Click on the Vedio above to Watch and Download Foods To Control Vertigo - Rid Of Vertigo And Dizziness
Adel Health Magazine  •

This work will document some of the herbal formula available in Yoruba herbal medicine for treatment of Dizziness. The nomenclature for Dizziness in Yoruba Herbal medicine is known as Oyi Oju. Before we embark on the documentation of herbal remedies for dizziness in this series. It is important that will examine some medical explanation on Dizziness, It is however instructive that information made available in this work should not be regarded as substitute to the service of qualified trained health practitioner where the service of one is required.  One of the authoritative work that give detail medical explanations on dizziness is the work of Mayo On Dizziness titled  Dizziness,sources(https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dizziness/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20371792) According to definition from this source ,Dizziness is a term used to describe a range of sensations, such as feeling faint, woozy, weak or unsteady. Dizziness that creates the false sense that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving is called vertigo.

Dizziness is one of the more common reasons adults visit their doctors. Frequent dizzy spells or constant dizziness can significantly affect your life. But dizziness rarely signals a life-threatening condition.

Treatment of dizziness depends on the cause and your symptoms. It's usually effective, but the problem may recur.


People experiencing dizziness may describe it as any of a number of sensations, such as:

  • A false sense of motion or spinning (vertigo)
  • Lightheadedness or feeling faint
  • Unsteadiness or a loss of balance
  • A feeling of floating, wooziness or heavy-headedness

These feelings may be triggered or worsened by walking, standing up or moving your head. Your dizziness may be accompanied by nausea or be so sudden or severe that you need to sit or lie down. The episode may last seconds or days and may recur.

When to see a doctor

Generally, see your doctor if you experience any recurrent, sudden, severe, or prolonged and unexplained dizziness or vertigo.

Get emergency medical care if you experience new, severe dizziness or vertigo along with any of the following:

  • Sudden, severe headache
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Numbness or paralysis of arms or legs
  • Fainting
  • Double vision
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Confusion or slurred speech
  • Stumbling or difficulty walking
  • Ongoing vomiting
  • Seizures
  • A sudden change in hearing
  • Facial numbness or weakness



Inner ear and balance

Dizziness has many possible causes, including inner ear disturbance, motion sickness and medication effects. Sometimes it's caused by an underlying health condition, such as poor circulation, infection or injury.

The way dizziness makes you feel and your triggers provide clues for possible causes. How long the dizziness lasts and any other symptoms you have also help pinpoint the cause.

Inner ear problems that cause dizziness (vertigo)

Your sense of balance depends on the combined input from the various parts of your sensory system. These include your:

  • Eyes, which help you determine where your body is in space and how it's moving
  • Sensory nerves, which send messages to your brain about body movements and positions
  • Inner ear, which houses sensors that help detect gravity and back-and-forth motion

Vertigo is the false sense that your surroundings are spinning or moving. With inner ear disorders, your brain receives signals from the inner ear that aren't consistent with what your eyes and sensory nerves are receiving. Vertigo is what results as your brain works to sort out the confusion.

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). This condition causes an intense and brief but false sense that you're spinning or moving. These episodes are triggered by a rapid change in head movement, such as when you turn over in bed, sit up or experience a blow to the head. BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo.
  • Infection. A viral infection of the vestibular nerve, called vestibular neuritis, can cause intense, constant vertigo. If you also have sudden hearing loss, you may have labyrinthitis.
  • Meniere's disease. This disease involves the excessive buildup of fluid in your inner ear. It's characterized by sudden episodes of vertigo lasting as long as several hours. You may also experience fluctuating hearing loss, ringing in the ear and the feeling of a plugged ear.
  • Migraine. People who experience migraines may have episodes of vertigo or other types of dizziness even when they're not having a severe headache. Such vertigo episodes can last minutes to hours and may be associated with headache as well as light and noise sensitivity.

Circulation problems that cause dizziness

You may feel dizzy, faint or off balance if your heart isn't pumping enough blood to your brain. Causes include:

  • Drop in blood pressure. A dramatic drop in your systolic blood pressure — the higher number in your blood pressure reading — may result in brief lightheadedness or a feeling of faintness. It can occur after sitting up or standing too quickly. This condition is also called orthostatic hypotension.
  • Poor blood circulation. Conditions such as cardiomyopathy, heart attack, heart arrhythmia and transient ischemic attack could cause dizziness. And a decrease in blood volume may cause inadequate blood flow to your brain or inner ear.

Other causes of dizziness

  • Neurological conditions. Some neurological disorders — such as Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis — can lead to progressive loss of balance.
  • Medications. Dizziness can be a side effect of certain medications — such as anti-seizure drugs, antidepressants, sedatives and tranquilizers. In particular, blood pressure lowering medications may cause faintness if they lower your blood pressure too much.
  • Anxiety disorders. Certain anxiety disorders may cause lightheadedness or a woozy feeling often referred to as dizziness. These include panic attacks and a fear of leaving home or being in large, open spaces (agoraphobia).
  • Low iron levels (anemia). Other signs and symptoms that may occur along with dizziness if you have anemia include fatigue, weakness and pale skin.
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). This condition generally occurs in people with diabetes who use insulin. Dizziness (lightheadedness) may be accompanied by sweating and anxiety.
  • Overheating and dehydration. If you're active in hot weather or if you don't drink enough fluids, you may feel dizzy from overheating (hyperthermia) or from dehydration. This is especially true if you take certain heart medications.

Risk factors

Factors that may increase your risk of getting dizzy include:

  • Age. Older adults are more likely to have medical conditions that cause dizziness, especially a sense of imbalance. They're also more likely to take medications that can cause dizziness.
  • A past episode of dizziness. If you've experienced dizziness before, you're more likely to get dizzy in the future.


Dizziness can increase your risk of falling and injuring yourself. Experiencing dizziness while driving a car or operating heavy machinery can increase the likelihood of an accident. You may also experience long-term consequences if an existing health condition that may be causing your dizziness goes untreated.


If your doctor suspects you are having or may have had a stroke, are older or suffered a blow to the head, he or she may immediately order an MRI or CT scan.

Most people visiting their doctor because of dizziness will first be asked about their symptoms and medications and then be given a physical examination. During this exam, your doctor will check how you walk and maintain your balance and how the major nerves of your central nervous system are working.

You may also need a hearing test and balance tests, including:

  • Eye movement testing. Your doctor may watch the path of your eyes when you track a moving object. And you may be given an eye motion test in which water or air are placed in your ear canal.
  • Head movement testing. If your doctor suspects your vertigo is caused by benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, he or she may do a simple head movement test called the Dix-Hallpike maneuver to verify the diagnosis.
  • Posturography. This test tells your doctor which parts of the balance system you rely on the most and which parts may be giving you problems. You stand in your bare feet on a platform and try to keep your balance under various conditions.
  • Rotary chair testing. During this test you sit in a computer-controlled chair that moves very slowly in a full circle. At faster speeds, it moves back and forth in a very small arc.

In addition, you may be given blood tests to check for infection and other tests to check heart and blood vessel health.


Dizziness often gets better without treatment. Within a couple of weeks, the body usually adapts to whatever is causing it.

If you seek treatment, your doctor will base it on the cause of your condition and your symptoms. It may include medications and balance exercises. Even if no cause is found or if your dizziness persists, prescription drugs and other treatments may make your symptoms more manageable.


  • Water pills. If you have Meniere's disease, your doctor may prescribe a water pill (diuretic). This along with a low-salt diet may help reduce how often you have dizziness episodes.
  • Medications that relieve dizziness and nausea. Your doctor may prescribe drugs to provide immediate relief from vertigo, dizziness and nausea, including prescription antihistamines and anticholergenics. Many of these drugs cause drowsiness.
  • Anti-anxiety medications. Diazepam (Valium) and alprazolam (Xanax) are in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines, which may cause addiction. They may also cause drowsiness.
  • Preventive medicine for migraine. Certain medicines may help prevent migraine attacks.


  • Head position maneuvers. A technique called canalith repositioning (or Epley maneuver) usually helps resolve benign paroxysmal positional vertigo more quickly than simply waiting for your dizziness to go away. It can be done by your doctor, an audiologist or a physical therapist and involves maneuvering the position of your head. It's usually effective after one or two treatments. Before undergoing this procedure, tell your care provider if you have a neck or back condition, a detached retina, or blood vessel problems.
  • Balance therapy. You may learn specific exercises to help make your balance system less sensitive to motion. This physical therapy technique is called vestibular rehabilitation. It is used for people with dizziness from inner ear conditions such as vestibular neuritis.
  • Psychotherapy. This type of therapy may help people whose dizziness is caused by anxiety disorders.

Surgical or other procedures

  • Injections. Your doctor may inject your inner ear with the antibiotic gentamicin to disable the balance function. The unaffected ear takes over that function.
  • Removal of the inner ear sense organ. A procedure that's rarely used is called labyrinthectomy. It disables the vestibular labyrinth in the affected ear. The other ear takes over the balance function. This technique may be used if you have serious hearing loss and your dizziness hasn't responded to other treatments.

Lifestyle and home remedies

If you tend to experience repeated episodes of dizziness, consider these tips:

  • Be aware of the possibility of losing your balance, which can lead to falling and serious injury.
  • Avoid moving suddenly and walk with a cane for stability, if needed.
  • Fall-proof your home by removing tripping hazards such as area rugs and exposed electrical cords. Use nonslip mats on your bath and shower floors. Use good lighting.
  • Sit or lie down immediately when you feel dizzy. Lie still with your eyes closed in a darkened room if you're experiencing a severe episode of vertigo.
  • Avoid driving a car or operating heavy machinery if you experience frequent dizziness without warning.
  • Avoid using caffeine, alcohol, salt and tobacco. Excessive use of these substances can worsen your signs and symptoms.
  • Drink enough fluids, eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep and avoid stress.
  • If your dizziness is caused by a medication, talk with your doctor about discontinuing it or lowering the dose.
  • If your dizziness comes with nausea, try an over-the-counter (nonprescription) antihistamine, such as meclizine or dimenhydrinate (Dramamine). These may cause drowsiness. Nondrowsy antihistamines aren't as effective.
  • If your dizziness is caused by overheating or dehydration, rest in a cool place and drink water or a sports drink (Gatorade, Powerade, others).

Preparing for your appointment

Your family doctor or primary care provider will probably be able to diagnose and treat the cause of your dizziness. He or she you may refer you to an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist or a doctor who specializes in the brain and nervous system (neurologist).

Here's some information to help you get ready for your appointment.

What you can do

  • Be aware of any pre-appointment restrictions. At the time you make the appointment, be sure to ask if there's anything you need to do in advance, such as restrict your diet. If you're scheduled for vestibular testing, your doctor will provide instructions regarding any medications to withhold the night before and what to eat on the day of testing.
  • Be prepared to describe your dizziness in specific terms. When you have an episode of dizziness, do you feel like the room is spinning, or like you are spinning in the room? Do you feel like you might pass out? Your description of these symptoms is crucial to helping your doctor make a diagnosis.
  • List any other health conditions or symptoms you have, including any that may seem unrelated to your dizziness. For example, if you have felt depressed or anxious recently, this is important information for your doctor.
  • List key personal information, including any major stresses or recent life changes.
  • Make a list of all prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins or supplements that you're taking.
  • List questions to ask your doctor.

Your time with your doctor is limited, so preparing a list of questions ahead of time will help you make the most of your time together. For dizziness, some basic questions to ask your doctor include:

  • What's the most likely cause of my symptoms?
  • Are there any other possible causes for my symptoms?
  • What tests do you recommend?
  • Is this problem likely temporary or long lasting?
  • Is it possible my symptoms will go away without treatment?
  • What treatment options might help?
  • Do I need to follow any restrictions? For example, is it safe for me to drive?
  • Should I see a specialist?
  • Is there a generic alternative to the medicine you're prescribing?
  • Do you have any brochures or other printed material that I can take home with me? What websites do you recommend?

What to expect from your doctor

Your doctor will likely ask you a number of questions about your dizziness, such as:

  • Can you describe what you felt the first time you had an episode of dizziness?
  • Is your dizziness continuous, or does it occur in spells or episodes?
  • If your dizziness occurs in episodes, how long do these episodes last?
  • How often do your dizziness episodes occur?
  • When do your dizzy spells seem to happen, and what triggers them?
  • Does your dizziness cause the room to spin or produce a sensation of motion?
  • When you feel dizzy, do you also feel faint or lightheaded?
  • Does your dizziness cause you to lose your balance?
  • Are your symptoms accompanied by a ringing or fullness in your ears (tinnitus) or trouble hearing?
  • Does your vision blur?
  • Is your dizziness made worse by moving your head?
  • What medications, vitamins or supplements are you taking?

What you can do in the meantime

If you tend to feel lightheaded when you stand up, take your time making changes in posture. If you have had episodes of dizziness while driving, arrange for alternate transportation while you're waiting to see your doctor.

If your dizziness causes you to feel like you might fall, take steps to reduce your risk. Keep your home well-lit and free of hazards that might cause you to trip. Avoid area rugs and exposed electrical cords. Place furniture where you're unlikely to bump into it, and use nonslip mats in the bathtub and on shower floors.



Eepo Papandoro (bark stem of Africa kigelia)

Odidi ataaare kan ( A whole alligator pepper/Aframomum melegueta)


You will burn the entire aforementioned items together to fine powder.


You  will  be licking it.


Ewe Ewon elegun (Unidentified plants )

Ataare (alligator pepper)


You will burn the two aforementioned items together.


You  will  be licking it.


Egbo Akika(roots of Leacniodiscus Cupanioides )

Ataare (alligator pepper)


You will burn the two aforementioned items together



You  will  be licking it.


Opolope ori Eja (plenty heads of fishes)

Ewe epiya (unidentified leaves )

Ori Eyele (heads of pegion)

Ataare ( Alligator pepper)


You will burn the entire aforementioned items togthers.


You will be adding it to corn meal .


Ewe Oyin(oyin leaves

Ewe Igi Orudu (unidentified leaves )

Ataare (alligator pepper)


You will burn the aforementioned item together.


You will be licking it.


Egbo Awogbarun

Ewe Epiya

Ori eyele



You will burn the aforementioned item together.


You will be licking it.


Elau Ijbeu

Ota inu iroko

You will burn the aforementioned item together.


You will be licking it.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

 Clique no Vedio acima para assistir e baixar alimentos para controlar a vertigem - livrar da vertigem e da tontura

 Revista Adel Health •

 Remédios herbários para a tontura na medicina herbária de Yoruba por documentários extremos de BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa vol 3


 Este trabalho documentará algumas das fórmulas fitoterápicas disponíveis na fitoterapia iorubá para o tratamento da tontura.  A nomenclatura para Tonturas na medicina herbal iorubá é conhecida como Oyi Oju.  Antes de embarcarmos na documentação de remédios fitoterápicos para tonturas nesta série.  É importante examinar algumas explicações médicas sobre a tontura. No entanto, é instrutivo que as informações disponibilizadas neste trabalho não sejam consideradas substitutas do serviço de um profissional de saúde qualificado, onde é necessário o serviço de um.  Um dos trabalhos oficiais que fornece explicações médicas detalhadas sobre tontura é o trabalho de Mayo On Dizziness intitulado Dizziness, fontes (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dizziness/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20371792) De acordo com  Na definição a partir dessa fonte, Tontura é um termo usado para descrever uma gama de sensações, como sensação de desmaio, tontura, fraqueza ou instabilidade.  A tontura que cria a falsa sensação de que você ou seu entorno está girando ou se movendo é chamada de vertigem.

 A tontura é um dos motivos mais comuns pelos quais os adultos visitam seus médicos.  Tonturas freqüentes ou tonturas constantes podem afetar significativamente sua vida.  Mas a tontura raramente sinaliza uma condição com risco de vida.

 O tratamento da tontura depende da causa e dos seus sintomas.  Geralmente é eficaz, mas o problema pode ocorrer novamente.


 Pessoas com tontura podem descrevê-la como uma de várias sensações, como:

 Uma falsa sensação de movimento ou rotação (vertigem)

 Tontura ou sensação de desmaio

 Instabilidade ou perda de equilíbrio

 Uma sensação de flutuação, tontura ou tontura

 Esses sentimentos podem ser desencadeados ou agravados ao caminhar, levantar ou mover a cabeça.  Sua tontura pode ser acompanhada de náusea ou ser tão repentina ou grave que você precisa se sentar ou deitar.  O episódio pode durar segundos ou dias e pode se repetir.

 Quando consultar um médico

 Geralmente, consulte o seu médico se sentir tonturas ou vertigens recorrentes, repentinas, graves ou prolongadas e inexplicáveis.

 Obtenha assistência médica de emergência se sentir tonturas ou vertigens novas e graves, juntamente com um dos seguintes:

 Dor de cabeça súbita e intensa

 Dor no peito

 Dificuldade para respirar

 Dormência ou paralisia de braços ou pernas


 Visão dupla

 Batimento cardíaco rápido ou irregular

 Confusão ou fala arrastada

 Tropeço ou dificuldade para caminhar

 Vômito contínuo


 Uma mudança repentina na audição

 Dormência ou fraqueza facial


 Orelha interna e equilíbrio

 A tontura tem muitas causas possíveis, incluindo distúrbios do ouvido interno, enjôo e efeitos de medicamentos.  Às vezes, é causada por uma condição de saúde subjacente, como má circulação, infecção ou lesão.

