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Babalawo Obanifa shall through the medium of this work document in detail some of the meanings of seeing umbrella in dreams from the perspective of Yoruba culture and spirituality. The traditional name for umbrella in Yoruba language is known as Agboorun. As in the case of every other dream symbol. Seeing an umbrella in dream can have either positive or negative meanings. The meanings to be attribute to any umbrella dream will depend on the contents and context of such dream. Below are some of the meanings of seeing Umbrella in dream from the perspective of Yoruba culture and spirituality as document by Babalawo Obanifa.
TI A BA LALA TI A RA AGBOORUN TUNUN (IF DREAM YOU BUYS NEW UMBRELLA IN YOUR DREAM): In any kind of dream where the dreamer see that he buys new umbrella in dream. Or use new umbrella to cover his/her head in cool weather. This kind of dream connote blessing, comfort and longevity of life for the dreamer,.
TI OBIRIN BA LALA PE WON JA AGBOORUN GBA LOWO OHUN(IF A WOMAN DREAM THAT AN UMBRELLA WAS SNATCH AWAY FROM HER): In any kind of dream where a dreamer see that an umbrella was snatch away from her. This is a warning dream. Telling the dreamer that some one is about to take over her husband, spouse, lover or boyfriend. It is a warning dream.
TI O BA LALA PE O YA AGBOORUN LOWO ENIYAN(IF YOU DREAM THAT YOU BORROW AN UMBRELLA FROM SOMEONE ELSE):In any kind of dream where an individual  have a dream see himself/herself  borrowing umbrella from someone. In any kind of dream of this nature. It connotes that such person will soon find himself or herself in a situation where he or she will need to borrow money from people. If people borrow you umbrella in dream that means they assist you in time of your need. If people refuse to borrow you umbrella in dream. It connotes that you should brazen yourself up. Because people will with not assist very soon when you need them.
TI A BA LALA RI AGBOORUN TI WON FI DINGI ATI IYE SE (IF YOU SEE AN UMBRELLA THAT IS DESIGN WITH MIRROR AND FEATHERS): In any kind of dream where you see in your dream the  umbrella design with mirror and feathers or any other fine silks . It connotes power and wealth. Some times it connotes ascendance to the position of authority.
TI O BA LALA RI PE AGBOORUN TI O FI BORI FAYA TABI TI O N JO (IF YOU DREAM THAT THE UMBRLLA YOU USE TO COVER YOUR HEAD TEAR OFF OR BECOME PERFORATED): This kind of dream connotes  betrayer or getting offended by people you trust and rely upon such as your spouse, wife, friends.

TI A BA LALA TI A FI AGBORUN BORI NINU OJO (IF YOU DREAM THAT YOU USE UMBRELLA TO COVER YOUR HEAD DURING RAINFALL): In any kind of dream where you see that you use umbrella to cover your head in rain. This kind of dream connotes both physical and spiritual protection as well as getting people who can shield you from criticisms.
TI A BA LALA TI A RU AGBOORUN SORI NI ARODA OJO (IF YOU DREAM THAT YOU ARE CARRYING  UMBRELLA ON YOUR HEAD AFTER THE RAINFALL):This  kind of dream connotes you are trying to marry, befriend , or invest in something that will not be useful for you but become a burden for you in the long run.
TI A BA LALA TI A DI AGBOORUN MU LOWO (IF YOU SEE YOURSELF HOLDING AN UMBRELLA IN YOUR HAND IN YOUR DREAM): In any kind of dream of this nature. In this case it connotes comforts, financial abundance and prosperity.
TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI ARA WA NINU ORUN(IF YOU SEE YOURSELF COVER YOUR HEAD WITH UMBRELLA IN YOUR DREAM):In any kind of dream of this nature. It connotes peace of mind and comfort in life.
TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI SUGBON TI OJO SI PA WA(IF CARRY UMBRELLA ON YOUR HEAD AND STILL GET DRENCH BY RAIN ) : This kind of dream is warning telling the dreamer that his/her tools of trade or important idea or schemes he rely upon will fail him. He/she should have a back up plans.
TI A BA LALA TI A N SA SI ABE OJIJI AGBOORUN ELOMIRAN(IF YOU SEE YOURSELF  TAKING SHEILD UNDER THE SHADOW OF ANOTHER PERSON UMBRELLA): This kind of dream connotes that you will need the support and assistance of some influential people to solve the imminent challenges that is about to face you. You should not be afraid to ask for help.
TI ATEGUN BA JE AGBOORUN GBA LOWO WA( IF WIND BLOW AWAY UMBRELLA FROM YOUR HANDS): In any kind of dream of this nature where wind blow away umbrella from your hands. It connotes their carelessness and care free attitude on the part of the dreamer, which is likely to make him or her loss an important thing such as marriage, job. business. It is a warning dream.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequence

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 Por meio deste documento de trabalho, Babalawo Obanifa detalha alguns dos significados de ver guarda-chuva em sonhos, sob a perspectiva da cultura e espiritualidade iorubá.  O nome tradicional de guarda-chuva na língua iorubá é conhecido como Agboorun.  Como no caso de qualquer outro símbolo de sonho.  Ver um guarda-chuva em sonho pode ter significados positivos ou negativos.  Os significados a serem atribuídos a qualquer sonho abrangente dependerão do conteúdo e do contexto desse sonho.  Abaixo estão alguns dos significados de ver a Umbrella nos sonhos da perspectiva da cultura e espiritualidade iorubá como documento de Babalawo Obanifa.

 TI A BA LALA TI A RA AGBOORUN TUNUN (SE SONHA COMPRAR UM GUARDA-CHUVA NO SEU SONHO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que o sonhador vê que compra um novo guarda-chuva em sonho.  Ou use um novo guarda-chuva para cobrir a cabeça em clima frio.  Esse tipo de sonho conota bênção, conforto e longevidade de vida para o sonhador.

 TI OBIRIN BA LALA PE GANHOU JA AGBOORUN GBA LOWO OHUN (SE UMA MULHER SONHAR QUE UM GUARDA-CHUVA FOI LONGE DELA): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que um sonhador vê que um guarda-chuva foi arrancado dela.  Este é um sonho de aviso.  Dizendo ao sonhador que alguém está prestes a assumir o marido, a esposa, o amante ou o namorado.  É um sonho de aviso.

 TI O BA LALA PE O YA AGBOORUN LOWO ENIYAN (SE VOCÊ SONHA QUE GUARDA UM GUARDA-CHUVA DE ALGUÉM MAIS): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que um indivíduo tem um sonho, vê-se emprestando guarda-chuva de alguém.  Em qualquer tipo de sonho dessa natureza.  Isso indica que essa pessoa logo se encontrará em uma situação em que precisará emprestar dinheiro a outras pessoas.  Se as pessoas lhe emprestam um guarda-chuva em sonho, isso significa que elas o ajudarão na hora que você precisar.  Se as pessoas se recusarem a emprestar seu guarda-chuva em sonho.  Isso indica que você deve se desafiar.  Porque as pessoas não ajudarão muito em breve quando você precisar delas.

 TI A BA LALA RI AGBOORUN TI GANHOU DINGI ATI IYE SE (SE VOCÊ VÊ UMA GUARDA-CHUVA QUE É DESIGN COM ESPELHO E PENAS): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que você vê no seu sonho o design de guarda-chuva com espelho e penas ou qualquer outra multa  sedas.  Conota poder e riqueza.  Algumas vezes, conota ascensão à posição de autoridade.

 TI O BA LALA RI PE AGBOORUN TI O FI BORI FAYA TABI TI ON JO (SE VOCÊ SONHA QUE A UMBRLLA UTILIZA PARA COBERTURAR A CABEÇA OU SE FAZ PERFURADA): Esse tipo de sonho conecta traidor ou ofendido por pessoas em quem você confia e  confie em tais como seu cônjuge, esposa, amigos.

 TI A BA LALA A FI AGBORUN BORI NINU OJO (SE VOCÊ SONHA QUE UTILIZE GUARDA-CHUVA PARA COBERTAR SUA CABEÇA DURANTE A CHUVA): Em qualquer tipo de sonho, você vê que usa guarda-chuva para cobrir a cabeça com chuva.  Esse tipo de sonho conota proteção física e espiritual, além de atrair pessoas que possam protegê-lo de críticas.

 TI A BA LALA TI RU AGBOORUN SORI NI ARODA OJO (SE VOCÊ SONHA CARREGANDO GUARDA-CHUVA EM SUA CABEÇA APÓS A CHUVA): Esse tipo de sonho indica que você está tentando se casar, fazer amizade ou investir em algo que não será  útil para você, mas se torna um fardo para você a longo prazo.

 TI A BA LALA TI A DI AGBOORUN MU LOWO (SE VOCÊ TIVER SEGUINDO UM GUARDA-CHUVA NA MÃO EM SEU SONHO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho dessa natureza.  Nesse caso, conota conforto, abundância financeira e prosperidade.

 TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI ARA WA NINU ORUN (SE VOCÊ TAMBÉM COBRE SUA CABEÇA COM GUARDA-CHUVA EM SEU SONHO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho dessa natureza.  Conota paz de espírito e conforto na vida.

 TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI SUGBON TI OJO SI PA WA (SE CARREGAR UM GUARDA-CHUVA EM SUA CABEÇA E AINDA CHEGAR POR CHUVA): Esse tipo de sonho é alertar ao sonhador que suas ferramentas de comércio ou idéias ou esquemas importantes que ele confia  após falhará com ele.  Ele / ela deve ter um plano de backup.

 TI A BA LALA TI SA SI ABE OJIJI AGBOORUN ELOMIRAN (SE VOCÊ VÊ-SE TOMANDO ESCUDO SOB A SOMBRA DE OUTRA GUARDA-CHUVA DE PESSOA): Esse tipo de sonho indica que você precisará do apoio e assistência de algumas pessoas influentes para resolver os desafios iminentes  isso está prestes a enfrentar você.  Você não deve ter medo de pedir ajuda.

 TI ATEGUN BA JE AGBOORUN GBA LOWO WA (SE O VENTO SOPRA UM GUARDA-CHUVA DE SUAS MÃOS): Em qualquer tipo de sonho dessa natureza, onde o vento sopra o guarda-chuva de suas mãos.  Isso conota a falta de cuidado e a atitude despreocupada da parte do sonhador, o que provavelmente tornará sua perda algo importante, como casamento, trabalho.  o negócio.  É um sonho de aviso.

 Direitos autorais: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, telefone e whatsapp: +2348166343145, local Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

 AVISO IMPORTANTE: Com relação ao artigo acima, todos os direitos reservados, nenhuma parte deste artigo pode ser reproduzida ou duplicada de qualquer forma ou por qualquer meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocópia e gravação ou por qualquer sistema de armazenamento ou recuperação de informações sem permissão prévia por escrito  do detentor dos direitos autorais e do autor Babalawo Obanifa, fazê-lo é considerado ilegal e atrairá conseqüências legais

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  Babalawo Obanifa, a través de este documento de trabajo, detallará algunos de los significados de ver paraguas en sueños desde la perspectiva de la cultura y espiritualidad yoruba.  El nombre tradicional para paraguas en idioma yoruba se conoce como Agboorun.  Como en el caso de cualquier otro símbolo de sueño.  Ver un paraguas en sueños puede tener significados positivos o negativos.  Los significados que se atribuirán a cualquier sueño general dependerán de los contenidos y el contexto de dicho sueño.  A continuación se presentan algunos de los significados de ver a Umbrella en sueños desde la perspectiva de la cultura y espiritualidad yoruba como documento de Babalawo Obanifa.

  TI A BA LALA TI A RA AGBOORUN TUNUN (SI SUEÑAS, COMPRAS PARAGUAS NUEVAS EN TU SUEÑO): En cualquier tipo de sueño donde el soñador vea que compra un nuevo paraguas en sueños.  O use un paraguas nuevo para cubrirse la cabeza en clima frío.  Este tipo de sueño connota bendición, comodidad y longevidad de vida para el soñador.

  TI OBIRIN BA LALA PE GANÓ A JA AGBOORUN GBA LOWO OHUN (SI UNA MUJER SUEÑA QUE UNA PARAGUAS SE LE FUERA): En cualquier tipo de sueño en el que un soñador vea que un paraguas le fue arrebatado.  Este es un sueño de advertencia.  Decirle al soñador que alguien está a punto de apoderarse de su esposo, cónyuge, amante o novio.  Es un sueño de advertencia.

  TI O BA LALA PE O YA AGBOORUN LOWO ENIYAN (SI SUEÑAS QUE TOMAS UNA PARAGUAS DE ALGUIEN MÁS): En cualquier tipo de sueño en el que un individuo tiene un sueño, se ve prestado el paraguas de alguien.  En cualquier tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza.  Connota que esa persona pronto se encontrará en una situación en la que necesitará pedir dinero prestado a la gente.  Si las personas te prestan paraguas en sueños, eso significa que te ayudarán en el momento que lo necesites.  Si la gente se niega a prestarte un paraguas en sueños.  Connota que debes tonificarte.  Porque la gente no lo ayudará muy pronto cuando los necesite.

  TI A BA LALA RI AGBOORUN TI WON FI DINGI ATI IYE SE (SI VE UNA PARAGUAS QUE ESTÁ DISEÑADA CON ESPEJO Y PLUMAS): en cualquier tipo de sueño donde ve en su sueño el diseño del paraguas con espejo y plumas o cualquier otro fino  Sedas  Connota poder y riqueza.  Algunas veces connota ascendencia a la posición de autoridad.

  TI O BA LALA RI PE AGBOORUN TI O FI BORI FAYA TABI TI ON JO (SI SUEÑAS QUE LA UMBRLLA QUE UTILIZAS PARA CUBRIR TU CABEZA O SER PERFORADO): Este tipo de sueño implica traicionar o ofenderse por personas en las que confías y  confíe en como su cónyuge, esposa, amigos.

  TI A BA LALA TI A FI AGBORUN BORI NINU OJO (SI SUEÑAS QUE UTILIZAS PARAGUAS PARA CUBRIR LA CABEZA DURANTE LA LLUVIA): En cualquier tipo de sueño en el que ves que usas un paraguas para cubrir tu cabeza bajo la lluvia.  Este tipo de sueño implica tanto la protección física como la espiritual, además de conseguir personas que puedan protegerte de las críticas.

  TI A BA LALA TI A RU AGBOORUN SORI NI ARODA OJO (SI SUEÑAS QUE LLEVAS LA PARAGUAS EN LA CABEZA DESPUÉS DE LA LLUVIA): Este tipo de sueño implica que estás tratando de casarte, hacerte amigo o invertir en algo que no será  útil para usted, pero a la larga se convierte en una carga para usted.

  TI A BA LALA TI A DI AGBOORUN MU LOWO (SI TE VES SOMBRANDO UNA PARAGUAS EN TU MANO EN TU SUEÑO): En cualquier tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza.  En este caso connota comodidades, abundancia financiera y prosperidad.

  TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI ARA WA NINU ORUN (SI SE VE CUBRIR LA CABEZA CON PARAGUAS EN SU SUEÑO): En cualquier tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza.  Connota tranquilidad y confort en la vida.

  TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI SUGBON TI OJO SI PA WA (SI LLEVA EL PARAGUAS EN LA CABEZA Y TODAVÍA SE LLENA DE LA LLUVIA): este tipo de sueño es una advertencia que le dice al soñador que sus herramientas de comercio o ideas o esquemas importantes en los que confía  sobre le fallará.  Él / ella debe tener un plan de respaldo.

  TI A BA LALA TI AN SA SI ABE OJIJI AGBOORUN ELOMIRAN (SI SE VE TOMANDO SHEILD BAJO LA SOMBRA DE OTRA PERSONA PARAGUAS): Este tipo de sueño implica que necesitará el apoyo y la asistencia de algunas personas influyentes para resolver los desafíos inminentes.  que está a punto de enfrentarte  No debe tener miedo de pedir ayuda.

  TI ATEGUN BA JE AGBOORUN GBA LOWO WA (SI EL SOPLETE DE VIENTO LEJOS EL PARAGUAS DE TUS MANOS): En cualquier tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza donde el viento sopla el paraguas de tus manos.  Connota su descuido y actitud despreocupada por parte del soñador, lo que probablemente hará que él o ella pierda algo importante como el matrimonio, el trabajo.  negocio.  Es un sueño de advertencia.

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, teléfono y contacto de WhatsApp: +2348166343145, ubicación Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

  AVISO IMPORTANTE: en lo que respecta al artículo anterior, todos los derechos reservados, ninguna parte de este artículo puede reproducirse o duplicarse de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias y grabaciones, o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento o recuperación de información sin permiso previo por escrito  del titular de los derechos de autor y del autor Babalawo Obanifa, hacerlo se considera ilegal y tendrá consecuencias legales

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  Babalawo Obanifa expliquera en détail au moyen de ce document de travail certaines des significations de voir un parapluie dans les rêves du point de vue de la culture et de la spiritualité yoruba.  Le nom traditionnel du parapluie en langue yoruba est connu sous le nom d'Agboorun.  Comme dans le cas de tout autre symbole de rêve.  Voir un parapluie en rêve peut avoir des significations positives ou négatives.  La signification à attribuer à tout rêve parapluie dépendra du contenu et du contexte de ce rêve.  Voici quelques-unes des significations de voir Umbrella en rêve du point de vue de la culture et de la spiritualité yoruba comme document de Babalawo Obanifa.

  TI A BA LALA TI A RA AGBOORUN TUNUN (SI VOUS RÊVEZ ACHETER UN NOUVEAU PARAPLUIE DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Dans tout type de rêve où le rêveur voit qu'il achète un nouveau parapluie en rêve.  Ou utilisez un nouveau parapluie pour couvrir sa tête par temps frais.  Ce genre de rêve connote la bénédiction, le confort et la longévité de la vie du rêveur.

  TI OBIRIN BA LALA PE WON JA AGBOORUN GBA LOWO OHUN (SI UNE FEMME RÊVE QU'UN PARAPLUIE ÉTAIT À L'ARRÊT D'UNE PARAPLUIE): Dans tout type de rêve où un rêveur voit qu'un parapluie lui a été arraché.  Ceci est un rêve d'avertissement.  Dire au rêveur que quelqu'un s'apprête à reprendre son mari, son conjoint, son amant ou son petit ami.  C'est un rêve d'avertissement.

  TI O BA LALA PE O YA AGBOORUN LOWO ENIYAN (SI VOUS RÊVEZ QUE VOUS EMPRUNTEZ UN PARAPLUIE DE QUELQU'UN D'AUTRE): Dans tout type de rêve où un individu a un rêve se voit emprunter le parapluie de quelqu'un.  Dans tout type de rêve de cette nature.  Cela signifie qu'une telle personne se retrouvera bientôt dans une situation où elle devra emprunter de l'argent aux gens.  Si les gens vous empruntent un parapluie en rêve, cela signifie qu'ils vous aident en cas de besoin.  Si les gens refusent de vous emprunter un parapluie en rêve.  Cela signifie que vous devez vous effrayer.  Parce que les gens ne vous assisteront pas très tôt lorsque vous en aurez besoin.

  TI A BA LALA RI AGBOORUN TI WON FI DINGI ATI IYE SE (SI VOUS VOYEZ UN PARAPLUIE QUI EST DESIGN AVEC MIROIR ET PLUMES): Dans tout type de rêve où vous voyez dans votre rêve le design parapluie avec miroir et plumes ou toute autre amende  soies.  Il évoque le pouvoir et la richesse.  Parfois, il évoque l'ascendance à la position d'autorité.

  TI O BA LALA RI PE AGBOORUN TI O FI BORI FAYA TABI TI ON JO (SI VOUS RÊVEZ QUE L'UMBRLLA QUE VOUS UTILISEZ POUR COUVRIR VOTRE TÊTE DE TÊTE OU DEVENIR PERFORÉ): Ce type de rêve évoque la trahison ou la offense des personnes en qui vous avez confiance et  compter sur comme votre conjoint, femme, amis.

  TI A BA LALA TI A FI AGBORUN BORI NINU OJO (SI VOUS RÊVEZ QUE VOUS UTILISEZ UN PARAPLUIE POUR COUVRIR VOTRE TÊTE PENDANT LA PLUIE): Dans tout type de rêve où vous voyez que vous utilisez un parapluie pour vous couvrir la tête sous la pluie.  Ce genre de rêve implique à la fois une protection physique et spirituelle ainsi que l'obtention de personnes qui peuvent vous protéger des critiques.

  TI A BA LALA TI A RU AGBOORUN SORI NI ARODA OJO (SI VOUS RÊVEZ QUE VOUS PORTEZ UN PARAPLUIE SUR LA TÊTE APRÈS LA PLUIE): Ce genre de rêve signifie que vous essayez de vous marier, de vous lier d'amitié ou d'investir dans quelque chose qui ne sera pas  utile pour vous mais devient un fardeau pour vous à long terme.

  TI A BA LALA TI A DI AGBOORUN MU LOWO (SI VOUS VOUS VOYEZ TENANT UN PARAPLUIE DANS VOTRE MAIN DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Dans tout type de rêve de cette nature.  Dans ce cas, il évoque le confort, l'abondance financière et la prospérité.

  TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI ARA WA NINU ORUN (SI VOUS VOYEZ VOUS COUVRIR VOTRE TÊTE AVEC PARAPLUIE DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Dans tout type de rêve de cette nature.  Il évoque la tranquillité d'esprit et le confort dans la vie.

  TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI SUGBON TI OJO SI PA WA (SI PORTEZ UN PARAPLUIE SUR VOTRE TÊTE ET OBTENEZ TOUJOURS DE LA PLUIE PAR LA PLUIE): Ce genre de rêve avertit le rêveur que ses outils de commerce ou ses idées ou projets importants sur lesquels il s'appuie  sur lui échouera.  Il / elle devrait avoir un plan de sauvegarde.

  TI A BA LALA TI AN SA SI ABE OJIJI AGBOORUN ELOMIRAN (SI VOUS VOYEZ VOUS-MÊME PRENDRE UNE FEUILLE SOUS L'OMBRE D'UNE AUTRE PERSONNE PARAPLUIE): Ce type de rêve signifie que vous aurez besoin du soutien et de l'assistance de certaines personnes influentes pour résoudre les défis imminents  qui va vous affronter.  Vous ne devriez pas avoir peur de demander de l'aide.

  TI ATEGUN BA JE AGBOORUN GBA LOWO WA (SI LE VENT SOUFFLE LE PARAPLUIE DE VOS MAINS): Dans tout type de rêve de cette nature où le vent emporte le parapluie de vos mains.  Cela signifie leur négligence et leur attitude insouciante de la part du rêveur, ce qui est susceptible de faire de sa perte une chose importante comme le mariage, le travail.  affaires.  C'est un rêve d'avertissement.

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, téléphone et contact WhatsApp: +2348166343145, emplacement Ile Ife Osun, Nigeria.

  AVIS IMPORTANT: En ce qui concerne l'article ci-dessus, tous droits réservés, aucune partie de cet article ne peut être reproduite ou dupliquée sous quelque forme ou par quelque moyen que ce soit, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et l'enregistrement ou par tout système de stockage ou de récupération d'informations sans autorisation écrite préalable  du titulaire du droit d'auteur et de l'auteur Babalawo Obanifa, le faire est considéré comme illégal et entraînera des conséquences juridiques

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 Babalawo Obanifa wird durch das Medium dieses Arbeitsdokuments einige der Bedeutungen des Sehens von Regenschirm in Träumen aus der Perspektive der Yoruba-Kultur und Spiritualität detailliert beschreiben.  Der traditionelle Name für Regenschirm in Yoruba-Sprache ist als Agboorun bekannt.  Wie bei jedem anderen Traumsymbol.  Einen Regenschirm im Traum zu sehen, kann positive oder negative Bedeutungen haben.  Die Bedeutungen, die einem Regenschirmtraum zugeschrieben werden, hängen vom Inhalt und Kontext eines solchen Traums ab.  Im Folgenden sind einige der Bedeutungen aufgeführt, die es bedeuten, Umbrella aus der Perspektive der Yoruba-Kultur und Spiritualität im Traum zu sehen, wie dies von Babalawo Obanifa dokumentiert wurde.

 TI A BA LALA TI A RA AGBOORUN TUNUN (WENN SIE IM TRAUM EINEN NEUEN REGENSCHIRM KAUFEN): In jeder Art von Traum, in dem der Träumer sieht, dass er im Traum einen neuen Regenschirm kauft.  Oder verwenden Sie einen neuen Regenschirm, um bei kaltem Wetter den Kopf zu bedecken.  Diese Art von Traum bedeutet Segen, Komfort und Langlebigkeit für den Träumer.

 TI OBIRIN BA LALA PE GEWONNEN JA AGBOORUN GBA LOWO OHUN (WENN EINE FRAU DEN TRAUM HAT, DASS EIN REGENSCHIRM VON IHR ENTFERNT WAR): In jeder Art von Traum, in dem ein Träumer sieht, dass ein Regenschirm von ihr weggerissen wurde.  Dies ist ein Warnungstraum.  Sagen Sie der Träumerin, dass jemand ihren Ehemann, Ehepartner, Liebhaber oder Freund übernehmen wird.  Es ist ein Warnungstraum.

 TI O BA LALA PE O YA AGBOORUN LOWO ENIYAN (WENN SIE TRÄUMEN, DASS SIE EINEN REGENSCHIRM VON EINEM ANDEREN AUSGELIEFERT HABEN): In jeder Art von Traum, in dem eine Person einen Traum hat, sehen Sie sich selbst, wie sie sich einen Regenschirm von jemandem ausleiht.  In jeder Art von Traum dieser Art.  Dies bedeutet, dass sich eine solche Person bald in einer Situation befindet, in der sie oder er Geld von Menschen ausleihen muss.  Wenn Leute dir im Traum einen Regenschirm ausleihen, heißt das, sie helfen dir in der Zeit, in der du es brauchst.  Wenn die Leute sich weigern, dir im Traum einen Regenschirm auszuleihen.  Es bedeutet, dass Sie sich selbst aufdrängen sollten.  Weil die Leute nicht so schnell helfen werden, wenn Sie sie brauchen.

 TI A BA LALA RI AGBOORUN TI WON FI DINGI ATI IYE SE (WENN SIE EINEN REGENSCHIRM SEHEN, DER MIT SPIEGEL UND FEDERN GESTALTET IST): In jeder Art von Traum, in dem Sie in Ihrem Traum das Schirmdesign mit Spiegel und Federn oder einem anderen feinen sehen  Seide.  Es steht für Macht und Reichtum.  Manchmal bedeutet es Aufstieg zur Autoritätsposition.

 TI O BA LALA RI PE AGBOORUN TI O FI BORI FAYA TABI TI ON JO (WENN SIE TRÄUMEN, DASS DAS UMBRLLA, DAS SIE VERWENDEN, UM IHREN KOPF ABZUSCHUTZEN ODER PERFORIERT ZU WERDEN, VERRATEN oder von Menschen beleidigt zu werden, denen Sie vertrauen und  Verlassen Sie sich auf wie Ihren Ehepartner, Ihre Frau, Freunde.

 TI A BA LALA TI A FI AGBORUN BORI NINU OJO (WENN SIE TRÄUMEN, DASS SIE EINEN SCHIRM VERWENDEN, UM IHREN KOPF WÄHREND DES REGENFALLS ZU ÜBERZIEHEN): In jeder Art von Traum, in dem Sie sehen, dass Sie Ihren Kopf mit einem Regenschirm bedecken.  Diese Art von Traum bedeutet sowohl physischen und spirituellen Schutz als auch, Menschen zu finden, die Sie vor Kritik schützen können.

 TI A BA LALA TI A RU AGBOORUN SORI NI ARODA OJO (WENN SIE WÜNSCHEN, DASS SIE NACH DEM REGENFALL EINEN REGENSCHIRM AUF IHREM KOPF TRAGEN): Diese Art von Traum deutet darauf hin, dass Sie versuchen, etwas zu heiraten, sich anzufreunden oder in etwas zu investieren, das nicht sein wird  nützlich für Sie, aber auf lange Sicht eine Last für Sie.

 TI A BA LALA TI A AGBOORUN MU LOWO (WENN SIE IN IHREM TRAUM EINEN REGENSCHIRM IN IHRER HAND HALTEN): In irgendeiner Art von Traum dieser Art.  In diesem Fall bedeutet es Trost, finanzielle Fülle und Wohlstand.

 TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI ARA WA NINU ORUN (WENN SIE IN IHREM TRAUM IHREN KOPF MIT REGENSCHIRM ÜBERZIEHEN SEHEN): In irgendeiner Art von Traum dieser Art.  Es bedeutet Seelenfrieden und Komfort im Leben.

 TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI SUGBON TI OJO SI PA WA (WENN SIE DEN REGEN DURCHBRINGEN UND IMMER NOCH DRENCH ERHALTEN): Diese Art von Traum warnt den Träumer, dass seine / ihre Handelsinstrumente oder wichtigen Ideen oder Pläne ihm vertrauen  auf wird ihn scheitern.  Er / sie sollte einen Backup-Plan haben.

 TI A BA LALA TI A SA SI ABE OJIJI AGBOORUN ELOMIRAN (WENN SIE SICH UNTER DEM SCHATTEN EINES ANDEREN PERSONEN-REGENSCHIRMS ZIEHEN): Diese Art von Traum bedeutet, dass Sie die Unterstützung und Unterstützung einiger einflussreicher Personen benötigen, um die bevorstehenden Herausforderungen zu lösen  das steht dir gleich gegenüber.  Sie sollten keine Angst haben, um Hilfe zu bitten.

