeth remove pray against death over your first born seriously with Psalm 140, 50 3 days fasting.

If seeing termite, is a clear evidence of loss in all areas of endeavour. Pray for recovery.

i. Seeing having touch light in darkness, this also is good omen; no matter your condition you will be joyful at the end time.
ii. Seeing again and again means some secret will be revealed into your hand very soon, watch out always in your endeavour.

Thunder indicates mishap or sad news, 3 days white prayer and fasting with Psalm. 24, 40, 140, if the dream doesn’t change positively change your fasting to 7 days with Psalm.142.

Seeing wearing in dream is a sign of evil in your body, likely hatred spirit is the meaning. 3 days fasting and prayer in water with Psalm.140, 50 baths only

Seeing the terrible animal in dream shows some of the high ranking of satan is closer to you be careful of your mouth and keep your secret to God only Read this Psalm. 24,124


Timber is a clear symbol of infertility in business venture, though other may call it money because is a fruitless tree so it not useful as similitude of God in this way. 2 days fasting Psalm 34, 24, 59.

It is a short dream in any time to give divine message as passed through.

Beware of people that are interested in your secret plans. It only cautionary measures even in order area too.

i. Seeing yourself traveling in the dream successfully without delay, you are being eagerly to travel and having a long delay to travel, mean this will come to pass in is time to be fulfill according as you have seen it.
ii. Seeing yourself been delay or arrest at airport with international police or immigrations officer this is a bad omens, seven days white fasting with Psalm 109 get a water for the seven day pray into the water, your enemies will be ashamed totally.

Seeing twins or carrying twins in dream is a symbol of problematic and failure. It is good physically; the spirit dream is only bad because they resemble themselves. Pray and 2 days fasting with Psalm 24, 121, 140 in water to bathing.

ii. Seeing and hearing the sound in dream means warning for dangerous catastrophe to come, pray and fast 2 days with Psalm 25, 59, 122.
iii. If seen playing with instruments expect good news very soon on your prayer and endeavour.
Seeing somebody called you unknown name in your dream, means be careful of cruel at the particular time, be patience always this is the answer to your dream, be patience without season. Psalm. 23,140.

i. It is a clear symbol of physical and spiritual security. Do not relent in your spiritual effort.
ii. If driven away by the winds of rain, prayer and fasting to be more than conqueror with Psalm. 91

If the two front upper teeth are shaking, they refer spiritually to our parents if the two, if one of it removed in dream, one many suffer the loss of one of them, offer pray if in case with 3 days with fasting and Psalm to lead in prayer 124, 141, 140

i. If is mixed with blood, the problematic is higher than any one should pray for with It is a symbol of problem in the making be careful
ii. 3 days white fasting, spirit that dry blood with fire of Holy Spirit truly. Psalm.24,140, 50

If you are unhappy because of your bad situation in your dream very soon the problem will turn to joy, don’t be afraid.
i. Farm of vegetable with its natural green and blooming beauty is seen, refers to the state of our business venture that is in good economic condition.
ii. If during this time you were confronting problem means divine arrangement will take place for the fellow facing problems.

If seen this tree with fruit of grapes in your dream and you started eating the grapes, it is a good and divine dream from God, blessing, success and prosperity that supersede your generation often you and ahead you had been released unto you, be prayerful for manifestation at all time.

i. if playing with good tune successfully in your dream, is a mark of celebration in your life if your situation is bad now,
ii. If playing with good tune successfully in your dream, is a mark of celebration in your life if your situation is bad now, people will love to listen to you in your future ahead.
iii. If broken when playing is a bad amen song of mourning in your circumstance, three days white fasting in Psalm. 76, 77, 106

I. If you hear voice called your name without saying anything in your dream, enemy at point start battle in your life start reporting this to your pastor or else the battle will be dangerous.
II. If the voice speaks to you with dangerous word and troubles, means the same thing as listed above for you, get yourself anointed from hence in three day white fasting use Psalm. 35, 45, 53 daily hour in prayer 12, 3, 6, 9

I. If you seen yourself at the valley is a place of doom, mean enemy want you at all cost to bring you down out of your success, prayer of three day white fasting into water use Psalm 35, 91, 121, 140 for bath and drink
II. If you come out of valley by your ability or by your help is a sign of incoming overcoming in your endeavour and business.