 A maneira como a tontura faz você se sentir e seus gatilhos fornecem pistas para possíveis causas.  Quanto tempo dura a tontura e quaisquer outros sintomas que você tenha também ajudam a identificar a causa.

 Problemas no ouvido interno que causam tontura (vertigem)

 Seu senso de equilíbrio depende da contribuição combinada das várias partes do seu sistema sensorial.  Estes incluem o seu:

 Olhos, que ajudam a determinar onde seu corpo está no espaço e como ele está se movendo

 Nervos sensoriais, que enviam mensagens ao cérebro sobre movimentos e posições do corpo

 Ouvido interno, que abriga sensores que ajudam a detectar a gravidade e o movimento de vaivém

 A vertigem é a falsa sensação de que o ambiente está girando ou se movendo.  Com distúrbios do ouvido interno, seu cérebro recebe sinais do ouvido interno que não são consistentes com o que seus olhos e nervos sensoriais estão recebendo.  A vertigem é o que resulta quando o seu cérebro trabalha para resolver a confusão.

 Vertigem posicional paroxística benigna (VPPB).  Essa condição causa uma sensação intensa e breve, mas falsa, de que você está girando ou se movendo.  Esses episódios são desencadeados por uma rápida mudança no movimento da cabeça, como quando você se vira na cama, senta ou experimenta um golpe na cabeça.  A VPPB é a causa mais comum de vertigem.

 Infecção.  Uma infecção viral do nervo vestibular, chamada neurite vestibular, pode causar vertigem intensa e constante.  Se você também tiver perda auditiva súbita, pode ter labirintite.

 Doença de Meniere.  Esta doença envolve o acúmulo excessivo de líquido no ouvido interno.  É caracterizada por episódios repentinos de vertigem com duração de várias horas.  Você também pode experimentar perda auditiva flutuante, zumbido no ouvido e a sensação de um ouvido entupido.

 Enxaqueca.  Pessoas que sofrem de enxaqueca podem ter episódios de vertigem ou outros tipos de tontura, mesmo quando não estão com dor de cabeça intensa.  Tais episódios de vertigem podem durar de minutos a horas e podem estar associados à dor de cabeça, bem como à sensibilidade à luz e ao ruído.

 Problemas de circulação que causam tontura

 Você pode sentir tonturas, desmaios ou desequilíbrio se o seu coração não estiver bombeando sangue suficiente para o seu cérebro.  As causas incluem:

 Queda na pressão sanguínea.  Uma queda dramática na pressão arterial sistólica - o número mais alto na leitura da pressão arterial - pode resultar em tonturas breves ou sensação de desmaio.  Pode ocorrer depois de se sentar ou ficar muito rápido.  Essa condição também é chamada de hipotensão ortostática.

 Má circulação sanguínea.  Condições como cardiomiopatia, ataque cardíaco, arritmia cardíaca e ataque isquêmico transitório podem causar tonturas.  E uma diminuição no volume sanguíneo pode causar fluxo sanguíneo inadequado para o cérebro ou o ouvido interno.

 Outras causas de tontura

 Condições neurológicas.  Alguns distúrbios neurológicos - como a doença de Parkinson e esclerose múltipla - podem levar à perda progressiva do equilíbrio.

 Medicamentos.  A tontura pode ser um efeito colateral de certos medicamentos - como anti-convulsivos, antidepressivos, sedativos e tranqüilizantes.  Em particular, os medicamentos para baixar a pressão arterial podem causar desmaios se reduzirem demais a pressão arterial.

 Transtornos de ansiedade.  Certos transtornos de ansiedade podem causar tontura ou sensação de tontura, geralmente referida como tontura.  Isso inclui ataques de pânico e medo de sair de casa ou de estar em grandes espaços abertos (agorafobia).

 Baixos níveis de ferro (anemia).  Outros sinais e sintomas que podem ocorrer junto com a tontura, se você tiver anemia, incluem fadiga, fraqueza e pele pálida.

 Baixo nível de açúcar no sangue (hipoglicemia).  Essa condição geralmente ocorre em pessoas com diabetes que usam insulina.  Tonturas (tonturas) podem ser acompanhadas por sudorese e ansiedade.

 Superaquecimento e desidratação.  Se você estiver ativo em clima quente ou se não beber líquidos suficientes, pode sentir tonturas por superaquecimento (hipertermia) ou desidratação.  Isto é especialmente verdade se você tomar certos medicamentos para o coração.

 Fatores de risco

 Fatores que podem aumentar o risco de ficar tonto incluem:

 Era.  Os idosos são mais propensos a ter condições médicas que causam tontura, especialmente uma sensação de desequilíbrio.  Eles também são mais propensos a tomar medicamentos que podem causar tonturas.

 Um episódio passado de tontura.  Se você já teve tontura antes, é mais provável que fique tonto no futuro.


 A tontura pode aumentar o risco de cair e se machucar.  Sentir tontura ao dirigir um carro ou operar máquinas pesadas pode aumentar a probabilidade de um acidente.  Você também pode sofrer consequências a longo prazo se uma condição de saúde existente que pode estar causando sua tontura não for tratada.


 Se o seu médico suspeitar que você está tendo ou pode ter sofrido um derrame, for mais velho ou sofrer um golpe na cabeça, ele poderá solicitar imediatamente uma ressonância magnética ou tomografia computadorizada.

 A maioria das pessoas que visita o médico por causa de tontura é questionada sobre seus sintomas e medicamentos e, em seguida, recebe um exame físico.  Durante este exame, seu médico verificará como você anda e mantém seu equilíbrio e como os principais nervos do seu sistema nervoso central estão funcionando.

 Você também pode precisar de um teste auditivo e de equilíbrio, incluindo:

 Teste de movimento ocular.  O seu médico pode observar o caminho dos seus olhos ao rastrear um objeto em movimento.  E você pode fazer um teste de movimento ocular no qual água ou ar são colocados no canal auditivo.

 Teste de movimento da cabeça.  Se o seu médico suspeitar que sua vertigem é causada por vertigem posicional paroxística benigna, ele poderá fazer um simples teste de movimento da cabeça chamado manobra de Dix-Hallpike para verificar o diagnóstico.

 Posturografia.  Este teste informa ao médico quais partes do sistema de balança você mais confia e quais partes podem estar causando problemas.  Você fica descalço em uma plataforma e tenta manter o equilíbrio sob várias condições.

 Teste de cadeira rotativa.  Durante esse teste, você se senta em uma cadeira controlada por computador que se move muito lentamente em um círculo completo.  Em velocidades mais rápidas, ele se move para frente e para trás em um arco muito pequeno.

 Além disso, você pode fazer exames de sangue para verificar a infecção e outros testes para verificar a saúde do coração e dos vasos sanguíneos.


 A tontura geralmente melhora sem tratamento.  Dentro de algumas semanas, o corpo geralmente se adapta ao que está causando isso.

 Se você procurar tratamento, seu médico o baseará na causa de sua condição e nos seus sintomas.  Pode incluir medicamentos e exercícios de equilíbrio.  Mesmo que nenhuma causa seja encontrada ou se a tontura persistir, medicamentos prescritos e outros tratamentos podem tornar seus sintomas mais controláveis.


 Pílulas de água.  Se você tem a doença de Meniere, seu médico pode prescrever uma pílula de água (diurético).  Isso, juntamente com uma dieta com pouco sal, pode ajudar a reduzir a frequência com que você tem episódios de tontura.

 Medicamentos que aliviam tonturas e náuseas.  O seu médico pode prescrever medicamentos para aliviar imediatamente a vertigem, tontura e náusea, incluindo anti-histamínicos prescritos e anticolinérgicos.  Muitos desses medicamentos causam sonolência.

 Medicamentos anti-ansiedade.  Diazepam (Valium) e alprazolam (Xanax) estão em uma classe de medicamentos chamados benzodiazepínicos, que podem causar dependência.  Eles também podem causar sonolência.

 Medicina preventiva para enxaqueca.  Certos medicamentos podem ajudar a prevenir ataques de enxaqueca.


 Manobras de posição da cabeça.  Uma técnica chamada reposicionamento do canalith (ou manobra de Epley) geralmente ajuda a resolver a vertigem posicional paroxística benigna mais rapidamente do que simplesmente esperar a tontura desaparecer.  Isso pode ser feito pelo seu médico, um audiologista ou um fisioterapeuta e envolve manobrar a posição da sua cabeça.  Geralmente é eficaz após um ou dois tratamentos.  Antes de se submeter a esse procedimento, informe o seu médico se tiver uma condição no pescoço ou nas costas, retina desanexada ou problemas nos vasos sanguíneos.

 Terapia de equilíbrio.  Você pode aprender exercícios específicos para ajudar a tornar seu sistema de equilíbrio menos sensível ao movimento.  Essa técnica de fisioterapia é chamada de reabilitação vestibular.  É utilizado para pessoas com tonturas devido a condições do ouvido interno, como neurite vestibular.

 Psicoterapia.  Esse tipo de terapia pode ajudar pessoas cuja tontura é causada por distúrbios de ansiedade.

 Procedimentos cirúrgicos ou outros

 Injeções.  O seu médico pode injetar seu ouvido interno com o antibiótico gentamicina para desativar a função de equilíbrio.  O ouvido não afetado assume essa função.

 Remoção do órgão sensorial do ouvido interno.  Um procedimento raramente usado é chamado labirintectomia.  Desativa o labirinto vestibular na orelha afetada.  O outro ouvido assume a função de equilíbrio.  Essa técnica pode ser usada se você tiver perda auditiva grave e sua tontura não responder a outros tratamentos.

 Estilo de vida e remédios caseiros

 Se você tiver episódios repetidos de tontura, considere estas dicas:

 Esteja ciente da possibilidade de perder o equilíbrio, o que pode levar a quedas e ferimentos graves.

 Evite mover-se repentinamente e, se necessário, ande com uma bengala para obter estabilidade.

 À prova de queda de sua casa, removendo riscos de tropeçar, como tapetes de área e cabos elétricos expostos.  Use tapetes antiderrapantes nos pisos de sua banheira e chuveiro.  Use boa iluminação.

 Sente-se ou deite-se imediatamente quando sentir tonturas.  Deite-se quieto com os olhos fechados em uma sala escura, se estiver passando por um grave episódio de vertigem.

 Evite dirigir um carro ou operar máquinas pesadas se sentir tonturas frequentes sem aviso prévio.

 Evite usar cafeína, álcool, sal e tabaco.  O uso excessivo dessas substâncias pode piorar seus sinais e sintomas.

 Beba bastante líquido, faça uma dieta saudável, durma o suficiente e evite o estresse.

 Se a sua tontura for causada por um medicamento, converse com seu médico sobre descontinuá-lo ou diminuir a dose.

 Se a sua tontura ocorrer com náusea, tente um anti-histamínico de venda livre (sem receita), como meclizina ou dimenidrinato (Dramamine).  Isso pode causar sonolência.  Os anti-histamínicos não progressivos não são tão eficazes.

 Se a sua tontura for causada por superaquecimento ou desidratação, descanse em um local fresco e beba água ou bebida esportiva (Gatorade, Powerade, outros).

 Preparando-se para sua consulta

 Seu médico de família ou prestador de cuidados primários provavelmente poderá diagnosticar e tratar a causa de sua tontura.  Você pode encaminhá-lo a um especialista em ouvido, nariz e garganta (ENT) ou a um médico especializado no cérebro e no sistema nervoso (neurologista).

 Aqui estão algumas informações para ajudá-lo a se preparar para sua consulta.

 O que você pode fazer

 Esteja ciente de quaisquer restrições pré-agendamento.  Quando você marcar a consulta, pergunte se há algo que você precisa fazer com antecedência, como restringir sua dieta.  Se você estiver programado para o teste vestibular, seu médico fornecerá instruções sobre qualquer medicamento a ser suspenso na noite anterior e o que comer no dia do teste.

 Esteja preparado para descrever sua tontura em termos específicos.  Quando você tem um episódio de tontura, sente como se a sala estivesse girando ou como se estivesse girando na sala?  Você sente que pode desmaiar?  Sua descrição desses sintomas é crucial para ajudar seu médico a fazer um diagnóstico.

 Liste quaisquer outras condições ou sintomas de saúde que você tenha, incluindo aqueles que possam parecer não relacionados à sua tontura.  Por exemplo, se você se sentiu deprimido ou ansioso recentemente, essas são informações importantes para o seu médico.

 Liste as principais informações pessoais, incluindo os principais estresses ou mudanças recentes na vida.

 Faça uma lista de todos os medicamentos prescritos e vendidos sem receita, vitaminas ou suplementos que você está tomando.

 Liste perguntas para perguntar ao seu médico.

 Seu tempo com o seu médico é limitado, portanto, preparar uma lista de perguntas com antecedência ajudará você a aproveitar ao máximo seu tempo juntos.  Para tonturas, algumas perguntas básicas a serem feitas ao seu médico incluem:

 Qual é a causa mais provável dos meus sintomas?

 Existem outras causas possíveis para os meus sintomas?

 Quais testes você recomenda?

 Esse problema provavelmente é temporário ou duradouro?

 É possível que meus sintomas desapareçam sem tratamento?

 Quais opções de tratamento podem ajudar?

 Preciso seguir alguma restrição?  Por exemplo, é seguro para mim dirigir?

 Devo consultar um especialista?

 Existe uma alternativa genérica ao medicamento que você está prescrevendo?

 Você tem algum folheto ou outro material impresso que eu possa levar para casa comigo?  Quais sites você recomenda?

 O que esperar do seu médico

 Seu médico provavelmente fará várias perguntas sobre sua tontura, como:

 Você pode descrever o que sentiu na primeira vez em que teve um episódio de tontura?

 A sua tontura é contínua ou ocorre em períodos ou episódios?

 Se a sua tontura ocorrer nos episódios, quanto tempo duram esses episódios?

 Com que frequência seus episódios de tontura ocorrem?

 Quando seus feitiços parecem acontecer, e o que os desencadeia?

 Sua tontura faz com que a sala gire ou produza uma sensação de movimento?

 Quando você está tonto, também se sente fraco ou tonto?

 Sua tontura faz com que você perca o equilíbrio?

 Seus sintomas são acompanhados por um zumbido ou plenitude nos ouvidos (zumbido) ou dificuldade em ouvir?

 Sua visão fica embaçada?

 Sua tontura é agravada ao mover a cabeça?

 Quais medicamentos, vitaminas ou suplementos você está tomando?

 Enquanto isso, você pode fazer

 Se você se sentir tonto quando se levanta, faça algumas mudanças na postura.  Se você teve episódios de tontura enquanto dirige, providencie um transporte alternativo enquanto espera o médico.

 Se sua tontura faz com que você sinta que pode cair, tome medidas para reduzir seu risco.  Mantenha sua casa bem iluminada e livre de riscos que possam causar tropeços.  Evite tapetes e cabos elétricos expostos.  Coloque os móveis onde é improvável que esbarrem nele e use tapetes antiderrapantes na banheira e no piso do chuveiro.



 Eepo Papandoro (caule de casca de África kigelia)

 Odidi ataaare kan (Uma pimenta-jacaré inteira / Aframomum melegueta)


 Você queimará todos os itens mencionados acima em pó fino.


 Você estará lambendo.


 Ovelha Ewon elegun (plantas não identificadas)

 Ataare (pimenta de jacaré)


 Você queimará os dois itens mencionados acima juntos.


 Você estará lambendo.


 Egbo Akika (raízes de Leacniodiscus Cupanioides)

 Ataare (pimenta de jacaré)


 Você queimará os dois itens mencionados acima juntos



 Você estará lambendo.


 Opolope ori Eja (muitas cabeças de peixes)

 Ovelha epiya (folhas não identificadas)

 Ori Eyele (cabeças de pegion)

 Ataare (Pimenta Jacaré)


 Você queimará todos os itens mencionados acima.


 Você o adicionará à farinha de milho.


 Ovelha Oyin (folhas de oyin

 Ovelha Igi Orudu (folhas não identificadas)

 Ataare (pimenta de jacaré)


 Você queimará o item acima mencionado juntos.


 Você estará lambendo.


 Egbo Awogbarun

 Ovelha Epiya

 Ori eyele



 Você queimará o item acima mencionado juntos.


 Você estará lambendo.


 Elau Ijbeu

 Ota inu iroko

 Você queimará o item acima mencionado juntos.


 Você estará lambendo.

 Direitos autorais: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, telefone e whatsapp: +2348166343145, local Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

 AVISO IMPORTANTE: Com relação ao artigo acima, todos os direitos reservados, nenhuma parte deste artigo pode ser reproduzida ou duplicada de qualquer forma ou por qualquer meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocópia e gravação ou por qualquer sistema de armazenamento ou recuperação de informações sem permissão prévia por escrito  do detentor dos direitos autorais e do autor Babalawo Obanifa, fazê-lo é considerado ilegal e atrairá consequências legais

  Haga clic en el Vedio de arriba para ver y descargar alimentos para controlar el vértigo: deshacerse del vértigo y los mareos

  Revista Adel Health •



  Este trabajo documentará algunas de las fórmulas a base de hierbas disponibles en la medicina herbal Yoruba para el tratamiento del mareo.  La nomenclatura del mareo en la medicina herbaria yoruba se conoce como Oyi Oju.  Antes de embarcarnos en la documentación de remedios herbales para el mareo en esta serie.  Es importante que examine alguna explicación médica sobre los mareos. Sin embargo, es instructivo que la información disponible en este trabajo no se considere como un sustituto del servicio de un profesional de la salud capacitado y calificado donde se requiere el servicio de uno.  Uno de los trabajos autorizados que dan explicaciones médicas detalladas sobre los mareos es el trabajo de Mayo On Dizziness titulado Dizziness, fuentes (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dizziness/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20371792) Según  definición de esta fuente, mareos es un término utilizado para describir una variedad de sensaciones, como sentirse débil, mareado, débil o inestable.  El mareo que crea la falsa sensación de que usted o sus alrededores están girando o moviéndose se llama vértigo.