 TI ATEGUN BA JE AGBOORUN GBA LOWO WA (WENN DER WIND VON DEN HÄNDEN WEGBLASEN HAT): In jeder Art von Traum dieser Art, in dem der Wind den Regenschirm von Ihren Händen wegbläst.  Es steht für ihre Sorglosigkeit und Sorglosigkeit des Träumers, die ihn oder sie wahrscheinlich zu einer wichtigen Sache wie Heirat oder Arbeit machen werden.  Geschäft.  Es ist ein Warnungstraum.

 Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, Telefon- und WhatsApp-Kontakt: +2348166343145, Standort Ile Ife Osun, Bundesstaat Nigeria.

 WICHTIGER HINWEIS: In Bezug auf den obigen Artikel, alle Rechte vorbehalten, darf kein Teil dieses Artikels in irgendeiner Form oder auf irgendeine Weise, elektronisch oder mechanisch, einschließlich Fotokopieren und Aufzeichnen, oder durch ein Informationsspeicherungs- oder -abrufsystem ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung reproduziert oder vervielfältigt werden  Dies gilt als rechtswidrig und zieht rechtliche Konsequenzen nach sich

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  ЗНАКИ ЗОНТА В МЕЧТАХ БИБАЛАВСКОГО ОБАНИФА-ОБАНИФА экстремальных документальных фильмов


  Бабалаво Обанифа подробно рассмотрит этот рабочий документ о некоторых смыслах видения зонтика во сне с точки зрения культуры и духовности йоруба.  Традиционное название зонтика на языке йоруба известно как Агборун.  Как и в случае любого другого символа мечты.  Видение зонтика во сне может иметь как положительное, так и отрицательное значение.  Значения, приписываемые любому зонтичному сну, будут зависеть от содержания и контекста такого сна.  Ниже приведены некоторые из значений видения Амбреллы во сне с точки зрения культуры и духовности йоруба как документа Бабалаво Обанифы.

  TI A BA LALA TI A AGBOORUN TUNUN (ЕСЛИ МЕЧТА ВЫ ПОКУПАЕТЕ НОВЫЙ ЗОНТИК В СВОЕЙ МЕЧТЕ): В любом виде сна, где мечтатель видит, что он покупает новый зонтик во сне.  Или используйте новый зонт, чтобы прикрыть голову в прохладную погоду.  Такого рода мечты означают благословение, комфорт и долголетие жизни для мечтателя.

  TI OBIRIN BA LALA PE WON JA AGBOORUN GBA LOWO OHUN (ЕСЛИ ЖЕНЩИНА МЕЧТА, ЧТО ЗОНТ БЫЛ ОТДЕЛАНО ОТ ЕГО): В любом виде сна, где мечтатель видит, что у нее вырвался зонт.  Это предупреждающий сон.  Рассказывая мечтателю, что кто-то собирается захватить ее мужа, супруга, любовника или парня.  Это предупреждающий сон.

  TI O BA LALA PE O YA AGBOORUN LOWO ENIYAN (ЕСЛИ ВЫ СНАРУЖЕТЕ, ЧТО ВЫ ЗАРАБАЕТЕ ЗОНТ ОТ ЧЕГО-ЛИБО ДРУГОГО): В любом виде сна, где у человека есть мечта, он видит себя, одолжив зонтик у кого-то.  В любом виде мечты такого характера.  Это означает, что такой человек скоро окажется в ситуации, когда ему или ей придется занимать деньги у людей.  Если люди одалживают вам зонт во сне, это означает, что они помогут вам в нужное время.  Если люди отказываются одолжить тебе зонт во сне.  Это означает, что вы должны нагреть себя.  Потому что люди не будут помогать очень скоро, когда они вам понадобятся.

  TI A BA LALA RI AGBOORUN TI WON FI DINGI ATI IYE SE (ЕСЛИ ВЫ ВИДИТЕ ЗОНТИК, КОТОРЫЙ ДИЗАЙН С ЗЕРКАЛОМ И ПЕРОМ): В любом виде сна, где вы видите в своем дизайне зонтик с зеркалом и перьями или любым другим прекрасным  шелка  Это означает власть и богатство.  Иногда это означает восхождение к власти.

  TI O BA LALA RI PE AGBOORUN TI O FI BORI FAYA TABI TI ON JO (ЕСЛИ ВЫ МЕЧТИТЕ, ЧТО ЗОНТИК ВЫ ИСПОЛЬЗУЕТЕ, ЧТОБЫ ПОКРЫТЬ СВОЮ ГОЛОВУ, ОТКРЫВАЮТ ИЛИ СТАЛИ ПЕРФОРИРОВАННЫМИ): Этот вид мечты означает предательство или оскорбление со стороны людей, которым вы доверяете или оскорбляете  полагаться на таких как ваш супруг, жена, друзья.

  TI A BA LALA TI A FI AGBORUN BORI NINU OJO (ЕСЛИ ВЫ МЕЧТИТЕ, ЧТО ВЫ ИСПОЛЬЗУЕТЕ ЗОНТИК ДЛЯ ПОКРЫТИЯ ВАШЕЙ ГОЛОВКИ ВО ВРЕМЯ ОТДЫХА): В любом виде сна, в котором вы видите, что вы пользуетесь зонтиком, чтобы прикрыть голову дождем.  Этот вид сна подразумевает как физическую, так и духовную защиту, а также людей, которые могут защитить вас от критики.

  TI A BA LALA TI A RU AGBOORUN SORI NI ARODA OJO (ЕСЛИ ВЫ МЕЧТИТЕ, ЧТО ВЫ НЕСЕТЕ ЗОНТИК НА ВАШЕЙ ГОЛОВЕ ПОСЛЕ ДОЖДЕНИЯ): Этот вид мечты означает, что вы пытаетесь жениться, дружить или вкладывать деньги в то, что не будет  полезно для вас, но в конечном итоге станет бременем для вас.

  TI A BA LALA TI A DI AGBOORUN MU LOWO (ЕСЛИ ВЫ ВИДИТЕ СЕБЯ, держа ЗОНТИК В СВОЕЙ РУКЕ В СВОЕЙ МЕЧТЕ): В любой мечте такого рода.  В этом случае это означает комфорт, финансовое изобилие и процветание.

  TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI ARA WA NINU ORUN (ЕСЛИ ВЫ ВИДИТЕ СЕБЯ, ПОКРЫВАЙТЕ СВОЮ ГОЛОВУ ЗОНТОМ В СВОЕЙ МЕЧТЕ): В любой мечте такого рода.  Это означает душевное спокойствие и комфорт в жизни.

  TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI SUGBON TI OJO SI PA WA (ЕСЛИ НОСИТЕ ЗОНТИК НА ВАШУ ГОЛОВУ И ПОКРЫВАЕТ ДРОМ), этот вид сна предупреждает говорящего о том, что его / ее инструменты торговли или важная идея или схемы, на которые он полагается  Он подведет его.  Он / она должен иметь резервные планы.

  TI A BA LALA TI SA SA ABE OJIJI AGBOORUN ELOMIRAN (ЕСЛИ ВЫ ВИДИТЕ СЕБЯ, ПОЛУЧАЯ СТИЛЬ ПОД ТЕНЬЮ ДРУГОГО ЗОНТА ЧЕЛОВЕКА): Этот вид мечты означает, что вам понадобятся поддержка и помощь некоторых влиятельных людей, чтобы решить предстоящие проблемы  вот-вот встретится с тобой.  Вы не должны бояться обращаться за помощью.

  TI ATEGUN BA JE AGBOORUN GBA LOWO WA (ЕСЛИ ВЕТЕР УДАЛЯЕТ, ЧТОБЫ ЗОНТИК ИЗ ВАШИХ РУК): В любой мечте такого рода, когда ветер сдувает зонт с ваших рук.  Это означает их небрежность и беззаботное отношение со стороны мечтателя, что может сделать его или ее потерю важной вещью, такой как брак, работа.  бизнес.  Это предупреждающий сон.

  Авторское право: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, телефон и контакт WhatsApp: +2348166343145, местоположение Ile Ife osun штат Нигерия.

  ВАЖНОЕ УВЕДОМЛЕНИЕ. Что касается статьи выше, все права защищены, ни одна часть этой статьи не может быть воспроизведена или воспроизведена в любой форме или любым способом, электронным или механическим, включая фотокопирование и запись, или любой системой хранения или поиска информации без предварительного письменного разрешения.  от правообладателя и автора Babalawo Obanifa, это считается незаконным и влечет за собой юридические последствия

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 BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa极端纪录片中梦中雨伞的含义


 巴巴拉沃·奥巴尼法(Babalawo Obanifa)将通过本工作文件的内容,从约鲁巴文化和灵性的角度详细介绍在梦中看到雨伞的一些含义。 约鲁巴语中雨伞的传统名称被称为Agboorun。 就像其他每个梦境符号一样。 在梦中看到一把雨伞可能具有积极或消极的意义。 伞梦赋予的含义将取决于该梦的内容和背景。 以下是巴巴拉沃·奥巴尼法(Babalawo Obanifa)所记录的从约鲁巴文化和灵性角度看梦中的雨伞的一些含义。

 TI A BA LALA TI A RA AGBOORUN TUNUN(如果您在梦中购买新伞):在任何梦中,做梦者都看到自己在梦中购买了新雨伞。 或在凉爽的天气下用新的雨伞遮住他/她的头。 这种梦想意味着对梦想家的祝福,舒适和长寿。

 TI OBIRIN BA LALA PE WON JA AGBOORUN GBA LOWO OHUN(如果一个女人梦到伞被她抽走了):在任何一种梦中,梦者看到伞从她身上抢走。 这是一个警告的梦想。 告诉做梦者某人即将接管她的丈夫,配偶,情人或男朋友。 这是一个警告的梦想。

 TI O BA LALA PE O YA AGBOORUN LOWO ENIYAN(如果您梦见自己从某人那里借了伞):在任何一种梦中,一个人的梦见自己从别人那里借来的雨伞。 在这种性质的任何梦想中。 它暗示着这种人很快就会陷入需要向他人借钱的境地。 如果人们在梦中借给您雨伞,这意味着他们会在需要时为您提供帮助。 如果人们拒绝在梦中借你一把雨伞。 它意味着您应该振作起来。 因为当您需要他们时,人们不会很快提供帮助。

 TI A BALARI RI AGBOORUN TI WON FI DINGI ATI IYE SE(如果您看到设计有镜和羽毛的雨伞):在任何梦中,您在梦中都会看到带有镜和羽毛的雨伞设计或其他任何精美的设计 丝绸。 它意味着力量和财富。 有时它暗示着权威地位的提升。


 TI A BALALA TI A FI AGBORUN BORI NINU OJO(如果您梦见在雨天期间使用UMBRELLA遮盖了您的头):在任何梦中,您都会看到在雨中用雨伞遮住头。 这种梦想既意味着对身体和精神的保护,也使能够保护您免受批评的人们。

 TI A BALALA TI A RU AGBOORUN SORI NI ARODA OJO(如果您在雨后梦见自己正在携带雨伞):这种梦想意味着您正在尝试结婚,成为朋友或投资于不会 对您有用,但从长远来看却成为您的负担。

 TI A BALALA TI A DI AGBOORUN MU LOWO(如果您看到自己手里拿着雨伞的梦):在这种性质的任何形式的梦想中。 在这种情况下,它意味着舒适,经济充裕和繁荣。

 TI BA BA AGBOORUN BORI ARA WA NINU ORUN(如果您梦见自己在梦中用UMBRELLA遮盖了自己的头):在这种性质的任何梦中。 它意味着内心的平静和生活的舒适。

 TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI SUGBON TI OJO SI PA WA(如果随身携带雨伞并仍然受雨淋):这种梦想警告告诉做梦者他/她的贸易工具或他所依靠的重要思想或计划 从此会使他失败。 他/她应该有一个备份计划。

 TI A BALALA TI AN SASI ABE OJIJI AGBOORUN ELOMIRAN(如果您看到自己在另一个人的阴影下感到羞愧):这种梦想意味着您将需要一些有影响力的人的支持和帮助以解决即将来临的挑战 那将要面对你。 您不应该害怕寻求帮助。

 TI ATEGUN BA JE AGBOORUN GBA LOWO WA(如果风从您的手中吹走雨伞):在这种大自然的梦想中,风将雨伞从您的手中吹走。 它暗示了做梦者的粗心和无忧无虑的态度,这很可能使他或她的损失成为重要的事情,例如婚姻,工作。 商业。 这是一个警告的梦想。

 版权:Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa,电话和whatsapp联系人:+2348166343145,位于尼日利亚Ile Ife osun省。

 重要声明:关于上述条款,保留所有权利,未经事先书面许可,不得以任何形式或通过任何方式(包括影印和录制的电子或机械方式或任何信息存储或检索系统)复制或复制本文的任何部分 版权持有人和作者Babalawo Obanifa的行为被认为是非法的,并将引起法律后果

 एड शीरन देखने और डाउनलोड करने के लिए वेदियो पर क्लिक करें - बिल्कुल सही (आधिकारिक संगीत वीडियो)

 BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa चरम वृत्तचित्रों द्वारा धर्म में UMBRELLA की योजनाएं


 बाबलाव ओबनिफा इस कार्य दस्तावेज़ के माध्यम से योरूबा संस्कृति और आध्यात्मिकता के परिप्रेक्ष्य से सपनों में छाता देखने के कुछ अर्थों के बारे में विस्तार से बताएंगे।  योरूबा भाषा में छतरी के लिए पारंपरिक नाम एगबोरुन के रूप में जाना जाता है।  जैसा कि हर दूसरे सपने के प्रतीक के मामले में होता है।  सपने में छाता देखना सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक अर्थ हो सकता है।  किसी भी छत्र सपने के लिए विशेषता होने का अर्थ इस तरह के सपने की सामग्री और संदर्भ पर निर्भर करेगा।  बाबलावो ओबनिफा द्वारा दस्तावेज के रूप में योरूबा संस्कृति और आध्यात्मिकता के परिप्रेक्ष्य से सपने में छाता देखने के कुछ अर्थ नीचे दिए गए हैं।

 TI एक बीए LALA TI A RA AGBOORUN TUNUN (अगर आप अपने सपने में नई UMBRELLA खरीदते हैं): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां सपने देखने वाला देखता है कि वह सपने में नई छतरी खरीदता है।  या ठंड के मौसम में उसके सिर को ढंकने के लिए नई छतरी का उपयोग करें।  इस तरह का सपना सपने देखने वाले के लिए आशीर्वाद, आराम और जीवन की लंबी उम्र को दर्शाता है।

 TI OBIRIN BA LALA PE WON JA AGBOORUN GBA LOWO OHUN (अगर एक वोमेन ड्रेम थम ए उंब्रेल्ला वत्स अवे से था): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां एक सपने देखने वाला देखता है कि एक छाता उससे छीन लिया गया था।  यह एक चेतावनी का सपना है।  सपने देखने वाले को बता रहा है कि कुछ उसके पति, पति, प्रेमी या प्रेमी को संभालने वाले हैं।  यह एक चेतावनी का सपना है।