I. If you started vomiting bad things in your dream mean all things enemy had put into your body has been vomited.
II. If seen dog eaten vomiting things mean you have come back into your bad habit and attitudes, watch your life again and again.

I. It is a sign of revolution in your circumstance and business,
II. If you win by voting in your dream is a sign of transition in business, if loose by voting mean business saddle evil calamity to come renounce this back by five days fasting with Psalm 60, 102, 140

I. If seen in your dream is a sign next doom and calamity
II. If chasing or fighting you in the dream the sign no more than the household witches in their evil work, get yourself anointed with olive oil in three days fasting uses Psalm. 35, 43, 18, 57 for your prayer point. The evil vulture must die without struggles in Jesus name.

Seeing in the dream giving visa is a good and clear progress of your journey to abroad countries be prayerful to win the ticket also with 7days fasting.

i. If seeing in your dream attach you mean witchcraft are in conflict with you, use Psalm. 70, Job. 18
ii. If seen yourself playing with vulture mean your are already of craft

ii. If seeing the camera man covering means you should be careful of the way you walk around some place in your territories, cautionary is the answer to this good or bad new to come.
iii. Seeing yourself watching video television, means there’s a miracle on your ways that people will love to see and see clearly in your life.

ii. Divine message of God
iii. If occurs it occur in short dream while dozing on day light
iv. This also occurs during the night dream sometime.
If seen yourself buying good things at warehouse, your business we have a gain that will change a situation.

It is a sign of problematic and familiar problems, pray against who are concerned in these problems. Three days white fasting Psalm 35, 43, 60, 140, there power to paralysis over you and your household business, mean you are being monitored through water and so on

If seen yourself weak in your dream, is a sign of powerless to was your life circularly, mean a weakness in your weak point, three fasting can do this, put on your decision, don’t change your decision, when enemy come to your weak point of determination. Pray for stability and power always.

If you see yourself in this position, is a bad omen enemy had used what you suppose to have physically is been celebrated spiritually. Seven day prayer psalms 91, 1, 18, 57, though you are created to have it, prayer for the power of wealth. Deut.8:18.

i. When weapon is in your hand to fight your enemy is a good and victorious dream.
ii. When there is no weapon to fight show your prayerlessness and powerless you are, three days fasting use psalm. 107, 104 for divine restoration in power and authority

It is a sign of present situation and conditions for examples.
i. sunshine mean glamour and beauty in condition
ii. temperature is a sign of inconveniences of circumstances
iii. wind is talking of bad condition and crisis financially
iv. Rain mean blessing when it come on you softly in your dreams.

i. If seen yourself at wharf buy goods and electronics even cars is a good dream.
ii. If your container were dropping by Crain from ships in your dream and you now open the container is full of good looking or necessity of life is also a good income future or presents dreams it depend on how you have gone far in prayer and obedient to God’s will.
iii. If at wharf you were deny of the listed above property is a bad omen enemy have come in another evil way to eludes your miracle and blessing, seven days fasting use this psalm.35,43,140 the victory of your expectation will manifest physically in Jesus name.

If you are reaping on the field harvest is a sign of incoming successful is a sign
I. If you are reaping on the field harvest is a sign of incoming success and merit in your endeavour.
II. If grinding and bake on fire to make cake successful is a sign of accomplishment that we supersede your generation and you, will have finishing materials to do it. Be prayerful for great manifestation.

I. If you seen a white man helping you in your dream is a sign of merit wait for this patiently, your help we materialize no matter your condition.
II. If you are given white lace or white cloth to sew, is a sign of living your live in holiness or change your attitudes or character to be equal with divine order.

i. It is a sign of battle of life and death.
ii. If it destroyed many things in your dream, 3 days white fasting, call on God of Psalm to help. Psalm. 80, 114, 118.