  El mareo es una de las razones más comunes por las que los adultos visitan a sus médicos.  Los mareos frecuentes o los mareos constantes pueden afectar significativamente su vida.  Pero los mareos rara vez indican una afección potencialmente mortal.

  El tratamiento del mareo depende de la causa y sus síntomas.  Por lo general, es efectivo, pero el problema puede reaparecer.


  Las personas que experimentan mareos pueden describirlo como cualquiera de una serie de sensaciones, como:

  Una falsa sensación de movimiento o giro (vértigo)

  Mareo o sensación de desmayo

  Inestabilidad o pérdida de equilibrio.

  Una sensación de flotación, mareos o aturdimiento.

  Estos sentimientos pueden desencadenarse o empeorar al caminar, pararse o mover la cabeza.  Su mareo puede estar acompañado de náuseas o ser tan repentino o intenso que necesite sentarse o acostarse.  El episodio puede durar segundos o días y puede reaparecer.

  Cuando ver a un doctor

  En general, consulte a su médico si experimenta mareos o vértigos recurrentes, repentinos, severos o prolongados e inexplicables.

  Obtenga atención médica de emergencia si experimenta mareos o vértigos nuevos y severos junto con cualquiera de los siguientes:

  Dolor de cabeza repentino y severo

  Dolor de pecho

  Respiración dificultosa

  Entumecimiento o parálisis de brazos o piernas.


  Visión doble

  Latidos cardíacos rápidos o irregulares

  Confusión o dificultad para hablar

  Tropezar o dificultad para caminar

  Vómitos continuos


  Un cambio repentino en la audición.

  Entumecimiento o debilidad facial


  Oído interno y equilibrio

  El mareo tiene muchas causas posibles, que incluyen trastornos del oído interno, cinetosis y efectos de medicamentos.  A veces es causada por una afección de salud subyacente, como mala circulación, infección o lesión.

  La forma en que los mareos te hacen sentir y tus desencadenantes proporcionan pistas sobre las posibles causas.  El tiempo que dura el mareo y cualquier otro síntoma que tenga también ayudan a determinar la causa.

  Problemas del oído interno que causan mareos (vértigo)

  Su sentido del equilibrio depende de la información combinada de las diversas partes de su sistema sensorial.  Estos incluyen su:

  Ojos, que te ayudan a determinar dónde está tu cuerpo en el espacio y cómo se mueve

  Nervios sensoriales, que envían mensajes a su cerebro sobre movimientos y posiciones corporales

  Oído interno, que alberga sensores que ayudan a detectar la gravedad y el movimiento de ida y vuelta

  El vértigo es la falsa sensación de que su entorno gira o se mueve.  Con los trastornos del oído interno, su cerebro recibe señales del oído interno que no son consistentes con lo que están recibiendo sus ojos y nervios sensoriales.  El vértigo es lo que resulta mientras tu cerebro trabaja para resolver la confusión.

  Vértigo posicional paroxístico benigno (VPPB).  Esta condición causa una intensa y breve pero falsa sensación de que estás girando o moviéndote.  Estos episodios se desencadenan por un cambio rápido en el movimiento de la cabeza, como cuando te das vuelta en la cama, te sientas o experimentas un golpe en la cabeza.  El VPPB es la causa más común de vértigo.

  Infección.  Una infección viral del nervio vestibular, llamada neuritis vestibular, puede causar vértigo intenso y constante.  Si también tiene pérdida auditiva repentina, puede tener laberintitis.

  La enfermedad de Meniere.  Esta enfermedad implica la acumulación excesiva de líquido en el oído interno.  Se caracteriza por episodios repentinos de vértigo que duran varias horas.  También puede experimentar pérdida auditiva fluctuante, zumbidos en el oído y la sensación de un oído tapado.

  Migraña.  Las personas que experimentan migrañas pueden tener episodios de vértigo u otros tipos de mareos, incluso cuando no tienen dolor de cabeza intenso.  Dichos episodios de vértigo pueden durar de minutos a horas y pueden estar asociados con dolor de cabeza y sensibilidad a la luz y al ruido.

  Problemas de circulación que causan mareos.

  Puede sentirse mareado, desmayado o desequilibrado si su corazón no bombea suficiente sangre a su cerebro.  Las causas incluyen:

  Caída de la presión arterial.  Una caída dramática en su presión arterial sistólica, el mayor número en la lectura de su presión arterial, puede provocar un ligero mareo o una sensación de desmayo.  Puede ocurrir después de sentarse o pararse demasiado rápido.  Esta condición también se llama hipotensión ortostática.

  Mala circulación sanguínea.  Las afecciones como la miocardiopatía, el ataque cardíaco, la arritmia cardíaca y el ataque isquémico transitorio pueden causar mareos.  Y una disminución en el volumen sanguíneo puede causar un flujo sanguíneo inadecuado al cerebro o al oído interno.

  Otras causas de mareos.

  Condiciones neurológicas  Algunos trastornos neurológicos, como la enfermedad de Parkinson y la esclerosis múltiple, pueden conducir a una pérdida progresiva del equilibrio.

  Medicamentos  El mareo puede ser un efecto secundario de ciertos medicamentos, como medicamentos anticonvulsivos, antidepresivos, sedantes y tranquilizantes.  En particular, los medicamentos para bajar la presión arterial pueden causar desmayo si disminuyen demasiado la presión arterial.

  Desórdenes de ansiedad.  Ciertos trastornos de ansiedad pueden causar aturdimiento o una sensación de mareo que a menudo se conoce como mareos.  Estos incluyen ataques de pánico y el miedo a salir de casa o estar en espacios grandes y abiertos (agorafobia).

  Bajos niveles de hierro (anemia).  Otros signos y síntomas que pueden ocurrir junto con mareos si tiene anemia incluyen fatiga, debilidad y piel pálida.

  Bajo nivel de azúcar en la sangre (hipoglucemia).  Esta condición generalmente ocurre en personas con diabetes que usan insulina.  Los mareos (aturdimiento) pueden estar acompañados de sudoración y ansiedad.

  Sobrecalentamiento y deshidratación.  Si está activo en climas cálidos o si no toma suficientes líquidos, puede sentirse mareado por el sobrecalentamiento (hipertermia) o por la deshidratación.  Esto es especialmente cierto si toma ciertos medicamentos para el corazón.

  Factores de riesgo

  Los factores que pueden aumentar su riesgo de marearse incluyen:

  Años.  Los adultos mayores tienen más probabilidades de tener afecciones médicas que causan mareos, especialmente una sensación de desequilibrio.  También es más probable que tomen medicamentos que pueden causar mareos.

  Un episodio pasado de mareos.  Si ha experimentado mareos antes, es más probable que se maree en el futuro.


  Los mareos pueden aumentar su riesgo de caerse y lastimarse.  Experimentar mareos mientras conduce un automóvil u opera maquinaria pesada puede aumentar la probabilidad de un accidente.  También puede experimentar consecuencias a largo plazo si una condición de salud existente que puede estar causando su mareo no se trata.


  Si su médico sospecha que tiene o puede haber tenido un derrame cerebral, es mayor o sufrió un golpe en la cabeza, él o ella pueden ordenar de inmediato una resonancia magnética o tomografía computarizada.

  A la mayoría de las personas que visitan a su médico debido a mareos se les preguntará primero sobre sus síntomas y medicamentos y luego se les realizará un examen físico.  Durante este examen, su médico verificará cómo camina y mantiene su equilibrio y cómo funcionan los nervios principales de su sistema nervioso central.

  También es posible que necesite una prueba de audición y pruebas de equilibrio, que incluyen:

  Prueba de movimiento ocular.  Su médico puede observar el camino de sus ojos cuando rastrea un objeto en movimiento.  Y es posible que le realicen una prueba de movimiento ocular en la que se coloca agua o aire en el canal auditivo.

  Prueba de movimiento de cabeza.  Si su médico sospecha que su vértigo es causado por un vértigo posicional paroxístico benigno, él o ella puede hacer una prueba simple de movimiento de la cabeza llamada maniobra Dix-Hallpike para verificar el diagnóstico.

  Posturografía  Esta prueba le dice a su médico en qué partes del sistema de equilibrio confía más y qué partes pueden estar causándole problemas.  Se para con los pies descalzos sobre una plataforma e intenta mantener el equilibrio en diversas condiciones.

  Prueba de silla giratoria.  Durante esta prueba, te sientas en una silla controlada por computadora que se mueve muy lentamente en un círculo completo.  A velocidades más rápidas, se mueve hacia adelante y hacia atrás en un arco muy pequeño.

  Además, es posible que le hagan análisis de sangre para detectar infecciones y otras pruebas para verificar la salud del corazón y los vasos sanguíneos.


  Los mareos a menudo mejoran sin tratamiento.  En un par de semanas, el cuerpo generalmente se adapta a lo que sea que lo esté causando.

  Si busca tratamiento, su médico lo basará en la causa de su afección y sus síntomas.  Puede incluir medicamentos y ejercicios de equilibrio.  Incluso si no se encuentra una causa o si su mareo persiste, los medicamentos recetados y otros tratamientos pueden hacer que sus síntomas sean más manejables.


  Pastillas de agua  Si tiene la enfermedad de Meniere, su médico puede recetarle una pastilla de agua (diurético).  Esto, junto con una dieta baja en sal, puede ayudar a reducir la frecuencia con la que tiene episodios de mareos.

  Medicamentos que alivian los mareos y las náuseas.  Su médico puede recetar medicamentos para proporcionar un alivio inmediato del vértigo, los mareos y las náuseas, incluidos los antihistamínicos y los antialérgicos recetados.  Muchas de estas drogas causan somnolencia.

  Medicamentos contra la ansiedad.  El diazepam (Valium) y el alprazolam (Xanax) pertenecen a una clase de medicamentos llamados benzodiacepinas, que pueden causar adicción.  También pueden causar somnolencia.

  Medicina preventiva para la migraña.  Ciertos medicamentos pueden ayudar a prevenir los ataques de migraña.


  Posición de cabeza maniobras.  Una técnica llamada reposicionamiento de canalitos (o maniobra de Epley) generalmente ayuda a resolver el vértigo posicional paroxístico benigno más rápidamente que simplemente esperar que desaparezcan los mareos.  Puede hacerlo su médico, un audiólogo o un fisioterapeuta e implica maniobrar la posición de su cabeza.  Por lo general, es efectivo después de uno o dos tratamientos.  Antes de someterse a este procedimiento, informe a su proveedor de atención médica si tiene una afección en el cuello o la espalda, una retina desprendida o problemas en los vasos sanguíneos.

  Terapia de equilibrio.  Puede aprender ejercicios específicos para ayudar a que su sistema de equilibrio sea menos sensible al movimiento.  Esta técnica de fisioterapia se llama rehabilitación vestibular.  Se utiliza para personas con mareos por afecciones del oído interno, como la neuritis vestibular.

  Psicoterapia.  Este tipo de terapia puede ayudar a las personas cuyo mareo es causado por trastornos de ansiedad.

  Procedimientos quirúrgicos u otros.

  Inyecciones  Su médico puede inyectarle al oído interno el antibiótico gentamicina para desactivar la función de equilibrio.  El oído no afectado asume esa función.

  Extracción del órgano sensorial del oído interno.  Un procedimiento que rara vez se usa se llama laberinthectomía.  Inhabilita el laberinto vestibular en el oído afectado.  El otro oído se hace cargo de la función de equilibrio.  Esta técnica se puede usar si tiene una pérdida auditiva grave y su mareo no ha respondido a otros tratamientos.

  Estilo de vida y remedios caseros

  Si tiende a experimentar episodios repetidos de mareos, considere estos consejos:

  Tenga en cuenta la posibilidad de perder el equilibrio, lo que puede provocar caídas y lesiones graves.

  Evite moverse repentinamente y camine con un bastón para estabilidad, si es necesario.

  A prueba de caídas, elimine los peligros de tropiezos, como alfombras y cables eléctricos expuestos.  Use tapetes antideslizantes en los pisos de su baño y ducha.  Use buena iluminación.

  Siéntese o acuéstese inmediatamente cuando se sienta mareado.  Permanezca quieto con los ojos cerrados en una habitación oscura si experimenta un episodio grave de vértigo.

  Evite conducir un automóvil u operar maquinaria pesada si experimenta mareos frecuentes sin previo aviso.

  Evite usar cafeína, alcohol, sal y tabaco.  El uso excesivo de estas sustancias puede empeorar sus signos y síntomas.

  Beba suficientes líquidos, coma una dieta saludable, duerma lo suficiente y evite el estrés.

  Si su mareo es causado por un medicamento, hable con su médico acerca de suspenderlo o reducir la dosis.

  Si su mareo se presenta con náuseas, pruebe con un antihistamínico de venta libre (sin receta), como meclizina o dimenhidrinato (Dramamine).  Estos pueden causar somnolencia.  Los antihistamínicos no somnolientos no son tan efectivos.

  Si su mareo es causado por el sobrecalentamiento o la deshidratación, descanse en un lugar fresco y beba agua o una bebida deportiva (Gatorade, Powerade, otros).

  Preparando su cita

  Su médico de familia o proveedor de atención primaria probablemente podrá diagnosticar y tratar la causa de sus mareos.  Él o ella puede derivarlo a un especialista en oído, nariz y garganta (ENT) o a un médico que se especialice en el cerebro y el sistema nervioso (neurólogo).

  Aquí hay información para ayudarlo a prepararse para su cita.

  Lo que puedes hacer

  Tenga en cuenta cualquier restricción previa a la cita.  Al momento de hacer la cita, asegúrese de preguntar si hay algo que deba hacer con anticipación, como restringir su dieta.  Si tiene programada una prueba vestibular, su médico le dará instrucciones sobre cualquier medicamento que deba retener la noche anterior y qué comer el día de la prueba.

  Esté preparado para describir su mareo en términos específicos.  Cuando tienes un episodio de mareo, ¿sientes que la habitación está girando o que estás girando en la habitación?  ¿Sientes que te puedes desmayar?  Su descripción de estos síntomas es crucial para ayudar a su médico a hacer un diagnóstico.

  Enumere cualquier otra afección o síntoma de salud que tenga, incluidas las que puedan parecer ajenas a su mareo.  Por ejemplo, si se ha sentido deprimido o ansioso recientemente, esta es información importante para su médico.

  Enumere la información personal clave, incluidas las principales tensiones o los cambios recientes en la vida.

  Haga una lista de todos los medicamentos recetados y de venta libre, vitaminas o suplementos que esté tomando.

  Haga una lista de preguntas para hacerle a su médico.

  Su tiempo con su médico es limitado, por lo que preparar una lista de preguntas con anticipación lo ayudará a aprovechar al máximo su tiempo juntos.  Para mareos, algunas preguntas básicas para hacerle a su médico incluyen:

  ¿Cuál es la causa más probable de mis síntomas?

  ¿Hay otras causas posibles para mis síntomas?

  ¿Qué pruebas me recomiendan?

  ¿Es probable que este problema sea temporal o duradero?

  ¿Es posible que mis síntomas desaparezcan sin tratamiento?

  ¿Qué opciones de tratamiento podrían ayudar?

  ¿Debo seguir alguna restricción?  Por ejemplo, ¿es seguro para mí conducir?

  ¿Debo ver a un especialista?

  ¿Existe una alternativa genérica al medicamento que está recetando?

  ¿Tiene algún folleto u otro material impreso que pueda llevarme a casa?  ¿Qué sitios web me recomiendan?

  Que esperar de su médico

  Es probable que su médico le haga una serie de preguntas sobre su mareo, como:

  ¿Puedes describir lo que sentiste la primera vez que tuviste un episodio de mareo?

  ¿Su mareo es continuo o ocurre en hechizos o episodios?

  Si su mareo ocurre en episodios, ¿cuánto duran estos episodios?

  ¿Con qué frecuencia ocurren los episodios de mareos?

  ¿Cuándo parecen ocurrir tus mareos y qué los desencadena?

  ¿Su mareo hace que la habitación gire o produzca una sensación de movimiento?

  Cuando te sientes mareado, ¿también te sientes débil o mareado?

  ¿Tu mareo te hace perder el equilibrio?

  ¿Sus síntomas van acompañados de un zumbido o plenitud en sus oídos (tinnitus) o problemas para escuchar?

  ¿Tu visión se vuelve borrosa?

  ¿Su mareo empeora al mover la cabeza?

  ¿Qué medicamentos, vitaminas o suplementos estás tomando?

  Lo que puedes hacer mientras tanto

  Si tiende a sentirse mareado cuando se pone de pie, tómese su tiempo para hacer cambios en la postura.  Si ha tenido episodios de mareos mientras conduce, organice un transporte alternativo mientras espera ver a su médico.