 TI O BA LALA PE O YA AGBOORUN LOW ENIYAN (यदि आप ऐसा करते हैं कि आप BORROW AN UMBRELLA से किसी और व्यक्ति से प्यार करते हैं): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां किसी व्यक्ति का सपना होता है कि वह खुद को किसी से छतरी / खुद उधार लेता हुआ देखे।  इस प्रकृति के किसी भी प्रकार के सपने में।  यह अनुमान लगाता है कि ऐसे व्यक्ति जल्द ही खुद को या खुद को ऐसी स्थिति में पाएंगे जहां उन्हें लोगों से पैसे उधार लेने की आवश्यकता होगी।  अगर लोग सपने में आपसे छाता लेते हैं तो इसका मतलब है कि वे आपकी जरूरत के समय आपकी सहायता करते हैं।  अगर लोग सपने में आपको छाता उधार लेने से मना करते हैं।  यह संकेत देता है कि आपको अपने आप को ऊपर रखना चाहिए।  क्योंकि लोग बहुत जल्द सहायता नहीं करेंगे जब आपको उनकी आवश्यकता होगी।

 TI A BA LALA RI AGBOORUN TI WON FI DINGI ATI IY SE (यदि आप किसी अन्य व्यक्ति की तरह हैं, जो MIRROR और FEATHERS के साथ डिज़ाइन किया गया है): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहाँ आप अपने सपने में छतरी का डिज़ाइन मिरर और पंख या किसी अन्य फाइन के साथ देखते हैं।  चुप।  यह शक्ति और धन को जोड़ता है।  कुछ बार यह अधिकार की स्थिति के लिए चढ़ाई को दर्शाता है।

 TI O BA LALA RI PE PE AGBOORUN TI O FI BORI FAB TABI TI ऑन जो (अगर आप उस दिन का उपयोग करते हैं जो आप अपने हेड टी या ऑफिशली परफेक्ट का उपयोग करने के लिए उपयोग करते हैं): इस प्रकार का सपना विश्वासघात करने वाले लोगों को विश्वास दिलाता है या उन लोगों से नाराज हो जाता है जिन पर आप भरोसा करते हैं।  अपने जीवनसाथी, पत्नी, दोस्तों पर भरोसा करें।

 TI A BA LALA TI A FI AGBORUN BORI NINU OJO (यदि आप इस बात का उपयोग करते हैं कि आप अपने दैनिक रेनफाल को बचाने के लिए UMBRELLA का उपयोग करें): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां आप देखते हैं कि आप बारिश में अपना सिर ढंकने के लिए छाता का उपयोग करते हैं।  इस तरह का सपना शारीरिक और आध्यात्मिक संरक्षण के साथ-साथ ऐसे लोगों को भी प्राप्त करता है जो आपको आलोचनाओं से बचा सकते हैं।

 TI A BA LALA TI A RU AGBOORUN SORI NI ARODA OJO (यदि आप इस बात से सहमत हैं कि आप RAINFALL के अपने प्रमुख के बारे में UMBRELLA देख रहे हैं): इस तरह का सपना आपको लगता है कि आप किसी से शादी करने, दोस्ती करने या निवेश करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।  आपके लिए उपयोगी है लेकिन लंबे समय में आपके लिए बोझ बन जाता है।

 TI एक बीए LALA TI A DI AGBOORUN MU LOWO (यदि आप खुद को अपने सपने में अपने हाथ में एक UMBRELLA पकड़े हुए देखें): इस प्रकृति के किसी भी तरह के सपने में।  इस मामले में यह आराम, वित्तीय बहुतायत और समृद्धि को दर्शाता है।

 टीआई ए बीए एफआई एजी बरबोरन बोरी आरा वा नुनु ओरुण (यदि आप खुद को देख रहे हैं कि आपके सपने में उबरला के साथ आपका हाथ है): इस प्रकृति के किसी भी प्रकार के सपने में।  यह जीवन में मन की शांति और आराम प्रदान करता है।

 TI एक BA FI AGBOORUN BORI SUGBON TI OJO SI PA WA (अगर आपके सिर पर और उसके नीचे चल रहा है, तो इस तरह का सपना देखें): इस प्रकार का सपना चेतावनी देने वाले को यह बताने की चेतावनी दे रहा है कि उसके व्यापार के साधन या महत्वपूर्ण विचार या योजनाएँ वह भरोसा करते हैं।  उस पर असफल हो जाएगा।  उसके पास योजनाएं होनी चाहिए।

 TI A BA LALA TI AN SA SI ABE OJIJI AGBOORUN ELOMIRAN (यदि आप खुद को देख रहे हैं, तो इस तरह के स्वप्नदोष का पता लगाएं): आप इस तरह के सपने देखते हैं कि आपको कुछ प्रभावशाली लोगों के समर्थन और सहायता की जरूरत होगी।  वह तुम्हारा सामना करने वाला है।  आपको मदद मांगने से डरना नहीं चाहिए।

 तिवारी ATEGUN BA JE AGBOORUN GBA LOWO WA (यदि आपके हाथ से कुछ कम हो): इस प्रकृति के किसी भी प्रकार के सपने में जहाँ हवा आपके हाथों से छतरी को उड़ा देती है।  यह सपने देखने वाले की ओर से उनकी लापरवाही और देखभाल मुक्त रवैये को दर्शाता है, जिससे उसे शादी, नौकरी जैसे महत्वपूर्ण नुकसान की संभावना है।  व्यापार।  यह एक चेतावनी का सपना है।

 कॉपीराइट: बबालावो पेले ओबासा ओबनिफा, फोन और व्हाट्सएप संपर्क: 13:48166343145, स्थान इले इफ ओसुन राज्य नाइजीरिया।

 महत्वपूर्ण सूचना: जैसा कि ऊपर दिए गए लेख के अनुसार, सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित हैं, इस लेख का कोई भी भाग किसी भी रूप में या किसी भी तरह से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक या मैकेनिकल द्वारा फोटोकॉपी और रिकॉर्डिंग या किसी भी जानकारी के भंडारण या पुनर्प्राप्ति प्रणाली से लिखित अनुमति के बिना पुन: प्रस्तुत या दोहराया नहीं जा सकता है।  कॉपीराइट धारक और लेखक बबालावो ओबनिफा से, ऐसा करना गैरकानूनी माना जाता है और कानूनी परिणाम को आकर्षित करेगा

  انقر على فيديو لمشاهدة وتحميل إد شيران - مثالي (فيديو موسيقي رسمي)

  معاني أمبريللا في الأحلام بقلم بابلو أبانيفة - أبانيفة


  يقوم Babalawo Obanifa من خلال وثيقة هذا العمل بالتفصيل ببعض معاني رؤية المظلة في الأحلام من منظور ثقافة اليوروبا والروحانية.  يُعرف الاسم التقليدي للمظلة بلغة اليوروبا باسم Agboorun.  كما هو الحال في كل رمز حلم آخر.  رؤية المظلة في الحلم يمكن أن يكون لها معان إيجابية أو سلبية.  سوف تعتمد المعاني التي يجب أن تنسب إلى أي حلم شمولي على محتويات وسياق هذا الحلم.  فيما يلي بعض معاني رؤية المظلة في الحلم من منظور ثقافة اليوروبا والروحانية كوثيقة من إعداد Babalawo Obanifa.

  TI A BA LALA TI A RA AGBOORUN TUNUN (إذا كنت تحلم أنت تنشئ UMBRELLA جديدة في أحلامك): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث يرى الحالم أنه يشتري مظلة جديدة في الحلم.  أو استخدم مظلة جديدة لتغطية رأسه في الطقس البارد.  هذا النوع من الحلم يوحي نعمة والراحة وطول العمر للحالم ،.

  TI OBIRIN BA LALA PE WON JA AGBOORUN GBA LOWO OHUN (إذا كانت امرأة تحلم بأن أمبريللا كانت تنتظرها بعيدًا): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث يرى الحالم أن المظلة كانت تنتزع منها.  هذا حلم تحذير.  إخبار الحالم بأن شخصًا ما على وشك الاستيلاء على زوجها أو زوجها أو حبيبها أو صديقها.  إنه حلم تحذير.

  TI O BA LALA PE O YA AGBOORUN LOWO ENIYAN (إذا كنت تحلم أنك تستعرض UMBRELLA من شخص آخر): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث يكون لدى الفرد حلم يرى نفسه / مظلة الاستعارة من شخص ما.  في أي نوع من الحلم من هذه الطبيعة.  يشير هذا إلى أن هذا الشخص سيجد نفسه قريبًا في موقف سيحتاج فيه إلى اقتراض أموال من أشخاص.  إذا اقترضك الناس مظلة في الحلم فهذا يعني أنهم يساعدونك في وقت حاجتك.  إذا كان الناس يرفضون اقتراضك مظلة في الحلم.  هذا يعني أنه يجب عليك الوقح نفسك.  لأن الناس سوف لا يساعدونك قريبًا عندما تحتاجهم.

  TI a BA LALA RI AGBOORUN TI WON FI DINGI ATI IYE SE (إذا شاهدت UMBRELLA التي تم تصميمها مع مرآة والسمات): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث ترى في حلمك تصميم المظلة مع مرآة والريش أو أي غرامة أخرى  الحرير.  إنها تعني القوة والثروة.  في بعض الأحيان ، يعني ضمناً صعود موقف السلطة.

  TI O BA LALA RI PE AGBOORUN TI O FI BORI FAYA TABI TI ON JO (إذا كنت تحلم بأن UMBRLLA تستخدمه لتغطية رئيسك في اللعب أو يصبح مثالياً): هذا النوع من الحلم ينطوي على خيانة أو تضايق من الناس.  الاعتماد على مثل زوجتك ، زوجتك ، الأصدقاء.

  TI a BA LALA TI A FI AGBORUN BORI NINU OJO (إذا كنت تحلم أنك تستخدم UMBRELLA لتغطية رأسك أثناء هطول الأمطار): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث ترى أنك تستخدم المظلة لتغطية رأسك في المطر.  يتضمن هذا النوع من الحلم الحماية الجسدية والروحية وكذلك الحصول على الأشخاص الذين يمكنهم حمايتك من الانتقادات.

  TI a BA LALA TI A RU AGBOORUN SORI NI ARODA OJO (إذا كنت تحلم بأنك تحمل UMBRELLA على رأسك بعد المطر): هذا النوع من الحلم يعني أنك تحاول الزواج ، أو إقامة علاقات صداقة ، أو الاستثمار في شيء لن يكون  مفيدة لك ولكن تصبح عبئا بالنسبة لك على المدى الطويل.

  TI a BA LALA TI A DI AGBOORUN MU LOWO (إذا رأيت نفسك تحمل أمبريللا في يدك في أحلامك): في أي نوع من الحلم من هذا النوع.  في هذه الحالة ، تعني وسائل الراحة والوفرة المالية والازدهار.

  TI a BA FI AGBOORUN BORI ARA WA NINU ORUN (إذا كنت ترى نفسك تغطي رأسك مع UMBRELLA في أحلامك): في أي نوع من الحلم من هذا النوع.  وهذا يعني راحة البال والراحة في الحياة.

  TI A BA FI AGBOORUN BORI SUGBON TI OJO SI PA WA (إذا حملت أمبريللا على رأسك واستمريت في المطر): هذا النوع من الحلم يحذر من إخبار الحالم بأن أدواته التجارية أو فكرة مهمة أو مخططات يعتمد عليها  سوف تفشل عليه.  يجب أن يكون لديه خطط احتياطية.

  TI a BA LALA TI AN SA SI ABE OJIJI AGBOORUN ELOMIRAN (إذا رأيت نفسك تأخذ شيلد تحت ظلال شخص آخر UMBRELLA): هذا النوع من الحلم يعني أنك ستحتاج إلى دعم ومساعدة بعض الأشخاص ذوي النفوذ  هذا على وشك مواجهتك.  يجب أن لا تخاف من طلب المساعدة.

  TI ATEGUN BA JE AGBOORUN GBA LOWO WA (إذا تعرّضت الرياح إلى الوراء لأومبريلا من بين يديك): في أي نوع من الحلم من هذه الطبيعة حيث تهب الرياح المظلة بعيدًا عن يديك.  إنه يدل على إهمالهم وموقفهم الحر من جانب الحالم ، والذي من المحتمل أن يجعله أو خسارتها شيئًا مهمًا مثل الزواج ، الوظيفة.  اعمال.  إنه حلم تحذير.

  حقوق الطبع والنشر: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa ، الهاتف واتس اب الاتصال: +2348166343145 ، موقع Ile Ife osun ولاية نيجيريا.

  إشعار هام: فيما يتعلق بالمادة أعلاه ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة ، لا يجوز إعادة إنتاج أو نسخ أي جزء من هذه المادة بأي شكل أو بأي وسيلة ، سواء كانت إلكترونية أو ميكانيكية ، بما في ذلك التصوير والتسجيل أو أي نظام لتخزين المعلومات أو استرجاعها دون إذن كتابي مسبق  من صاحب حقوق الطبع والنشر والمؤلف Babalawo Obanifa ، يعتبر القيام بذلك غير قانوني وسيؤدي إلى نتيجة قانونية
Meanings Of Umbrella Dreams From other cultures and Spirituality
Umbrella Dream Meaning
What does an Umbrella or Parasol mean in your dream?

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Dreaming of using an umbrella in rainy weather foretells bad changes in your general living conditions.

An umbrella can be seen in many different ways in your dream. It could be a rain umbrella, parasol or alternatively a sun shade. Historically umbrellas came from shading the sun in ancient China, they are often used in Rome, Greece and also the Middle East and have been known to be used as far back as the fourth century.  Materials included feathers, leather and the oldest recording of a collapsible umbrella goes back 2,450 years ago. I have covered quite a bit here about umbrella's in your dream so just scroll down to find your dream. To make it easier I have also just outlined some quick dream meanings of umbrellas.

What is the spiritual meaning of an umbrella? The umbrella can spiritually mean that we are protected by guides and spirit. In Indian symbolism, the umbrella is seen as a shade that protects against the “heat” of suffering problems, challenges, and harm. The parasol in Buddism represents the bodhi-tree. Which is a symbol of a riderless horse. This can indicate happiness. The umbrella symbol is also associated with the power that we hold within. Equally, the umbrella can be connected to our darkest thoughts, and also our happiness - (shade and light) Additionally, this symbol is connected to being royal and protected. In ancient times the parasol was carried as a sign of wealth and held above the head to make people feel honor and respect for the family. The dome of the umbrella and parasol in symbolism is connected to authority. Hanging silk valances suggests being skilled in life. Hope this has helped you, now scroll down to find your dream.

What does it mean to dream of a rain umbrella? A rain umbrella in a dream is connected to our own emotions this is simply because water represents how we communicate with others life. Often, dreams of umbrellas signify that you need to remove the clutter in your life. This could be simply cleaning the room alternatively moving forward with a new project. The rain in a dream indicates you may be surprised or alarmed about a situation in the future. This could consequently affect your emotions. To see a black rain umbrella illustrates intense and personal creative efforts. Oh, and also try not to lose anything. If you notice a red umbrella in the dream this symbolizes your passions and focuses on life. You’re going to be much more open-minded. A blue umbrella in dreams suggests very caring and compassionate parent or caregiver. This is a good dream if the umbrella is open. Generally, an umbrella in your dream means protection, and gains coming soon. Seeing any color umbrella in your dream it indicates that you are sheltered from any signs of trouble and problems.