If it is in a beautify fashion class cup and you are giving to drink is a sign of excellence, if you called to wine with foreigners and difference peoples were there, is a sign of divine excellence, meaning God we take you out of bad condition and changes your statue to greatness that will be envy.

If you dream seen yourself worship God Almighty in his holy of holiness is a sign of transformation in your calling and relationship with God of heaven. Come closer to God he wanted to use you.

ii. If the rain is landing softly, it is a symbol of prosperity
iii. If it is thundering, several problems are very close 3 days fasting and prayer with Psalm. 124, 46, 140

i. If seen in dream means a set time to progress and incoming prosperity.
ii. If seeing stop in dream is a bad omen 3days fasting and prayer for progress in your moment and business to recover your time.

Seeing it in dream shows an unexpected help, whether financial or otherwise is on the way

i. Seeing yourself on the battle field and people were killed or wounded and you escaped, means in any situation you are there is a way out.
ii. If not escape and captured by the enemy, 3 days fasting with Psalm 70,71, into water for bath

i If seen in dream in the source, symbolize progress and prosperity
ii. If it is pipe-borne water shows prosperity.
iii. If seen the water inside bucket it is familiar problematic means economic problem to stop this 3 days fasting and prayer of Psalm. 1, 141, 124.

i. If one dream of weeping with bitter heart, symbolizes joy and prosperity.
ii. If it is a pipe-borne water shows prosperity
iii. If seen the water inside bucket it is familiar problematic means economic problem to stop this 3 days fasting and prayer of Psalm. 1, 141, 124

If one dream of weeping with bitter heart, symbolizes joy and prosperity

I. Seeing this insect in the dream is a sign of enemy around you be careful.
II. If seen then in your room its bad omen, enemy had been set to you to eat up your progress in your business, 3 day without rest in prayer for divine resurrection.

i. If seen in dream, if is warning to be ware of how utilize our precious time.
ii. It defeated in the contest shows failure in all round effort, pray with Psalm. 124, 140, 125.

i. If worn in dream, it is an emblem of bereavement
ii. If the dressing

I if seen in dream, is a sign of promotion if you are a student.
ii. If using in dream, be careful of using your hand against your progress, prayer of Psalm. 124, 59, 105 with 3 days fasting.

i. If you see wound in any of your body in the dream, this is mark of evil in your body be careful of evil product you put on your body.
ii. If you have wound in your body and dream the wound is healed, no matter the years the wound spends in your body healing is sure for you.

i. Seeing yourself in dream as composition with person you know means be careful don’t listen to evil advice and this can bring blame and embarrassment if you do, caution is the answer.
ii. If you fight somebody you know and beat him or her means do not be afraid, victory is on the corner of your trials.
iii. If you are beaten in dream this shows powerlessness you are to pray and fast for 3days with Psalm 50, 91, 121
If you are having X-ray at hospital, the hiding problems will be found in you.

If seeing in dream playing with good sound means don’t go anywhere far when you are enjoying yourself, this can be concerning the pleasure of life be careful how you go out with people.
I. If given uncooked in the dream is a good omen, be brave and serious on your venture.
II. If cooked done whitish, assign you for bountiful and steady fruitfulness in your business ventures.
III. If seen in your dream yam farm, be patience in your endeavour the future of your venture will yield progress successfully. If bunt in the dream is a bad omen 3 days fasting with unshakable faith against future problematic on your business.
IV. If you seen stinking yam given in the dream is a bad omen indicating calamities on your business towards your gain 7 days night to stop spiritual caterpillar in your life.

If it is on you is a bad omen is a sign of slavery and yokes spiritual sin physically, pray with four days fast, Psalm. 25, 51, 56, pray to God for help.

If you find yourself in a big yard fenced round mean you have be capture by one problem that hallow you not to enjoy your right on earth. Three day white fast for God to loose you at the camp of the enemy with Psalm. 35, 43, 57, and 140 into water for seven days after seven days use it for bath, victory with miracle will show up.

If seeing zoo in your dream with all kinds of animals means evil forces of darkness are already in your bondage.

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