  Si su mareo le hace sentir que podría caerse, tome medidas para reducir su riesgo.  Mantenga su casa bien iluminada y libre de peligros que puedan hacer que se tropiece.  Evite las alfombras y los cables eléctricos expuestos.  Coloque los muebles donde sea poco probable que se tope con ellos y use alfombrillas antideslizantes en la bañera y en el piso de la ducha.



  Eepo Papandoro (tallo de corteza de África kigelia)

  Odidi ataaare kan (Un cocodrilo entero / Aframomum melegueta)


  Quemará todos los elementos mencionados anteriormente en polvo fino.


  Lo lamerás.


  Ewe Ewon elegun (Plantas no identificadas)

  Ataare (pimienta de cocodrilo)


  Quemarás los dos elementos antes mencionados juntos.


  Lo lamerás.


  Egbo Akika (raíces de Leacniodiscus Cupanioides)

  Ataare (pimienta de cocodrilo)


  Quemarás los dos elementos antes mencionados juntos



  Lo lamerás.


  Opolope ori Eja (muchas cabezas de peces)

  Ewe epiya (hojas no identificadas)

  Ori Eyele (cabezas de pegion)

  Ataare (pimienta de cocodrilo)


  Quemarás todos los elementos mencionados anteriormente.


  Lo agregará a la harina de maíz.


  Oveja Oyin (hojas oyin

  Oveja Igi Orudu (hojas no identificadas)

  Ataare (pimienta de cocodrilo)


  Quemarán juntos el artículo mencionado anteriormente.


  Lo lamerás.


  Egbo Awogbarun

  Ewe Epiya

  Ori eyele



  Quemarán juntos el artículo mencionado anteriormente.


  Lo lamerás.

  7 7

  Elau Ijbeu

  Ota inu iroko

  Quemarán juntos el artículo mencionado anteriormente.


  Lo lamerás.

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, teléfono y contacto de WhatsApp: +2348166343145, ubicación Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

  AVISO IMPORTANTE: en lo que respecta al artículo anterior, todos los derechos reservados, ninguna parte de este artículo puede reproducirse o duplicarse de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias y grabaciones, o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento o recuperación de información sin permiso previo por escrito  del titular de los derechos de autor y del autor Babalawo Obanifa, hacerlo se considera ilegal y traerá consecuencias legales



  约鲁巴草药医学中的草药药草疗法,作者:BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa极限纪录片,第3卷


  这项工作将记录约鲁巴草药中可用于治疗头晕的一些草药配方。 约鲁巴草药的头晕命名法是Oyi Oju。 在我们开始研究本系列中有关头晕的草药的文献之前。 重要的是要检查一些有关头晕的医学解释,但是具有指导意义的是,不应将这项工作中提供的信息视为需要合格的训练有素的医疗服务人员的服务的替代。 一项详细的医学解释头晕的权威著作是Mayo On Dizziness的著作,标题为《 Dizziness》(来源:https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dizziness/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20371792) 从这个来源定义,头晕是用来描述一系列感觉的术语,例如感到晕眩,昏昏欲睡,虚弱或不稳定。 造成您或周围环境在旋转或移动的错误感觉的头晕称为眩晕。

  头晕是成年人去看医生的较常见原因之一。 频繁的头晕或持续头晕会严重影响您的生活。 但是头晕很少能预示生命危险。

  头晕的治疗取决于病因和症状。 通常它是有效的,但问题可能会再次发生。







  步行,站立或移动头部可能会触发或加剧这些感觉。 您的头晕可能伴随恶心,或者突然或严重到您需要坐下或躺下的状态。 该情节可能持续几秒钟或几天,并且可能再次发生。



















  头晕有许多可能的原因,包括内耳不适,晕车和药物治疗。 有时是由于潜在的健康状况引起的,例如血液循环不良,感染或受伤。

  头晕使您感觉到的方式和触发器为可能的原因提供了线索。 头晕持续多长时间以及您有任何其他症状也有助于查明原因。


  您的平衡感取决于感觉系统各个部分的综合输入。 这些包括:




  眩晕是您周围环境在旋转或移动的错误感觉。 患有内耳疾病时,大脑会从内耳接收与您的眼睛和感觉神经所接收到的信号不一致的信号。 眩晕是您的大脑努力消除混乱的结果。

  良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)。 这种情况会引起强烈的,短暂的但错误的感觉,即您在旋转或移动。 这些发作是由头部运动的快速变化触发的,例如当您躺在床上翻身,坐起来或遭受头部撞击时。  BPPV是导致眩晕的最常见原因。

  感染。 前庭神经的病毒感染称为前庭神经炎,可引起强烈的持续性眩晕。 如果您还突然有听力损失,则可能患有迷路炎。

  梅尼埃病。 该疾病涉及内耳过多积水。 它的特征是突发性眩晕发作持续长达几个小时。 您还可能会遇到起伏不定的听力损失,耳鸣和耳塞的感觉。

  偏头痛 经历偏头痛的人即使没有严重的头痛也可能会出现眩晕或其他类型的头晕。 此类眩晕发作可持续数分钟至数小时,并且可能与头痛以及对光和噪音的敏感性有关。


  如果您的心脏没有向大脑输送足够的血液,您可能会感到头晕,晕眩或失去平衡。 原因包括:

  血压下降。 收缩压急剧下降(血压读数较高)可能导致短暂的头晕或晕眩感。 坐直或站得太快会发生这种情况。 这种情况也称为体位性低血压。

  血液循环不良。 诸如心肌病,心脏病发作,心律不齐和短暂性脑缺血发作等情况可能导致头晕。 血液量减少可能会导致血液流向大脑或内耳的流量不足。


  神经系统疾病。 某些神经系统疾病(例如帕金森氏病和多发性硬化症)可能会导致进行性失衡。

  药物。 头晕可能是某些药物的副作用,例如抗癫痫药,抗抑郁药,镇静剂和镇静剂。 特别是,如果降血压药物过度降低血压,可能会导致晕厥。

  焦虑症。 某些焦虑症可能引起头昏眼花或昏昏欲睡的感觉,通常被称为头晕。 其中包括惊恐发作和害怕离开家或在宽敞,空旷的地方(仇视恐惧症)。

  铁水平低(贫血)。 如果您患有贫血,其他可能伴随头晕出现的体征和症状包括疲劳,虚弱和皮肤苍白。

  低血糖(低血糖)。 这种情况通常发生在使用胰岛素的糖尿病患者中。 头晕(头昏眼花)可能伴有出汗和焦虑。

  过热和脱水。 如果您在炎热的天气中活跃,或者没有喝足够的液体,则可能会因过热(体温过高)或脱水而感到头晕。 如果您服用某些心脏药物,尤其如此。



  年龄。 老年人更容易出现导致头晕的医疗状况,尤其是不平衡感。 他们也更有可能服用会引起头晕的药物。

  过去头晕的发作。 如果您以前曾感到头晕,那么将来您很可能会头晕。


  头晕会增加您跌倒和受伤的风险。 驾驶汽车或操作重型机械时出现头晕可能会增加发生事故的可能性。 如果现有的可能导致您头晕的健康状况得不到及时治疗,您也可能会遭受长期后果。



  大多数人会因为头晕而去看医生,首先要询问他们的症状和药物,然后再进行身体检查。 在这次检查期间,您的医生将检查您的步行方式和保持平衡以及中枢神经系统主要神经的运作方式。


  眼球运动测试。 当您追踪运动物体时,医生可能会注视您的眼睛。 可能会进行眼动测试,将水或空气放入耳道。

  头部运动测试。 如果您的医生怀疑您的眩晕是由良性阵发性位置性眩晕引起的,则他或她可以进行称为Dix-Hallpike动作的简单头部运动测试以验证诊断。

  姿势学。 该测试将告诉您的医生您最依赖天平系统的哪些部分以及哪些部分可能给您带来问题。 您赤脚站在平台上,并尝试在各种条件下保持平衡。

  旋转椅测试。 在测试过程中,您坐在计算机控制的椅子上,该椅子非常缓慢地移动了一整圈。 以更快的速度,它以很小的弧度来回移动。



  未经治疗头晕通常会好转。 在几周内,身体通常会适应引起它的任何原因。

  如果您寻求治疗,医生将根据您的病因和症状进行治疗。 它可能包括药物和平衡运动。 即使找不到原因或头晕持续,处方药和其他治疗方法也可能使您的症状更容易控制。


  水丸。 如果您患有美尼尔氏病,您的医生可能会开水丸(利尿剂)。 加上低盐饮食可以帮助减少头晕发作的频率。

  缓解头晕和恶心的药物。 您的医生可能开了一些药物,可以立即缓解眩晕,头晕和恶心,包括处方抗组胺药和抗胆碱药。 这些药物很多都会引起嗜睡。

  抗焦虑药。 地西p(安定)和阿普唑仑(Xanax)属于一类称为苯并二氮杂pine的药物,可能会导致成瘾。 它们也可能导致睡意。

  偏头痛的预防药。 某些药物可能有助于预防偏头痛发作。


  头部动作。 比起等待头晕消失,一种称为Canalith重新定位(或Epley动作)的技术通常可以更快地解决良性阵发性位置性眩晕。 可以由您的医生,听觉医师或物理治疗师完成,并且涉及调节头部的位置。 通常经过一两次治疗后才有效。 进行此程序之前,请先告知您的护理人员,如果您的颈部或背部状况,视网膜脱离或血管有问题。

  平衡疗法。 您可能会学习一些特定的练习,以帮助您的平衡系统减少对运动的敏感度。 这种物理治疗技术称为前庭康复。 用于前耳神经炎等内耳疾病引起的头晕的人。

  心理治疗。 这种治疗方法可以帮助因焦虑症而引起头晕的人。


  注射剂。 您的医生可能会向您的内耳注射抗生素庆大霉素,以禁用平衡功能。 不受影响的耳朵负责该功能。

  去除内耳感官。 很少使用的手术称为迷路切除术。 它会禁用受影响的耳朵中的前庭迷宫。 另一只耳朵接管平衡功能。 如果您有严重的听力损失并且头晕没有对其他治疗做出反应,则可以使用此技术。





  消除绊倒的危险,如地毯和裸露的电线,以防跌倒。 在浴室和淋浴间地板上使用防滑垫。 使用良好的照明。

  感到头晕时立即坐下或躺下。 如果您遇到严重的眩晕发作,请在黑暗的房间里闭着眼睛躺下。


  避免使用咖啡因,酒精,盐和烟草。 过量使用这些物质会恶化您的体征和症状。



  如果头晕伴随恶心,请尝试使用非处方非组胺抗组胺药,如美其敏或苯海拉明(Dramamine)。 这些可能会导致睡意。 非困倦的抗组胺药效果不佳。



  您的家庭医生或初级保健提供者可能将能够诊断和治疗您头晕的原因。 他或她可能会将您推荐给耳鼻喉(ENT)专家或专门研究脑和神经系统的医生(神经科医生)。



  请注意任何预约前的限制。 在您进行预约时,请务必先询问是否需要做任何事情,例如限制饮食。 如果您计划进行前庭测试,您的医生将提供有关在前一天晚上保留的任何药物以及测试当天吃什么的说明。

  准备用特定术语描述头晕。 当您头昏眼花的时候,您是觉得房间在旋转,还是在房间里旋转? 你觉得你可能会昏倒吗? 您对这些症状的描述对于帮助医生进行诊断至关重要。

  列出您有的其他任何健康状况或症状,包括可能与您头晕无关的任何症状。 例如,如果您最近感到沮丧或焦虑,这对于医生来说是重要的信息。




  您与医生的时间有限,因此提前准备问题清单将有助于您充分利用自己的时间。 对于头昏眼花,向您的医生提出的一些基本问题包括:







  我需要遵守任何限制吗? 例如,我开车安全吗?



  您有我可以带回家的手册或其他印刷材料吗? 您推荐哪些网站?
















  如果您站立时容易感到头晕,请花些时间改变姿势。 如果您在开车时头晕发作,请在等待看医生时安排其他交通工具。

  如果头晕使您感觉自己可能会跌倒,请采取措施降低风险。 保持家中光线充足,避免可能导致您绊倒的危险。 避免使用地毯和裸露的电线。 将家具放在不太可能撞到的地方,并在浴缸和淋浴地板上使用防滑垫。

  BABALAWO OBANIFA撰写的约鲁巴草药中的几种不同的草药补品


  Eepo Papandoro(非洲吉尔吉亚的树皮茎)

  Odidi ataaare kan(整个短吻鳄胡椒/ Aframomum melegueta)






  母羊Ewon elegun(身份不明的植物)







  Egbo Akika(Leacniodiscus Cupanioides的根)








  Opolope ori Eja(很多鱼的头)


  Ori Eyele(钉头)








  母羊Igi Orudu(不明叶子)
















  伊劳·伊布(Elau Ijbeu)





  版权:Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa,电话和whatsapp联系人:+2348166343145,位于尼日利亚Ile Ife osun省。

  重要声明:关于以上文章,保留所有权利,未经事先书面许可,不得以任何形式或通过任何方式(包括影印和录制的电子或机械手段)或通过任何信息存储或检索系统复制或复制本文的任何部分 版权持有人和作者Babalawo Obanifa的行为,被认为是非法的,并将引起法律后果

 انقر على Vedio أعلاه لمشاهدة وتحميل الأطعمة للتحكم في الدوار - التخلص من الدوار والدوار

 مجلة عادل الصحية •

 العلاجات العشبية للدوخة في يوروبا طب الأعشاب بقلـم بابلو أبانيفة - أبانيفة المدقع ، المجلد 3


 هذا العمل سوف يوثق بعض المستحضرات العشبية المتوفرة في الأدوية العشبية اليوروبا لعلاج الدوخة.  تُعرف التسمية الخاصة بالدوار في دواء اليوروبا العشبي باسم Oyi Oju.  قبل الشروع في توثيق العلاجات العشبية لدوار في هذه السلسلة.  من المهم أن تدرس بعض التفسيرات الطبية بشأن الدوخة ، إلا أنه من المفيد أن لا تُعتبر المعلومات التي يتم توفيرها في هذا العمل بديلاً عن خدمة ممارس صحي مدرّب مؤهل حيث تكون الخدمة مطلوبة.  أحد الأعمال الموثوقة التي تقدم توضيحات طبية تفصيلية عن الدوخة هو عمل مايو على الدوخة بعنوان الدوخة ، المصادر (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dizziness/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20371792)  تعريف من هذا المصدر ، دوخة هي مصطلح يستخدم لوصف مجموعة من الأحاسيس ، مثل الشعور بالإغماء ، والراحة ، والضعف أو عدم الاستقرار.  الدوخة التي تخلق الشعور الزائف بأنك أو محيطك تدور أو تتحرك تسمى الدوار.

 الدوخة هي واحدة من أكثر الأسباب شيوعًا عند زيارة البالغين لأطبائهم.  نوبات الدوار المتكررة أو الدوخة المستمرة يمكن أن تؤثر بشكل كبير على حياتك.  لكن الدوخة نادرا ما تشير إلى حالة تهدد الحياة.

 يعتمد علاج الدوخة على السبب وأعراضك.  عادة ما تكون فعالة ، ولكن المشكلة قد تتكرر.


 قد يصفه الأشخاص الذين يعانون من الدوخة بأنه أي عدد من الأحاسيس ، مثل:

 شعور زائف بالحركة أو الدوران (الدوار)

 الدوار أو الشعور بالإغماء

 عدم الثبات أو فقدان التوازن

 شعور العائمة ، wooziness أو الثقيلة

 قد تنطلق هذه المشاعر أو تتفاقم بسبب المشي أو الوقوف أو تحريك رأسك.  قد يصاحب دوارك غثيان أو يكون مفاجئًا أو شديدًا لدرجة أنك تحتاج إلى الجلوس أو الاستلقاء.  قد تستمر الحلقة ثانية أو أيام وقد تتكرر.

 عندما ترى الطبيب

 بشكل عام ، راجع طبيبك إذا كنت تعاني من أي دوخة أو دوار متكرر أو مفاجئ أو حاد أو طويل أو غير مفسر.

 احصل على رعاية طبية طارئة إذا كنت تعاني من دوخة جديدة أو دوار شديد مع أي مما يلي:

 الصداع المفاجئ الحاد

 ألم في الصدر

 صعوبة في التنفس

 خدر أو شلل الذراعين أو الساقين


 رؤية مزدوجة

 نبضات سريعة أو غير منتظمة

 الارتباك أو عدم وضوح الكلام

 عثرة أو صعوبة في المشي

 القيء المستمر


 تغيير مفاجئ في السمع

 خدر في الوجه أو ضعف


 الأذن الداخلية والتوازن

 الدوخة لها العديد من الأسباب المحتملة ، بما في ذلك اضطرابات الأذن الداخلية ، ومرض الحركة وآثار الدواء.  في بعض الأحيان يكون سببها حالة صحية كامنة ، مثل ضعف الدورة الدموية ، العدوى أو الإصابة.

 الطريقة التي تجعلك تشعر بالدوار وتوفر المشغلات الخاصة بك أدلة على الأسباب المحتملة.  كم من الوقت يستمر الدوخة وأي أعراض أخرى لديك قد تساعد أيضًا في تحديد السبب.