In your dream:

You are holding an umbrella = new starts and you are protected.
Buying an umbrella = you will have social happiness in life.

You have an umbrella in your hand  = new conditions if you can hold the umbrella.
A silk umbrella = comfort financially.
An open umbrella = open to new possibilities.
You are opening an umbrella = feeling an outsider.
A sunshade umbrella = shading something from someone.
A closed umbrella = your heart is closed.
You are closing an umbrella = try not to focus on the negative.
A turned umbrella = don't hurt peoples feelings.
An umbrella protecting you from the rain = protection in life.
You lost your umbrella = new start.
A lost umbrella = finding one means multiple new starts.
Repairing an umbrella = fixing an issue in life.
A broken umbrella = broken heart.
Lots of umbrellas = many opportunities.
Various colors umbrellas = someone will pay you attention.
What is the detailed dream interpretation of an umbrella? If in your dream you are holding an umbrella, this foretells financial benefits ahead. Buying an umbrella indicates financial difficulties. If you find an umbrella in your dream, this tells you to try using your friends. Giving your umbrella to someone in the dream suggests that you will have an important meeting in the near future. A silk umbrella  portends honor and respect. If you dream of wearing a parasol instead of an umbrella, it means that you will have a love affair and a nice holiday too. To dream of yourself being in the shadow of your or someone else's umbrella, it means that you will find support, a person close to you backs you, and you enjoy protection from someone. According to the Persian tradition, this dream announces wealth. Dreaming of an umbrella indicates that you are safe from worry, trouble, or the difficult issues of life according to gypsy folklore. An open umbrella in your dream tells you to ask help when you need it. A parasol means  that you will soon find protection and help from others. Dreaming about a closed umbrella suggests that you should not worry much, because your wishes will come true. Closing an umbrella in your dream means that you trust a person close to you. A turned umbrella in gypsy traditions foretells a change of a situation. If in your dream an umbrella protects you from rain, this portends that you will enjoy well-deserved successes and also protection against big failures. A lost umbrella means abandonment. If you lose your umbrella in your dream it indicates that you will have a problem at work.

Repairing an umbrella it means that you will manage to get rid of difficulties and life’s adversities. A broken umbrella foretells craziness or a danger ahead. Lots of umbrella in your dream tell you to protect yourself from envious people. An umbrella is sometimes a defensive symbol in a dream, referring to your protection against emotions, represented in the dream world by the rain. An umbrella can omen excessive fear coming your way.

Using an umbrella indicates that you should be more careful as some dangers can come in the future. The umbrella foretells that you will overcome your worries and you will receive unexpected help. A stretched umbrella portends disagreements in your family. This dream is a warning to pay attention to your words and actions so that you would not experience remorse later. Walking in the rain with an umbrella means that you will enjoy some happy times ahead. However, the umbrella can refer to the fact that you are actually responsible for some misunderstandings in your house, and therefore you should watch for mistakes and repair them before getting into deeper trouble.
What does it mean to dream of a beach umbrella or parasol? A beach umbrella in a dream can indicate that we wish to protect ourselves from an experience going forward. A parasol is primarily used for sunbathing and to protect us from the sun, in dreams the sun represents happiness. Seeing the parasol in a dream indicates folding problems. Once problems have been closed for a better word then sunlight and happiness will enter your life. To see outdoor furniture with an umbrella indicates that you will need to focus on helping someone progress in life. If the umbrella is on the patio then it can mean you need to be supported - rather like the metal pole that supports the canopy. Seeing a Chinese umbrella illustrates you will be bendable to people’s desires.

What does a green umbrella in a dream mean? Green spiritually is connected to helping you understand options that surround you. To dream of a green umbrella indicates that spirit is communicating with you through your dream. This color is connected to the brow chakra which is near the middle of the forehead. Basically, this chakra clears away negative energies and ensures you see things better spiritually.  The green umbrella can indicate being “stable” in life and this dream can be connected to confronting your inner feelings and emotions of confusion.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of umbrella: Surprised. Content. Amazed. Curious. Enjoying. Wet. Embarrassed. Astonished. Confident. Happy. Worried. Upset. Ashamed. Proud. Having fun.

Umbrella Dream Interpretation

2 years ago
Seeing an umbrella in the dream symbolizes emotional security, you are putting up a shield against your emotions or other negative occurrences like the rain or other misfortune. Below we will go over most common umbrella related dreams to help you understand what they might mean.

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Dream About Losing an Umbrella
Losing umbrella in your dream suggests that you may have problems at where you may have lost the umbrella. For example, if you lost umbrella at school or work office, you may have emotion insecurity at those places.
Dream About Holding an Umbrella
Dreaming about holding your umbrella suggests that you are open to confronting your own feelings, whenever you encounter them. You are being emotionally ready to handle any down turns.

Dream About Buying An Umbrella
Buying an umbrella in the dream suggests that you are anticipating emotional downpour in the near future. Someone close to you may encounter emotional issues and will rely on you to listen to them.

Dream About Flying With Umbrella
Dreams of flying umbrella or flying with an umbrella, suggest that you are enjoy success in the near future. However, you may need to be prepared against major failures that come with the success. Your sudden rise in fortune is not yet stable and you may fall from grace and good luck.

Dream About Lost Umbrella
Lost umbrella in the dreams indicates abandonment. Someone in your life may have given up on you and disconnected any form of relationship and inter dependency.

Dream About Broken Umbrella
Having a broken umbrella in the dream indicates that bad changes are going to take place in the future, and that you lack the ability to face the incoming problems.

Dream About Leaking Umbrella
A leaking umbrella in the dream foretells financial difficulties that arises from lacking strategies. Perhaps you have setup certain financial portfolios that may be leaking money during difficult situations.

Dream About Closed Umbrella
Dreaming about a closed umbrella that you do not use during the rain, suggests that your emotional needs are not being met. You are not open to confront your own feelings and facing your emotions.

Dream About a Patched or Stitched Umbrella
Dreams of a patched and repaired umbrella, indicates some form of disagreements in family. The repaired umbrella is a warning signal for you to concentrate on the communication among the family members to maintain emotional stability during harsh times.

Dream About Open Umbrella While Indoors
Opening an umbrella while indoors suggests that you will attend a significant and emotional meeting in the near future.

Dream About Holding Umbrella for Another Person
The dream of holding an umbrella for another person, foreshadows forms of emotional support from another person. Consider ask or offer for help when someone is in need. You will find support and advice from others soon during your time of crisis.

Dream About White Umbrella
Dreaming of a white umbrella indicates a loving relation and you will enjoy a beautiful vacation.

Dream About Black Umbrella
Dreams of a black umbrella reflects that bad changes are going to take place in the future. You need to be on the defensive and protect your emotions. You have some major fears of potential dangers that may come. However, you need to overcome your worries in order to succeed.

Dream About Red Umbrella
Red umbrella in the dream indicates that it is not necessary for you to worry so much about your wishes emotionally. If you put your passion and heart into your areas that you feel emotionally, you will see a change in the positive direction in your given situation.

Dream About Gold or Yellow Umbrella
Seeing golden or yellow umbrella portends to protection and profits that are on their way.

Dream About Blue Umbrella
Blue umbrellas in dreams indicate that you must guard yourself from people who may be jealous of you. You need to withhold your secrets and wisdom.

Dream About Silk Umbrella or Parasol
A silk or parasol umbrella for the sun in the dream, reflects financial advantages that you are going to have soon. You will be entitled to achieve financial wealth due to your social stature.

Dream About Clear or Transparent Umbrella
Seeing a transparent and clear umbrella, it portrays that you are protected from problems and troubles. However, you will be able to see as troubles arise from your life as they happen.


To dream of an umbrella represents emotional protection from disappointments or uncertainty you are experiencing. Casual feelings about disappoints effects others having no impact on you. Preparedness for troubling or sad moments. The ability to shield yourself from depression, pessimism, or being inundated by a negative situation. A reflection of how optimistic or prepared you feel when problems or delays arise. An umbrella may be a sign that you are trying to keep a positive attitude during a unpleasant situation.

Negatively, an umbrella may reflect your tendency to endure an unpleasant or disappointing situation with a positive attitude. Enduring unpleasant situations when you are aware of other people being unhappy by your own actions. Readied excuses for unpleasant news you have to give others. Readiness to give someone bad news. Expecting bad news or disappointment.

To dream of an umbrella that won't open represents a lack of preparation for disappointment. Preparations not working as expected or not enough preparations. Having a hard time keeping optimistic or positive when problems arise.

To dream of an umbrella that leaks represents an optimistic or enthusiastic attitude despite a persistent problem. Feeling that you level of preparedness was barely enough.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone carrying an umbrella. In waking life he had been working very hard on his business to make it comply with potential future regulations when suddenly the regulations became mandatory. His felt that his responsible foresight made him very prepared for the difficulty of complying with the regulations while he watched his competition fail hard due to their lack of preparations.

Example 2: A woman had recurring dreams of feeling fear while cautiously entering a room. In waking life she was having regular financial problems and feared that she could never pay off her debts.

To see an umbrella in a dream refers to protection, a person who needs help, shelter.

To see of taking an umbrella from a person in your dream may represent that you will help a person who wants help. If you see that you buy an umbrella in your dream, it refers to goodness.

To dream that you give an umbrella to a person implies that you will help a person who requires need because of your vow.

To sell an umbrella in your dream may indicate that you will be known as good person in your environment and there will be good comments about you.

To open an umbrella in your dream means that you will have power to satisfy your family’s needs without any effort. If you aren’t able to open the umbrella in your dream, you will want help from your relative for your family.

To close the umbrella in your dream represents that the condition of your relative who has needs will be good. If you are ill, you will get rid of your disease. If you aren’t able to close the umbrella in your dream, your aid will reach to wrong people or places.

To dream that you get wet although you have an umbrella indicates that you will face with ungratefulness against your favour.

The colours of umbrellas in your dream refers to different things. A red umbrella in your dream refers to chance. A white umbrella means that you will go away from favour. A black umbrella implies that you will have an attitude against badness.

To see an opposed umbrella in your dream means that you will get in return for your favour or aid.
Dream Interpreter
Dream Meaning of Umbrella
To see an umbrella in a dream refers to protection, a person who needs help, shelter.

To see of taking an umbrella from a person in your dream may represent that you will help a person who wants help. If you see that you buy an umbrella in your dream, it refers to goodness.

To dream that you give an umbrella to a person implies that you will help a person who requires need because of your vow.

To sell an umbrella in your dream may indicate that you will be known as good person in your environment and there will be good comments about you.

To open an umbrella in your dream means that you will have power to satisfy your family’s needs without any effort. If you aren’t able to open the umbrella in your dream, you will want help from your relative for your family.

To close the umbrella in your dream represents that the condition of your relative who has needs will be good. If you are ill, you will get rid of your disease. If you aren’t able to close the umbrella in your dream, your aid will reach to wrong people or places.

To dream that you get wet although you have an umbrella indicates that you will face with ungratefulness against your favour.

The colours of umbrellas in your dream refers to different things. A red umbrella in your dream refers to chance. A white umbrella means that you will go away from favour. A black umbrella implies that you will have an attitude against badness.

To see an opposed umbrella in your dream means that you will get in return for your favour or aid.

Meaning of Dream «Umbrella»

Dream Interpretation:
Ordinary meaning

Wearing an umbrella in a dream during the rains indicates bad changes that are going to take place in future. It is a good sign if you dream of an open umbrella. Usually, dreams of umbrella indicate protection and profits that are on your way. Seeing an umbrella in dream portrays that you’re protected from problems and troubles as well in life.

If you dream of having an umbrella, it speaks of the financial advantages that you are going to have soon. Financial difficulties are depicted by your dreams if you buy umbrella in them. Dreaming of having an umbrella indicates that you can use your friends. If you dream of passing your umbrella to someone else, you may attend a significant meeting in future.

Dreaming of a silk umbrella indicates honor. Dreaming of wearing a parasol replacing umbrella indicates that you are going to have a love relationship and will enjoy a beautiful vacation.

Dreaming of being yourself in the shadow of yours or someone else’s umbrella indicates that you would enjoy support from a close person. Persian tradition states that such dreams depict money. Umbrella dreams suggest that you are protected from difficulties, stress and problems in life.

Dreaming of an umbrella tells you that you should ask for help when you are in need. Parasol indicates that you are going to find support and advice from others soon. Closed umbrella dreams indicate that it is not necessary for you to worry so much for all your wishes are going to be true. Dreaming of closing an umbrella indicates that you, with all your heart, trust a loved one. Dreaming of a turned umbrella indicates that there will be a change in the situation.

Dreaming of an umbrella protecting you from the rains states that you are soon going to enjoy success and will certainly have guard against major failures in life. Lost umbrella indicate abandonment. Losing umbrella in your dream suggests that you may have problems back at your workplace.

Dreaming of repairing an umbrella indicates that you are surely going to manage your life to overcome the difficulties and adversities that you generally face all the while. Dreaming of a broken umbrella is a warning about danger. Several umbrellas in the dream indicate that you must guard yourself from people who are jealous of you.

Dreaming of an umbrella indicates defensiveness, telling you to protect your emotions. It can be an indication of a major fear in future.

Dreaming of an umbrella states that you need to take care in some dangers that may occur in future. Umbrella indicates that you are going to overcome the worries and you will surely enjoy some unexpected help. An umbrella that’s stretched indicates disagreements in family. Such a dream acts as a warning signal for you to concentrate on your own actions and the words that you speak for others, so that you do not mourn on the same in future.

Dreaming of walking in the rain indicates that you are going to enjoy times of contentment and joy in future. But the umbrella may also symbolize the fact that you are the sole person who is responsible for your family’s misunderstandings and hence you must look out for your mistakes and take efforts to repair them, before you get into deeper problems.

Interpretation of a dream about umbrella

An umbrella with the help of which you can hide from bad weather is considered a sign of protection in a dream. Some dreams interpreters advise taking this image as a warning about sudden problems and unexpected obstacles. An umbrella hiding you from rain is a symbol of your dissatisfaction. Not even being aware about it, you deprive yourself of something important.

This plot often symbolizes unanswered love or fear to start serious relations. Menegetty’s dreambook implies that walking with an open umbrella under the rain is associated with the dreamer’s feelings and emotions that do not do him any good but only push towards depression. A woman who had a dream about walking with umbrella under the rain should keep her mouth shot in the company of other women: your rivals will use all the information they can get against you.

If you broke an umbrella in a dream, this means that you can use a generous protector because of your thoughtless actions. A man who broke this item is warned about deceit and troubles. Losing an umbrella is a symbol of an unpleasant situation with someone close to you. Maybe the dreamer will have to settle a conflict between two people. If you were walking with an open umbrella in good sunny weather, this dream is a hint that now is a favorable time to solve your issues. The dream promises a strong and loving protector for a young girl.