 مشاكل الأذن الداخلية التي تسبب الدوار (الدوار)

 إن إحساسك بالتوازن يعتمد على المدخلات المدمجة من مختلف أجزاء النظام الحسي.  وتشمل هذه:

 العيون ، والتي تساعدك على تحديد مكان وجود جسمك في الفضاء وكيف يتحرك

 الأعصاب الحسية ، التي ترسل رسائل إلى عقلك حول حركات الجسم ومواقفه

 الأذن الداخلية ، التي تضم أجهزة استشعار تساعد على اكتشاف الجاذبية والحركة ذهابًا وإيابًا

 الدوار هو شعور خاطئ بأن محيطك يدور أو يتحرك.  مع اضطرابات الأذن الداخلية ، يتلقى دماغك إشارات من الأذن الداخلية لا تتفق مع ما تستقبله عينيك والأعصاب الحسية.  الدوار هو ما ينتج عن عمل عقلك لحل هذا الالتباس.

 حميدة الدوار الموضع الانتيابي (BPPV).  هذه الحالة تسبب إحساسًا مكثفًا وجديدًا ولكنه خاطئ بأنك تدور أو تتحرك.  يتم تشغيل هذه الحلقات من خلال التغير السريع في حركة الرأس ، مثل عند قلب السرير أو الجلوس أو تجربة ضربة في الرأس.  BPPV هو السبب الأكثر شيوعا للدوار.

 عدوى.  العدوى الفيروسية للعصب الدهليزي ، وتسمى التهاب العصب الدهليزي ، يمكن أن تسبب الدوار الشديد.  إذا كنت تعاني أيضًا من فقدان السمع المفاجئ ، فقد يكون لديك التهاب في المتاهة.

 مرض مينير.  هذا المرض ينطوي على تراكم السوائل المفرط في أذنك الداخلية.  تتميز بحلقات مفاجئة من الدوار تدوم لعدة ساعات.  قد تواجه أيضًا تقلبًا في ضعف السمع والرنين في الأذن والشعور بوجود أذن متصلة.

 صداع نصفي.  قد يعاني الأشخاص الذين يعانون من الصداع النصفي من نوبات الدوار أو أنواع أخرى من الدوار حتى عندما لا يعانون من صداع شديد.  يمكن أن تستمر حلقات الدوار هذه من دقائق إلى ساعات وقد تترافق مع الصداع وكذلك حساسية الضوء والضوضاء.

 مشاكل الدورة الدموية التي تسبب الدوار

 قد تشعر بالدوار أو الإغماء أو عدم التوازن إذا كان قلبك لا يضخ ما يكفي من الدم إلى عقلك.  الأسباب تشمل:

 انخفاض في ضغط الدم.  قد يؤدي الانخفاض الحاد في ضغط الدم الانقباضي - وهو الرقم الأعلى في قراءة ضغط الدم لديك - إلى حدوث دوار قصير أو شعور بالإغماء.  يمكن أن يحدث بعد الجلوس أو الوقوف بسرعة كبيرة.  وتسمى هذه الحالة أيضا انخفاض ضغط الدم الانتصابي.

 ضعف الدورة الدموية.  حالات مثل اعتلال عضلة القلب ، والنوبات القلبية ، وعدم انتظام ضربات القلب ونوبة نقص تروية عابرة قد تسبب الدوخة.  وقد يؤدي انخفاض حجم الدم إلى عدم كفاية تدفق الدم إلى الدماغ أو الأذن الداخلية.

 أسباب أخرى من الدوخة

 الظروف العصبية.  بعض الاضطرابات العصبية - مثل مرض باركنسون والتصلب المتعدد - يمكن أن تؤدي إلى فقدان التوازن تدريجيا.

 الأدوية.  يمكن أن يكون الدوار من الآثار الجانبية لبعض الأدوية - مثل الأدوية المضادة للنوبات ومضادات الاكتئاب والمهدئات والمهدئات.  على وجه الخصوص ، قد تؤدي أدوية خفض ضغط الدم إلى الوهن إذا خفضت ضغط دمك أكثر من اللازم.

 اضطرابات القلق.  قد تتسبب بعض اضطرابات القلق في الدوار أو الشعور الوهمي الذي يشار إليه غالبًا بالدوار.  وتشمل هذه نوبات الهلع والخوف من مغادرة المنزل أو في أماكن واسعة مفتوحة (الخوف من الأماكن المغلقة).

 انخفاض مستويات الحديد (فقر الدم).  تشمل الأعراض والأعراض الأخرى التي قد تحدث إلى جانب الدوار إذا كنت تعاني من فقر الدم التعب والضعف والبشرة الفاتحة.

 انخفاض نسبة السكر في الدم (نقص السكر في الدم).  هذه الحالة تحدث بشكل عام في مرضى السكري الذين يستخدمون الأنسولين.  قد يصحب الدوخة (الدوار) بالتعرق والقلق.

 الانهاك والجفاف.  إذا كنت نشيطًا في الطقس الحار أو إذا كنت لا تشرب كمية كافية من السوائل ، فقد تشعر بالدوار بسبب ارتفاع درجة الحرارة (ارتفاع الحرارة) أو بسبب الجفاف.  هذا صحيح بشكل خاص إذا كنت تتناول بعض أدوية القلب.

 عوامل الخطر

 تشمل العوامل التي قد تزيد من خطر الإصابة بالدوار:

 عمر.  من المرجح أن يعاني كبار السن من أمراض طبية تسبب الدوخة ، وخاصة الشعور بعدم التوازن.  كما أنهم أكثر عرضة لتناول الأدوية التي يمكن أن تسبب الدوار.

 حلقة سابقة من الدوخة.  إذا كنت قد عانيت من دوخة من قبل ، فمن المرجح أن تصاب بالدوار في المستقبل.


 الدوخة يمكن أن تزيد من خطر السقوط وإصابة نفسك.  تجربة الدوخة أثناء قيادة السيارة أو تشغيل الآلات الثقيلة يمكن أن تزيد من احتمال وقوع حادث.  قد تواجه أيضًا عواقب طويلة الأجل إذا لم يتم علاج حالة صحية حالية قد تسبب دوخة.


 إذا اشتبه طبيبك في إصابتك بجلطة دماغية أو أصيبت بسكتة دماغية أو كبرت أو أصيبت بضربة في الرأس ، فقد يطلب فورًا إجراء تصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي أو الأشعة المقطعية.

 معظم الناس الذين يزورون طبيبهم بسبب الدوخة سيتم سؤالهم أولاً عن أعراضهم وأدويتهم ، ثم يتم فحصهم بدنيًا.  خلال هذا الامتحان ، سيتحقق طبيبك من كيفية المشي والحفاظ على توازنك وكيف تعمل الأعصاب الرئيسية في الجهاز العصبي المركزي.

 قد تحتاج أيضًا إلى اختبار السمع واختبارات التوازن ، بما في ذلك:

 اختبار حركة العين.  قد يراقب طبيبك مسار عينيك عند تتبع جسم متحرك.  وقد تخضع لاختبار حركة العين حيث يتم وضع الماء أو الهواء في قناة أذنك.

 اختبار حركة الرأس.  إذا كان طبيبك يشك في أن الدوار ناتج عن دوار موضعي حميد الانتيابي ، فقد يقوم بإجراء اختبار بسيط لحركة الرأس يسمى مناورة Dix-Hallpike للتحقق من التشخيص.

 Posturography.  يخبر هذا الاختبار طبيبك عن أجزاء نظام التوازن التي تعتمد عليها أكثر شيئ وأي الأجزاء التي قد تعطيك مشاكل.  تقف على قدميك العارية على منصة وتحاول الحفاظ على رصيدك في ظل ظروف مختلفة.

 اختبار كرسي دوار.  أثناء هذا الاختبار ، تجلس على كرسي متحكم فيه بالكمبيوتر يتحرك ببطء شديد في دائرة كاملة.  بسرعات أسرع ، يتحرك جيئة وذهابا في قوس صغير جدا.

 بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، قد يتم إجراء فحوصات دم لك للتحقق من العدوى وغيرها من الاختبارات للتحقق من صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية.

 علاج او معاملة

 الدوخة غالبا ما تتحسن دون علاج.  في غضون أسبوعين ، يتكيف الجسم عادة مع كل ما يسببه.

 إذا كنت تسعى للحصول على العلاج ، فسوف يبني طبيبك ذلك على سبب حالتك وأعراضك.  قد تشمل الأدوية وتمارين التوازن.  حتى إذا لم يتم العثور على أي سبب أو إذا استمر دوارك ، فإن الأدوية الموصوفة والعلاجات الأخرى قد تجعل الأعراض أكثر قابلية للإدارة.


 حبوب الماء.  إذا كنت تعاني من مرض مينير ، فقد يصف لك الطبيب قرصًا مائيًا (مدر للبول).  هذا إلى جانب اتباع نظام غذائي قليل الملح قد يساعد في تقليل عدد مرات حدوث دوخة.

 الأدوية التي تخفف من الدوخة والغثيان.  قد يصف طبيبك الأدوية لتوفير الإغاثة الفورية من الدوار والدوخة والغثيان ، بما في ذلك مضادات الهستامين والوصفات الطبية المضادة للكولين.  العديد من هذه الأدوية تسبب النعاس.

 الأدوية المضادة للقلق.  الديازيبام (الفاليوم) والألبرازولام (زاناكس) موجودان في فئة من الأدوية تسمى البنزوديازيبينات ، والتي قد تسبب الإدمان.  قد تسبب أيضًا النعاس.

 الطب الوقائي للصداع النصفي.  بعض الأدوية قد تساعد في منع نوبات الصداع النصفي.

 علاج نفسي

 المناورات موقف رئيس.  عادة ما تساعد تقنية تسمى تغيير موضع القناة (أو مناورة إيبلي) على حل الدوار الموضعي الانتيابي الحميد بسرعة أكبر من مجرد الانتظار حتى تختفي الدوخة.  يمكن أن يتم ذلك بواسطة طبيبك أو أخصائي السمع أو أخصائي علاج طبيعي ويشمل مناورة وضع رأسك.  انها فعالة عادة بعد واحد أو اثنين من العلاجات.  قبل الخضوع لهذا الإجراء ، أخبر مقدم الرعاية إذا كان لديك حالة في الرقبة أو الظهر ، أو شبكية العين المنفصلة ، أو مشاكل في الأوعية الدموية.

 العلاج التوازن.  قد تتعلم تمارين محددة للمساعدة في جعل نظام رصيدك أقل حساسية للحركة.  وتسمى تقنية العلاج الطبيعي إعادة التأهيل الدهليزي.  يتم استخدامه للأشخاص الذين يعانون من الدوخة من حالات الأذن الداخلية مثل التهاب العصب الدهليزي.

 العلاج النفسي.  هذا النوع من العلاج قد يساعد الأشخاص الذين تسبب الدوخة بسبب اضطرابات القلق.

 العمليات الجراحية أو غيرها

 الحقن.  يمكن لطبيبك حقن أذنك الداخلية باستخدام الجنتاميسين المضاد حيويًا لتعطيل وظيفة التوازن.  الأذن تتأثر تولي هذه الوظيفة.

 إزالة الجهاز الحسي للأذن الداخلية.  يسمى الإجراء الذي نادراً ما يستخدم استئصال المتاهه.  أنه يعطل متاهة الدهليزي في الأذن المصابة.  الأذن الأخرى تتولى وظيفة التوازن.  قد يتم استخدام هذه التقنية إذا كنت تعاني من فقدان السمع بشكل خطير ولم تستجب دوخةك للعلاجات الأخرى.

 نمط الحياة والعلاجات المنزلية

 إذا كنت تميل إلى تجربة نوبات متكررة من الدوخة ، فكر في هذه النصائح:

 كن على دراية بإمكانية فقد رصيدك ، مما قد يؤدي إلى السقوط وإصابة خطيرة.

 تجنب التحرك فجأة والسير بعصا لتحقيق الاستقرار ، إذا لزم الأمر.

 قم بتفكيك منزلك عن طريق إزالة مخاطر التعثر مثل سجاد المنطقة والأسلاك الكهربائية المكشوفة.  استخدام الحصير نونسليب على حمامك وأرضيات الاستحمام.  استخدم إضاءة جيدة.

 الجلوس أو الاستلقاء على الفور عندما تشعر بالدوار.  استلقي وغمض عينيك في غرفة مظلمة إذا كنت تعاني من حلقة شديدة من الدوار.

 تجنب قيادة السيارة أو تشغيل الآلات الثقيلة إذا واجهت دوخة متكررة دون سابق إنذار.

 تجنب استخدام الكافيين والكحول والملح والتبغ.  الاستخدام المفرط لهذه المواد يمكن أن يؤدي إلى تفاقم علاماتك وأعراضك.

 اشرب ما يكفي من السوائل ، وتناول نظام غذائي صحي ، والحصول على قسط كاف من النوم وتجنب التوتر.

 إذا كان دوارك ناتجًا عن دواء ما ، فتحدث مع طبيبك حول التوقف عن تناوله أو خفض الجرعة.

 إذا كان دوارك مصابًا بالغثيان ، فحاول استخدام مضادات الهيستامين التي لا تحتاج إلى وصفة طبية ، مثل الميكليزين أو ثنائي الهيدرين (Dramamine).  هذه قد تسبب النعاس.  مضادات الهيستامين الغير ناعمة ليست فعالة.

 إذا كان سبب دوارتك هو ارتفاع درجة الحرارة أو الجفاف ، فاستريح في مكان بارد وشرب الماء أو مشروبًا رياضيًا (Gatorade، Powerade، others).

 التحضير لموعدك

 من المحتمل أن يكون طبيبك أو موفر الرعاية الأولية قادرين على تشخيص وعلاج سبب الدوار.  قد يحيلك إلى أخصائي الأذن والأنف والحنجرة أو طبيب متخصص في الدماغ والجهاز العصبي (طبيب أعصاب).

 إليك بعض المعلومات لمساعدتك في الاستعداد لموعدك.

 ما تستطيع فعله

 كن على علم بأي قيود قبل الموعد المحدد.  في الوقت الذي تحدد فيه الموعد ، تأكد من السؤال عما إذا كان هناك أي شيء عليك القيام به مقدمًا ، مثل تقييد نظامك الغذائي.  إذا كنت من المقرر إجراء اختبار الدهليزي ، فسيقوم طبيبك بتقديم إرشادات بشأن أي أدوية تحجبها في الليلة السابقة وماذا تأكل في يوم الاختبار.

 كن مستعدا لوصف دوخة الخاص بك في مصطلحات محددة.  عندما تعاني من دوخة ، هل تشعر أن الغرفة تدور ، أم أنك تدور في الغرفة؟  هل تشعر أنك قد تنتهي؟  وصفك لهذه الأعراض أمر بالغ الأهمية لمساعدة طبيبك على إجراء التشخيص.

 أدرج أي ظروف أو أعراض صحية أخرى لديك ، بما في ذلك أي أعراض قد تبدو غير مرتبطة بالدوار.  على سبيل المثال ، إذا كنت قد شعرت بالاكتئاب أو القلق مؤخرًا ، فهذه معلومات مهمة لطبيبك.

 قائمة المعلومات الشخصية الرئيسية ، بما في ذلك أي ضغوط كبيرة أو تغييرات الحياة الحديثة.

 ضع قائمة بجميع الوصفات الطبية والأدوية التي لا تحتاج إلى وصفة طبية أو الفيتامينات أو المكملات الغذائية التي تتناولها.

 قائمة الأسئلة لطرح طبيبك.

 وقتك مع طبيبك محدود ، لذا فإن إعداد قائمة بالأسئلة في وقت مبكر سيساعدك على الاستفادة من وقتك إلى أقصى حد.  بالنسبة للدوار ، تتضمن بعض الأسئلة الأساسية التي يجب طرحها على طبيبك ما يلي:

 ما هو السبب المحتمل لأعراضي؟

 هل هناك أي أسباب محتملة أخرى لأعراضي؟

 ما الاختبارات التي تنصحني بها؟

 هل هذه المشكلة مؤقتة أو طويلة الأمد؟

 هل من الممكن أن تختفي الأعراض دون علاج؟

 ما خيارات العلاج التي قد تساعد؟

 هل أحتاج إلى اتباع أي قيود؟  على سبيل المثال ، هل هي آمنة بالنسبة لي للقيادة؟

 يجب أن أرى أخصائي؟

 هل هناك بديل عام للدواء الذي تصفه؟

 هل لديك أي كتيبات أو مواد مطبوعة أخرى يمكنني أخذها معي إلى المنزل؟  ما المواقع التي توصون بها؟

 ما يمكن توقعه من طبيبك

 من المحتمل أن يسألك طبيبك عددًا من الأسئلة حول دوارك ، مثل:

 هل يمكنك وصف ما شعرت به في المرة الأولى التي تعرضت فيها لحادث دوخة؟

 هل دوارك مستمر ، أم أنه يحدث في نوبات أو نوبات؟

 إذا حدث دوارك في الحلقات ، فكم من الوقت تستمر هذه الحلقات؟

 كم مرة تحدث نوبات الدوار؟

 متى يبدو أن نوبات الدوار لديك تحدث وما الذي يثيرها؟

 هل تسبب دوخة الغرفة أن تدور أو تنتج ضجة بالحركة؟

 عندما تشعر بالدوار ، هل تشعر أيضًا بالإغماء أو الدوار؟

 هل يسبب لك دوارك فقدان رصيدك؟

 هل تترافق أعراضك مع الرنين أو الامتلاء في أذنيك (طنين الأذن) أو صعوبة في السمع؟

 هل طمس رؤيتك؟

 هل زاد دوارك عن طريق تحريك رأسك؟

 ما الأدوية أو الفيتامينات أو المكملات الغذائية التي تتناولها؟

 ما يمكنك القيام به في هذه الأثناء

 إذا كنت تميل إلى الشعور بالدوار عند الوقوف ، خذ وقتك في إجراء تغييرات في الموقف.  إذا كنت تعاني من نوبات من الدوخة أثناء القيادة ، فقم بترتيب النقل البديل أثناء انتظارك لرؤية طبيبك.