According to a Gypsy’s dreambook, finding umbrella in a dream is a promise of a number of expensive gifts. They also call to listen to the other people’s advices because they will be quite valuable. A Muslim dreambook thinks that finding a closed umbrella symbolizes luck and happiness. But if it turned to be dirty or broken, you will have to face mistrust and meanness of other people. Carrying a closed umbrella tells us about time full of worries and unexpected events.

Dr. Freud associates umbrella with a penis. If you were hiding under it with someone, this is a reflection of intimate relations between you or your unconscious affection for this person. A broken umbrella symbolizes problems in intimate sphere, shows that you are not being satisfied with your partner. If a man sees a small umbrella in his hands this shows his uncertainty in his attractiveness.

If somebody presented you an umbrella, this means promotion at work. If a young woman received such a present, there can be no doubt about the dream interpretation – this is a sign of pleasant meetings, relations and surprises. Giving a person a black umbrella as a present is a symbol of envy and gossip. If you stole  one, this means you will give people great reasons for slandering.

The color of umbrella can also help you get detailed interpretation of the night images:
a black umbrella – reminds of old debts;
a red one – tells about unrestrained passion;
a yellow umbrella – tells us about a dreamer’s good features;
a white one – symbolizes sincerity and insecurity;
a wet umbrella – predicts of problems and worries.


An umbrella in our waking life represents shelter from the elements, and in the dream world this applies as well. What is the umbrella sheltering you from in your dream? Or is the umbrella closed, and being unused. When you are seeing an umbrella in your dream, your subconscious is trying to tell you that you have more tools at your disposal than you think when it comes to sheltering the storms of life. What feelings are associated with the umbrella in your dream? Are you feeling sadness or are you feeling relief and joy?

If sadness is the association in the dream, the storm is in its present state or in the very near future, but the umbrella is your shelter from this storm. If joy is the feeling in your dream, or relief with the umbrella, then the storm is now passing and your rainbow will soon be upon you. Until then you are protected by your subconscious, and by the Higher Powers. If there are other people with you when an umbrella appears in your dream, then it is very likely that relying on those people within your waking life will help to keep you sheltered from life’s storms.
Umbrella - Meaning of Dream
HomeUInterpretation of a dream «Umbrella»

An umbrella is a salvation from the bad weather and the scorching sun, but these elements are known as the essential elements of life, and umbrella tries to limit your contact with them, like a protective barrier.

Thus, an umbrella in a dream symbolizes the unsatisfied needs, inability to recognize own desires, mental and physical isolation. Often it is a symbol of unrequited love, as the result of subconscious fear to have real personal relationships. To this end, the dream indicates feelings and emotions, exhausting the dreamer, reducing the energy potential of a person.

In general, a dream about umbrella is quite harmless, although there are many little details which should be considered. If you buy an umbrella in a dream, it portends the improvement in affairs; and if you lose it - an unexpected surprise, often unpleasant.

If you cover yourself with umbrella in the rain, you should be careful when talking to women. Some of them are jealous. If a person puts up a new umbrella and the weather is sunny and clear, this dream bodes only joy and career success.

If you beat someone with umbrella, you will draw misfortune, in particular, by your own stupidity or carelessness.

Married people, who saw a parasol in a dream, tend to seek for pleasures elsewhere. And if a single woman dreamed of ladies umbrella, soon she will be flirting with many men, one of which may cause her a lot of troubles - positive or negative.

If you hold unopened umbrella in rainy weather, it is a sign of impending anxiety and frustration, possible quarrel with loved ones. And if you dream of a stranger standing under umbrella, it signifies that you are ready to help. But if you dream that your umbrella is torn or broken - get ready for insults, quarrels and even betrayal.

If an umbrella opens itself, you may expect a lot of pleasant gifts or advice from your friends.

If you happen to borrow an umbrella from someone, then get ready for a difficult search for mutual understanding with others. A dream, in which you give away an umbrella, portends pitiless slander.

Losing the umbrella bodes troubles with a sweetheart. If you dreamed as if an umbrella started leaking suddenly, it tells that you will spend money for domesticity and furnishings.

There is another interpretation for folded umbrella in rainy weather – it tells that a dreamer is very vulnerable and needs protection. A dreamer needs attention, care and solution for his/her problems. But all the problems can be solved with the help of live chat and new friends, and most importantly – if it is approached optimistically. Smile is the best medicine, and this should not be forgotten.
Umbrella dream meaning

If a young girl dreams that she has got a new umbrella, it foretells a new lover: if a married woman dreams this, it is a sign that some other gentleman besides her husband is enamoured of her. A man who dreams of buying an umbrella will have a narrow escape from threatened danger.

Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70, 30, 1.

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The interpretation of the dream «Umbrella»
Appointment of an umbrella - protection from rain and sunlight, so its effect can be seen as depriving people of the basic elements of life, t. sun and water, as this item belongs to the category of essential. Is an indication of a departure from the In-itself, a priori 'I', as well as the inability to real action. In the field of emotions and feelings, as well as in private life is an indication of the tendency to mental "absorption" of the other, on an empty eroticism, "wormy position".

Esoteric Dream Book

We'll have to borrow money.

Hasse’s dream book

Silk —'ll get torn values ​​- you get into poverty ladies - support and assistance.

Buy - to seek protection from the pursuer or pesky friends; lose - emergency; torn from the arms - the deceived hopes.

If you dream you are going with an umbrella, then in reality you have to deal with nuisance.

If you see other people with umbrellas, then turned to you for help.

If you were to take an umbrella with someone, it may be difficult to find common ground with others.

Give umbrella means that you mercilessly okleveschut.

Lose umbrella means that your loved one will occur trouble.

Open a new umbrella over himself in sunny weather means that you are destined to prosperity.

To dream parasol means that you're looking for illicit pleasures.

If you dream umbrella flows, things your friends inspire your sincere regret.

Longo’s dream book

If you dreamed that you have opened an umbrella in a dream, it means your objective view of the world. Opinions and estimates subjective nature you do not accept, not counting their faithful untrue. Directness - that's what the main thing for you, and its consequences have not bothered. However, do not exercise in dealing with people like straightness and flatness: it may well be that once you find yourself in their place, and it is unlikely you will like their position.

If you are in a dream folded umbrella, it foretells you close the resolution of any problem that you brought a lot of anxiety and anguish, and will help you with that relatives and friends.

Hiding under the umbrella - the dream says that literally everything that happens around you have your first reaction is one - like an ostrich, bury its head in the sand. Only then you are looking around, come to the conclusion that things are not as bad as you once thought. I wonder where you have such a fear of life, because everything that happens - this is life in all its diverse forms, which require understanding and acceptance.

Buy an umbrella - a dream foretells that something unknown scare you, then, with what you have never before experienced, and that will have a very vague prospects. Your fear may lead to a complete departure from the cases, but one can hardly call it the best way out of this situation. It is better to seek help from people who could help you in your question.

If you dream you were holding an umbrella over some person, it means protecting their loved ones, patronize them, and these obligations you have assumed voluntarily. You always think that if not for you there, with your wards certainly something happens - an accident, an explosion of bombs and other 33 accident. But if you do not come to mind that overprotection strongly suppresses your loved ones? They do not feel free people, and this can upset your harmonious relationship, so there is reason to think.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Protection. You hide behind from life's storms.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

It is a symbol of protection from life's storms. Know you are always protected and you are not threatened.

Modern dream book

Impossible dreams, unrealizable hopes.


As a sunshade conferred status and power, along with the need to protect, so does the umbrella. As we mature we need to develop certain emotional coping skills. In dreams these can be seen as a protective covering, hence the image of the umbrella. An um

To walk under an umbrella on a sunny day - to Good luck and independence; go under an umbrella on a rainy day - a quiet, solitary life (dreams remain unattainable for more).See themselves under an umbrella with a loved one - fortunately, unalloyed.Buy an umbrella - a sign of anxiety.Asking umbrella someone, or give your own - to misunderstandings with loved ones.Lose umbrella - to unforeseen events; let go (it pulled you) - to the frustrated hopes.If you saw people under umbrellas in a dream, reality will be someone to help selflessly.If the umbrella is torn or broken, you expect a misunderstanding of others, and if he occurs, you will suffer from loneliness, quarrel with a loved one.

Miller’s dream book

To dream parasol - for married people is illicit pleasures. If a young woman sees a dream, she will flirt with many men, one of them will cause her a lot of trouble and anxiety for the fate of its reputation and future engagement with the other. Carry an umbrella in his hands - a sign of impending anxiety and frustration. Seeing others under umbrellas - portends your generous help someone. If you ask someone, or give your umbrella, there may be misunderstandings with friends and even resentment. If your umbrella is torn or broken, in real life you bargained for. Your actions will be misinterpreted. Going under the umbrella flowing - harbinger of the pain that awaits you after a quarrel with a friend. If you have opened on a new umbrella, and the weather is clear and sunny - you lie ahead only good luck and happiness.

Russian Dream Book

Impossible dreams.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Unrealizable hopes, silk - achieve respect; torn - will fall into poverty; Lady - support and assistance.


Dreaming of holding an umbrella in the sun indicate that you will have good news.
Dreaming of losing your umbrella indicate that everything is in a complete mess.
Dreaming of getting an umbrella from someone else indicate that you will defeat the enemy.
Dreaming of getting an umbrella from your lover indicate that you will get married.
A prisoner dreams of getting an umbrella indicates that the dreamer will get free. A government official dreams of getting an umbrella indicates that the dreamer's own consolidation plan will be supported by the state.

A married man dreams of an umbrella indicates that he will live a quiet and happy life.
A married woman dreams of an umbrella indicates that everything will go very well.
An unmarried person dreams of an umbrella indicates that the dreamer will find the true love.
Dreaming of buying an umbrella indicate that you will be invited to a wedding.
An unmarried man dreams of getting an umbrella from his lover indicates that he will marry her.

biblical dream meaning of umbrella

Everyone must have dreamed. For some people dream about biblical dream meaning of umbrella  considered a wind and so sometimes ignored.

But for some people, biblical dream meaning of umbrella as a sign or a signal will come an event, so it must be interpreted according to its meaning.

Dreaming about biblical dream meaning of umbrella can be positive, it can also be negative for your life. Depending on which point of view we see it.

In ancient civilizations in the past, biblical dream meaning of umbrella will always be associated with the supernatural world. That is, the gods and demons appear in his dreams.

When biblical dream meaning of umbrella as a beautiful and happy vision that is defined as the presence of God, whereas biblical dream meaning of umbrella  become a nightmare then this is a sign of the existence of evil spirits or demons when humans sleep.

Today, we can group dreams into 2 major parts, namely (1) dreams related to the past and present, and (2) dreams related to the future.

Interpretation biblical dream meaning of umbrella on this site may be a reflection of your future, it can also be something that is still in touch with your own past. So, actually you just spend time pondering whether or not your dream relationship with the previous incident.

Only, we must continue to realize that everything is in the hands of God. Therefore, use the interpretation of biblical dream meaning of umbrella just as a consideration in your life, not as an indisputable absolute reference.

By staying positive and positive even though biblical dream meaning of umbrella will give the courage that God knows what is best for man.

Therefore, in any case, you should not forget the power of God with biblical dream meaning of umbrella experiences and other things in your daily life.

If our dreams are good, hopefully it becomes a reality and if that nightmare, may we all awake from his dream or not come true in real life.

Prediction biblical dream meaning of umbrella just to illustrate at a glance. True or misinterpreted is beyond the responsibility of the author.


Umbrellas are a very important element in the study of dreams. Its meaning will usually be directly related to how you show your emotions to others, your ability to open up.

The element Umbrella perceived how a shield between you and others. For the meaning of this dream we must consider:

What is the weather like? Is the umbrella necessary?
Is it open or closed?
Are You wet?
How is the umbrella? You may have something that catches your attention, how a bright color, or is broken.
Once we know this we can begin interpretation.
If you dream it’s raining and you find yourself under an umbrella means that for some reason do not want to show others just how you are. Possibly due to fear of rejection or embarrassment.

If it does not rain and you’re with open umbrella means that you wear barrier with others do not is benefiting. Your subconscious will try to warn that should show you how you are, you have nothing to be afraid, to trust yours.

If you carry umbrella, it rains, but you can not open it means that you are not prepared to face adversity approaching. You should avoid that problem.

The meaning of this dream is not related only to your feelings when it’s raining and you carry umbrella though you’re getting wet (it may be broken, that is too small or has a hole).

Does an umbrella appear in your dream and want an interpretation? Look at all the elements that surround the action and that could give us important clues, and tell us in detail. We will help!

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MAY 3, 2014

What is the dream meaning, symbols and interpretation about umbrella? Let’s see the dream explanation as following:-

Dream of an umbrella is usually a good omen indicating that the dreamer will have good luck.

Dream of holding an umbrella is an auspicious sign suggesting that the dreamer will receive good news lately.

Dream of buying an umbrella implies that the dreamer will be invited to attend a wedding party.

Dream of losing an umbrella is a bad omen indicating that life will be a mess for the dreamer.

Dream of getting an umbrella from someone means that the dreamer will be able to overcome the enemy/opponent.

For a single man to dream of getting an umbrella from a girl, denotes that the dreamer will marry this girl.

ZhouGong’s Dream Dictionary

In the Chinese culture, dream is linked with a virtual person called ZhouGong after a popular book ZhouGong’s Dream Dictionary which has been passed down from thousands of years ago. The book categorizes seven types of dream that people usually have during sleep. With thousand of years’ history, ZhouGong’s Dream Dictionary has been popular in China as well as in the Chinese communities for its excellence in explaining different dreams in particular those unusual and weird. While some believe that the book shows people’s superstition, others believe that the objects or scenes that show up in dreams have close relationship with the dreamer’s health or mental status.

Dream interpretations and dream meanings provided here are for entertainment purposes only. makes no claim, nor endorses, the accuracy, intent or utility of any dream interpretation provided above.



Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about black umbrella? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about black umbrella by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.
Short meaning: the dream of black umbrella may prefigure warmth, involvement and love.