 إذا تسببت دوارك في الشعور بأنك قد تسقط ، فاتخاذ خطوات لتقليل المخاطر.  حافظ على منزلك جيد الإضاءة وخالي من المخاطر التي قد تسبب لك رحلة.  تجنب السجاد المنطقة والأسلاك الكهربائية المكشوفة.  ضع الأثاث حيث من غير المحتمل أن تصطدم به ، واستخدم الحصير غير النحيف في حوض الاستحمام وأرضيات الاستحمام.

 الاختلافات العلاجات العشبية للديزلين في طب يوربا العشبي كوثيقة من بابلو أوفنيفا


 إيبو باباندورو (جذع لحاء إفريقيا kigelia)

 Odidi ataaare kan (فلفل كامل التمساح / Aframomum melegueta)


 سوف تحرق العناصر المذكورة أعلاه معًا لمسحوق ناعم.


 سوف تكون لعق ذلك.


 Ewe Ewon elegun (نباتات مجهولة)

 أتاري (فلفل التمساح)


 سوف تحرق العناصر المذكورة أعلاه معًا.


 سوف تكون لعق ذلك.


 Egbo Akika (جذور Leacniodiscus Cupanioides)

 أتاري (فلفل التمساح)


 سوف تحرق العناصر المذكورة أعلاه معًا



 سوف تكون لعق ذلك.


 Opolope ori Eja (الكثير من رؤوس الأسماك)

 نعجة إبييا (أوراق مجهولة الهوية)

 أوري ايلي (رؤساء pegion)

 أتاري (فلفل التمساح)


 سوف تحترق جميع البنود المذكورة أعلاه.


 سوف تضيفها إلى وجبة الذرة.


 نعجة العينين (أوراق العينين)

 إيوي إجي أورودو (أوراق مجهولة الهوية)

 أتاري (فلفل التمساح)


 سوف تحرق العنصر المذكور أعلاه معًا.


 سوف تكون لعق ذلك.


 إيجبو أوجبارون

 إيوي إبييا

 أوري ايل



 سوف تحرق العنصر المذكور أعلاه معًا.


 سوف تكون لعق ذلك.


 إلاو إجبو

 أوتا إينو إيروكو

 سوف تحرق العنصر المذكور أعلاه معًا.


 سوف تكون لعق ذلك.

 حقوق الطبع والنشر: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa ، الهاتف واتس اب الاتصال: +2348166343145 ، موقع إيل إيف أوسون ولاية نيجيريا.

 إشعار هام: فيما يتعلق بالمادة أعلاه ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة ، لا يجوز إعادة إنتاج أو نسخ أي جزء من هذه المادة بأي شكل أو بأي وسيلة ، سواء كانت إلكترونية أو ميكانيكية ، بما في ذلك التصوير والتسجيل أو أي نظام لتخزين المعلومات أو استرجاعها دون إذن كتابي مسبق  من صاحب حقوق الطبع والنشر والمؤلف Babalawo Obanifa ، يعتبر القيام بذلك غير قانوني وسيؤدي إلى عواقب قانونية
Posted ByAngela Justis/Comments0/Tagsherbal gift giving, herbal holiday, holiday gifts
The holidays are truly in full swing! Hanukkah celebrations are well underway and Christmas is right around the corner, with Kwanzaa right on its heels! If you are still looking for the perfect gift to share with loved ones and friends during this season of giving, we have got your back! 

For some fast, last-minute gift making, we suggest using what you have on hand to create edible herbal gifts such as delicious salts and sugars and yummy treats like electuaries and herbal cookies-in-a-jar. Pack up your creations in pretty containers and bags, and voilá, you have created a unique and lovely gift!

Edible Herbal Gift #1 & #2: Herb-Infused Culinary Salts And Sugars
Herb-infused culinary salts and sugars are such simple gifts to create, and often, so appreciated, especially because a tasty culinary salt or sugar is immediately useful, adding to the fun of everyday meals! All you need to do to create your own is blend dried herbs with salt or sugar and package up your creation.  

Take a quick search through your cupboard for salt or sugar and an herb or two (or more) to use for your creation. You can make your herbal salts and sugars with one herb or a combination of a  few—enjoy creating a combination from the herbs you have on hand that appeal to you. Find supply ideas below!
Choose Your Salt

When choosing your salt, use what you have at hand! If you have a few different types of edible salt, you can even combine them if you wish. A few examples to choose from include, table salt, sea salt, pink Himalayan salt, kosher salt, and coarse salt. 

Choosing Dried Herbs for a Savory Salt Blend

Culinary salts pair extremely well with savory herbs, such as sage (Salvia officinalis) leaf, oregano (Origanum vulgare) leaf, garlic (Allium sativum) bulb, thyme (Thymus vulgaris) leaf, rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) leaf, small amounts of black pepper (Piper nigrum) fruit, cumin (Cuminum cyminum) seed, fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seed, and ginger (Zingiber officinale) rhizome.

They also pair well with nutritive herbs, such as: nettle (Urtica dioica) leaf, kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) leaf, alfalfa (Medicago sativa) leaf, chickweed (Stellaria media) aerial parts, borage (Borago officinalis) leaf, Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) fruit,  raspberry (Rubus idaeus) leaf, and strawberry (Fragaria spp.) leaf.
Choose Your Sugars

When putting together a last-minute herb-infused sugar, feel free to choose from any sugar you have on hand, such as coconut sugar, sucanat, turbinado, and of course, white sugar! They’re all good choices when creating a sweet herbal treat for gifting.

Choosing Dried Herbs for a Sweet Sugar Blend

Sweet herbal sugar blends pair well with sweet spices, such as cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) bark, ginger rhizome, cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) seed, anise (Pimpinella anisum) seed, and vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) seed.

You can even incorporate flavorful herbs like spearmint (Mentha spicata) leaf, peppermint (Mentha × piperita) leaf, rose (Rosa spp.) petals, lavender (Lavandula spp.) bud, and lemon balm (Melissa offinicalis) leaf into your herb-infused sugars as well!

How To Make Herb-Infused Salts and Sugars

To make herb-infused salts and sugars, combine 2-4 tablespoons of dried herbs with 1 cup of salt or sugar depending on which one you are using. Give the mixture a quick stir and taste to see if you like the flavor. Add more herbs to the blend as needed until you get the flavor you are looking for! 

Package your herb-infused salt or sugar in small jars or food-safe plastic bags topped with a ribbon, and finish off with a label complete with the ingredients you have included in your herbal salt or sugar. Be sure any jars you use are sterile and very dry to prevent spoilage.

Tips And Tricks

If using coarse salt, you may want to grind it with your herbs in a food processor to help break up the salt a bit and also grind the herbs into smaller pieces. 
If you are using nutritive herbs be sure to include a culinary herb or two to add some extra flavor to your blend. 
To use a vanilla bean in your herbal sugar, cut it lengthwise and open the bean to expose the tiny seeds inside. Scrap the seeds out of the pod and into the sugar. Mix the sugar well to disperse the seeds evenly and then place the vanilla pod in the sugar, and leave it there when you give your gift. The pod will continue to flavor the sugar and provide visual appeal to your edible herbal gift!
You can find two beautiful recipes to inspire you and get you started on your own herbal salt creation here! 

Edible Herbal Gift #3: Herbal Electuaries

Herbal electuaries are a delectable treat! This preparation is lovely spread over toast and biscuits, added by the spoonful to hot water for an instant tea, or simply enjoyed right off the spoon. And it is not too late to make your own electuary to giveaway this holiday season! 

The simplest electuary is a thickened cinnamon honey electuary made with two ingredients: cinnamon and honey! However, there are many other herbs to choose from when making an herbal electuary. Here are some options below!

Choosing Herbs for Delicious Herbal Electuaries

Sweetly Spiced Electuaries: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, seeds from vanilla pods
Herb-Flavored Electuaries: chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), sage, thyme, spearmint, peppermint, tulsi (O. tenuiflorum), rose petal, lavender (use in small amounts), lemon balm, turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Adaptogenic Electuaries: eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous), licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), codonopsis (Codonopsis pilosula), maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers, L. peruvianum)
How To Make An Herbal Electuary

Begin by choosing the powdered herbs you would like to use in your electuary. Mix your powdered herbs with honey, adding just enough honey to make a paste. Start with 5 teaspoons of dried powdered herbs and 6 tablespoons of honey. If you want your electuary to be sweeter and less dense with herbs, add more honey to taste. Finish by placing your electuary in a clean, dry jar, and adding a label and ribbon if desired! 

Tips And Tricks:

If you are not sure about how to pick your herbs, choose 2 to 3 herbs (try choosing 1 herb from each of the above categories) to start with, and combine a very small amount, such as a teaspoon or less total. Add the honey and taste. Adjust the blend until you find one that you like! 
Quickly powder dried herbs yourself in a coffee grinder or mesh strainer. To powder leafy herbs and petals in a mesh strainer, place the mesh strainer over a bowl. Measure the herbs into the strainer and use the back of a spoon to rub the dried herbs against the insides of the strainer. This will help break up the herbs up allowing only the small pieces to fall through into the bowl.
What size jar should I use? This really depends on how much electuary you want to make. Keep in mind that this is a dense herbal preparation and so smaller jars, 2 to 4 ounces, seem to work best as an edible herbal gift! 

Edible Herbal Gift #4: Herbal Cookies-In-A-Jar

Warm cookies from the oven are almost always welcome and will please any cookie monster. Herbal cookies-in-a-jar are the next best thing to delivery cookies fresh from the oven to loved ones—a perfect last-minute edible herbal gift for the holidays! 

Choose Your Herbs

When choosing herbs for your cookies-in-a-jar gift, it’s a good idea to choose classic cookie spices like cinnamon, ginger, cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), and nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and then take it up a notch with herbs like peppermint, spearmint rosemary, or a pinch of lavender. You can even add adaptogens like maca and ashwagandha if you wish!

How To Make Herbal Cookies-In-A-Jar

Here is a base recipe for creating your own herbal cookies-in-a-jar adapted from Food & Wine’s Classic Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe by Emily Farris, with tips from Christmas Cookies are for Giving by Kristin Johnson and Mimi Cummins. This recipe makes enough for a 1 quart-sized canning jar. You will also find some cookie combination ideas to try below!

Create Your Own Cookies-In-A-Jar
1¾ cups flour (I like a combo of 1 ¼ cup whole wheat pastry flour + ½ cup almond flour)
⅔ teaspoon baking soda
⅔ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of your chosen herbs
1 scant cup sugar (coconut sugar is a great option and the rich color looks pretty layered in the jar!)
1¾ to 2 cups of your favorite treats, such as nuts, dark chocolate chips, raisins, crystallized ginger, dried papaya chunks, dried cherries or dried cranberries

Combine the flour, baking soda, salt, and herbs in a bowl. 
Whisk these together to ensure they are fully combined. 
Place in a quart-size jar and lightly tap the jar to settle the flour mixture. Then, use the back of a spoon to further pack the mixture down. 
Place the sugar in the jar. Again pack this down as tightly as you can. 
Layer the goodies at the top of the jar until full. 

Add your lid and a label with the contents and instructions for baking.

Combinations To Try!

Ginger Chocolate Chunk

Include ⅛ teaspoon ground cloves, ⅛ teaspoon ground nutmeg, 1 heaping teaspoon ground cinnamon, ½ teaspoon ground ginger in the flour layer. For the goodies, use 1½ cup dark chocolate chunks and ½ cup roughly chopped crystallized ginger. 

Cherry Nut Maca

Include 1 heaping teaspoon ground cinnamon and 2 tablespoons powdered maca in the flour layer. For the goodies, use ¾ cup dried cherries and ¾ cup pecans. 

Mint Chocolate Chip

Include 2 tablespoons of dried, powdered mint leaves (a combination of half peppermint/half spearmint is nice!) plus a small pinch of lavender in the flour layer. For the goodies, use 1½ cups dark chocolate chips and ½ cup nuts such as walnuts or pecans.

Have a favorite recipe you want to use? Not a problem! Quart-size canning jars hold 4 cups (or 4½ cups of packed ingredients), so if your recipe is 4 ½ cups or less of dry ingredients you can simply use your recipe. Be sure to pack the ingredients tightly to fit more in the jar, and add extra nuts, dried fruit, or chocolate to fill in any leftover space. 

Tips And Tricks

To layer successfully, start with the finer, powdery ingredients such as flour on the bottom of your jar and end with the chunkier ingredients at the top. Pack each layer down as tightly as possible before adding the next layer.
Add visual appeal by alternating light/dark or colorful ingredients.
Put A Tag On It!

To make things even more festive, attach this printable holiday tag, complete with baking instructions, to your cookies-in-a-jar. Simply print the front of these tags on a sheet of white cardstock, flip the paper over and put it back in your printer, and print the back of the tags. You can then cut the tags out using a pair of sharp scissors, punch a hole in the top of the tag, and attach them to your cookies with a ribbon or string. Download your free cookies-in-a-jar tags below!
I hope you now feel inspired to handle the last moments of the holiday rush with ease! Enjoy these handy ideas for pulling together some wonderful, uniquely edible herbal gifts to share this season!


Farris, E. (2014). Classical chocolate chip cookies. Retrieved from https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/classic-chocolate-chip-cookies

Johnson, K., & Cummins, M. (2010). Christmas cookies are for giving: Recipes, stories and tips for making heartwarming gifts. Santa Rosa, CA: Tyr Publishing.

Posted ByHerbal Academy/Comments0/Tagsadaptogens, chai tea, herbal tea, new year
Happy New Year! As we say goodbye to another decade, many of us have our eyes lifted toward the future with dreams of vitality and peace. As herbalists, we are always looking to live our lives from a holistic perspective, and we are excited to celebrate and embrace wellness during the new year with herbs as part of a holistic paradigm.

Herbs can help to provide us with so much, and these amazing plants are a joy to bring into everyday life! From nourishing food-like herbs like nettle and alfalfa, which are richly filled with vitamins and minerals, to herbal allies that are there for us when we need more specific support, there are many herbs to turn to.

Adaptogens for the New Year
To start off the new year with herbs, we are focusing on adaptogens. You may be asking, “What is an adaptogen?” As herbalists David Winston and Steven Maimes describe in their book, Adaptogens, Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief: 

“Adaptogens are remarkable natural substances that help the body adapt to stress, support normal metabolic functions, and help restore balance. They increase the body’s resistance to physical, biological, emotional and environmental stressors… They are unique from other substances in their ability to restore the balance of endocrine hormones, modulate the immune system, and allow the body to maintain homeostasis” (Winston & Maimes, 2007, pg. 17).

While the use of adaptogens is not a substitute for living a holistically balanced life with attention to diet, sleep, exercise, and time for joy, these herbs can help to set a firm, nourished foundation from which to engage in the world. 

Here are four adaptogens to explore from this illustrious group!

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root

Additional Actions: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic, immune amphoteric, nervine (Winston & Maimes, 2007; Yance, 2013)

Energetics: warming, drying (Romm, 2017; Yance, 2013)

Uses: Ashwagandha helps soothe nervous system issues such as anxiety, insomnia, exhaustion, and depression—ashwagandha is known as a calming adaptogen. It helps to ease joint pain, muscle tension, and rheumatoid arthritis (Romm, 2017; Winston & Maimes, 2017).  

Ashwagandha is an immune amphoteric helping to balance the immune system be it over- or under-active (Winston & Maimes, 2017). It has also been found to stimulate the thyroid, making it a plant that herbalists may turn to for hypothyroidism (Romm, 2017; Winston & Maimes, 2017). 

Safety: Ashwagandha is a member of the nightshade family, so avoid this herb if you have an allergy to this family (Romm, 2017). Ashwagandha is also not recommended during pregnancy because it is used in some cultures as an abortifacient (Winston & Maimes, 2017).

Usage Tip: Try blending ¼ to ½ teaspoon of ashwagandha powder into hot chocolate or warm milk with cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum, C. cassia) as a relaxing nightcap. Read more about ashwagandha here: https://theherbalacademy.com/beginners-guide-ashwagandha/

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous) root

Additional Actions: immunomodulant, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, cardiotonic (Herbarium, n.d.a, Winston & Maimes, 2007)

Energetics: warming, moistening (Herbarium, n.d.a, Winston & Maimes, 2007)

Uses: Astragalus root helps to stimulate the immune system to help ward off contagious illness from taking hold as well as to help nourish the immune system following illness (Winston & Maimes, 2007; Herbarium, n.d.a). 

Safety: According to Chinese medicine, astragalus should not be used during the acute phase of illness. This is due to concerns that astragalus may “ cause stagnation and “feed” the illness. (Winston & Maimes, 2007).

Usage Tip: When making soups, rice, and sauces, add astragalus root slices to the pot during simmering, but remove them before serving as they are too tough and fibrous to chew. This is an easy way to provide the immune-boosting benefits of astragalus to kids during the rigors of the school year.

Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) root

Additional Actions: antioxidant, neuroprotective, radioprotective, gonadotropic, antidiabetic (Herbarium, n.d.b.; Yance, 2013)

Energetics: warming (Herbarium, n.d.b.; Romm, 2017)

Uses: Helps to soothe fatigue and to increase physical and mental endurance, as well as alertness (Romm, 2017; Yance, 2013). This herb also helps to reduce the body’s response to stress, stimulate the immune system, and balance hormones (Herbarium, n.d.b.; Romm, 2017).

Safety: Do not use eleuthero in those with high blood pressure; eleuthero may cause insomnia if taken later in the day (Romm, 2017).

Usage Tip: Enjoy eleuthero decocted herbal beverages such as chai tea or other tasty brews, electuaries, and as a tincture in the morning hours. 

Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) leaf

Additional actions: uplifting nervine, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, carminative, antispasmodic, immunomodulant (Metzger, 2016; Yance, 2013) 

Energetics: warming/cooling (Romm, 2017; Herbarium, n.d.c.) 

Uses: Tulsi helps to calm and uplift the mind and the spirit while also increasing energy and clearing the mind (Metzger, 2016; Romm, 2017). Tulsi is used to help soothe stress and balance cortisol levels (Yance, 2013). 

Safety: Not for use during pregnancy or when attempting to conceive (Herbarium, n.d.c.) 

Use tip: Holy basil is lovely blended with rose petals (Rosa spp.) and cinnamon. Try these herbs together as a tea for a heart-opening pick-me-up! Read more about tulsi here: https://theherbalacademy.com/creating-local-materia-medica-holy-basil/

Welcome Adaptogens as a Daily Herbal Ally
The happy news is that it can be simple to enjoy adaptogens as part of your daily routine in the new year. These botanicals can certainly be taken in tincture and capsule form; however, they also make lovely decoctions, teas, electuaries, and other preparations for daily consumption. 

One of the joys of herbalism is making delicious preparations to joyfully embrace the benefits of herbs. Adaptogens are no exception!

Use them in: 

Delicious electuaries and hand-rolled pills: https://theherbalacademy.com/rolled-herb-pills-video/
Homemade herbal syrup: https://theherbalacademy.com/herbal-syrup/
Nourishing herbal broths: https://theherbalacademy.com/diy-herbal-infused-broth
Baking and snack preparation: https://theherbalacademy.com/herbal-infused-snacks-on-the-go/
Adaptogenic bliss balls: https://theherbalacademy.com/adaptogen-bliss-balls/

Many adaptogens also blend seamlessly into chai. With its warming, digestion-promoting spices, chai tea is already a wonderful herbal preparation for wintertime. Here is a tasty recipe for you to try!

Adaptogen-Rich Chai for the New Year
Start the new year with herbs by decocting a batch of this tasty adaptogenic chai whenever you want to sip a warming, wellness-promoting brew! This recipe makes enough for two big cups of tea. Double or triple the batch size and keep leftovers refrigerated for up to 48 hours until ready to enjoy. 

½ teaspoon clove (Syzygium aromaticum) buds
1 teaspoon cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) pods 
½ teaspoon dried ginger (Zingiber officinale) rhizome or 3 to 4 slices fresh ginger rhizome
2 teaspoons cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp. ) chips or one cinnamon stick
½ teaspoon black peppercorns (Piper nigrum)
Pinch anise  (Pimpinella anisum) seed, optional
1 teaspoon ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root
1 teaspoon astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) root
1 teaspoon eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) root (leave out if enjoying this tea late in the day)
1 teaspoon tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) leaf
1 teaspoon rose (Rosa spp.) petal
4 cups water
1 cup milk of your choice
Honey, coconut sugar, or stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) to taste

If you have a mortar and pestle, you can crack/grind up the herbs a bit before placing in the pot. If not, just place the herbs in your pot, not to worry, you chai will still be tasty! 
In a 2-quart pot, combine the cloves, cardamom pods, ginger (if using dried), cinnamon (if using chips), peppercorns, anise seed, ashwagandha, astragalus, and eleuthero (if using). 
Add water to the pot with the herbs and bring to a simmer to start decocting your tea. 
Place a lid on top, bring to a simmer, and let decoct at a simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. Learn about making decoctions here. 
Remove the pot from heat and add the tulsi and rose petals. Cover and steep for an additional 10 to 15 minutes. 
Add the milk and sweetener. 
Heat until hot and ready to drink. 
Strain out the herbs and enjoy!

“The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself.” — Orison Marden

2020 is before us! With each new day and its moments unfolding, we are given an opportunity to nourish ourselves. Herbs can be part of that choice! We hope that you have found some inspiration here to help set you off on your new year’s path with herbs in tow. 

Wishing you a beautiful and happy New Year!

Herbarium. (n.d.a.). Astragalus monograph. Retrieved from: https://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/monographs/#/monograph/1025

Herbarium. (n.d.b.). Eleuthero monograph. Retrieved from: https://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/monographs/#/monograph/2033

Herbarium. (n.d.c.). Holy basil monograph. Retrieved from: https://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/monographs/#/monograph/3045

Metzger, J. (2016). Creating a local materia medica: Holy basil. Retrieved from: https://theherbalacademy.com/creating-local-materia-medica-holy-basil/

Romm, A. (2017). The adrenal thyroid revolution. New York, NY: Harper Collins.

Winston, D., & Maimes, S. (2007). Adaptogens: Herbs for strength, stamina, and stress relief. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press.

Yance, D.R. (2013). Adaptogens in medical herbalism. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press.

Posted ByAngela Justis/Comments0/Tagsherbal gift giving, herbal holiday, holiday gifts
The holidays are truly in full swing! Hanukkah celebrations are well underway and Christmas is right around the corner, with Kwanzaa right on its heels! If you are still looking for the perfect gift to share with loved ones and friends during this season of giving, we have got your back!

For some fast, last-minute gift making, we suggest using what you have on hand to create edible herbal gifts such as delicious salts and sugars and yummy treats like electuaries and herbal cookies-in-a-jar. Pack up your creations in pretty containers and bags, and voilá, you have created a unique and lovely gift!

Edible Herbal Gift #1 & #2: Herb-Infused Culinary Salts And Sugars
Herb-infused culinary salts and sugars are such simple gifts to create, and often, so appreciated, especially because a tasty culinary salt or sugar is immediately useful, adding to the fun of everyday meals! All you need to do to create your own is blend dried herbs with salt or sugar and package up your creation.

Take a quick search through your cupboard for salt or sugar and an herb or two (or more) to use for your creation. You can make your herbal salts and sugars with one herb or a combination of a  few—enjoy creating a combination from the herbs you have on hand that appeal to you. Find supply ideas below!

Choose Your Salt

When choosing your salt, use what you have at hand! If you have a few different types of edible salt, you can even combine them if you wish. A few examples to choose from include, table salt, sea salt, pink Himalayan salt, kosher salt, and coarse salt.

Choosing Dried Herbs for a Savory Salt Blend

Culinary salts pair extremely well with savory herbs, such as sage (Salvia officinalis) leaf, oregano (Origanum vulgare) leaf, garlic (Allium sativum) bulb, thyme (Thymus vulgaris) leaf, rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) leaf, small amounts of black pepper (Piper nigrum) fruit, cumin (Cuminum cyminum) seed, fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seed, and ginger (Zingiber officinale) rhizome.

They also pair well with nutritive herbs, such as: nettle (Urtica dioica) leaf, kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) leaf, alfalfa (Medicago sativa) leaf, chickweed (Stellaria media) aerial parts, borage (Borago officinalis) leaf, Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) fruit,  raspberry (Rubus idaeus) leaf, and strawberry (Fragaria spp.) leaf.

Choose Your Sugars

When putting together a last-minute herb-infused sugar, feel free to choose from any sugar you have on hand, such as coconut sugar, sucanat, turbinado, and of course, white sugar! They’re all good choices when creating a sweet herbal treat for gifting.

Choosing Dried Herbs for a Sweet Sugar Blend

Sweet herbal sugar blends pair well with sweet spices, such as cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) bark, ginger rhizome, cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) seed, anise (Pimpinella anisum) seed, and vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) seed.

You can even incorporate flavorful herbs like spearmint (Mentha spicata) leaf, peppermint (Mentha × piperita) leaf, rose (Rosa spp.) petals, lavender (Lavandula spp.) bud, and lemon balm (Melissa offinicalis) leaf into your herb-infused sugars as well!

How To Make Herb-Infused Salts and Sugars

To make herb-infused salts and sugars, combine 2-4 tablespoons of dried herbs with 1 cup of salt or sugar depending on which one you are using. Give the mixture a quick stir and taste to see if you like the flavor. Add more herbs to the blend as needed until you get the flavor you are looking for!

Package your herb-infused salt or sugar in small jars or food-safe plastic bags topped with a ribbon, and finish off with a label complete with the ingredients you have included in your herbal salt or sugar. Be sure any jars you use are sterile and very dry to prevent spoilage.

Tips And Tricks

If using coarse salt, you may want to grind it with your herbs in a food processor to help break up the salt a bit and also grind the herbs into smaller pieces.
If you are using nutritive herbs be sure to include a culinary herb or two to add some extra flavor to your blend.
To use a vanilla bean in your herbal sugar, cut it lengthwise and open the bean to expose the tiny seeds inside. Scrap the seeds out of the pod and into the sugar. Mix the sugar well to disperse the seeds evenly and then place the vanilla pod in the sugar, and leave it there when you give your gift. The pod will continue to flavor the sugar and provide visual appeal to your edible herbal gift!
You can find two beautiful recipes to inspire you and get you started on your own herbal salt creation here!

Edible Herbal Gift #3: Herbal Electuaries

Herbal electuaries are a delectable treat! This preparation is lovely spread over toast and biscuits, added by the spoonful to hot water for an instant tea, or simply enjoyed right off the spoon. And it is not too late to make your own electuary to giveaway this holiday season!

The simplest electuary is a thickened cinnamon honey electuary made with two ingredients: cinnamon and honey! However, there are many other herbs to choose from when making an herbal electuary. Here are some options below!

Choosing Herbs for Delicious Herbal Electuaries

Sweetly Spiced Electuaries: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, seeds from vanilla pods
Herb-Flavored Electuaries: chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), sage, thyme, spearmint, peppermint, tulsi (O. tenuiflorum), rose petal, lavender (use in small amounts), lemon balm, turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Adaptogenic Electuaries: eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous), licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), codonopsis (Codonopsis pilosula), maca (Lepidium meyenii Walpers, L. peruvianum)
How To Make An Herbal Electuary

Begin by choosing the powdered herbs you would like to use in your electuary. Mix your powdered herbs with honey, adding just enough honey to make a paste. Start with 5 teaspoons of dried powdered herbs and 6 tablespoons of honey. If you want your electuary to be sweeter and less dense with herbs, add more honey to taste. Finish by placing your electuary in a clean, dry jar, and adding a label and ribbon if desired!

Tips And Tricks:

If you are not sure about how to pick your herbs, choose 2 to 3 herbs (try choosing 1 herb from each of the above categories) to start with, and combine a very small amount, such as a teaspoon or less total. Add the honey and taste. Adjust the blend until you find one that you like!
Quickly powder dried herbs yourself in a coffee grinder or mesh strainer. To powder leafy herbs and petals in a mesh strainer, place the mesh strainer over a bowl. Measure the herbs into the strainer and use the back of a spoon to rub the dried herbs against the insides of the strainer. This will help break up the herbs up allowing only the small pieces to fall through into the bowl.
What size jar should I use? This really depends on how much electuary you want to make. Keep in mind that this is a dense herbal preparation and so smaller jars, 2 to 4 ounces, seem to work best as an edible herbal gift!
Edible Herbal Gift #4: Herbal Cookies-In-A-Jar

Warm cookies from the oven are almost always welcome and will please any cookie monster. Herbal cookies-in-a-jar are the next best thing to delivery cookies fresh from the oven to loved ones—a perfect last-minute edible herbal gift for the holidays!

Choose Your Herbs

When choosing herbs for your cookies-in-a-jar gift, it’s a good idea to choose classic cookie spices like cinnamon, ginger, cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), and nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and then take it up a notch with herbs like peppermint, spearmint rosemary, or a pinch of lavender. You can even add adaptogens like maca and ashwagandha if you wish!

How To Make Herbal Cookies-In-A-Jar

Here is a base recipe for creating your own herbal cookies-in-a-jar adapted from Food & Wine’s Classic Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe by Emily Farris, with tips from Christmas Cookies are for Giving by Kristin Johnson and Mimi Cummins. This recipe makes enough for a 1 quart-sized canning jar. You will also find some cookie combination ideas to try below!

Create Your Own Cookies-In-A-Jar
1¾ cups flour (I like a combo of 1 ¼ cup whole wheat pastry flour + ½ cup almond flour)
⅔ teaspoon baking soda
⅔ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of your chosen herbs
1 scant cup sugar (coconut sugar is a great option and the rich color looks pretty layered in the jar!)
1¾ to 2 cups of your favorite treats, such as nuts, dark chocolate chips, raisins, crystallized ginger, dried papaya chunks, dried cherries or dried cranberries

Combine the flour, baking soda, salt, and herbs in a bowl.
Whisk these together to ensure they are fully combined.
Place in a quart-size jar and lightly tap the jar to settle the flour mixture. Then, use the back of a spoon to further pack the mixture down.
Place the sugar in the jar. Again pack this down as tightly as you can.
Layer the goodies at the top of the jar until full.
Add your lid and a label with the contents and instructions for baking.

Combinations To Try!

Ginger Chocolate Chunk

Include ⅛ teaspoon ground cloves, ⅛ teaspoon ground nutmeg, 1 heaping teaspoon ground cinnamon, ½ teaspoon ground ginger in the flour layer. For the goodies, use 1½ cup dark chocolate chunks and ½ cup roughly chopped crystallized ginger.

Cherry Nut Maca

Include 1 heaping teaspoon ground cinnamon and 2 tablespoons powdered maca in the flour layer. For the goodies, use ¾ cup dried cherries and ¾ cup pecans.

Mint Chocolate Chip

Include 2 tablespoons of dried, powdered mint leaves (a combination of half peppermint/half spearmint is nice!) plus a small pinch of lavender in the flour layer. For the goodies, use 1½ cups dark chocolate chips and ½ cup nuts such as walnuts or pecans.

Have a favorite recipe you want to use?  Not a problem! Quart-size canning jars hold 4 cups (or 4½ cups of packed ingredients), so if your recipe is 4 ½ cups or less of dry ingredients you can simply use your recipe. Be sure to pack the ingredients tightly to fit more in the jar, and add extra nuts, dried fruit, or chocolate to fill in any leftover space.

Tips And Tricks

To layer successfully, start with the finer, powdery ingredients such as flour on the bottom of your jar and end with the chunkier ingredients at the top. Pack each layer down as tightly as possible before adding the next layer.
Add visual appeal by alternating light/dark or colorful ingredients.
Put A Tag On It!

To make things even more festive, attach this printable holiday tag, complete with baking instructions, to your cookies-in-a-jar. Simply print the front of these tags on a sheet of white cardstock, flip the paper over and put it back in your printer, and print the back of the tags. You can then cut the tags out using a pair of sharp scissors, punch a hole in the top of the tag, and attach them to your cookies with a ribbon or string. Download your free cookies-in-a-jar tags below!

I hope you now feel inspired to handle the last moments of the holiday rush with ease! Enjoy these handy ideas for pulling together some wonderful, uniquely edible herbal gifts to share this season!


Farris, E. (2014). Classical chocolate chip cookies. Retrieved from https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/classic-chocolate-chip-cookies

Johnson, K., & Cummins, M. (2010). Christmas cookies are for giving: Recipes, stories and tips for making heartwarming gifts. Santa Rosa, CA: Tyr Publishing.

Posted ByAngela Justis/Comments0/Tagsherbal holiday, herbal home care, holiday crafts, holiday scents, non-toxic scents
For many of us, one of the warmest traditions of the holiday season is welcoming in this special time of the year by decorating the space in and around the home. As much as a home festooned with lovely decor heralds in the holiday season, the very act of decorating often brings the most joy! Using beautiful botanicals and making herbal crafts to use in the natural holiday home invites a special element to the season that is reminiscent of times gone by.

Fragrant evergreen boughs, crafts filled with sweet spices, and lovely candles can all be arranged and made by hand to bring a special glow to the season. Spending time crafting is a lovely way to be present during the flurry of the holidays and enjoy time with loved ones.

Enjoy Botanical Holiday Crafting
If you enjoy crafting or are interested in trying your hand at creating your own botanical crafts, the holidays offer a great excuse to whip up something new! You can find some of our favorite holiday crafts below.

Construct a Rosemary Wreath

With a fragrance and appearance similar to pine (Pinus spp.), fresh rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) can be used to create a delightful wreath to adorn a wall during the holidays. This member of the mint family is a symbol of remembrance, making it a special choice to use in decorations.

Learn how to make your own fresh rosemary wreath here.
Make Old-Fashioned Pomanders

Create studded pieces of delight to place around your home with this time-honored craft using clove (Syzygium aromaticum). Pomanders are a fun activity for the whole family and the result is deliciously fragrant clove–studded fruit to place around the home.

Learn how to make old fashioned clove pomanders here.

Whip Up a Batch of Cinnamon Ornaments

Ornaments made with cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum)? Yes, please! We have two versions of this childhood favorite to share with you. With a few simple supplies, you can create delightfully fragrant ornaments to place around your home. This is a wonderful craft to do with children so be sure to invite any little ones in your life to join you!

These cinnamon and squash ornaments are made with just cooked, mashed squash, powdered cinnamon, and a bit of glue to help hold everything together! These look wonderful strung as a garland and hung in front of a sunny window where the heat will help release the spicy fragrance.

Learn how to make cinnamon squash dough ornaments here.

If you want to get fancy with your cinnamon ornaments, try adding a bit of decoration. This is a particularly fun way to involve children! Let little ones be free to really personalize theirs as they see fit. If it gets a bit zany, consider all the future giggles over these fun, holiday keepsakes!

Learn how to make fragrant cinnamon applesauce ornaments here.

Create a Fragrant Natural Holiday Home
Wrapped in lovely aroma, the natural holiday home is a delightful place to be! Find ways to bring the natural fragrance of plants into your home with the suggestions below.

Discover Many Ways to Fill Your Home with Holiday Fragrance

Aroma is often one of the first things we experience when entering a space. The smell of home during the holidays can fill us with goodness and calm. Happily, botanicals provide an abundance of ways to create that warm, welcoming aroma and atmosphere!

Learn how to make your home smell good for the holidays here.

Create a Simmering Stovetop Potpourri for Simple Fragrance

A simmering herbal potpourri is easy to make and extremely versatile. All that is needed is a selection of herbs and a pot of water to make your home smell and feel amazing! Turn to classic holiday botanicals such as cinnamon, cloves, pine, peppermint (Mentha × piperita) and you can even throw in a few sliced apples (Malus domestica) or oranges. Plus, the simmering potpourri provides moisture along with the plants’ aromatic volatile oils to help offset and freshen dry, winter air. So breathe deep, and enjoy!

Learn how to make a simmering herbal potpourri here.

Bring Light And Beautiful Aroma Home with Candles

Twinkly lights and flickering candles are a warm part of the season, providing light on dark, long nights. Deceptively easy to make, hand-poured candles made fragrant and lovely with the addition of herbs and essential oils is a wonderful way to bring light and beauty to the home!

Learn how to make hand-poured herbal candles here.

DIY Aromatic Fire Starter Basket

This is a simple craft to put together, and it truly makes an inspired addition to your own fireside or to give as a gift. Be sure to add your own little touches to make it personal and delightful!

To make your own aromatic fire starter basket, follow the steps below!

Pick a container:

Choose a container that works well for your space and needs. A lovely basket with a sturdy handle is a good choice! Other ideas include a vintage metal bucket or a wooden box.

Fill your container with herbal goodies:

Choose aromatic material to fill your container. Often times, you will be able to find many things at hand that work as a wonderful addition to this fireside pleasure. Consider what dried plants you may have left over from the harvest or even lingering in your garden. Or, you may have dried herbs that are well past their prime. Here are some ideas to inspire you!

Stalks and small branches of peppermint, rosemary, lavender (Lavandula spp.), yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis), sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum), pine, spruce (Picea spp.), juniper (Juniperus spp.), and cinnamon sticks can be used to create individual bundles of each type of plant tied up with ribbon or twine. Add a little label for each plant if you wish!
Blossoms, leaves, berries, and seeds, such as lavender, pine, spruce, juniper, sage (Salvia officinalis), cloves, and cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) can be bundled in their own little bags or boxes to be thrown on the fire.
Add some final touches by including a few pinecones and some lovely long-handled matches!
*Note to use caution and adhere to basic fire safety sense when enjoying your aromatic fire starter basket.

Don’t Forget to Include Beloved Holiday Botanicals!
Wreaths of evergreens, freshly strewn holly with bright red berries and bunches of mistletoe merrily hung in doorways are happy additions to the holiday bustle. Don’t forget to include these traditional plants in your natural holiday home and festivities!

Use Traditional Plants in Your Decorating

Botanicals have long played a central role  throughout the traditions of the holiday season, and these plants often have symbolic meaning that humans have enjoyed over time. Appreciating what plants have symbolized in the past is a lovely way to add a depth of meaning when using botanicals in holiday decorating.

With a little imagination and some time well spent, botanicals can be a wonderful addition to any natural holiday home! From old-fashioned pomanders to classic wreaths to delightful pots of potpourri simmering on the stove, there are so many ways to enjoy plants as part of the holiday season, and we hope that you will enjoy welcoming plants into your celebrations!

Posted ByKristy Doubet Haare/Comments0/TagsDIY, herbal gift giving, herbal home care, holiday scents, non-toxic scents
We, herbalists, are always looking for practical ways to capture the beauty, splendor, and awakening we experience when barefoot and intertwined with our herb gardens. The rub of a single mint leaf or the brush of a hand against rosemary or lavender growing in the garden fills our senses with delightful aroma instantly. Our encounters with herbs can be most refreshing!

Outside of the verdant sanctuary of the garden bower, our home, work, school, and other places the day takes us are typically void of such vital aromatics
It is no wonder there are so many products designed to tease our senses into momentary, pretend pleasure. 

Take, for example, automatic misters found in nearly every public bathroom, plastic wall plugin bulbs, and car vent devices that are tossed after the scent dissipates. While the latter creates unnecessary waste, all of these air fresheners also add up to significant hazards for our health and environment (Amerelo & Geller, 2018).

That’s right. Most store-bought air fresheners like those listed above contain hormone-disrupting phthalates and carcinogenic chemicals (Farley, 2016). However, filling our homes with refreshing aromas doesn’t need to involve saturating the air with chemicals that can negatively impact our health. Instead, we can turn to herbs.

Creating Herbal Wax Sachets: An Eco-Friendly Air Freshener
Just like a simmering herbal potpourri mixture of dry, natural ingredients that you boil in water, herbal wax sachets will freshen the air without the use of chemicals, making a better impact on your health and the environment.

What is a Wax Sachet?

Wax sachets are made of soy wax or beeswax, dried herbs and fruits, and often whole spices, and they are an entirely natural way to fill your home with fragrance. Wax sachets encapsulate botanicals and their scent in wax, and when placed in a room, act as a beautiful aromatherapeutic source of fragrance. Simply place the wax sachet in a bowl or on a shelf and let it do its thing!

Many find wax sachets to be the perfect alternative to candles, particularly for those with pets that like to climb on furniture or for the safety of little hands that haven’t learned the danger of reaching towards aflame, as you can capture a fragrant cold throw without worrying about a flame.  A cold throw is a term that describes the amount of fragrance which is emitted from a candle when it is not lit. Being as wax sachets are made of similar ingredients, the term applies here as well. 

Speaking of candles, if you have ever ventured into the art of candle making, you’ll find herbal wax sachets a complete breeze to make! No need for measuring or centering any wicks, for instance. Wax sachets are an easy, practical, and beautiful way to capture the essence of your herb garden.

What Do You Need To Make Herbal Wax Sachets
DIY wax sachets are simple to make, lovely to smell, and ideal for gifting. All you need to make herbal wax sachets is a half a pound of wax, a handful of herbs, and a piece of fruit!

Let’s Start with the Herbs

You can handpick a variety of fresh herbs from your garden for crafting wax sachets, or you can use dried herbs.

The generous flower heads of calendula (Calendula officinalis) make a great herb to use in herbal wax sachets. Spanning 1-3 inches across with a central cluster of tubular flowers surrounded by rows of ray florets, calendula becomes a beautiful ornament in wax sachets. They also bloom nearly continuously from spring to autumn (as long as you pick the blossoms frequently) which makes them available for crafting for the better part of the year.

You can pair the ornamental blooms of calendula with rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), a fragrant member of the mint family (Lamiaceae). The needle-like dark green, leathery leaves are harvested for use in soaps, shampoos, and perfumes, and just as rosemary provides a refreshing fragrance to such products, it can also freshen up your home in the form of a wax sachet!

How to Prepare Fresh Picked Herbs for Wax Sachets:

When using fresh herbs from your garden, it’s best to dry them prior to adding them to a wax sachet. Calendula flower heads take well to towel drying flat spread across a large basket over the course of a few weeks, while rosemary is best dried by hanging in bundles. However, both can be successfully dried much quicker in a dehydrator as well.

Which Fruits are Best for Wax Sachets?

Sliceable fruit, such as an apple, orange, or lemon, works best in a wax sachet because they need to be dried first. Drying oranges for decoration, in fact, is a tradition shared by many around the world. Their transparent round shape and warming citrus aroma make oranges a popular natural decoration. You can also purchase dried apple or dried orange and lemon peel if you prefer.

How to Dry Fruits to Make Herbal Wax Sachets:

Fruits can be quickly dried in a dehydrator along with your herbs, flooding your home with a sweet, flavorful scent like never before! However, the oven can also be used to dry fruit slices. Here’s how to dry sliced fruit in the oven.

Wash and dry each piece of fruit. Slice the fruit into ¼-inch thick slices.
Arrange the slices on a baker’s drying rack instead of directly on the oven rack to avoid slices falling to the bottom of the oven as they dry and slightly shrink. Place slices just far enough apart that the edges aren’t touching.
Place the slices arranged on the baker’s drying rack into the oven and set the temperature to your lowest setting available. A temperature between 150 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit is best. 
Baking time will vary from 2 to 4 hours depending on the heat of your oven. The slices are dry once the center of the fruit has congealed or solidified and therefore dried out. Dried slices will feel crisp and lighter in weight than their fresh counterparts. It’s a good idea to set a timer so you remember to flip each slice and check on their drying progress every 45 minutes.
Once dried, carefully remove the baker’s drying rack from the oven and place over the stovetop or over a heat resistance surface to cool. Allow each dried fruit slice to cool before use.
Once you’ve selected and dried your herbs and fruit, it’s time to get to the recipe!

DIY Herbal Wax Sachets
½ pound soy wax flakes
2 to 4 dried orange slices
6 rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) sprigs
1 tablespoon dried calendula (Calendula officinalis) flower
½ teaspoon orange (Citrus x sinensis) essential oil
½ teaspoon rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) essential oil

Safely melt ½ pound of soy wax flakes in a candle melting pitcher by placing the pitcher inside a large saucepan filled with 2 inches of water. Heat on medium to low heat with a gentle simmer, using the double boiler method on the stovetop. Stir often with a heat-resistant silicone spatula.
Once melted, remove the pitcher from the stovetop immediately to avoid the wax becoming too hot, or worse, smoky. Clip a candle thermometer inside of the pitcher to measure the temperature of the wax. Allow the wax to cool to 125°F to 120°F before adding the orange and rosemary essential oils. Stir constantly for 1 to 2 minutes to thoroughly incorporate the scent.
Next, pour the scented wax into a six-cavity rectangle silicone mold. Once you have filled each cavity, cut or tear a dried orange slice into smaller wedges and carefully place in each cavity. Add one to two large calendula flowers and top with a dried sprig of rosemary.
Last, allow your herbal wax sachets to cool and harden for a few hours before removing each from the silicone mold.

Using, Packaging, and Gifting Herbal Wax Sachets
This recipe makes 6 to 8 wax sachets depending on the silicone mold you choose. Each can be used similarly to linen sachets and potpourri, such as our holiday spice potpourri, by placing one in a decorative dish or bowl or tucking one in a desk or dresser drawer.

To package beautifully, place each herbal wax sachet in a small, natural linen drawstring bag. These bags can be tied closed and hung in the coat closet or pantry. No matter the arrangement, herbal wax sachets will add a breath of fresh air to any area you place them!

They also make beautiful zero-waste gifts for any occasion, and I’ve never found the scent to dissipate enough to warrant tossing one. Keep a few extras on hand to uplift a friend at a moment’s notice. No need to buy a gift, order flowers, or stop everything for a baking project,  when you can choose from a collection of your own beautiful herbal wax sachets, perfectly ready to give.


Amerelo, M., & Geller, S. (2018). Chemicals in everyday products rival cars as a source of air pollution. Retrieved from https://www.ewg.org/news-and-analysis/2018/02/chemicals-everyday-products-rival-cars-source-air-pollution

Farley, P. (2016). Essential oil diffuser recipes: 100+ of the best aromatherapy blends for home, health, and family. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace.

Posted ByAngela Justis/Comments0/Tagscooking with herbs, free downloads, free printable, herbal holiday, holiday baking, seasonal cooking
Whether you are hosting a holiday meal this year or looking forward to making some festive dishes to enjoy throughout the season, here are some tips and tricks to help you when it comes to including herbs in your own holiday cooking.

For many of us, the holiday season is filled with warm memories of special dishes, enticing aromas, and mouth-watering flavors. Sweetly spiced ginger (Zingiber officinale) snap cookies and cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) filled kugel baking in the oven, eggnog topped with ground nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), stuffing laced with sage (Salvia officinalis) leaves, and warm mugs of botanical-infused mulled wine hold a special place and make this season all the more heartfelt.

There’s no doubt about it—herbs add more than delicious flavor, aroma, and fond memories to holiday meals. Each herb has a myriad of wellness benefits as well. Here at the Herbal Academy, we love adding herbs to our cooking (myself included), and we are inspired to fill this holiday season with as many delicious, beneficial herbs as possible, right on our plates!

Getting Started Cooking With Herbs
With so many tasty recipes and scrumptious herbs to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start, yet adding herbs to foods can be as simple as sprinkling a bit of cinnamon on your bowl of morning oatmeal or including fresh leafy herbs or bitter greens in the lettuce mix for your next festive salad. You can also get fancy and create a stock of herbal products to pull from to enhance daily meals, such as herbed butters, vinegars, pestos, and so much more—each adds the amazing benefits of herbs to your holiday cooking.

Perhaps one of the best ways to get started is to add herbs to holiday dishes that you already enjoy making. Punch up your cookies with bits of candied ginger, cinnamon, cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), or even some rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and a pinch of lavender (Lavandula spp.). You can even add a new herb that you haven’t tried before to your stuffing or holiday dip, or throw some parsley (Petroselinum crispum) and sage leaves into your next salad for a pop of fresh herbal flavor.

20 Herbs to Enhance Your Holiday Cooking
Use this handy chart of 20 toothsome treasures as a reference while enjoying meal planning and cooking time in the kitchen!

Many of these culinary herbs have beneficial carminative properties that help to stimulate digestion and antimicrobial properties as well! Most of these herbs would also happily make tasty cups of tea and yummy infused vinegars to use in your holiday cooking. Experiment and have fun!

A Simple Recipe for Bringing Herbs to the Holiday Table
If you are looking for a special herbal indulgence to enjoy this season, whipped herbal butters are just the thing! You can make these ahead of time and store in the fridge or freezer to have on hand when cooking or entertaining.
Whipped Savory Herbal Butter
This spicy-sweet herb-filled butter is lip-smacking delicious and perfect for adding herbs to any meal that calls for butter. Use it to cook in, spread it over squash before baking, dot the butter over veggies in a savory galette, or spread it on bread, biscuits, and cornbread—yum!

½ cup softened butter or butter substitute
1 heaping tablespoon fresh sage (Salvia officinalis) leaves, finely chopped
2 teaspoons fresh rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) leaves, finely chopped
2 to 4 cloves fresh garlic (Allium sativum), minced
½ teaspoon salt
1 to 2 tablespoons honey

Crush and mince the garlic. Combine with salt. Exposing crushed garlic to air before combining with the butter will help activate a beneficial compound of garlic called allicin.
Whip the butter or butter substitute with a mixer or food processor.
Add the sage, rosemary, minced garlic and salt, and honey to the butter.
Whip the butter again until all the ingredients are incorporated.
Store in a tightly-closed container in the fridge until ready for use. You can even shape the butter using small molds or as a rolled log to slice pieces from and make serving easy!
Your butter should last for up to a week properly stored in the refrigerator. It can be wrapped tightly and frozen for up to 6 months as well.
The aromas and flavors of herbs bring together the ingredients in a recipe into a memorable experience. These herb-filled dishes are part of life’s tapestry, weaving together moments and memories with each tasty bite. Herbs are a welcome addition to cooking that can enrich each special moment. We hope you have fun this season creating your own herb-enriched foods to share and enjoy!

Happy herbal feasting!


Herbal Academy. (n.d.). Black pepper  monograph. Retrieved from https://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/monographs/#/monograph/1006

Herbal Academy. (n.d.). Cassia cinnamon  monograph. Retrieved from https://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/monographs/#/monograph/5098

Herbal Academy. (n.d.). Ginger monograph. Retrieved from https://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/monographs/#/monograph/1012

Herbal Academy. (n.d.). Peppermint  monograph. Retrieved from https://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/monographs/#/monograph/1016

Herbal Academy. (n.d.). Lavender  monograph. Retrieved from https://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/monographs/#/monograph/1004

Herbal Academy. (n.d.). Juniper monograph. Retrieved from https://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/monographs/#/monograph/5089

Loewenfeld, C., & Back, P. (1982). Herbs, health & cookery. New York, NY: Gramercy Publishing Company.

Mars, B. (2004). Rawsome!. North Bergen, NJ: Basic Health Publications. 

McBride, K. (2019). The herbal kitchen. Newburyport, MA: Conari Press.

Tilgner, S. (1999). Herbal medicine from the heart of the earth. Creswell, OR: Wise Acres Publishing.

Watson, M. (2017). The ultimate herb & spice pairing guide. Retrieved from https://delishably.com/spices-seasonings/The-Ultimate-Spice-Pairing-Guide

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