Complete meanings of the black umbrella dream's symbols
Umbrella / Umbrella / Black Widow / Darkness, Black / Umbrella / Umbrella / Umbrella / Cold meats, Cold cuts, Sausage, Salami, Black pudding / Black amber / Umbrella / Umbrella / Black poplar / Dress / Blackbird / Dripping / Darkness / Dragon / Bull / Hair / Blackbird / Horse / Ghosts / Hair / Ink / Hand / Flowers / Cat / Butterfly / Magic / Cat /
123 » Last
By Archinterpreter
Dreaming about an umbrella symbolizes security and support. Seeing an umbrella in a dream suggests that your initiatives will have the right track. Dreaming that you’re carrying an umbrella indicates that you’re prepared to deal with your problems. Dreaming that you can’t open an umbrella suggests that you will have problems dealing with your own ideas….Read more…
By Eveline Augustus
To use the umbrella in a dream, foretells about your emotional state which you are trying to hide. Maybe you want to get yourself secured from the outer world. In the dream in which the umbrella is broken, denotes to the things you are not ready to face. The umbrella that does not open while it is raining, shows the collision that finally came up. Perhaps at this time of your life you finally faced all of your problems, even if it happened unexpectedly.Read more…

Black Widow
By Eveline Augustus
If you have dreamed Black widow, one of the species of the spiders, the most common explanation of this dream symbolizes apprehension and/ or instability. The Black widow is known as having dangerous aspects of its personality, especially the feminine ones. It also symbolizes dark powers, unknown secrets and hidden desires. If you are in the relationship, you may feel oppressed and unable to be yourself. Otherwise, you are the one in these relationships that is trying to tie that person up and have control all over his actions. In the reality the spider Black widow is known as destroying its partner, therefore your dream symbolizes the feminine aspects of you and how much of the domination in your personality they take, no matter if you are men or women.Read more…
Darkness, Black
By Archinterpreter
Darkness or something black in a dream can mean the absolute vacuum symbolizing death, mourning and darkness. The black, which is the synthesis of all colors, is symbolizing virginity. Although almost always when black or darkness appears it’s the negative aspect that alludes to the inferior and left side of the human psyche, symbolizing all evil, the sinister, melancholy and death. This absence of color dominates the dreams of psychopaths and those of normal people when they are mired in depression….Read more…
By Archinterpreter
It is a sign of protection and dignity. The shape and color are very important. If the shape is square or rectangular, then it is related with worldly goods. If the shape is rounded, then it is related with heavenly aspects. If we see ourselves under an umbrella, then it represents that we should enjoy a special protection….Read more…
By Archinterpreter
To dream we take shelter under an umbrella reveals the desire to run away from responsibilities and obstacles in life. It also indicates that if we accept protection it will be in exchange for losing our dignity and independence.Read more…

By Archinterpreter
Using an umbrella: sign of hypocrisy, loneliness, imminent danger.Read more…
Cold meats, Cold cuts, Sausage, S

The meaning of the dream symbol: Umbrella

Added: 1 September
An open umbrella symbolizes happiness, success and love of life.

Find out what it means to dream purple umbrella. The interpretations and numbers of the Neapolitan cabala.

purple off-season 8
Meaning of the dream: love nascentblack umbrella 63
Description: referrals requiredumbrella without a handle 40
Interpretation of the dream: loss of a friendapple umbrella 51
Translation: missed opportunity

buy umbrella 79
Dream description: Solid businessumbrella man 62
Meaning: harmful interferenceletters written in purple 48
Translation of the dream: bad news will arrive within a weekgive the umbrella 81
Interpretation: pleasant meeting

open umbrella 43
Sense of the dream: adaptability and fortunecolorful umbrella 81
What does it mean: original viewpointsbroken umbrella 34
Meaning of the dream: imbalance nervousunleash umbrella 18
Description: happy family lifeumbrella 59
Interpretation of the dream: You will not aid in the expected difficult occasion, sadness and despair
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umbrella sheath 12
Translation: Fortunately unstableclose the umbrella 26
Dream description: lack of confidencebreak an umbrella 89
Meaning: obstinacypay umbrella 16
Translation of the dream: prudence exaggeratedfind an umbrella 55
Interpretation: pleasant meetingpurple 2
Sense of the dream: you love too much pomp

forget your umbrella 44
What does it mean: physical fatigueumbrella from the sun 31
Meaning of the dream: being conqueredumbrella with an ivory handle 65
Description: exchange of courtesiesumbrella with silver handles 19
Interpretation of the dream: postponement of a triplarge umbrella 5
Translation: willingness constructivelose umbrella 88
Dream description: confidence misplacedumbrella women 49
Meaning: discord with friends
closed umbrella 65
Translation of the dream: protection from an elderly personsilk umbrella 68
Interpretation: misfortunesumbrella with gold handle 28
Sense of the dream: rigid moralismpurple flower 80
What does it mean: you have to be more determinedwalk with umbrella 40
Meaning of the dream: weighting and prudencebeach umbrella 12
Description: efforts rewardedtravel umbrella 80
Interpretation of the dream: chatter unpleasantsmall umbrella 11
Translation: new friendslosing the umbrella 18
Dream description: confidence misplacedcotton umbrella 71
Meaning: amorous deceptionssweet violet 84
Translation of the dream: full success in every engagementumbrella stand 62
Interpretation: You need to be understood by someoneviolets out of season 8
Sense of the dream: thwarted lovelilac scent 61
What does it mean: memory of a love awaylilac color 87
Meaning of the dream: romancelilac flower 77
Description: joyumbrellas or parasols 22
Interpretation of the dream: an unexpected help will give you honor and great prosperitywardrobe 72
Translation: success in lifeguardian shop 32
Dream description: considerable profitguardian pledges 3
Meaning: reckless speculationviolets 39
Translation of the dream: immediate realizationguardian fields 58
Interpretation: Fortunately passingas a guardian house 6
Sense of the dream: fraudamaranth 44
What does it mean: attention to the general dangersroof 45
Meaning of the dream: limits in terms of mental or spiritualempurple 21
Description: period of nervousnesssmell violets 48
Interpretation of the dream: delightrain 12
Translation: income, inheritancecollect violets 3
Dream description: feelings paidsee a parasol 10
Meaning: you will rescuefragrant violets 75
Translation of the dream: good social relations
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Rain Umbrella dream interpretations
Islamic dreams about Rain Umbrella find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Rain Umbrella dictionary!

Rain Dream Explanation — The rain symbolizes relief and a good year, especially for the farmer or peasant and all the more so if it falls in the right season, and dreaming of rain, in general, is a sign that dead matters will be revived. Rain in the right season also refers to God’s mercy and the Holy Quran. However, the rain could also symbolize plagues and scourges that come from the sky, like swarms of locusts, hailstones, and tempests, especially if they are seen with fire or the waters are hot. Rains of blood, indeed, are a harbinger of sedition, intrigue, and bloodbaths. Out-of-season rain is also a calamity.
• Dreaming of rain that causes no damage:  (1) Blessings, welfare, benefits, and good life.  (2) Fulfilment of a promise.  (3) A land that will be salvaged.
• Beneficial rain:  (1) Peace with the enemy.  (2) Relief to the distressed.  (3) The advent of a caravan.

Rain Dream Explanation — • Abundant rain all over the place: Prosperity, joy, and the discovery of new springs.
• Rain falling in a specific place: Sorrow for the people of that area or the dreamer himself, who will lose a dear one. Rain racing the dreamer: Abundant means.
• Drinking pristine rainwater: Welfare.
• Drinking troubled rainwater: The dreamer will be ill as much as he had drunk in your dream.
• Raining honey, good fruits, ghee, milk, or oil: Prosperity.
• General and harmful rain, like the sky raining blood or stones:  (1) Sins and disregard of God’s commands.  (2) A travel project will be stalled.
• Damaging rain in a specific area:  (1) Cheating in weights and measures.  (2) Sodomy.

Rain Dream Explanation — A good rain in a dream also means prosperity, happiness, refilling wells with rainwater, the gushing forth of springs with sweet, fresh and pure waters. Rain in a dream also means reviving an old and a stagnant matter, or it could mean benefits, profits, blessings, relief from distress, payment of debts, or feeling relief. In a dream, a good rain means blessings, a good harvest and profits for a farmer. If the skies rain honey, butter, oil, or food people like in the dream, it means blessings for everyone. Rain in a dream also represent mercy from Allah Almighty, a helping hand, knowledge, wisdom, the Quran, rejuvenation, revival, resurrection and life. If one sees himself standing under a cover, a roof, or behind a wall to take shelter from a rainfall in a dream, it means that he may suffer because of someone slandering him.

Rain Dream Explanation — (Clouds; Drizzling; Life; Vapor; Water) If no harm or destruction is caused by a rainstorm in a dream, then it means blessings, profits and mercy. Rain in a dream also represents life, an earthly being, or fulfillment of a promise. If the rain falls exclusively on a particular location in a dream, it means sorrow and distress for its dwellers, or it could mean the loss of a beloved. If one sees rain falling exclusively over his house in a dream, it means personal blessings. Otherwise, it he sees it falling over the whole town in the dream, it means blessings for everyone. Rain falling exclusively over one's house in a dream also means that someone will fall sick in that house, or suffer from a debilitating and excruciating pain. If the skies rain stones or blood in a dream, it means calamities and punishment for people's sins. If it rains dust or sand in a dream, it represents an unjust ruler in that locality. If the skies rain dirt without dust, it also means prosperity and a good harvest. If a traveller sees rain in a dream, it means hindrances along his journey.

Rain Dream Explanation — A destructive rainstorm in a dream denotes dishonesty, cheating with measures, or the spread of sodomy in the community. Seeing a destructive rainstorm tearing down structures, destroying homes and pulling down tress in a dream represent

Black Umbrella dream interpretations
Islamic dreams about Black Umbrella find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Black Umbrella dictionary!

Black Dream Explanation — The color black in a dream means prosperity and happiness. In a dream, everything black represents money, dominion and power and particularly for those who are used to wearing black. Otherwise, as for those who are not used to wearing black garments, wearing it in a dream means sorrow.

Black Grapes Dream Explanation — Black grapes, although in reality are excellent buit in a dream they do not augur well for the one who sees them. The reason being that Hadhrat Nooh (AS) cursed his son out of anger. Consequently, the grapes that the son had in his hand turned black. Therefore, in view of this incident, there is no benefit in seeing black grapes.

Black Stone Dream Explanation — If he sees the pilgrims searching for the Black Stone but cannot find it in a dream, it means that he thinks of himself to be right and the rest of the people to be wrong. It also could mean that he possesses a knowledge which he hides from others. If he touches the Black Stone in his dream, it means that he follows the teachings of an Imam from among the Hijazite Arabs. If he sees the Black Stone being a castle for himself in a dream, it means that he follows religious innovations. If he swallows the Black Stone in his dream, it means that he is a affected person who will mislead people. (Also see Kabah; Corner Stone)

Black Stone Dream Explanation — (The corner stone of the Kabah; Allah's House in Mecca) Seeing or holding the Black Stone of the Kabah in one's dream means paying allegiance to the ruler, or it could mean repentance from sin at the hand of a pious Imam, or it could mean kissing one's son, wife or bosom friend. It also means serving people in the government. If one sees himself touching the Black Stone in his dream, it means that he will follow and learn at the hand of one of the Imams of the Arabian peninsula. Seeing the sacred Black Stone in a dream is perhaps an indication of going to perform one's pilgrimage. If one sees himself cutting into the Black Stone in a dream, it means that he wants people to follow his personal opinions.

Stone, Black Dream Explanation —   (Also see Kabah.)
• Touching the Black Stone at one of the corners of the Kabah  (the Muslims  holiest shrine at the Haram Mosque in Mecca (Makkah)): The dreamer will take his lead from an imam  (Muslim spiritual leader) from among the people of Hijaz.

• Removing the Black Stone from the Kabah and taking it for oneself: The dreamer will come out with a heresy.
• Finding back the Black Stone and replacing it in the Kabah after all people thought it had been lost: The dreamer thinks that he alone is right and all the rest are wrong.

Black Coin Dream Explanation — Black coins that are counterfeit symbolise deception, lies and quarrelling.

Black Hair Dream Explanation — Seeing one's white hair turning black suggest that his present condition will be transformed.

Black Colour Dream Explanation — Black colour in all things is regarded as good and pleasant except in grapes. There is no good to be expected in them.

Black hair Dream Explanation — If a woman sees herself having a thick black hair in a dream, it means that she will marry a respected and a handsome looking husband. If she sees herself having a charcoal colored hair in the dream, it means that she will live satisfied with her husband's wealth or inheritance. (Also see Strand of hair)

A Black Horse Dream Explanation — The owner will acquire abundant wealth and tremendous happiness.

A Black Mare Dream Explanation — he will marry a wealthy woman.

A Black Ass Dream Explanation — It means prosperity and becoming a leader in his community.

A Black Cow Dream Explanation — It symbolises a good and prosperous year.

Black magic Dream Explanation — (See Magic arts)

Black mud Dream Explanation — (See Sludge)

Black p

Umbrella Dream Symbol  0
Umbrella – The umbrella is used to keep rain and other liquid off of you. If you are going to the movies, go and see Rocky Horror Picture Show and you will understand. If you dream about it actually raining cats and dogs it means that you have a wonderful and original imagination, you should be in a field that requires the right side of your brain. If you dream that you are walking in the rain without an umbrella it means that you are not prepared for what life is about to hand you.

Note: If you have had a dream related to this dream symbol or would like to add something that is related to this topic please leave comment below. Comments are a great way to interact with others who are dreaming about similar topics.

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Stephen is a self confessed dream junkie that loves all things dream related. He is a writer for Dream Stop and has been working in the field of dreams for the past decade. He believes that the YOU are the only person who can truly understand the meaning of your dreams. You have to look inside your inner thoughts to find the hidden truths in your dream. These interpretations are for entertainment purposes only. Stephen's interpretations should be considered an opinion, not professional advice.

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To see the letter "U" in your dream is a pun on "you" and how you act and behave in your waking life. Consider what you are doing and how you are feeling in the dream for additional significance. Alternatively, the dream signifies a restart. You need to go back and redo something all over again. 


To make a u-turn in your dream indicates that you are altering the course of your life. You are changing directions and starting on a completely different path. Alternatively, the dream means that you have made a wrong decision or choice.
To see a no u-turn sign in your dream suggests that you cannot take back what has already been done. There is no turning back on the choices you have made.


To see an UFO in your dream signifies your desires to find your spiritual purpose in life. Alternatively, it indicates that you are feeling alienated from those around you. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are acting "spacey" or "spaced out". You need to be more grounded and come back to reality.

Dreaming that an UFO is invading or attacking the house of someone who passed away indicates that this person was suddenly taken away from you too soon. It also suggests that this person was mentally deteriorating.

*Please see also Spaceship.


To dream you or someone is ugly signifies aspects of yourself that disgusts and repulses you. These may be feelings you have rejected or repressed.


To see or play a ukulele in your dream refers to your carefree and laid back attitude. It is time to relax.


To dream that you have an ulcer indicates some emotional difficulty that can only be overcome through some pain. It is a rite of passage. Alternatively, an ulcer suggests that you are worrying too much over things that are beyond your control. You need to acknowledge your problems so you can move on.


To dream that you are getting an ultrasound signifies a new and developing phase in your life. Perhaps you are starting a new relationship, switching jobs or relocating. The dream may also reflect your actual concerns about a pregnancy or your desires to have children.

Ultraviolet Light

To see something under ultraviolet light or black light in your dream means that you are not seeing things that are happening around you. You are turning a blind eye and refusing to see the truth. Alternatively, dreaming of ultraviolet light represents your intuition.

Umbilical Cord

To see an umbilical cord in your dream represents your lack of individuality. You may be expressing some anxiety about being on your own and supporting yourself. Alternatively, an umbilical cord symbolizes your maternal ties. Perhaps you are too emotionally bonded to your mother.

To dream that you are cutting an umbilical cord indicates that you need to be self-sufficient and stand on your own two feet. It is time to pull yourself back up and get back into the swing of things.


Umbrella Dream Interpretation
2 December 2019dreams

What does an umbrella indicate? What does it mean to dream of forgetting your umbrella? Seeing umbrellas in a dream is a sign that you will get help from someone around you. People who have an umbrella in the dream get great support from their close environment or a new person and accomplish a good job. At the same time, you will be protected by your friends or family in your tough times, and these people will find solutions to your problems. Let’s look at the umbrella dream meaning.

1 Umbrella Dream Meaning
2 An Open Umbrella
3 A Closed Umbrella
4 Forgetting The Umbrella
5 A Flying Umbrella
6 A Colorful Umbrella
7 Being Under An Umbrella
8 Stealing An Umbrella
Umbrella Dream Meaning

Seeing an umbrella in a dream is an indication of a friend who will run for help in your sadness. It means that people who walk with an umbrella in rainy weather in the dream will get support from someone for a job they cannot handle alone. If the umbrella is much larger than the umbrella used in the rain, then it means avoiding dangers, restlessness, and distress.

An Open Umbrella

Seeing an open umbrella in a dream is a sign of what is beautiful. The open umbrella is a symbol of inner peace and comfort. People who have an open umbrella in the dream will eliminate the problems in their lives.

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A Closed Umbrella

People who see the closed umbrella in their dream will have good luck in the future. If the umbrella is not opened, it indicates the joyful events to be developed and experienced.

Forgetting The Umbrella

Forgetting the umbrella in the dream is interpreted that you will cause problems because of the simple mistakes you will make in business life. It points out that you will get involved in events that will ruin your enjoyment, you will get bored, and you will earn less than you have expected.

A Flying Umbrella

Seeing a flying umbrella in the dream that you will experience disappointments, will face problems that will cause destruction.

A Colorful Umbrella

Seeing colorful umbrellas in the dream is to take pleasure in every moment of life and always have positive and beautiful thoughts. People who see a colorful umbrella in the dream are always improving themselves.

Being Under An Umbrella

Being under an umbrella indicates that you will have a friend who is helpful and impress others with his or her ideas and thoughts. People who get under an umbrella are in safe and have not any financial problems. Being under an umbrella is an indication of good luck and fortune.

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Stealing An Umbrella

Stealing an umbrella signifies that you will behave unfairly to a person and will break this person’s heart. There will be relation problems between you and your family. This dream is a kind of warning message. You need to stay calm when talking with your friends or family. It will be good if you watch your mouth.

The coping skills we use to ward off difficult feel­ings and changes in circumstance.
Chine Dream Interpretation by Duke Zhou
You or you see someone distribute umbrellas: a sad separation is underway
Christian Dream Symbols by Tyler Wolfe
Symbolic of God’s protection, Ps. 46:1. If it is raining and you have no umbrella it symbolizes being unprepared or unprotected
Dream Dictionary Unlimited by Margaret Hamilton
Temporary protection
Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous
As a sunshade conferred status and power, along with the need to protect, so does the umbrella.
Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous
Psychological / emotional perspective: As we mature we need to develop certain emotional coping skills. In dreams these can be seen as a protective covering, hence the image of the umbrella.
Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous
Material aspects: An umbrella is a shelter and a sanctuary, and it is this symbolism that comes across in dreams. Often in a work situation we need to work under someone’s teaching, and this feeling of safety can be recognized in dreams. Occasionally, as in the term ‘umbrella organization’, the umbrella is seen as all-encompassing.
Dreamers Dictionary by Garuda
Vision: Looking at an open umbrella: speak and act carefully right now—even if you can’t undo the damage that has been done. Seeing a closed umbrella: you arc unncccssarily worried. Opening an umbrella: you won’t find luck by walking blindly past it.
Depth Psychology: Are you afraid of something? Are you afraid of your passions? Don’t deny your emotions—deal with them and you will feel much better. Are you afraid that things will only get worse and you will, like rain in some places, end up in the gutter? See Parasol.
Encyclopedia of Dreams by Michael and Elizabeth Thiessen
Carrying a closed umbrella in the rain is highly unfortunate for the dreamer and his business plans.
To dream of carrying an open umbrella in the rain is a very fortunate sign that speaks of good luck in most endeavors.
A leaky umbrella denotes quarrels with loved ones.
Expansions Dream Dictionary by Stewart A. Swerdlow
Gypsy Dream Dictionary by Raymond Buckland
Carrying an umbrella in your dreams indicates that you feel vulnerable and in need of protection. This is doubly so if you have an open umbrella. See also Parasol.
Little Giant Encyclopedia by Klaus Vollmar
You are rejecting insight and ideas; have no direct contact with reality; no contact with the water of the emotion. Or, the umbrella could mean flexibility—a Roof over your head.
My Dream Interpretation by myjellybean
An open umbrella in a dream means the dreamer is unable to listen to her own inner feelings, and needs to learn to do this.
A closed umbrella signifies readiness to pay attention to one’s own emotional needs and instincts.
Mystic Dream Book by Internet Archive - Anonymous
Psycho Dream Interpretation by Ella Freeman Sharpe
Dreams about umbrellas and parasols denote difficulties and misunderstandings.
If it is raining the Umbrella represents a friend who will help solve t he difficulties.
Strangest Dream Explanations by Dream Explanations - Anonymous
Dreams of an umbrella reflect your coping strategies, the way you handle challenges, confrontations, change, or unpredictable circumstances. This dream can also represent the real or perceived need to protect your thoughts from negative influence.
Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by Pamela Ball
1- An umbrella is a shelter and a sanctuary and it is this symbolism that comes across in dreams. Often in a work situation we need to work under someone’s teaching, and this feeling of safety can be recognised in dreams.
2- As we mature we need to develop certain coping skills. In dreams these can be seen as a protective covering, hence the image of the umbrella.

Dream Dictionary Meaning For Umbrella
Dreaming of an umbrella usually indicates a need to protect yourself in some way. You take an umbrella with you in real life when you expect the weather to turn. This dream symbol is a metaphor for your waking life. Something might happen.
If the umbrella is closed it shows that you should be prepared for the unexpected but that the protection the umbrella offers might not be needed.

If the umbrella is open then it indicates that its protection will definitely be needed and that you should prepare for stormy weather.

In either case the situation that the umbrella refers to will almost certainly be known to you. If nothing obvious springs to mind you should examine the rest of your dream to see whether other clues to the impending "storm" have been given.

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Association: - Protection before emotional Überschüttung. Question: - What streams on me?
In general:

A defensive symbol, one wants himself against a contact, against a feeling (rains = water = emotion) 'guard', one prevents that one is 'filled' by a sensation. Umbrella can point to superfluous fears from which one should escape. After old dream books he can also promise more respect.

He outlines our protective need against all powers of the nature. An old man, for example, who tries in the dream desperately to find again his lost umbrella maybe tries in the awake life convulsively to regain lost sexual strength. A woman who stretches the screen wants to ward off, perhaps, a meddlesome admirer.


see or use: is careful, it will come to you zustatten,
unanimously: the worries are soon overcome, help is close,
see stretched: differences will soon appear in the family circle, - also: A warning! One should be by far more careful with his words and actions, also late remorse could make up for nothing.
go in the rain with it: one can wear to you nothing, you have a happy time,
stretch: one is responsible for the family differences, - also: one should watch out for mistakes which will cost substantial substance and nerve,
put aside: there threatens a quarrel.
(European ones).:

see: one has unnecessary fear of something,
see stretched: one should be more careful with words and actions much, as later remorse would make up for nothing,
stretch themselves one with rain: one does not see his luck and blindly runs past it,
stretch with rain: one does not see his luck and passes it,
carry one: Difficulties and nuisances will hold prisoner to one,
other see with it: one will ask them to help out with mild gifts,
borrow one: if an omen is for a misunderstanding, maybe with a good friend,
lend one: insult threatens by wrong friends,
lose: there comes to problems with a confidant,
see one in pieces of torn or broken ones: one is slandered,
löchrigen carry: one will feel because of his treasure or because of known pain and displeasure,
new carry in the sun: stands for the highest pleasure and prosperity.

see: you come to respect,
more torn: you will go to ruin in bad mania.
(See also sunshade)

Dream about Umbrella
Materials | Water & Liquids

Islamic Dream interpration about Umbrella:
Dream interpretation of Umbrella, in alignment with the religion of Islam, reveals the dreamer has recently thought about a lost item.

Umbrella in dreams is suggested by the Quran to precede the individual losing an important item.

 The umbrella usually symbolizes the canopy of the heavens, shelter, and protection. The parasol is a symbol of the SUN, and an umbrella is a symbol of the shade. It is often an emblem of power and dignity.

Dream Interpretation: Umbrella. The Meaning And Interpretation Of The Dream. Why Does An Umbrella Dream?
We can dream of a variety of visions. Some are strange, others are quite ordinary. The second is a vision, in which an umbrella appears. This accessory can cause a variety of associations. Some at his mention remember the rain, others - about the bright sun. However, it is much more interesting to learn what various books of interpretations can tell.


A lot of interesting things can tell this dream book. The umbrella, which a person opened above himself in a vision, personifies protection. Most likely, in real life, a dreamer needs shelter from "bad weather". Or he needs an adviser who could help him in difficult situations with making the right decision. The main thing is that in a vision a person does not lose an umbrella. Because it's to deceit and trouble.

And what can you dream about just bought an umbrella? The girl it foretells acquaintance with the pleasant young man, and the man - improvement of business.


According to this book of interpretations a beautiful umbrella promises romance in a relationship. The main thing is that it does not leak, as it already foreshadows anguish and separation. Maybe someone from the lovers will have to leave somewhere for a little while, and the couple will be at a distance for a while.

But the torn umbrella promises quarrels with a loved one, and trivial. The girl after such a vision should limit herself to communicating with others and not react in any way to the signs of attention from the guys, as this may become an unnecessary cause for jealousy.


Interesting and unusual interpretation gives this dream book. The umbrella, generally speaking, is interpreted by Freud as a symbol of male power. If it was discovered - most likely, the dreamer is not sure of his attractiveness and sexual solvency. It would not hurt to get rid of the complexes.

But if a person saw himself with someone under an umbrella - then he would not mind to enter into an intimate relationship with him. It is worth remembering: was it sunny at this moment? If so, the dreamer will soon reconsider the relationship with his partner.

But a person who gives his umbrella in a dream to someone, it would not hurt to gain confidence in himself. So recommends a dream book. The umbrella in this case indicates that a person always waits for the first step on the other side, and he never takes any action. But most importantly - to keep the umbrella in the vision intact. Because if it breaks, you should expect failure on a personal front. Or even a break with his second half.


It is useful to look through this dream book. The rain, under the umbrella held, is a good symbol. It is commonly believed that this is to provide the necessary assistance to those in need, who will be either acquaintances or neighbors. The main thing is that the accessory does not leak. Because it promises loneliness and regrets about his recklessness. So says the dream book.

Under an umbrella, there is no point, because the rain has ended, so the dreamer decided to put it down and carry it in his hands? This is not good. Such a vision promises the appearance in life of annoying troubles. They will not be global. Just bring a lot of inconvenience. It will be such troubles, which you constantly think: "Lord, sooner it would all have ended already!"

If a person saw other people with umbrellas - it means, they will turn to him for help. And it is worth showing mercy, and not refusing.


That's what this dream book says: an umbrella closed - to get rid of the painful problem. The person will be able to deal with all the troubles that worried him, but not without the help of relatives.

If the dreamer uncovered the accessory - then in reality he was used to being as objective as possible. Of course, this is not bad. That's only subjective opinions should be taken. It is necessary to learn to look at all wider and listen to the rest - at least for the sake of interest. Excessive categorical, even on an unconscious level, manifested to others, at the same time will not play into the hands. This gives a dream interpretation.

The umbrella, under which a person hid from the rain, says that he would not be prevented from becoming bolder. To whom? Before life itself! Because everything that happens in it causes a dreamer, first of all, fear. Whether it's something bad or good. And it's not very good. Because everything around what is happening is an active manifestation of life. And you do not need to be afraid of this - you just have to understand this, and only.

We can dream of a variety of visions. Some are strange, others are quite ordinary. The second is a vision, in which an umbrella appears. This accessory can cause a variety of associations. Some at his mention remember the rain, others - about the bright sun. However, it is much more interesting to learn what various books of interpretations can tell.


The first thing is to turn to this source, because one of the most reliable interpreters is precisely this dream book. Was the umbrella in hand? So, in real life, one should expect anxiety and annoyance. The umbrella was from the sun? This - to illicit pleasure. If this accessory dreamed of a young woman, then she will have many fans, and with them she will flirt with all of them. But one of them will bring her a lot of trouble, so it's worth to be careful with the male attention.

This is not all that the dream book says. Was the umbrella torn or broken? Hence, a person in real life will have to fight for his good name, because his detractors mock. An accessory did not save you from the rain due to leaks? This is a foreknowledge of the pain awaiting the dreamer after a quarrel with someone dear and close. If in a vision a person gave his umbrella or asked it from someone, it is worth to prepare for the offenses of friends. Only the vision in which a person opened a new accessory above himself is well interpreted only to protect himself from the sun. This - to the joys and successes.


A lot of interesting things can tell this dream book. The umbrella, which a person opened above himself in a vision, personifies protection. Most likely, in real life, a dreamer needs shelter from "bad weather". Or he needs an adviser who could help him in difficult situations with making the right decision. The main thing is that in a vision a person does not lose an umbrella. Because it's to deceit and trouble.

And what can you dream about just bought an umbrella? The girl it foretells acquaintance with the pleasant young man, and the man - improvement of business.


According to this book of interpretations a beautiful umbrella promises romance in a relationship. The main thing is that it does not leak, as it already foreshadows anguish and separation. Maybe someone from the lovers will have to leave somewhere for a little while, and the couple will be at a distance for a while.

But the torn umbrella promises quarrels with a loved one, and trivial. The girl after such a vision should limit herself to communicating with others and not react in any way to the signs of attention from the guys, as this may become an unnecessary cause for jealousy.


Interesting and unusual interpretation gives this dream book. The umbrella, generally speaking, is interpreted by Freud as a symbol of male power. If it was discovered - most likely, the dreamer is not sure of his attractiveness and sexual solvency. It would not hurt to get rid of the complexes.

But if a person saw himself with someone under an umbrella - then he would not mind to enter into an intimate relationship with him. It is worth remembering: was it sunny at this moment? If so, the dreamer will soon reconsider the relationship with his partner.

But a person who gives his umbrella in a dream to someone, it would not hurt to gain confidence in himself. So recommends a dream book. The umbrella in this case indicates that a person always waits for the first step on the other side, and he never takes any action. But most importantly - to keep the umbrella in the vision intact. Because if it breaks, you should expect failure on a personal front. Or even a break with his second half.


It is useful to look through this dream book. The rain, under the umbrella held, is a good symbol. It is commonly believed that this is to provide the necessary assistance to those in need, who will be either acquaintances or neighbors. The main

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